DIY concrete staircase. Do-it-yourself poured concrete staircase to the second floor: instructions for calculation and installation Draw a monolithic staircase

If your dream is a monolithic staircase, start work by developing a detailed drawing that will allow you to determine the number of steps, their width and height.

The following step sizes are considered optimal:

  • width – 25–30 centimeters,
  • height - 15–17 centimeters.

All steps must have the same dimensions.

If you decide to make a curved monolithic staircase, then in the narrowest part of the step its width should not be less than 12 centimeters (otherwise there will be a high probability of tripping, falling and getting injured during its operation).

When making a drawing, also pay attention to its width. A staircase already 80 centimeters long will be inconvenient both for climbing it and for carrying furniture or a stretcher with a person lying on it. The most convenient width is considered to be 1 meter.

Also, do not forget about intermediate platforms. It is advisable to do them every 12–15 steps so that the person climbing can rest a little. If the configuration of the opening does not allow making an intermediate platform where the staircase turns, you can create winder steps there.

Stair reinforcement

A do-it-yourself monolithic staircase must be made of high-strength concrete with mandatory mesh reinforcement of its lower part (on which all steps are located). For the mesh, you can take reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10–12 mm and arrange them in increments of 15 cm. The bars should be tied together with wire.

If the staircase is large in height and width, then it is better to lay the reinforcing mesh in two layers, between which leave a space of two centimeters in height.

The ends of the horizontal reinforcing bars should be driven into the wall.


The lower (flat) part of the formwork should be made of thick, moisture-resistant laminated plywood, supported from below with boards five centimeters thick. The pitch of the supports usually corresponds to the size of the step. Boards should be laid between the plywood and the vertical supports to strengthen the entire structure.

On the side, the edge of the stairs is also limited by plywood, which will not allow the concrete to leave its intended place. The edging is additionally reinforced by longitudinally laid boards (on the outside of the formwork), since the plywood itself cannot withstand the pressure of concrete without deformation (but it ultimately gives a flat surface on the side and bottom of the stairs).

Reinforcing mesh must be laid on top of the lower part of the plywood formwork, securing them in such a way that they are raised above the plywood by about 2 cm. Such a gap will create a protective layer of concrete above the reinforcement, which will prevent its damage and oxidation.

To create risers (vertical parts of the step), boards (5 cm thick) are also installed, which are attached to the wall on one side with the help of metal corners, and to the plywood flange on the other.

The bottom step of the ladder should be secured by reinforcing it with a horizontal stop made of boards.

Pouring concrete

Concrete for a monolithic staircase should be ordered from RBU (preparing such a volume of high-quality concrete yourself in a small concrete mixer is problematic, since by the time you make the next batch, the previously poured concrete will have already set).

Pouring concrete is done as follows:

  1. First, the two or three lower steps of the staircase are poured. Be sure to compact the poured concrete by piercing it with a piece of reinforcement to remove the air remaining in its thickness and fill all the space between the formwork and the reinforcing mesh. The concrete squeezed out during this procedure from the lower steps should be transferred to the upper steps.
  2. Having formed the lower steps, proceed to filling the steps above.
  3. Do not forget to level the surfaces of the steps as they are finally filled and the concrete sets.

Removing formwork

Removing formwork from a monolithic staircase should be done in several stages:

  • after about 5–7 days, the step formwork and flanging should be removed (then the steps should be sanded using a concrete grinding disc to give them a smooth, even surface);
  • after 14–21 days, you can remove the vertical supports and remove the lower plywood formwork.

If you plan to further rely on the newly created monolithic staircase to support the formwork above the floor, you will have to first wait for the concrete to gain full strength (this will happen no earlier than 28 days from the moment the stairs are poured). In this case, you should not rush, since it will be almost impossible to repair the damage caused by the excessive weight of the formwork and concrete.

Concrete stairs are widely used not only in common areas of apartment buildings, but also in private houses, cottages and apartments.

Reinforced concrete stairs in a house or apartment will suit almost any interior due to the wide possibilities for finishing such stairs. Concrete stairs are very durable and have high wear resistance. Of course, these conditions are feasible with the correct design and correct calculations; not only the durability of the future staircase, but also the safety of the people who will use it depends on these parameters. You will find all the details of constructing a concrete staircase in this article.

Types of monolithic stairs

Monolithic stairs are divided by type of structure and shape. There are the following options for concrete stairs:

  • screw;
  • straight marching;
  • rotary.

When making concrete stairs, the simplest design is a straight staircase, but it is not always convenient to use. If the staircase is located in a small room, to save space, they often use either a multi-flight staircase with winder steps or a turning platform, or a spiral one.

During design, and subsequently during construction, it is necessary to provide for the release of reinforcement at the points of contact with the stairs. This is necessary in order to connect the metal structure of the staircase with the elements of the house, for greater rigidity.

Monolithic stairs are the most versatile; they are resistant to moisture and temperature changes, so they can be used not only as interfloor stairs. For example, a staircase to a basement or an entrance staircase to a house are built from a monolith.

Straight one-flight staircase

This type of stairs is very common. Single-flight staircases are built in houses with low ceilings, while turning staircases are more often built in houses with high ceilings.

Based on the calculation that a comfortable flight length is no more than 15 steps, we find that in rooms with high ceilings it is more correct to use stairs with winder steps or turning platforms. Using a straight staircase in this case will lead to an increase in the number of steps and discomfort during its use.

Advantages of a straight staircase:

  • ease of installation compared to stairs of other shapes;
  • price;
  • Following the recommendations of our website, you can build such a staircase without any problems.

Spiral staircase

This reinforced concrete staircase will fit beautifully into the interior of any home.


  • placing the stairs on an area of ​​1.5 m2 is a huge plus, especially in small houses;
  • The unusual, graceful shape of the staircase will decorate any interior.

Spiral flooded staircases also have a number of installation difficulties:

  • difficult installation, regardless of the chosen type of structure, it is necessary to manufacture specially shaped panels for formwork;
  • difficulty in moving along the stairs due to the different width of the steps along the entire length;
  • difficulties in lifting and lowering bulky objects, the problem is solved by increasing the diameter of the stairs.

Rotary staircase

They are used in various cases - in houses with high ceilings, to maintain the optimal angle of elevation and flight length, and are also widely used in the construction of apartment buildings. Let's highlight two common options:

  • with a rotation of 90 degrees (L-shaped);
  • with a rotation of 180 degrees (U-shaped).

Winder steps or a turntable are used as a turn. Due to its design feature, a staircase with winder steps occupies a smaller area compared to a turning platform.

Types of structures

All concrete stairs are divided into:

  • monolithic concrete stairs - production is carried out directly at the installation site by pouring concrete mortar into pre-prepared formwork;
  • prefabricated - they are reinforced concrete blocks, pre-prepared in factories according to a standard template.

All types of stairs (straight, rotary and spiral) can be either monolithic or prefabricated, but in addition to this they are also divided by type of construction. The main designs are:

  • on bowstrings;
  • on stringers;
  • console;
  • modular.

We will analyze each of them in detail so that you can better understand which type of design is right for you.

On the bowstring

The design is a staircase, from the side of which no steps will be visible. The steps are located between the elements of the concrete structure.

The design can be either with closed steps,

same with open ones.

There are designs with a one-sided arrangement of the bowstring, in this design it is similar to the cantilever design.

On the stringer

The only difference between this design and the previous one is that the steps are open on the sides and the staircase has a zigzag appearance.

In addition, designs are distinguished by the location of the stringer:

  • Monocosure - can be located either in the center of the staircase or offset to either side.

  • Stringers - outwardly looks smooth, just like stairs on stringers made of other materials. In this design, stringers are made of concrete, and the steps themselves can be made of concrete or other material.

  • The staircase is a monolithic stringer.


Modular structures include prefabricated reinforced concrete stairs. The most common modular concrete structures are stairs in apartment buildings. In such buildings, multi-flight staircases with turning platforms are used.

Much less often, prefabricated reinforced concrete stairs are presented in the form of spiral ones.

Another option for modular design is the use of individual steps as sides, which are installed on inclined channels.

The process of assembling stairs from ready-made concrete elements is ultimately simpler compared to installing monolithic stairs using pre-prepared concrete elements. During the assembly process, the staircase elements are installed in pre-prepared places and secured with concrete mortar.


Unusual and interesting design. Due to the absence of railings, risers and supporting elements, a feeling of lightness and weightlessness is created.

In order to avoid damage and destruction of the steps of the cantilever staircase during operation, it is necessary to carefully carry out all calculations at the design stage.

To make a cantilever staircase from concrete steps, it is important that the walls are made of durable material and have sufficient width. During the construction of a house, a step 1/3 of the length is built into the wall.

Design and requirements for monolithic reinforced concrete stairs

When designing, it is important to remember that each staircase has its own characteristics of calculating parameters based on the shape of the staircase and its design. You can use a detailed calculation of all the necessary parameters in the article on calculating stairs, as well as a construction calculator for each type.

Based on SNiP, we will highlight the main parameters that must be taken into account when designing a concrete staircase:

  • number of steps - calculation is carried out relative to the length of the span to the height of the step;
  • tread width - according to the standards, for comfortable use of the stairs it is necessary that the foot can be completely placed on the tread;
  • step height – varies depending on the angle of inclination of the stairs, a comfortable height is about 160–180 mm;
  • the length of the step corresponds to the width of the flight; for the quiet movement of two people in both directions, as well as for lifting bulky objects, a flight width of about 1200 mm is sufficient;
  • ceiling opening - the distance from the steps to the edge of the opening must be at least 200 cm;
  • railing height – on average 90 – 110 cm;
  • the length of the string or bowstring is calculated using the mathematical formula of Pythagoras. (stringer length) 2 = (stringer height) 2 + (flight length) 2 ;

  • the optimal angle of inclination for stairs in residential premises is from 24 to 37°, depending on this it will be possible to determine the height of the riser and the width of the step;

  • for turning stairs, it is necessary to calculate additional supporting posts and a turning platform or winder steps.

These parameters apply to single-flight and multi-flight staircases; in the case of spiral staircases there are slight differences:

  • It is necessary to determine the diameter of the staircase, it depends on the length of the step and the diameter of the central pillar of the support: 2 * (length of the step) + (diameter of the central pillar).
  • Special parameters also go to the shape and size of the step. Due to the fact that the step narrows towards the mounting support, the following parameters must be adhered to: at the narrowest point, the width should be at least 10 cm, in the central part of the rise - at least 20 cm, at the widest part - no more than 40 cm.

In addition to the above parameters required when building stairs, it is important to remember that concrete stairs have a number of additional parameters.

One of these conditions is the reinforcement of concrete stairs. Reinforcement is a kind of skeleton of the staircase that strengthens and supports it. When designing, it is necessary to separately draw a reinforcement diagram; it must completely follow the contour of the future staircase; it is also important for the necessary strength of the entire structure.

Particular attention also needs to be paid to the quality of the concrete mixture; the strength of the future staircase also depends on it. To properly prepare a concrete mixture, you can rely on a table that shows the ratios for obtaining 1 m 3 of concrete, or you can use a calculator for.

After calculating all the above parameters, it is necessary to draw the staircase and all its components separately, in at least two projections - a top view and a side view. The execution of the drawing is necessary for a visual representation of both each element separately (shape of the step and pattern of the balustrade or railing), and the entire staircase as a whole.

The main advantages of concrete stairs:

  • They have a rigid structure, no creaking or vibration.
  • The construction of a concrete staircase in a private house begins simultaneously with the construction of the house, thanks to this it can be used for construction needs without fear of damaging it.
  • Concrete stairs are resistant to moisture and temperature changes, ideal for outdoor locations, like an entrance staircase.
  • There is no possibility of fire.
  • The material allows you to carry out the craziest design projects.

A special feature of the design is the fact that a concrete staircase requires a solid base (foundation) and an equally strong floor on which it will rest. All this is due to the fact that concrete is a very heavy material; in addition, the heavy reinforced skeleton of the staircase also adds weight.

Construction stages

Now we have reached the most important stage, this is the construction of a concrete staircase. For convenience, we will divide this stage into six steps:

  • Foundation - we have already discussed that to make a concrete staircase you need a solid foundation and floor on which it will rest. This stage must be completed if the foundation for the stairs was not provided at the stage of pouring the foundation for the house.
  • Formwork is a structure that determines the shape of the future staircase; depending on the shape and size of the structure, wood or metal is used for formwork.
  • Reinforcement is a necessary process to give the staircase tensile strength and strength.
  • Pouring concrete - it is important to pour the stairs in one go and expel all the air from the concrete.
  • Removing formwork - all panels are dismantled after strengthening the concrete.

We will analyze each of the presented steps in detail so that you have no questions left and you can make a monolithic staircase yourself.


You can find their descriptions on our website. The foundation is selected depending on the soil and the loads placed on it.

Let's take an example of a slab foundation for a staircase. Since the foundation is also a reinforced concrete structure, it will be necessary to perform almost all the same steps as for the stairs:

  1. We excavate the soil within the limits required for the stairs, to a depth of 60-80 cm.
  2. When making a cushion for the foundation, we fill it in and tamp it with sand; the thickness of the sand cushion should be at least 20 cm.
  3. We pour 20x40 crushed stone on top of the sand and compact it; the thickness of the crushed stone cushion should be from 10 to 20 cm, depending on the loads on the foundation.
  4. After preparing the cushion, if it is necessary to raise the foundation above the ground, we make formwork. Otherwise, the earth will perform the formwork function.
  5. We prepare a reinforced frame and fill the entire structure with concrete, providing a reinforced frame in such a way that the reinforcement for attaching the reinforced staircase frame to it sticks out above the level of the foundation.
  6. After pouring, it is necessary to use a vibrating tool to eliminate air bubbles in the foundation and eliminate porosity.
  7. After pouring the foundation, you must wait until the concrete is completely set before proceeding with the installation of the stairs. The process of complete consolidation will take about three weeks. In order for the foundation to gain rigidity before it dries, it must be regularly watered.

Stairs on a concrete base are much stronger, due to the fact that there is no subsidence of the soil, which leads to deformation and destruction of the stairs.

Installation of formwork

Preparing the formwork for a future staircase in a private house is one of the most important stages, because it determines how beautiful the staircase will be.

For installation, it is necessary to prepare the materials from which the formwork will be constructed:

  • Edged board 30 mm thick or waterproof plywood 12-18 mm thick - these will be used to make the bottom of the formwork (it will bear the main load of all the poured concrete), as well as the side parts of the formwork and risers.
  • Bars 100x100 mm and boards 50x150-170 mm will be used to support the entire structure.
  • A thin sheet of metal or waterproof plywood 6-9 mm - for forming semicircular sections of the stairs.
  • Metal corners and screws for fastening - the use of self-tapping screws is due to the fact that with their help it is easier to disassemble the formwork than after using nails.

To obtain the smoothest possible surface of the future staircase, it is necessary to ensure that the internal elements of the formwork that will come into contact with the concrete are smooth and without unnecessary errors; for this it is better to sand them before assembly.

Step-by-step assembly of formwork:

There are special boards for assembling formwork; they are often used by professional builders.

The set of such shields includes special supporting pillars. All panels have locks for a tight and durable connection with each other.

Stair reinforcement

To reinforce a monolithic staircase, it is necessary to use reinforcement with a diameter of at least 12 mm. The fittings must be corrugated with a class not lower than AIII.

Let's look at the correct location of the fittings:

  • The reinforcement bars must be located at least 20-30 mm and no more than 50 mm from the edge of the structure. It is necessary to provide special supports that will be used to maintain distances from the bottom of the formwork.
  • The distance between the reinforcing bars must be at least 20-30 cm. As a result of the bundle of reinforcement, cells of 20x30 cm should be formed. Close placement of the reinforcement is not allowed, due to the fact that this may create an obstacle to the passage of the concrete solution.
  • At the junctions of the stairs with walls and ceilings, it is necessary to deepen the reinforcement into these elements, drill a hole and drive the reinforcement into it.
  • The reinforcing mesh must be made in at least two or more layers, depending on the thickness of the stairs. The diameter of the transverse rods must be at least 6 mm.
  • The reinforcement is tied using wire.

Reinforcement should not be overfilled with reinforcement:

  • Firstly, the passage of concrete may be obstructed, which will lead to the formation of air gaps and a decrease in the rigidity of the structure.
  • Secondly, this will significantly make the structure heavier. It’s good if your foundation is designed with a margin and can withstand this load, but it can be completely different.
  • Thirdly, this is an unnecessary increase in construction costs.

As an example, we present a number of cases of correct and incorrect reinforcement of rotating sections of a structure (edit photo)

Pouring concrete

Having completed the installation of formwork and reinforcement, do not rush to fill the stairs with concrete. Consider a number of points in advance:

  • Finishing the stairs - if the stairs are covered with wood, it would be more correct to place small bars in the concrete at the pouring stage, to which you can later attach finishing elements. Thanks to this, there will be no need to drill the ladder, thereby weakening it.
  • Posts for railings - depending on how the railing posts will be fastened, it is necessary to install the railing posts themselves or embedded parts for them, this is if the railings are placed on the steps. If the placement is on the side of the stairs, it is possible to place a metal plate to which railing posts can later be attached.

Don’t rush, before pouring concrete on the stairs, try to take into account all the possible elements that you want to add to your staircase. If necessary, place embedded tubes under the electrical cable for illumination. Any drilling or drilling of a finished concrete staircase to a certain extent will reduce the strength of the entire structure, so the more possible factors you consider before pouring the staircase, the stronger it will be.

To fill the stairs with concrete, you need to prepare concrete of a grade of at least M200, you can get it using the table given earlier or a construction calculator. (insert link) Concrete must contain crushed stone of a fraction of 10x20 mm, a smaller size will make the solution mobile and viscous, larger fractions may interfere with the passage of the solution in the reinforcement piping.

Sequence of pouring a monolithic staircase:

  • It is better to start the filling process from the lower stages. Having filled the first 3 steps, it is necessary to expel the air from the concrete; to do this, use a submersible vibrating tool. If the air is not expelled, the concrete will become porous and more brittle.
  • If the concrete sags after the air is released, add mortar and give the steps the correct shape.
  • Then proceed to filling all the remaining steps. Try to pour the entire staircase at one time so that the concrete mixture binds well. In the case of a large staircase, fill one flight at a time.
  • After pouring concrete, you need to cover the stairs with film to prevent moisture evaporation and allow the concrete to harden.

Removing formwork

You should not rush to remove the formwork elements; if the concrete has not gained enough rigidity, the entire structure will collapse and the whole process will have to start from the very beginning.

First of all, the formwork is removed from the steps and from the side support, this happens 10-14 days after pouring. After dismantling the formwork, it is possible to process the steps and sides with a grinding machine to level the surface of your concrete staircase to the second floor.

During the entire time until the formwork is removed, it is necessary to maintain the moisture of the concrete, water it with water and cover it with polyethylene, especially in hot weather. This must be done to prevent the concrete from drying out before it hardens. Otherwise, it will not gain sufficient hardness, and there is a risk of cracking and destruction.

After 30-45 days from the moment of pouring, you can begin to dismantle the lower supports and the base of the foundation. This is perhaps the most crucial and exciting moment in the entire construction of the staircase. But if you followed all the recommendations, then you do not need to worry; within the specified time, the concrete will gain the necessary strength, and the stairs can be used in full.

Finish options

After the construction process, we move on to the final stage of finishing. Reinforced concrete stairs have a wide choice of finishes:

  • You can sheathe the staircase with wood - in this case, upon completion of the finishing, it may seem that the staircase is not made of concrete, but in fact made of wood.

  • Wooden steps on a concrete staircase (insert link) - in this case, wooden treads or treads with risers are installed, and the rest of the staircase remains concrete. It must be carefully sanded, puttied and painted or tiled.

  • Reinforced concrete stairs in private houses are quite rarely covered with tiles; more often this option is found for stairs to the basement, for a porch or for monolithic stairs in shopping and office centers. insert link

The staircase is a relevant element in the construction of private houses. It provides a comfortable lift to the upper floor; it can be straight or rotary, curved or helical. For a house built from wood, a wooden staircase is perfect, but for brick or block buildings, a concrete option suggests itself. Making formwork and pouring a concrete product without the help of specialists is not as difficult as it might seem, especially after reading this article.


Any ladder must have a high degree of reliability and safety. According to the owners of the house, such a structure is built to last. But, in addition to strength, the aesthetics of the structure play an important role. Monolithic concrete stairs have all of the above criteria. These are durable structures that are resistant to any impact and are superior to their wooden and metal counterparts in all respects.

There are also many ideas for the design of concrete stairs, which will allow you to realize any fantasies and requests.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you have not yet decided whether to install a monolithic staircase or not, we recommend that you analyze all its advantages and disadvantages, and only then draw conclusions. Particular attention should be paid to indicators such as cost, design options and performance characteristics.

Experts note the following advantages of concrete structures:

  • Versatility. Concrete stairs can be installed both inside the house and outside. The degree of air humidity does not affect its functionality. If the correct filling technology is followed, it will last for several decades.
  • High degree of strength. Concrete cannot be compared with any other materials. It has excellent resistance to dynamic loads. The ladder will not become loose over time. You will also be pleased with the absence of squeaking when moving along it.
  • High fire safety performance. In case of emergency, such stairs serve as an escape route. Therefore, resistance to fire is an undeniable advantage.
  • Variety of shapes and finishes. Only concrete pouring will allow you to give the most intricate and original shape. It is possible to perform any finishing option: wood, MDF, laminate, ceramic tiles, stone, glass, etc.

Along with all the advantages presented, there are some features of durable concrete products that may exclude the possibility of their construction:

  • Huge weight. To construct a structure of this type, it is necessary to have a reliable base and ceiling. Otherwise, you should not undertake the construction of such a ladder.
  • Large labor costs. The construction of any concrete monolith is a multi-stage process that requires physical effort and patience.
  • Difficult to install. When working with reinforcement and concrete mixture, it will be difficult to cope alone, so it is better to invite a couple of assistants.
  • Long commissioning period. After pouring, the concrete must stand for at least four weeks. You cannot use the stairs right away.

Many people think that concrete products have a rough appearance. Such reproaches are groundless, since good finishing will turn the structure into a work of art.


There is no need to hope that a concrete staircase can be built “by eye”. Any inaccuracy will significantly reduce all the advantages of the design and make it unsafe. It is necessary to make it a rule that any construction must be carried out in accordance with generally accepted standards and in compliance with technology. Correct calculation processes play a critical role.

Basic parameters

First, determine the installation location of the structure. The area allocated for the lift to the upper floor will affect its size. Even at the stage of creating a house project, you should pay special attention to the allocation of staircase space.

The following parameters are taken into account:

  • height of the stairs;
  • projection of the structure onto the floor;
  • opening width;
  • step depth;
  • riser height.

The parameters of the opening above the stairs must be calculated. The distance from any step to the upper ceiling should not be less than a person’s height.

Important parameters for calculation


To install a staircase in a domestic environment, the angle of inclination should be comfortable. They take into account the fact that both small children and elderly people will use it. The steepness of the devices for convenient movement varies between 30-45 degrees. The last parameter is critical. The optimal angle of inclination for stairs in a private house is 40 degrees.

Flight length

The length of the staircase is determined by the area allocated for its construction. It is calculated using a geometric formula - the Pythagorean theorem. To do this, it is necessary to measure parameters such as the distance from the floor to the ceiling on the second floor and the projection length of the proposed structure. These two quantities are considered the legs of a right triangle, the length of the staircase is the hypotenuse. To calculate, you need to add the squares of the resulting numbers and then take the square root.

The calculation using the Pythagorean Theorem is simple: L=√(D²+H²)

Calculation of the number of steps

The parameters of the steps are also given special attention. First, determine the number of expected steps. In this case, the projection of the concrete product on the floor is divided by the width of the tread and the number of steps is obtained. As practice shows, the result is not an integer. Next, adjustments are made - extra centimeters are added to the first or last step.

Convenient movement for a person on a concrete staircase is when the ascent begins and ends with the same foot. Therefore, it is better to make the number of steps odd.

Formulas for calculation

Width and height

The parameters of the steps determine the comfort of a person’s movement along them. The height should be such that there is no need to raise the leg too high, and the width should correspond to the size of the foot. All these points are analyzed and reflected in regulatory documents.

The optimal parameters for the steps are: width – 20-30 cm, height – 16-19 cm.

Stage parameters in accordance with standards

On the video: types of concrete stairs, sizes of steps and calculation of a simple flight.

Creation of a concrete monolithic staircase

To pour a concrete staircase with your own hands, you need to make an effort. For a better understanding of the process, we present step-by-step instructions for the construction of a two-flight concrete staircase with a rotation angle of 90 0 and a platform.

Preparatory work (construction of formwork: beginning)

After the calculations have been carried out and the type of structure has been determined, the installation of formwork begins. The example of a concrete staircase in question is installed in the corner of the room near the wall. In this case, first mark the location of the profile. The bottom line coincides with the placement of the formwork. They begin to build the formwork frame.

Assembly is performed according to the following instructions:

1.Load-bearing beams are installed. The entire monolithic structure will rest on them, so their dimensions should be 50x150 mm. We cut the end parts of the beams at the desired angle. The length of the part must correspond to the size from the bottom of the stairs to its landing. The beam must be attached to the wall below the broken line by the thickness of the plywood sheet (approximately 15 mm). It is better to fasten the beam using concrete pins 150 mm long.

2. Supports are installed under the beam. They need to be placed in increments of 0.5 m. One of them is common for the beam and platform. Therefore, you need to install it with a protrusion half the width of the board. The support must be cut correctly: one edge of it is cut at a right angle, and the second corresponds to the angle of steepness of the stairs. The length of each support corresponds to the distance from the floor to the beam in the place where it will be installed. The upper end is attached to the beam with self-tapping screws screwed at an angle.

3. Start building the formwork deck. To do this, install a second beam strictly parallel to the one attached to the wall. To accomplish this task, first a block of equal positioning is attached to the beams. It will also serve as a support for the deck crossbars. The crossbars are installed in 30 cm increments. Their purpose is to hold the OSB sheet together with the concrete.

4. The beams form a frame with the letter P - the basis for the landing. Two parts are attached to the wall, and the third to the end of the beams. Supports are installed under it and the free beam - the outer side of the formwork. To ensure that the racks do not accidentally move during the pouring process, they must be secured with a common board at the base of the floor.

5. Jumpers are installed under the OSB on the site. To prevent them from bending under the weight of concrete, it is better to build a support under each lintel. They are all connected by a board at the base of the floor.

6. Let's start covering. To do this, parts are cut out of the OSB sheet according to the exact dimensions indicated on the staircase diagram. The parts are laid on the crossbars and fixed with self-tapping screws 55 mm long at a distance of 20 cm. After this, the strength of the deck is checked; it should not bend under heavy weight.

7. The sides and the second flight are installed. Strips of OSB, the lower part of which is aligned with the edge of the formwork. The height corresponds to the expected thickness of the monolith. The second flight of stairs is installed in the same way.


An important point in installing a concrete staircase is its reinforcement. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve the necessary strength and reliability of the structure.

The structure is strengthened using reinforcement. There is no need to oversaturate elements with metal. This does not affect the degree of strength, but the weight of the ladder increases significantly. In this regard, you need to be guided by standards that state that the total area of ​​the reinforcement should be 0.25% of the cross-section of the part. Knowing all the indicators, it is not difficult to make the appropriate calculations.

Calculation of the minimum number of rods for longitudinal reinforcement of a flight of stairs

They start by defining the basic parameters:

  • march width;
  • slab thickness;
  • diametrical section of the reinforcement.

The diameter of the reinforcement is determined by the dimensions of the flights of stairs. Up to 3 m, rods with a diameter of 10 mm are used, and above - 12 mm. Based on the structure, only corrugated reinforcement is selected.

The rods must be laid with a distance between them of 250-300 mm. These are the minimum indicators. Otherwise, small cells will prevent the uniform distribution of concrete. Inside the slab, the rods are placed so that the concrete layer (both above and below) is within 2-5 cm.

To calculate the minimum number of longitudinal rods, you can use online calculators. With their help, more complex calculations are performed. For example, for a staircase 800 mm wide and 150 mm thick, using rods with a diameter of 10 mm, you will need at least 4 longitudinal rods.

An example of reinforcement of a concrete staircase [step by step]

Do-it-yourself reinforcement requires the correct choice of material and calculations. A high-quality bundle of rods is also performed. In this case, the tying will be done with a special knitting wire.

The reinforcement process is as follows:

1. Along the deck there are 4 rods with a diametrical cross-section of 10 mm in this order: on the sides, one rod at a distance of 7 cm from the edge and two with a uniform spacing between them. The pitch between the rods was 220 mm.

2. It is necessary to provide supports under the rods that would facilitate the location of the frame inside the monolith. Masters get out of this situation in different ways. But, it is best to purchase special polymer stands.

3. Moving onto the platform, the rods are bent and the ends are inserted into the prepared holes in the wall. Often, craftsmen put all the rods into the walls.

4. Next comes the installation of the transverse rods. They are arranged so that the result is a reinforced mesh. Tying at the intersection of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement bars is done using tying wire.

5. Next, the process is repeated on the upper flight. To do this, first remove the ends of the rods from the ceiling and bend them so that those allocated for the upper level can be welded to them. The rest of the process is no different from what was on the lower flight.

On the video: frame of a monolithic staircase.

Completion of formwork installation (installation of partitions and risers)

After the reinforcement has been completed, the final process of constructing the formwork begins - installing partitions, which, after pouring concrete, will become the basis for the risers.

The work is as follows:

1. To begin with, panels are cut from OSB that will serve as partitions for the steps. The dimensions of the panels fully correspond to the height of the riser and the width of the flight.

2. Then prepare three more parts from 50×150 boards: a supporting part, the dimensions of which are equal to the dimensions of the panels, and two 100×150 pieces for attaching the lintels to the sides of the formwork.

3. Fastening the jumpers can begin from any position - from above or from below. Markings are applied on the sides of the formwork to facilitate installation.

4. First, the boards are connected to the segments, and then to the sides. A jumper is placed inside. After installing each part, you should carefully double-check the dimensions and install supports.

When installing the formwork, you need to have polyurethane foam with you. It is used to seal the resulting cracks so that the concrete does not leak out.

Pouring the stairs

After the formwork is installed, the concrete pouring begins. At this stage of work it is also necessary to strictly follow the technology.

The main feature of the concrete pouring process is that it must be done in one step. In this case, it makes no difference whether the staircase is small or large. Otherwise, the solidity of the structure is disrupted and its reliability and strength are reduced. Therefore, you should worry about creating conditions for quick work or order ready-made concrete.

In the case of making a solution with your own hands, we determine its composition. It is best to use concrete grade M-300 or M-250. For these compositions, cement, sand and crushed stone have the following ratio: M-250 – 1:2.1:3.9 and M-300 – 1:1.9:3.7.

The fractionation of crushed stone is also important - 25-30 mm. Larger material will not be able to qualitatively fill the space under the reinforcing belt.

As for the ratio of water and cement, it should be slightly less than is usually accepted, approximately 0.6. It is necessary to ensure that the concrete is plastic and does not have a high degree of fluidity. Experts recommend adding plasticizers to it, which are widely sold in hardware stores.

Calculation of the amount of solution [+example]

It is easy to calculate the amount of concrete solution required. We need to remember our geometry lessons again. In this case, you need to find out the volume of the structure. In its shape, the staircase can be approximated to a rectangular parallelepiped. To calculate the volume, multiply the length by the width and thickness of the slab. A margin of 10% is added to the result obtained. Knowing the volume, the amount of bulk materials can be calculated using an online calculator.

You just need to enter certain parameters in the fields. For example, a staircase meets the following parameters:

  • march width – 0.8 m;
  • span length – 2.5 m;
  • slab thickness – 0.15 m;
  • step height – 0.2 m:
  • tread width – 0.25 m;
  • number of steps – 9;
  • length of support platforms – 0.6.

The online calculator will give the following result: you need to order 0.61 m 3 with a 10% reserve. In the case of self-made mortar, 160 kg of M-400 cement is required; 310 kg of sand (0.19 m3), 600 kg of crushed stone (0.41 m3).

Stage of pouring a concrete staircase [step by step]

The formwork is ready, the materials for the concrete composition have been purchased, it’s time for concreting. You can fill the stairs by following this plan:

1. Completely clean the structure from dust and debris that could have gotten there during the construction of the formwork; it’s easier to do this with a vacuum cleaner. It is better to place the concrete mixer in close proximity to the structure so as not to carry heavy mortar far.

2. Let's start mixing concrete. Fill in half the amount of water along with the plasticizer, turn on the concrete mixer. Then add one part of crushed stone, it will allow you to uniformly stir the contents and separate the adhering mixture from the walls. This is followed by cement and sand, and finally the remainder of crushed stone and water.

3. The staircase is poured from the bottom step, and gradually rise to the upper elements. After the concrete is poured into the formwork, you need to immediately bayonet it with a piece of reinforcement or a trowel. This will help distribute the mixture evenly and expel excess air.

4. The result will be much better if you use a special vibrator for concrete. You need to try not to touch the reinforcing belt. Next, the surface is leveled with a trowel, excess concrete is removed and smoothed.

5. After the concrete has gained the required strength, after a few days, depending on the temperature in the room, the formwork is dismantled and then polished using a grinding machine with a special attachment.

Finish options

For further use of the concrete staircase, they think about its finishing. There are many options for this. Wood looks very advantageous, it is light and fits perfectly into almost any interior. Wood can be used to decorate steps, balustrades, and handrails. Can be combined with nickel-plated and forged elements in fences.

Materials such as stone, glass and plastic are also often used in decoration. A possible option is ceramic tile cladding.

When starting to create a concrete staircase yourself, it is necessary to carry out careful preparation, especially for beginners. Correct calculations, drawing up an accurate drawing, adherence to technology are the key to future success in construction. All the necessary recommendations are presented in this article. If you have no experience, it is better to start with a small staircase outside the house, for example, making steps to the porch.

In private housing construction, a concrete staircase becomes the main type of access to the front door with a high base, to the upper floors. Compliance with design and manufacturing requirements will ensure safety in use, strength and durability of the structure.

Monolithic concrete stairs have considerable weight. Floors and walls bear additional load on the staircase structural elements until the concrete polymerizes. As a result, the concrete staircase turns into one of the structural rigidity elements of the building. An ascent angle steeper than 45 0 is impractical. 30 0 is accepted as optimal. If the climb is too steep, it will be difficult, and the descent from the stairs will become dangerous.

Requirements for the size of steps and treads:

  • Depth – 27–30 cm;
  • Height – 15–20 cm;
  • Width – 1–1.2 m.

The staircase elements are monolithic with the floors and the adjacent wall during the construction process. The release of reinforcement and embedded elements from the floors and load-bearing walls is planned at the project stage. Street stairs rest on the foundation with their lower part.

For a two-flight staircase, you will have to build an intermediate platform with stationary intermediate supports.

Monolithic connections will strengthen the structure of the house

Formwork assembly and reinforcement

The next step in construction is the construction of formwork. Concrete stairs require a strong frame for pouring. The base is made of moisture-resistant plywood with reinforcement at the bottom with boards to prevent the formwork from deflecting.

Vertical supports are installed with support on shoes to prevent shifting. The racks are made from 50–60 mm thick softwood boards. On the wall side, the base rests on metal brackets. The side board is attached to reinforced corners to provide rigidity to the structure.

Before pouring concrete, care should be taken to eliminate leaks of cement laitance and adhesion of the concrete mixture to the formwork. The joints and joint gaps are sealed with sealant. The surface of the formwork is treated with compounds that prevent sticking.

As one of the means, the formwork is covered with polyethylene film with tension. This will lead to a reduction in the subsequent finishing of the stairs. Reducing the cost and reducing the amount of finishing work is planned at the stage of preparatory work.

When pouring concrete, concrete stairs do not experience serious dynamic loads. Therefore, it is advisable to assemble the formwork using self-tapping screws. The screed will leave fewer gaps between the parts; after dismantling, the structural elements can be reused.

The basis for the strength of a concrete staircase is at least a double reinforcement mesh. Steel period and fiberglass ø 12–14 mm are used. Grid pitch 100–200 mm. The lattice is fastened with knitting wire or tightened with plastic clamps. Vertical bars at the edges will replace the upturned ends of the excess length crossbars. A distance between the gratings of 5–10 cm will provide sufficient bending resistance.

A clear example of reinforcement and hardening

Plastic supports under the lower part of the lattice hold the structure above the formwork. Holes are drilled in the wall into which crossbars are inserted to prevent the reinforced frame from shifting. The ends of the formwork reinforcement are not allowed to touch.

The reinforcement of each flight of stairs is carried out separately, but before pouring, the parts of the metal frame are tied together by overlapping and adding rods. The frame is connected with special care to the reinforcement outlets from the floor slabs.

The assembly of the monolithic staircase formwork is completed by installing at the level of dividing risers, which determine the depth of the step. Fastening to the wall and board is carried out with reinforced corners or vertical bars.

We are waiting for concrete

Difficulties with concrete

We refuse to buy ready-made ones. We purchase crushed granite stone of 15–30 mm fraction. If it is not planned to finish the staircase with other materials, marble chips are added. Coarse river sand is required. Quarry is not suitable - clay inclusions will reduce the strength. Cement grade 400 will do.

Mixing proportion:

  • Cement – ​​1;
  • Sand – 1.3;
  • Crushed stone – 2.6.

The monolithic staircase will be reinforced with polypropylene fiber in the concrete mixture. The fibers are evenly distributed in the solution. Concrete acquires remarkable qualities:

  • No shrinkage is felt;
  • Internal stresses are smoothed out;
  • Strengthening the product;

Adding plasticizers will speed up the setting of concrete. The concrete staircase formwork is filled from below in 2-3 steps with a gradual rise upward. Preliminary compaction of the mass is carried out by bayoneting.

Tamping does not give the same result that we can achieve using an electric vibrator. Vibration results in an even distribution of gravel filling. Air bubbles in the thickness of the concrete and shells in areas adjacent to the formwork will disappear. Manual compaction will reduce the strength of the product by 10–12%

Vibration causes the mass to slide along the concrete stairs. The steps are filled without pouring cement laitance under the edge of the riser formwork. Filling the cavity signals the transition to the next level. Avoid underfilling the formwork.

Filling proceeds without stopping, regardless of the amount of work. A delay of 2 hours will lead to layering of the monolith. The planned strength is lost. The joint is comparable to a crack running the entire depth of the stairs. The embedded elements for fastening the balusters are installed into the filled steps according to the template.

After 1–1.5 hours, as the concrete sets, the steps of the stairs are smoothed with a float or trowel. It is recommended to trim the mass along the formwork and blunt the right angles to avoid chipping.

Bringing beauty

Decoration and finishing

The concrete staircase was built with our own hands. We waited until the ladder under the shelter gained the necessary strength. There is room for imagination. Ceramic tiles, natural wood and imitations, carpet – there are many finishing materials available.

What if you surprise yourself and your family with the beauty of concrete? There will be more work, but the rough concrete staircase will turn into a work of art. Want to try it? We'll have to go back to kneading and pouring. Adding pigments to a concrete mixer will turn the gray mass into a colored one.

Buying white or light cement will allow you to diversify the palette in addition to saturated colors with pastel tones. The steps will turn from faceless attacks into decoration. But the work of polishing the steps of the concrete stairs will be added.

The fragments of multi-colored glass, flat pebbles, even shavings after metalworking imprinted into the unhardened top layer of treads with ordered pretentious ornaments or the chaos of inconsistency in the arrangement of waste decorative elements will amaze.

Self-deception or desire for traditionalism?

Below is an example of how a staircase made of ordinary ready-mixed concrete without finishing already attracts attention. Enterprises willingly accept orders for the production of concrete products. You hand over a sketch on a piece of paper, and you get an improved version of the idea.

The developer's gain is obvious:

  • No cracks or internal stresses in the product after the steaming chamber;
  • Reduced labor intensity - installation and embedding take several hours;
  • Time saving - no need to wait for concrete to polymerize;
  • No chipping guarantee;
  • Does not require processing.

It is uneconomical to do this with your own hands.

Concrete stairs without wet processes

And this is possible. In a home where there is mostly wood around, moisture evaporation is the enemy. We order the frame modular or welded. And we cast the steps in a multi-seat mold ourselves in the garage or at the dacha.

The only peculiarity of such an amateur activity is that the front side will be at the bottom. Patterns and ornaments will appear upside down. But there will be no restrictions on imagination in any form.

The photo below shows a composition on a concrete surface made of broken bottle glass. The waste was poured into the mold, leveled and filled with cement mixture. The small chintz pattern is colorful and it wouldn’t hurt to dilute it with several solid bottle bottoms for a logical completion of the composition.

The industry cannot do this, only a craftsman

The thickness of homemade and purchased tread after processing does not exceed 50 mm. The weight is small, so the frame can be lightened. There is no need to prepare a powerful one. Installation does not require the use of lifting devices and powerful fasteners.

Lightweight format for lifting into the attic

Brief summary

Street and interfloor concrete stairs are similar in manufacturing technology. There would be a desire, free time and the necessary amount of money. The design features of screw and curved ones were not considered due to the fact that each configuration needs to be devoted to a separate article, and not several general words.


Stair frame

Concrete staircase (rough = two flights + platform) with formwork made from forest residues.

Stairs are complex and critical engineering structures. Experts consider concrete stairs to be the most reliable, durable and durable products, which are distinguished by excellent quality and performance characteristics. There are increased requirements for their production and installation; a number of regulations and standards have been developed. Only a properly designed and competently executed monolithic staircase can guarantee the safe movement of people between floors.

The main advantages of monolithic stairs

It is important to note that concrete stairs, which are manufactured directly on site: in a country house or cottage, in the form of an external structure near a building or in a recreation area, have the following advantages:

  • possibility of use in the process of construction and finishing works;
  • high strength;
  • wide choice of finishing and decoration.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work on arranging the stairs, it is necessary to perform preliminary calculations. The opening for the flight of stairs is left at the stage of construction of a house or country house. The main thing is to decide in advance on the size of the product. You can draw a drawing of the future design yourself, by hand. In addition, the following important factors are important when creating a project:

  • the purpose of the staircase and its location: inside the building or for external use;
  • level of design load during operation;
  • type of design: marching, straight, arched or combined;
  • seasonality of use of the facility, heating conditions and other climatic factors.

It should be remembered that for convenient lifting it is necessary to clarify in advance the level of the finished floor of all floors, taking into account the finishing finish leveling the screed. The width of a monolithic staircase is usually made from 700 to 1000 mm. According to current standards, the height of steps in their pure form is provided from 170 mm to 190 mm. It is also necessary to take into account what materials the staircase railing will be made of, and to provide various decorative and engineering elements: built-in lighting systems, support pillars for staircases and other details.

Work production technology

In order for the concrete staircase to be strong and of high quality, a rigid load-bearing formwork and a special frame without cracks or gaps are first installed.

Pay attention! To avoid concrete “milk” leaking out of the formwork, high-quality moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of at least 18-20mm is used for frame formwork.

Sheets of plywood cut to pre-selected sizes are fixed with wooden boards, which are adjusted as closely as possible to create a flat surface.

Before pouring the cement-concrete mixture into the formwork, a frame of reinforcement rods is knitted. Steel reinforcing bars are first placed along the future flight of stairs and securely connected with transverse elements. A high-quality metal frame will increase the strength of the structure and protect it from breaks and cracks.

Pay attention! To prevent damage to the edges of the steps, they are reinforced in advance with transverse connection reinforcement.

A concrete solution is poured into the prepared staircase formwork, which is leveled and checked for the absence of voids and cavities.

Concrete mortar is made directly on site from high-quality cement, carefully sifted river sand, fine crushed stone and warm water. It should be remembered that the quality of the solution depends on many factors, including the order in which all ingredients are mixed. Unevenness of the solution and the appearance of lumps can be prevented if you pour water not into pure cement, but into the ready-made dry mixture. Crushed stone is added to the solution at the last stage.

You can mix the concrete solution manually in a large container, in a trough or old bathtub, or using a concrete mixer, which you can rent for a day or two or ask your friends.

Pay attention! The quality of materials and the availability of quality certificates and other documents for each batch are of great importance. For example, it is advisable to purchase washed, high-quality and clean crushed stone.

After pouring the concrete solution, the monolithic staircase is allowed to dry completely and stand. It is possible to carry out finishing and decorative work, install fencing elements and install a lighting system only after 2-3 weeks have passed after the completion of all general construction work. Experts note that wooden finishing elements on a concrete staircase can be laid in a month, after the entire structure has fully gained strength.


Below you can see the process of making formwork, pouring and finishing a concrete staircase:
