What do industrial designers do? What is industrial design? Priority types of industrial design

Industrial design (industrial design, product design, industrial design) is a branch of design, an area of ​​artistic and technical activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of industrially produced products, namely, their structural and functional features and appearance.

The first industrial designers appeared in the 18th century in England, which is associated primarily with the activities of Josiah Wedgwood and the development industrial production printed fabrics.

The definition of “industrial design” appeared in 1919 thanks to the German architect Walter Gropius, who founded the revolutionary Bauhaus school of industrial design in Weimar (Germany).

After the Second World War, industrial design received serious development in Scandinavia and the Netherlands. Around the same time, pragmatic Americans expressed interest in the direction - in order to increase sales. In the 60s of the 20th century, the direction became so popular in the USA that the College of Industrial Design was organized. In 1969, a member of this board, Thomas Maldonado, gave a very succinct definition of industrial design: “Industrial design is a creative activity aimed at improving the external advantages of objects produced in industry.”

Development stages.

Usually development industrial design includes the following steps

idea generation

conceptual development



3D modeling




Industrial design as an activity includes elements of art, marketing and technology. Industrial design covers a wide range of objects, from household utensils to high-tech, knowledge-intensive products. In the traditional sense, industrial design tasks include prototyping household appliances, production plants and their interfaces, ground and air transport (including cars, planes, trains), various equipment.

Changing under the influence of time, cultural references and the needs of people, using the latest advances in technology and materials, industrial design has become a means of “giving multifaceted high quality to objects, processes, services, systems throughout their life cycles.”

VNIITE theorists, having specified the essence of industrial design, noted that it is aimed at “the comprehensive formation of various objects - products, structures and systems - of such functional properties that provide high quality use of objects, and cultural properties that ensure that objects comply with aesthetic criteria, value orientations of people, their ethnic and other sociocultural characteristics.”

Being at its core a synthesis of artistic design and ergonomics, industrial design is:

as a stage of the production process,

as scientific activity, the continuous search for innovation in technologies and materials,

as art, since “formal, visual, aesthetic and conceptual elements are the dominant tools for this direction project activities».

Visually, these components are presented in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1.1

As a scientific activity, industrial design creates functional priorities in engineering, network cooperation, technology transfer and personnel training. Design as an art supports social priorities by producing inclusive innovations used to benefit society. Guided by thematic priorities, technological and non-technological innovations are created within the framework of project activities to increase economic efficiency and extraction of innovation rent.

Experimenting with household and industrial appliances, production plants and transport, furniture and equipment, kitchen utensils, designers sometimes change the structural and functional features objects. In this case, the vector is aimed, first of all, at changing the objective world, and only then at people.

The fundamental trend of the modern industrial design industry is the unification on the basis of one enterprise of all stages of the development and introduction of an innovative product to the market. This feature is most clearly demonstrated by the example of large manufacturing companies China. Guided by the principle of “design thinking”, manufacturers can maximize short terms develop, present and release on the world market in principle new product. Such unified companies offer their clients a wide range of diverse services:

Design specialists identify the value of individual products and services, develop branding strategies, build a product line portfolio, develop action programs and manage the project to introduce new products into production (and sale).

To better understand the consumer, a thorough analysis is carried out everyday life people, identifying trends in cultural development, video ethnography, specific models for using a particular product are being developed.

In the process of developing innovative products, the architecture and design of the product are determined, 3D models are built, and industrial graphics are developed.

A number of European companies work according to a similar scheme, such as Smart design, Design Continuum, fuseproject, IDEO, ZIBA, whose employees “invest all their experience and knowledge, as well as creativity and design intuition, into the implementation of purely strategic tasks related to the development of new products".

E. Khramkova, head of the business development department of Product Development Group SmirnovDesign, notes: “There is an obvious tendency to turn to design at a much more early stages development of a new product - a stark contrast to previous business models, when the designer was given orders from the marketing, advertising and technical support project." Thus, a need is emerging for a fundamentally new type of industrial designer - he must be able to synthesize and interpret numerous information and, based on it, develop a single design concept. Training of this level is handled well in higher education institutions. educational institutions Japan and China, Holland, Italy and France, where the learning process is directly related to the engineering field and real production. Training Russian students The specialty “industrial design” does not yet meet this standard, however, a number of measures are being taken at the state level to improve educational processes.

The domestic industrial design market can be estimated at a little more than 2-2.5 million dollars. This is very little, so we can say that there is practically no “industrial design” market in Russia.

Today there are about ten specialized companies on the market: Smirnov Design, FormLab, Art-up, Design-Works and others.

The first five, already relatively established in the market, do ~50 projects a year. In contrast to the Western experience, where the regular cost of an industrial design project is 100-200 thousand dollars (judging by analytics, at least 75 thousand dollars), the domestic one is an order of magnitude less - on average ~ 20 thousand dollars. There are, of course, , and rare orders worth 400-500 thousand dollars, but they, as a rule, include a significant amount of analytical and production parts (up to 80%). That. The volume of the market for industrial design services of private companies can be estimated at ~2-2.5 million dollars.

Rice. 1.2 Industrial design market potential Russian Federation(Source: Center for Social Research “North-West” based on materials from Philip M. Parker, INSEAD and Yandex (yandex.ru)).

There is also a hidden part of the market: industrial design services can be provided by design companies that constantly serve the client, as well as freelancers.

For reference, in the United States the industrial design market exceeds $2 billion. Manufacturers pay great attention to appearance goods, the share of design in the cost of ordinary consumer goods is ~ 1-3%.

It is worth noting that modern market- this is the world of “labels and packaging”. Often it is in successful design and a fresh concept lies in the success of the product on the market (for example, Apple).

Today, increased competition in the market and the dominance of imported, mainly low-quality Chinese goods, is forcing manufacturers to take the production process more seriously. Domestic manufacturers finally came to understand the need to keep in touch with the market and focus on its needs, creating a competitive product.

Until recently, the appearance of a product was mainly dealt with by production designers, who, firstly, were “cooked in own juice”, not always having a specialized education, and secondly, they focused only on current production capabilities, which did not contribute to the creation of innovative and competitive products.

Today, the first professional companies engaged in industrial design have appeared, in addition, some design firms have begun to declare their capabilities in this market.

The problem of uncompetitiveness of domestic products has also been addressed at the state level. The head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, German Gref, and First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov began work on a concept for the development of industrial design in Russia. According to the minister, the department decided to engage in design because “Russian goods of good quality are inferior in many respects” in their appearance, and this prevents them from being promoted in the domestic and foreign markets.” The concept provides for measures of state support for design services, as well as deductions of expenses for industrial design from the tax base, and direct government financing of such expenses for small businesses.

In order for industrial managers to understand the importance of design, it is planned to create specialized advisory organizations. The services of these “design development centers” will be partially paid for by the state. Design development may be included in the activities that allow enterprises to qualify as residents of state-funded technology parks. To solve the personnel problem, it is proposed to introduce retraining courses for university teachers, scholarship and grant programs, as well as to promote internships for design students abroad.

Government support will undoubtedly contribute to significant growth in the industrial design market. In addition, the cost of services of Russian designers will be lower than similar projects abroad, which will undoubtedly stimulate demand.

Main “market difficulties”

The main thing is the serious lag of the industrial sector and, accordingly, industrial design from Western countries, which, first of all, is a legacy of the planned economy of the USSR, when the first priority was to provide the country with everything necessary and there was no talk of competition and development.


  • 1. The thinking of manufacturers who do not want to invest in creating a modern competitive design. Today, the emphasis from the industrial sphere has been shifted to advertising, which is clearly wrong, since the product to a large extent must promote itself, initially suit the consumer, and please him. This requires research, it requires design, it requires testing, new ideas.
  • 2. The habit of creating design within the enterprise, and not outsourcing to professionals.
  • 3. Low level of design education.
  • 4. “Brain drain.” Western companies hold competitions among our industrial designers, many of whom are subsequently offered work or good remuneration. Design is in great demand in the West today. social issue(urban environment), developments in the field of medicine, technology (including special equipment and military), these are government orders, and young talented designers are attracted for them.

Placement trend manufacturing enterprises V Southeast Asia will only strengthen in the future. Avoid leakage of ideas and technologies into in this case It won't work. In an effort to somehow protect against Chinese counterfeits, the following scheme is practiced: the manufacturer constantly releases new models with the old filling; while the Chinese are making an imitation famous brand, the original manufacturer has already announced that the model has been discontinued.

Often big difference there is no difference between product versions, only design (ergonomics, materials, colors, textures) and minor details, while the production process doesn't change.

In addition, if the manufacturer does not constantly move forward, he will lose competition. In the West, the manufacturer is interested in ensuring that its brand has a good reputation (it is of high quality, reliable and, if possible, cheap). The product must correspond to fashion trends and time, so you have to constantly change its image.

The concept of industrial design is relatively new, but has already gained popularity among many modern people. We can say that this is a synthesis of science and art, the main purpose of which is to improve external qualities items.

An interview with Sebastian Bergne will help you become more familiar with the features of industrial design and understand all the intricacies of this field. This phenomenon is distinguished by its originality, which attracts many people.

Areas of activity

The main purpose of design is to change objects, installations and objects that have been produced in the industrial sector. This solution has a beneficial effect on life and comfort, and brings real aesthetic pleasure.

Industrial designers are constantly developing original and unique things that also have functionality.

The main leading countries in this area include:

  • Italy;
  • France;
  • Japan;
  • Holland.

Industrial design deals with design in areas that produce technological equipment, vehicles, and create communications.

This list can include architectural styles and interior design. Medical installations are also covered by industrial design work.

People involved in industrial design prefer natural and quality materials. The correct shape of objects and precise geometry are fundamental factors in creating a project.

Designers transform ordinary and familiar objects into original things that become unique goods, one of a kind.

Project development includes the following features:

  • design creation is based on modern trends;
  • the specialist must take into account the convenience and safety when using the item;
  • during development, it is necessary to remember to comply with the wishes of the buyer;
  • the principle and concept of the company must be respected.

When creating a project, specialists take into account large number factors. An item or system should not only be attractive and laconic in appearance, but also have maximum functionality.

Before manufacturing an object, designers create a 3D model, which helps to draw attention to all the advantages and disadvantages.

Watch industrial design from draft to product in the video:

The main task of an industrial designer is to create industrial design and ensure product ergonomics. An industrial designer can work in a wide variety of industries: textile production, haberdashery and leather goods, furniture and wood products, chemical production, manufacturing metal products, machinery and equipment, production of cars, aircraft, ships, etc.

Basic functions of an industrial designer

1. Implementation of ergonomic requirements for products, creation of industrial design elements:

  • Execution individual works on sketching, prototyping, physical modeling
  • Sketching, prototyping, physical modeling, prototyping
  • Computer modeling, visualization, presentation of product model
  • Design of product elements taking into account ergonomic requirements
  • Establishing compliance of the characteristics of the model, prototype of the product with ergonomic requirements

2. Performing individual works during scientific research:

  • Performing simple and moderately complex work when conducting anthropometric and other studies related to product ergonomics
  • Execution complex work when conducting anthropometric and other studies related to product ergonomics

3. Monitoring the implementation of ergonomic requirements for products:

  • Monitoring the compliance of the working design of the product with the ergonomic requirements for the product
  • Monitoring the implementation of ergonomic requirements during design, manufacturing, testing and development prototypes products and preparation technical documentation for serial (mass) production, making necessary changes to it.

4. Determination and development of ergonomic requirements for products:

  • Setting tasks when conducting patent information research, searching for information based on the results of scientific research
  • Selection regulatory documents, containing requirements for the products being developed, selection of anthropometric and sociological research containing requirements for the products being developed
  • Determining indicators of the technical level of designed products, conducting patent research
  • Development of an organization (enterprise) strategy in the field of ergonomics; formulation of ergonomic requirements for a specific type of product based on regulatory framework, the results of studies of ergonomics (safety and comfort) of products, anthropometric studies and the results of sociological research
  • Development of ergonomic requirements for products that affect the safety and comfort of product use.

5. Conducting research work on product ergonomics:

  • Development of a methodology for conducting sociological research concerning the ergonomic parameters of products
  • Definition of a system of indicators for anthropometric studies
  • Conducting research on product ergonomics - its safety and ease of use
  • Analysis and synthesis of scientific research results, evaluation of the information received.

Industrial design- branch of design, area of ​​artistic and technical activity. The purpose of industrial design is to: determine the formal qualities of industrial products, namely their functional and external qualities.

Typically, industrial design development includes the following stages:

  • Idea generation
  • Conceptual development
  • Sketching
  • 3D modeling
  • Visualization
  • Construction
  • Prototyping

Industrial designers themselves can be classified as such professions as engineers, mechanics and artists. They do not create drawings, are not responsible for the performance of inventions, they optimize inventions, trying to portray it as more expensive and beautiful than it is. Designers study sketches of products that are already successful in the market and use them to create their own masterpiece.

There are countless professions in the world of design, and one of the most versatile, interesting and multifaceted is an industrial designer. Such specialists are responsible for creating everything around them: equipment, furniture, household items, dishes, cars, yachts and even mobile applications.

If you manage to combine logical thinking and creativity, and the thirst to make this world a little better and more beautiful does not leave for a minute, which means you should think about a career in the field of industrial design. For such work it is required vocational training, which implies obtaining a Bachelor's or Master's degree.

The Marangoni Institute offers specialized education in the Bachelor's program "Industrial Design" and Master's program "Vehicle Design" and "Italian Industrial Design". During their studies, students: study the history of art; learn to develop ideas for new products and create them; delve into the business component of the industry in order to not only come up with something beautiful, but in demand and in line with the latest or future trends. Upon graduation, they are 100% ready to work and begin successful career on the international market.

But before you apply for admission, let's find out about this promising profession a little more.

Features of work

Typically, industrial designers specialize in one product or service. Although there are no frames or boundaries, it all depends on the desire to learn and develop in different directions. The only thing that is mandatory for everyone is to create products that meet the requirements: easy to use, function well, cost-effective to produce, attractive appearance.

Depending on the project, the scope of work may vary, but the main tasks of an industrial designer are:

discussing with the client his wishes and drawing up a brief;

  • studying the operation of existing products and services;
  • development of ideas, initial drawings and sketches;
  • making a choice decision suitable materials and resources;
  • computer modeling of the product and creation of detailed drawings;
  • production of prototypes;
  • testing a product or service;
  • final development and launch of production.

At all stages of work, the designer must interact with engineers, modelers, marketers and other members of the development team.

Working hours and income

Most often, such specialists work according to a standard schedule from 9.00 to 18.00 (30-40 hours per week), although creative process sometimes it takes extra time.

In Europe, beginning designers can earn from 15 to 22,000 euros per year, more experienced ones 25-34,000, and “experienced” salaries start from 42,000 euros.

Training and professional development

We already wrote above that to work you need to get an education. But having a diploma does not negate continuing education. Industrial designers must be lifelong learners: taking advanced training courses, completing highly specialized programs, reading magazines, books, websites and blogs. It is worth joining design associations and attending specialized exhibitions and events.

Skills, interests and personal qualities

  • creative ideas and a logical approach for their development;
  • ability to express ideas through drawings and 3D models;
  • understanding properties various materials and production methods;
  • ability to plan and organize a project at all stages;
  • ability to create cost estimates and work within budget;
  • good communication skills;
  • ability to write clear and concise reports;
  • creative approach to problem solving;
  • ability to work in a team and exchange ideas with colleagues.


Industrial designers are in demand in a wide range of industrial and commercial fields. For example, they work as part of a new product development team in toy factories or furniture production. They can also act as consultants or collaborate with a variety of brands on a freelance basis.

By gaining work experience, industrial designers have the opportunity to become creative director or head the project management department. Modern technologies brought this profession to new level with knowledge of ergonomics, functionality and external beauty product, designers can work on developing mobile applications and websites. More and more of them are contributing to the online world and becoming UX designers.

You can find out more about studying Bachelor's and Master's programs in industrial design at the Marangoni Institute from the consultants of the official representative office -