Beautiful frost-resistant flowers for the garden. What unpretentious perennial flowers to choose for your garden. Watch the video: Perennial garden flowers that bloom all summer. Photo and title

Perennial plants will decorate any area and turn it into lush blooming garden. Such flowers require less attention and care than annual ones, they tolerate winter more easily and are less demanding when planting. Among the varieties of perennial plants, you can choose those suitable for any site, decorate it with lush greenery or bright colors, decorate the walls of a house or gazebo with climbing vines. Creating a flower garden takes a lot of effort and time, but the right approach choosing plants is already half the battle.

Distinctive features of perennials

Many gardeners prefer to plant annual plants, motivating this by more lush and vibrant flowering, but they are quite demanding. But there are not only perennial climbing plants, shrubs and herbaceous plants, which is confirmed by numerous photos, and if you take into account all the features when choosing flowers, then throughout the entire season, from early spring to late autumn, the garden will look blooming. The main features of perennials that distinguish them from annual plants:

  • transplantation is needed every 2-3 years;
  • frost resistance;
  • long flowering period;
  • minimal care;
  • can serve as the basis of a mixed flower garden, since they grow in one place and can be constantly supplemented with other plants.

Perennial plants will be an excellent basis for future flower arrangements, since when transplanting they can be separated and seated without resorting to additional expenses. For this reason, perennials benefit much more than annual plants.

Perennial herbaceous plant with decorative leaves will help, along with flowering ones, to create multi-level garden compositions, decorate slides, lawns and flower beds. In addition, there are perennial climbing plants and shrubs that can serve as hedges.

Features of planting perennials

Unlike annuals, perennial plants need to be planted in the fall so that they will please the eye at the beginning of the next season. The flowerbed plan should be designed in advance. When creating a flower garden, you should consider not only the compatibility of shades various plants, having looked at the photo, but also their flowering time and height. Low views should be placed in the foreground.

Advice! When planting perennial plants, it is best to focus on tiered planting, since flowers grouped by height look much more impressive.


Plants of the buttercup family are ideal for garden growing, which is why they are so widespread. Ranunculaceae are mostly perennial, although among them there are annual and biennial species, even subshrubs. These flowers are well adapted to cold climates and are not picky about the soil. Ranunculaceae vary greatly in appearance. This family is quite extensive, so you should read the photo to select varieties.

For garden design, buttercups are divided into several groups:

  1. Ground cover, they are used to decorate lawns and lawns. These include columbine, delphinium, wood anemone.
  2. Swamp and coastal ones, used when landing near garden ponds. Among them we can note the marigold, the swimsuit (European and Asian), and the wrestler.
  3. Climbing or vines necessary for decorating gazebos, walls, hedges, etc., for example, clematis and princely.

    Perennial plants of the buttercup family are divided into light- and shade-loving, depending on the species. The sun is necessary for spurs, clematis, and basilisk. In partial shade, it is worth planting aconite capulata, swimsuits, adonis, hellebore, and sleep-grass.

    Among the buttercups there are low and tall plants. Flowering from the end of July, the basilisk, which belongs to the Ranunculaceae, reaches 1.8 m in height. Delphiniums with bright racemose inflorescences grow up to 2 m.

    The catchment is considered to be of medium height (40-70 cm). It is best to plant it in rocky areas, along garden paths or next to trees. Low-growing buttercups include anemone and liverwort; lawns are usually planted with them. These plants tolerate shade well and can be planted near bodies of water.

    To extend the life of perennial plants from the buttercup family, they need to be covered with dry leaves or spruce branches before wintering. Once every 3-4 years (except for biennial varieties), replanting is necessary.

    Tall perennials

    Such plants can be planted in separate groups or as a spectacular background to multi-tiered compositions, as in the photo. Among the tall perennials there are both flowering ones and plants with beautiful lush leaves.

    Advice! Many varieties of tall perennial plants differ in the duration of the growing season, so they begin to bloom quite late - in mid-summer.

    In semi-shaded areas of the garden you can plant tricirtis, whose flowers resemble orchids or lilies. This perennial begins to bloom in early July, and pleases with its appearance until frost.

    Lupines are loved by many gardeners; these unpretentious flowers look very bright and different huge selection shades. These plants look good when planted in separate groups, and in a floral ensemble they ideally complement smaller flowers. Among the highest garden plants the willow-leaved sunflower stands out. Its large saucer-shaped flowers of a golden brown hue are visible even outside the site, since the height of the stems reaches 2.5 m.

    Echinacea with rudbeckia(golden balls). Their inflorescences are in perfect harmony with other plants. They are already starting to turn green early spring, easily enduring wintering. Rudbeckia needs to be monitored so that it does not overgrow the entire garden, since this flower has weedy habits.

    Medium-sized perennials

    The ideal solution for any garden are perennial plants 30-80 cm high, and looking at the photo, you can figure out which species will suit a particular area.

    Irises will decorate any garden. This elegant flower is suitable not only for decorating a flower bed; it can be used to effectively highlight a pond on your site or plant irises near a gazebo or other recreation area. Good for decorating alpine slides dwarf species. Depending on the variety, irises can be light-loving or prefer partial shade.

    One of the leaders in decorative gardening is the daylily, which is easy to care for and has many varieties. It grows well in the shade, and the beautiful leaves will complement any composition.

    Peonies will be a real decoration of the garden, adding elegance to the area. Spectacular double inflorescences are painted in tones from white to dark burgundy. In addition to tree peonies, there are also herbaceous peonies; under this name, plants for beginning gardeners are hidden. Herbaceous peonies begin to bloom on next year after planting, but this lasts much less than with tree-like ones. Peonies are quite demanding; only mineral fertilizers are suitable for them; in addition, it is necessary to provide abundant watering.

    One of the most popular and unpretentious flowers can be considered garden chamomile, which looks good in any flower bed. It has a long flowering period, requiring moderate watering and the most simple fertilizers. Among the varieties of garden chamomile you can find the following names: cornflower, pyrethrum. They differ primarily in the color and size of the inflorescences.

    Perennial asters (not to be confused with annual asters, which belong to the same family) will cause little trouble for gardeners. They bloom until the first frost, depending on the species. Flowers can be different shades: pink, lilac, yellow and blue tones. Asters are demanding of soil and fertilizers; they prefer organic ones.

    No beautiful garden would be complete without phlox. These are curvy colorful plants They are easy to care for and behave like weeds, so it is important to monitor their growth. Phloxes have no special requirements for lighting; it is recommended to replant them once every 6 years. In the same family we can distinguish dwarf phloxes, which are suitable for decorating hills or lawns, forming a dense flower cover.

    An example of perennial plants of medium height, distinguished by beautiful flowering, are: Rhodiola rosea, astilbe, monarda double. These flowers delight you with their appearance all summer long, and photos will help you choose the shades.

    Monarda came to us from North America. The plant is very aromatic and very large number essential oil. By the way, among natural herbs, this is the only remedy that gives an effect in the fight against mold

The most convenient flowers for the garden are perennials, since there are fewer “problems” with them, you don’t need to plant anew every spring, inventing various options and diagrams. That is why they are so loved by gardeners. So I’m more satisfied with a flowerbed of perennials that blooms all summer long, so that it doesn’t need to be reseeded every year.

Why we choose beautiful and long-blooming perennial flowers for our flower beds:

  1. no need to plant every season;
  2. tolerate winter well without shelter;
  3. they look decorative all season, with virtually no help from us.

Beautiful flowering perennials with descriptions and photos

We will help you choose beautiful perennial flowers for your site.

Among the perennials there are different types both in height, time and duration of flowering, and in shade tolerance. From so many types you can make beautiful composition or a flowerbed, which, if desired, can be supplemented with annual flowers and ornamental grasses.

What could be more beautiful than perennial flowers for the garden, blooming all summer long. Summer residents who come only on weekends cannot always pay much attention to the flower garden, but perennial flower bed, which blooms almost on its own, is a good solution. The main thing is to choose unpretentious long-lasting flowers for such a flowerbed. flowering perennials.

Flowers for a flower bed that bloom all summer are not difficult to choose. Let's figure out how to do this. There are always varieties of the same species with different terms flowering, and some bloom from June to October and constantly have a decorative appearance.

Perennial flowers for the garden can be divided into three groups according to height:

  • short, up to 50 cm;
  • medium height from 50 to 80 cm;
  • tall, from a meter and above.

There is another type of perennial - climbing plants. They are usually used to decorate facades garden houses, they disguise outbuildings, hide unattractive-looking fences behind a wall of climbing vines.

Low growing perennial flowers

These decorative flowers are used for front plans, borders, and flower bed decoration. When growing them together with taller specimens, care should be taken to ensure that their growth is not inhibited by the latter.


The bush is only 15-20 cm high, but there is a variety of shades and bright rich colors makes viola the most popular perennial among our gardeners and flower growers. This bright flower takes pride of place in a flower bed that blooms all summer.

Pansies begin to bloom at the end of April, reviving the dull appearance of a summer cottage after winter and continues to delight the eye throughout the summer period. The main thing is to remove faded flowers in time.


Blue or pink flowers spreading like a soft carpet, they are decorative from the beginning to the end of summer. Very unpretentious, they can complement any exquisite composition.

Flax grandiflora

Delicate, unpretentious, beautiful flower, up to 50 cm high. Combines with many flowers. Be sure to find a corner for it. It blooms almost all summer.


Blooming all summer, phloxes delight the eye with an abundance of colors. Up to 30 cm tall, these perennial flowers combine with ornamental grasses and other flowers. Unpretentious, beautiful, fragrant, phlox will delight you with its beauty all summer.


With its blue bells it will decorate any flowerbed and alpine slide. It blooms from mid-summer until autumn, but is not particularly capricious.

Anemone (Anemone)

Low, beautiful white flowers, up to 5 cm in diameter. They look very impressive next to other bright brethren. The plant is undemanding and grows in almost any conditions.

Soft cuff

These plants have decorative leaves that serve as decoration without flowers. And the flowers are delicate, pale yellow, small. The bush grows up to 40 cm, looks good in borders and along the edges of flower beds.


An ornamental plant with a thin stem 15-25 cm high. It is precisely because the flower has a thin, unstable shoot that it is prone to lodging, forming beautifully flowering plantings in any corner of the garden. Carnation flowers are not large in size, but they delight with a variety of colors, from white, pink to red.

The main advantages of carnation grass include its ease of care and good tolerance to winter cold.

How to use cloves and how ground cover plant, planting in tree trunk circles.

Long-flowering perennials of medium height

The most popular group of perennial flowers. Their height is from 60 to 100 cm.


The most commonly used plant is paniculate gypsophila. A shrub plant, about 1 meter high, wrapped in a cloud of long shoots with numerous small flowers, white, white-pink and pink colors. Thin shoots bow to the ground, forming an openwork flowering ball. Flowering lasts from mid-July to the end of August.


They are not long-flowering, but belong to the group of the most beautiful perennials of medium height.

Medium-sized varieties of irises are determined by the height of the peduncle from 40 to 70 cm, this is “ golden mean"between dwarf and tall irises.

Caring for the plant does not require much effort: watering in dry weather, trimming flower stalks to give the flower an aesthetic appearance. Unpretentious. It can grow in one place for about 10 years. Looks beautiful in mixborders.


Once seeing blooming lilies, no gardener can resist the temptation to plant them in his garden. Possessing truly royal grandeur and beauty, they captivate the eye.

Lilies begin to bloom in June, replacing tulips and peonies. The flowers bloom on the stem from bottom to top and last from three to nine days. But you should not remove them immediately after all the flowers have faded. The plant will need it for another 1.5 months to fill the bulb with strength and nutrients.


The color scheme created by breeders can be admired endlessly. All shades of yellow, pink, red will decorate any flower garden. Flowering continues throughout the summer. Almost all daylilies have a peduncle higher than their bush, and can bear up to 30 flowers, which is why it blooms continuously.

Mountain cornflowers

Flower height up to 60 cm, blooms piercingly all summer blue flowers. Like most perennials, it is unpretentious and does not require special transplants.

Garden yarrow

The plant can tolerate any soil and does not require special care. His only preference is sunny place for growth.

Yarrow looks equally beautiful in combination with other perennials and in single plantings.

Tall perennials


Lupine blooms in June and continues to bloom throughout the month, with red, yellow, blue and purple flowers.

Growing lupine is not difficult. If you don't have your own planting material, it is bred by seed. The best option, and less labor-intensive, will be the autumn sowing of seeds in the ground.

Astilbe: description and photo

A beautifully flowering perennial up to one meter high, with paniculate inflorescences of red, purple, white or pink flowers.

Astilbe is propagated by dividing the bush when it reaches five years of age. Without digging up the main bush, carefully separate part of the plant and replant it. Astilbe propagation work is carried out either in early spring or autumn. At autumn planting The plant is covered with spruce branches.


Flowers are from 70 cm to 2 meters high, the baskets are large, with bright yellow, yellow-brown, pink petals.

Rudbeckia are unpretentious flowers; they only need occasional watering in dry sunny weather, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers in the spring and complex fertilizers in the fall.


Very popular and loved by gardeners unpretentious perennials. The main thing is not so much cultivation, but proper storage tubers.

And we can talk endlessly about the variety of flower shapes and its colors: feathery and chrysanthemum-shaped, pompom-shaped and peony-shaped, anemone-shaped and decorative, painted in all sorts of colors - white and red, burgundy and purple, yellow and orange.


A relative of Rudbeckia, medicinal plant, takes root well in the garden. Flowers tenderly lilac color on tall peduncles with a brown center they look very elegant.

Delphinium, photo and description

Delphiniums bloom for about 2-3 weeks. It can grow in one place for up to 10 years. Loves good, fertilized soil, sunny or slightly shaded. And since the height of the plant can reach two meters, it is necessary to provide for the installation of supports to secure the stem. Otherwise, it may be broken by gusts of wind.

Aquilegia is a very beautiful perennial

Another name for the catchment, given to flowers behind characteristic feature collect drops of water inside the whisk.

Aquilegia blooms for a month and will last longer if faded flowers are removed.

And fertilizing with mineral fertilizers once a season helps to increase the flowering period.

Perennials that bloom all summer

All of the above flowers are unpretentious perennials that bloom throughout the summer. They are ideal for growing in the country, in the garden, near the house in the front garden. They look beautiful as street flowers in flower beds and flower beds in parks.

After looking at the description and photo of perennial flowers, you can now easily create a composition or diagram for your site.

Combine compositions based on the color and height of the plants, then your flower garden will be charming.

In addition, you can use the service of our website “Selection of flowers for the garden according to parameters”, located in the right menu and create a flowerbed for yourself from a wide variety of flowers, differing in height, flowering time, size and shape of flowers.

Beautiful flowering perennials with name and photo, video

Types of perennial flowers that bloom for a long time

On this page are the top 10 flowers that bloom the longest.

The most popular perennial long-flowering plants


The luxurious beauty of the rose is famous for its diversity of species and a huge number of hybrids and varieties, many of which can bloom continuously from early summer until late autumn.


Perennial Mediterranean compact shrub with violet-blue or soft pink fragrant flowers, which appear at the end of May and decorate the garden until the first frost.


A fragrant and unpretentious long-flowering perennial. Depending on the type, the color palette is white, pink, purple or blue.


This plant is often called Mexican mint because of the pleasant anise-like scent of the leaves and flowers. Great for creating mixed flower beds and herb gardens.


It is characterized by multi-colored double flowers that resemble small pillows. Height, depending on the type, from 25 to 70 cm. Flowering period from July to mid-October.


The hardy plant reaches a length of 25-35 cm and looks like mint. Its pride is its white, lavender-blue, purple or bright blue inflorescence spikelets and the lemon scent of foliage in some species.


An unpretentious, long-flowering perennial that is popular with gardeners. Its flowers, like little suns, fill the garden with their golden cozy warmth from early July to September.


Pink, white and lavender luxurious oblong inflorescences on long peduncles decorate the perennial from July to September.

Evening primrose

The beautiful evening primrose with bright gold and soft pink flowers decorates the garden from June to August. Grows well in full sun, fertile and moist soils. Excellent in group plantings.


A small, long-flowering perennial that looks like a miniature aster. It blooms in June-July and decorates the garden until the first frost. Loves sun and well-drained soil.

What perennial flowers decorate your summer cottage? If possible, attach a photo of your flowers to the comments. Thank you!

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Joyful meeting

Any summer resident wants to see his plot blooming and well-groomed all season long. To do this, he needs to choose the right plants and form flower beds according to your imagination. Even if there are many different varieties growing on the site, it is impossible to do without annuals. The most unpretentious of all the types of flowers available for growing when traveling only on weekends are the following.

1. Calendula(Calendula). Modern varieties " Orange Ring", "Radio", "Muraji"of this medicinal flower, as if small suns will decorate even a shaded area in the garden. Sometimes it seems that it grows on its own, and therefore is simple and uninteresting. This is not the right opinion. The flower is beautiful in the beds, among lush bouquets, not counting it healing properties and the ability to create a special atmosphere on the site. The remarkable ability to reproduce by self-sowing makes growing calendula simple.

Calendula officinalis "Radio"

2. Siberian iris (Iris sibirica). Modern varieties Spindazzle, Berliner, Rolling Cloud, While Prelude and others. The flower has a neat bush shape with beautiful xiphoid foliage and surprisingly delicate flowers various colors. If you want to create a blue flower bed, the Siberian iris perfectly complements the muscari ensemble ( Muskari), forget-me-nots ( Myosolis), lupine ( Lupinus) perennial. These flowers are directly created for “lazy summer residents”.

3. Nasturtium(Tropaeolum). On a summer resident's farm you can always find old barrel, saucepan, build a small decorative fence, for example, from wattle. And then the perfect flower, planted in these devices will be nasturtium, with its festive bouquet of bright flowers. Among the new varieties there are bush and climbing forms with multi-colored double flowers. Long flowering time and beautiful foliage are very convenient for compacting plantings in order to create a beautiful and neat flower bed. Unpretentious.

4. Eschszolzia(Eschscholzia). A flower smiling at the sun. Its graceful carved leaves of gray-green color create a real holiday in the summer cottage. It is this flower that is good for determining the weather. It is always closed before it rains. If you work carefully, then in the spring you can always find plants that have sprouted from self-seeding, which will bloom much earlier than those planted in open ground in May.

5.Golden balls or. Summer residents call this flower a perennial dahlia, although it is correct to classify it as a rudbeckia. Variety Goldball and there is that flower that our great-grandmothers grew in village front gardens.

6. (Lavatera).The slender, tall lavatera plant may seem like a powerful perennial from a distance. A long-blooming bush with white, pink or light burgundy flowers will perfectly complement the background of any flower garden. Caring for lavatera is very simple - by planting seeds in May.

7. (Godetia). The most commonly grown varieties are Tall Double, Mixed, Grimson Glow, Dwarf Satin. This delicate plant, with numerous clusters of flowers, planted from seed in May, requires only good light and careful weeding.

8. (Bergenia). The most common types are B. cordifolia, B. purpurascens, variety Morgenrote. Shady places are not an obstacle to the growth of powerful leaves and beautiful spring flowers. Having planted bergenia garden trees, all that remains is to admire its beauty, and also use it to obtain aromatic Mongolian tea.

9. Red beans(Phaseolus coccineus). Covering a fence or not very beautiful parts of buildings, it surprises with its unpretentiousness and duration of flowering.

10. Mattiola (Matthiola). Night violet is one of the most favorite and unpretentious flowers for the garden. The delicate scent and flowers that open in the evening create the coziness of summer, sun, and relaxation.

Mattiola ("night violet")

11.Hydrangea(Hydrangea). It would be hard to find a more beautiful plant for planting as a privacy screen, such as a toilet or compost pit. In addition, the snow-white caps of the unpretentious “aujisai”, which came to us from Japan, are surrounded by neat lawns, next to the majestic ferns (Polypodiophyta) make any corner of the garden cozy and magical. Both large-leaved and large-leaved are equally popular.

12. (Centaures). Everyone's favorite cornflower flower, planted next to red or blue flax, against the background of a bush of perennial decorative oats and delicate bells, will create the atmosphere of a flowering meadow on the site.

13.Tagetes, or Marigold (Tagetes). In terms of popularity, it occupies one of the first places among annuals. But it is better to grow any variety of marigolds through seedlings. The beginning of flowering greatly depends on this. And then this “autumn king” lights up and delights everyone around with his beautiful flowers still in the summer.

14. (Hosta). Cold resistant, shade-tolerant plant not susceptible to disease. Together with delicate flowers Hosta has very beautiful foliage. Depending on the plant variety, it can be green, blue, striped or even white. Foliage is used to create interesting bouquets. is one of the longest-living perennials.

Hosta "Shade Fanfare"

15. (Callistephus chinensis). September, school and a colorful sea in the flower beds. Currently, many new varieties of this flower have been obtained, which are also best grown in seedlings.

Chinese aster "Pompon Splendid Serie"

It is difficult to list all the beautiful and easy-to-care plants that you would like to see in your flower beds. This catchment ( Aquilegia), Periwinkle(Vinca) Violet ( Viola), Peony(Paeonia), Phlox ( Phlox), Bell(Campanula), Mallow(Malva), Day-lily, or Krasodnev(Hemerocallis) , Delphinium(Delphinium) and others. The main thing is to find time every year to plant a new flower and meet the minimum requirements for growing it. And then a joyful meeting with blooming flower beds will be provided during each visit to the dacha.

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A garden or a small flowerbed near the gate, a cozy courtyard in the back of the plot or a luxurious flower garden in the front area of ​​the yard should definitely delight the eye with warm summer days. For this, various flowering plants, both annual and perennial, are most often used. Bright flowers decorate the area, filling it with subtle aromas, and for flower beds that bloom profusely all summer, it is not at all necessary to hire an experienced gardener. There are several dozen species of unpretentious plants that even an inexperienced amateur can grow, following the basic rules of growing plants.

Among annuals flowering plants There are several types that are most suitable for landscaping street and courtyard areas. They are unpretentious, seedlings of these plants are sold everywhere during the planting season, and with a small investment of time and money, you can try to grow seedlings yourself.


There are several dozen varieties of marigolds that can be purchased at flower shops and in specialized markets. These strong plants begin flowering very early, often ten centimeters tall seedlings are sold with the first flower.

  1. Height of marigolds different varieties starts from ten centimeters and varies, depending on the variety, reaching half a meter.
  2. The size, shape and shade of the inflorescences are also extremely varied; there are varieties with small flowers that cover the bush, and others with huge, double inflorescences.
  3. The entire spectrum of yellow and red colors is present in marigolds; you can choose varieties of the same height with dark red or lemon yellow flowers; there are a lot of options for designing flower beds, it all depends on the owner’s imagination.

It is precisely for their long flowering period, for their ease of care and for the ability to play with shape and color that marigolds are loved by landscape designers. To grow these plants yourself, you just need to sow the long, needle-shaped seeds at a shallow depth in pots or under film, waiting until April. In just half a month, the marigolds will sprout and be ready to be transplanted into the flowerbed.

These plants love sunlight And moderate watering. If the flowerbed is in partial shade, they will bloom under one condition: they must be planted in the flowerbed already mature plant which produced two or more inflorescences. Then it will stop growing, but flowering will not stop.


Anyone who once planted petunia on his plot will definitely do it again. The subtle, surprisingly pleasant aroma of these flowers and the variety of shades of the inflorescences instantly make you fall in love. This plant has only one drawback: it does not like shade; even slight shading leads to a sharp decrease in the number of inflorescences. The delicate petals of multi-colored gramophones tolerate the sun's rays well, open places Petunia grows well, delighting the eye with lush flowering.

There are a huge number of varieties of this plant, bush and ampelous, with regular or double flowers, in all colors of the rainbow. A flower bed decorated with petunias of one color looks especially impressive: sky blue or soft pink, scarlet or purple. There are two-color varieties, with a contrasting, most often white, color at the base of the petals. Ampelous varieties throw out long lashes covered entirely with buds.

  1. You can grow petunia yourself if you sow microscopic seeds under glass without covering them with soil.
  2. When shoots appear, thin blades of grass are transplanted along with the lump, trying not to damage the root.
  3. Already with the appearance of the second leaf, petunia is ready to be transplanted into a flowerbed, where it begins, when good conditions, grow and bloom very quickly.


Fleshy lashes, wide, round leaves and delicate, fragrant nasturtium flowers are not its main advantages. This plant is considered edible; its seeds resemble capers, they are pickled, and ready-made dishes are decorated with flowers. Nasturtium flowering lasts all summer, and the plant feels great even in partial shade, responding gratefully to fertilizing and timely watering.

The varietal diversity of nasturtium is very large; you can find plants whose vines reach three meters in length, and the shoots are strewn with flowers. You can plant nasturtiums with shorter shoots; varieties with bright, double flowers of all shades of red and yellow look very elegant. Nasturtium seeds are large and resemble peas. They are planted directly in the ground, as this plant quickly sprouts and begins to bloom.


The orange suns of calendula flowers are familiar to absolutely everyone, since this plant is not only decorative, but is also considered medicinal. Small calendula bushes will be strewn orange flowers all shades all summer long, if you pinch the tops of the bushes in time, stopping growth. The plant belongs to the Asteraceae family; its flowers look like daisies or asters; the double varieties are especially beautiful.

Growing this plant is not difficult; you can try to plant seedlings purchased at the market in a flowerbed, or grow them yourself.

Calendula loves sunlight, moderate watering and loose soil. Under these conditions, the plant begins to bloom early, and faded flowers must be carefully trimmed so that they do not spoil the appearance of the flowerbed. If there is a desire to collect seeds, for this purpose leave several bushes with three or a little more inflorescences.

Perennial flowers

Most perennial plants do not have such a variety of flower colors and are not able to bloom all summer like annuals. But there are several varieties of perennial flowers that are unpretentious and delight the eye with bright colors all summer long.


The folk flower, about which a huge number of songs and poems have been created, is truly a “plant for lazy people”, as it is able to grow even with minimal care. In addition to the traditional sky blue hue, cornflowers have petals of white, yellow and pink color. The varieties with double flowers are the most popular among lovers.

Grow cornflower by any means: seeds, pieces of rhizomes and dividing the bush. Having planted this plant once, you can forever improve your garden or flowerbed, because cornflowers sprout together in the spring and do not need special care and attention.

Tradescantia garden

A perennial plant that blooms with small blue flowers, spreads throughout the flowerbed on its own, covering its entire surface. Bright green stems with small flowers and long longitudinal leaves look very beautiful in the form of a large, lush carpet. The plants do not need to be trimmed or mowed; in a sunny area, the length of the stem does not exceed twenty centimeters. The strong stems of Tradescantia stand perfectly vertically, forming continuous thickets.

Tradescantia really likes regular watering; it grows well in the shade, but does not indulge in flowering, and the length of the stems becomes longer. You can propagate Tradescantia by simply breaking off a petiole and sticking it into wet soil. Small seeds that fall in the fall germinate in the spring, and there is no need to dig up the soil in the flowerbed. From just one stem you can grow square meter bright green carpet.


The snapdragon, or “snapdragon,” familiar to many, blooms all summer, is unpretentious and has interesting shape bright flowers. Low or tall, with inflorescences of various colors, snapdragons can be any color except blue or light blue. Small bushes of the plant tolerate shading well, but prefer sunny areas and abundant, regular watering. If these conditions are met, a flower bed with snapdragon bushes will look great.

You don't have to be experienced florist to try growing stunningly beautiful flowers near your home or dacha. Unpretentious annuals and perennial plants are great for growing by beginners, allowing them to spend a minimum amount of time caring for the flower garden.

Video - Frost-resistant unpretentious perennials

Here is a list of the best perennial, low-maintenance flowers that are perfect for any garden, especially if you're a beginner!

Gaillardia is a drought-resistant wild perennial that blooms for quite a long time in a sunny area with poor soil. Red, gold or brown, daisy-like, single or double perennial flowers, 8 cm in diameter, can be seen throughout the summer and into early autumn. Although these plants are often short-lived, they are easy to re-grow from seed.


15cm peaks of speedwells bloom on top of 30-60cm blue or red plants from early summer until autumn. In northern latitudes, Veronica prefers the sun, but it is shade-loving in conditions southern climate. Plant this one perennial flower in front of the flower bed.

Tall garden phlox

Phlox paniculata garden, tall or - grows 90–120 cm in height and produces large clusters of fragrant flowers from summer to early autumn. This is an old, beloved plant that has few competitors due to its rich color range and subtle sweet aroma. It looks good at the back of the garden.

Russian sage

This beautiful perennial, 90 cm wide and 150 cm high, forms clouds of blue flowers and is suitable for large gardens. Russian sage loves sun and is tolerant of drought and heat. It is better to plant these perennial flowers in the background of the flower bed and free up space around them for further growth.

Perennial sage

A relative of the garden favorite, hybrid perennial sage combines 50cm peaks of blue, purple or white perennial flowers with attractive gray-green foliage. Plant sage at the front or middle of the border in a sunny location.


Main element autumn garden– Asters – burst forth with their star-shaped perennial flowers in late summer and fall. They have in their arsenal rich pink, blue, purple and burgundy-red shades. Asters can reach up to 150 cm in height depending on the species and are great for flower beds and borders, as well as for cutting to be enjoyed indoors.


Echinacea purpurea

This is a wild meadow flower that opens its petals horizontally like a daisy. Echinacea easily tolerates heat and drought and blooms all summer. It reaches 70 cm in height and looks great in the middle or in the background of a flower bed.

Decorative millet

A beautiful prairie grass native to North America, it perfectly complements the aesthetics of the garden and is easy to maintain. Varieties reach from 60 to 180 cm in height and form airy, lush caps. Some varieties have rich red or purple foliage in the fall.


Even if you've never had a garden before, you can grow yarrow with little effort or skill. This is an amazingly hardy perennial that can withstand heat, drought and cold. These perennial flowers are prized in the garden for their spicy-scented grey-green or dark green foliage and showy flat clusters of pink, red, white or yellow shades, which appear from late spring to early autumn.


With a pleasant sweet aroma, peony is a long-lived perennial plant 60–120 cm tall. In the flower garden it forms bush bouquets. Its numerous varieties offer a wide range of colors - almost all shades and their combinations, except blue. The flowering period is from late spring to early summer.

Thin-leaved coreopsis

Coreopsis comes in a wide range of sizes and several shades. Fine-leaved varieties of these perennial flowers, such as 'Moonbeam' and 'Zagreb', produce spathes of small, daisy-like flowers in yellow or pink shade with soft, fern-shaped leaves throughout the summer. (In hot areas, the growth rate of flowers may be slow.) Large-flowered varieties (“Early Sunrise” is one of the most popular) produce large orange-yellow flowers. Give this plant a central place in the flower garden.

Siberian iris

Siberian iris adds color to the flowerbed in early summer and vertical accents throughout the summer. Like most irises, they are moisture-loving plants, but once established in the ground they can tolerate dry soil. The flowers appear on top of bare stems 60 cm tall. Its shades include white, blue, yellow, purple and many combinations thereof. The Siberian iris not only decorates the garden, but also looks great in cut bouquets.


Penstemon produces attractive peaks of tubular perennial flowers in shades of pink, blue, lavender, white or red. The 'Husker Red' variety combines white flowers and purple leaves, creating a wonderful contrast when combined with plants with light green foliage. Place this gem meter tall in the middle or in the background of the flower bed and provide it with plenty of sunlight.


Narcissus Pink Charm

Daffodils are proven perennial bulbs that bloom in early, mid or late spring, depending on the variety. The flowers have a central tube (corolla) - the length varies depending on the variety - surrounded by a collar of petals (perianth), which can be different colors. Shades include yellow, orange, white, red and peach. Some daffodils have a distinct aroma. The narrow, strap-like leaves appear before the flowers and are slightly shorter than the stems.


Scabiosa produces exquisite blue flowers all summer and autumn, which makes it one of the longest-flowering plants in perennial compositions. Loves sun or partial shade and looks best in the front of a flower bed. The Blue Butterfly variety, 30 cm tall, tolerates heat better than others.

Subulate Phlox

Ideal for rock gardens or hard surface areas, front perennial gardens or as a ground cover plant on a slope. The awl-shaped phlox forms a dense, creeping mat up to 15 cm high and 60 cm wide, its small leaves are slightly spiny, and in spring the entire plant is covered with fragrant white, pink, blue, lavender or red flowers. Phlox leaves are semi-evergreen in northern regions and evergreen in the south.



Rudbeckia is an American icon. From mid-summer until frost, its orange or golden yellow flowers appear again and again. The 'Goldsturm' variety shown here reaches 60cm in height, making it ideal for the centerpiece or background of a flowerbed. Black-eyed Susan loves sun and is drought tolerant.