Low-growing varieties of apple trees for the middle lane. Photo of dwarf apple trees and features of their cultivation. Description of the best varieties of dwarf apple trees

Low-growing apple trees attract gardeners with their compactness, high yield and disease resistance. And if the size of the plot is small, then there is no better option for organizing a mini-garden.

Usually, an apple tree is represented as a tall and mighty tree with a spreading crown, which casts a shadow on almost half of the plot. However, the apple tree reaches such sizes by the age of 15-20, and even then not always. Even within the same variety, an apple tree can grow, or it can remain a dwarf tree. It turns out that the "growth" of the tree depends on rootstock. It acts as the foundation of the future apple tree, its choice affects the duration of the productive period of the tree, the timing of its entry into the fruiting and ripening phases, the taste, appearance and the size of the fruit, as well as the duration of their storage.

An apple cultivar can be grafted onto a vigorous or dwarf rootstock. Depending on this, the tree will also be either tall, with a massive crown, or undersized, based on a trellis. However, there are varieties that are natural "dwarfs", i.e. even on an ordinary stock, their height does not exceed 3 m. Some of the most popular are the following varieties dwarf apple trees.


The full name of this winter variety sounds like "Brother Wonderful", it is suitable for growing in all climatic zones. The tree is a natural "dwarf" with a flat-rounded crown up to 3 m in diameter. Fruit size usually does not exceed average values. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of a small seam in the form of a strip. The skin is dry, with a glossy sheen. The main color of the fruit is greenish-yellow, later a purple blush appears. The pulp of ripe fruit white color, coarse-grained. It cannot be called juicy, but the taste remains pleasant. The variety is high-yielding, transportable, with a long shelf life.


Autumn variety of apples. The crown of the tree is horizontal, drooping shape. The size of the fruits exceeds the average value and can reach 200 g. The fruits are flat-round, their main color is greenish-yellow, subsequently saturated with a red blush. The pulp is creamy, coarse-grained and low-juicy, moderately aromatic, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The variety has a stable high yield. During a long winter, lower branches can break off under the weight of snow.


Early winter variety. A tree with a dense spherical crown and compactly arranged shoots. The fruits are slightly ribbed, grow quite large, resemble a truncated cone in shape. The main color of apples is greenish with yellow tint fruits turn red as they ripen. Occasionally, stripes appear on their surface burgundy. The flesh is white, creamy, juicy, fine-grained with a strong aroma. The taste of fruits is sweet, caramel. The advantages of the variety are frost resistance and immunity to most pests and diseases.

Moscow red

High yielding winter variety. The tree is low with a compact spherical crown. The fruits are rounded, without ribs. The main color of the fruit is greenish-yellow, as it ripens it acquires a bright yellow hue. By the time the fruit is harvested, a rich red blush appears on the surface. The flesh is yellowish, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The variety is resistant to scab and other diseases, the fruits and leaves remain healthy throughout the entire ripening period.


The trees are short, the branches grow at right angles to the trunk. The fruits are medium in size, round in shape, with large, well-marked ribs. The color of the fruits is greenish-yellow, as they ripen, red stripes appear on their surface, merging into a continuous blush. The pulp is greenish in color, dense, fine-grained, juicy, with a sour-sweet aftertaste. The variety is winter-hardy, early-growing, high-yielding. However, in rainy summers, the leaves are affected by scab.


Slate apple tree with predominantly horizontal branches. Young trees bear fruit almost every year. The fruits are medium in size, although there are specimens weighing 300 g. Their shape is round-conical with small ribs. The main color of the fruit is light yellow, later they become covered with a dark red blush. The flesh is light white, very juicy and tasty. The fruits are consumed both fresh and used for making jams, marmalades and compotes. The consumer and harvesting maturity of apples are the same, so they can be consumed immediately after harvesting.


The branches of the tree during the growth period begin to grow horizontally, almost parallel to the ground, while their ends are bent upwards. The fruits are regular and round in shape, their size is slightly smaller than average. The main color of the apple is greenish-yellow, as it ripens, a red blush appears, which occupies the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apple. The flesh is greenish, dense, very juicy and rich. The fruits are sweet and sour in taste, suitable for making jams and preserves. The tree withstands frosts down to -40°C, while bearing fruit annually.

early sweet

The tree is low-growing with a flat-rounded crown. Bears fruit annually. Fruits are flat-round medium size. The main color is light yellow. The flesh is white and sweet, with a slight creamy tint. Winter hardiness and resistance to scab are very high.


Winter variety, bred relatively recently. The fruits are larger than average, flat-round. The shiny skin is usually greenish-yellow in color, as the apple ripens, it becomes covered with an expressive dark red blush. The pulp is creamy, dense and juicy, fine-grained. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour with a pleasant aftertaste. They are consumed fresh and used to make jams, marmalades and compotes. Variety Sokolovskoe is a natural "dwarf" with a high yield, but insufficient resistance to summer heat and frost.


Late autumn variety with immunity to scab, bred more than 20 years ago. The crown is rounded, not very thickened. The fruits grow within medium size, the shape is oblong-oblique, the skin is smooth and oily. The main color of the fruits is greenish-yellow, as they ripen, they turn yellow, and a raspberry blush appears on them. The pulp is white, with rare cream inclusions, juicy and dense. Apples of sweet and sour taste, with a rich aftertaste. Winter hardiness and productivity of the variety are high.


The tree is undersized (natural "dwarf"), the crown is formed in horizontal plane almost spreading across the ground. The fruits are large, larger than average, the weight of some reaches 200 g. The shape of the apples is flat-round, the main color is yellow-green, as it ripens, a rich bright red blush appears. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, with a fine-grained structure, sour-sweet in taste, with a pleasant aftertaste. The grade differs in the increased winter hardiness and resistance to a scab.

How do dwarf apple trees differ from the rest

Differences between tall and dwarf trees become noticeable even at the stage of choosing one or another seedling. When buying, dwarf seedlings can be distinguished by external signs. For example, along large buds at the ends of branches or a fibrous root system with small roots. Tall apple trees, by comparison, have a rod-shaped root system.

The roots of dwarf apple trees lie shallow, so such trees can be planted in areas with a groundwater level above 1-1.5 m.

In the garden, dwarf apple trees are always easy to distinguish by their compact size, neat crown and regular fruiting. These trees reach a height of 2-3 m and begin to produce crops in the third year.

Are dwarf and columnar apple trees the same thing?

Columnar apple trees are often confused with dwarf apple trees. However, these are two different forms of fruit trees. Dwarf apple trees are low trees with a spreading crown that can reach a diameter of 3 m. Columnar apple trees have a well-defined trunk with short side branches. In shape, it resembles a column, in the upper part and along which fruits grow. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a seedling, pay attention to the following signs:

  • the columnar apple tree grows in one trunk, with virtually no side branches;
  • the root system of a dwarf apple tree is fibrous (in a columnar one it is pivotal), the more elastic it is, the healthier the tree.

Dwarf varieties of apple trees are designed for small areas, with a close location of groundwater. They take up little space, quickly bear fruit and give a bountiful harvest. The fruits of undersized apple trees are stored for a long time, have a marketable appearance and have a pleasant taste and aroma. Be sure to plant them in your garden to appreciate all the advantages of plants.

Ripe juicy apples picked in your garden are much tastier than those bought at the market or in the supermarket. After all, growing apple trees, the gardener puts his soul into this difficult task. But quite often it happens that the varieties that our neighbors or friends liked are not suitable for planting on our site. Most often, this is due to the small area of ​​free land. Every year, breeders bring out new varieties so that we can make our wishes and dreams come true. On small plots, you can plant dwarf apple trees, which are not inferior in their qualities to tall counterparts.

Features of growing dwarf apple trees

The process of planting and caring for mini versions of fruit trees is little different from other species. But some nuances still exist. For example, it is unlikely that it will be possible to bring out a dwarf variety from a regular variety on your own. If we plant an apple tree for the first time in our lives, we should not suffer with vaccinations and reproduction, it is better to purchase seedlings in gardening centers or in the bird market.

Do apple trees differ from different rootstocks

What is a dwarf rootstock? Why are varieties with the same name considered dwarf, semi-dwarf or medium-sized? Let's try to deal with these questions that arise in any novice gardener.

To obtain new apple tree, the seedling must be grafted. A branch of a certain variety that needs to be grafted to a tree is a scion. The place to which the cutting is transferred is the stock. Allocate:

  • clonal stock (vegetative cultivation);
  • seed (an apple tree is grown from a seed).

Thus, the same variety can be bred on a dwarf rootstock, and on any other. When grown, for example, on seed, the same varieties of Melba, Golden Delicious, Kovalenkovskoye and others have the characteristics of tall or medium-sized apple trees. They, grafted on dwarf, acquire the qualities of dwarf trees.

Breeders are constantly working to create "real dwarfs" that do not require grafting.

Important! When buying seedlings, you need to ask the seller on which stock the variety is grown.

How to choose a seedling

The tree should be healthy, with a well-developed root system. When buying, we inspect the roots for damage. Branches should not be dry. Vaccination is mandatory. If there is no vaccination, then we are dealing with a wild apple tree. But there are other points by which you can distinguish a variety from a wild:

Planting and caring for trees in spring

Dwarf apple trees, like ordinary ones, are planted in open ground in autumn and spring. We plant during the period of "hibernation" of plants, when the earth has already warmed up a little, but the tree buds have not yet blossomed. Gardeners advise preparing holes for seedlings in the fall so that fertilizers are absorbed into the soil and the soil is compacted. If it was not possible to prepare the place in advance, proceed as follows:

  1. We dig a hole 60–70 cm deep. Its diameter should be at least 60 cm.
  2. We stick a wooden stake into the landing pit.
  3. Add fertile soil to the hole.
  4. Pour 0.5 kg of ash, a bucket of humus and 0.5 kg of superphosphate. Mix with soil.
  5. Cover with fertile soil. The layer thickness should be 2–3 cm so that the roots of the apple tree do not touch the fertilizer.
  6. We lower the seedling into the pit, straighten the roots.
  7. The vaccine should be above the ground at a height of 3-4 cm.
  8. We compact the soil after planting apple trees.
  9. Pour 2-3 buckets of water under each tree.
  10. We mulch the soil with humus.

Caring for dwarf trees is easy:

  1. The root system is located in the upper layers of the soil, so we make sure that the soil does not crack, does not dry out. After watering, we loosen the earth no deeper than 5 cm.
  2. At the beginning of spring, we whitewash the trees with lime.
  3. Once every 2 weeks we feed with complex fertilizers: azofoska, ecofoska or any other.
  4. In the spring, apple trees also need nitrogen and phosphorus top dressing. You can use wood ash, urea, nitrophoska. Fertilizers are applied according to the instructions on the package.

Video: planting a dwarf apple tree on an M-9 rootstock

Mandatory procedures in summer and autumn

Care in the hot season consists in loosening the soil and watering. It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out and does not crack. As for planting dwarf apple trees in autumn, it is similar to spring. In autumn, the following procedures must be carried out:

  1. We cut off the old and crossing branches of the tree.
  2. We loosen the soil so that pests cannot overwinter at the roots.
  3. As a preventive measure, we spray apple trees with Bordeaux liquid (1%).
  4. For the winter, we cover the soil around the tree with a thick layer of humus so that the apple trees do not freeze out during the snowless period.

Video: we form a dwarf crown

Top dressing of apple trees

AT spring time many plants lack nitrogen and phosphorus. Dwarf apple trees are no exception. We can use mineral complex fertilizers containing the necessary substances, including potassium.

Action plan:

  1. Fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters of water according to the instructions on the package.
  2. We make small holes in the soil, as if pushing apart the layers of the earth with a shovel. We pour fertilizer into them.
  3. Then we cover the trunk circle with mulch. You can use recycled peat mixed with humus, sawdust, compost.

We carry out feeding according to the plan:

  1. In the spring, after the soil has warmed up.
  2. During the flowering period. Apply organic fertilizers: peat, compost, chicken manure.
  3. While pouring fruit. For one adult apple tree we take mullein (3 kg) and warm water (30 l).
  4. After the harvest. We need nitrophoska (150 g) and warm water (30 l).

Video: features of spring feeding

Overview of common dwarf apple varieties

The main difference is that the diameter of the crown is not more than three meters. Quite often they are confused with columnar varieties.

When buying seedlings it is really easy to confuse. For example, Melba, grafted onto a dwarf stock, up to three years very similar to the columnar apple tree. In adult columnar trees, the crown consists of a single trunk, on which fruits grow. Dwarf apple trees have a branched crown.

Distinguishing seedlings in the market or in the garden center is quite simple: in a dwarf apple tree, the trunk and roots branch out. The columnar has no branches on the trunk, and the root has the shape of a rod.

The best dwarf varieties of apple trees

The generally accepted classification is according to the fruit ripening period. Allocate:

  1. Early varieties (fruits ripen in summer time of the year). It:
    • Candy;
    • Early sweet;
    • Melba;
    • Golden Delicious.
  2. Mid-season varieties (ripe in early autumn):
    • Sun;
    • Sokolovskoe;
    • mundane.
  3. Late-ripening (harvested before winter) include:
    • Bogatyr;
    • Carpet;
    • Snowdrops.

Dwarf varieties are subdivided according to cold resistance, taste:

  • sour;
  • sweet;
  • dessert.

Table: popular varieties for the Moscow region and Central Russia

Photo gallery: apples of dwarf universal varieties

The fruits of Grushevka of the Moscow Region are small, yellow with red stripes and specks, the taste is sweet and sour Arbat apples of a beautiful wine color “with frost”, very juicy and fragrant, sweet, there is a spicy sourness The Moscow Necklace variety is high-yielding, apples are saturated red, juicy, dessert (sweet) Melba apples have a wonderful candy smell and have a sweet and sour taste, you can eat it just like that or use it in cooking Bogatyr fruits are really heroic, especially for such a small tree, the taste is sweet and sour, the aroma is dizzying neat, round, with a beautiful striped color and a real dessert taste: better than sweets Autumn striped apples (Striefel, Shtreifling) are valued for their dense juicy pulp and sweet spicy taste Belarusian sweet apples will definitely be appreciated by lovers of sweet fruits: the taste is clean, without sourness and astringency, notes of honey

The best varieties for Belarus

Gardeners in Belarus prefer to choose cold-resistant and high-yielding varieties for their plots, such as:

  • Kovalenkovo. The variety is frost-resistant, mid-season, has a high yield. The fruits are dark green, have a red blush on the sides, weight up to 170 g. Apples tolerate transportation well.
  • Belarusian sweet is considered a semi-dwarf variety. By the age of eight, the tree reaches a height of 3–3.5 m. High-yielding, frost-resistant - it easily tolerates temperatures as low as -36 degrees. From a three-year-old tree, you can collect up to 35 kg of apples. The average fruit weight is 160-170 g, the color is greenish-yellow.
  • Darunok. This is a variety of Belarusian selection, reaches a height of four meters. Late-ripening and frost-resistant, it easily tolerates temperature changes, spring frosts. High-yielding: more than 35 tons of apples are harvested from 1 ha. The fruits are green and wine-colored, with a high sugar content (9%), juicy. The skin is thin, elastic. Darunok is resistant to diseases, including scab.
  • Memory of Syubarova. A variety of late ripening, frost-resistant, high-yielding: more than 20 tons of apples are harvested from 1 ha. The fruits are light green in color with a reddish blush. The average weight is 130–140 g. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour in taste. The variety is resistant to scab.

Photo gallery: Belarusian apple trees

Dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Urals and Siberia

Every year the number of varieties grows inexorably, and it becomes more and more difficult to make a choice for your personal plot. In the Urals and Siberia, gardeners are trying to grow tall apple trees. They have a more powerful root system, they are resistant to severe frosts. But there are several varieties that have been adopted by local gardeners. These are Melba, Bogatyr, Moscow necklace, Silver hoof, Earthy and Snowdrop.

  • Variety Snowdrop. Trees grow up to two meters, winter-hardy. Apples are designed for long-term storage. They lie in cellars and cellars for up to four months. The fruits are medium in size with a high sugar content (9.2%), have a yellow color with a reddish blush. Snowdrop begins to bear fruit at the age of three years. The variety requires pollinators. The best for him are considered Ground and Carpet. A distinctive feature is high productivity: up to 80 kg of apples can be harvested from one bush. The variety is zoned for the Urals and Western Siberia.
  • mundane. Bred in the Southern Urals. The maximum tree height is 2.5 m. Winter-hardy variety. Often subject to scab. The earthy one begins to bear fruit two years after grafting, it has a high yield: up to 130 kg of apples can be harvested from one tree. The fruits are greenish-yellow, with a deep red blush. The flesh of these sweet and sour apples is juicy, with a slight greenish tint. One of the best pollinators for this variety is Kovrovoe. The variety is zoned for the Urals.
  • Carpet. This apple tree grows up to only two meters. Winter-hardy variety, zoned for the Urals and Siberia. Fruiting begins three years after vaccination. Productivity is high: up to 60 kg of fruit can be harvested from one apple tree. Scab resistant. The best pollinators are Snowdrop and Ground.
  • Silver hoof. The variety was bred by the Ural breeder L.A. Kotov, named after the fairy tale of the same name by the writer P.P. Bazhov. Zoned in 1988 for the Urals and Western Siberia. Currently grown in the north of our country and Kazakhstan. Trees reach a height of three to four meters. Frost-resistant self-fertile variety, needs pollination. The mass of one fruit is usually 80–90 g. The apples are rich cream in color, with a red or orange blush on the side. The pulp is juicy, tastes sweet and sour, creamy in color. The harvest begins in mid-August.

Interestingly, varieties zoned for the Urals and Siberia, such as Snowdrop and Earthy, are popular in Ukraine. Gardeners value them primarily for frost resistance. After all, the temperature here can drop to -30-38 degrees.

Video: dwarf apple trees for the gardens of the Urals

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees

In addition to dwarf trees, there are also semi-dwarf apple trees. What is the difference between these varieties? Apple trees grafted onto a semi-dwarf rootstock, below dwarfs, are resistant to various diseases. Their height reaches only two or three meters. These trees begin to bear fruit in the second year after grafting. Apples are large, juicy and sweet. The best semi-dwarf apple trees include:

Selection novelties

Recently, breeders have been working tirelessly to create new fruit trees. They do not need to be grafted onto a dwarf rootstock, they are natural dwarfs, more compact than their predecessors. The fruits of natural low-growing apple trees are large in size. Creating new varieties takes time, but breeders can already please us with the following options:

  • Moscow necklace;
  • Autumn striped;
  • mundane;
  • Carpet;
  • Snowdrop.

Some of these varieties are zoned, others can be grown in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other regions.

Reviews of gardeners

The creation of full-fledged dwarf apple trees has been of concern to breeders since ancient times. The main goal of the experiments is still the formation of a miniature tree with large fruits and high yields. Perhaps soon breeders will be able to develop a variety that will become ideal for most gardeners.

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The arrangement of a country garden begins with the selection of a place and the selection of seedlings of the desired trees. The first, of course, on this list are apple trees. These are the most common fruit trees in personal plot. Relatively recently, a dwarf apple tree was bred. Varieties of this unusual tree are gaining more and more popularity among gardeners.

What are dwarf apple trees? These are trees that have a compact crown and grow no more than 4 m in height. At the same time, they bear fruit profusely. The thin tree trunk is very strong and can withstand relatively big weight their fruits. You need to be careful when choosing a seedling of dwarf apple trees. It is somewhat different from the seedlings of large trees.

At the ends of the branches there should be large buds, and the root system should be fibrous with many small roots (most of the seedlings of ordinary apple trees have a tap root system).

On the small area you can concentrate a lot of seedlings and get a fairly good harvest. Between the trees, you can leave a space of no more than 1.5 m. In addition, big apple tree begins to fully bear fruit only after 10 years, and dwarf - already for 2-4 years can produce a crop. The life cycle of one dwarf tree is about 15-20 years, but in terms of yield it is in no way inferior to a 40-year-old giant. You can buy dwarf varieties of apple trees from specialized enterprises. Breeders note the high quality of such seedlings.

The undeniable advantage is that harvesting is greatly simplified due to the parameters of the tree. The top of dwarf varieties can be reached from a small ladder.

It should be noted that based on biological features, small growth contributes to better nutrition and saturation of the fruits themselves. The tree spends most of its resources on the development of the fruit.

The root system is located almost under the soil surface, so the applied fertilizer and moisture are mastered very quickly. This explains such a rapid flowering and fruiting of the apple tree on a dwarf rootstock. Data sorts fruit trees due to such a close placement of the roots to the soil surface, they can be affected by winter frosts. Experienced summer residents it is recommended to cover the soil around these trees with a ball of straw for the winter.

What varieties of dwarf apple trees are better to choose for your country garden?

Apple trees of dwarf varieties are subdivided according to some features and ripening periods:

  • Early (summer). Melba, Candy, Wonderful, Golden Delicious, Early sweet.
  • Medium (autumn). Mundane, Sokolovskoe, Sunshine.
  • Late (winter). Carpet, Snowdrops, Bogatyr.

The rootstocks of each of these groups are also heterogeneous. Characteristics can be expressed in all seedlings, regardless of the ripening period. Distinguish:

  • Vigorous apple trees grown from seed. Such seedlings are called seed stock.
  • Grafted varieties. The characteristic features of these apple trees is the average height of the trunk. Some summer residents call them semi-dwarf. You can also see the classification under the dwarf designation in reference books.

Also, dwarf apple trees are classified by taste (dessert, sweet, sour), as well as by resistance to cold and degree of sensitivity to warm climates.

The best varieties of apple trees on a dwarf rootstock:

  • Candy. As summer residents note, this is one of the most delicious and fragrant early varieties of dwarf apple trees. The ripening period is the end of July. The weight of one fruit can reach up to 130 g. External signs fruit - round shape, green skin with a slightly dark color, juicy and soft pulp.
  • Melba. Summer, high-yielding, sweet variety that gives fruits already in the 3rd year of vegetation. Apples are medium in size, juicy flesh and pleasant aroma. On the sunny side of the tree, on the peel, there may be stripes of a yellowish-green hue with red sides. Summer residents collect the first fruits in July-August. This variety of dwarf apple tree for the Moscow region is very popular (see photo).
  • Autumn striped. One of the most large-fruited varieties. The weight of one apple can reach 210 g. Their rich sweet and sour taste will suit every gourmet. The fruits keep very well. The best conditions are the temperature regime up to + 60C. The outer color is bright yellow. Experts recommend covering the area around the tree with mulch for the winter. Tree crowns also require protection from severe frosts. Polyurethane insulation in the form of a thin film is best suited for this.
  • Moscow necklace. This is the best variety of dwarf apple trees (see photo and description), which was recently bred by breeders. Differs in bright, red skin, gentle pink shade of pulp and juicy content. Great for making fresh juices. Fruits are sweet and sour in taste. The weight of one is about 120-140 g. It bears fruit, actively, starting from 3 years after planting the seedling. Refers to autumn varieties. Harvested in mid-October.
  • Grushevka Moscow region. To the question of which dwarf apple trees (varieties) to buy in the Moscow region, the answer is obvious - only Grushevka of the Moscow region. These are apple trees on a dwarf stock of winter ripening. Ideal for growing in local climates. Some summer residents also grow them in the middle latitudes. The beginning of active fruiting falls on the 5th year after landing on the main place. The shape of the fruit is slightly elongated. The peel has red dots, and the main color is yellow. It is noteworthy that this variety is resistant to scab, root rot and other dangerous diseases.
  • Arbat. Mid-winter variety of dwarf apple (see photo). It resembles a columnar apple tree in shape, but refers specifically to dwarf trees. The apples themselves have a bright, burgundy hue, and their weight reaches an average of up to 110 g. A remarkable property of this variety is a long shelf life (up to 9 months). Some summer residents like to use these trees as hedges in landscape design gardens and gardens in general.
  • Bogatyr. Dwarf apple trees for Siberia. Varieties like this one can often be found in the Urals. They endure frost and other difficult conditions. climate change. The main distinguishing feature is a rather spreading crown. The tree branches heavily. To form a beautiful crown, it is necessary to carry out timely cleaning and pruning. As for the fruits, they are slightly elongated. Color red-yellow. The taste is sweet and sour.

In addition to the above, summer residents also allocate dwarf apple trees for middle lane(Zhigulevskoe, No. 134, Bratchud). Special attention you should pay attention to the variety of dwarf apple trees Bratchud (they are also called Brother Wonderful). This is a fairly versatile variety that is suitable for growing in the middle lane and for the Urals.

Recently, more and more attention of gardeners has been focusing on dwarf varieties of apple trees, which, of course, have a number of advantages compared to the classic varieties of apple trees. They are:

  • occupy less space in the garden;
  • better tolerate winter;
  • harvesting is much more convenient;
  • as well as caring for them.

To choose the right variety for this type of apple tree, you need to understand what are the nuances in caring for them what to avoid, what to be prepared for, and how to maximize best conditions for their cultivation.

general characteristics

Apple trees are considered dwarf, the height of which does not exceed 2.5, and the root system has a fibrous structure, which is located in a meter layer of soil.

This fact is used by gardeners, in a plot with a close occurrence of groundwater that can damage the deep-lying roots of trees.

All varieties of dwarf apple trees can be divided into groups, depending on when the fruits are fully ripe:

  • summer type;
  • autumn type;
  • winter type.

Varieties of dwarf apple trees


Highly early ripe variety , apples ripen in the first week of August. The apple tree is of excellent quality with fragrant round fruits covered with rich green skin and strong crispy flesh. The average fruit weight is 125 g.

Candy frost-tolerant and sharp drops temperatures.

Important! If frosts nevertheless damage the aerial part of the tree, then it tends to recover very soon and resume fruiting.


Read more about the Candy apple tree in this article.


It is a popular, widespread variety, with the first among dwarf varieties that have received recognition from breeders.

Attracts gardeners with its precocity(1st harvest can be taken in the 3rd year after planting), excellent yield(up to 145 - 150 kg of fruits from one tree) and unpretentiousness, however, it is worth noting medium resistance to scab pathogens and severe frosts.

Apples ripen in the first half of August, medium-sized fruits (average weight 155 g), rounded in shape, covered with delicate skin, on which there is a raspberry blush.

Inside the fruit is snow-white, tender, pleasant in structure, very fragrant. The taste is sweet, with a special caramel aftertaste.

You can learn more about the Melba apple tree here.

Moscow necklace

Enough new variety, immediately loved by fruit growers for its large tasty apples, which reach full maturity in October and early fruiting: the primary harvest can be seen as early as the 3rd year after placing the tree on the site. The apple tree is resistant to the scab pathogen, tolerates frost well.

  • enlarged, aligned, average weight - 173 g;
  • spherical regular shape;
  • covered with loose wine-red skin;
  • have an amazing aroma, fragile and juicy structure;
  • The taste is sweet and sour, with an unobtrusive sourness.

After harvest can be stored up to 100 days.

Moscow necklace.

You can read more about the Moscow Necklace apple tree here.


The height of this tree is from 1.6 to 2 m, depending on the type of rootstock, the crown is sweeping, with falling branches, falling even lower under weight large fruits (average weight 210 g).

The fruits are spherical, slightly flattened in the center, leveled, covered with a thin yellow-green skin. apple has classic dessert taste, with a barely noticeable sourness, a pleasant texture.

Important! One of the most important advantages of this variety is that the apple tree perfectly tolerates stagnant water.

You will learn more about the Chudnoe variety from this article.


Belongs to the category natural dwarfs, its height is 1.1 - 2 m, irregular fruiting, begins in the 4th year after planting. Yield 55 -65 kg per tree.

The fruits are flattened-spherical, covered with a delicate, but dense glossy dry skin of a yellowish hue, by the time of ripening covered with crimson large strokes. under the skin the apple is granular, dense, cream-colored, fragrant, with a sweet and sour taste.

Winter hardiness is average, too low temperatures in winter can damage fruit buds. Long-term drought in summer negatively affects the taste characteristics of apples.


Read more about the Sokolovskoye apple tree in this article.


undersized tree, very quickly entering the fruiting period, the fruits are ready for harvest in September, have a round shape. From above they are covered with a dense thin peel of a yellow-green hue, by the time of full ripeness it is covered with raspberry vertical stains.

Taste characteristics are excellent yield tends to increase from year to year.

The variety is resistant to pathogens of fungal diseases and the influence of pests, winter hardiness above average.


You can learn more about the Zhigulevskoye apple tree here.


This type of apple genetic dwarfs, reaches a height of 1.5 m, refers to slate. It is very fast-growing, the first crop can be harvested 3 years after planting.

The yield is high, but over time, an implicit periodicity may appear.

High drought tolerance and frost tolerance, the apple tree is able to withstand low temperatures down to -40°C.

  • medium in weight, which varies from 135 g to 173 g;
  • the shape is rounded-elongated;
  • on top of the apples, a thin peel is covered, dry and smooth, of a pale yellow hue with raspberry-pink strokes around the perimeter of the fruit;
  • apple pulp is juicy and crunchy, sweet and sour, fragrant.

The fruits are ready for harvest in early September, are universal in purpose, can be stored up to four months.


You can read more about the Snowdrop apple tree here.


Autumn stunted tree, recommended for cultivation in the Ural and West Siberian regions, has amazing frost resistance and resistance to the influence of pathogens of fungal diseases.

Carpet characterized by precociousness, the first harvest should be expected after 3 - 4 years after vaccination, the yield is high (64 kg per tree), but over time periodicity may be observed.

The fruits are enlarged, average weight - 155 - 160 g, have a spherical, slightly flattened shape, covered with a soft delicate skin of a yellow-green color, with a cover bright scarlet blush.

The inner part is dryish, with active granularity, beige.

The purpose of the harvest is processing and fresh consumption.

Apples can be stored in a cool place for up to one and a half months.


You will learn more about the Kovrovoe variety from this article.


The apple tree of the Chelyabinsk selection belongs to the natural stlanets. The apple tree is medium-late (harvest - mid-September), the fruits are medium (145 - 165 g), round, slightly elongated with implicit ribbing. The peel is smooth, glossy, dry, olive green in color with an unobtrusive blush.

Inside apple active white shade, medium-grained, not juicy, sour-sweet taste with a pleasant aroma. Fruits are subject to storage for up to 4 months, transportability is satisfactory.

Variety distinguished by resistance to frost. Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the rather weak resistance to scab pathogens.

Read more about the Bratchud apple tree in this article.


Large-fruited early-ripening variety, characterized by excellent yield (up to 135 kg per apple tree), the first harvest can be obtained three years after planting the tree in the ground.

The fruits are large, weight on average 145 g, spherical shape. The apple is covered with a dense thin fragrant green peel, by the time of ripeness it is covered with a beautiful even blush, the taste is sweet and sour, which received a high tasting rating.

Important! This variety has excellent scab resistance and high frost resistance.


You can learn more about the earthy apple tree here.


This the variety of low-growing baby apple trees is early winter(collection can be carried out from the beginning of October), enters the fruiting phase in the 3rd year after planting in the garden.

The fruits are slightly ribbed, round, somewhat elongated, the main color of the strong thin skin is light green, the integumentary color is bright raspberry with deep burgundy vertical stripes. Inner part juicy, white with cream patches, with a clear apple smell and dessert taste. Fruit weight can vary from 175 g to 200 g.

After harvest can be saved for 90 days.

Moscow red

Variety with excellent yield, late fruiting(the crop is harvested in the first decade of October), it is highly resistant to scab pathogens and other diseases, winter hardiness and frost resistance are satisfactory.

The fruits are smooth, round, the peel is strong, but thin, green in color, by the time of ripening, a raspberry continuous integumentary blush appears on the side. The weight of apples is 135 - 185 g.

After ripening and picking apples can be stored up to 120 days.

Moscow red.


Important! A significant minus is that undersized in a rainy summer can be infected

The fruits of this apple tree are round, slightly flattened in the center, medium-sized, covered with a smooth glossy yellow-green skin. By the period of removal of the hearths, it is covered with wide crimson stripes almost along the entire perimeter of the apple.

The pulp is crisp, dense, white-green in color, sour and very juicy with a classic apple smell.


Read more about the apple tree Low-growing in this article.


This variety is late autumn (collection is carried out towards the end of September), characterized by immunity to scab pathogens, excellent frost resistance and quite satisfactory yield.

The fruits are not large in size (145 g), elliptical-sloping, leveled, covered with a strong oily skin of green-yellow color, by the time of maturity it is covered with a bright continuous scarlet blush.

The taste is unobtrusive, sweet and sour with a pleasant fresh fruity aftertaste. Inside the apple is dense, homogeneous, juicy, snow-white, with a pleasant aroma.


You can learn more about the Sunshine apple tree here.


This variety not only dwarf, but also columnar, it is distinguished by a quick entry into fruiting (the first crop can be harvested 2 to 3 years after placement in the garden), resistance to diseases and pests and excellent frost resistance, which makes it possible to cultivate it in the northern regions.

The fruits are medium-sized, elliptical, covered with a strong shiny skin of a rich red-pink hue. Inside the fruit is fragrant, creamy, juicy and sweet, with a slight sourness.

Once harvested, they can be stored for up to several months, but may lose flavor over time.

For the middle band

In order to choose the right variety of apple trees for cultivation in a particular region, it is necessary to understand what requirements they must meet.

So, the middle zone of our country is distinguished by frequent return frosts in spring, possible frosts in early autumn, as well as slushy warm winter, at which the root system of a number of horticultural crops can get wet.

Such weather conditions can be abruptly replaced by frosts, which is the main problem.

Low-growing varieties for the middle lane:

  • Melba;
  • Candy;
  • Zhigulevskoe;
  • Autumn striped;
  • Grushovka Moscow;
  • Bogatyr;
  • Arbat;
  • Moscow necklace;
  • Bratchud;
  • Legend.

Useful photos and videos

Grushovka Moscow.


Autumn striped.

Watch the video with a description of the varieties listed above:

Watch a video about dwarf apple trees:

Watch the video about the Sokolovskoe and Kovrovoe varieties:

Watch a video about the Arbat apple tree:


Understanding what is necessary for the successful cultivation of dwarf apple trees, you can easily choose the perfect variety, draw up an agrotechnical plan for him, choose the best place in the garden.

Among the great many works of breeders to date even the pickiest gardener will find the apple tree of their dreams!

Dwarf apple trees are becoming increasingly popular with gardeners. These trees, no more than 3-3.5 meters high, unlike other apple trees, are characterized by high productivity and precocity.

Dwarf crops are low, occupy a small amount of soil. Dwarf apple trees are not demanding to care for, so even a beginner can grow this culture and enjoy its sweet fruits.

Dwarf trees are low-growing apple or pear trees that reproduce vegetatively and are grown on low-growing rootstocks. A rootstock should be understood as a stalk to which a certain one is grafted.

The main advantages of dwarf apple trees:

  • Early fruiting and high yields
  • Small root system
  • small size
  • Simple
  • High commercial qualities
  • Weak differences in fruiting

The significant disadvantages of dwarf apple trees include a short fruiting period. Unlike vigorous apple trees, the fruiting period of dwarf apple trees varies on average from 12 to 20 years.

Under the weight of fruits and wind, dwarf trees often lean down. This is due to the grafting of trees on dwarf rootstocks that have a superficial root system. It is less durable compared to vigorous trees. In this case, it is necessary to install special supports. Such placement of roots in the soil requires special care, regular feeding and.

You should carefully consider the purchase of young seedlings. The root system of a dwarf tree is fibrous. It is worth paying attention to the roots: they should be fresh, not dried up. Young branches should end in buds. There should be no injuries or damage to the seedlings.

After buying, the roots of the seedling should be wrapped with a wet cloth, and it is advisable to immediately plant at home.

Varieties of dwarf apple trees

Dwarf apple trees have the same crown as ordinary tall trees. Among dwarf apple trees, summer, winter and autumn varieties are distinguished.

Popular summer varieties of dwarf apple trees include the following:

  • Candy
  • Melba
  • wonderful

Variety Candy

The fruits of these apple trees are small in size and light yellow in color. The entire surface is covered with red strokes. Fruiting occurs in 3-4 years. This variety is quite resistant to low temperatures. This variety of dwarf apple trees takes root well on fertile and moist soils, loves sunlight.

Variety Melba

These trees are medium-sized, have a rounded crown. Fruits of medium size, rounded, slightly ribbed. The pulp of apples is sweet and sour with a candy flavor and aroma. The Melba variety is early-growing and the first fruits appear within a few years after planting.

Variety Wonderful

It is a late-ripening summer variety. The height of Chudnoye apple trees does not exceed 1.5 meters. The fruits of apple trees are round and slightly flat, of medium size. The color of the fruit is yellowish-green, the pulp is juicy and has a fine-grained structure. After eating the fruits of this variety, a pleasant aftertaste remains.

Apples begin to ripen in early August. After planting, the first fruits appear after 3 years.

Common winter varieties of dwarf apple trees:

  • Bogatyr
  • Borovinka
  • Pepin saffron

Variety Bogatyr

These are highly branched trees with a wide crown. The fruits are elongated, with a red-yellow tint, slightly sour taste. Apples ripen only in late autumn.

Variety Borovinka

Winter-hardy variety of dwarf apple trees. This is a slightly branched tree with a spherical crown. The first fruits appear 4-5 years after planting the tree. Fruits of the correct form, coloring is pale red or whitish-yellow. The pulp of apples is juicy, yellowish in color, sweet and sour in taste.

Variety Pepin saffron

Self-fertile winter variety. The apple tree is medium in size, rounded in shape, the branches are lowered down. The first fruits appear 5-6 years after planting. Apples are small, conical in shape, slightly ribbed. The pulp of the fruits is creamy in color, they are sweet in taste and have a pleasant aroma.

Famous autumn varieties of low-growing apple trees:

  • Golden Delicious
  • Zhigulevskoe
  • Sokolovskoe

Variety Golden Delicious

Trees of this variety are medium-sized with a rounded crown shape. Fruiting occurs after 2-3 years from the moment. The fruits are round in shape with a dense skin. Yellow apples with creamy or green juicy flesh.

Variety Zhigulevskoe

Apple trees after planting begin to bear fruit for 2-3 years of life. The fruits are quite large, red-orange in color, sweet and sour in taste. Fully ripen by the end of September or early October. Harvested apples can be stored for 6 months in a dark and cold room.

Variety Sokolovskoe

The first fruits appear in late autumn, before the first winter frosts. Apples are greenish or yellow in color. The fruits are juicy, with a slight acidity.

When buying a seedling and choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account winter hardiness, fruiting, as well as resistance to various pests.

Features of growing apple trees on a dwarf rootstock

Planting stunted trees is similar to planting tall trees, but still has some of its own characteristics.

Reproduction of apple trees occurs with the help of vertical or horizontal layering, root cuttings or grafting. Dig a hole before planting trees cylindrical shape, the diameter should be 80 cm, and the depth should be about 60 cm. It is advisable to prepare the pits in advance.

When filling the pit with soil, only its top fertile layer should be used. Organic or mineral fertilizers. In this case better fit humus, wood ash or superphosphate.

Organic fertilizer will need about 2-3 buckets per pit. It is mixed with earth, and after that they fall asleep in a pit. First, you need to drive a stake 150 cm long into the pit.

Before landing, the following requirements must be observed. The root collar of the seedling should be located about 4-5 cm above the soil surface. It is important not to confuse the root collar. Vaccinations are a few centimeters above the root collar.

The root system of dwarf trees is shallow. For this reason, the roots are weakly fixed in the soil. Therefore, when planting, they should be evenly and carefully distributed and ensure that the roots do not bend. Only after the roots are straightened can they be covered with soil.

If the landing will be carried out near, then this procedure is carried out on bulk hills, the height of which should be at least 50 cm, and the diameter should be 1.5-2 m. Imported soil is used for such hills.

When planting, it should be borne in mind that the bare roots of apple trees should not be located on the surface. This can lead to a decrease in survival rate and drying of the roots.

Landing is best done in early autumn or spring.

Low-growing varieties should be planted densely. After planting, trees should be tied to supports. To do this, you need to install supports and stretch the wire.

After the seedlings are planted, it is necessary to make holes and fill them with two or three buckets of water. To keep moisture in the ground, the soil is mulched.

Post-plant pruning of dwarf trees

All types of apple trees need. This is necessary for better survival of trees, restoring the balance between the damaged and above-ground parts and regulating the strength of growth.

Like planting, pruning should be done following certain rules.

Pruning should be done only after the formation of the crown. A few years after planting, not only the main shoot, but also the skeletal branches will become strong and developed. The upper branches are cut 25-30 cm from the base, and all remaining branches are cut to the level of the cut.

If the crown is of a longline type, then no more than 4 branches should be left. Cut the rest of the branches into a ring. It is necessary to leave strong and developed branches, weak and hanging down are subject to removal. If the seedlings do not have a crown, then after planting they are shortened by about 80 cm from the base.

An integral part of the pruning technology is the pinching of shoots, which must be performed in the summer. Pinching or pinching involves the removal of young non-lignified sprouts. It is necessary to perform the procedure with the help of a pruner and only when buds or weak, unsuccessfully located shoots appear.

The first pinching is carried out in early June, the next - in mid-July. If necessary, a third pinching is carried out, but in this case you need to be careful: young shoots may not have time to ripen and they will die during the first frost.

Proper pinching will help reduce the active growth of young and developing branches.

The main method of pruning fruit-bearing trees with one-year growth is crown thinning. This procedure involves pruning broken, as well as densely located branches. If the branches are intertwined, then they are shortened.

With a weak growth of shoots, in addition to thinning, rejuvenating pruning of all branches can be performed.

How to care for dwarf apple trees

Caring for dwarf apple trees is quite simple. Care consists in timely watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and pruning branches.

Watering must be carried out throughout the summer. One tree will need about 4-5 buckets of water. After that, the soil should be loosened. This manipulation should also be carried out after rain. finish in August, otherwise there will be a growth retardation. In addition, damage to the tree by frost is possible.

Depending on the soil on which young trees grow, the irrigation rate is fulfilled. For sandy soil, you will need about 4 buckets of water, and for loamy soil- at least 6 buckets of water.

It is important to regularly inspect trees for dry, damaged or diseased branches and remove them in a timely manner.

You can feed young trees in the summer, but no more than 2-3 times. The best fertilizer is mullein or chicken manure.

Trees should be protected from possible pests: hawthorn, fruit mites, weevil, etc. The treatment of trees from pests is not carried out during the period of blooming buds.

The first treatment should be carried out in the spring, when the buds are not yet formed. For this, special chemicals are used, the trunk is treated with lime mortar, etc.

Recently, dwarf apple trees are increasingly found on garden plots our country. They attract gardeners with their compactness and high yield, which is achieved thanks to rapid growth young trees and good development of the root system. Saplings of dwarf apple trees are bred in special garden nurseries, where they are obtained using a dwarf rootstock.

Benefits of dwarf apple trees

Apple trees on a dwarf rootstock have several advantages over tall varieties:

  • early start to bear fruit;
  • have a high yield;
  • due to short stature, the main part of the nutrients is aimed at the formation of fruits, and not at the development of the trunk and branches;
  • additional devices are not used for harvesting, which contributes to the preservation of an excellent presentation;
  • due to the surface location of the root system, dwarf varieties can be planted even in areas with close groundwater.

All these factors contribute to the growing popularity of dwarf apple varieties among gardeners in Russia.

How to distinguish dwarf apple trees from columnar ones?

Very often, dwarf apple trees are confused with columnar ones. But these are completely different forms of fruit trees. Dwarf apple trees are low-growing trees that have a spreading crown, up to 3 m in diameter.

Basic feature is that this clone has a crown consisting of one trunk, with fairly short side branches. Outwardly, such an apple tree resembles a column, covered with fruits on top, like a sea buckthorn.

In order not to confuse seedlings of dwarf and columnar apple trees when buying, you need to pay attention to the trunk and root. The trunk of a dwarf apple tree has branches that are absent in a columnar one. The root system of a dwarf apple tree is fibrous, and its elasticity and resilience indicates a good seedling quality. In a columnar apple tree, the root has a rod system.

Popular varieties of dwarf apple trees

Below are descriptions and photos of varieties of dwarf apple trees, which are especially popular with Russian gardeners.

Apple tree Melba

Fruitful summer variety of Canadian origin. Main characteristics:

  • the height of the tree does not exceed 3 m;
  • medium-sized fruits, weighing 150-250 g, round-elongated, bright green peel with a red blush;
  • the pulp is snow-white, tender, juicy, with a caramel taste;
  • fruit ripening occurs in July - August;
  • the yield is 40 kg per tree;
  • fruits are perfectly preserved for 3 months;
  • resistance to frost and diseases is average;
  • the best pollinator for the variety is Borovinka and Suslepskoe.

late summer high yielding variety, which can be grown throughout Russia. Main characteristics:

  • tree height 2.8–3 m, with a small stem;
  • fruits are medium, weighing 120–150 g, rounded, slightly ribbed, the skin is greenish-yellow with a rich dark red blush;
  • the pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, has a fine-grained structure;
  • fruit ripening occurs in August - September;
  • yield - about 75 kg per tree;
  • fruit preservation is good for 2 months;
  • trees are highly resistant to frost and scab;
  • Chudnoe apple tree is the best pollinator for other dwarf varieties. And for her, the best pollinator is Anis Sverdlovsky.

Apple tree Zhigulevskoe

Autumn high-yielding variety. Main characteristics:

  • tree height is 2–3 m;
  • fruits are large, weighing 150–300 g, rounded, red-orange;
  • the pulp is coarse-grained, tender, cream-colored, sweet and sour;
  • ripening period: September - October;
  • productivity - up to 120 kg per tree;
  • fruits are perfectly stored for 6 months;
  • variety has good stability to pests and diseases;
  • the best pollinators are Welsey, Autumn striped.

Landing Features

Based on the recommendations experienced gardeners, planting apple trees on a dwarf rootstock is best done in the fall. During the winter, the root system will get stronger, so in the spring the trees will begin to actively grow and develop. You can also plant seedlings in the spring. But in this case, you need to have time to land before the buds open, otherwise the trees may dry out.

As a rule, one- and two-year-old trees are planted. Planting dwarf apple trees includes the following steps:

  • Landing pits are prepared, 50 cm wide and deep. When digging a hole, the top layer of soil is placed on the right side, and the bottom layer on the left.
  • 1 bucket of humus, nitrophoska and part of the top layer of soil are placed in the pit. All these components are thoroughly mixed. If the soil is clayey and heavy, then add some more sand.
  • The roots of the seedlings are well straightened, the tree is fixed in the pit and covered first with the top layer of soil, and then with the bottom.
  • The soil is slightly compacted. At the same time, the seedlings are deepened so that the grafts are at a distance of 5-7 cm from the soil.
  • Holes are made around the trunk, and the seedling is watered.
  • The trunk area is mulched with soil or humus.

If there is a possibility of strong winds, then it is recommended to tie the seedling to a support.

Caring for apple trees on a dwarf rootstock

Proper care of dwarf apple trees includes:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • pruning.

In the summer, apple trees on a dwarf rootstock once every 7 days, at the rate of 10 liters of water for each tree. After watering, the earth must be loosened.

Top dressing is carried out 2 times during the summer. To do this, you can use chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20, or cow dung in a ratio of 1:10.

In the first year, it is necessary to carry out pruning to form the lower part of the crown. In subsequent years, only regular pruning of increments is carried out.

How to form an apple tree?

It is recommended to form a crown 1 year after planting, in autumn or spring, but before the active growth of branches begins. How to form an apple tree? To do this, its top is cut off with a pruner at a height of 40–60 cm from the ground and the cut is treated with garden pitch.

Like any other tree, the branches of dwarf apple trees develop unevenly. And strong branches, as a rule, interfere with the development of weak and fragile branches. Therefore, when forming a crown, it is necessary to ensure that strong branches are located below, and fragile ones are on top. This is achieved by trimming the upper vigorous branches.

To increase the diameter of the crown, when pruning, young branches should be directed outward. In this case, the tree will grow compact, and its branches will not sag.

During the period of fruit formation, the growth of branches is greatly weakened, and they begin to overload. Therefore, it is necessary to cut off the growth more strongly so that the apple tree remains strong and young longer, and the fruits do not decrease in size.

We plant a low-growing garden - video

Recently, more and more amateur gardeners prefer growing dwarf apple trees, because they do not take up much space on the site and a decent harvest can be harvested from one tree. Despite the high yield, apple trees of this species are very demanding in care, there are nuances for growing fruit trees that you need to know about even before planting a tree.

Every amateur gardener knows that a vigorous apple tree can be obtained in only one way - if you graft it onto a stock grown from the seed of a varietal cutting. But with a low-growing apple tree, everything is different - the cutting is grafted onto a dwarf stock or, if there is none, to a semi-dwarf one, in order to obtain properties from the mother tree. Apple trees on a dwarf rootstock grow up to a maximum of 2-2.5 meters in height (there are varieties of dwarf apple trees that reach a height of up to 4 m), and this is a long growing process. Therefore, more and more gardeners do not want to waste time on this and go to the market or to specialized stores, attend fairs where you can buy seedlings of dwarf apple trees.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing dwarf apple seedlings:

  1. miniature sapling fruit tree is small in size.
  2. At the ends of the branches there should be large buds.
  3. Such a plant has a fibrous root system, with small roots.
  4. Is there a joint between the trunk and the root neck (a ledge is the place where the cutting is grafted to the rootstock).
  5. In addition to all of the above, it is easy to distinguish an ordinary tree from a dwarf one, since the price of dwarf varieties of apple trees will be higher compared to ordinary apple trees. This is due to the fact that when growing seedlings, more effort needs to be made.
  6. It is easy to confuse a dwarf apple tree with a columnar one, but there is one difference - this is the type of branching. A dwarf columnar apple tree will have only a trunk, without branching, although outwardly, in size, the seedlings are very similar.

Photo of dwarf apple trees

Pros and cons of dwarf apple trees

Consider the main advantages of undersized fruit trees:

  1. Size - even in a small area, fruit trees can be placed to harvest delicious, juicy and sweet apples. Compliance with the rules of planting: it is allowed to plant trees in holes at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from each other. This is enough for growth and fruiting.
  2. Low trees are always easier to harvest than tall fruit trees. It is easier to monitor the ripening of each fruit in order to preserve the presentation.
  3. Facilitated care of the apple tree, no need to put a ladder to cut overgrown branches.
  4. Early fruiting: 3-5 years after planting seedlings.
  5. High yield on the principle of growth.
  6. Fruits get the most nutrients, since the tree does not need to spend resources on feeding the root system and wood.
  7. Dwarf apple trees are not afraid of high groundwater, which can wash away the root system of ordinary apple trees. The entire root system of undersized apple trees is located almost on top and therefore dwarf apple trees are not afraid of root rot.
  8. The fruit tree is not afraid of frost, as growth ends early in summer.

Let's talk about the disadvantages, these are:

  1. Due to early fruiting, dwarf apple trees age quickly. The average duration of tree growth is from 15 to 20 years, while an ordinary apple tree is 40.
  2. The root system is located on the surface of the soil, it is required to cover the roots before the onset of the first autumn frosts.
  3. High demand for fertile soil. Due to the high yield of almost all varieties of dwarf apple trees, fertilizers must be applied to the soil.
  4. Under the load of fruits, a small tree will need support (not only branches, but also the trunk).

Dwarf apple trees: planting and care

The best time of year to plant an apple tree is in spring, after the snow has melted. Planting in the fall is not excluded, in compliance with all the rules.

Requirements for choosing a landing site:

  • soils are fertile, fertilized;
  • groundwater level - at a depth of at least 1.5 m from the surface;
  • choose an elevated place, well protected from the wind;
  • apple trees can grow in a shady spot, but will thrive in small, elevated areas well lit by the sun.

Planting dwarf apple trees:

  1. Planting a fruit tree in early spring - when the snow melted and buds appeared on the trees, but they had not yet opened.
  2. It is advisable to prepare the soil in advance, since autumn, enriching it with fertilizers. Just for winter period it will be compacted a little, and the applied fertilizers will be absorbed. Prepare 10 g of potash fertilizer or wood ash in the amount of 10 cups. Mix fertilizer with a bucket of black soil, fill the hole. You can take only 20 g of superphosphate, mix with a bucket of black soil.
  3. With the onset of a favorable period for planting, it is necessary to dig a hole of the following dimensions: 60 by 60 cm, 50 cm deep.
  4. Seedlings should be planted immediately after purchase, while you are preparing the place, it is advisable to carefully wrap the roots in a damp cloth before planting so that they do not dry out. So the tree will quickly take root in a new place.
  5. Before planting, you need to trim, removing the lower stem of the crown. In this way, future fruit shrinkage can be avoided.
  6. If you need to plant several seedlings, prepare holes with a step of 3 m from each other.
  7. Spread the roots before planting the seedling in the soil so that the earth is between the roots.
  8. Pour the humus mixed with the ground into the pit (take the top layer of soil), pour out the water, mix. Proportions: a bucket of humus, a bucket of earth, a bucket of water.
  9. In this moist soil, you need to place an apple tree seedling and immediately fill the hole with earth. It is advisable to work together so that the seedling is in the middle of the pit.
  10. The soil around the seedling should be compacted and a roller should be made 50 cm from the trunk, no more than 10 cm high, so that later it would be more convenient to water the tree.
  11. Mulch the soil with humus, laying a layer of 3 cm.

Planting an apple tree in autumn is different, as the tree is already at rest, preparing for wintering.

Soil requirements and planting rules:

  • prepare a hole, 60 by 60 cm in size, no more than 70 cm deep;
  • the soil should be moist and loose. It can be medium or light loam;
  • when preparing the pit, it is necessary to discard a layer of soil 20 cm thick outside the pit in order to separately mix it with humus and peat (in a bucket). Add to this mixture wood ash(700 g) and superphosphate (600 g);
  • we start planting a seedling: in the middle of the pit, you need to insert a stake and pour enriched soil around it, crush it with a layer on top ordinary earth(no more than 3 cm);
  • place an apple seedling in a hill, spreading the roots. The stake can be removed;
  • then you need to fill the pit with soil, only you need to fill it with soil taken from the top layer (when preparing the pit);
  • when deepening the seedling, it is important to prevent the roots from touching the soil mixture with additives, as they can get burned;
  • after planting the seedling, the soil around the trunk must be well tamped and a raised hill, 15 cm high, should be formed;
  • then you can pour water on the ground, using about 30 liters of water;
  • after the soil has absorbed moisture, it is necessary to mulch the soil around the trunk with peat or humus to a thickness of 3 cm;
  • it is advisable to tie the seedling by sticking a peg into the ground;
  • make sure that the layer of mulch does not come into contact with the trunk of the apple tree, in order to avoid getting burned.

At different times of the year, it is necessary to take care of fruit dwarf trees in different ways. Let's get acquainted with the activities for the care of apple trees in different periods of the year.

Caring for dwarf apple trees in spring

Early spring has come, it is necessary to shorten branches in adult trees, as well as:

  1. Before the sap flow begins, it is necessary to treat the trees from pests. It is enough to fasten the belts on the trunk to avoid the attack of pests.
  2. Drying of the root system is unacceptable, it is necessary to moisten the soil in time and loosen the soil around the trunk.
  3. Lime the stems and bases of skeletal branches in early to mid-April. Preparation of a solution for whitewashing: 1:1 lime and water, pour lime with water, wait for the reaction to pass (within an hour). After mixing, the solution for whitewashing trees is ready.
  4. Top dressing at this time of the year: the introduction of complex or nitrogen fertilizers. For example, 150 g of urea per 10 liters of water, or take 1.5 buckets of humus, dilute 15 liters of water. To feed young seedlings a year or two after planting, a bucket of humus is taken for 10 liters of water.
  5. Before the buds swell, the trees must be treated for pests with Bordeaux liquid or Nitrafen. Treatment with a solution of urea (strength 7%) is allowed in order to prevent insect attacks and at the same time apply nitrogen top dressing. These activities must be carried out before the start of sap flow, otherwise you can get a severe burn of the kidneys, which will open with the start of sap flow.

Caring for dwarf apple trees in summer

In summer, care is reduced to a minimum, but even a minimum of effort must be made so as not to destroy young, not yet strong trees.

What's important:

  1. Do not allow the soil to dry out, especially in the near-stem circle.
  2. Pest control - treatment with Bordeaux liquid or copper / iron sulphate.
  3. Top dressing: bird droppings or mullein. Preparation of a concentrated solution: for 10 liters of water you need to take a bucket of mullein or bird droppings. Insist - 10 days. From the resulting solution, 0.5 l of chicken manure or 1 liter of mullein is taken, diluted in a bucket of water. Consumption for one apple tree: 1, maximum 2 buckets, avoiding contact with the near-trunk part. After applying liquid top dressing, the soil must be loosened.
  4. When the fruits are poured, the branches are hard, so you need to make a support.

Caring for dwarf apple trees in autumn

During the period of fruit ripening, it is important to properly care for apple trees:

  1. Carrion and dry debris should be removed regularly. Such simple measures will make it easy to harvest a large harvest in the future.
  2. After harvesting the fruits, it is necessary to feed the apple tree with mineral fertilizers (but without nitrogen), perform sanitary pruning. Per square meter of soil, you need to add 1 tbsp. potassium, 2 tbsp. double superphosphate, dissolve in 10 liters of water.
  3. You also need to clean the soil around the trunk from debris and dry foliage, loosen it.
  4. Preferably in mid-October reprocessing fruit trees from pests and diseases (iron / copper sulfate, Bordeaux liquid).

Caring for dwarf apple trees in winter

In winter, plants need rest. Care must be taken to ensure that fruit trees do not die during the cold season. It is necessary to cover the near-trunk part of the apple trees with humus or compost in a thick layer, throw spruce branches on top. In winter, when there is a lot of snow, the spruce branches can be thrown aside, and more snow can be thrown on the near-trunk part of the tree so that the apple trees successfully endure severe frosts.

Pruning dwarf apple trees

In order for the tree to receive nutrients, it is necessary to prune regularly. Such a need will also allow you to form the placement of apples evenly across all branches. During pruning, small, weak branches are removed, which pull on some of the nutrients, as well as thickened areas. After pruning, the root system develops well in seedlings of the first year, and as a result, over the summer period, the tree grows well in girth.

Pruning rules:

  1. First you need to carefully examine the buds and count how many of them bloomed in the spring. What it is for: the apical buds wake up first, which take on a lot of nutrients. They need to be removed, and the middle shoots that will grow at right angles should be left. They will give strong shoots.
  2. While the kidneys are still sleeping and not awake, it is necessary to cut the length of the conductor by approximately 20%.
  3. Each subsequent year - cut off annual growths that are the same length. So you can achieve a uniform development of the fruit tree.
  4. Bare areas on the tree should not be. It is necessary to trim evenly so that annual shoots are placed throughout the crown.
  5. It is important to remove in a timely manner large branches that slow down fruiting, dry and damaged, as well as fatty ones.
  6. If the cut turned out to be thicker than 7 cm, treat the bare area with garden pitch.
  7. It is important to adhere to the temperature regime and not cut the trees in frost when the thermometer drops below -5 degrees.
  8. In the first year (spring) after planting, it is necessary to cut the tree to half a meter, make a cut on the kidney located on opposite side from vaccination.

Varieties of dwarf apple trees

There are favorite varieties that are very popular with amateur gardeners, as they are high-yielding. This is a variety of apple trees "Melba". 3 years after planting on the site, you can count on the first harvest. Fruit ripening dates are early, this is the end of July. The fruits are medium in size, very sweet, like caramel, the flesh is juicy.

Consider other popular varieties of apple trees:

  • apple "Candy" is also one of the best varieties bred by the breeder I. Michurin. The variety is early ripening, but fruiting is not as early as that of the above described variety. The first harvest can be harvested 4 years after planting a dwarf apple tree. The fruits are medium in size, very juicy and dense, the color of the apples is dark green;
  • dwarf apple tree "Wonderful" - late summer variety, fruiting also 4 years after planting. This variety is valued for its high yield. From one tree you can collect up to 75 kg of large apples, weighing up to 140 g. Apples are very juicy, sweet, the color of the fruit is yellow, with a characteristic red blush;
  • no less popular is the Zhigulevskaya apple tree variety, because the crop can be harvested in the 3rd year after planting. Apples are large, red-orange in color, differ in that they have a long shelf life. They can lie up to six months!
  • apples of the "Autumn Striped" variety also deserve attention, because a small apple tree generously gives large fruits with a characteristic sourness. Apples have a long shelf life, do not lose their presentation even at a temperature of +6 degrees;
  • "Landed" - a high-yielding variety, fruiting begins in the 3rd year after grafting. The timing of ripening and fruiting will depend on weather conditions. On average, you should count on the middle of the first autumn month or at the end of September. From one tree you can harvest up to 130 kg of crop! Apples are very large, weighing up to 145 g, green with a red spot, sweet and sour. The variety is not afraid of diseases and low temperatures, especially resistant to scab;
  • apple "Sokolovskoye" ripens in late autumn, just before the first frost. Fruiting of dwarf apple trees should be expected 4 years after planting. It is easy to collect up to 85 kg of apples from one tree. The fruits are large, about 190-200 g from a mature tree that has just begun to bear fruit - the first harvest will not be so plentiful, but the fruits will be record-breaking large - up to 370 g! Apples are juicy, sweet, but sour, greenish-yellow in color with a small red spot-blush;
  • Moscow Necklace apples are very large and juicy, but not sweet, but sour. The fruits of a pale pink shade have flesh, and the color of the peel is red, bright. Ripening time: mid-autumn. Apples can be stored for six months;
  • "Grushevka Podmoskovye" - apples are small, yellow, sour. But on the other hand, they resist diseases well and apple trees of this variety are not afraid of pests. The fruits never rot, resistant to scab;
  • the variety of apple trees "Brother Wonderful" or abbreviated "Bratchud" - the fruits ripen late, only in the middle of autumn, but the tree is resistant to diseases and is not afraid of frost. From one tree you can collect up to 120 kg of apples, weighing 160 g;
  • another autumn variety of a dwarf apple tree - "Kovrovoe", after grafting, fruiting begins only in the 4th year, but immediately - a plentiful harvest of up to 110 kg (!) The fruits are large, with young tree you can collect fruits weighing up to 270 g, in subsequent years - up to 190 g. Apples are sweetish, with a blush on one side, but the main color of the fruits of this variety is yellow-green;
  • winter variety of dwarf fruit tree "Snowdrop" - the yield from one apple tree is about 90 kg, the fruits are small, up to 170 g, light yellow, sweet and sour;
  • apple tree variety number "57-146" - a fruitful variety, the fruits are small, sweet and sour. The variety is capricious, as there are thin branches on the crown that interfere with collecting fruits. They need to be trimmed periodically. In addition to this drawback, there is another one - the wood is fragile, so if the harvest turned out to be excellent, the branches can break under the weight of the poured juicy fruits;
  • most winter-hardy variety dwarf apple trees, which are suitable for growing in Siberia, are apple trees of the Ermakovskoe Pole and Altai Felix varieties. Small trees can withstand even severe frost, up to minus 40-50 degrees. The fruits are small (weight up to 80 g), fragrant, juicy, but sour;
  • summer variety of apples "Arkadik" - the fruits ripen at the end of summer, weight is about 160 g, the pulp is juicy, sweet, with a slight sourness.

Diseases and pests of dwarf apple trees

Dwarf apple trees in the garden are susceptible to disease and pest attack in the same way as tall apple trees. Most often, trees are exposed to diseases such as rust, mosaic, powdery mildew, fruit rot, cytosporosis.

How to fight:

  • treat with fungicides: copper / iron sulfate, Bordeaux liquid, Fundazol, colloidal gray, Quadris;
  • if it is a viral or mycoplasmal disease, medicines will not help, so it is necessary to cut out the affected areas and treat the trees with copper sulphate. If the tree could not be saved, it will have to be dug up and destroyed.

Prevention measures: proper care, compliance with the timing of top dressing, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the near-stem circle, remove dry and diseased branches, loosen the soil.

Pests: the greatest danger to fruits and fruit trees is aphid, codling moth, fruit and rowan moth, fruit moth, pear sucker, silkworms, apple mites, sawfly, pipeworm, flower beetle. Best Measures struggle is timely prevention. But if an aphid attacked an apple tree, you need to treat the tree with a 1% solution of Karbofos (it will also help in the fight against ticks). Treatment before sap flow, when the kidney is still sleeping for the purpose of prevention with a 3% solution of Karbofos, and if the kidney has blossomed - 2%.

You can save yourself from the apple moth only by treating in the spring with a solution of "Nitrafen" 3% per dormant bud, and after blooming - "Chlorophos" 7%.

Apple tree dwarf: reviews

Inna Petrovna: « For a long time in my garden they bloom and delight good harvest popular varieties of dwarf apple trees. I have a large garden, the trees are planted in rows, it is very convenient to cultivate the soil, water as needed and harvest. The trees are low, it is easy to reach out and pick an apple. Even my grandchildren help me with the harvest with great pleasure.».

Yulia Nikolaevna: « Among the favorite varieties of dwarf apple trees, I have a variety "Wonderful". The tree is low, compact, unpretentious. I watch in the heat so that the soil near the trunk does not dry out, I feed on time. Care is not at all difficult, as well as harvesting. I planted my first tree 3 years ago and this summer I got my first harvest! Apples are sweet, fragrant, just to eat and make juice for kids. By the way, apples of this variety lie for a long time and do not deteriorate. The apple tree, although small, barely reaches 2 meters, but strong and hardy, is not afraid of frost in our area».

Victor Petrovich: « Recently I planted several seedlings of a dwarf apple tree in the country, a neighbor in the country gave the seedlings. He planted himself and gave me, he praised, he says wait soon big harvest. It's too early to think about it, I try to monitor the soil, apply fertilizer so that the tree develops well. In the meantime, a neighbor treats apples from his garden, he has a large garden and a lot of different varieties dwarf apple trees. It is very convenient, by the way, to harvest, I helped him this year. Bulk apples, strong, very fragrant and tasty».

Dwarf apple trees. Video:

Among the huge variety of apple varieties, there are those that are on genetic level contain a component of short stature. Many people think that the rootstock is responsible for the short stature of the apple tree. Plant a vigorous variety on a super-dwarf rootstock and you'll see reduced growth, but that's not entirely true. Low-growing varieties form a compact crown, have a restrained growth.

Low-growing varieties of apple trees: description

In total, undersized varieties of apple trees in the updated (for 2018) State Register of Breeding Achievements, there are 12 names:

  1. Veteran,
  2. Jonathan,
  3. Golden Delicious,
  4. Alyonushka,
  5. Paping,
  6. Pepin saffron,
  7. sissy,
  8. Welsey
  9. Idared,
  10. Zhivinka,
  11. undersized,
  12. Quadrille.

All of these varieties really have restrained growth. Their height rarely exceeds 2.5-3 m, especially if you follow the crown and do not run it, letting the spinning tops "rage".

My neighbor calls him for some reason this undersized variety winter red Well, he knows better.

  • This is not our variety, overseas, but we have taken root.
  • I fell in love with him for his restrained growth and tasty fruits, reaching a mass of 170 g,
  • They lie in my boxes until May, of course, if I pick them carefully, I don’t beat or damage the skin.
  • The variety blooms late and never falls under return frosts.
  • The disadvantages of this undersized variety can be attributed to low drought resistance - I do not recommend planting it in remote summer cottages.
  • According to my calculations, he needs watering every 4 days - a bucket of water under the trunk, of course, if there is no rain and the sun is hot.
  • But what fruits ripen - they reach a mass of almost 200 g, golden yellow in color with a slight tan Pink colour on the south side of the fruit. Their taste is excellent.
  • Apples with careful collection are stored with me until the May holidays.

One name makes you plant this apple tree, which is surprisingly undersized - it does not even reach 2 m.

  • The fruits ripen in summer, are straw-yellow in color with a pinkish blush.
  • The mass of fruits is small, no more than 50 g, but I can eat them at least a whole bucket - sweet, juicy, tasty!
  • The variety withstands any winter, tolerates drought and has a huge yield - a small tree stands strewn with apples like Christmas tree toys. And so every year.
5. Paping

A low-growing variety known to many and especially my favorite is Papirovka. Low, with good-tasting apples, reaching a mass of 150 g and painted in a greenish-yellow color.

The disadvantage of the variety is only one - frequency of fruiting, then it is sprinkled with apples, then they are not at all.

The variety has many virtues in addition to modest growth:

  1. early maturation,
  2. scab resistance,
  3. excellent winter hardiness
  4. high yield,
  5. a long stalk on each apple, which makes it convenient to pick them.
6. Pepin saffron

This undersized variety is no less known and no less loved by me. Received in 1947, but has not lost its relevance to this day.

  • If you take care of the tree properly, then its fruits will be of normal size, not as they say everywhere 70-80 g, but more than 100 g for sure - it was checked in your own garden.
  • Apples are amazingly tasty, juicy, and their color is attractive - orange-yellow with a dark red blush, which, as if a genius artist “smeared” over the entire surface of the fruit.

From merits of the variety I can highlight:

  1. late flowering, thanks to which return frosts are not terrible for him,
  2. scab resistance,
  3. lack of periodicity of fruiting,
  4. excellent taste and aroma of fruits,
  5. high heat resistance of the apple tree.

A well-known Welsey variety, but it also turns out to be undersized!

  • Who will pass by apples weighing about 150 g and painted in a light yellow color with an integumentary color.
  • The variety ripens late, but the fruits lie until January,
  • The fruits can crumble, but not all ripen at once, and you can visit the garden and, while walking, pick 1-2 ripe ones, stretching the period of consumption of fresh fruits.
  • Tasters unanimously consider the fruits of the variety to be dessert, the acid is felt in the taste, but it is harmonious and appropriate there.

Advantages varieties:

  1. winter-hardy,
  2. resistant to scab and powdery mildew,
  3. precocious,
  4. harvest, although if a year falls with a very high yield, be on the alert, next year there may be no apples at all.

New for me undersized variety Zhivinka.

  • The fruits reach a mass of only 20 g, but they are distinguished by excellent taste and a light yellow color with a purple blush. When you eat these fruits, it seems as if there is no skin on them at all.
  • Apples keep for six months.
  • The tree rarely exceeds a height of 2 m.

Variety benefits:

  • excellent winter hardiness
  • drought tolerance,
  • resistance to scab and powdery mildew,
  • high yield,
  • crown that never thickens.
  • The variety rarely exceeds a height of 3 m.
  • The fruits often exceed the standard 140 g, they are always one-dimensional and colored greenish-yellow with a solid red blush.
  • The taste of the fruit is wonderful.
  • Of the additional advantages, it is worth noting resistance to scab and the highest winter hardiness.

A new low-growing variety, which I almost do not know - Quadrille, I managed to hold its seedlings and apples in my hands. It appeared in the State Register in 2018, although it was launched ten years earlier.

  • The variety, according to the assurances of the authors, barely exceeds 2 m.
  • The fruits reach a mass of 100-120 g, are painted in light yellow with a purple tan, on the south side, color. They are pleasant to hold in hands, they are tasty, juicy, there is a pleasant aroma.
  • The manufacturer of the variety claims that the fruits can be transported far and for a long time without spoiling them.
  • The most important advantages are scab resistance, winter hardiness, drought and heat resistance and, of course, precocity.