How to apply silicone sealant evenly. How to use sealant - application rules and useful recommendations. Silicone application technology

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It's nice to watch how it applies silicone sealant professional tiler. With an economical movement, the seam is filled in one pass, and it is just as easily leveled. Alas, attempts for the first time to independently apply and smooth sealant to the joint intended for this purpose often end with sealant sloppily smeared not only into the seam, but also far beyond it, with smeared hands, clothes and tools.

Of course! The ease with which the finisher performs this work is due to considerable experience and knowledge of the rules of working with this material. Let's understand this technique.


Which sealant to choose: silicone, acrylic or polyurethane?
Sealants are compositions based on polymers. Used for filling cracks, crevices, filling voids around door and window frames, water pipes, heating pipes

Professional joint sealants - overview
Professional seam sealants are used to fill seams building structures and joints. These are mastics that harden when exposed to moisture from the air.

How to use expansion joint sealant
To seal joints that are subject to deformation, polyurethane sealants of medium hardness and elasticity are used.

Sealing joints. Review of technologies and materials
The key to successful completion of joint sealing work is application quality materials in compliance with all technological requirements

Silicone sealant Titan (Tytan). Instructions for use
Silicone sealant Titan is a universally recognized global brand that has stood the test of time

During the repair work Quite often a situation arises when you need to cover up cracks between different surfaces, achieve tightness or seal holes. Very often, such questions arise during the process of renovating a bathroom, toilet and kitchen, because in these rooms the percentage of humidity is the highest. The most reliable and modern method Silicone sealant can be used to seal any cracks and holes even in damp conditions.


There has always been a need for grouting seams, filling holes and sanding joints, but previously all kinds of putties were used for these works, which were not very convenient to work with, and the result was not always of satisfactory quality. It is for these reasons that the search universal remedy continued until now and led to the advent of silicone sealant. With this product, moisture does not get under the protected surface and prevents it from collapsing.

The scope of application of sealant is very wide. With its help, you can seal a window frame, cover up cracks between the bathtub and the tiles, and even use it to eliminate possible water leaks from plastic pipes. All this is possible thanks to the specific composition of the product. To make silicone adhesive-sealant, you need to use silicone rubber, which is the basic element, amplifiers that will give the finished material strength after application. In addition, a vulcanizer is needed to make the composition liquid and viscous, an adhesion primer for better contact with the working surface, a plasticizer to impart additional elastic properties, and a filler that allows you to obtain the desired volume and color of the sealant.

Sealants vary depending on the vulcanizers they contain.

  • Acid adhesives. Distinctive feature is the unconventional smell imparted by acetic acid. It is better not to use this sealant on marble, aluminum and cement-containing surfaces. When working with it, it is important to use protective equipment and masks, because the fumes are very toxic and cause dizziness and allergies.
  • Neutral sealant. There are several options for such a solution: alcohol, amine and amide. In this case, there is no pungent odor. Can be used on surfaces different types.

Sealants are:

  • single-component - find their application in the domestic sphere;
  • two-component – ​​characterized by the presence of complex components in the composition; they are most often used in production.

The characteristics of silicone sealant make it possible to use it on a wide variety of surfaces that may have a heterogeneous structure.

Their properties include:

  • resistance to frost and moisture, easily withstands temperature changes;
  • have increased adhesiveness, connect well with various parts;
  • easily tolerate ultraviolet rays;
  • high level plasticity;
  • high heat resistance, use is possible in conditions from +300 degrees to -50.

Use this remedy Can be used both indoors and for outdoor work.

If you need to do something in the house, then the sealant can be used for:

  • sealing joints on walls, ceilings, floors, especially when working with drywall;
  • sealing joints on countertops, window frames ah, where natural or artificial stone is used;
  • sealing parts with high thermal load;
  • in the bathtub, you can use it for installing a mirror, sealing sewer pipes, eliminating joints during the installation of a bathtub or shower stall.

Use silicone sealant for outdoor use:

  • sealing drainage pipes;
  • sealing seams on window frames and joints;
  • carrying out repair work on stone tiles that are moving away from their base;
  • sealing seams during roofing;
  • during the vinyl cladding process.

The technology for producing sealant is quite complex and it is not so easy to ensure that it has the appearance of rubber, while being able to be liquid and easily penetrate into various cracks, eliminating them, but it allows you to make repairs of much higher quality, and the result is much more representative.

There are many options for such products today, and choose the best quality and suitable look it can be difficult. You can purchase the universal sealant “Econ” or buy the sanitary version “Moment”, it all depends on the specific case and the task assigned to the product.

Pros and cons

If we consider silicone sealant as a tool that is now difficult to do without in repairs of varying complexity, then it is necessary to indicate all its advantages and disadvantages.

Let's consider the advantages of sealant.

  • Prevents the formation of mold and the spread of insects on the surface. This becomes possible thanks to the fungicidal additives that are included in its composition.
  • After complete drying, it is not afraid of exposure to cleaning agents, even chemical ones.
  • Using a sealant, it will be possible to bond surfaces of different types. For joining ceramics, glass, plastic, wood, rubber with other materials, silicone is the best choice.
  • High strength of the material after drying, even with a liquid and elastic structure during application. This is achieved by the presence of silicon in the composition.
  • The peculiar composition allows the already glued surfaces to be movable and elastic.

Despite such a large number of advantages, there are also significant disadvantages to silicone sealant.

  • There are a number of surfaces that are poorly bonded using sealant - these are polyvinyl chloride, fluoroplastic, polyethylene, polycarbonate and polypropylene.
  • For application, the surface must be completely clean, so it is cleaned, degreased and completely dried. When applied to wet surface the properties of the material deteriorate significantly.

Acrylic and silicone sealant have some differences, and first of all, their difference is in composition: for silicone glue, rubber is an important component in the composition, but for acrylic it is acrylic acid. Silicone sealants are used to work with plastic, wood and ceramics, and the acrylic variety is universal. When working with the acrylic version, you can sand it to get a completely smooth surface that can be painted. However, here there is a stronger shrinkage and, when frozen, the material is not so elastic. This type is used for interior work, because with a large amplitude temperature regime it may go bad.

Silicone sealant provides better adhesion to even and smooth surfaces; it is not afraid of compression and kinks. Because of this, the cost of this option is more expensive than acrylic. Both types of materials can be either transparent or colored, which are used in various situations.

Since silicone sealants can be one-component or two-component, it is important to understand the differences and in this case, identifying certain advantages and disadvantages of each option. The one-component composition is most common; it is used for everyone construction work both professionals and amateurs. The ease of working with it determines the popularity of this material. The scope of use of sealants is constantly expanding. So, it can be used not only in home repairs, it is also very useful for working with a machine, eliminating any seams, cracks and joints, and can be used to insulate electrical equipment, and in some cases it is used as protective layer from moisture.

Two-component silicone is used in production and industry. The composition is much more complex, because it combines various elements. It is not used for everyday repair tasks.


In order for the repair to be done efficiently and all seams and joints to be sealed beautifully and reliably, it is important to know exactly how it needs to be applied and how much material to use. When calculating the most correct consumption of sealant per 1 m of seam, you need to know its thickness and application technology. If we are talking about corner seam between the bathtub and the tiles, then the best depth would be 6 mm and 3 mm width. Using such calculations, 20 ml of material will need to be used per meter of area. Often the standard package contains 310 ml, and in order to apply it correctly and economically, it is best to be guided by the indicators given in the table:

If a 600 ml bag was chosen for the work, then the calculations will be different for 1 m of seam:

For more economical use of sealant, it is better to apply a semicircular seam, which is possible when working with a spatula having an edge of 6 mm; in addition, it is very important to make correct pruning the spout of the tube itself, where the material will come from. To do this, you need to attach the spatula to the spout at an angle of forty-five degrees and open the package.


The popularity of silicone sealant has necessitated the expansion of its types and the emergence of a wide variety of variations in both composition and color.

Based on external characteristics, several can be distinguished.

  • Colorless. Most often used in plumbing work, if you need to remove seams or connect elements. You can use it when installing new furniture in the kitchen, treating unprotected surfaces where moisture can get in.
  • Colored silicone. Has characteristic composition, thanks to which it does not stain later, therefore it is necessary to buy a product already with a certain pigment. Most often you can find white, gray, beige, brown and other options on store shelves.

In addition, depending on the scope of use, there are a number of other sealant options.

  • Bituminous. With its help, you can cope with cracks in the base and foundation, eradicate damage to tiles and slate. Can be used on a wide variety of surfaces. This is a moisture-resistant option that is not afraid of temperature changes and has good adhesion.

  • Universal. With its help, you can eliminate drafts from the window, using glass in wooden frame. For external use, it is best to use a colorless sealant to prevent it from being visible on the wood.

  • Aquarium. Does not contain toxic elements. Flexible and elastic, highly adhesive, resistant to water and dries quickly. Used for working with shower cabins, ceramic and glass products, and for fastening aquarium parts.

  • Sanitary. Used in rooms where there is a high level of humidity. Distinctive property is the presence of antifungal and antibacterial components.
  • Heat resistant. Used in industry. The main purpose is the assembly of pumps, motors, furnaces, sealing heating pipes, and during electrical installation work.

Since the scope of use of sealants is very large, it is important to choose the right option for a specific type of work. If the surface subsequently needs to be painted, it is important to choose either the appropriate type of silicone or purchase it in the required color. The result of the work done will completely depend on the correct selection of funds.

How to apply?

In order to start working with silicone sealant, it is important to prepare and purchase everything you need. The first point will be protective clothing, which should completely cover the skin of the hands, and if possible, it is better to wear construction overalls and a long-sleeved jacket to protect the entire body. There are formulations with a more aggressive composition; for them it is advisable to use a protective mask over the eyes and nasopharynx.

The second stage of preparation will be obtaining necessary knowledge, with the help of which you can quickly and correctly do all the necessary work.

Sequence of work.

  • Preparation of special clothing and necessary materials.
  • Working with the surface to which the sealant will be applied. It is important that it is clean, dry and grease-free. If there is decorative elements, it is better to hide them under masking tape to prevent silicone glue from getting on the surface.
  • To use the sealant you will need mounting gun, which will simplify application. For correct installation and working with it is enough just to read the instructions on the package.
  • The tip of the spout on the sealant bottle must be cut off at an angle. This option allows the material to flow evenly and be used economically in work. If you cut off a straight edge, the shape of the flowing substance will be round, and with an oblique cut it will be elliptical, which will minimize the waste of excess material.
  • Silicone is applied to the surface when the balloon is at an angle of 45 degrees. Apply in thin strips so that the glue dries faster. After completion of application, the remaining unnecessary material must be removed using a spatula.

The drying time depends on the type of glue that was chosen and the thickness of the layer that was applied to the surface. It usually hardens completely within a day, and the first signs of hardening are visible after twenty minutes. When applying chipboard and fiberboard to the surface, it is better to use a spatula and squeeze out a very small amount of the substance. If there is a goal of creating ideal flat surface on these surfaces, then it is best to dilute the sealant with gasoline or white spirit, the amount of which should be small.

To more accurately understand what exactly needs to be done with the sealant, the first thing you should pay attention to is the instructions indicated on the packaging. Most often, manufacturers indicate everything that a worker should know in the process of interacting with silicone agent. If the quality of work is extremely important, then before purchasing a sealant you need to pay attention to the timing of its production, and if they are stitched, then it is better not to purchase the product.

If the choice is made correctly, then working with silicone glue will be quite simple and comfortable. As soon as required quantity If the product has been applied to the surface, it is important to ensure that all excess is promptly removed. This can be easily done with your own hands, but it is important to know the sequence of actions. For fresh solutions, it is best to use mineral spirits, but you need to make sure that it is safe for the surface itself. If this is the case, then as quickly as possible it is applied to the area that needs to be cleaned, and all excess is promptly removed.

There is another very effective remedy, which allows you to wash off silicone from the surface, is Penta 840. Using this option will allow you to simply dissolve the sealant, even if it has dried. The simplest, but no less effective, is to use a soap solution. After moistening a rag in it, you need to apply it evenly to the surface that needs to be washed off.

The most dangerous way to coat the coating is to use a knife or spatula, with which dried silicone is removed from the surface. These products must be used very carefully and without undue haste. Using solvents, you can only remove fresh or thin areas of silicone, and for denser ones you need to use a mechanical option.


Any tools and materials for repair work may have different price, which depends on their quality and the brand that produced them. If it is possible to buy a more expensive option, then it is more likely that the result will be an order of magnitude better than using a cheaper one.

To help you navigate among silicone sealants and help you choose the right one best option, it is necessary to review the most famous manufacturers, which have been on the market for a long time and have proven their products to be of high quality and durable.

Among the most popular are Makroflex, Ceresit, Tytan, Soudal, Krass, Ultima, Penosil and Titan.

Makroflex- These are products from Finland, they are characterized by use in the most difficult and severe conditions. The line includes sanitary, neutral and universal sealants.

Sealants Tytan are produced by a Polish company that presents high-quality professional products at competitive prices. If it is necessary to work in rooms with high humidity, it is necessary to use Ceresit CS 25 sealant, which, among other things, contains a large number of fungicides that prevent the formation of mold and mildew.

If we talk about products Krass, then it is produced in Switzerland, Finland and other countries, where great attention is paid quality product. These products are presented on the market in four options: acrylic, heat-resistant, silicone and neutral sealant. This option is used for working with concrete and stone, as well as for metal surfaces. Well suited for use in the kitchen and bathroom. The products of this company are characterized by good adhesion, resistance to aggressive environments, elasticity, frost resistance and heat stability, used from -50 to temperatures above 1000 degrees, in addition, the sealant is resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Speaking of acid sealant Ultima, then it is suitable for a wide range of construction work. Due to good adhesion, it interacts well with glass, wood and ceramics. Can be used both inside and outside the building. It is produced in a 280 ml tube and available in black, grey, transparent, brown, white and beige color. The main characteristics include elastic composition, moisture resistance, resistance to ultraviolet rays, economical packaging that does not require the purchase of a gun.

Penosil is a one-component substance that allows you to seal and seal seams both indoors and outdoors. It has good adhesion to metal, glass, ceramic, wooden surfaces with varnish or paint treatment, with plastic and more. It has a dense structure, which allows it not to spread or slide when applied to the seam. It sets quickly and is covered with a film. It is resistant to atmospheric changes and ultraviolet radiation.

Each option is universal in its own way; the sealant allows you to achieve the best results in all areas of application. High-quality and reliable companies allow you to be confident in the result even at the stage of purchasing materials, and further work will depend on the skill of what the silicone sealant is using.

In order to buy good sealant, it is important to pay attention to some characteristics, such as:

  • the percentage of silicone in the composition should be 26;
  • the percentage of organic rubber mastic can range from 4 to 6 percent;
  • the percentage of triocol, polyurethane and acrylic mastic should be within 4 percent;
  • content epoxy resin should not exceed 2 percent;
  • A cement mixtures should be less than 0.3 percent.

If we are talking about the density of the sealant, then it should be no less than 0.8 g/cm, otherwise the composition has low quality. If you need to use a sealant for a food area where food is located, then under no circumstances should you use an antimicrobial or antifungal sealant, also applies to working with an aquarium or terrarium. If there is a need to seal small cracks in windows, then it is best to choose a sealant for external works, which can be easily applied without wiping off drips and without worrying about the quality of the material if it is exposed to sun rays and moisture.

When the sealant is applied to the surface, it is important to level it; for this you can use both available materials and a soap solution. If you wet your finger in it and run it over the silicone, you can get a flat and smooth surface. Acrylic sealant After hardening it can be painted. Not all silicone options can be painted, so you should pay attention to this when purchasing.

For wood, it is recommended to use transparent silicone, which will not be visible after drying. Dark colors are chosen for flooring. color options, which do not stand out when dried. In order to quickly dry the sealant, it is best to apply it in thin layers and not in large quantities. You can erase excess with both liquid products and machining using a spatula and a construction knife.

When buying silicone, it is important to look at the documentation that comes with the product, so you can get an idea of ​​the brand, quality and production time.

In the event that there is a need to obtain special form To make an impression of this or that material, you can use silicone molds. To make them you will need to take silicone sealant and potato starch. When mixed correctly, you will get a composition that hardens well and quickly and makes it possible to obtain the desired impression, which will help in some types of repair work.

How to apply sealant correctly

During repair work, one way or another, the need to use sealant arises. But you need to know how to apply sealant correctly, otherwise work will go down the drain. Typically, silicone sealants are used to fill cracks and cavities in order to seal and protect against various environmental factors, for bonding various surfaces between themselves, for sealing seams and joints, for example, in shower cabins, wall joints, for sealing drainpipes, for gluing tear-off stone tiles, - for sealing window frames and frames, etc.

Remember: silicone sealants should not be applied to wet surfaces.

Sealant application technology.

Silicone sealants are applied at air temperatures above +5°C. (usual operating temperature range is from -50 to + 180°C). High-temperature sealants retain their properties at a temperature of +250°C.

Sealants are purchased in cartridge tubes and can be applied either manually or with a mounting gun.

Purchase silicone sealant according to color and purpose at a construction market.

Don't forget about the silicone gun, because... The sealant is squeezed out by the mechanical piston of the gun. Also prepare a silicone spatula. They are made of white rubber or plastic. They have the shape of a blade, rectangle or other shape with rounded corners of different radii.

Prepare the surface for applying sealant. If necessary, delete old sealant, clean the surface from dirt, and then degrease it with acetone, alcohol or a special degreaser. Let the surface dry - about 30 minutes.

To form a proper seam, it is necessary for the silicone to interact with both sides of the seam. If there is interaction with a third party - the base, then the silicone loses its elasticity and, when deformed or stretched, simply breaks mechanically.

How to apply silicone sealant?

Cut the edge of the sealant spout at an angle of 45° and screw the syringe-shaped nozzle onto the tube. Carefully point the sealant nozzle into the joint and squeeze the sealant out of the gun into the seam. We start from the far edge, bring the gun towards us, hold it at an angle, and try very hard to apply the sealant at once and in an even layer.
It is advisable to immediately remove excess silicone with a plastic spatula with a rounded end. The spatula must be kept level and in one position. Apply to yourself in the same way as when applying. Do not lift from the surface, do it at a time.

Surface setting time is usually no more than 5-10 minutes. During this time it is necessary to form a seam.

The drying time (i.e. complete hardening) of the sealant usually occurs after 5 days.

The bathroom is a special room in the apartment, which is almost always warm and humid. Such conditions are a favorable environment for the appearance there. It will be quite difficult to get rid of them in the future. Therefore, all cracks and gaps at the joints of surfaces in the bathroom must be sealed during renovation. And for these purposes, silicone sealant is most often used. And in order to do everything carefully, you need to first familiarize yourself with how to use it correctly.

Application of silicone-based sealant

Eat different types sealants, and the most common is silicone. It has excellent properties and is perfect for sealing joints in bathrooms. There are two types: acidic, used only for metals that do not rust, and neutral, used for any surface. It is the neutral sealant that is most often chosen for bathrooms. Among the advantages of silicone sealants are:

  • high degree of strength;
  • excellent elasticity;
  • good resistance to temperature changes;
  • excellent water-repellent characteristics;
  • long service life.

Attention! The best option for bathrooms there will be silicone sealant labeled “sanitary”. It contains special antibacterial additives that prevent the formation of fungus.

Preparing surfaces for sealant

Using silicone sealant is very easy. But first you need to make preparatory work in the places where it will be used. Surface preparation consists of three stages:

The sealant allows you to reliably seal all joints and seams

  • cleaning joints and seams in the bathroom from dirt and dust - you can use a vacuum cleaner for this purpose;
  • degreasing surfaces intended for sealing with sealant - to do this, wipe the cleaned seams with acetone or alcohol;
  • drying work surface– wipe dry or do this with a hair dryer.

Attention! Careful preparation of the seams in the bathroom for the sealant will ensure its best adhesion to the surface.

How to use sealant

Silicone sealants are sold in standard packaging - tubes. Before you start using the product, you need to prepare it. To do this, cut the tip of the tube at an angle, which makes it easier to apply the silicone, and put on the cap included with the sealant. After this, the prepared tube is inserted into a special gun and fixed in it.

By inserting the tip of the tube with sealant deeper into the seam, you need to apply silicone evenly over the entire surface to be treated. The force of pressing when working with a gun must be compared with the moderation of movement along the gap or joint. This will result in a smooth and beautiful seam. Silicone serves to protect the surface from moisture penetration. Therefore, saving sealant would be inappropriate here. All voids in the seam being processed must be filled. If this is not done, then when the silicone dries, cracks may form between the surface itself at the joint and the sealant.

The seam may not always turn out perfectly straight the first time. There's nothing wrong with that. Before the sealant has time to harden, you can remove its excess and level the seam with a rubber spatula slightly moistened with water, or use a small scraper made from a piece of plastic for this purpose. Many people smooth out the seam simply with their finger when nothing suitable is at hand. But it’s better to at least wet your finger in a soapy solution before doing this.

Advice. In order not to stain the surfaces adjacent to the seam with silicone, it is better to stick mounting tape along it before applying the product as close to the joint as possible and remove it after completing the work.

How long does silicone bathroom sealant take to dry after application?

Drying times for silicone sealants vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. But regardless of its composition, it can dry in different ways. This depends on the type of surface, the thickness of the applied layer, and the temperature in the room. Top layer The sealant stops being sticky after about 20-30 minutes, but it still remains liquid inside.

After a few hours, the silicone hardens and takes about a day to dry completely. For deep and voluminous seams, it may take even more time - up to two days. And all this time it is necessary to protect the composition applied to the seam from moisture that may get on it, that is, it is better not to use the bath.

Applying sealant

How to remove old silicone sealant

Before sealing gaps with sealant during repairs, the seams must be thoroughly cleaned of the old layer of silicone. You can remove it:

  • mechanically - sharp knife scrape off the already hardened old layer silicone;
  • using special means - sometimes a layer of old sealant cannot be removed with a blade or knife. In this case, special removers and solvents will help remove it.

The best way to dissolve silicone sealant

A small amount of this product can be wiped off with alcohol, gasoline, or white spirit. There are plenty of different solvents on sale that can be used to remove sealant from the surface. But most of them do not completely clean the silicone, but only soften it. But after that it will be much easier to remove it. But it is worth keeping in mind that all of these products may have some restrictions on use on certain types of surfaces. Therefore, you first need to try them in an inconspicuous place.

Silicone-based sealant is a convenient and practical product, and it is quite easy to use. Using it in the bathroom can effectively protect this room from the appearance of traces of mold and mildew.

How to use silicone sealant: video

Silicone sealant: photo

Silicone-based sealant is a dense and viscous composition that fills joints, gaps and cavities in various reasons. Thus, the sealant protects surfaces from the destructive effects of the environment.

Silicone sealant is most widely used in the construction industry, because it is more effective than mastics and putties made from other materials.


The basis of the seal is silicone polymer. It determines the characteristics of the sealant:

  1. Elasticity. Thanks to this, the compactor can be used on moving bases. The composition compensates for deformation movements at the joints.
  2. Strength, resistance to mechanical and tensile loads.
  3. Good adhesion to ceramics, glass, metal, wood, concrete, plastic.
  4. Resistance to atmospheric influences and ultraviolet. Thanks to this, silicone sealant can be used outdoors.
  5. The temperature range at which silicone can be used is from -50 to +200˚.

What does it consist of?

For the production of sealants the following are used:

  • synthetic rubber (silicone);
  • a filler that gives the composition the required volume;
  • plasticizer;
  • vulcanizer, which imparts viscosity to the sealant;
  • strengthening additive and adhesion modifier;
  • pigment that gives color to a material;
  • antiseptics that destroy harmful microorganisms.

There are two types of vulcanizers added to the sealant. Based on this, there are two types of silicone sealant:

  1. Acidic compounds. They are easily identified by the specific smell of vinegar. These sealants are very durable. However, they cannot be used on marble, aluminum or cement mortar due to their instability to acetic acid.
  2. Neutral analogues. They are used to work with any type of base.

Scope of application

Based on their area of ​​use, the following types of silicone seals are distinguished:

  1. Sanitary acid sealant. It is waterproof and impact resistant harmful microorganisms. Thanks to this, the composition can be used in damp areas.

    Sanitary sealant has good adhesion to glass, ceramics, enamel, wood, brick, concrete and metal. With its help, joints and cracks around plumbing fixtures, on pipelines, and on wall, floor and ceiling cladding in wet rooms are sealed.

  2. Heat-resistant composition. It can withstand temperatures up to +300˚. Has good adhesion to glass, metal and ceramics. Resistant to technical oils, fuels and lubricants. Due to its characteristics, it is used in heating networks, air conditioning systems, kitchen and automotive equipment.
  3. Glass seal. Has good adhesion to smooth and porous substrates. Resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. Used for ceramics, wood, bricks, glass elements and mirrors. This material cannot be used for acrylic and PVC.
  4. Universal silicone. It is designed to work with porous substrates, ceramic, glass and metal surfaces that do not rust. The composition cannot be used on acrylic, PVC and iron.
  5. Sanitary material on a neutral vulcanizer. Resistant to external influences. It is designed for working with building materials. This sealant cannot be used in damp areas.
  6. Neutral silicone for processing natural stone. The material is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and weathering. This sealant can be used to treat bases made of stone, glass, PVC and acrylic.
  7. General construction neutral sealant. It can be used outdoors and indoors, when processing hard joints. The material has good adhesion to all building materials.
  8. Roof sealant. The material is resistant to atmospheric influences. It is designed for sealing roof elements: cladding, chimney pipes, attic windows, etc.

How to apply sealant correctly. Step by step instructions

Silicone-based sealants are available in 310 ml plastic tubes. Before using the sealant, it must be prepared:

  1. First of all, the tip of the tube is cut off.
  2. Next, put on the cap included in the kit.
  3. After this, the distributor is cut at the desired angle.
  4. Then the prepared sealant is inserted into a special gun. Next, it is fixed in the tool.

When starting work, you should insert the tube cap into the joint and, pressing the trigger of the gun, evenly distribute the sealant on the base being treated.

Important! The pressing force when using the tool must be compared with the speed of its movement along the joint. This will make it possible to obtain a smooth and aesthetic seam as a result.

The sealant should not be skimped. All gap cavities must be filled. Otherwise, when the sealant hardens, cracks may appear between the base and the seal.

Often the filled joint does not turn out completely smooth. In this case, there is no need to wait until the sealant dries. You need to remove the excess and trim the seam with a moistened rubber spatula. You can also use a small plastic scraper for this. Professional builders often level the filled joint with a finger dipped in a solution of laundry soap.

How to remove from the surface

The silicone seal is elastic, but despite this, it is durable. It sticks firmly to the base. It is not easy to remove the seal from its surface. The material has to be cut by inserting a sharp knife between the interlocking surfaces. Therefore, it is necessary to work with silicone sealant carefully.

But what should you do if you still need to remove the frozen sealant from the base? When the silicone layer is quite thick, it is relatively easy to remove. It should be pryed with something and simply torn off from the base.

A different situation arises if you have to remove a thin layer or stains of carelessly applied material. They are difficult to remove, especially when you need to maintain a sealed joint.

In this case, you should carefully separate the layer to be removed from the one that needs to be preserved. To do this, you need to cut through the material in the problem area with a sharp knife, and wipe off unnecessary residues with your finger. This method is well suited for fresh sealant that has not yet reached 100% strength.

Old material can only be removed using chemical compositions, softening it. Manufacturers produce many cleaners that can help remove old sealant. The best ones:

  1. Silicone Remover. This is a universal cleaner for all surfaces.
  2. Sili-kill from the Dutch manufacturer Den-Braven. After using it, the silicone is simply removed with a sanitary napkin.
  3. Permaloid-7799. This product is intended for removing silicone sealant from metal substrates and painted surfaces.
  4. Permaloid-7010. It is used to remove sealant from plastic, including PVC, acrylic, polystyrene.

How to avoid buying low-quality silicone and fakes

No one is protected from purchasing low-quality sealant and counterfeits, even in large construction stores. To avoid the risk of the seal coming off or cracking, consider the following:

  1. Damage on the label indicates that the sealant storage rules were violated. When the package has been frozen and then thawed, the material in it cannot be used.
  2. The weight of the tube is more than 340 g with a capacity of 310 ml, indicating a high content of non-functional impurities in the material.
  3. If the seal density level is less than 0.85 g/cm, this means that the product is of poor quality.
  4. The inscription “100% silicone” indicates that the product is falsified.
  5. The excessively low cost of the sealant also indicates a fake.
  6. In any case, the products must have accompanying and warranty documents.

The areas of use of silicone sealant are divided into 3 categories:

  • compaction of bases with outside buildings;
  • sealing seams and joints indoors;
  • compaction of surfaces in damp rooms.

This must be taken into account and select a sealant with the appropriate inscription on the packaging.

Before purchasing, you should find out the composition of the sealant. A high-quality seal consists of the following components:

  • silicone polymer (26%);
  • organic (rubber) mastic (4-5%);
  • thiokol, polyurethane polymer and acrylic putty (total volume up to 3%);
  • epoxy resin (up to 2%);
  • cement additive (up to 0.4%).

Sealants with antiseptic additives must not be used on surfaces that come into contact with food and drinking water. Also, such seals are not suitable for terrariums and aquariums.

Exterior caulk can be used to seal small window cracks. The material will not crack under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and will withstand temperature changes.

To seal dark wood, mirrors, glass, mosaics, it is best to choose a transparent sealant. It is advisable to treat floor joints with a dark sealant.

Silicone-based sealant is available in several varieties. Therefore, it is universal and can be used to seal seams and joints on any substrate, both indoors and outdoors.

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