The mixture is sand concrete. What is sand concrete? Description, application, types and price of sand concrete. Measures for quality drying

Of particular interest is M300 sand concrete, which is actively used for low-rise housing construction. He attracts environmental safety and its improved characteristics compared to other compounds.

If we take 25% of total weight Portland cement grade M500, plus 75% fractionated sand or granite screenings, or crushed stone chips, add a plasticizer, anti-corrosion, anti-freeze, hydrophobic components, you will get a universal mixture, which in structure is not much different from fine-grained dense concrete. And in terms of range of application, this composition has no analogues. One of the main features of this material is its ability not to shrink and at the same time to quickly dry and harden. It is also different:

  • high plasticity;
  • resistance to mechanical, harmful and other influences;
  • ability to tolerate moisture and precipitation;
  • successful resistance to corrosion;
  • attractive price.

Sand concrete grade M300 is actively used not only in low-rise housing construction. The scope of its application is not limited. It is used in any interior spaces, and for works of various nature:

  • in creating a wear-resistant floor, in areas with characteristic high loads on the surface, for example, in garages;
  • for fixing blocks and slabs;
  • when performing installation and foundation work;
  • for concreting staircases;
  • for brickwork;
  • in the manufacture of paving slabs and curb stones;
  • For .

The main technical characteristics of the M300 include the following indicators:

  • Extreme strength ensures resistance to loads of up to 300 kg/cm2.
  • In accordance with GOST, frost resistance is guaranteed by 50 cycles without changing the parameter.
  • The recommended temperature tolerance for using the solution starts from +5°C and ends at +25°C. But frost-resistant ingredients ensure the performance of M300 sand concrete even at –15°C.
  • This material is characterized by fairly reliable adhesion to the base, as indicated by the adhesion value of 4 kg/cm2.

According to experts, this sand concrete is easy to work with. after about 2 hours, and evenly covers the work surface. And this guarantees the absence of tears and peeling. In this case, the consumption required is small: per 1 cm of corporalization there is an average of 22 kg/m2.

To obtain high-quality results when working with this brand, you must follow professional recommendations:

  • When preparing the solution, use only cold water.
  • For 40 kg of mixture, 7.5 liters of liquid are required.
  • The best air temperature for pouring is 5-50°C. If it is below -10, then it will take more time than 3 hours to gain strength.
  • Guaranteed reliability is achieved when the surface to be treated with this material is pre-cleaned and slightly moistened.
  • The finished solution must be compacted, and the joints adjacent to the structures must be reinforced.
  • This brand is suitable for 1-1.5 cm bundles.

M300 sand concrete is characterized by a uniform distribution of small filler particles between large ones, hence the increased density, and therefore consumption, compared to conventional CFRP. The approximate amount of concrete depends on the type of work performed and the attached instructions for use. On average, 1 m3 will require 1.5–1.7 tons of mixture, or 30 50 kg bags, or 40 40 kg bags.

The consumption of sand concrete per 1 m2 is 18-20 kg of powder, but you also need to take into account the height of the screed. As a rule, the surface has unevenness. Therefore, for the average thickness, it is necessary to measure the most protruding part and determine how much it exceeds in height the other selected points. The largest deviation must be multiplied by 2 and thus the average flow rate will be known. When calculating the consumption of M300 on walls, you need to remember to fill the joints.


Depending on the factions bulk materials in M300 sand concrete the properties change. If the powder has small fractions, up to 2 mm, then it has increased strength and stability of characteristics, fulfills the tasks cement-sand plaster. They close seams and are used for external finishing works.

Compositions with medium fractions, from 2 to 2.2 mm, are selected in the manufacture of borders, pedestrian paths, self-leveling floors. It is the graininess that causes good thermal insulation properties, therefore sand concrete is very popular as the basis for a variety of floor coverings. It is used as self-leveling mixture, the cost of which is much lower than that of special solutions. And the ability not to shrink allows the M300 to be used in difficult soil conditions, when the soil is unstable and prone to instability.

Instant sand concrete hardens with high adhesion, which is why it is considered better than others for reconstruction and repair, since it is M300 that instantly bonds to a foreign surface. And after hardening general characteristics the structures are not inferior to the base material.

High strength and its technical specifications allow use in foundation works, especially when filling strip base, and where long-term functionality is required. Due to its excellent wear resistance, M300 sand concrete is used to concrete production sites under maximum load. industrial enterprises. It is used when creating reinforced concrete structures and as a basis in construction concrete stairs, and also as a reliable and durable putty for joints.

After hardening, it is perfectly processed and suitable for various finishing works for almost any material. With M300 there is no need for additional waterproofing. Its light weight allowed it to take a leading position in the construction low-rise buildings and structures, especially in private housing construction when creating utility rooms. All work using this composition is significantly cheaper, and both foam concrete and brick are inferior in price.

Some nuances of the cost of sand concrete M300

This material can be bought almost anywhere. The manufacturer's brand and weight dictate the price. Average cost A 40 kg bag of M-300 costs about plus or minus 100 rubles. If you make the traditional composition yourself with ordinary sand, cement and granite screenings, then it will cost 1500–1800 rubles per 1 ton of the mixture.

Sand concrete Stone Flower M300 and Rusean are considered one of the most popular and budget-friendly ones. The latter is valued for guaranteed high quality. Rusean is selected in such a way that its strength exceeds the standard M300: 30.4 MPa versus 30.0. The products of the Stone Flower plant suit the more economical buyer, which is clearly presented in the cost overview table by manufacturer.

Brand of mixture Bag weight, kg Price for 1 bag, rubles Price per ton, rubles
Stone flower M300 40 120 3000
50 145 2900
Sand concrete Rusean M300 40 145 3620
LUIX M300 Roussean 40 130 3250
Standard M300 40 110 2750

The prices shown are valid for central regions countries and do not include the cost of delivery, which in an unfavorable situation can increase costs by 25 - 50%.

Sand concrete- only rare name or a unique “personality”? The product appeared on the market at the beginning of the 21st century. The brand keeps itself apart, presenting itself as something special in the construction world. Meanwhile, those familiar with it know that sand is a component of any . What is the secret of the new product? Let's figure it out.

Description and features of sand concrete

Sand concrete - mixture construction To begin with, let's separate it from cement. It is based on clay and limestone. These are rocks. They consist of minerals, in particular ferrite, belite and alite.

Sand too rock, more precisely, the product of its decay, weathering and erosion by water. Winds and currents separate particles from boulders, usually quartz. By chemical composition quartz is an oxide of silicon. It's not in cement.

There is always sand in concrete, but it differs in fractions, that is, in particle sizes. Thus, according to GOST “28013-89”, particles of the 1st and 2nd modules are acceptable in plasters.

Sand is used in primers maximum size grains 2.5 millimeters. The same applies to colored plasters for exterior use and decorative plasters for interior decoration. Essentially, we are talking about cement-sand mortars.

In heavy and fine-grained concrete, “subject to” GOST “26633-91”, sand from crushing screenings is used. In them minimum size grains are equal to 5 millimeters. Also, crushed stone, gravel, and natural stone are added to heavy concrete.

Buy sand concrete, which means purchasing a mixture of cement, coarse sand and fine crushed stone. The description corresponds to GOST “26633-91”. It turns out that we are dealing with a brand of heavy concrete.

The cement in it comes in different grades, mainly 300, 400 and 500. The numbers indicate the maximum permissible load in kilograms per cubic centimeter.

Accordingly, the 300th cement withstands 3 hundred kilos per cubic centimeter, the 400th mixture withstands 4 hundred, and the 500th cement withstands half a ton per cubic centimeter.

Sand and gravel in concrete strengthen it. That is, in fact, the mixtures can withstand greater loads than the cement included in them. This expands the boundaries of the use of sand concrete.

What is sand concrete used for?

Belonging to heavy concrete allows the hero of the article to be used to form structures with increased loads on them. On sand concrete floors goes to factory floors, garages and warehouses.

The surfaces in them are often uneven. In order to nullify level differences, a thick floor screed. Sand concrete solves this problem too. The plasticizers included in the composition allow the mixture to be poured into a thick layer.

They make concrete more elastic and plastic, hence the name of the components. They are mostly synthetic. Polymers are obtained based on petroleum products. Polymer molecules are distinguished by long rows of monomer units.

- another path of the hero of the article. Even suitable for pouring building foundations sand concrete "M-300". It not only withstands the loads of walls and roofs, but also serves in extreme conditions.

Pool bowls, floor slabs, load-bearing columns and beams - all this is about sand concrete. In the case of pouring a foundation, it is justified for monolithic structures.

Sand concrete consumption during use is minimal, since the mixture does not shrink during hardening. The hero of the article is also not prone to cracking. This durability is partly due to the water resistance of sand concrete structures.

By the way, these include walls. Sand concrete is a popular option for them. “Bricks” are made using the vibration pressing method. Simply put, the sand-cement mixture is shaken in molds, further compacted by pressure.

Then, the blocks are given time to gain strength. Walls can be erected 50 days after the production of the slabs. However, they also produce blocks for foundations. There are sand-cement options for cladding and partitions.

The hero of the article found application in road construction. Similar to walls and foundations, the mixture is formed paving slabs and fencing for tracks. Curbs are usually reinforced.

This further strengthens the concrete, the service life of which, even without a frame, is half a century. More precisely, we are talking about 50 freeze-thaw cycles. Weather changes are the main factor in the destruction of building materials.

Porous ones are especially malleable. The water that penetrates them freezes, expands and breaks the microconnections inside the structures. Therefore, there are concretes recommended for covering with waterproof facades and roofs. Sand concrete blocks in their pure form, without foaming and additional components, resist external influences without outside help.

The pure type of sand concrete is Portland cement, sand, fine gravel and 1-2 plasticizers. The nuances of using mixtures and their quality depend on the proportions of the components and their characteristics. Sand, for example, can be either 5 mm or 7 or 8 mm.

The types of plasticizers also play a role. Some substances accelerate and others slow down the hardening of concrete. There are anti-frost plasticizers. With them the mixture can be poured in cold weather.

Foaming additives make sand concrete porous. This reduces the strength of the material, but makes it heat-intensive. Air is the worst conductor of both cold and heat.

Types of sand concrete

Depending on the nuances of the composition they change price of sand concrete and the scope of its application. There are, for example, waterproofing mixtures. They have minimal pores. High density sand concrete group makes it possible to use them in rooms with high humidity, be it saunas, swimming pools or bathrooms.

The second purpose of sand concrete is installation and masonry. The category includes mixtures for puttying and plastering, compositions for fastening building blocks, and concreting floors. Wear-resistant sand concrete is used for the foundations. It is also used in screeds and to form floors.

IN separate category universal sand concrete is selected. Its parameters are averaged. The lack of specialization allows the mixtures to be used in any work. However, the sand concrete category will also meet their needs in an average way.

That's why, universal formulations It is customary to take it for local repair issues. For large, important construction projects, specialized sand concrete is purchased.

Price of sand concrete and reviews about it

On sand concrete price depends on the volume of the mixture. They mainly sell 25 and 40 kg bags. The cost of the first starts from 50 rubles. The upper limit is 230 rubles.

The price of 40-kilogram bags of the mixture starts from 79 rubles, reaching 400 rubles. The exact price tag depends on the name of the manufacturer, the intended benefits of the store and the nuances of the composition sand concrete.

50 kg- a rare packaging, the price of which starts at 190, reaching up to 600 rubles. If you buy in bulk from the manufacturer, the cost will be reduced by at least 10%. Typically, savings are around 25-30%.

Sand concrete blocks are a material that is currently very widely used in construction. Produced by a huge number of large brands, including Vilis or Mku. This is what designers choose for various reasons.

This includes a low purchase cost, a short period during which the mixture dries, and the opportunity to make the necessary blocks with your own hands. Let's take a closer look at it.

What is sand concrete?

Sand concrete is a type of fine-grained concrete that contains Portland cement, various additives that simulate the technical characteristics of the finished product, as well as fine and coarse sand.

Proportions of these components, according to which such a composition can be prepared, also significantly affect its characteristics. So, for example, using low-alluminate Portland cement can significantly increase the frost resistance of the material.

This material is supplied to consumers in special bags with dry mixtures. As a rule, this is done in 40 or 30 kg packaging, depending on the standards that the manufacturer adheres to.

Most popular types today it can be called Birss, Axton, sand concrete M500, MKU, “Prospectors” and many other large and small organizations.

Such a dry mass can be stored for a couple of years in factory packaging of 40 or 30 kilograms. To prepare it, dilute it with water. Unlike a product such as dry mass, such sand concrete cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, it is not worth breeding all 30-40 kilograms of the same mku or “Prospectors” at a time. Take exactly as much as you need per m2.

2 Why do you need sand concrete?

GOST allows you to use this mixture, including Vilis and MKU, for various types of work. Currently, expanded clay concrete is quite successfully produced from it, as well as creating screeds, concreting stairs, leveling surfaces, and also sealing seams. The composition makes it possible to use sand concrete, and quite effectively, in the construction of residential blocks and commercial premises. However, you can work with it on small private farms with the same degree of success.

You can select the material according to its characteristics for any area. The “Prospectors” and some others brands can be considered universal.

3 Popular types of material

Currently, consumers can immediately select for themselves several varieties of successful sand concrete from leading brands, with which you can cover any m2 with your own hands. If you want to purchase samples that are sure to be suitable for your tasks, you need to focus on the following:

  1. Sand concrete Standard in bags of 40 - dry mass for further preparation. The main characteristics of this mixture make it very wide application. It is suitable for screeding floors, processing seams, and concreting structures with your own hands. The consumption of sand concrete of this brand, as evidenced by reviews, is very small. In fact, 1 m3 of this material can be created at minimal cost.

  2. Sand concrete axton. High-quality dry mixture, made in full compliance with GOST, like MKU or “Prospectors”. Sold in convenient packaging of 30 kg bags. Has a high safety margin. It is these characteristics that allow its use for any design. Currently, this is the material most often used by professional builders in their work.

  3. Sand concrete Vilis. Another type of material for which there are very good reviews. Submitted mortar dry is recommended for creating a floor screed. Dries within 48 hours. The proportions for mixing “Wilis”, as well as for the “Starateli” brand, will be 10 kg of the mixture itself per 1.8 liters of water (this is taking into account that a standard pack is 30 kg, like many others). “Wilis” costs less than its analogues. “Wilis” is unpretentious both in preparation and in conditions of use.

  4. Sand concrete birss. We advise you to pay attention to this composition, it has very good reviews. This inexpensive option, which is primarily used for screeding. Its convenient 40 kg packaging ensures economical consumption of sand concrete and allows you to complete any project with minimal financial investment.

  5. Prospectors is another type of mixture that has low consumption per m2. The “Prospectors” brand is intended primarily for filling floors. It has the best strength indicators per m2, therefore it can be widely used in construction.

  6. MKU 40 in standard paper bags. A domestic analogue, like “Prospectors”, of imported goods, also produced in 40 kg packages. It fully complies with GOST, so it can be recommended for any construction. Positive Feedback it is associated not only with increased structural strength, but also with a very affordable price for it. The composition of this brand is standard and is quite suitable for mixing with your own hands.

Almost any of the presented products can be widely used in private construction, and this is not only the models of the Vilis series. You can choose the appropriate mixture from those presented with the utmost freedom, the main thing is that it has the technical characteristics you need.

4 How to make a sand concrete block using a mixture with your own hands?

If you cannot find a ready-made sand concrete block for sale, the characteristics of which will completely satisfy you, or the blocks presented by various companies seem too expensive for you, we offer you recommendations on how to prepare such material with your own hands, and at the same time not violate GOST . After all, you just need to use the right proportions. This is extremely easy to do.

IN lately began to appear in construction various materials, which are based on previously used components and even in the same proportion. At the same time, their characteristics may have certain differences, and they create a kind of comfort when working, since they solve a number of organizational problems. One such material is bagged sand concrete.

Definition and Features

To begin with, it is necessary to say that this term refers to a dry mixture, which consists of a binder, filler and additives. At the same time, professional installation instructions never call such a composition by this name, since it is used only by manufacturers, and technical documentation uses specific brands of mortar or cement for its production ().


When answering the question of how much sand concrete costs, it is necessary to take into account its brand and the amount of additional additives that are used for its production.

At the same time special attention given to the filler, since it is this that occupies most of the volume.

  • It is worth noting that the composition of M200 sand concrete or other mixtures similar type It is based on Portland cement. Typically, grade 400 is used, since it is the most common and meets almost all the requirements and tasks in modern construction.
  • It is worth noting that GOST for sand concrete requires the use of quartz sand. In this case, this material must be purified and have two types of fractions. This is done to create a working mass and improve the connections of all components.

  • It must be said that sand concrete M400 and the like digital designation brands use their strength parameters. In fact, this value indicates that at this pressure in kilograms per square centimeter, cracks or other damage will not appear on the surface of the sample. However, it is worth remembering that such a check is only relevant for 90 days after filling.

  • The presence of additional additives or plasticizers depends only on what use of sand concrete is planned and in what environment the final product will work.

Advice! This material must be selected based on the application area, without using additives that are not needed in this industry. Otherwise, this will lead to increased costs, which will be greatly felt in large volumes.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, it is worth saying that the answer to the question of how much a bag of sand concrete costs causes panic among many craftsmen, since the total amount is quite large. However, if we consider that this is already ready mix, which only needs water, the benefit immediately becomes clear. There is no need to separately order a machine of sand and at the same time create a solution with your own hands, sifting it from debris and choosing the right proportions.

In fact, this material greatly reduces operating time, and in some cases even allows for savings. At the same time, the process of preparing the solution is greatly simplified, which professional craftsmen really like.

It is worth noting that sand concrete 300 and the like are ideally balanced, and the amount of water supplied is regulated depending on the area of ​​application or the personal preferences of the builders. Moreover, it may already contain all the necessary additives that will not react incorrectly with other components.

Among the disadvantages of this material, it can be noted that its price is sometimes very high. However, for small jobs or if there are difficulties in delivering sand, it can be the most optimal solution the issue of preparing the solution, which is very important in big cities or some areas of the country.

Advice! This material is best purchased from the manufacturer or direct supplier. This way you can get confidence in quality and even a discount.


When deciding which sand concrete is best, you should immediately study the instructions for preparing a solution from it. The fact is that some brands of this material require the use of a strictly defined amount of water, which is difficult to select by eye.

There is a certain rule that liquids should be added no more than 30% of the amount of dry mixtures. However, professional masters recommend introducing it in parts with constant stirring in order to control the consistency yourself.

It is important to remember that M200 sand concrete needs very thorough mixing and therefore it is best to use special nozzles to the drill. Also, such compositions harden very quickly, which means they need to be prepared in a certain quantity, which will immediately go into use.

Advice! The instructions for preparing the solution that come with a specific product should not be changed based on your experience. This may result in loss of quality or certain properties.


By watching the video in this article you can further study various types this material. Also taking into account the article proposed above, it should be concluded that such products can significantly facilitate the installation process and solve a number of issues related to the delivery of sand (

The development of the production of dry mixtures quite naturally led to the appearance on sale of the most common mortar for masonry and ready-to-mixing. cement plaster. On the market, this product is known as sand concrete. The consumer is ready to buy this product (the usual dry mixture of sand and cement, which cost almost the same to purchase separately), since sand concrete is initially ready for use, saving a lot of time for preparing the solution.

And the slight difference in price (mainly for mixtures with additives) is more than compensated for by the wages of workers, who previously had to mix this solution for 30-40 minutes, but today they simply fill it with water and it is ready for use.

Brief description

Dry masonry mixture sand concrete M300 is a common durable material for repair and construction work. The composition includes sand (fine fraction up to 3 mm) and Portland cement (depending on the manufacturer there may be different grades: M400, M500). Various additives and plasticizers are also introduced into the composition (depending on the manufacturer and purpose: anti-frost, strengthening fibers and others). It is used for concrete, stone and brick foundations at positive temperatures.

Technical characteristics of the sand concrete mixture M300

There are also other brands of sand concrete: M200, M150. All dry mixtures must be certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Many types of these products are sold in the country under different trademarks: Sand concrete, Stone flower, Roussean and others. With sellers, for significant purchases, you can always negotiate an impressive discount. Delivery by machine (3-5 tons and above) will cost 5,000 - 9,000 rubles depending on the tonnage over a distance of up to 50 km. Delivery costs over 100 km are usually calculated separately. Loading is usually free, and unloading is an individual item.

Advantages over conventional concrete mortar - speed of hardening, mobility (delivered to any areas where a mixer cannot reach), speed of preparation, due to additives it can be used in conditions with low temperatures and in active environments that cause corrosion. High density and plasticity allows it to be used for finishing work.

The composition of sand concrete grade M300 is regulated by GOST 28013-98. To produce the mixture, prepared sand (washed river sand up to 2 mm in diameter, construction sand 1-3 mm, but sometimes fractions up to 6 mm can be found), plasticizers and additives are mixed with Portland cement M400 or M500. After which everything is packaged in bags made of multi-layer paper. In some cases, bags with an inner polyethylene layer are used to prevent exposure to moisture.

For different sand concretes, separate design is carried out according to the composition of the mixture, depending on the required final characteristics.

How to work with it?

The properties of sand concrete make it possible to use it for constructing wear-resistant surfaces, leveling and when laying tiles or stone. Also used as concrete mixture with fine grain for casting. The main conditions for use are careful preparation of the surface: it must be leveled to the maximum, cleaned, primed and treated with antifungal agents.

To prepare a solution for 1 bag (up to 40 kg) you need 6.5-7 liters of water, the preparation technology is the simplest: pour the dry mixture into a clean container with water, mix, let stand for 5-10 minutes and mix again. Working time with the prepared solution is up to 2 hours. Before diluting the M300 mixture, you must read the instructions for preparing the solution: different manufacturers may have their own wishes regarding the amount of water used and mixing time. For simple mixtures, the conditions do not vary very much, but when using sand concrete with additives this can be important. You should also take into account the wishes of manufacturers regarding surface preparation: the use of recommended primer materials can improve the final quality of the surface (if it is a screed, for example) or various indicators (adhesive strength, setting time, etc.). Also various manufacturers may offer concentrated additives for various purposes: from antibacterial to strengthening.

Consumption per m2 is different quantities depending on the layer: for example, for a 3-5 cm screed, 2.5 kg/m2 of sand concrete is sufficient. The consumption per m3 for filling is 25-30 bags without filler (crushed stone, gravel). When using various fillers (sand, fine crushed stone, gravel can be added), the technical characteristics of the final concrete mortar change towards a decrease - this fact must be taken into account when using sand concrete as a base for casting.