How to make paths from wood cuts. Do-it-yourself path made from wood cuts or lumber. Design options for garden paths. Paths made from wood cuts - stages of construction

From the visual, aesthetic side, everything is clear. Wooden paths have many advantages. What about practical point vision? How long will the tree last? How to make a path, what needs to be taken into account and why? Let's find out in the article.

The tree is certainly a very beautiful natural building material. But due to its naturalness, it requires proper protection and processing.

What are the advantages of a wooden path made from saw cuts?

  • Making a path from wooden saw cuts yourself is quite simple; there is no need to seek professional help.
  • Wooden path - an eco-friendly item landscape design
  • Beautiful and unique appearance
  • Spent cuts can be used for compost, resulting in a “waste-free” production
  • A path made from wooden saw cuts can be easily repaired. It is enough to replace the pothole with a new round timber.

Now, as for the disadvantages of a path made from wooden saw cuts

  • After rain, wooden decks become slippery. True, there are special means to get rid of slipping.
  • Wood requires periodic processing protective compounds, because they are sensitive to temperature changes and moisture.

Step-by-step instructions for a wooden path made from saw cuts

Step 1: Preparing wood cuts

As a rule, wood has different properties in terms of resistance to moisture, strength, hardness, and so on. It is best to choose for the path hard rocks wood For example, such as aspen, oak, beech, elm, walnut, larch, ash. These breeds will last the longest. Pine is also a good option, but it will last a little less.

However, paths are usually made from what is available. It all depends on your desires and capabilities.

To begin with, we will need, in fact, the cuts themselves. You can purchase ready-made ones, or you can, if possible, cut the log yourself.

We need cuts about 10-15 cm high, but no less. A thin saw cut will not be securely fixed in the sand and will “walk.” Make sure the cuts are the same thickness.

Next, the cuts need to be impregnated protective equipment. Such as bitumen, drying oil, . What you usually use. Do not neglect treatment with protective compounds. Soon, without impregnation, the wood will begin to rot, will be susceptible to attacks and will bring you many unpleasant “surprises”. After processing, the saw cuts must be thoroughly dried.

Step 2: Marking the space for the path

The width of the path depends on your desire, but you should not make it narrower than 35 centimeters; it will be more uncomfortable to walk on such a narrow path.

Step 3: Trench for the walkway

We lay plastic film or any other suitable waterproofing material at the bottom of the trench. Pour crushed stone on top of the film, in a layer 3-5 centimeters high. Compact the crushed stone thoroughly (gravel can be used) and level it.

Step 4: Framing with a border

This step is optional. Depends on whether you need a curb or not. Some people think that without a curb, the path seems not fully completed. And some people think that the curb spoils the look of the natural path. In general, it's up to you.

You can use logs to frame a wooden path, wooden blocks, sheet iron, brick or wooden chibouks, sawn lengthwise.

Step 5: Sand Pad

We have already completed the first layer of the “cushion” by filling the trench with crushed stone or gravel (see step 3). Now add sand as the second layer of the pillow and water it with water. This way the sand will be compacted better.

Step 6: Wood Saws

Now we lay down the wooden cuts. It's up to your imagination. You can lay the cuts any way you want, at any distance, in any pattern, and so on. The main thing is that you need to “drown” the saw cuts well into the sand, not forgetting to level the path.

You can add soil between the cuts and sow lawn grass, For example. Plant flowers along the edge of the path. Any options of your imagination. And the wooden path is ready!

All buildings and structures (gazebo, terrace, swimming pool, greenhouse, vegetable garden and different elements landscape design) on a dacha or personal plot are connected through paths.

What kind of path to make, or rather, from what material, everyone decides for himself; specifically, within the framework of this article, we will consider making a garden path from chopped tree rings.

Among all the options (from boards, timber, panels, garden parquet, branches and bamboo), one of the most accessible in terms of material and the most complex in terms of design is paths made from wood cuts. The material is structured according to the principle step-by-step instructions so that anyone can build such a path with their own hands.

A path made from wooden saw cuts can be called differently: from slices, stumps (die, block, stump, log, ends of logs), but the construction method will be identical.

Garden paths from cut wood - step by step guide

For work you will need materials and tools:

  1. Wood cuts (cuts)
  2. Rolled waterproofing or geotextile (geofabric)
  3. Sand, pebbles, gravel, water
  4. Level
  5. Hammer (preferably a mallet)
  6. Hand chainsaw
  7. Shovel, buckets, brushes

Step 1 - preparing wooden cuts

You need to start working with preliminary preparation cuts (sections) of wood. Then they will be ready just in time for installation.

When choosing wood, you need to take into account how long the path is expected to be used and what load it will bear. When arranging garden paths from wood cuts at the dacha, it is better to give preference to hard types of wood. So, for example, oak will last you about ten years, pine - no more than seven. And larch is practically indestructible and will delight you for more than a quarter of a century.

But, most often, blanks for the path are made from those species that are available. It all depends on the budget; saw cuts from poplar will cost much less than from oak or larch.

To prepare the cut, you need to cut the log into pieces 150-200 mm high.

The rule that works here is larger diameter logs, the greater the cutting height should be. And of course, the height of all blanks should be approximately the same.

If the thickness of the cut is less than 100 mm, there is a high probability that it will not be fixed in the ground and may “pop out” when pressed.

To extend the life of the saw cut, it must be cleared of bark. Because it is the bark that will begin to peel off first.

In addition, it is better to avoid using saw cuts that have cracks. They will begin to deteriorate first and very quickly, and the crack may increase under the influence of loads on it.

The cut also needs to be pre-treated. The most common treatment is drying oil.

To do this, it is heated to a boiling point and the saw cut is coated completely. Please note that this work is dangerous, so it is better to buy special antiseptic solutions that will provide both moisture protection and biosecurity. The saw cut should remain in this solution from two hours to two days.

To further protect the wood from rotting, the bottom of the round timber must additionally be treated with bitumen. You can age wood using a solution copper sulfate.

The processed saw cut must be dried thoroughly.

Step 2 - marking the path

The difficulty of this step is in determining optimal sizes tracks - 350 mm, sufficient width for one person to move freely. As well as its route - to ensure access to all required facilities.

Step 3 - preparing the base

In order for wooden garden paths to serve you as long as possible and be safe, they need to be securely fixed.

To do this, you need to dig a trench along the marked route of the future path. Its depth depends on the length of the hemp (cut) plus 50-100 mm. (depending on the type of soil and the expected load on the path).

The width of the trench is equal to the desired width of the path.

A waterproofing film is laid at the bottom of the trench (you can use polyethylene film used for greenhouses or geofabric).

Gravel or small crushed stone is poured on top of the film. This drainage is necessary to protect the wood from moisture. The height of the first layer of the pillow is equal to half of the required height (25-50 mm). It is important to compact it well.

The sand and crushed stone bed must be leveled using building level. This will significantly save time and effort when laying cuts.

Step 4 - installing curbs for paths (edges)

If a curb is provided, then they must be installed before installing the cuts.

Stones, bricks, sheet iron, wooden blocks or long logs can be used as border material.

But, in order not to disturb the harmony of the garden path, chibouks sawn lengthwise are used.

Step 5 - pouring the second layer of sand cushion

Sand is used as the second layer. The total height of the pillow is 50-100 mm.

To compact the sand well, a technique such as pouring water on it is used.

Material prepared for the website

Step 6 - diagram of laying wood cuts

The order in which the wood cuts are installed is not of fundamental importance. The formation of the pattern depends on the preferences of the owner.

It can be positioned so that there is as little space as possible between the cuts. Or, on the contrary, you can place them widely.

The main thing at this stage is to slightly “drown” the cut (compact) and also level them.

Step 7 - decorative design of a garden path from wood cuts

The space between the cuts can be filled with sand or soil mixed with seeds of ground cover plants.

Leave the saw cuts themselves in their original form or paint them with bright colors.

You can more clearly show how to make paths from wood cuts using a cross-sectional drawing of a path.

Caring for wooden paths

So that a DIY garden path made from wood cuts does not lose its quality over time. original appearance, she needs constant care.

To do this, you need to clean the cuts once a year with a metal scraper, treat them with an antiseptic and apply a special protective coating, drying oil or paint.

When you make a path, set aside a few cuts in reserve so that they can be replaced in the future. individual elements in the process of renovation. In order to reduce the sliding effect after rain, do not heavily polish the ends of the logs before installation.

If you are interested in the process of making a path from wood cuts - a video illustrating how to make it yourself

Garden paths made from wood cuts - pros

  • cheapness;
  • high speed and ease of installation;
  • the ability to carry out the entire process independently;
  • do not accumulate moisture (do not create puddles);
  • have a natural look;
  • very repairable;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • the opportunity to make a unique garden path made of wood. After all, all cuts are different, which means that the design cannot be repeated;
  • the ability to use end-of-life logs as mulch or chop them up and add them to compost.

Country paths made from wood cuts - the cons

  • subject to rotting;
  • react to temperature changes;
  • require constant care;
  • become smaller after rain (evened out through the use of a special treatment compound).


Based on the above, it becomes clear how to make a path from wood cuts with your own hands, without resorting to excessive costs and outside help. Although, you shouldn’t rely too much on cheapness, even with self-production you'll have to spend some money, but this path is worth it

What could look more natural among blooming flower beds and a cozy garden than a path made from wood cuts? It is the naturalness of the material and its natural, but original appearance that determine the popularity of such paths in private areas.

Garden paths made from wood cuts: all the pros and cons

Paths are an integral part of any landscape design. The presence of paths in the garden allows you to move around without injuring the plants or getting your shoes dirty. The decorative role of paths is no less important than their functional purpose. With the help of properly selected materials for the path, you can emphasize the elements of a flowerbed or garden and even brighten up some of the imperfections of the area.

Selection of material for garden path must be done based on several factors: the material from which the house and main buildings are made, general style plot, garden, flower beds and other decorative elements. If the main buildings are made of brick or insulated modern materials(foam plastic, polystyrene foam), then paths laid out for this area are suitable paving slabs. And if there are elements such as a bathhouse made of timber or a wooden gazebo, then the paths to them can be made from wood cuts.

A path made from wood cuts has a number of positive and negative aspects that you should familiarize yourself with before you start sawing trees on the site.


  • environmental friendliness is one of the main advantages of wooden paths. That's all today more people strives to furnish his home in an eco-style, so wood is becoming increasingly popular;
  • availability. Cuttings are practically waste; they can be cut from trees and branches cut down on the site or bought as firewood for the winter;
  • originality. Pattern on saw cuts different trees is different, and you will never get two identical paths, so your neighbor will not have the same path as yours;
  • ease of use. Won't be needed here special tools or skills, such as working with paving slabs.

Don't forget about the disadvantages:

  • fragility is a significant drawback. Exposed to environmental factors: rots, burns, insects infest the tree;
  • specifics of application. Paths made from saw cuts do not always fit harmoniously into overall design plot.

Path made from wood cuts: preparatory process

The production of the path is carried out in two stages: preparation of the cuts and their laying. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the presence of cuts. The easiest way is to buy ready-made circles. You can buy “raw” blanks - just straight cuts, or you can immediately buy impregnated ones by special means from rotting, fungus, etc. The second purchase will cost more, but the circles will be ready for installation.

More economical option– make the cuts yourself. To do this you will need an electric or chainsaw. The cuts must be made at the same height (10–12 cm), for this you can make a template or make pre-markings along the log. It is necessary to cut cuts from both the tree trunk and its branches. The result should be circles of various diameters (7–45 cm), the number of which will depend on the length and width of the future path.

To make cuts of the same height, you can use a rail with a jumper at a height corresponding to the height of the circles (10–12 cm).

To make saw cuts, you can use soft and hard types of wood. Deciduous wood is the strongest and most durable: oak cuts will last 8–10 years, aspen and alder – 5–7 years. There will be pine too good option and will last up to 6 years. Saw cuts can even be made from timber. For these purposes, it is better to choose asymmetrical thick timber(for example, 15x25 cm).

When making a path from wood cuts with your own hands, you need to remember special treatment tree antiseptics, which will protect the material from insects, rot and fungi. Wood can also be treated aqueous solution copper sulfate (10%) or hot drying oil. After impregnation, the saw cuts should dry well.

Next, dry saw cuts need to be covered with waterproofing. This can be done using molten bitumen. For this procedure you will need bitumen (preferably in briquettes), a metal container (for example, a bucket) and a couple of bricks for an improvised fireplace. You should only dip circles into molten bitumen bottom side, which will be laid on the ground. After this, the cuts also need to be thoroughly dried.

Step-by-step diagram of laying a path from wood cuts with your own hands

The most crucial and final moment has arrived - laying the path from the prepared cuts. You need to start this process by marking the area, i.e. you should choose where the path will go, how long and wide it will be. It is also necessary to prepare tools and materials so that they are at hand at the right time, and then follow the installation diagram.

Laying a path from wood cuts with your own hands - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Preparing the Trench

The first step is to dig a trench along the intended contour with a depth of 20–25 cm and a width corresponding to the width of the future path. Markings for the path can be done using pegs and a thread stretched across them.

Step 2: Waterproofing

To ensure that the tree interacts less with the ground, you need to ensure there is a layer of waterproofing. As a material for insulation from moisture, you can choose geotextiles or dense plastic film, which are placed at the bottom of the pit.

Step 3: Installation of a drainage system

Drainage is necessary to drain rainwater, which will protect the wood from rotting. For drainage, you can use crushed stone of the middle fraction. Crushed stone is poured to the bottom, slightly moistened with water and thoroughly compacted. The drainage layer should be 10–15 cm.

Roads are an important element of any terrain. They must be comfortable and reliable. But if in ancient times such coatings were looked at solely from the standpoint of their effectiveness, then modern stage The aesthetic side must also be taken into account.

Path on a summer cottage

A path can be made on a summer cottage. At the same time, it must be not only durable, but also attractive, so that walking on it is pleasant. Everyone would like to come to their garden and take a break from the bustle of the city and everyday life, and be closer to nature. And a path made from tree cuts will help with this. It won’t be possible to make it yourself a lot of work. And the result is worth it.

Wood, sand, natural stones, earth with small pebbles - all these options can evoke a variety of associations. Therefore, their use when creating tracks is viewed differently. We should consider in more detail what wood is in terms of formation. What needs to be done to make a path from tree cuts with your own hands? What nuances will need to be taken into account in this matter?

Is the option really that banal?

It is not for nothing that at the present stage the most popular path option is the one that involves the use of saw cuts. Naturally, there will always be people who will talk about the banality of such a design. After all, such material has been used for a long time. Accordingly, everyone has an idea of ​​what such a site design is. But if you take a closer look at this option, the feeling of its hackneyedness will immediately disappear.

A DIY path made from tree cuts can become a real masterpiece. garden art, since her external design will fully depend on indicators such as the size of the material, relative position components, wood color. They will help give the picture completeness additional elements. In other words, it may turn out completely different from what you imagined. There are simply a huge number of design options. Let's consider what a DIY project can look like, taking into account all the recommendations.

Some track options

By choosing components of the same size and color, you can get a monochromatic composition. The elements in this situation should be arranged in several rows. You can also set a random order by placing them close together. The larger the diameter of the cuts, the larger the gap between the components of the track will become. To fill it, you can use shavings, gravel or lawn grass.

The dynamism of the path will be given by saw cuts of different calibers. They will enliven the design of the site. Have you decided to use these additional materials for filling gaps like gravel and crushed stone? You can use one is enough original version registration Lay the cuts one after another. In this case, a direct or winding path. Everything will depend on preference. By making a small distance between the main components, you can get a steep path. By trimming the elements, you will get a continuous line.

Paths can be made from boards

When creating paths from wood, you can use not only saw cuts. Put the boards to use. This material must be laid as a continuous flooring. This can be done both along and across. The edges of the boards can be trimmed a little. In this case, they will get a tortuous shape. However, this can be achieved without the trimming procedure. You just need to arrange the boards in a special way.

Using wood, you can achieve the effect of parquet. The path in such a situation will look great if it is supplemented with gravel or crushed stone. The first version of the material can be used in situations where the main elements are located at large distances from each other. Wooden paths can be supplemented not only with gravel. For these purposes, you can use pebbles or other filling.

If after all of the above you are interested in a similar design garden plot, then we should talk about how to create this beauty with your own hands.

What should you consider?

It is known that such a design can be damaged due to moisture and temperature changes. How to prevent the destruction of saw cuts? When erecting buildings made of wood, the factor of humidity and temperature fluctuations must always be taken into account. This is especially true for paths, since saw cuts and boards must lie directly on the ground. And the rate of decay only increases from this. All this will be discussed in more detail below.

Wood processing

Tree cuts can be purchased in specialized stores. Such material will already be processed special compounds, protecting wood from fungi, pests, and also from rotting. But you can take a different path. In order to make a path from a cut tree, it is not necessary to buy the main element in the store.

Purchase or find logs, use a chainsaw and cut the cuts. Their thickness can reach 15 cm. After this, the material will need to be processed independently using a 10% solution of copper sulfate. Instead, you can use an antiseptic substance that was developed specifically for wood.

After the treated saw cuts have dried, it is worth using bitumen, having previously melted it in any metal container. You need to dip the saw cut into this substance in the place that will be located in the soil. After this, the material must be given some time to dry. After completing all the procedures described above, you will receive a cut of wood ready for installation. Its price will be low compared to purchased material.

Creating a track

How to make a path? It is necessary to mark the place with pegs and a rope, dig a trench, the depth of which should reach 30 cm. The bottom will need to be covered with geotextiles. After this, we pour crushed stone into the trench. The layer of this material should reach 10 cm. You will need to lay sand on top of it, compacting it thoroughly and periodically watering it with water. The cuts must be laid on the lining obtained as a result of all the above steps. The space between them will need to be filled with earth. You can sow grass or pour gravel into it.

To make from tree cuts, you can use larch. This best option, as it is characterized by high strength and durability. You can also use oak cuts. The durability of this material reaches 15 years. Aspen and pine have a shorter life span. However, they are also a good option. A cut that has been damaged either during installation or after a few years can always be replaced. Accordingly, you need to stock up on this material immediately, with a reserve, so as not to waste time on its production later.


In this review, we talked about how to make a path on a site using a familiar material - wood cuts. With their help you can achieve original and interesting design plot. Therefore, if you have time and desire, then you should start acting in this direction. And after a while there will be a beautiful and well-groomed path in your garden, pleasing with its appearance.

Landscaping of the garden area includes the creation of paths. Markings for unhindered movement around the site can be different - in the form of crooked paths or solid paths designed from wood cuts.

Such paths perform not only a decorative role, but also a functional one. After all, you won’t be moving around the site, jumping from flowerbed to flowerbed - it won’t damage the plants for long, and besides, such movement is inconvenient.

From this article you will learn how to create a garden path or path from wood cuts with your own hands - with photos and examples good options for the site.

Advantages and Disadvantages

If every little detail is thought out in the design of a personal plot, the work of the owners of the plot becomes much easier. For example, when it’s time to harvest the crops: how can you move around the site without damaging nearby crops and plantings if there are no paths?

DIY path made from wood cuts. photo

They can be designed from various materials, but it is important to take into account what raw materials it is made from country house And outbuildings, and take into account the features of the style chosen for landscape design. Guided by these points, you can begin to select materials.

Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of country paths designed from wood cuts.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • trees, large branches and firewood cut down during site clearing are affordable materials;
  • from various breeds wood you can make an unusual path. Each tree has its own unique pattern;
  • Paths made from wooden saw cuts are easy to lay; special tools and specialist services are not required. The task of laying paths is not difficult to cope with on your own;
  • such trails require minimal maintenance;
  • After heavy rainfall, water does not accumulate on the paths, and you can walk to the garden for harvesting without puddles.
Do-it-yourself wooden garden paths, photo

The disadvantages of such tracks include their short service life. The tree is natural material, it is subject to the process of rotting, so after some time the paths will require restoration.

Wood is prone to fire, and after rains such paths slip a lot, so you need to move along them with caution. To eliminate this drawback, the surface of the paths should be treated with coarse sandpaper.

Tools and materials for work

Despite the fact that the work associated with installing paths on a personal property is considered a simple task, it will be difficult to cope with this task alone.

Path made from wood cuts, photo

Before you start work, you need to prepare consumables. Paths can be created from simple stumps of small height, from dies, logs or end parts of logs.

So, you will need:

  • tree cuts;
  • level;
  • drying oil and brush;
  • mallet;
  • spatula and bucket;
  • sand and gravel;
  • water;
  • waterproofing material in rolls.

Having prepared everything that is required, you can begin the preparatory stage - prepare the wood, decide what your path will be like (determine the optimal shape and size.

Wood cuts for paths, photo

An important step is the choice of material to bring your idea to life.

Advice! Don't skimp and buy hardwood. For example, the service life of pine is about 7 years, oak is about 10, and the most durable hardwoods will last about 20-25 years. But if you couldn’t find the right species, you can use the wood that you have at your disposal, or the one that suits the price.

Regarding the cost of wood cuts, which are suitable material to create paths in the country, birch blanks are the cheapest - about 700 rubles. for 100 sq. m, the highest cost of saw cuts from hardwood is about 3,700 rubles.

Naturally, some sections will need to be updated in a few years, and maybe a complete rework of the path. Need for restoration work occurs approximately three years from the moment the path was laid, but the period again depends on the type of cut you have chosen. But all this is not so scary, because you will already have experience in designing trails, and in the future you will be able to take into account all the nuances and make a more durable path.

What else do you need to consider? First of all, the dimensions of all the parts separately. The maximum height of a wooden piece can reach 20 cm, but paths made from 10-centimeter saw cuts are not very suitable option, since they will not stay securely in the ground. Even with a slight load they will come out of line.

Garden paths made of wood, photo

It is recommended to choose cuts that are identical in width, but you need to adjust the height yourself. After completing the work, all you have to do is remove the bark from each cut. You need to get rid of it, because it does not adhere well to the tree and insects quickly appear in it; Because of this, wooden blanks rot.

Important! Inspect each of the cuts: it is important that the workpieces are solid and without damage. If at least one blank turns out to be poor quality, then there is a high probability of damage to the entire structure. Feel sorry for the work put into this matter!

Path made of wooden saw cuts, photo

Workpiece processing

Treating wooden blanks with drying oil will help extend the life of paths.

There is nothing difficult in this matter:

  1. Heat the drying oil, and as soon as it starts to boil, remove the container from the stove.
  2. All wooden surfaces should be soaked in heated drying oil - this will protect the workpiece from water and insects.
  3. Allow the saw cuts to dry completely, placing them in a place protected from moisture.
  4. After this, treat the area that is in the ground with bitumen. This measure will protect the wood from rotting. Thanks to this, the paths will last longer. long term. Treatment with bitumen is optional, but recommended.

Recommendation: if you want the path to look old, you can achieve this effect by treating wooden blanks with a solution prepared on the basis of copper sulfate. But keep in mind that after processing the shade of the wood will change slightly. In this situation, it is not difficult to achieve the perfect color of all cuts, due to which the path will look more harmonious in the landscape.

All processed workpieces should be dried and then taken to the next stage.

Wooden path. photo

Creating markup

It is best to draw up a diagram on a piece of paper, marking the locations of the paths, indicating their configuration, length and other parameters. If you find this difficult, just do the usual markings. Decide how many paths you want to create in your dacha.

If you are going to make just one path, you should think carefully about everything so that you can easily move around the site without bumping into obstacles in the form of beds. All buildings, including a country house, a shed, and a bathhouse, should be located at the same distance.

The optimal width of the path for summer cottage is 35 cm: in this case, one person will be able to move around it unhindered. But if there is enough space, increase this value by 15 cm. A path 50 cm wide will be more spacious and perfect for walking around the garden.

Paths at the dacha made of wood, photo

Everything has been thought out, the route has been determined - it’s time to start taking serious action. To make the markings you will need small wooden pegs. Place them at the beginning of the trail at a distance of 30 cm and at the end. Secure the pegs by driving them into the ground, and then stretch a thick thread or rope between them.

If the path is winding, then at each turn you need to drive in pegs for easier orientation and fulfillment of your plans.

Preparing the base

The materials have been prepared, the markings have been made, now you need to prepare a site for placing the pegs. One should be identical to the markings and dimensions of the future path.

Please note:

  1. Path parameters - the platform should not be more sizes paths (only when installing sides of 5-10 cm) or less.
  2. The depth of the marking should be equal to the length of the cuts plus 20 cm. This is enough for the path to withstand a certain load without changing the location of the parts.

Using available tools, make a trench:

  1. Perform waterproofing by laying waterproofing material (thick cellophane film for creating greenhouse complexes) along the bottom of the created base.
  2. It is recommended to lay the film with a minimum margin, and pour fine crushed stone on top of it.
  3. Thoroughly distribute the drainage layer and make a sand cushion.
  4. Check the evenness of the surface using a level.

How to arrange a garden path from transverse cuts of a trunk

At the stage of creating country paths from transverse cuts of the trunk, it is necessary to install sides that perform a protective function. But this is not a mandatory measure: proceed from your idea and the material used.

Borders are formed from bricks, small stones, blocks of wood, firewood, they can also be plastic or iron. Choose the material at your discretion, but remember that the fences will be conspicuous. To make the path look harmonious, it is better to use materials of natural origin.

Paths and paths made of wood cuts, photo

Having finished with the sides, lay down the “sand” pillow. Due to this material, the height rises slightly. Add sand sequentially, and moisten it with water to compact it.

Read about how you can use it when arranging flower beds and paths in the garden: the nuances of installation, choosing sizes, and recommendations for do-it-yourself installation are described.

Read about how to arrange a beautiful ridge of perennials along the path.

Creating a path from saw cuts

Having completed preparatory work, get started important stage. In order to do everything correctly, you need to decide how the wood blanks will be installed. There are a lot of design options: by changing the position of the parts, you can create the desired pattern.

Laying options: close or at a slight distance. Gaps can be left or small crushed stone can be used to fill.

The installation principle itself is very simple and does not require detailed description: select one workpiece, place it on the prepared base, deepen it, apply little force and then tap it well with a rubberized hammer.

After a certain distance, be sure to check how well you did the job of laying the wooden cuts. To do this, use a level; it can be used to level all the parts. The path should be perfectly level - of course, by level, and not by eye.


It’s not enough to simply lay wood blanks to make beautiful paths. It is also necessary to provide proper care behind them. In the first year, it is recommended to fill the voids between the wooden pieces. For filling, you can use fine crushed stone or sand.

A good option is to let nature fill in the cavities. In a year, the grass will turn green between the harvests.

Advice! To prevent the growth of weeds, fill the cavities with fertile soil and sow lawn grass. Ornamental plants in a short time the voids will be filled, and such a path will look even more unusual.

The wood can be left untouched and aged artificially or paint the stumps in variegated colors. You will get an original path: children will certainly appreciate such a fun design.

Features of care:

  • Set aside one day every year to prevent the condition of garden paths - use an iron scraper to clean round timber;
  • after cleaning, cover the workpieces with drying oil or paint;
  • inspect the wooden blanks: if there are cracks on them, this indicates a rotting process, the damaged parts will have to be replaced.


In this video you will learn how to make beautiful path in the garden or on a plot of cut logs with your own hands:

Garden paths made from wooden blanks are a simple and affordable option registration summer cottages. Such paths look original, and it is quite possible to create them on your own. Improve yours too personal plot using presentable paths made from wood cuts.

Photo gallery

Below we have made a small selection of photos with options and ideas for garden paths made from sawn wood and logs, which you can arrange with your own hands: