Bedbug poison is effective and odorless. What is the best odorless bed bug remedy? Clean House "Dust"

As a rule, all effective insecticides have an unpleasant odor and the stronger they are, the more odorous they become. This happens due to an increase in the concentration of the active toxic substance, which is the source of an unpleasant odor. How to bypass this rule? Do really good odorless bedbug remedies exist only in the dreams of exterminators? Imagine they are!

The most popular odorless insecticides

Get microcapsule preparation

The active ingredient in Get is chlorpyrifos in the form of a 5% suspension. This insecticide is quite effective against bedbugs, paralyzing their nervous system and causing the complete death of the insect population within a few hours.

The absence of smell was achieved due to the conclusion of its main source - poison - in microcapsules.

Main positive qualities:

  • lack of smell;
  • low degree of toxicity to humans;
  • no streaks and streaks after application;
  • prolonged activity;
  • processing speed.

Interesting fact! Carrying microcapsules on their paws through the nests, the bugs ensure the total destruction of the entire population of insects in the apartment.

Three-component preparation against insects Xulat

Advantages of the insecticide Xulat:

  • good efficiency;
  • lack of smell;
  • long term residual action -6 months;
  • no marks on treated surfaces;
  • total extermination of the insect population in the room;
  • the drug is quite new among insecticides, so the bugs have not yet developed immunity to it.

The disadvantage is the long period of destruction of insects.

Dichlorvos "Neo" odorless

  • lack of smell;
  • low degree of toxicity to humans;
  • low consumption;
  • high efficiency against bedbugs.

The disadvantage is the rapid development of immunity to it in survivors after processing insects.

Advice! With frequent use of the same remedy, bedbugs develop resistance against this type of drug. Therefore, treatments should be alternated, changing the active poisonous substance in the insecticide.

What other remedies for bedbugs are available that do not have a smell?

In addition to insecticides produced in liquid form, there are powdered products that do not require airing the apartment. These are Dust, known to many, produced under various brands, for example, "", as well as "Mashenka" chalk.

The advantage of such drugs lies in their low toxicity to humans, since few people would think of tasting the poison.

The disadvantages of powders are in the locality of their action. Only with direct contact with insects is their poisoning effect manifested.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such odorless bedbug remedies as traps and gels. With some of them, you can achieve a slight effect. For example, when insect populations are low, traps made from hollow sticks and cardboard scraps can significantly reduce bed bug populations. Well-fed insects are lazy and clog into the first crack that comes across, which turns out to be traps.

Gels are ineffective against bedbugs, since these insects feed on blood, and the bait will not interest them.

The effect of ultrasound on humans has been little studied, and there is no evidence that bedbugs are afraid of him, so the third option looks doubtful.

You can learn about what other odorless anti-bug remedies exist from this video:

Each measure has its own advantages and disadvantages. Absolutely safe chemical insecticides do not exist. They may be of low toxicity and not pose a serious threat to human or animal health. When using them, one must understand that a single treatment cannot solve the problem. Any drug acts only on larvae and adults, but not on insect eggs.

Important. The products used must be alternated so as not to cause addiction in pests.

If bedbugs have appeared in the apartment recently, then you can use folk methods. In the case of a large number of insects, only chemicals will help.

Means safe for people

Of the remedies for bedbugs that are safe for humans, the most effective can be noted:

  • Kombat Superspray;
  • Tetrix;
  • Ram;
  • Dobrokhim Phos;
  • Dobrokhim-Micro.

Superspray It has no unpleasant odor and is practically harmless to humans. Very convenient to use.

Ram- a drug that is not dangerous to humans, has a powerful insecticidal effect. For 1 liter of water, take 2.5 ml of emulsion and treat the room. One liter of solution is enough for 8000 square meters.

Dobrokhim Phos- one of the best means that destroys any household pests. To remove bedbugs, 5 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water and treated.

Dobrokhim-Micro is available as a microencapsulated suspension and contains the active compound chlorpyrifos. It can be used in residential premises and children's institutions.

Important. Insecticide treatment should be carried out jointly with housemates.

All these substances belong to III or IV hazard class, i.e. low toxicity. For the treatment period, it is enough to go into another room and close the door. After a couple of hours, you can enter the room.

Products safe for animals

Of the permitted insecticides, the least dangerous are:

  • Executioner;
  • Pyrethrum.

- a fairly strong remedy containing fenthion. This insecticide is slightly toxic to humans and animals. The drug was developed in Germany. It is very easy to use. One vial is diluted in 0.5 liters of water and the places where bedbugs accumulate are treated.

Pyrethrum- This is a powder that is made on the basis of an extract of pharmaceutical chamomile and is absolutely safe. But if it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause a slight allergic reaction.

The most harmless ways to deal with bedbugs are steam treatment and folk remedies.

Proven folk methods include:

  • turpentine;
  • kerosene;
  • wormwood or tansy;
  • chamomile.

Can be mixed equal amounts of turpentine and kerosene, add some green soap and water. The room is treated with this solution, the door is tightly closed and left for a day. Then they ventilate well. But because of the sharp and strong smell, this method has not been used for a long time.

Concentrated vinegar essence can be treated plinth, rapids, furniture, carpets. It is impossible to kill pests in this way, but it will turn out to scare away.

Dried chamomile flowers are not only absolutely harmless, but also have a pleasant aroma. Insects are not killed, but scare away. They need to be crushed and sprinkled in places where bedbugs accumulate.

Good instead of chamomile sagebrush, tansy or rosemary. The principle of operation is the same.

The most effective means are chemicals. Folk methods of insects will not be destroyed. To completely rid the apartment of uninvited guests, complex measures must be used. Daily cleaning and regular cleaning of the premises will help to cope with the problem.

What are the criteria for choosing drugs against bedbugs

There are a huge number of drugs against bedbugs. But, despite this, it is extremely difficult to find among them effective, and actually effective. By what criteria is odorless poison from bedbugs selected?

For the successful destruction of harmful insects, special care should be taken to select means for their persecution. So, an effective odorless bedbug remedy should be chosen according to several criteria:

Currently, in the domestic market of preparations for the fight against bedbugs, a list of preparations has been determined that, in various proportions, combine efficiency, ease of use and safety.

Liquid, odorless bed bugs

Among the variety of effective remedies against harmful insects, there are a number of drugs that do not leave odor after treatment. Liquid formulations for the destruction of bedbugs are very popular among people who are tired of these small, harmful insects. We bring to your attention a list of means by which you can get rid of bedbugs in an apartment in a relatively short period of time.


The only drawback is that after the product is applied to the places affected by bedbugs, it is necessary to leave the room for at least 5 hours.


Perhaps the most popular remedy for bedbugs, which does not leave an unpleasant odor after processing the room. The effectiveness of this drug is based on the uniqueness of its work. The basis of "Get" - toxins placed in microcapsules. Thus, pests carry the toxin to their nesting sites, thereby infecting the entire population of their relatives with a deadly poison.

The principle of application is identical to the preparation "Fufanon", the only difference is that the treatment with the composition "Get" does not require the evacuation of people and pets from the premises.


It is one of the top three selling odorless products that help get rid of bed bugs.

The contents of one bottle of the "Executioner" is enough to process a double bed or part of the baseboards in one room. To process a one-room apartment, at least 20-25 bottles of the drug will be required.

delta zone

lambda zone

A product that is safe for the human body and warm-blooded creatures, does not leave a pungent odor after treatment. The drug hardens and transforms into a thin film that does not react with the respiratory organs and skin. A specific formula based on microcapsules ensures the absence of unpleasant “aromas” and a long-lasting effect (up to 90 days), which allows you to deal with the entire colony of bedbugs at once without damage and discomfort to the residents of the apartment. One bottle of 50 ml is enough to treat a three-room apartment.

Aerosols from bedbugs without smell

In most cases, it is the gaseous types of disinfectants that have a pronounced, pungent odor. Surely each of us remembers how dichlorvos “smells”, the “aroma” of which is extremely difficult to get rid of.

Today, there is a line of aerosols against harmful insects that have no smell. Moreover, you can even find products with the scent of mint, lemon and lavender.


One bottle is enough to disinfect a one-room apartment. There is no need to prepare it, as in the case of liquid preparations, and in addition, the manufacturer took care of the presence of an additional nozzle in advance, with which narrow crevices and hard-to-reach places are processed.


The aerosol has a floral smell, which makes it comfortable to use at home. But at the same time, you should not think that such a fragrance is safe for health, in any case, this product contains chemicals. When spraying the aerosol, be sure to use gloves, a mask and, if necessary, goggles, and after the disinfection procedure, ventilate the room.

If you believe the instructions for the use of this drug, then one bottle is enough to process a one-room apartment. But it’s better to purchase two bottles of Raptor at once, since the norm is indicated for the treatment of floor coverings, baseboards. But bugs can still live in beds, pieces of furniture.

Dry disinfectants

Chalk Mashenka

A suitable option for eliminating bedbugs, which does not require temporary evacuation of residents from the premises. The principle of application is simple - all skirting boards, corners, and places where bedbugs are likely to appear are processed. After five to six hours, we carry out a wet cleaning, and eliminate all traces of the product.


Low-toxic and practically safe for human health and warm-blooded creatures. Available in powder form. The loose composition is applied to all areas of the room affected by bedbugs, and after three or four hours, it is removed by wet cleaning. For the complete destruction of bedbugs, it is recommended to repeat a similar procedure for at least one week.

Whatever drug you choose to fight bedbugs, flavored or with an unpleasant odor, never neglect the personal protection and health of everyone around the apartment. You need to fight bedbugs wisely.

We wish you success, good health and good mood!

There is an opinion among our compatriots that the chemicals used for sanitation of the house should be characterized by a pronounced and very specific smell. To a certain extent, this is what guarantees that the drug will deal a crushing blow to pests. As it turned out, an effective remedy for odorless bedbugs really exists.

At home, you can use several groups of remedies for bed bloodsuckers:

  • Aerosol or spray from bedbugs. Extremely easy-to-use compositions in which an unpleasant odor is masked by various additives and substances.
  • Liquid agent. In most cases, we are talking about a concentrate. Before use, the drug must be dissolved in water.
  • Powdered dust - odorless products.

To date, liquid formulations (including gel) are considered the most effective means. Aerosols are very popular among the population, due to their ease of use and availability. The middle segment is occupied by crayons and dusts. These are quite effective insecticides, and their cost is much lower than gels, aerosols and sprays.

Unscented products

How can you poison bedbugs in an apartment without leaving your home for a few days? Let's take a closer look at the most popular tools.

  • Fufanon. Concentrated composition, sold in small ampoules. Before use, it should be dissolved in warm water. There is no pronounced odor. Helps to quickly neutralize pests. The principle of operation is simple - the composition is sprayed onto infected surfaces and left in this form for more effective action for several hours. The procedure is repeated after 2-3 days.
  • geth. A powerful odorless bed bug remedy. The concentrate is in small capsules. It is absolutely harmless not only for humans, but also for pets. It spreads by fixing on the paws of insects, due to which it quickly finds itself in the nest of pests. Promotes a chain reaction. Chlorpyrifos acts as an active insecticide with a pronounced paralytic effect.

The drug may smell like an orange, but the aroma disappears after disinfection in a few minutes. Evaluating it according to the criterion of effectiveness-price-smell, it can be ranked among the most relevant and popular means.

  • delta zone. A relatively new tool that has appeared on the domestic market recently. The destruction of bedbugs occurs due to the action of deltamethrin, an active insecticide. The main advantages of this drug include its high efficiency, no smell, ease of application.

Other means against bloodsuckers

This product segment is represented by several brands:

  • Pyrethrum;
  • brownie;
  • Clean house.

The powder against bedbugs is notable for the fact that it does not contain or has a mild smell. With regard to efficiency, this type of funds can be classified as middle class. In the vast majority of cases, powders are used as an additional means for the destruction of pests.

Crayons. This drug has been known since the times of the USSR. But if you are wondering what is the most effective and faster way to get rid of bloodsuckers, then this type of remedy will not work. However, you can still save yourself from bites with the help of crayons. In an apartment, a lasting effect is ensured when applied to the frame of furniture, visible areas of beds, legs.

Recently, a wide range of Chinese products has been presented on the market, the principle of operation of which has remained the same.

Features of choosing an odorless product

How to treat housing in order to remove bloodsuckers and not smell? In fact, there is a working way. The main difficulty lies in the fact that when choosing, take into account not only such a criterion as smell, but also its effectiveness in terms of the destruction of bedbugs. The optimal choice is a long period of action and a minimal likelihood of re-infection.

If the question arose sharply, we recommend using absolutely all types of odorless preparations. It is better to treat the corners of each room with dust, apply chalk to the visible areas of the furniture, and then disinfect all rooms with liquid compositions. After a few days, the result should be fixed using an aerosol.

Complex measures are much cheaper than the constant replenishment of the arsenal of modern tools, which may turn out to be ineffective.

The main active ingredient of the "Executioner" was fenthion. A bottle of the drug is dissolved in half a liter of ordinary tap water, after which the mixture is poured into a spray bottle. The resulting tool handles all surfaces of problem areas.

During spraying, there should be no people or animals in the room. Windows are wiped. After processing, the house should stand closed for a couple of days, after which it is thoroughly ventilated, and all textile accessories are washed.


This tool is available in the form of a suspension in capsules. One part of it is diluted with 15 parts of water, after which the liquid is poured into the sprayer. Means processed walls, floors. Particular attention should be paid to the joints, skirting boards, window sills.


To consolidate the result, repeated processing with the Raptor is required.


"Raid" has similar properties. This aerosol poisonous substance acts on insects according to the Raptor principle. It is also very convenient to use in the process of processing the premises. The tool is immediately ready for use.

After processing the premises with "Raid", thorough ventilation will suffice. It is not required to leave the apartment empty for several days.


To permanently get rid of bedbugs with the help of Fufanon, the treatment of the premises will need to be repeated several times. The tool consists of phosphoric compounds, which makes it safe enough for the body of people and animals.

The drug is produced in the form of ampoules, the contents of which are diluted in water. 5 liters of pure liquid are spent on 1 ampoule. After processing the premises, it must be left for 3-4 hours. Only after this time is allowed to carry out ventilation.

delta zone

This is a universal insect repellent that quickly copes, including bed bugs. Its main active ingredient is a pyrethroid. The drug is produced in the form of a suspension. It is relatively harmless to humans and economically consumed.

To treat the premises, a solution is prepared from 10 ml of suspension and 1 liter of pure water. Then it is sprayed with a conventional spray gun on problem areas.


This spray against bedbugs has its pros and cons. Its main advantage is high efficiency and ease of use. You do not need to prepare any solutions, just spray a store-bought product.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, its high consumption should be noted. One bottle is enough for an average of 5 square meters. m. premises.



The product is a golden liquid based on permethrin. In general, the drug is safe for human health, but if used improperly, it can cause an allergic reaction.

If we talk about the effectiveness of the drug, then it is average. To destroy the bug, direct contact of the agent with it is necessary. In addition, "Forsyth" has an unpleasant odor.


How to get rid of bedbugs with the help of folk remedies?

Folk remedies are also actively used to combat bloodsuckers. Such recipes always include strong-smelling plants that repel insects with their bright aroma. They are used both dry and fresh. The list of folk remedies for bedbugs also includes a mixture of essential oils, kerosene, turpentine, naphthalene, vinegar and other similar components.

Bed bugs deprive all the inhabitants of the apartment of sleep. They are activated at night and painfully bite delicate areas of the skin. Therefore, such a problem should be eliminated as soon as possible.

The fight against bed bugs should begin with the treatment of mattresses, all furniture (especially the internal parts), wallpaper joints, baseboards, the inside of carpets. For this, non-toxic products are used. The most powerful and effective among them is Microfos. The basis of this drug is chlorpyrifos. This active ingredient is characterized by low toxicity and a complete absence of odor.

The poison continues to act for six months. Therefore, reprocessing is not required. After it, the room is well ventilated for 2-3 hours. A thorough wet cleaning is also carried out.