The rafter system of the veranda with a pitched roof. Simple pitched roof. Rafter frame single-pitched design: installation nuances and elements

For the construction of small buildings and houses, there is no need for a roof of a complex configuration. As design solution a shed roof truss system can be adopted. In this case, the scheme is simplified, but some nuances appear.

Advantages and features of a single-slope system

The advantages include:

  • simple calculation;
  • reduction in the number of nodes and connections;
  • simplification of installation;
  • reducing the cost of wood;
  • maintainability.
Shed roof is resistant to external negative conditions, inexpensive and easy to install

When deciding to make such a roof with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • the need to erect high longitudinal walls of the building or special frames;
  • the difficulty of using the under-roof space as an attic room;
  • it is necessary to locate a house or building on the site so that in most cases the wind blows on the high wall of the building (you need to familiarize yourself with the wind rose of the construction area);
  • the angle of inclination is taken depending on the coating material used.

The scheme includes the following main elements:

For large spans, you will need a do-it-yourself device additional elements, which unfasten the load-bearing beams and increase their load-bearing capacity:

  • rafter legs (struts);
  • racks;
  • runs;
  • beds;
  • contractions.

All elements are made of wood conifers first or second grade. In order to choose the most suitable material you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • felling place (it is better to choose the northern regions);
  • felling time (a tree cut down at the end of winter - beginning of spring will be stronger).

System calculation

Before proceeding with the assembly of the structure with your own hands, it is necessary to make a calculation and correctly select the section of all elements.

Roofing is a responsible process in which mistakes cannot be made.

Depending on the width of the building and the required section of the rafter leg for the projected span, they select constructive solution rafter system.

Section selection

When building a house by professional builders according to a pre-prepared project, a calculation is performed for two limit states, which determines the height and width bearing beams for two requirements:

  • rigidity;
  • strength.

When building a private house with your own hands, the calculation can not be performed, but it is necessary to take into account the recommendations depending on the span. The rafters on a shed roof are always layered.

  1. Span up to 4.5 meters. The scheme involves the use of solid rafter legs, without unfastening with struts or racks. It is also convenient to use if an attic device is planned: it allows you to increase free space due to the absence intermediate supports. The recommended section of the rafters at a step of 0.6 m is 50x150 mm, for a step of 1.1 m an increase to 75x175 mm will be required.
  2. Span up to 6 meters. In this case, it all depends on the angle of inclination and span. In some cases, the standard length of a board or beam is enough - 6 m. With a large angle of inclination and a span close to 6 m, it will be necessary to join the rafter legs along the length. As an additional support, struts (rafter legs) are provided. At the junction of the brace to the rafter, the leg is joined along the length. The recommended section at a step of 0.6 m is 50x200 mm, at a step of 1.1 m - 100x200 mm.
  3. span over 6 meters. In this case, you need to make intermediate racks that will take on part of the load and reduce the sagging of the beam. Correctly install the supports so that each span of the rafter leg is less than 6 meters. The calculation in this case is performed as for a multi-span beam, taking into account intermediate supports. When building with your own hands, the section is taken in the same way as for a span of up to 6 m (previous paragraph). In this case, all rafters are composite.

If you plan to lay insulation between the rafters with your own hands ( warm attic, attic), then the calculation takes into account the minimum height of the beams.

The thickness of the insulation should not exceed the height of the rafter legs for polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam.

If it is planned to lay mineral wool, then additionally take into account ventilation gap 5 cm. Partly it is provided by the load-bearing beams, and partly by the counter-lattice, which is mounted on top of them.

Beam pitch selection

The step of the rafter legs depends on the following factors:

  • type of thermal insulation material;
  • the presence of skylights.
  • In the first case, the dependence is inversely proportional. The design of a shed roof involves a decrease in the pitch of the rafters with an increase in span or load. For the type of insulation, the following recommended values ​​\u200b\u200bof the distance between the rafters in the light (in cleanliness) can be given:

    • polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam - 0.6 m;
    • mineral wool - 0.58m;
    • polyurethane foam - the step does not depend on the insulation.

    When designing an attic and using roof windows as light sources, it will be necessary to ensure that the rafter pitch is 4-6 cm more than the width of the window at their installation sites.

    Tilt angle

    Roof slope angle

    Depending on the type of roofing used, it is allowed to take different angles of inclination of the roof slope. Below are the values ​​for the most common materials. It is important to remember that the steeper the slope, the less the likelihood of leakage and the load on the elements, but this complicates the construction and requires the construction of a high longitudinal wall.

    1. Ceramic tiles. Optimal Angle tilt - 30-45 degrees, permissible - 12-65 degrees.
    2. Bituminous (soft) tile. Optimal - 20-45 degrees, permissible - from 6 degrees.
    3. Metal tile. Optimal - 20-45 degrees, permissible - from 12 degrees.
    4. Galvanized roofing steel. Permissible - from 14 degrees.
    5. Slate. Permissible - 6-27 degrees.

    The smaller the angle of inclination, the lower the consumption of materials for construction, but this increases the load on the roof and the likelihood of leaks.

    Work order

    After the calculation is completed, proceed to the purchase of material and assembly of the structure.

    1. Treatment of elements with an antiseptic. Can be done after installation in the design position, but if you plan to store wood, you need to process immediately after purchase.
    2. Waterproofing of places of contact of materials with different properties. In the place of laying Mauerlats on brick or concrete wall you need to lay a layer of roofing material, linocrom or hydroisol.
    3. Laying the Mauerlat and fixing it to the wall. Can be performed on wire, staples, studs, anchor bolts.
    4. Laying rafter legs. Fixing them to the Mauerlat. Can be fastened using staples, nails or corners on self-tapping screws.
    5. Installation of waterproofing and battens.
    6. Insulation lining.
    7. Roof covering.
    8. Installation of the lower crate and ceiling lining.

    It is important to correctly select the scheme of a shed roof, the sections of the elements, the pitch of the rafters and the angle of inclination. Compliance with the technology of doing the work with your own hands will ensure the reliability and durability of the structure.

    The construction of the roof is planned, a simple design with good performance strength and reliability? In this case great option will be a pitched roof. It will make your house, garage, outbuilding or other structure original in its own way. In addition, the shed roof truss system is easy to install. It can be done without building experience.

    In this article

    Why single-sided

    The construction of a roof from 1 slope has the following advantages:

    • When building on a shed roof, you can use any type of roofing material. Because the angle of inclination can be as small as possible, an almost flat roof can be built.
    • The sail of this design is much less than that of a gable. This option can be used in areas with strong winds.
    • Ease of installation and operation. You can build it with your own hands.
    • Light weight compared to other types of roofing.
    • For a shed roof, slopes of several floors can be built. This solution will give design to your home.
    • The construction of a shed roof is the most economical and does not require much time.
    • In this design, water rolls only on 1 side.
    • The roof is suitable for construction of any type.

    Like any other design, a shed roof has several disadvantages:

    • With a small angle of inclination, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic space is minimal.
    • Has a less attractive appearance. What can be corrected with the imagination of the designer.

    Design calculation

    The rafter system of a shed roof, in fact, consists of rafter legs of a layered type. The rafters must be fixed parallel to each other. The rafters, in turn, are supported by two points. Basically they are bearing walls building.

    Create a ramp angle

    The required slope angle of the ramp is achieved in several ways:

    • When developing a building project, one of the walls on which the rafter legs will lie is made a little higher. This method is common, as it greatly simplifies the design of rafters. But in this case, more material will be used to build walls. The side walls, running parallel to the rafters, are shaped like a trapezoid.
    • This method is a variation of 1. Also, when planning, frame racks are taken into account. In this embodiment, the extreme racks on one side are higher, and on the other they are lower by a certain height.
    • With the same height of the walls on one of the walls are installed vertical racks required height. At first glance, this design is unstable, since the rafter triangles have free movement to the right and left. But this fragility of the structure is eliminated by installing the frame lathing and sheathing the frontal part of the roof with wood.
    • One-slope trusses can be used. This method is good enough that you can build one farm, fit it to the right dimensions and use it as a template. And with the help of a template, you can build the rest of the farms on the ground. There are ready roof trusses. They are ideal for any type of roof. For them, it is enough just to install and fasten to the Mauerlat. Further, you can freely sheathe a shed roof with a crate.
    • When building an extension near the house, it is used this method. In this case, racks or a wall can be planned on one side of the extension, and on the other, we already have a main wall finished building. Fastening to it can be done using a well-fixed horizontal run or separate fasteners, also aligned horizontally. All fastenings on the wall of the building are made higher than the racks or the wall of the opposite side.

    Determine the side of the roof slope

    Often the question arises, in which direction to determine the slope of the roof? In the case of an extension to the house, there are no special options. The slope is made in the direction from the building to ensure free flow of water during heavy rains.

    If a separate building is planned, then here you can choose a side. Basically, the location of the ramp is done on the back of the building. Although there are cases when the ramp is produced on the front side. In such a situation, the choice is based on designer style buildings, territorial features of the site, from which side it is more convenient to lay a communications system, and the like.

    But in this case, you should also not miss some nuances:

    • It would be more correct to place a shed roof in the windy direction. Thus, the impact of wind is minimized. After all, the wind directed into the roof with a small angle has practically no effect on it.
    • For a rectangular building, you can choose the location of the slope along or across. But here it must be remembered that the rafters of a pitched roof cannot have an infinite length. For a certain distance, they need to be strengthened. According to the rules, the free size of the rafters is 4.5 meters. When installing a rafter system up to 6 meters, a rafter leg is required. It is placed at an angle of 45 degrees to the support beam.

    The steepness of the slopes

    If we are talking about a shed roof, then in most cases they choose an angle not up to 30 degrees. This choice is explained by the fact that the roof is highly vulnerable to wind load from the front side of the building. Although they try to build the slope of the slope from the windy side, this does not exclude the presence of wind from the side of the facade. Therefore, a steep angle of inclination creates a high lifting force. At strong wind the roof structure is subjected to a high load.

    A slope below 10 degrees is also unacceptable, since the load on the rafter system immediately increases during a snowfall. With the onset of a thaw, an ice crust appears on the edge of the roof, preventing the free flow of melt water.

    It is important to determine the angle of the slope of the roofing material. After all, for different materials the manufacturer also indicates its slope angle.

    Depending on the material, some standard values ​​\u200b\u200bof the slope angle can be distinguished:

    • Up to 2 degrees - almost a flat roof. It requires at least 4 layers of rolled bitumen coating. It must be applied using hot technology. It also requires gravel dressing, recessed into the mastic.
    • 3-5 degrees - involves three layers of roll coating. Gravel powder can be omitted.
    • 9-15 degrees - with rolled material, 2 layers are enough. You can also use some types of corrugated board or metal tiles.
    • 10-17 degrees - you can lay a wavy slate reinforced profile.
    • 11-20 degrees - soft shingles.
    • 14-25 degrees - asbestos-cement slate, at 25 degrees, corrugated board and metal tiles lay down with virtually no restrictions.
    • 27-50 degrees - ceramic, cement tiles.


    When building a shed roof with your own hands, for a correct and reliable installation, you need to use the drawings and detailed instructions, which will indicate all sizes and quantities the right material. You can create a drawing diagram yourself or find a ready-made sample on the Internet. You can also order it from construction professionals.

    Before starting construction, you need to choose a ventilated or non-ventilated type of roof. The first is great for living quarters, as ventilation provides a comfortable microclimate inside the building. All this is achieved with the help of gaps between waterproofing materials. The second type is suitable for the construction of a terrace or a warehouse.

    The construction of rafters with a pitched roof

    The truss system of a shed roof involves a couple of popular ways to mount it:

    • Fastening the rafters of a shed roof to load-bearing walls. In this case, the roof will turn out to be more economical and less lumber will be used for it. The load-bearing wall must be at the height of the roof. Since the upper part of the rafter rests on it.
    • A triangular truss is being constructed, which includes beams and posts. It will unite the construction of the rafters. With this method, you do not have to build a load-bearing wall to the height of the roof, but more wood will go. This method is convenient, since you can mount all the trusses below using a template.

    When erecting rafters, additional supports and struts will be needed. The number of such complementary elements depends on:

    • The slope of the slope.
    • Rafter weights.
    • The length of the junctions of the roof with the wall.
    • roof material.
    • Materials of the heat-insulating layer.

    Rafter pitch

    The distance between the rafters can be determined by the box on which the roof is being erected. In order for the distance between the rafters to be the same, the slopes on which the rafter legs rest are divided into equal plots. Depending on the installed materials, some values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be distinguished:

    • For rafters from a bar, the step is from 1.5-2 meters.
    • When using paired boards, the distance between the rafters is 1-1.75 meters.
    • The use of single boards relies on a step of 0.6-1.2 meters.

    Also, the type of insulation affects the distance between the rafters. It is recommended that the thermal insulation layer be rigidly installed between the rafters. After installing the truss system, you can go to the Mauerlat. It will help distribute the load on the walls.

    The nuances of mounting the Mauerlat

    Mauerlat is a complementary element of any roof. The lower edge of the rafter is installed on it. Its fastening is carried out to the bearing wall or between the beams of the rafter system. To fix the Mauerlat, it is necessary to use reinforcement, if the walls of the house are made of porous material, burnt wire, if the walls are brick, anchor bolts for a wooden house.

    To extend the life of the Mauerlat, it is necessary to install it on a waterproofing layer.

    Floor beams, their installation

    In addition to the Mauerlat, for some shed roof structures, the installation of floor beams is implied. Rafter legs rest on them. Such beams are mounted with a step similar rafter system. The fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat is always done with the help of a gash. The gap between the rafters and the Mauerlat is minimized.

    With a rafter system of more than 4.5 meters, rafter legs are installed. They give strength and eliminate the deflection of the rafter beam. The installation location depends on the width of the spans. Shed roof a huge area, without exception, should include rafter legs. Otherwise, it threatens to break or collapse.

    It must be remembered that with an increase in the step between the rafters, it will be necessary to reduce the step of the crate or make it solid.

    When installing a shed roof, do not forget about some of the nuances:

    • You need to place the ramp on the windy side. To keep the roof from blowing off in the wind.
    • When calculating the rafter system, you need to consider climatic conditions. This is the amount of snowfall, heavy rains, wind strength. Even distribution of the load on the rafters will increase the service life.
    • Consider overlap when calculating materials.
    • The smaller pitch of the rafters of a shed roof allows you to withstand a higher load.

    An example of a shed garage design

    The walls are built from foam blocks. The first step is to install the Mauerlat. With a shed roof, these are 2 beams laid on walls of different heights.

    The phased scheme for the construction of the rafter system consists of:

    • On the inner sides of both walls, we install a beam of 100x150 mm. We make its installation on roofing material waterproofing material. This will be our Mauerlat. We make Mauerlat fasteners using reinforced corners 90x90. For this we use dowels with a diameter of 14 mm.
    • We take a board 50x200 mm and install it on the Mauerlat with a margin of 50-60 cm. The margin should exceed the planned dimensions of the cornice. After that, everything unnecessary is cut off.
    • We mark further cuts on the board, the depth of which should not be more than 1/3 of the width of the board.
    • We mark the walls so that the last rafters do not touch them. The recommended distance is 4-5 cm.
    • Using the template, we make the rest of the rafters. Fastening is done with brackets or corners.
    • Given the width of the overhang, we produce fillies. We mount all the elements of the cornice so that there is a layer of waterproofing between the tree and the wall.
    • We cut off all the excess and fasten the wind board 25x100 mm.

    The simplest garage design scheme is completed. The next steps will be the installation of the battens and the flooring of the roofing material.

    A shed roof is not often used for arranging the roof of private houses, although the construction itself and its installation are much simpler than a gable one. It is believed that this type of roof does not retain heat well enough in the house, therefore, it is more often used in the construction of country houses and sheds. However, it should be noted that it is quite possible to make this structure warm and even arrange an additional room under it if the thermal insulation is properly installed.

    Do-it-yourself shed roof is made according to pre-drawn drawings made on the basis of the calculations. This is especially important in cases where it is planned to make a dwelling under it.

    The main advantages and disadvantages of the design

    The advantages of this design include the following:

    • Saving money on the purchase of building materials.
    • Simplicity of design and, therefore, installation.
    • Light weight, compared with the gable option - less load falls on the walls.
    • High resistance to wind and load from accumulated snow on the roof.
    • The structure can be erected in a different angular range - from 5 to 45º.
    • The shed roof, made at a slight angle, allows you to install a hot water tank on it or solar panels, as well as arrange a place to relax.
    • Such a structure can be covered with any of the existing roofing materials, of course, taking into account the conditions of its operation and the angle of inclination.

    Naturally, like any design, a shed roof has its drawbacks, which you also need to know when choosing this option:

    • A roof with one slope requires more serious insulation than, since there is not such a large space under it that creates an air gap. Without arranging reliable thermal insulation in the summer months attic space will be very hot, and in winter it will cool down, and in both cases, transferring the temperature to the house. However, if you correctly calculate and carry out the installation of all elements, then this disadvantage can be avoided.
    • If the overlap is done immediately under the roof, arranged at a small angle, then the house loses not only the upper air gap, but also the attic, which means that it is possible to arrange an additional room - this can be considered the second design flaw. But, if the attic space is planned a little differently, then this drawback can be dealt with.

    • Another disadvantage of a shed roof applies only to a structure with a slight slope of 5-10º - this is a poor descent of snow masses from it. So, with a large accumulation of snow, the roof will have to be cleaned manually or a heated roof system should be made using a heating cable.

    Prices for heating cable and accessories

    Heating cable and accessories

    Video: a small country house with a pitched roof

    Calculation of the design of a pitched roof

    If a decision is made to arrange a shed roof, then first you need to make calculations and make sure that they are correct, having personally seen the preliminary result in the drawing. Only in this case, you can get exactly the option that is ideal for a particular building and its residents.

    In order to draw up such a scheme, you need to define the following parameters:

    • The total width of the building and the length of the spans between the bearing walls.
    • Estimated slope angle.
    • The total length of the roof.
    • Desired roofing material.
    • Height and width of load-bearing walls.

    If the roof is planned for country house or, then it is enough to make the front wall of the building slightly higher than the back one to a certain height in order to bring out the angle of the slope.

    - It will depend on the internal distance between the walls how much the rafters should be strengthened, and how many beams will be required.

    - Before completing the drawing, it is necessary to decide whether it is planned to arrange a living room in the attic room - the angle of inclination of the slope and the height of the gable being built will depend on this decision.

    - Also, the angle will depend on how far the trump is planned to be taken out to to the roof in front and behind the building.

    - In addition, you need to decide on the location of the veranda or terrace, since the roof can also cover it in front or behind the house.

    - The above factors directly affect the length, and the total length of the building - on their number.

    - The rafters are laid across the building at a distance of 500 to 800 mm from each other. The wider the building, the longer and more massive the rafters should be. Their cross section varies from 80 × 150 mm and above. For example, if the rafters are fixed over a span of 6-7 meters, then the size in the cross section of the rafters must be at least 110 × 200 mm.

    - For the manufacture of rafters, high-quality, well-dried lumber is selected that does not have cracks and large knots, especially in the areas of their connection with other parts. made of thick boards or timber.

    - When the length of the blanks is not enough due to the large width of the building, they have to be joined. The connection of two parts of the rafter into a single piece is recommended to be placed on the support beams or, if they consist of boards, one of them should overlap the other by at least 500 mm.

    - Sometimes the rafters are even made up of three parts. In this case, the central part of the rafter extends to the extreme also at a distance of 500 mm.

    - So that over time the rafters do not sag, they are propped up and fixed with various elements of the truss system - struts, crossbars and racks. Such additional details used in the event that the width of the span exceeds a distance of 5 meters.

    The cross-sectional dimensions of these reinforcing elements must be at least 50 × 100 mm, and for gaskets and beds - 100 × 150 mm.

    - With a span length of 12 m, a rack must be installed in the middle of the floor beam, which also serves to support the rafter leg.

    - If the length between opposite walls exceeds 12 m, then, in addition to the rack, additional rafter legs are installed - they will stiffen the flooring.

    - With a distance between the bearing walls of 15 meters or more, there should be at least two racks, and each of the rafter legs is installed as close as possible to the middle of the span of the rafters between the gable wall and prop-rack. Additionally, in the center of the structure, the racks are fastened together with a grappling bar - this distance should be one third of the width of the building.

    - At whatever angle the shed roof is arranged, the rafters are laid on, fixed on the walls and on the pediment.

    The diagrams show options for supports in truss systems, with spans of various sizes between the walls. They can be easily navigated by drawing up a project diagram for a particular building.

    The roof drawing should contain all the necessary information about all the dimensions of the structural elements and the distances between them. Having such a scheme at hand, it will be easy to do work, so the drawing must be drawn up very carefully and accurately.

    Calculation of the angle of the roof slope

    • It is calculated based on the fact that the roof has the shape of a triangle, in which one corner is always right. This angle is formed by the legs of the floor beams and the gable part of the structure, and the rafters in this figure play the role of the hypotenuse.

    In the figure shown, the following conventions:

    Lc- the length of the rafter leg;

    Lbc- the height of the pediment from the floor beams to the intersection with the roof plane;

    Lsd- the width of the house;

    BUT- selected or calculated angle of inclination of the slope.

    If you remember the basic school course of trigonometry and arm yourself with a calculator, then it will not be difficult to calculate all the parameters of the future roof, based on the initial values. It is easy to measure the width of the building, and either the desired height of the pediment or the selected angle of the roof slope can act as the second parameter.

    So, if the width of the building and the planned height of the pediment are taken as the basis, then the slope angle is easy to calculate with the formula:

    TgA = Lbc : Lsd

    If the selected angle of the roof slope is taken as the basis for the calculations, then the height of the pediment will be equal to:

    Lbc =TgA× Lsd

    Lc \u003d Lsd: CosBUT

    At the same time, we do not forget that the length of the rafter, calculated in this way, is only up to the intersection with the plane of the walls, without taking into account the canopies from the front and back of the building.

    • The slope of the slope angle is selected depending on some criteria, one of which is the selected type of roofing material, since for each of them it is recommended to choose a specific value or parameter that is as close as possible to it, for example:

    - Decking requires a slope of at least 8º.

    - When using metal tiles, you can make a roof with a slope of 30º.

    - For slate, an angle of 20-30 ° is well suited.

    - For rolled roofing materials, such as roofing material, as well as other soft roof the slope angle of the ramp is recommended from 5-7 °, but not less.

    If the roof does not have a heating system, and the building is located in a region where a large amount of precipitation falls in winter, then the best option there will be a shed roof, arranged at an angle of 40-45 °, no matter what roofing material it is covered with.

    In addition to the above data, you need to understand what types of truss systems are.

    Types of truss systems on a pitched roof

    When arranging a shed roof, it can be performed in one of three options, the choice of which depends on the type and size of the structure:

    • The hanging system is installed in rare cases when there are no capital partitions between the main load-bearing walls. During the construction of such a roof, for the convenience of work, temporary flooring from boards is laid on the floor beams. On this basis, the truss system trusses are assembled. To hanging system was reliable, the parallel walls on which the floor beams will be laid should be brought to the same height. If necessary, this type of construction is used in houses built from any types of materials used in construction.

    If a room is planned in the attic, then ventilation is arranged as for a living space.

    If the structure will only serve as an attic, then ventilation should be enhanced, since the room will not be heated. In this case, ventilation must function effectively so that moisture does not accumulate here and dampness and mold do not occur, which will eventually appear in the house.

    • Layered truss systems are distinguished by the fact that they are installed in buildings with internal capital partitions, which become additional supports for floor beams.

    In layered systems, the rafters are installed rigidly on the gable wall, on which in advance installed Mauerlat, and their lower edge can be fixed both hard and on sliding mounts. Such shed roof structures are mainly covered with brick or stone houses.

    For rigidity of the structure, additional spacers are installed. There are several systems for their installation, depending on how much free space should be in the attic, the angle of the slope and the massiveness of the rafters.

    • The sliding rafter system is mainly used for log cabins, as it avoids deformation of the roof structure if the house shrinks. When constructing this type of roof, the rafters are rigidly fixed on the gable wall, on the Mauerlat, and their lower part is attached to the Mauerlat with exclusively sliding fasteners, which, when the walls of the house vibrate, allow the rafters to take a comfortable position.

    Shed roof installation

    Having specified in all the necessary nuances, having made calculations, drawing up a drawing of the roof and purchasing required for work materials, you can proceed with the installation of the structure.

    • To make work easier and safer, the building must be immediately covered with beams attic floor. They are laid on strips of waterproofing made of roofing felt, laid on the walls. The beams are placed at the same distance from each other as the rafters will be installed in the future - it usually ranges from 500 to 800 mm.

    Bar prices

    • On the rear lower wall of the building, along its entire length, a Mauerlat from a massive bar is laid on top of the floor beams.
    • Further, flooring from boards should be laid on the beams - it will be safe to walk on it and it will be more convenient to continue the construction of the structure.

    • The next step is the construction of the gable wall, it is built from the same material as the entire building, or from another, lighter one. For example, if the building is built of brick, then the pediment can be raised from bars and boards.
    • Floor beams, previously covered with waterproofing, are embedded in the wall. The pediment is raised to the height provided in the drawing.
    • On the gable wall, as well as on the opposite wall, a Mauerlat beam is fixed.
    • Next, markings are made on the lower wall, and fasteners for installing rafters are screwed.
    • On the rafters, for their rigid fastening, according to the drawing, grooves are cut out with which they will be put on on Mauerlat on on the top wall and on the bottom, if provided.

    • Then they are fixed with the help of special corners and fasteners. On the pediment, the rafters are screwed rigidly, while on the lower Mauerlat they can be installed in sliding fasteners, depending on the type of construction chosen.

    • There is a sequence of cutting rafters: first, the extreme elements of the entire rafter system are installed, then a cord is pulled along them, which will become a level for the rest of the details. The distance betweenrafters must match distance between floor beams.
    • Installed rafters for stability are connected to floor beams with racks, struts and other elements discussed above. They are fastened with metal brackets and corners, which adds rigidity to the structure.

    If it is necessary to extend the rafters beyond the level of the walls, “fillies” are mounted to them
    • If it was supposed to extend the roof for a terrace or veranda, then remote boards, which are called "fillies", are additionally attached to the rafters.

    Video: the process of building a sloped pitched roof

    Prices for various types of fasteners for rafters

    Fasteners for rafters

    After the installation of the truss system is completed, it is necessary to move on to insulation measures, since a shed roof especially needs thermal insulation, even if an ordinary attic is located under the roof.

    Suitable for this , descriptions of which can be found on our website by clicking on the link.

    The device of the lathing under the roof or the continuous roof sheathing is carried out taking into account the selected roofing material - for each of them there is proprietary technology similar works.

    Video: solid sheathing of a pitched garage roof with boards

    The construction of any roof is a responsible and time-consuming process, and due to work at height, it is also quite dangerous. Therefore, having no experience in the building trade, it is better to entrust the installation to craftsmen who know their business, since an unsuccessfully built foundation for a roof threatens that the walls of the house will also be subject to deformation.

    6 main types of truss systems

    A photo Name Rating Price

    ⭐ 100 / 100

    Hip rafter system ⭐ 100 / 100

    ⭐ 100 / 100

    ⭐ 99 / 100

    ⭐ 99 / 100

    ⭐ 98 / 100

    Gable truss systems are the most popular for one-story private houses. They look neat, fit well into any style of construction, are reliable and can be used, depending on the angle of their slope, for arranging an attic under living rooms, utility rooms, or simply to create an air gap that retains heat in the building.

    • high reliability;
    • simplicity of design;
    • a gable roof with an angle of inclination of more than 50 degrees is practically not afraid of snow drifts; a large snow cap will not form on it.
    • Hip rafter system
      • for buildings with hipped roof gables are not provided, which greatly reduces the consumption of materials and work for the construction of gables and filing overhangs;
      • a roof of this type has excellent aerodynamic properties, it is not afraid of strong winds, and the design features will not allow precipitation to enter the attic;
      • the surface of such a roof is heated by the sun's rays from several sides at once; on sunny days, the room under an uninsulated roof will be warmer;
      • the slopes of such a roof are located at a certain angle, which contributes to the removal of rainwater and melting snow from the roof.
      • a hipped roof is quite difficult to design and build;
      • the construction of this roof is replete with a large number of connections, beams and rafters, it is necessary to strictly monitor the reliability of all nodes and connections in order to avoid loss of rigidity and shape of the plane during the construction of the roof;
      • a large waste when using most roofing (especially metal tiles).

      Broken lines are called attic truss systems, which are used in cases where it is planned to attic space equip the living space, as this design forms the most spacious area of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture rooms. Each of the two slopes of the broken truss system consists of two planes - the top and the side.

      • additional living space;
      • an attic is cheaper than building a full-fledged second floor or expanding the perimeter of housing;
      • appearance of a private house broken roof wins over the classic gable roof.
      • the inability to create a spacious room in the attic, because the height of the walls is limited by the roof;
      • heat and waterproofing will be carried out using more complex techniques and using special materials;
      • skylights increase the requirements for roofing and accumulate more snow on them.

      A multi-pitched truss system can be called the most complex of all existing ones, since it often includes different forms of roofs - it can be gable and single-pitched, tent, hip or half-hip in various combinations. A similar option is chosen for houses with a complex internal layout, and they are last years is getting bigger.

      • reliable, durable and strong design;
      • due to the large slope of the roof, the risk of stagnation of melt water and precipitation is reduced to zero;
      • blends perfectly with any architectural form;
      • the presence of a balanced truss system.
      • the complexity of the installation work;
      • device a large number valleys;
      • high consumption of building and roofing materials;
      • complex care and maintenance of the structure.

      Hip roofs have four slopes, and the gable sides have a triangular gentle shape, and the side slopes of the structure are trapezoidal. It is the triangular slope that is called the hip - it joins the trapezoidal plane at a certain angle.

      • not subject to deformation;
      • snow does not linger;
      • it will perfectly withstand strong winds, for regions where hurricanes and tornadoes are not uncommon - a big plus;
      • places eaves overhangs are less damaged.
      • has a higher cost than a gable;
      • the design turns out to be complex, usually the construction hip roof trust specialists, and this is again an additional cost;
      • to equip an attic under a hip roof is a difficult task, often simply unsolvable.

      As you can already understand from the name, this roof has one slope, located under a slope. If the building is small in size and is completely built of brick or concrete, then the rafters of the structure are laid on the front load-bearing high and on the back low wall. If the distance between the facade of the building and the back wall is six meters or more, then retaining posts are installed between the front and back walls.

      • profitability (almost double savings in sawn and roofing materials compared to a gable roof);
      • low weight of the roof (makes it possible to erect it on buildings with a lightweight foundation without the use of lifting equipment);
      • the possibility of arranging a pitched roof on large houses;
      • maintainability (ease of movement on the roof, especially at small angles of inclination);
      • high dependence on snow loads(requires correct calculations of sections of structural elements during design);
      • reinforced heat and waterproofing of the roof (important at small angles of inclination);
      • unsightly appearance, which requires heightened attention to quality facade works and the use of modern roofing materials.

    We will send the material to you by e-mail

    When choosing a simple structure for the roof of a residential, utility or any other object, as well as an extension to the main building, the most advantageous is a shed. It is built quite simply, undemanding to the type of foundation due to the small load, and will also easily fit into the estimate of any budget project. Do-it-yourself shed roof is built step by step in the shortest possible time even by one person without involving additional equipment or people. The design has increased functionality and reliability.

    The most common scope of shed roofs is baths and outbuildings.

    In order to understand whether it is worth making a choice in favor of a shed roof, it is worth evaluating what advantages will be obtained and minimizing the impact of disadvantages. Benefits include the following criteria:

    • Economy in terms of financial costs not only for building materials, but also for strengthening walls to increase their resistance to compressive and tensile stresses.
    • The simplicity of design will allow even non-specialists to build roofs of this type and at the same time receive optimal timing their operation, as well as the absence of any maintenance requirements.
    • Possibility with panoramic view.
    • Reduced windage of the roof in the presence of predominantly directed winds and the choice of the correct location of the slope of the slope.
    • High maintainability due to the simplicity of the design of the truss system and battens.
    • It is allowed to use any roofing materials when choosing right angles tilt.

    A do-it-yourself shed roof built step by step also has a number of disadvantages: it does not withstand significant loads during heavy snowfalls, it does not have an entirely aesthetic appearance, and it also does not hold the roofing material during strong gusts of wind from the side opposite the angle of inclination of the slope. In fact, for competent designers, these shortcomings are not so significant and, if necessary, they can easily be turned into advantages. So, for example, so that the roof does not fall off, it is enough to plant trees on the site or build a higher building next to it. To improve the aesthetics of the perception of a shed roof, it is enough to go for a trick and implement a project with multi-level slopes of the slopes on two opposite sides of the house.

    Useful information! Shed roof does not allow to equip the attic. This fact must be taken into account when planning the roof.

    Preparatory work

    Do-it-yourself pitched roof is built step by step only after preparatory work. The service life of the structure depends entirely on their thoughtfulness. First of all, this concerns the correct planning of the roof and the selection of materials.

    How to make a shed roof?

    For a shed roof, the angle of inclination is the main criterion for its reliability. On the one hand, the larger the angle, the more efficiently the precipitation is removed, and on the other hand, it is the main element that must withstand gusts of wind. In severe winters with a significant amount of precipitation, a thick layer of ice and snow forms on the roof, which can create loads that exceed the allowable ones, as a result of which the roof can deform and break through. That is, the angle of inclination of the slope along this criterion should be based on the characteristics of the climate.

    Attention! The angle of inclination of the roof should be directed towards the largest wind flows in order to reduce the resistance of the structure to them.

    Another factor that influences the slope of a roof is the roofing material, which can vary in roughness or strength. Qualitatively, its applicability for roofing can be divided by the angles of inclination:

    • When the slope is up to 10 0, it is allowed to use only roll materials which have a flat and relatively smooth surface. These include roofing material, shingles, etc.
    • With a slope of 10 0 to 20 0, it is possible to use corrugated materials, such as slate, metal profile or ondulin.
    • When the slope is 28 0 - 35 0, smooth metal roofing sheets, joined in a folded way.
    • Tilt angles 25 0 -35 0 are suitable for laying metal or ceramic tiles.

    Important information! Larger angles of inclination than 35 0 are not recommended due to increased resistance to air flow and deterioration of streamlining, which is fraught with a breakdown of the roofing material.

    The device and construction of a shed roof

    The device of shed roofs is quite simple and includes the following nodes:

    • Rafter system. Designed to absorb the main load of the roof and distribute it evenly along the entire area of ​​the walls of the object. Usually it is made of wooden beams with a cross section of 50x100 mm, depending on the roof area and the number of supporting elements.
    • insulating layers. They are laid between the rafters and fixed to the crate and sheathing with inside building. Their role is to ensure maximum protection of the object and load-bearing structural elements from moisture or freezing.
    • Lathing. Designed to secure the roofing material and provide sufficient bearing capacity to support its own weight and various anticipated loads. The material for its manufacture can be MDF panels, edged and unedged boards. The choice is made in accordance with the type of roofing material.
    • Roofing material. Allows you to provide excellent aesthetic properties of the roof, as well as protect it from precipitation.

    Related article:

    Types of roof supports

    The support for the roof is selected based on the mass of the structure and the characteristics of the roofing material. There are the following types of supports:

    • Layered. They are additional structural elements, which are installed evenly along the length of the slope in the inner part of the roof.

    • Hanging. The simplest fastening scheme, based on only two supports located above the walls of the building.

    • Sliding. Fastening to the walls is carried out on a special structure based on the Mauerlat (strapping).

    Is it necessary to provide ventilation of the under-roof space?

    In some structures, the requirements of the roofing material and the object under construction, due to the peculiarities of its operating conditions, create the need to ensure ventilation of the roof. A striking example is the bath, where the temperature difference between the interior and the external environment is more than 100 ° C. The main goal is to get rid of the formation of condensate and damage to the main elements. For the roof, it is necessary to provide a gap on the gables between the coating, the roof and the truss system.

    Creating a drawing

    Before creating a drawing, it is necessary to measure the wall framing, if this has not been done before. After that, taking into account the specific features of the object, as well as the selected design parameters, a calculation should be performed optimal parameters slope angle.

    The optimal distance between the rafters should be 1-1.5 m. The lathing step is selected based on the requirements for laying roofing material. Taking into account all the data, a drawing is created, and then the number of building materials that need to be purchased is calculated. Additionally, it is recommended to make a stock of materials in the amount of 10-15% of the total.

    List of required tools

    Carrying out construction work will require the use of a number of tools that must be prepared in advance so as not to interrupt the installation. Therefore, before making the main structural elements and building a pitched roof, you need to prepare the following tools:

    • screwdriver for comfortable connection of structural elements;
    • pencil or marker for marking;
    • building level to adjust the position of parts of the roof;
    • stapler for attaching waterproofing;
    • hammer for driving nails;
    • saw for sawing rafters and battens to the required dimensions;
    • measuring tape;
    • plumb line to control the vertical position.

    Do-it-yourself shed roof step by step - description of the stages of work

    After carrying out a number of preparatory work, you need to proceed with the installation. The installation steps are as follows: installation of rafters, laying lathing, flooring insulating materials and main roof. Each stage must be thought out in advance: all the necessary tools and some of the materials are raised to the roof for easy access to them. With this approach, there will be no downtime and delays, which will guarantee the completion of work on time.

    Installation of the truss system

    The device of the shed roof truss system is relatively simple and does not require experience in this type of work or special knowledge. However, it is important to follow the sequence of installation steps.

    In accordance with the drawing, we saw on the ground wooden beams 150x150 mm to the required dimensions before lifting them onto the roof. Then be sure to treat them with antiseptics and apply protective layer. If this is not done, then insects or other pests can start in the wood, which will violate the strength of the structure and will have to be replaced.

    Important! All wooden beams and boards must be dried natural way and have a humidity level of no more than 10%. Otherwise, there is a high probability of deformation of the supporting structure with all the ensuing consequences.

    From the side opposite to the angle of inclination of the slope, we install support posts, which are otherwise called gable. At the same stage, additional supports should be installed, if they are provided for by the design. They are in most cases ordinary spacers. The interval between them for the installation of tiles is more than 3 m, and for profile sheets - more than 6 m.

    Attention! When installing a shed roof step by step with your own hands, it is imperative to check the verticality of the racks, since even the minimum angle of their inclination can reduce the strength of the structure to a level below the minimum calculated one, which will lead to unpredictable consequences.

    We install the prepared beams on a wooden strapping or Mauerlat with fastening "in the paw", "in the bowl" or on steel pins. For the first two options, you will need to make the corresponding cuts of the Mauerlat and rafters at the points of their contact. To do this, mark the point of contact with a marker, and then saw off the corner with a saw to a depth of no more than 30% of the height of the rafter. Additionally, it is necessary to install special steel brackets to increase the strength of the rafters or anchor.

    The installation interval of the rafters is determined by the weight of the roofing material. You should focus on the following values:

    Useful information! All rafters must be laid in the same plane without distortions to ensure reliable contact of the crate with them.

    Related article:

    Laying insulating layers

    Do-it-yourself insulation during the installation of a shed roof is mandatory step by step for those buildings that are planned to be operated in the winter, in order to increase their energy efficiency. To fix the thermal insulation from the side of the premises, you will have to sheath the rafters MDF boards or boards with a thickness of 10 mm or more butt. In some cases, it is allowed to lay drywall sheets with a vapor barrier film to protect it from condensate.

    The vapor barrier layer is overlapped at a distance of 15-20 cm with the obligatory gluing of the butt joints with special adhesive tape. At the points of contact with the extreme rafters, they are laid on a vertical surface to ensure maximum protection against moisture.

    The next step is the laying of thermal insulation material. Do-it-yourself installation of a shed roof step by step, it is recommended to use mineral wool materials, polystyrene foam or polystyrene as a heater. An important point when laying them is to ensure tight contact with the rafters without the slightest gaps. A gap of 1 mm in size and 10 cm long is capable of providing heat losses of several kilowatts, depending on the ambient temperature.

    Useful information! Shed roof can be insulated with any heat-insulating material. The choice should be made on the basis of its effectiveness, cost and ease of installation.

    On top of the insulation, laying a waterproofing film is required. The method of its installation is similar to the installation of a vapor barrier. However, there is a significant nuance - the connecting seams must necessarily fall on the rafters, and the fastening should be carried out on steel brackets using construction stapler in increments of 10-15 cm.

    1 - rafter; 2 - counter rail; 3 - waterproofing film; 4 - vertical crate; 5 - horizontal obreshetina; 7 - vapor barrier film; 8 - waterproofing seam.

    Installation of batten and roofing material

    At step by step do-it-yourself installation of a shed roof under soft and rolled roofing materials, the crate should be installed in the form of a continuous layer. In all other cases, boards are laid under the crate with an interval of 50-80 cm. The thickness of the boards should be more than 20 mm, and the width should be from 10 cm. Fastening is carried out on nails or self-tapping screws to the rafter system. Then wind boards are installed, which will serve as a guide when laying the roofing material in terms of its alignment. However, this does not mean that it is not necessary to control the stacking of the row using a level. For convenience, two bars are stuffed from the two end parts of the slope at a distance of about 0.5 m from the wall and a thread is pulled over them. This will be the zero level at which you need to align the series.

    Roofing material is laid according to the appropriate technology. Installation starts from one of the corners of the slope and the entire roof is laid in order. The method of fastening is determined by the selected material.

    Useful information! For rigid sheet materials, fasteners are recommended to be placed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the corner in order to prevent damage or deformation.

    At the final stage, the end parts of the roof are sheathed in places where the slope is sloped.

    Despite their simple, uncomplicated design, shed roofs are in demand, rational, especially for country housing construction. Roofs with one slope are also widely used for arranging garages, adjoining buildings, and outbuildings. You will learn how to build a pitched roof with your own hands step by step below. Multi-pitched roof options are complex in design, and it is quite possible to make a single-pitched roof with your own hands, since it is, in fact, a rectangle that is located in one plane and has no bends. On a shed, by the way, you will need much less building materials than any other, it will be more resistant to seasonal manifestations (snow, wind, rain).

    Construction of a garage with a shed roof, photo:

    Benefits of a pitched roof:

    • light weight;
    • relatively acceptable total cost;
    • affordable, uncomplicated installation process;
    • the possibility of using various building materials ( roofing, rafters);
    • affordable arrangement drainage system, chimneys.

    Photo of a chicken coop with a range for chickens

    Despite its simplicity, a shed roof can be very creatively played up in design solutions. The angle of its slope directly depends on climatic features the region where you live. If you are accustomed to snowy winters, then the degree of inclination should be greater (so that the snow slides off better), but if your house is located in a windy place, then the slope should be made smaller. For the same reasons, the slope of the roof should be directed in the opposite direction from the facade, so that the precipitation "leaves" behind the house.

    The shed roof is of ventilated and non-ventilated type. The first option is used for residential buildings, the slope varies from 8 to 25 degrees. In such cases, air exchange is provided by an insulating layer and special openings located on the sides of the roof.

    Outbuilding - garage and shed

    The non-ventilated version is often installed in garages, sheds, outbuildings to the house, their slope angle is mostly small - 3-6 degrees.

    House with a shed roof - the choice of roofing material

    The calculation of a schematic drawing of a future home begins with determining the required angle of inclination and a suitable covering material for the roof. Most often, for such shed structures, corrugated board, metal profile, roofing material, tile, slate, metal tile or ondulin are used. Soft tiled or ruberoid coating is best suited for very small slopes - from 5 to 10 degrees. Slate with corrugated board is more suitable for "average" indicators of the angle of inclination - from 20 to 30 degrees. For metal tiles, a slope of at least 35 degrees is required.

    The choice of roofing material is determined by its ability to interact with atmospheric precipitation and remove them from the surface in a timely manner. For example, snow comes off much easier from slate, corrugated board, tiles.

    How to make a shed roof?

    To build a shed type roof with your own hands, you will need a standard set of construction tools, necessary building materials. Wood materials (lumber) must be of good quality with a maximum moisture content of 22%. All wooden materials recommended to pre-treat antiseptics(for example, from the series "Drevoteks").

    In addition to everything, you should have fasteners in stock: crossbars, struts, struts.

    A crossbar is a horizontal piece that acts as a support for load-bearing structures, it distributes the load of the rafters to other beams.

    Spacers - a type of supports that are located in the spans, provide greater stability to the entire structure.

    Struts are beams that act as supports for the truss system.

    Shed house extension

    Shed roof, photo:

    You must have:

    • wooden beam with a section of 100 × 150 mm;
    • laying boards (thickness at least 5 cm);
    • rafter nails;
    • thermal insulation materials;
    • waterproofing materials;
    • construction tape;
    • tools (axe, saw, hammer, special knife, plumb line, screwdriver, tape measure, construction stapler, level).

    The truss system will depend entirely on the size of the future house and building material from which the walls were built. The rafters are always installed on the Mauerlat, if the building is small and the span does not exceed 4.5 meters, then the scheme of the shed roof truss system will be extremely simple. It will consist of the main Mauerlat beam and truss support. If the dimensions of the building are not small, but the span is more than 6 meters, then installing reinforcing rafter legs with your own hands is simply necessary.

    Scheme of the truss system

    Rafters must be installed in accordance with building regulations so that after several years of operation the consequences do not appear. Do not forget about safety rules - install reliable, strong temporary boards on the rafters, on which you will move during the construction process.

    Photo installation of rafters

    The workflow includes the following steps:

    • Laying cross rafters. They are attached to the Mauerlat. This is the basis - what the whole emphasis of the rafter system is on. The distance between the rafters is approximately 60-80 cm. Here you will need large nails (or anchors).
    • A crate is attached to the rafters (it is made of wooden slats 50 by 50 cm), it provides rigidity, the roofing material is laid directly on it. The crate is placed at a right angle.
    • Using a construction stapler, waterproofing material is attached to the crate (ordinary polyethylene film is suitable for this purpose). Fastening is carried out without tension, but with an overlap from the bottom up.
    • The turn of thermal insulation follows (for example: mineral wool, fiberglass, balsam mats).
    • Laying roofing material according to its individual characteristics.

    Do-it-yourself pitched roof

    Consider step by step the entire construction process:

    • Since the mauerlat is a support for the entire system, its main function is to ensure that the total weight of the roof is equally distributed evenly on the main load-bearing parts of the structure. For these purposes, you need to choose a beam of at least 10 × 10 cm, which is installed directly on the load-bearing walls. There should be a layer of roofing material between the wall masonry and the timber. The larger the slope angle, the thicker the Mauerlat beam should be.
      Do-it-yourself installation of the Mauerlat must be taken responsibly, be sure to use the building level (horizontal requirements must be met). The shed roof device involves fastening the timber to the walls with the help of anchor bolts, the distance between them should be about a meter and a half.

    • Now comes the turn of laying the rafter boards. Make sure that the length of the board is more than the span of the roof by about half a meter.
      The distance between these boards depends on the severity of the covering material, if sheet options are provided, then 150 cm will be enough. If you are going to lay slate or tiles with your own hands, then it is better to choose a step of 100-120 cm. It is best to lay the board upside down. This will give additional strength to the entire structure. The rafters for a shed roof must be cut into the Mauerlat beam along the entire length. When you mark the insertion points with a pencil (recommended for novice builders), make sure that the future groove is slightly wider than the thickness of the board. The slope of the slot cut is responsible for what the degree of inclination will be.

    • One of the most milestones is the installation of rafters in grooves.
      All boards must be installed in the same way, under the same slope. For your convenience, it would be better to initially put two rafters at the beginning and at the end of the wall, and then stretch the twine between them. Thus, you will get an accurate guideline, and the process itself will go much easier. To fasten the timber and rafters, use large nails (from 12 cm or more). The end of the rafter board (legs - a construction term) is attached with one side to the edge of the wall, and the other is fixed with a vertical beam. All rafter legs must be the same in terms of slope, height, direction.

    • If you have a large house and the distance between the spans exceeds 4-4.5 meters, then you need to install additional supporting beams (struts) under each rafter. With the use of this construction method, the entire roof, the truss system as a whole, will be strengthened.
    • Boards are laid step by step on the rafters, and on them vapor barrier material. It is placed across the rafters. The film does not need to be stretched, but the strips should overlap (10-15 cm). Where the fragments will join, for reliability it is better to use construction tape (glue the strips together).

    • We lay the insulation on the waterproofing film. When laying there should not be any cracks, gaps. The thickness of the insulation should be at least 20 cm. This is followed by the turn of the waterproofing layer, but there should be some space between it and the insulation. To provide a gap, small wooden bars between them. The waterproofing layer is attached with a construction stapler.
    • A crate is laid on the resulting “pie”. As mentioned above, slats or bars 50 by 50 are used for its manufacture, they are mounted across the rafters. Arrange as you like - a continuous canvas or at intervals.

    Roof lathing with a solid canvas, photo

    After the lathing, the final roofing is laid, its installation is carried out according to individual building features.

    Qualitatively laid, fixed rafters do not bend under a weight of 70-100 kg. If this fact was discovered during installation, then it is necessary to reinforce the frame.

    The technology of laying the layers of the "pie" may vary due to certain circumstances, have some additions. Sometimes, for greater reliability, the waterproofing layer is re-placed on top of the insulation. This will not make it worse, but in all cases it should be given Special attention mount.

    Attach film to wooden elements construction is best with flat-head nails or a construction stapler, the step frequency should be 15-20 cm.

    One of the most important points is to secure the edges of the waterproofing material. It is brought under the roof overhang, the residual length must be at least 20 cm, after which it is nailed from below or, again, passed with a stapler.

    Best to take wooden lath and knock it out with appropriate nails (in increments of 10-15 cm) - this is the so-called "folk" method of arranging a pitched roof. Thus, you will be sure that air currents will not penetrate under the waterproofing film, will not cause large-scale damage when strong winds invade.

    Errors fixing the edges of the garage roof, photo

    In the photo above, the edges (overhang) of the roof were not securely fixed. In strong winds, the metal profile sheet, together with waterproofing film, like a light rag, was easily thrown aside.

    Shed roof - extension to the house

    Garage as an outbuilding

    For garages, sheds, bathhouses, gazebos, this type of roof is most convenient. The shed roof structure provides a number of advantages for so-called auxiliary buildings.

    Fastening the truss frame to the wall of the house

    If we consider the extension step by step, it will become clear that its roof is adjacent to the wall of a residential building. Thus, its truss system is arranged separately from the house. The lower ends of the rafters are located on the front wall of the extension, but the upper ends are attached to the building itself. Here it is very important to ensure the proper connection of the truss frame of the extension and the main wall of the house. It is also undesirable to use too rigid fasteners, because the rate of shrinkage of the house and the attached building can be different. Because of this difference, cracks in the walls can then form.

    In this case, it will be most convenient to lay the beams on a timber frame that is adjacent to the house (attached to the wall). And the very place (seam) between the timber and the wall should be filled with polyurethane sealant. It is necessary to lay roofing material on the roof of the extension with an overlap, and also to start at the junction under the covering of the house. This must be done in order to precipitation did not seep through the junction. Usually, a similar roofing material is used on the roof of the house and extension - for aesthetic reasons.

    If you decide to build a barn with a shed roof, then the arrangement roofing system will not differ significantly from the above-described phased construction method.

    It happens that sheds are built from timber. In such cases, the top of the log house acts as a Mauerlat. Otherwise, there are no significant differences in the truss system of shed roofs of different buildings.

    Video how to quickly make a simple winter pen for horses:

    A shed roof for a garage is made using a similar method.

    If the walls of the garage are built of brick, then the edges of the beams, rafter boards are embedded in the niches equipped for this. They are made in advance in the walls and negotiated at the design stages of the building. Wooden fragments are recommended to be wrapped with a waterproofing coating before being buried in these niches. In this case, the interval of the rafters is 60-70 cm. facade wall garage - high. From it there is a slope down to the back of the building, entrance gate are located in it. The roof should protrude 30-40 cm from the wall, form a small overhang.

    Taking into account the above information, it becomes clear that this version of the roof is practical, functional, structurally simple. A do-it-yourself shed roof can withstand powerful wind and snow loads. Such a roof will be warm, thanks to small area for air penetration. If you did everything right, then it will faithfully serve you for more than a dozen years.