Cartridge refilling and office equipment maintenance business. How to make money refilling cartridges

You will need

  • 1) Business plan.
  • 2) IP certificate.
  • 3) Office space.
  • 4) Working environment.
  • 5) Consumables.
  • 6) 2 employees.
  • 7) Tools.
  • 8) Advertising.


The first thing you should do before starting your own business is to create a business plan. In which you mentally calculate each of your actions. This is comparable to how tourists plot a route on a map. We'll do it first, then we'll go there. And so on... As you know, the plan is the skeleton of any business. Knowing in advance what you will do, it will be easier and faster for you to achieve your goal.

If you do not yet have a certificate of an individual entrepreneur, then you can do it yourself at the tax office, or trust accounting organization engaged in the opening and closing of sole proprietorships and LLCs. AT tax office You can register an individual entrepreneur in one week - 5 working days. Pay the state duty - 800 rubles. And then you will be given all the documents you need to get started.

Having found a place and concluded a lease agreement, the time has come to equip working room. You must clearly separate the workshop and reception area. The workshop should have a table, shelves for tools and supplies. It is desirable to have access to a washbasin without going to the emergency room.
In reception, there should be furniture for waiting. Often people are in a hurry and will wait for the urgent execution of their order. And, if possible, it is necessary to satisfy their request as soon as possible. Sometimes, for some reason, you can't do it right away. Then you need to politely and calmly explain that you are busy with other urgent business. Let me know when their order is completed. Most visitors are willing to wait longer or come later. The main thing is to do everything efficiently and as quickly as possible.

For refilling, you will need ink for inkjet cartridges and toner for laser. There are two types of ink: pigment and water. And it is necessary to fill in the ink corresponding to them in the cartridges. Of course, experience shows that there are compatible and suitable different models printers, but it is better not to experiment on clients. This will reflect badly on your reputation.
The situation is similar with laser printers. Toner, as well as ink, is different for different brands and printer models. And in the same way it is compatible, but this affects the quality of the print. Therefore, it is better to keep several types of toner for the most popular printers.

One person can receive visitors and cartridges, but it is better if the master has "free" hands. Otherwise, he will have to be distracted by new visitors. While one fills, the receiver issues new orders. Well, if both are, that is, there will be 2 refueling masters.

Service office equipment- a promising type of entrepreneurship, which right approach can become a source of stable income. Starting capital for opening a business will need a small one and, in addition, the service itself is not considered complex and requires specific expensive equipment. You can get training and get the necessary practical skills by getting a job as an apprentice to an experienced specialist for several months. During the period of work there will be an opportunity to raise start-up capital for your business, as well as learn how to work with clients. On the basis of these developments, the entrepreneur will also have own ideas how to promote your cartridge refilling business. And in this article we will talk about classic options promotion of services such as repair and maintenance of office equipment.

How to start a cartridge refilling business

In order for your cartridge refilling business to quickly become successful and bring good profits, you need to properly manage the available resources, determine the main directions of the marketing policy and set business goals. All these issues can be resolved within the framework of a business plan. Be sure to read.

Some aspiring entrepreneurs believe that the cartridge refilling business is quite easy and therefore putting together a professional business plan is extra costs. This is an erroneous opinion. The difficulty of such a business as refilling cartridges is not difficult technological process, expensive equipment or the need to attract expensive specialists, but that the market is oversaturated with repair and maintenance services for office equipment.

A new entrepreneur needs to be very careful about going out with his initiative. The offer must be interesting, profitable and effective for the client. Only then is it likely that the customer will be interested and agree to cooperate. It is possible to calculate the stages of the formation of a service, determine the costs of its creation, establish the cost and assortment, but at the same time, not to lose the integrity of the whole picture of the future business is possible only within the framework of a business plan.

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Material base

The first part of a business plan for a cartridge refilling company should be devoted to the investments that the owner plans to make in the future business. To get started, you will need to spend on:

  • room;
  • two equipped workplaces for craftsmen;
  • automobile.

Today on sale you can find ready-made jobs, equipped with professional equipment for carrying out a full cycle of work on the repair and refilling of cartridges. Such acquisitions greatly simplify the task for the business owner, since there is no need to assemble the equipment separately. The price of one workplace is about 60 thousand rubles.

The main requirement for the premises of the workshop for refilling and repairing cartridges is that it must be spacious. This means that you cannot install two desktops on five square meters. It is important to understand that the work of refilling cartridges can cause substantial harm the health of the masters, so they should be at a sufficient distance from each other. In addition, the workshop should have good ventilation. Minimum size cabinet for two tables - from 15 square meters.

The location of the workshop is not a decisive factor for the promotion of the cartridge refilling business. You need to immediately form your business with the expectation that not customers will bring you cartridges for refilling and repair, but you will visit customers and pick up non-working equipment from them.

The initial cost of starting a business will be about 500 thousand rubles (consider other interesting rubles). Approximately half of this amount is the cost of the car. Read .

In addition to basic funds for doing business, you will also need working capital. These include:

If you are new to this business, then do not purchase consumables yourself. Entrust this to the master who will work for you. This approach will allow you to save money and not make useless purchases. The approximate cost of the starter kit of consumables is 100 thousand rubles.

There is an opinion that consumables can be bought for each specific order. But this approach will increase the lead time, which can play against a novice businessman. After all, one of the main offers of an entrepreneur who has just entered the market is the ability to complete an order faster than those firms that are already operating on the market.

Where and how to find clients

After the material base is prepared, it is necessary to deal with the documents. An entrepreneur will not find good orders if he does not have a package of documents for business and services. This requirement is due to the fact that the main share of the company's customers for refilling cartridges are enterprises and organizations. They are all interested in having documentary evidence for their expenses. No one will work with those firms that cannot provide an agreement, an invoice and a certificate of completion.

The main document confirming the legality of the implementation entrepreneurial activity, is a certificate of registration of an enterprise issued by the tax service (FTS). ( individual entrepreneur) will help you obtain such a document.

You will also need information on how it is carried out in 2017.

After registering with the Federal Tax Service, do not forget. This will allow you to carry out non-cash payments with contractors.

After registering with the Federal Tax Service, order a draft contract for the provision of services from a lawyer after-sales service office equipment. The contract should not be very large in volume, with clear requirements and conditions convenient for the customer. Accuracy in paperwork will help you win the trust of customers. In addition, orders on public procurement websites will be available to you. Winning the tender for public procurement - good recommendation for any entrepreneur.

Important! Another marketing ploy that will make your service more interesting for customers is an offer to use an exchange fund. For example, if you can't guarantee a hardware repair within a business day, then suggest that your client use a printer or copier from your stock so that the client's work is not idle. This is a very effective marketing ploy.

Terms of reaching self-sufficiency

average cost refueling and maintenance of one cartridge - 1 thousand rubles. On average, one workshop serves about 300 cartridges per month. Monthly income - 300 thousand rubles. From this amount it is necessary to subtract the salary of the masters - 100 thousand rubles, the cost of spare parts and consumables - 100 thousand rubles. You need to spend up to 30 thousand rubles a month on advertising. In addition, to current expenses include: utility bills and transportation costs - about 30 thousand more rubles. Total net profit about 40 thousand rubles can be received per month, and, accordingly, your workshop will pay off in a year.


If you want to quickly conquer the market, run a compelling advertising campaign. Advertising should be addressed to the circle of customers for which your business is designed. In advertising brochures, you need to indicate information about the benefits of your services and the benefits for the client. Go beyond printed materials, place your flyers on regional groups in in social networks, and on local forums. Even if you have to pay for advertising space, these costs will quickly pay off.

Cartridge refilling business is very interesting and profitable. After all, a printer is a modern invention for mankind, which allows you to print unlimited quantity various forms, documents, receipts and other. Just recently, a 3D printer was even invented. Although a few years ago we had to look for an organization where we could print the document we needed. The price of printers has dropped significantly, which means that anyone can buy it.

  • How to start a cartridge refilling business?
  • Room selection
  • Search for suppliers and employees
  • Official registration and advertising
  • Profitability of doing business
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • How to choose equipment
  • Which OKVED to indicate during registration
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for business registration
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Cartridge refill technology

The printer is available in both black and white and color. Now we can print color photographs, leaflets and important documents and books. The only thing that can upset is when it runs out of paint. It doesn't matter what type or model it is. They all need timely refilling with ink. And since almost everyone now has a printer, you can think about such a business as refilling ink cartridges with your own hands.

How to start a cartridge refilling business?

Room selection

One of the important conditions for the successful development of your business is right choice premises, especially its location. You need to look for it, focusing on where your potential clients. After all, it is easier for a person to contact an office that is nearby or buy a new cartridge than to go to the other end of the city to refuel it.

If your potential clients are large organizations and entrepreneurs, then it is worth renting an office near them. When working with individuals, you can rent an office in a residential area. look at the first and basement floors multi-storey buildings.

In some cases, it is not necessary to immediately rent an office for a large amount of money. There is a high probability that the rent of the premises will not pay off. It would be more rational to rent some small room, for example, a stall or a garage. Do there redecorating, hang a sign, and your small office ready to open. The main condition will be only a close location to the future consumers of your services and the absence of competitors nearby.

The floor area must be at least 18 sq. m, but preferably from 25 sq. m. Pay attention to whether there is water supply. In the process of refueling inkjet printers with your own hands, you will need a large number of water. Also buy a phone for future conversations with clients.

Search for suppliers and employees

Finding ink suppliers with which you will refill cartridges is one of the most important tasks. Look for those who offer quality products at a minimal low price. Not the fact that you will find such the first time. You can continue searching for a supplier while already working. If you find more profitable option change without thinking. After all, your main task is to increase profits, while maintaining a low final cost for services.

If you know how to refill cartridges with your own hands, then at first you can not hire workers. You are quite capable of doing this work yourself. If you don't have the necessary skills, you can always get trained. Or hire someone who understands this.

Official registration and advertising

So that in the future you will not have problems with tax and other government bodies you need to officially register your business. It could be like registering individual, and legal. It is best to stop at the first option. If you will provide Additional services you may need a cash register.

To attract buyers, it is worth conducting a competent advertising campaign. The cheapest and most popular way is to post flyers at bus stops and other public places. You can also order posters and banners from the printing house.

Internet advertising is gaining popularity. If possible, you can negotiate with computer stores that can offer your services to their customers. Of course, they will have to pay a certain percentage of your profits for this.

Profitability of doing business

big organizations, state institutions and entrepreneurs in your city actively use printers. Of course, it will be difficult to attract them to permanent cooperation with you, but it is possible. Individuals can also become your clients. In general, it is better to focus on them.

In addition to do-it-yourself refueling, it will be possible to offer other services. For example, sell ready-made, refilled cartridges, print various documents, leaflets, letterheads, photographs, install software And so on . Just keep in mind that if you provide additional services, the cost of initial stage will increase. Let's now think a little about what you need and how to open your own business.

By doing simple calculations, you can find out how profitable such a business is. One liter of paint costs from 400 rubles. You will spend about 20 milliliters on one refill of the cartridge. It turns out that a liter of ink is enough for 50-60 refills. Depending on the realized price, you can find out the profit, which will show the prospects of this business.

In this material:

If you want to open own business, refilling cartridges can become great option . This is a profitable type of entrepreneurial activity for beginners. Loyal customers bring stable income.

Business idea development

In fact, in any city you can open a company that restores copy equipment. Such a service will be in high demand, since without the use of a printer it is impossible to conduct office work. If there is a business plan, cartridge refilling can be rationally planned and organized. Usually small firms are engaged in refueling replaceable blocks, since this millionth profit simple work does not bring. competition large companies you shouldn't be afraid.

Each owner of copiers needs to refill cartridges that run out of ink, since all well-known companies produce inexpensive printer models with unreasonably expensive replacement units. Refilling them is much cheaper. If the service center does it efficiently, the demand for its services is constantly growing.

The target audience:

  • state institutions;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • various small companies;
  • individuals, owners of home printers;
  • large offices;
  • It is especially profitable to work with companies that make photocopies and print documents.

Your company will constantly have a lot of orders if a contract is concluded with the consumers of the service. To do this, you need to offer them your services at a mutually beneficial price. Quality customer service is a top priority.

Startup entrepreneurial activity

It is important to take the first steps correctly:

  1. After registration with the tax authorities, it is necessary to obtain the official status of an entrepreneur: an LLC or an ordinary individual entrepreneur. It does not require a lot of money and a lot of time. The entrepreneur can then open and develop a printer refill business.
  2. It is better to choose a simplified taxation system if a businessman does not plan to engage in retail trade. For starters, a future entrepreneur will benefit from renting a small garage.
  3. At least 20 thousand rubles is required to purchase the kit necessary equipment. Refilling printer refills as a business is a simple service, but stable and profitable.
  4. Lack of hands-on skills is a barrier to this business, which is why it is important to gain experience in servicing office equipment.

Work organization

All the nuances of this entrepreneurial activity are provided for by a business plan, refilling cartridges, which is performed with high quality, will help to survive in competition. Starting capital for a full-fledged business will be up to 10 thousand dollars. In about 1 year, these funds can pay off. At first, the entrepreneur himself, having organized a mini-workshop for the timely refilling of the ink cartridge, will be able to provide services without recruiting a large staff.

Only a courier is needed to work in a small firm. When the client base is created, you need to find from 1 to 3 qualified specialists. The process of refilling cartridges can be mastered by any person who does not have work experience and special knowledge, in just a few days of training. Then these specialists will carry out work to restore the functions of the printer. Without an experienced accountant, it is impossible to properly keep records. You can hire students who want to earn extra money.

The cartridge usually needs to be refilled once a month. For your business to be profitable, you need to refill 30 to 50 cartridges per month. This is really possible, subject to the presence of regular customers, strict adherence to deadlines and High Quality work. The field service organization is considered very attractive to customers, it can be called the best option running such a business, since the cost of maintaining your own office is reduced. Express refilling of cartridges is carried out right at the client's premises, or the courier arrives with a fully filled cartridge. After some time, your company may provide other services.

From the moment you open a business, it is important to take care of the image of your cartridge refilling business. Don't skimp on quality. You can register a trademark, come up with a loud name for yourself. Competent advertising campaign for creating client base plays an important role. Customers should be attracted through your website, ads on forums, blogs, social networks, newspapers, on poles.

Calculation of business profitability

About 600 rubles is the price of 1 liter of ink for a pigment cartridge. This volume is enough for 60 fillings. About 15 ml is needed to refill 1 cartridge. About 150 rubles is the price of this service for the client. Thus, with an investment of 600 rubles, the profit is 9 thousand rubles. From this amount, the entrepreneur needs to pay for consumables, electricity, rent of premises, wages employees.

When proper development cartridge refilling business, these in-demand services can become a steady source of income. The most popular cartridges today cost about 2.5 thousand rubles on the market. Filling this replacement block with high quality paint costs about 450 rubles. There is a 5x savings for the customer. You can refill the original cartridge 2 times. Then it needs to be restored. These expenses will amount to about 1 thousand rubles. Then again you can refuel 2 times. After refueling, it is necessary to do professional testing. During this process, defects are identified that the master can correct.

Clients will evaluate the quality of the work performed.

If they are satisfied, they will not buy new replacement blocks, they will constantly contact your company and bring a stable good income.

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