How to open a cartridge refilling business: step by step instructions. Cartridge refilling and office equipment maintenance business


The modern world is a world of rapid progress and technological development. Almost all areas human activity no longer do without computers, printers and copiers. The growth in the consumption of consumables is growing with the growth of the park of office equipment.

The original cartridge is expensive. Manufacturers in competition among themselves are forced to sell printers and copiers on the SOHO market below the cost of production. They deliberately inflate the cost of consumables by several times in order to get their money back and get super profits.

So that the user does not overpay for the cartridge, a technology for the restoration of cartridges was invented and implemented. The resource of the original cartridge is approximately three times higher than that declared by the manufacturer, so it can be fully restored without loss of print quality.

These technologies are beneficial to large enterprises. Investing financial resources in equipment and personnel training, the company receives savings in office costs for cartridges up to five once. Also, on the basis of this production, you can organize an additional business to provide other organizations with refurbished consumables at a profit for yourself.

For example, consider the most common cartridges for the HP 2612A laser printer. The original cartridge costs $50-55( USA ). Refurbished - $18-25( USA ). Those. price difference is $30( USA ). Now calculate the savings when using a cartridge for a year based on the use of 1 cartridge per month: 12 months* $30( USA ) = $360 ). And if there are a lot of printers and copiers? There are organizations that spend $ 1,000,000 on original cartridges ( USA ) or more per year. For them, the savings will be $750,000 ( USA) and more per year when organizing own production. Not bad, right?!

Any business starts with a feasibility study.

The justification will be based on the calculation of costs and profits for one year.

The volume of manufactured cartridges is 300 pcs. per month. As our experience shows, for beginners in this business, these are real numbers even for an average regional city. If you call all the enterprises in your area or city, you will understand how much this technology is in demand, and how many cartridges can potentially be restored.

First- you need a room for the organization of production for restoration (perhaps you already have it). For normal operation production is necessary production room size 30 sq.m. The rental price is on average - $2100 (USA)/year (on the basis of $70 (USA)/year per m 3).

Second- purchase equipment. The cost of a set of equipment, depending on the scale of production, ranges from $3,000 to $14,000 (USA). We will assume that a set of equipment is purchased for $14,000 (USA).

Third - wage and overhead costs will be - $ 23,800 (USA) per year (based on 1 worker, 1 cartridge collector, 1 courier - assistants 1 manager, $ 5000 (USA) advertising costs, $ 2000 (USA) general business expenses).

fourth- average cost of remanufacturing one cartridge - $13(USA). This includes the purchase of a used cartridge $5 (USA), the cost of toner and spare parts is $8 (USA).

Fifth - average price sales of one cartridge - $25 (USA).

sixth- average production volume for this equipment- 1000 cartridges per month, BUT we will take into account the fact that the client base is formed by 30%, respectively, the production volume in the first year of operation will be 300 cartridges / month

Total turnover per year: $25(sales price) - $13 (refurbishment cost)*300*12= $43,200 (USA) per year.
Total investment : $14,000(USA ) (equipment)
Total expenses for the year: $2,100 (rent) + $23,800 (salary) = $25,900 (USA)
Profit per year : $43,200(turnover) - $25,900 (expenses) = $17,300(USA)

The payback point will be :1, 24 years*

*The calculation is based on the calculation of 30% of the equipment power.

Project Manager

The manual is the basis of a business plan and contains sections:

1. The market of consumables for office equipment. Competitiveness and strategy for choosing the services provided.

We will talk about the prerequisites for the emergence of the market for consumables for office equipment, we will review the services provided and analyze possible failures in the provision of a particular service, we will determine the dependence of your competitiveness on the strategy for choosing the services provided.

2. Business portfolio "Polyram"

"Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are" is true always and in all cases. Let's get acquainted and perhaps you will take something as the basis for the development of your company. In this section, we tell the history of the company's emergence, development strategy, describe Polyram services and development prospects.

3. Analysis of the Russian market of consumables for office equipment from "Polyram"

Starting any business, we strive to learn as much as possible about the trends and prospects for its development. The success of our enterprises depends on our knowledge. The Polyram team is convinced that copying foreign success does not guarantee its repetition within our country. It is also completely illiterate to use research data from foreign analytical companies to argue the attractiveness of our market. The mentality and needs of Russian clients differ significantly from Western ones. In this regard, the most valuable research successful experience Russian companies discussed in this section.

4. Possibilities of the organization own business and prospects for its development in the consumables market.

There are quite a lot of options to start a business in the consumables market (franchising, buying equipment at retail, buying turnkey business offers). In this section, we will identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as analyze the cost to market for each.

5. We select sources of financing based on the analysis of the Russian market of financial services for small businesses

One of the most important factors in the successful development of a business is a competent choice of a source of financing. On the present stage relevant is the role of the state in attracting financial resources to small business. We offer you an analysis of the Russian market of financial services for small businesses and more important factors which you can use.

6. Determine opportunities to enter the business of consumables. Marketing research.

Section - training, which demonstrated a complete and detailed marketing research of a certain company regarding the business offer "Beginer" with a capacity of 500 cartridges / month. An assessment of the compliance of the client resource with respect to production capabilities is given, an analysis of the external and internal environment, opportunities and threats, and as a result, a swot analysis was carried out, as well as recommendations for conducting marketing research, practical accents of each stage are placed. The study is relevant in relation to the modern development of the economy and politics of our state. Is ready basis to write a business plan.

7. Technological and engineering aspects of the business proposal "Beginer"

In the section given specifications equipment business - turnkey proposals, a description of the main, auxiliary equipment and necessary consumables (from "Polyram"). In the section you will find the opinion of experts on each type of equipment, practical advice instructions, test reports, principles of operation, a description of the competitive advantage of the equipment you purchased.

8. Organization of the workplace

This section contains a recommended plan for the organization of the workplace and the necessary technical equipment of the premises.

9. Economic justification for the business proposal "Beginer"

In this section, we have covered all possible risks when organizing a business and identified means of dealing with them. Spent economic justification business proposals using the scenario method (optimistic, realistic, pessimistic), determined the prerequisites for the development of each of them. We identified the appropriate payback points and gave many practical recommendations.

10. Project charter (business organization schedule)

A useful procedure that provides you with a clear regulation for the implementation of the project implementation plan for organizing your business, gives a clear definition of the necessary labor, material costs, allows you to form calendar plan. The section demonstrates the development of the Project Charter, is the basis for the formation of a business organization schedule in the program Microsoft office project.

11. We develop a strategy for bringing our products / services to the market.

When not to open your business in a crisis? This venture is more successful than most people think. The main thing is to think over all the moments of your future own business in advance and decide whether it is worth starting at all. And if it’s worth it, then you need to fight for your goal without deviating from the intended path (for many who want to open their own business, this is financial solvency and confidence in the future).

There are a lot of business ideas today - from the simplest ones, which do not even require renting a room, to complex, multi-level plans with the involvement of third-party investments. The business of refilling cartridges can also become your own business. This type of work is suitable for novice entrepreneurs and does not require significant start-up capital. But do not rush to buy equipment! First you need to analyze the market and think everything through.

Cartridge refill market

Cartridge refill business is not the best normal view activities, so there is a chance to occupy a free niche in the market. Agree, the idea to open a shop or cafe comes to novice businessmen much more often, while catering is a really difficult area for a beginner.

The target audience of the cartridge refilling business (where to start - read below) is everyone who has a printer at home or in the office. The main clients will be offices, private entrepreneurs and various government agencies (schools, housing departments, hospitals). Before you rent a room and purchase equipment, you need to analyze the availability potential clients and competition.

Particular attention should be paid to companies that offer photocopying and printing services. Due to the specifics of their activities, they run out of ink in the printer very quickly, so they can become regular customers. It is desirable to conclude a permanent contract with such customers of services - this will ensure the stability of the cartridge refilling business. Feedback from entrepreneurs confirms that you need to “hold on” to regular customers, perhaps offering them discounts or special offers of a different kind.

Business Summary

The market is relatively free, and you can start working, hoping for success and stable profits? Great, but how do you open a cartridge refilling business? AT general view the schema looks like this:

  1. Must pass state registration Individual entrepreneur or LLC, choose a taxation system and solve all legal issues.
  2. Need to find suitable premises and rent, equip a comfortable workshop there.
  3. Carry out an advertising campaign that will allow serving the first few customers on the opening day.
  4. Think about creating a source of passive income from the business of refilling cartridges, expanding the network of workshops.

Legal Issues

Such a business can be opened by registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is easier for many, because an individual entrepreneur can be registered independently, without the help of a lawyer or accountant. Before starting the activity, it will also be necessary to choose a taxation system.

Workshop rental

To get started, you need to rent small office(workshop) in a large business center, next to it, in the city center. Enough small area, so this stage will not be too expensive. The only requirement for the premises is to have a constant supply of water - this is necessary for refueling inkjet printers.

Of course, at first you can organize a small workshop at home. It's quite a budget option business. Trust in entrepreneurs who work in a separate workshop, as a rule, is higher than in those who decide to organize a business at home. Especially the latter concerns large firms - it may be quite difficult to conclude an agreement with a regular client.

Purchase of equipment

The business plan for refilling cartridges also includes the cost of acquiring the equipment necessary for the full functioning of the business. You need to buy devices and technical means, which will allow you to refuel laser and inkjet printers, equipment for the restoration of cartridges. Already after the third refueling, the cartridge begins to become unusable, crumble or leak. The resource of not only the cartridge itself is reduced, but also the equipment with which it is used. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to carry out engineering works for recovery.

You will need not only equipment for the cartridge refilling business, but also furniture for the workshop. At a minimum, you need chairs and a table, a rack. You will also need different expendable materials: color and black ink, toner. The cartridge refilling master also needs some tools, namely a soldering iron, a heat gun, pliers, screwdrivers, and so on. The cost of consumables are fixed, so they need to be taken into account when calculating the budget.

You will also need a laptop and a phone, you need to connect the Internet.

Workshop staff

At first, you can work on your own. In general, the cartridge refilling business involves the following stages of service provision:

  1. Receiving a request from a client.
  2. Departure of the courier to pick up the cartridge at the specified address.
  3. Direct refilling of the cartridge.
  4. Delivery of equipment back to the client.
  5. Receiving payment.

It turns out that if you are ready to be both a master and a courier at the same time, you can do it on your own. Naturally, this is only at first. When the business gains momentum, it will be necessary to hire a separate courier or two, a master, a salesman, and so on - it all depends on how this business will develop.

So, you can work independently, or you can immediately hire one or two couriers. If you are just a beginner entrepreneur and / or do not understand the intricacies accounting You will also need an accountant. Accounting can be outsourced - it's usually cheaper.

You will need

  • 1) Business plan.
  • 2) IP certificate.
  • 3) Office space.
  • 4) Working environment.
  • 5) Consumables.
  • 6) 2 employees.
  • 7) Tools.
  • 8) Advertising.


The first thing you should do before starting your own business is to create a business plan. In which you mentally calculate each of your actions. This is comparable to how tourists plot a route on a map. We'll do it first, then we'll go there. And so on... As you know, the plan is the skeleton of any business. Knowing in advance what you will do, it will be easier and faster for you to achieve your goal.

If you don't have a certificate yet individual entrepreneur, then you can do it yourself in the tax office, or trust accounting organization engaged in the opening and closing of sole proprietorships and LLCs. AT tax office You can register an individual entrepreneur in one week - 5 working days. Pay the state duty - 800 rubles. And then you will be given all the documents you need to get started.

Having found a place and concluded a lease agreement, the time has come to equip working room. You must clearly separate the workshop and reception area. The workshop should have a table, shelves for tools and supplies. It is desirable to have access to a washbasin without going to the emergency room.
In reception, there should be furniture for waiting. Often people are in a hurry and will wait for the urgent execution of their order. And, if possible, it is necessary to satisfy their request as soon as possible. Sometimes, for some reason, you can't do it right away. Then you need to politely and calmly explain that you are busy with other urgent business. Let me know when their order is completed. Most visitors are willing to wait longer or come later. The main thing is to do everything efficiently and as quickly as possible.

For refilling, you will need ink for inkjet cartridges and toner for laser. There are two types of ink: pigment and water. And it is necessary to fill in the ink corresponding to them in the cartridges. Of course, experience shows that there are compatible and suitable for different printer models, but it's better not to experiment on clients. This will reflect badly on your reputation.
The situation is similar with laser printers. Toner, as well as ink, is different for different brands and printer models. And in the same way it is compatible, but this affects the quality of the print. Therefore, it is better to keep several types of toner for the most popular printers.

One person can receive visitors and cartridges, but it is better if the master has "free" hands. Otherwise, he will have to be distracted by new visitors. While one fills, the receiver issues new orders. Well, if both are, that is, there will be 2 refueling masters.

Since there are printers and other printing devices in almost every home today, it becomes natural to be interested in the business of refilling cartridges. How much can you earn in this service sector and is it worth organizing your own business on such an idea?

Thanks to simple skills and minimal investment, you can create profitable business and gradually expand the scope of activities. Thus, even a novice entrepreneur can increase his income and earn start-up capital for a more serious project.


Office equipment today is an integral part ordinary life. It is present at home, in the office, every businessman has it. And sooner or later the ink in the printer, fax and other similar devices run out. Naturally, no one will buy expensive equipment or even the cartridges themselves every time. Much more convenient and cheaper to refill them. And this function is performed by a specialist who has necessary equipment.

If there is low competition in the city, the problem can be expected to be addressed frequently. It is enough just to approach the issue of organizing the business correctly and spend at least a little on advertising. Your clients will be:

  • private persons;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • large offices;
  • government institutions, etc.

In almost every organization that ever prints anything, there is a need for new tech inks. Therefore, refilling cartridges as a business is considered a successful and promising direction. Few people do this process on their own. It is much easier to seek help from a specialist.

The whole activity is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. Get a job application.
  2. Pick up the cartridge from the client or take it to your own office.
  3. Refill the device with quality ink.
  4. Return it to the customer and receive the agreed amount for this.

You can perform simple operations both at home, in the absence of start-up capital, or in an office located somewhere in the central districts of the city. Think in advance what will be more profitable for you. After all, having your own premises implies a high rent, and doing work at home means extra transport costs.

The advantages of this line of business are:

  • Small initial investment.
  • Special skills are acquired in a few days, special courses or training are not required.
  • The first orders can be carried out even at home.
  • It is possible to deal with refilling cartridges on your own, and hire employees only when it is profitable.
  • The demand for such services is constantly present in almost every city, so you are unlikely to be left without work.

True, there are some disadvantages. For example, you should not count on high profits, because the cost of services is quite low. In some cities, the difficulty of organizing such a business lies in the fact that there are already many competitors on the market. Even stores specializing in the sale of office equipment and various computer repair organizations offer cartridge refilling among their services.

Even before the start of the implementation of the idea, it is advisable to draw up a business plan and calculate all the estimated costs that will have to be incurred in the first few months. Given the expected profit, you can roughly estimate the timing of the return of start-up capital and think in advance whether you will develop the business and expand the service sector in the future.

In the absence of entrepreneurial experience, you can use more in a simple way– pay for the franchise and enlist support knowing person. Then you will immediately be provided ready-made instructions, a step-by-step development strategy, they will teach you how to run a business and even help you open your own office and advertise it.

Registration stage

One of the important issues in implementing the idea of ​​refilling cartridges is paperwork in official institutions. Where to start for a newbie? Visit the building of the tax service and write an application for opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option is more preferable, since it does not require a package of documents and high state duty payments. You will receive an answer within a week and will be able to do business directly.

The creation of a legal entity (LLC) involves the presence of several partners on financial basis, constituent documents, authorized capital, big pay organizational issues and a long wait for results.

It is also worth choosing a tax system in advance, according to which you will pay monthly (or quarterly) government contributions from your activities. Which one to choose - UTII, USN, PNS (patent) - should be decided based on the estimated costs, expected profits and the size of the premises. You can consult with an accountant for more details on this topic.

When renting an office, make sure that you have a well-written contract for a long time in your hands. And when hiring employees, you need to register as an employer with social authorities.

Office furnishing

Although it is not necessary to rent a room for refilling cartridges, it is still desirable to acquire separate place to receive clients. After all, it will be able to contact you much more people and the credibility of the firm will be higher. But it is important to pay attention to its location. Preferably nearby:

  1. office buildings.
  2. State institutions.
  3. Educational establishments.
  4. Printing or photocopying companies.

You can also focus on customers living in a residential area. Here the competition is much lower, and at home people also keep a lot of money. office equipment that needs refueling. Then it is enough to locate your office next to a supermarket, public transport stop or grocery store.

The room itself should not be large. Enough 20-30 square meters. m. But it is desirable to divide it into two compartments. In one part, take orders and communicate with customers, and in the other, directly deal with the workflow. Since this area of ​​activity has its own specifics, keep in mind that such an office must have a source running water and washbasin.

What does it take to open a cartridge refilling business? Not so much money will be spent on equipment and consumables. The usual list is pretty simple:

  • toners;
  • assortment of different inks (by color and manufacturer);
  • Phillips and flat screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • a special gun for refueling;
  • medical syringe;
  • water bottle;
  • a metal stick with a diameter of 2 mm slightly curved at the end;
  • stationery knife;
  • napkins;
  • gauze bandage to protect the respiratory tract.

Also don't forget about office furniture, racks for storage of materials, office equipment, cash machine and phone. At least a minimum number of chairs should be present for customers waiting for an urgent order, and equipped workplace for staff.

To promote a business as quickly as possible, you need to take into account a variety of requests. To do this, you should focus on existing models of printers and other devices, their laser and inkjet options, popular manufacturers, basic ink shades, etc. The wider the range of equipment you can serve, the more customers will contact you. But always work only with quality products!


One person, even the owner of the business, can refill cartridges. This will greatly save labor costs and help you start a business with minimum investment. But if there are too many orders, then it is advisable to hire assistants. In a medium-sized city, it is enough for one company to have 2-3 people on the staff.

Since refilling ink is not too complicated and can be learned in a few days, it is most advantageous to hire an employee with no work experience, such as a student. With a large influx, it is desirable that one of them takes orders, and the second performs refueling. Ideally, if they can replace each other if necessary.

At additional provision services with the possibility of personal delivery of cartridges to the client and back, you should also take care that there is a courier on staff. Thus, you will greatly expand client base and be able to complete more orders.

today without advertising campaign You don't even have to start your own business. To light up a business and find customers, you must definitely pick up good way stand out, attract the attention of others, at least inform the public about its existence. For this, the most different methods:

  1. Advertising on radio, in newspapers and magazines.
  2. Placement of announcements in public transport, at bus stops, special boards.
  3. Distribution of printing products (leaflets, business cards) in places with a large concentration of potential customers.
  4. Internet use (forums, social groups, contextual advertising), etc.

But sometimes it’s enough just to open an office in a good place and make a noticeable sign. For example, if you rent a room in a business center, then, most likely, entrepreneurs working in the same building will often contact you. By installing a pillar with information about the services provided on a high-traffic street, you can also attract a lot of interested people.

But it is not always worth leaving the receipt of orders to chance. More in an efficient way will be an active search for customers. Yes, talk to the owners. large companies, conclude several contracts for the constant maintenance of equipment with individual entrepreneurs, cooperate with printing and photocopying companies and you will always have a lot of orders.

Additional income

If you deal not only with refilling cartridges, but with certain skills and knowledge, offer services for the repair, configuration, connection and maintenance of office equipment, then you will significantly expand your customer base and be able to reach higher incomes in a short period.

It is also beneficial to retail various accessories, related products, new cartridges, and even computer equipment. But the most important thing in the development and establishment of a business is the quality of the services and goods provided. This is the only way to win the trust of regular customers.

In order for your own business to bring significant profit and become successful, you need to competently approach its organization. Here are some tips for beginners:

  • When looking for office space, try to assess the presence of competitors and the number of potential customers. So, perfect place there will be the proximity of office institutions, but the complete absence of firms that perform the same functions as you. If you can’t avoid competition, then focus on urgent orders, low prices or any other benefits.
  • The wider the range of serviced equipment, varieties of printers and other devices, the faster the main customer base will be formed. It is better to have ink and toners on hand for the most different models, from popular manufacturers and be able to handle any type of equipment.
  • Consumables should always be purchased from the same suppliers. Initially, focus only on high quality products, so as not to spoil the reputation of the institution.

Financial part

To more accurately assess the profitability of a business, you need to objectively indicate the costs and expected income, which is not always easy to do. Depending on what prices are present in your area, the scale of the project and the main idea, there will be differences and exact numbers. Here are the average figures.

True, the amount may be different. Less if you do not have to use advertising or the cost of rent is lower, more if you need to hire assistants and with a significant expansion of the range of inks.

Income also differs in each case. When fulfilling orders on your own, you can not do so much in a day. If the company employs several people at once, then the profit will be greater. In the first months, earnings may not exceed 20-40 thousand rubles, but with a competent approach and sustainable development after six months, the profit reaches 150,000. Therefore, it depends only on you how quickly the initial investment will pay off.

Video: refilling printer cartridges - how much does it cost to open a business?

Manufacturers of office equipment mainly build their business on the sale of consumables, so buying a new cartridge for a printer is usually not just expensive, but very expensive. Accordingly, the demand for refilling cartridges will always be. Do not be afraid of the competition of large companies. The work is too simple and does not bring millions in profits, so small firms are usually involved in refueling.

Winning the loyalty of your consumer is quite simple. You just need to do the right thing. That is, the refiller must carefully fill the cartridge with ink or toner so as not to damage it and prolong its life. It must be filled in required quantity to keep the client satisfied. It is quite simple to fulfill these conditions, so such a business has every chance of becoming profitable.

Business types

This business can be considered in two implementation options: the main one or the accompanying one. If your plan is to organize a business specifically for refilling cartridges, you should first develop a business plan for the organization. It should provide a capacious name that will reflect the essence of the service, as well as the form of organization. The easiest way is to register an IP. This will take less time and money, and in the future will simplify the filing of reports with the tax authorities. In addition, the business will not have high speed, which are easier to carry out, having the form of an LLC organization.

If you open an associated business, the stage of official registration has already been completed. As additional service refueling suggested copy centers, office equipment stores, etc. As a rule, other consumables are immediately offered, such as ink, used cartridges, printers, and more.

Locations and clientele

Despite the fact that today often printers are bought for home use, the main rate should be on legal entities. Offices of companies still consume more material, so they will need refueling more often. Therefore, a plan for finding a room for the office of a cartridge refilling company should be drawn up based on the location of the city's office centers.

The ideal option is to rent a room of approximately 20 square meters in one of them. m. There should be a direct water supply for refilling inkjet printers, Internet access and a telephone. Also, the location in the city center will be successful, from where you can conveniently and quickly get to any other point in it.

The plan for serving the population should be low, but you should not completely exclude it from your target audience. The only thing is that the business plan should provide for a different approach to the provision of services. So, it is desirable for legal entities to refill cartridges on the spot with the departure of the master. The company's employees are primarily interested in the quick restoration of the work process, so it is inconvenient for them to take the cartridge to the company and wait a day or two for it to be refilled. This option can be offered to the public.

Minimum business plan

In addition to the selection of premises, it is necessary to select equipment for refilling cartridges. It should include tools that allow you to refill laser and inkjet printers, as well as special equipment for remanufacturing cartridges. The fact is that after the third refueling, the cartridge begins to crumble or leak. Because of this, the resource of not only the cartridge, but also the equipment itself is reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically carry out work to restore it.

It is logical that you will need not only equipment for refilling cartridges, but also office furniture. In addition, it is necessary to purchase consumables: color and black ink, toner. You will also need soldering irons, pliers, screwdrivers, a thermal gun with fusible rods, etc. In total, you must be prepared to pay the following amounts for arranging the premises:

  • furniture - 12 thousand rubles;
  • equipment for cartridges - 100 thousand rubles;
  • consumables - from 20 thousand rubles. per month.

Company employees

Business plan small firm in the person of the owner, it can unite the manager and the manager for the purchase of materials. The search for customers, the conclusion of contracts and the actual refueling can be handled by craftsmen. Enough 2-3 people. It is not necessary to hire people with experience only. For one working week everyone can learn how to refill cartridges from scratch.

Since the main audience is legal entities, you will have to work for UTII. Therefore, it is best to hire an accountant or outsource it. Approximately 8 thousand rubles will be spent on paying for his services. per month.

For those craftsmen, the salary will be 60 thousand rubles. They need to be compensated for travel, since they will do most of the work on the road. The optimal work schedule is two people on the first shift and one on the second. The first starts at 8 am and lasts until 17.00, and the second - from 13.00 to 21.00. So you can have time to cover all possible customers.

Detailed financial calculations

The expenditure part of the business plan will include the following items (rubles per year):

  • rent of premises - 50 thousand;
  • furniture - 12 thousand;
  • equipment - 100 thousand;
  • consumables - 240 thousand;
  • salary - 68 thousand;
  • compensation for travel and telephone - 12 thousand;
  • advertising - 360 thousand;
  • other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

In total, approximately 892 thousand rubles will be spent in a year. To reach profitability, you need to refill at least 100 cartridges per month and restore about 50. Refilling one cartridge costs about 500 rubles, and restoring a thousand. You can earn about 100 thousand rubles per month. excluding taxes and expenses. Additional source of income can be paid delivery. Depending on the set of services, a business can pay for itself in an average year.

Marketing plan

When compiling marketing plan it is necessary to focus on the fact that it is quite realistic to reach 200 refillable cartridges in a month. True, in the first quarter of the opening of the company it will be difficult to achieve such indicators. It is only important to think over the marketing policy and advertise well.

The biggest return comes from online advertising. Each owner of a printing device has access to the worldwide network, and it is there that he first of all looks for a solution to his problem. Therefore, it is important to create and promote the website of your company. An additional source of customers is direct calls by masters.

Please note that budget organizations are most interested in discounts on services, and commercial enterpriseshigh quality. But in any case, it is better to develop your own system of discounts for regular customers.