How to get rid of insects in an apartment. Effective methods of destruction. How to drive away insects with natural remedies How to deal with household insects

Some unprepared citizens seriously expect that their fight against insects will quickly end after they sprinkle some Dichlorvos or walk once with chalk along the baseboards of the apartment. Practice shows that such a superficial approach to the issue in most cases gives the most minimal result, or does not give it at all.

It should be understood that the destruction of insects indoors is, first of all, a complex procedure:

And now the question is - what do you think is the most important thing when fighting insects in an apartment? High efficiency? No residual odor? Reasonable price? No, no, and no again: the most important thing is safety, and that’s what you should never forget about. There are many cases where the fight against ordinary cockroaches ended tragically not only for the unlucky fighter, but also for pets, neighbors, children...

Accordingly, when fighting against it, it is necessary to take into account a number of various nuances, which we will discuss further in more detail.


In accordance with the method of penetration of poison into the insect’s body, following types insecticides:

Physical methods of controlling household insects include:


For example, treating infested objects is sometimes effective against bed bugs hot water or steam: bloodsuckers die at temperatures of about +50°C. Freezing an apartment at -25°C can also give a good effect - you just need to protect the heating radiators from freezing. You can also take the furniture out into the cold and leave it there for a couple of days.

Freezing is effective against cockroaches - a temperature of -8°C or lower is destructive for them.

However, treatment with high and low temperatures has its inconveniences and does not guarantee a positive outcome in the fight against insects in the apartment. In particular, sometimes it is impossible to freeze out the entire apartment without the risk of damaging the heating pipes, and taking individual pieces of furniture out into the cold cannot always ensure the complete destruction of insects in the room. In addition, not all items of clothing and interior decoration can be exposed to high temperatures.

Many folk remedies for insect control are not reliable enough and sometimes downright dangerous to use: treatment with kerosene, denatured alcohol, dust, boiling water, herbal extracts. It should be borne in mind that by watering the baseboards or sofa with kerosene, gasoline or alcohol, you can create much more more problems, what the same bugs represent - especially when the vapors accidentally ignite.

And, of course, a very effective way to say goodbye to insects for a long time in your apartment or country house, having received guaranteed result, is to contact a professional insect control service. Today there are experienced exterminators in almost every city, and sometimes there are dozens of such services within many large cities.

Insecticides and traps

As a rule, chemicals for the control of household insects are produced and sold in the form of aerosols, liquid concentrates, gels, powders, soaps, pencils, and spray solutions.

Examples of aerosol products produced in cans: Dichlorvos (today there are different types of them, significantly different from the old Soviet Dichlorvos), Reid, Neofos, Raptor, Kombat, Prima-71, Armol and others.

Some concentrates of modern insecticides, especially the so-called microencapsulated products, are very effective and economical to use. Such concentrates are adapted to household use, diluted with ordinary water, after which the finished solution is sprayed, for example, from a conventional spray bottle.

Examples of concentrated broad-spectrum drugs positioned by manufacturers as microencapsulated: Xulate Micro, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone, Get, Executioner, Cucaracha. The first four of these products, moreover, are characterized by an almost complete absence of odor and show good results when fighting insects in the country (wasps, hornets, garden ants, flies, etc.)

Microencapsulated products are often used by professional pest control services. In cases where the unpleasant odor is not critical, Tetrix, Diazinon, Sinuzan, etc. are also used.

For insects that feed on leftover food from a person's table, insecticidal gels are used in the form of poisoned baits - they are effective in the fight against cockroaches, woodlice, silverfish and house ants. For example, gels such as Globol, Exil, Clean House, Dohlox, Anti-cockroach, Absolute, Great Warrior, etc. are used.

As for insecticidal powders, which are also popularly collectively called dusts, they, as a rule, scatter in places of greatest accumulation and possible appearance of insects. For example, Koba powder and insect repellent have proven themselves Clean House, Neopin. Powders help destroy not only cockroaches, but also fleas, ants, bed bugs (if present in the insecticide contact action).

Today, insect repellent pencils are also very popular - they are used to rub surfaces inside and outside furniture, to draw lines on walls, floors and ceilings, door and window frames. Among insecticidal pencils in Russia, the most famous, of course, is the chalk against cockroaches and bedbugs Mashenka.


Insecticidal soaps are used less frequently when fighting insects in an apartment than other forms of preparations. For example, soaps can be used to wash contaminated clothing. body lice. The most famous is Green Soap.

More recently, Get insecticidal soap for bedbugs based on chlorpyrifos has also appeared on the market.

When fighting cockroaches or bedbugs in the house, permethrin smoke bombs can also give an excellent effect.(for example, Quiet Evening, City) - this method is not known to many people, but its effectiveness is comparable to professional treatment of an apartment with the so-called cold fog, and at the same time it will cost almost five times less. The insecticidal smoke generated by the bomb evenly fills the entire room, destroying adult insects and larvae even in the most secluded crevices and hard-to-reach places.

In addition, when fighting domestic insects, do not forget about various types traps, classic example which is sticky paper for flies. However, it should be borne in mind that the effect of traps is usually extended over time and quick effect cannot provide protection against insects.

The following types of traps are most often used in residential premises:

  • Sticky (hanging against flies and food moths, as well as folding sticky traps for cockroaches and ants);
  • Electric (“houses” against cockroaches, lamp houses against moths and for combating flying blood-sucking insects, including in the country).

At the right approach Some folk remedies for insects can also provide a good effect. Here, first of all, it is worth highlighting borax, boric acid and dry chamomile powder (otherwise called pyrethrum powder - it contains natural pyrethroids).

The procedure for treating an apartment from insects

In many cases, before treating an apartment, it is useful to first clean the room. If you plan to spray the drug, then it is advisable to seal clothes, dishes, children's toys and other small items in plastic bags. Furniture is moved away from the walls, freeing up access to baseboards and sockets. Windows and doors are tightly closed before starting treatment.

There should be no residents or pets in the apartment during processing. Mandatory use of funds personal protection. The drugs should be used in accordance with the instructions.

Here are just a few typical mistakes when processing:

  • The drug does not smell, which means I will not use a respirator;
  • Why dilute it so much, it’s better to make the solution harder, 10 times more concentrated than what is written in the instructions, then the effect will be better;
  • What will happen to the cat, it’s not a cockroach;
  • Why treat everywhere, because I see insects only in one corner - so I’ll treat only there;
  • Here I am, they really disappeared for a month, then they appeared again small larvae– that’s it, that means the drug didn’t help, it’s a dummy, it doesn’t work.

Etc. In general, who cares what. There are many mistakes made during self-processing, but if you follow the instructions for the appropriate drug, use personal protective equipment and study the process in more detail in advance (for example, on the Internet), you can save yourself from 95% of possible problems.

During treatment, all surfaces, including floors, walls, ceilings, doors and window frames, furniture and objects in the apartment are sprayed with the drug. Particular care should be taken to treat possible hiding places for insects, as well as the paths of their movement and places of possible egg laying (in the case of bedbugs) - baseboards, corners, edges flooring, various cracks, folds of furniture upholstery.

After two hours, and in some cases after two or three days, the apartment is ventilated and general cleaning with careful removal of dead insects. It must be borne in mind that if pets subsequently eat disoriented or already dead insects, they may become seriously poisoned.

If poisonous baits are used (including boric acid), they are placed along the paths of insect movement and in places of possible shelter. The gel is applied here in the form of dotted lines. From time to time, baits need to be renewed and the gel reapplied, as it dries out over time and loses its attractiveness to cockroaches and ants.

Fighting insects on your own: what do you need to know?

If you decide to control insects in your apartment on your own, then you need to take into account some nuances in advance.

Firstly, we note once again that you need to take care of security. IN mandatory use protective clothing, a gas mask or respirator, and gloves. Remove children and animals from the premises. Food can be eaten in the treated room no earlier than after 8 hours.

When using moth killer sprays, it's also a good idea to treat the ceiling (which is often forgotten). Poisoned baits for cockroaches and ants should be placed along their routes (especially behind kitchen stove, refrigerator, near the sink and trash can).

Thirdly, it is absolutely necessary to treat all crevices, corners and other hiding places where insects can hide. Otherwise, the treatment may not have the desired effect, and after a couple of days the insects will appear again.

It is generally better to avoid using such folk remedies as kerosene, gasoline, alcohol and denatured alcohol, since otherwise you will have to violate basic fire safety measures.

Independent control of insects in an apartment can indeed be effective with the correct and appropriate use of certain means, but it takes a lot of effort and time, requires some perseverance and certain skills. Sometimes it makes more sense to call specialists.

Control of insects by pest control services

In some cases, independent control of insects in the apartment still does not give the required effect. So, calling specialists is often necessary:

  • At high degree infestation of the premises with insects (that is, when there are a lot of them);
  • And also if independent processing, despite all efforts, for some reason does not give desired result(these reasons are not always obvious);
  • If you do not have sufficient knowledge, self-confidence, or the process of exterminating insects is unpleasant;
  • If in addition the neighbors' apartments are heavily contaminated;
  • If you want to save energy and time.

To call a pest control team, just call the SES or a selected private company, place an order and pay for the service. After clarifying the details, the company’s employees set a day and time for their arrival.

The apartment needs to be prepared in the same way as for self-processing. After checking the package of documents provided by employees, you must leave the premises for the specified time. All necessary actions specialists will do it themselves. After accepting the work, you need to check for the presence of a warranty card, which may be needed if re-processing is necessary. Then the room should be thoroughly cleaned.

“I am writing about my impressions of the method of etching bedbugs with hot fog. Expensive, but 5 points. None repeated treatments were not needed, the insects died the first time, and the very next day we calmly went about cleaning. It only stank at first, but it disappeared the next day without any consequences. So I recommend it."

Semyon B., Moscow

After exterminating insects in an apartment, it is useful to take measures to prevent re-infestation. For example, you can close ventilation holes a mesh or lattice with small mesh (this will help protect against neighbors’ bedbugs and cockroaches), hang moth repellents in the cabinets, and periodically lubricate the box with tansy or wormwood decoctions entrance doors(helps against so-called basement fleas).

You can use insecticidal crayons and gels for preventive application on baseboards, areas behind furniture, refrigerators, etc. You can place sticky traps in the bathroom and toilet to catch defectors from your neighbors in time. When purchasing products, you must always check them for the presence of moth larvae, and keep the apartment itself clean, regularly cleaning it and avoiding clutter.

The appearance of insects in the house and their massive spread can be compared to a natural disaster. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and money to completely destroy them. AND financial costs in some cases considerable.

Effective techniques for controlling insects

The main reason for the appearance of insects in the house is favorable conditions for their life. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take care of eliminating the shortcomings that many do not pay attention to.

These rules not only help reduce the number of insects, but are also good preventive measures to prevent their appearance in the house.

Fighting cockroaches

There are many insecticides, aimed at combating cockroaches: gels, glue baits. Using boric acid mixed with food (eg egg yolk) is still an effective method.

Cockroaches are very afraid of the cold. Therefore, if possible, in winter period You should leave the windows open at night. But all of the above methods fight exclusively against adults and small individuals. The eggs remain viable. Therefore, the procedure must be repeated after 4 weeks.

Getting rid of bedbugs

These small bloodsuckers, like cockroaches, are very afraid subzero temperature. Therefore, exposure to cold can help get rid of bedbugs. But along with this, it is worth washing all things, steaming all the folds upholstered furniture, beat out carpets and bedspreads with blankets, boil linen.

These methods allow you to get rid of insects if there are few of them and they are concentrated in one place. Otherwise, only spraying chemicals will help. To prevent bedbugs from moving in from neighbors, you need to treat all cracks under baseboards, inside sockets, and pipe joints with silicone sealant.

Destruction of ants

The main thing in the fight against ants is to destroy their queen. To do this, you need to pour food bait or gel, which the worker ants will definitely take to the nest to feed it and the larvae.

After some time, the anthill dies out. All that remains is to seal the penetration points with sealant.

These few tips have been tested and will help you get rid of insects in your home forever. Preventive measures The methods described above will help prevent their occurrence again.

Summer is a favorite time not only for people, but also for insects. It is at this time of year that pests most often storm apartments - mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, and sometimes even bedbugs and fleas appear in the house. The RIAMO in Podolsk columnist found out how to get rid of an unpleasant neighborhood and what means will help in the fight against annoying insects.

Insects in the apartment

© site GIPHY

Everyone has come across insects that feel great living side by side with humans. They can quickly take a fancy to an apartment, and getting rid of them can be very difficult.

Common problem apartment buildings- cockroaches. As soon as they appear in at least one of the residents, they begin to spread to neighboring apartments and floors. Cockroaches prefer kitchens because their diet consists of food waste. They are very tenacious and unpretentious, they multiply rapidly, so it is very difficult to breed them.

Ants also get along well with humans and can create a whole network of anthills for several apartments. Getting rid of them can also be difficult; sometimes you have to use several types of drugs and resort to the services of professionals.

Woodlice can settle in places with high humidity - they can sometimes be seen in bathrooms and toilets, in basements. If there is no great dampness, then silverfish settle in these places. Ordinary inhabitant wardrobes and the storm of woolen items and fur coats - the moth.

Particularly dangerous are blood-sucking insects - bedbugs and fleas. They can cause a lot of trouble, including allergies and scabies. Mosquitoes and flies are less dangerous, but just as annoying - they can literally poison life in the summer.

We may simply not notice some insects. For example, carpet beetles are quite small. At the same time, they are unpretentious in their choice of food, and living with a person is beneficial for them.

It is worth remembering that insects can not only spoil things, but also be carriers of various diseases, including dangerous ones. Therefore, if any pests appear in the house, do not hesitate to get rid of them.

Insect repellents

If you find uninvited guests in your apartment, then you should not panic and immediately resort to professional pest control. After all, until the insects have had time to have offspring and have settled in the house, you can get rid of them yourself.

Today, any hypermarket sells a wide variety of insect control products. There are various means in the form of gels, aerosols, and traps. They have enough high efficiency, as they contain components that attract pests and insecticides that have a poisonous effect on them. Typically, such products are safe for children and pets, but you should carefully read the instructions before use.

To combat cockroaches and ants, aerosol cans are very popular, which are harmless to humans and convenient for use at home. Various insect traps are also common, especially adhesive tapes against flies and “houses” against cockroaches. You can also purchase appropriate solutions for treating premises against pests in stores.

How to choose a pest control product

If children and animals live in the house, then you should only purchase products that indicate that the chemicals are safe for them.

By the way, you should remember that not all drugs act instantly. Sometimes it takes a few days for them to start working. Therefore, carefully read the terms of use and validity period.

Cockroaches and ants

Getting rid of cockroaches and ants is not easy. The fact is that they do not live in one apartment, but in several at once, and on different floors. It seems like you are getting rid of pests, but a week later they appear again. Therefore, the first thing you should do is interview your neighbors and find out who has “roommates”. We must fight them together, joining forces.

An excellent option is to use several popular means at once: aerosol cans, traps, gels, and also disinfect premises using special solutions. But be careful: the stronger the insect repellent, the more harmful it is for residents, including pets. Therefore, during disinfestation, it is worth sending children and pets to their grandmother’s dacha or to visit relatives.

It is also very important to keep the kitchen clean: do not leave food waste, garbage, or even crumbs on the tables. Dishes need to be washed immediately, but that's all food products keep in sealed containers and bags.


© Provided by the residents of the house

The most commonly used treatments for bedbugs are sprays and aerosols. They are quite effective and poison insects upon contact with them. But traps, gels and powders are useless, since bedbugs feed on human blood, and poisoned bait will not attract them. Ultrasonic repellers are also useless, since these pests do not use ultrasound for communication, unlike mosquitoes.

Also, when fighting bedbugs, the right decision would be to get rid of old furniture- for example, from a grandmother’s sofa from the times of the USSR. After all, it is in such places that they lay eggs and hatch larvae. Pay attention to old mattresses and peeling wallpaper.

Can help in the fight against bedbugs traditional methods. Places where traces of these pests are most often found should be treated with a 9% vinegar solution. This should be done several times a day for 3-4 days. Please note that vinegar will not kill bedbugs, but it may repel them.


Another problem is fleas. Pet owners, especially dogs, are well aware of this problem. Some types of fleas bite not only four-legged pets, but also people. Getting rid of these jumping insects can also be difficult.

Flies and mosquitoes

Fumigators will help get rid of flying insects. They contain a substance that evaporates into the air as the device heats up and paralyzes the respiratory and nervous system mosquitoes These drugs can be powered by mains power, batteries or rechargeable batteries.

Also, traps in the form of adhesive tape with a special poison are excellent in the fight against mosquitoes and flies. Once caught on the Velcro, the fly will no longer be able to fly away, and due to the poison it will quickly die.

Various aerosols will also help in controlling pests, but the room will need to be treated several times. Read the instructions - these products should not be toxic to people or animals.

After getting rid of flies and mosquitoes, their further appearance should be prevented - install mosquito nets on the windows. They can be replaced with gauze.


Moths are a real scourge for lovers of woolen items and natural fur coats. A nondescript moth can significantly damage expensive clothes.

Aerosols and electric mosquito fumigators are effective against moths. You can turn on the device directly in the closet using an extension cord, this will kill both adults and larvae. However, you should not leave the fumigator unattended - it is dangerous. You can also hang moth repellents next to your things, which will prevent moths from appearing in the future.

But it is more difficult to fight food moths, because insecticides cannot be sprayed on food. You'll have to go through your stocks of cereals and pasta - you'll probably have to throw away a lot and put the rest in sealed containers.

Professional processing

© website of the company "Dezinsektor"

With the onset of summer, annoying insects appear in the house - flies, ants, mosquitoes, wasps. Of course, the most effective way to get rid of them is to call exterminators to your home. Every city has services that treat apartments with special chemicals. Another way is to use all kinds of aerosols, pencils, gels. But if you don’t want unnecessary chemicals in your house, drive away insects using other proven methods. Here is a simple algorithm for this struggle.

1 Find the source. Insects appear in the house in search of food. Therefore, you need to look for what attracts them. For example, food moths nest in cereals. Go through all the packages. Grayish coating and small pellets at the bottom - sure sign that there are larvae in the cereal. Ants and cockroaches are attracted to unwashed dishes and open trash cans. Midges and mosquitoes - stagnant water in vases and pots. The absence of protective nets on the windows is an invitation to guests for flies and wasps.

2 Drive it away. Against flying insects, you can spray a mixture of essential oils of tansy, lavender, mint and lemon balm from a spray bottle. To stop crawling insects, you need to find places of their penetration - cracks, holes - and firmly seal them with sealant or tape.

3 Provide protection. Even if there are no insects in the house anymore, my floor and surface kitchen table warm water with added large quantity table vinegar and lemon balm essential oil.

For mosquitoes

U plastic bottle cut off the top and insert it into the bottom with the neck down. Pour a glass of sugar syrup there, add a spoonful of yeast. Place the bottle on the window.

For cockroaches

A bait made from a mixture of equal amounts of alabaster and flour works well against cockroaches. The mixture should be sprinkled on areas where insects accumulate. A cockroach that eats this flour dies immediately.

For OS

You can get rid of wasps using a regular jar with leftover jam. Add water to the jar and chat. Close the jar with a plastic lid. Make several holes in the lid.

For flies

Many ready-made fly stickers dry out quickly. Here is a recipe for a “forever” non-drying trap. IN tin can melt 100 g of rosin over the fire. Add 30 ml rast. oils and honey

From ants

■ Ground coffee. Spill coffee or used coffee grounds in places where ants accumulate. This will scare them away.
■ Corn flour. Ants willingly eat it, but cannot digest it and die. You can also use rice flour.
■ Chalk. Find the hole through which the ants are entering the house and cover all surfaces around it with chalk.

Spicy herbs against insects

Mosquitoes will be repelled by a pot of basil on the windowsill.

Flies can't stand the smell bay leaf. Pour in a bunch of laurel leaves 0.5 l vegetable oil and leave for two weeks. Soak a sponge in this oil and place it close to the window.

Mint- an old and proven weapon against ants, flies and mosquitoes. Place dried mint on windowsills and in food cabinets. Just be careful with pennyroyal - in large quantities it can be toxic to pets.

Geranium on the window will stop almost all flying insects. You can even rub the leaf on your skin to repel mosquitoes. By the way, dried geranium leaves can be placed between things in the closet - and there will never be moths there.

Sagebrush- super effective cockroach repellent. Also, mustachioed guests cannot stand the smell of elderflowers. You can simply hang bunches of branches around the apartment.

Insect repellents in the apartment kill or repel pests. They are manufactured in the form of sprays, aerosols, fumigators, and concentrated emulsions. The active substance is an insecticide of contact or contact-intestinal action. It disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, blocks the transmission of impulses, provokes paralysis and death.

Insect repellents in the home in the form of aerosols

Broad-spectrum preparations are used against flying and crawling insects indoors. Easy to use, does not contain unpleasant odor, do not leave marks, do not spoil the material. Sold in spray cans. Before use, shake the container and remove the protective membrane.

Treat the floor, walls, ceiling. The bottle is held in position arm's length at a distance of 20 cm from the surface to be treated. Leave closed room for 2 hours, thoroughly ventilate, and carry out wet cleaning in places where hands may touch.


Insect repellents in the home in the form of aerosols contain several active ingredients and begin to act immediately after spraying the surfaces. The maximum effect lasts 2 hours, then the properties gradually weaken. After a week, the poison is completely neutralized. Insect repellents in the form of aerosols are most effective against flying and crawling pests if their habitat is known.

Repeated disinfestation is carried out after 7-14 days if necessary. While working, you need to use rubber gloves, a respirator or a gauze bandage. Poisoning occurs if safety rules are not followed varying degrees intensity.

The best insect repellents:

  • Raid;
  • Clean house;
  • Bolfo;
  • Antifly;
  • Antimol;
  • Zanzara;
  • Stop Extreme.

Sold everywhere in hardware departments of stores and supermarkets. Average price 250 rub. One bottle is enough for 2 treatments of all rooms of the house.


Insect repellents for apartments and houses based on a broad-spectrum insecticide. They are highly effective, kill adults and nymphs different ages, larvae. The maximum effect lasts 2 hours, the residual effect is present from 14 days to 6 months. The most effective microencapsulated concentrates. Poisonous substance is in a capsule that is not afraid high temperature, sun rays.

Insect poison is used to kill large numbers of... Before disinsection, you need to prepare a solution - the concentrate is diluted in water at room temperature, stirred for 5 minutes, poured into a spray bottle or spray bottle. Spray walls, floors, ceilings, furniture from the back side.

While working with toxic substance You need to use rubber gloves, a protective suit, and a respirator. Contact of the poison with the skin causes allergic reaction, into the respiratory tract – intoxication of varying severity.

Effective pest control products:

After treating the rooms, leave the room closed for 2 hours, then ventilate thoroughly. Carry out wet cleaning in places where hands will touch. Soapy water with the addition of baking soda. If necessary, repeated disinfestation is carried out after 14-20 days.

You can buy the drug in a specialized store. The price depends on the capacity. 10 ml of concentrate is enough for two treatments at home or in a large apartment. The cost of a bottle is from 300 rubles. up to 1000 rub. The shelf life of insect repellent is 2 years from the date of manufacture. The prepared solution should be used within 3 days, or better immediately after dissolving the poison in water.


Simple, easy-to-use insect repellents with low toxicity. They are made in the form of plates, liquids, and spirals. Effective against flying insects. The active substances are contact insecticides. As well as substances that enter the body of pests through the respiratory tract.

  • . House Insect Repellent runs on electricity. A plate impregnated with insecticides is inserted into a special device, or a bottle of liquid is screwed on. When heated, a toxic substance enters the air. This concentration is not noticeable to humans; pests die within 20 minutes. The device operates silently, plugs into a power outlet, and is enough for one room.
  • . Insect repellent on the street, in the veranda, on the terrace, in the gazebo, but is often used indoors. A significant drawback is the unpleasant smell. The spiral is made from pressed shavings impregnated with an insecticidal substance. Place it on a non-flammable surface and set it on fire. Acrid smoke is released that poisons insects. When using indoors, be sure to open a window or window. Otherwise it appears headache, dizziness, nausea.
  • . The only fumigator of its kind is Raptor. It works similar to the professional disinfestation method - drip spraying. It is more effective than concentrates, aerosols, powders, electrofumigators, and other insect repellents. The toxic substance is released along with droplets of moisture and penetrates into hard to reach places, passes through the fabric surface. A special jar of poison is inserted into the water; upon contact with the liquid, it begins chemical reaction, the fumigator begins to burn. The action lasts 2 hours. The residual effect lasts for 2 weeks.

Effective insect repellents:

  • Raptor;
  • Raid;
  • Clean house;
  • Quiet evening;

IN warm time year, insect repellent products are sold everywhere. Many brands make several types of fumigators. Electrical devices based on plates and liquids are especially popular. The plates need to be changed every night; a bottle of liquid lasts for a month. During the day, the device must be turned off; in the evening, it must be turned on 20 minutes before bedtime.


Separately, products are produced to protect children from insects based on the natural insecticide – pyrethrum. Obtained from Caucasian chamomile. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and smells like flowers. Install the device at a distance of at least 2 m from the sleeping place.

The cost of spirals starts from 50 rubles, the price of an electric fumigator with plates or liquid is on average 450 rubles. They act against mosquitoes, flies, and also.

Powders, dusts, crayons

They are used to control insects in the country, in storage rooms, non-residential apartments, and houses. The powder is crushed in places where pests accumulate or where there is a possible movement path. The products do not lose their properties under the influence of temperature and light for up to 6 months. The main drawback is the presence of visible white powder.

They act by contact-intestinal route. They penetrate the body and cause muscle paralysis and death. In order for the poison to get inside, you must first run over it, get dirty, and then lick it off. For this reason, powders, dusts, crayons like independent remedy control is rarely used, combined with aerosols and fumigators. Used against crawling insects: cockroaches, fleas, ants.

Effective means:

  • Chalk Mashenka;
  • Storm;
  • Frontline.

You can buy the drug in a specialized store, hardware departments of supermarkets, retail outlets on the market, it is possible to order via the Internet. Shelf life: up to 4 years; store away from direct sunlight in a dry place. Price per package from 10 rub.

Poisonous baits

Effective remedies against crawling insects - cockroaches,. The special gel consistency does not dry out for a long time when in contact with oxygen, and remains effective for up to 30 days. They update their defense as they eat “treats”.

The bait contains broad-spectrum insecticidal substances. If ingested, they block the transmission of nerve impulses, causing paralysis and death. Mass death of the pest colony is observed within a week. Except active substance the composition includes flavorings and flavoring additives. Insects eat poison better than regular food.

The gel is easily removed from the surface and leaves no traces. Apply with a dotted line to the baseboards, the floor around the perimeter of the rooms, and leave behind the furniture. The product is safe for humans and pets, but it is not advisable to use it in a home with small children.

The best gel baits:

  • Ant-eater;
  • Antiant;
  • Absolute;
  • Trap;

You can buy the product in a specialized store, supermarket, market, and often order it online. Sold in syringes with a convenient dispenser. The price of one is from 50 rubles. The product should be stored in a dry place, away from direct sunlight.


Moth baits are made in the form of tablets and sachets. They are laid out in cabinets, on shelves, in places where cereals and grains are stored. One tablet of protection lasts for six months.

Folk remedies for insects

If there is no possibility or desire to use professional preparations, you can exterminate or drive away insects using folk remedies.

  • . Colorless powder is scattered around toilets, sinks, in the toilet, on window sills, under baseboards when fighting fleas, cockroaches, and ants. To increase efficiency, boric acid is mixed with products. One of the most effective meansboiled potatoes, egg yolk, water. Add poison to cookies, flour, sugar.
  • Lavender. A fresh, dry plant or essential oil will help get rid of a moth infestation. Bouquets are laid out on cabinets, hung, placed in the corners of rooms. Soak cotton wool or gauze with essential oil, leave it on the lid, and also add it to water for wiping furniture and floors. The smell of lavender effectively repels midges and mosquitoes.
  • Geranium. A universal repellent against many pests - moths, ants, mosquitoes, flies, bedbugs. A flower pot is placed in the kitchen, preferably on a windowsill. Enjoying beautiful plant, a quiet life without insects.
  • Soda and salt. Folk remedy from fleas in an apartment or house. Mix in equal proportions, scatter on the carpet, floor, and leave overnight. The next day they vacuum, wash the floors, and remove dead insects.
  • Ammonia. Used to combat cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes, bedbugs. Pour the insect repellent into a container, leave it behind the furniture, on the windowsill, or soak a cotton swab. Add ammonia to the water for washing floors in the ratio of 10 ml of product per 10 liters of liquid. Wet cleaning needs to be done daily. Vinegar works the same way. Use in pure form or prepare a solution.

They won't let mosquitoes or moths into the room essential oils mint, lemon balm, limonella, chamomile, basil, rosemary. Soak the cotton wool and leave it on the windowsill.