What pets can you earn. Notes of a successful farmer: what animals are profitable to breed

Against the backdrop of new restrictions on the import of imported products, business ideas related to animal husbandry are becoming especially relevant, because the demand for local products is growing. Even for comparatively small area you can create conditions for breeding different animals and birds.

It is better to focus on those types of businesses that provide something other than meat. So, chickens will carry eggs, cows and goats - give milk, sheep - wool. One animal will be able to generate income for many years.

However, for breeding animals need enough high costs both money and time. Equipment of premises, purchase or preparation of feed, services of veterinarians - unfortunately, all this is not free. And if you want to expand and, for example, create your own chain of stores, you will have to draw up a lot of documents and obtain licenses. Therefore, experienced specialists advise to pay attention to simpler and more profitable options.

Half the kingdom for ... breed?

Pedigree animals are expensive, so the business of selling animals will always be relevant. This trend has existed for more than a century and, perhaps, will always be relevant.

What animals are profitable to breed for business? The most simple and unpretentious in this regard are domestic four-legged friends: cats and dogs.

A thoroughbred kitten or puppy with a good pedigree can cost up to 3-4 thousand dollars!

Of course, everywhere there are "pitfalls": it happens that the entire litter is born defective, then you will not receive the expected profit.

As an alternative, you can consider breeding and raising for sale other thoroughbred animals - horses, rabbits, sheep, etc.

Making money on the production of food for dogs and cats

It is believed that the profitability of such a business is on average 15-20% - and this, you see, is a very good indicator. Animal feed is a business that will always be relevant, because Russians already spend more than $1 billion every year on treats for our smaller brothers.

75-80% of owners who prefer ready-to-eat feeds buy economy-class dry food.

Equipment for making pet food is expensive - from $25,000 and up. But the production process itself is quite simple. Can be used as a raw material bone meal, cereals, corn, milk powder, meat preparations and other products. The higher quality ingredients you use, the more expensive the packaging will cost.

On average, an animal feed business can bring in about $600-800 per 1 ton of "snacks".

  • Sewing houses to order - a cute and cozy home business

If you want your business to be related to animals, but there is no start-up capital, you can pay attention to more simple ideas that do not require large investments. Soft, cozy, multi-colored houses for cats and dogs are assembled very quickly, and it is most convenient to sell them using your own website or group on social networks.

  • Mini-hotels and "nursing homes" for animals

Unfortunately, it happens that the owner is forced to leave his pet - for example, leaving on vacation or a long business trip. There will not always be acquaintances who will agree to take the animal to themselves or come several times a day to feed and walk it. And the best option at such moments - contact a special pet hotel, where for a certain fee the pet can stay for a while. They communicate with cats and dogs, regularly feed, care for, walk, and if necessary, there is always an experienced veterinarian nearby.

A pet hotel is a business that is extremely in demand in almost any city.

Like hotels for people, they can be of different "stars", with different rooms - from ordinary to luxury.

According to the same scheme, you can organize a “nursing home” for animals - for those owners who, according to different reasons can no longer take care of their pet. For an adequate fee, such people will be able to give the pet the opportunity to meet old age in a quiet place, with a guarantee of care and treatment, and the opportunity to visit their pet. You can regularly post fresh photos of "oldies" and relevant information about them on the site.

Animal shop

One of the most profitable animal related business options is, of course, owning your own pet shop. Almost every owner chooses “his” store, which he returns to regularly - for food, shampoos, collars, tray fillers, toys, etc.

In full-cycle pet stores, you can buy both the animals themselves and accessories for their care, and in the service ones, only accessories.

In order for such a business to generate income, you need to carefully analyze the market and draw up a competent business plan. Be sure to come up with "lure" for customers - promotions, gifts, discounts.

A wide assortment, friendly service, convenient location, professional advice - all this will allow you to gain the trust of people who, in turn, will start the effect " word of mouth and bring you new customers.

Equestrian club is a business that is pleasant to do

Thinking about what kind of animals it is profitable to breed for business, for some reason many people forget about noble horses. If you do not have a soul in these amazing creatures, you can easily turn your passion into a source of income and open your own riding school.

Renting one stallion costs around 1000-1500 rubles per hour, and if a person wants an instructor to work with him, then another 2000-2500 rubles will have to be paid for training.

It is important to create the necessary conditions: a spacious stable, a parade ground for walking horses, outbuildings for storing tools and feed, a variety of care products. Plus - an "office" room for employees, where they can sit and relax, fill out paperwork, etc.

An interesting option is the possibility of renting a horse for a long time. That is, for a fee, a person becomes a temporary “owner” of an animal: he can freely visit him, take pictures, care for him, feed him. Such "tenants" usually receive an additional discount on riding lessons. This approach allows not only to acquire regular customers, but also significantly reduce the cost of maintaining horses.

The majority of analysts dealing with promising areas commercial activities, believe that animal breeding as a business is practically win-win generating income for people who truly love pets.

Their confidence is based on the following factors:

    Representatives of the middle class and more affluent people always keep some kind of animal at home, except in situations where this is physically impossible (for example, if the nature of the work of family members does not allow them to be at home every day or their health interferes).

    AT modern society where the main goal of a young man or girl is work, career, money, situations very often happen when people get all this, but remain lonely, and this is reflected in the psyche, mood, behavior, etc. In such situations, any living being can help.

    Some young couples get pets to test how difficult it is to take care of them (testing stage for new moms and dads).

As you can see, the main condition for the development of a promising business is 100% fulfilled: you will not have problems selling pets, given the number of representatives of the target audience, that is, potential clients. Let us consider in detail all the nuances of this area of ​​​​commercial activity, which will help you make your own decision on the possibility of organizing your own pet breeding business.

The main advantages of this business

In most cases, pet breeding as a business is different than any other business. entrepreneurial activity. You can safely combine your main job with taking care of pets (on initial stage). In addition, this activity does not attract the attention of the tax authorities, many animal lovers have been engaged in this activity for decades without registering with government bodies. After all, no one will prove that you have raised wonderful thoroughbred puppies in order to earn money.

You just love dogs very much, and they live according to the laws of nature, wonderful puppies were born, which means they need to be sold, since keeping a dozen dogs in an apartment is not normal. The next advantages of this activity are the absence of the need to hire staff and invest huge financial resources in business development. Of course, if you decide to start breeding exotic animals, then you will have decent costs, but all this is a penny when compared, for example, with the acquisition production line for the production of natural juices.

Breeding elite breeds of horses and other expensive animals is a separate topic, which, in its specificity, has many differences from all the pets considered in this article. Among start-up entrepreneurs, there are hardly any people who can pay 300-400 thousand dollars for a pair of horses.

Only those people who have two main qualities can be engaged in the presented direction of commercial activity: they love animals very much and have the necessary commercial streak.

Analysis of breeding of individual animal species

Let us consider in more detail what animal breeding represents as a business at home. Let's start with the most mysterious and enigmatic creatures that Ancient Egypt were considered sacred. Cats are creatures that live their own lives, they never show their affection for the owner, they are the most independent representatives among all pets. Scientists argue that every cat or cat that lives with people in an apartment, a private house, consider themselves the main ones, and all family members surrounding them are considered as attendants.

Being engaged in breeding cats, you should follow, first of all, the purity of the breed, the timely conduct of all necessary procedures(vaccinations) and the availability of documentation that confirms the pedigree, purity of the breed, etc. Practice shows that breeding cats of inexpensive breeds is absolutely a waste of time. What's the point of wasting your time on a kitten that costs $50 if you get 10-30 times more with the same care for a representative of an elite breed.

The purchase and sale of cats is carried out with the obligatory conclusion of an appropriate agreement, which considers all possible force majeure (for example, at some point the buyer will see defects that are unusual for this breed). In the same way, you need to pay attention to all the little things and fix everything in the contract if you are a buyer of expensive breeds of kittens. This business(breeding cats) can bring its organizer up to 10 thousand dollars a year.

Breeding decorative rabbits, although not as popular as the "cat theme", but also allows you to earn up to 5-8 thousand dollars a year. Note! We are talking about decorative little animals that live in an apartment, they are not a source of bad smell and are not meant to be eaten! The main problem in this segment of the animal breeding business is finding effective vaccinations. Otherwise, rabbits do not cause any inconvenience.

In order to breed dogs, it is advisable to have your own house in the private sector. Even small puppies require a certain amount of space that you cannot provide them in a two-room or three-room apartment. Another feature of dogs is that they perfectly feel the attitude of their owners towards them. Being engaged in this business, one cannot even think of them as an object of profit.

Many owners become attached to puppies, and after the sale they do not find a place for themselves for a long time, considering themselves a traitor in relation to a friend. If there are small children in the family, and you yourself know that you will worry for a long time after the sale, it is better not to even start this activity.

Breeding parrots - promising business, but it requires certain knowledge and skills. There are situations when parrots do not want to breed in captivity, before buying a certain kind these birds, you need to without fail clarify such details.

Considering the breeding of exotic animals as a business, one must not only treat our smaller brothers with love, but also have the appropriate training. You must know well the habits of these animals, their habits, daily routine, etc. Even before you decide to invest your savings in this business, you need to read as many books about exotic animals as possible. For example, the popular spiders of the last few years end their sexual "games" with the female killing the (already unnecessary) male. Such an ugly and ignoble act on the part of the "lady" can seriously hit your business.

If you are determined to start breeding pets, your knowledge in this direction should be at its best. high level. In addition, you will have to study the diseases and methods of treating pets, be able to give injections, determine the right dosage of drugs, etc.


Many rural residents believe that raising domestic animals as a business refers primarily to their traditional understanding of pigs, cows, goats, ducks, geese, etc. Indeed, this is also a serious area of ​​commercial activity, but it belongs to a different category. In this case, you will need to register your farming in public institutions, pay the appropriate fee to the budget, and then - taxes and fees, hire people, etc. In addition, only a person who, from the very beginning, can organize a profitable farm early childhood worked in this direction.

A city dweller who has never pastured or milked cows is unlikely to be able to set up a profitable farm. In addition, this area of ​​commercial activity is not focused on selling the offspring of your pets, but on the production of meat, meat and dairy products, skins, etc. That is, one cannot compare the activities of a resident big city, who in his apartment allocated one room for growing parrots and the work of a farmer who does his business around the clock.

Summing up the presented article, we can say that animal breeding in our country, as a business, has good prospects, the main thing is to love this business and be well versed in all the nuances of growing, feeding and breeding your pets.

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Breeding pets is a promising and fast-paying business area. Begin with not big investments and minimum experience. At the first stages, unpretentious animals are brought in: chickens, turkeys, rabbits. As knowledge expands, they accumulate, and farmers begin to breed more exotic animals - indoutas, nutrias, ostriches.

Animal husbandry as a business from scratch: main advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of animal husbandry as a business:

  • high demand for environmentally friendly products;
  • quick payback, profitability;
  • it is not necessary to hire staff and bear the expenses necessary when running another type of business;
  • starting capital from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Animal breeding as a business from scratch has one major drawback:

  • lack of active inflow of money immediately after the creation of the business.

To determine the shortcomings, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of animals. Individuals can be highly productive and unproductive, egg-laying and not able to rush well, disease-prone and disease-resistant.

Popular types of animal breeding business

- the most popular and profitable branch of animal husbandry. Pork is a popular meat. The demand for environmentally friendly products is growing, so pig farming is very popular. The payback period for the business is 2-2.5 years. Pigs in short time gain weight, multiply rapidly. Their meat is delicious and nutritious.

profitable and fast payback. Goat milk is successfully used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Milk is a tasty and nutritious product with a low calorie content, hypoallergenic, recommended for use during a diet and for children. Also in the process of breeding these animals get soft wool and meat.

Before organizing animal husbandry as a business from scratch, it is necessary to consider (draw up) a business plan, assess profitability, demand and competition. Competition in the goat breeding business is low, and goat milk, wool, and meat are in demand. From here it is possible to judge the profitability of the activity.

Bird breeding business- a profitable and promising type of activity. Demand for meat of chickens, ducks, turkeys is always high.

There are two lines of bird breeding business:

  • Raising chicks for further sale. They are hatched in an incubator and sold at the age of 3 days to 2-3 weeks.
  • Cultivation of chicks for sale of meat, eggs.

If you do not have experience in poultry farming, it is better to start with and. These birds are unpretentious, egg-laying and do not require special conditions of detention.

It quickly pays off, but it requires a lot of effort on the part of the entrepreneur, the creation of special conditions for keeping birds. Turkeys grow up to 20 kg, so market price one individual higher than chickens or ducks. In addition, poultry meat is less common commercially and highly valued.

Farmers with sufficient experience start,. Birds have high egg production and rarely get sick.

even farmers with no experience can do it. The fur and meat of these animals has high value, so the demand for products will be high. Rodents do not require special conditions of detention: it is enough to purchase cages, food. The rabbit breeding business is expanding rapidly, and new equipment has to be gradually purchased.

- a new direction that brings a stable income. The main consumers of products are pet shops, terrariums, zoos, pharmaceutical companies and people who want to go into the vermi business. Entrepreneurship requires minimum investment and is suitable for novice farmers with no experience in agriculture.

When implementing an animal breeding business, it is important to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In this case, you are eligible for a government grant to create Agriculture or funds for home improvement.

What animals to breed in your farm? This question worries me throughout my village life. It seems nothing complicated. But the question is on a different plane. Not just to breed animals, but what kind of animals is it profitable to breed in your own backyard? I dare to bring this question to the public discussion. I will try to express my point of view and listen to the opinions of respected readers who will give their helpful tips and give examples from their lives. I hope this will be useful for all beginners and experienced livestock breeders, residents of villages and villages.

What awaits us in 2016?

In order to correctly know which animals are profitable to breed on the farm, it is necessary to understand what awaits us, especially rural residents in 2016. What will be the changes in the country? What are the expected prices for grain, feed?

It is clear that the main cost of keeping animals in private backyards is their food. Especially if you have to constantly buy food. So what will be the prices for feed this year?

If you look at the statistics of grain prices over the past three years, you can come to a disappointing conclusion: prices only increase every year, their increase reaches 50-70%. I remember very well how in the spring of 2015 a local farmer tried to prove to me that it is very profitable to raise pigs. He argued that the price of wheat in the autumn would fall by half and the cost would be 2,500 rubles per ton. I didn't believe him. And one of my objections was that he personally would never lower the price, his conscience would not allow and would not let him do it, he would not be able to take it and part with the money just like that. For my reasons, the price should remain at the same level or rise significantly. Autumn came and I was right. The weather allowed to collect good harvest and at the exit we saw a significant price increase. Farmers will not work at a loss, it is not known what lies ahead for them. Now some numbers. The cost of wheat: 2014 - 5,000 rubles / ton, 2015 - 7,800 rubles / ton - 11,000 rubles / ton (different farmers set different price), March 2016, it is impossible to find cheaper than 11,000 rubles/ton. This example shows that the price of wheat has risen by more than 100% in a year. A similar increase can be seen in barley and other cereals. What about meat prices? I quote prices for the purchase of meat by buyers. Pork: 2014 - 180 rubles / kg, March 2016 - 145 rubles / kg. It turns out a very interesting situation. Animal feed is skyrocketing in price and the purchase price of meat is plummeting. And that is not all.

On the this moment pork is not possible to hand over even to the receivers. They don't take. Set up a queue for the delivery of meat. This news was shared with me yesterday by a neighbor. I wanted to hand over two pigs and they refused him, they said: "Wait." I decided to check his words. I called and for sure - it is problematic to hand over the meat now. They advised me to call back in two weeks. If the situation changes, the meat will be accepted. If not, you'll have to wait. in the markets ( knowledgeable people claim) the meat rows are overstocked with pork and beef, sales have plummeted. You begin to believe this when reading the conclusion made by the meat market experts of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR) - Russians began to abandon pork and beef in favor of cheap meat birds.

It's an amazing situation. Feed becomes more expensive, the purchase price falls, and at the same time, it is difficult to sell meat grown in your own backyard. How can one not think: what kind of animals is profitable to breed?

From April 01, 2016, an increase in excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel is established. This decision should lead to an increase in prices at gas stations. This means that the expenses of farmers for sowing and harvesting grain crops will increase.

Increase in prices for agricultural machinery. Since February 09, 2016, a recycling fee for agricultural machinery has appeared in Russia. This also includes trailers. The introduction of the fee leads to an increase in prices for new agricultural equipment by at least 10% and over 200% of the price of older equipment three years. Farmers who longed to buy new tractors and combines need to shell out more money. And where to get them? Correctly! Just increase the price of your product.

All of the above (I'll just keep silent about other problems) leads me to the conclusion that grain prices will rise in 2016. It is not yet known what adjustments and surprises the weather will bring.

This means: in your personal household it is necessary to breed animals that consume less grain crops and are less dependent on feed prices.

What animals on the farm consume less purchased feed?

Pigs and bulls immediately fall out of the list of intended animals for rearing due to significant costs and long feeding times, a decrease in the purchase price of meat and problems with its sale. Ducks fell out of the bird. There is no water source nearby. This bird also eats a lot.

Who stays?

Vietnamese pigs. Sources of information claim that these pigs, in addition to grain, consume: grass, hay, pumpkins, corn, squash, fodder beet and other feeds. There is one problem. There are no such pigs in our area. I have not heard from anyone that they were kept. This means that two problems will arise: where to find a wild boar (or you will have to buy your own), to whom to sell the meat. The meat of Vietnamese pigs is different from the usual, difficulties may arise with the implementation. For these reasons, this animal also disappears for breeding in my farm.

Sheep. Due to the lack of free pastures near the village (all the land is leased by farmers) and this animal is not possible to grow on my personal farmstead.

Somehow he very skillfully scattered all possible applicants for cultivation on his farm. Who remains? According to my own observations, goats and rabbits are suitable for personal farmsteads. The consumption of purchased feed is not significant. You can get by with personal harvesting of hay, branches, growing vegetables in the garden.

What do you think: what animals are currently profitable to breed? Whom to give preference to? Tell? The author of the article will be grateful for advice and tips.

People who live in the countryside or have land plot in the countryside, can build very profitable business associated with animal husbandry. Products home production will always be in demand among people, why not take advantage of this and earn? Only in this case it is important to figure out which animals are profitable to breed for business, so that it really brings a stable high income. In this article, we will consider all the features of animal husbandry as a business idea, and we will also tell you in detail which animals are profitable to breed at home in order to buy them.

Features of earning on the cultivation and breeding of animals

Before we list which animals can be bred at home for business, let's look at the features of making money on growing livestock:

  1. A novice livestock breeder must love animals, know the basics of veterinary business in order to understand what is happening with livestock, how to treat them, what to feed them and how to provide them with favorable living conditions;
  2. You will need special permission from local authorities to keep animals. To do this, you will have to contact the local government with a business plan for the future business. If you want to make money from fur farming, then before deciding which animals are profitable to breed, study legislative framework this side of the issue;
  3. Select young and healthy animals that you decide to breed. In order not to waste money, it is recommended to immediately contact professionals who, according to appearance will be able to quickly determine whether the animal in his hands is healthy or not;
  4. It is advisable to purchase animals for breeding on a farm. In such institutions you will be given everything Required documents for each individual;
  5. Make sure that the place where the animals will live meets their needs. They must have open access to fresh air, daylight. They also need to build not only cages and stalls, but also a place for walking. Please note that the livestock habitat needs to be heated during the cold season;
  6. Once you have decided which animal business is profitable, think about where you will sell them and the products you can get from them in order to avoid the many problems that can arise as a result. To do this, study the situation in the countryside where you want to engage in animal husbandry in order to be prepared for difficulties and competition;
  7. Think not only about what animals can be bred, but also about who will eventually look after them, because this is very painstaking work. You are unlikely to be able to work on your own farm, so you need to pre-select the staff who will work for you. This question must be taken as seriously as the study of what kind of domestic animals are raised in our area;
  8. Please note that in addition to animals, you will also need to purchase special equipment that will make life easier for you and your work staff. For example, it can be automatic drinkers, milking machines.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a business

A novice entrepreneur who decides to connect his life with farming needs to know not only which pets are profitable to breed, but also what advantages and disadvantages this business has:

To the main positive moments animal husbandry in the village include:

  • Ability to work continuously fresh air, and this is not only a great benefit for human health, but also an increase in efficiency;
  • Family members of the livestock breeder and his entire family receive an automatic opportunity to eat organic products;
  • Animal husbandry is a unique chance to run a family business that can be inherited by children and grandchildren. Each family member can perform a certain amount of work on your farm, and this is not only profitable (everyone will work), but also efficient - you do not have to worry about the quality of the work performed by your employees;
  • Each entrepreneur can independently decide which animals can be bred at home, taking into account their financial capabilities;
  • When registering a business related to farming, the tax office always provides benefits during registration. If you have a small farm, then you generally do not have to register your business and pay taxes. This fact sometimes plays a decisive role in choosing which animals are best bred at home;
  • Very often, farmers are given the opportunity to participate in government livestock support programs. This will allow you to save a lot of personal money and at the same time improve your home farm.

Now let's look at the cons, which you should definitely find out about before deciding which animals are profitable to breed in the village:

  • Animal husbandry is a field of entrepreneurial activity that requires very large investments to start, because you need to buy not only animals and equipment for work, 50% of the costs are the purchase of livestock feed, which should be nutritious and rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • In the first six months or even a year, livestock business does not bring any income to the entrepreneur. There will be only one cost. Therefore, if you are thinking about what kind of animals it is profitable to breed for sale, stock up on funds for the first time so that you and your family can live in peace without needs;
  • Losses may occur quite by accident due to some natural features. This may also be climatic conditions, and harmful insects which negatively affect the health of animals. Therefore, before engaging in this business, carefully study what animals are raised in Russia, taking into account the climatic features of this country and the region in which you want to breed livestock;
  • A person who is engaged in animal husbandry cannot have weekends and holidays. He needs to be on the farm from early morning until late at night to care for the animals and monitor their well-being;
  • Very often, the livestock breeder makes a profit only in certain time year, such as summer and spring. The rest of the time he just has to spend money. In order to avoid the need to get into debt and need something, you need to learn how to properly manage the money you earn so that they are enough for everything. Be sure to study what animals are bred in Russia in order to receive year-round profit;
  • Banks are constantly refusing to lend to farms, because this type of business is among the risky ones. So don't waste your time trying to get money from public or private financial institution and learn how to properly budget;
  • Selling animals or animal-derived products is very difficult. Dealers do not agree to favorable prices for farmers, and it is often necessary to sell meat and other food for next to nothing.

Knowing all these features, each person can seriously engage in animal husbandry, and in the future become a successful and wealthy person.

What animals are profitable to breed?

We have studied in detail what animals are raised in our area, and we have compiled a rating that you can use when deciding which pets are profitable to breed for business:


Growing chickens (geese and ducks can also be successfully bred according to the same principle). This type of farming is very profitable. To keep such birds, you just need:

  1. Build a chicken coop (it can be made from anything, as long as the birds in it are warm and comfortable);
  2. Buy chickens (among them there should be future laying hens and roosters so that the farmer has the opportunity to sell eggs and expand the farm);
  3. Bird food (this should be grain products, but you can also give them table scraps and grass).


In order to breed them, you must:

  1. Buy two rabbits and one rabbit, which breed well in a short period of time;
  2. Build spacious wooden cages for rabbits, equip them with feeders and drinkers;
  3. Buy dry food for rabbits and hay (you can not buy it in summer, as rabbits eat ordinary grass well).

Alternatively, decorative rabbits can also be further bred. Such animals are in great demand among urban residents. decorative rabbits start in an apartment or a private house as a pet.


Goat breeding as a business great option for those who in their life have never encountered livestock breeding. These are the animals that, in general, are not picky about care. They can eat ordinary grass and vegetable waste. Sometimes, of course, you need to add grain feed to their diet so that they grow not only fat, but also meat, which tastes like lamb meat.


It is better to buy a few small piglets and try to raise them for meat first. Although there should also be a sow, so that the farmer has the opportunity not only to sell meat, but also to be able to engage in pig breeding. After all, pork is a meat that is in great demand among the common population, the same applies to fat.


You can keep cows to sell milk and dairy products, but raising bulls for meat as a business is much more profitable, so be sure to get a few males. Beef is also in great demand among people.

How can you make money raising animals?

Now let's take a closer look at which pets are profitable to breed for sale, and which ones in order to sell the food they produce:

If you decide to raise cows, then know that they live for approximately 25-30 years. One adult cow will cost you 50,000 rubles. In order for the cowshed to bring good profit, you need to immediately buy at least 5 cows and 10 bulls. It will take you at least 250,000 rubles. For this number of animals, you need to build a spacious barn. It will cost 150 - 300 thousand rubles. Immediately need food for 15 individuals. It will take at least 70,000 rubles. If you take care of so many artiodactyls, then you can earn in this way:

  • Selling meat - 180-200 rubles for 1 kg (300 kg of meat can be sold per month);
  • Sell ​​milk - for 1 liter - 20 rubles (3 tons of milk can be sold per month);
  • Your monthly income will be approximately 300,000 rubles.

If you find it difficult to decide which animals to grow on the farm, purchase 100 goats for 20,000 rubles (this is their estimated market price). It will take the same amount of money to build a pen and purchase feed for a goat herd as for cows. As for income, you will receive it if you sell:

  • Milk (for 1 liter of goat's milk you can get 30-40 rubles);
  • Wool (choose those breeds of goats from which you can get cashmere);
  • Meat is sold at the same price as pork (there may be a difference of 200-300 rubles in favor of pork).

On breeding goats, you can earn about 300 - 350,000 rubles per month.

We will give you one more recommendation on which farm animals it is profitable to breed. It is very profitable to buy sheep. They live an average of 25 years. One individual costs 3500-5000 rubles. To get a quick profit, you need to immediately buy 1000 sheep. Provide animals with a spacious pen and quality feed. Sheep eat grass, hay and feed. On these animals you can earn in this way:

  • On the sale of meat per year, you can earn 500,000 rubles (1 kg is sold at a price of 100 rubles);
  • For the sale of wool (including smushka and sheepskin) - 100,000 rubles;
  • For the sale of dairy products - 200,000 rubles;
  • On the sale of the sheep themselves - 500,000 rubles.

Another profitable option what animals to breed for business is raising pigs. They live 25 years. One individual costs 3500-5000 rubles. Immediately you need to buy about 15 individuals, among which there should be a sow that will bring you offspring. If you organize everything correctly, although this is quite a laborious job, then you can earn decent money:

  • Almost 2,000,000 rubles on the sale of meat (if you can sell meat at 200 rubles per 1 kg from the offspring per year, which will be 60 piglets);
  • The sale of fat is almost 1 million rubles a year.

Given that a lot of money is spent on keeping pigs, the net income from pig breeding will be 2 million rubles a year.

Business Profitability

As we mentioned above, every entrepreneur who decides to start farming will be able to return the investment only after a couple of years. Although there are cases when it turned out to be profitable in a shorter period of time. In general, it should be noted that the profitability of animal husbandry determines the cost of feed. If you are looking at options from this point of view, which animals are more profitable to raise, then pigs will definitely not suit you, because they are expensive to maintain. It is best in this case to breed rabbits or chickens.

When choosing livestock for breeding, do not be guided by the principle of "what is cheaper." Choose those individuals for whom you will not have a feeling of disgust. You will need to love your work and future farm, and take care of it.

Conclusions and advice

In this article, we took a closer look at what kind of pets are raised in Russia in order to build a profitable and successful business. Whichever option we have listed you choose, you need to clearly understand that animals are creatures that need to be looked after. They need to give all their time and energy. In fact, you have to devote your whole life to the farm, its improvement. This business must be approached not only responsibly, but also with love.

We also note that animal husbandry is an area for entrepreneurial activity, in which there is practically no competition, it has not yet been fully mastered by man. You will have the opportunity to grow and develop. In the future, if the business develops successfully, you will be able to open several farms, hire people who will do all the dirty work for you. The main thing in this business is not to stop and work hard to achieve success. The lazy have no place in the livestock business, this is an area for people who are ready to sacrifice their time, personal benefits for the sake of animals.