Children's chemical experiments. Fun experiences for kids at home. For this entertaining entertainment you will need

Children are great whys. By their very nature, they are aimed at understanding the world, and up to a certain age, the world is ready to give them discoveries almost every day. Children are ready for the most risky experiments in order to answer the questions “How?”, “Why?”, “What will happen?”. We, parents, out of fear for their safety and the safety of the objects surrounding children, try to limit the flight of their imagination, especially when it comes to preschoolers and primary schoolchildren 7-8 years old.

It is very important to preserve this curiosity and inquisitiveness, it is this trait that will bring the child both deep knowledge and the ability to realize them. Entertaining experiments will make the child consciously read physics or chemistry textbooks, in an effort to understand and explain the results of the experiment.

Therefore, responsible parents strive to support their children in their desire to discover chemical, physical, biological and other laws on their own. Having caught the demand, stores offer to buy different children's kits in order to conduct experiments and experiments for children 7-8 years old at home.

You can buy these kits, but many fun and interesting science experiments can be done by children with their parents by creating the necessary kits from improvised tools at home. At home, you can do experiments in chemistry, physics, biology. At least 10 experiments can be done with Coca-Cola alone. The main thing is to teach young researchers the rules of safety.

Most of the experiments and experiments for children, which parents can read about and suggest to kids for practice, are completely safe. But many children at 8, and even more so 10 years old, already quite freely find videos on the Internet where slightly older guys demonstrate their experiments, and not all of them, even with Coca-Cola, are safe for a beginner.

Or maybe your young researcher decides to conduct a chemical experiment of his own design. Therefore, rule number one, which, first of all, children need to be taught, is to coordinate upcoming scientific experiments with adults.

  • Before you do, carefully read the instructions for the experiment. All kits sold are equipped with them.
  • The place for experiments should be carefully chosen and well prepared. Remove all unnecessary, especially combustible materials and fragile items. There should be enough light, close to water, and the possibility of ventilation.
  • Careful handling of fire, hot or sharp objects.
  • Use separate dishes for experiments. Wash and clean thoroughly after use.
  • Do not take anything by mouth, taste or mess with the products used or obtained.
  • If your hands get dirty, wash them immediately so as not to rub your face and eyes with dirty hands.
  • Do not lean close to the experiment site to avoid splashes, sparks, etc. do not come into contact with skin or eyes.
  • At the end of the experiment, we carefully clean everything, wash our hands, if necessary, ventilate the room.
  • Pour used liquids carefully into the sink, turning on cold water for her to loosen up.

But still simple experiments with fire or chemicals, even as common at home as vinegar, children should only do it under adult supervision.

Experiences for kids! Children's Experiment #1 - Rainbow Water

Soap engine boat

For this experience, you do not have to buy complex sets. Enough water, liquid soap and plastic corner. From a corner or film with scissors, cut out a triangular boat with a slot and a round hole in the middle. It is quite capable for children 7-8 years old. Then we lower the resulting boat into a vessel with water and drip into the hole liquid soap. The ship begins to move quickly through the water. And so after each drop of soap.

Experience with soda

This simple and fun experience will help to draw children's attention to such concepts from physics as density, volume and weight. It does not need special sets, it is enough to buy several metal cans of soda of the same volume. For example, buy Sprite, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Fanta, and ask the child the question: “What will happen to them if you put them in water? Drown or not?"

You can even bet on how the next bank will behave. Then carefully lower the jars into a container of water and observe. Some banks sink to the bottom, while others float in it. Although a child of 7 or even 10 years old is not yet learning physics or chemistry, this visual experience will help to remember that objects with the same volume can have different weight, different density.

paper cover

This scientific experience like a focus. We take a glass of water, pour water into it, press a piece of thick paper on top and carefully turn the glass over. Water does not spill out! The paper remains pressed to the glass, as if glued. The explanation for the secret of this experiment is that air presses on the paper.

Home rainbow with water and a mirror

You can please children by making them feel like a magician by creating a rainbow yourself. To do this, the child immerses a small mirror in water and directs the light of a flashlight onto it. On the White list paper, we catch the reflection and here it is - a rainbow!

The experience of Rene Descartes or the pipette diver

They think that this interesting experiment the first was made by the physicist and mechanic of the 16th century from France, René Descartes. We will not repeat his experience exactly, because today there are plastic bottles. In one of them we collect water almost to the very brim and lower the pipette there. We first draw a little water into the pipette, so that it floats when immersed in the bottle, with its upper rubber end slightly protruding from the water.

Close the bottle and squeeze it. The pipette goes to the bottom. We release the sides of the bottle - the pipette pops up. When the bottle is squeezed, the pressure of the water in it increases, and it penetrates into the pipette. It becomes heavier and sinks. The pressure is released and the air pushes out the water, the pipette becomes lighter again and floats.

From glass to glass

Such an experiment can be done even by a 5-year-old baby. One glass is filled with water and a strip of fabric is immersed in it, the second edge of which is lowered into an empty glass. It is placed a little lower than the full one, and gradually water flows through the fabric from full to empty.

Experience with Coca-Cola

The Internet is full of videos where guys are doing a variety of experiments with Coca-Cola. You can find 10 or 20 such experiments. Sugar, Mentos sweets, soda or salt, milk and dry ice are added to Coca-Cola and look at the result. With a child of 8 - 10 years old, it is quite possible to create a volcano from Coca-Cola.

To do this, we insert a tall glass or a small plastic bottle into a dark paper cone, which will depict a volcano. We put the volcano in the basin. Pour Coca-Cola halfway into the vessel and throw Mentos candies into it. Then we admire the volcanic eruption from the fountain of foam. The fountain from our volcano will be even higher if we add soda instead of sweets to Coca-Cola.

Experiment Naughty ball. Simple Bottle Experiments

Remember the MOST IMPORTANT rule during chemical experiments - never lick a spoon ... :). And now seriously...

1. Homemade phone
Take 2 plastic cups (or empty and clean tins without cover). Make a thick cake out of plasticine a little larger than the bottom and place a glass on it. Make a hole in the bottom with a sharp knife. Do the same with the second glass.

Pull one end of the thread (its length should be about 5 meters) through the hole in the bottom and tie a knot.

Repeat the experiment with the second glass. Voila, the phone is ready!

For it to work, you need to pull the thread and not touch other objects (including fingers). By putting the cup to your ear, the baby will be able to hear what you are saying on the other end of the wire, even if you whisper or talk from different rooms. The cups act as a microphone and speaker in this experiment, and the thread serves as a telephone wire. The sound of your voice travels along a stretched string in the form of longitudinal sound waves.

2. Magic avocado
The essence of the experiment: Stick 4 skewers into the fleshy part of the avocado and place this almost alien structure over a transparent container of water - the sticks will serve as a support for the fruit so that it stays half above the water. Put the container in a secluded place, add water every day and watch what happens. After a while, stems will begin to grow from the bottom of the fruit directly into the water.

3. Unusual flowers
Buy a bunch of white carnations/roses.

The essence of the experiment: Place each carnation in a transparent vase, after making a cut on the stem. After that, add food coloring of a different color to each vase - be patient and very soon the white flowers will turn into unusual shades.

What do we do conclusion? A flower, like any plant, drink water, which goes along the stem throughout the flower through special tubes.

4. Colored bubbles
For this experiment, we will need a plastic bottle, sunflower oil, water, food coloring (paints for Easter eggs).

The essence of the experiment: Fill the bottle with water and sunflower oil in equal proportions, leaving a third of the bottle empty. Add some food coloring and close the lid tightly.

You will be surprised to see that the liquids do not mix - the water stays at the bottom and becomes colored, while the oil rises to the top because its structure is less heavy and dense. Now try shaking our magic bottle - in a few seconds everything will return to normal. And now the final trick - we put it in the freezer and we have one more trick in front of us: oil and water have changed places!

5. Dancing grape
For this experiment, we need a glass of sparkling water and a grape.

The essence of the experiment: Throw a berry into the water and watch what happens next. Grapes are slightly heavier than water, so they will sink to the bottom first. But gas bubbles will immediately form on it. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will pop up. But on the surface, the bubbles will burst and the gas will escape. The berry will again sink to the bottom and again be covered with gas bubbles, and again emerge. This will continue several times.

6 . Sieve - non-spill
Let's do a simple experiment. Take a sieve and grease it with oil. Then shake, pour water into the sieve so that it flows along the inside of the sieve. And, lo and behold, the sieve will be filled!

Conclusion: Why doesn't water flow out? It is held by a surface film, it was formed due to the fact that the cells that were supposed to let the water through did not get wet. If you run your finger along the bottom and break the film, the water will start to flow out.

7. Salt for creativity
We need a cup hot water, salt, thick black paper and a brush.

The essence of the experiment: Add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a cup of hot water and mix the solution with a brush until all the salt is dissolved. Continue adding salt, stirring constantly until crystals form at the bottom of the cup. Paint a picture using the salt solution as paint. Leave the masterpiece overnight in a warm and dry place. When the paper dries, the pattern will appear. The salt molecules did not evaporate and formed crystals, the pattern of which we see.

8. Magic ball
Take a plastic bottle and a balloon.

The essence of the experiment: Put it on the neck and place the bottle in hot water- the ball is inflated. This happened because the warm air, consisting of molecules, expanded, the pressure increased and the balloon inflated.

9. Volcano at home
We will need baking soda, vinegar and a container for the experiment.

The essence of the experiment: Place a tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl and pour in some vinegar. Baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) is alkaline, while vinegar is acidic. When they are together, they form the sodium salt of acetic acid. At the same time, stand out carbon dioxide and water and you get a real volcano - the action will impress any kid!

10. Spinning Disc
The materials you will need are the simplest: glue, cover from plastic bottle with spout, CD and balloon.

The essence of the experiment: Glue the bottle cap to the CD so that the center of the hole in the cap aligns with the center of the hole in the CD. Let the glue dry, then proceed to the next step: inflate the balloon, twist its “neck” so that the air does not escape and pull the balloon onto the spout of the lid. Place the disk on a flat table and release the ball. The design will "float" on the table. The invisible air cushion acts as a lubricant and reduces friction between the disc and the table.

11. The magic of scarlet flowers
For the experiment, you should cut out a flower with long petals from paper, then use a pencil to twist the petal to the center - make curls. Now dip your flowers into a container of water (basin, soup bowl). Flowers come to life before your eyes and begin to bloom.

What do we do conclusion? The paper gets wet and becomes heavier.

12. Cloud in the bank.

You will need a 3-liter jar, a lid, hot water, ice.

The essence of the experiment: Pour hot water into a three-liter jar (level - 3-4 cm), cover the top of the jar with a lid / baking sheet, put pieces of ice on it.

The warm air inside the jar will begin to cool, condense, and rise up as a cloud. Yes, this is how clouds form.

Why is it raining? Drops in the form of heated steam rise up, they get cold there, they reach for each other, become heavy, large and ... return to their homeland again.

13. Can foil dance?

The essence of the experiment: Cut a piece of foil into thin strips. Then take a comb and comb your hair, then bring the comb close to the strips - and they will begin to move.

Conclusion: Particles fly in the air - electric charges that cannot live without each other, they are attracted to each other, although they are different in character, like “+” and “-”.

14. Where did the smell go?

You will need: a jar with a lid, corn sticks, perfume.

The essence of the experiment: Take a jar, put a little perfume on the bottom, put corn sticks on top and close with a tight lid. After 10 minutes, open the jar and smell it. Where has the perfume gone?

Conclusion: The smell was absorbed by the sticks. How did they do it? Due to the porous structure.

15. Dancing Liquid (non-trivial substance)

cook the simplest option of this liquid - a mixture of corn (or ordinary) starch and water in a ratio of 2: 1.

The essence of the experiment: Mix well and start having fun: if you slowly dip your fingers into it, it will be liquid, flowing from your hands, and if you hit it with your fist with all your might, the surface of the liquid will turn into an elastic mass.

Now this mass can be poured onto a baking sheet, put the baking sheet on a subwoofer or speaker and loudly turn on dynamic music (or some kind of vibrating noise).

From the variety of sound waves, the mass will behave differently - somewhere condensed, somewhere not, which is why a lively dancing effect is formed.

Add a few drops of food coloring and you will see how the dancing "worms" are colored in a peculiar way.


17. Smoke without fire

Lay a simple paper napkin on a small saucer, pour a small hill of potassium permanganate on top of it and drop glycerin there. A few seconds later, smoke will appear, and almost immediately you will see a bright blue flash of flame. This occurs when potassium permanganate and glycerin are combined with the release of heat.

18. Can there be fire without matches?

Take a glass and pour some hydrogen peroxide into it. Add a few crystals of potassium permanganate there. Now drop the match in there. With a light pop, the match will burst into a bright flame. This is due to the active release of oxygen. Thus, you can explain to the child in practice why it is impossible to open windows in case of fire. Because of the oxygen, the fire will flare up even more.

19. Potassium permanganate in combination with water from a puddle

Take water from a standing puddle and add a solution of potassium permanganate to it. Instead of the usual purple color - the water will be with yellow tint, this is due to the dead microorganisms in dirty water. In addition, this way the child will more accurately understand why it is necessary to wash hands before eating.

20. Unusual Calcium Gluconate Snakes OR Pharaoh's Serpent

Buy calcium gluconate at the pharmacy. Take the pill carefully with tweezers (attention, the child should never do this on his own!), bring it to the fire. When the decomposition of calcium gluconate begins to occur, the release of calcium oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon and water will begin. And it will look like a black snake will appear from a small white piece.

21. Disappearing Styrofoam in Acetone

Styrofoam refers to gas-filled plastics and many builders who would come into contact at least once with this material know that acetone should not be placed next to the foam. Pour the acetone into a large bowl and start dropping the Styrofoam pieces into it little by little. You can see how the liquid will bubble up and the foam will disappear as if by magic!


And scientific holidays are becoming more and more popular. For children and teenagers entertaining experiences it is something very fascinating, magical and interesting. It's easy to become a magician and show some interesting experiences for children, but for them it's a real holiday.

Experiments for children at home

Any, even the most amazing, can be explained scientifically. But the admiration and delight of children will still be great. We have selected for you the most interesting and exciting experiences that will delight both children and adults.

Experience No. 1 - Tornado in a jar

In this experience, we will be able to see with our own eyes a real tornado up close. It is said that some who tried to see him disappeared without a trace. Our whirlwind will be safe, but no less spectacular.

Would need:

  • Clear glass jar with lid (preferably oblong)
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Food coloring
  • sequins

Conducting experience:

  1. Fill the jar with water for 3/4.
  2. Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
  3. After a while, add dye and glitter. This will help you see the tornado better.
  4. Close the jar with a lid, shake well.
  5. Spin the liquid in the jar clockwise.

Explanation: When you spin the jar in a circular motion, a swirl of water is created that looks like a mini tornado. Inside the speed is less, on the edge faster. Water rotates rapidly around the center of the vortex due to centrifugal force. Centrifugal force is the force inside a guiding object or fluid, such as water, about the center of its circular path.

Experiment No. 2 - Invisible ink

invisible ink interesting experience which will surprise and delight any child. Children will then be able to write their own secret messages to their friends.

Would need:

  • Lemon
  • cotton swab
  • Bottle
  • Any decorations of your choice (hearts, sequins, beads, sequins)

Conducting experience:

  1. Squeeze some lemon juice into a glass.
  2. Dip a cotton swab in it and write your secret message. Put it in a bottle and decorate a little.
  3. In order for the inscription to appear, you need to heat the paper with the inscription (iron it, hold it over the fire or in the oven). Be careful not to let the kids do it themselves.

Explanation: Lemon juice is organic matter, which is able to oxidize (react with oxygen). When heated, it acquires Brown color and "burns" faster than paper. The same effect is given Orange juice, milk, vinegar, wine, honey and onion juice.

Experience number 3 - Soap bubbles in the cold

What could be more fun for kids than blowing bubbles. Children will be surprised to see how they freeze in the fresh air.

Would need:

  • Bubble
  • frosty weather

Conducting experience:

  1. We go out into the street with a jar of soapy water in the bitter cold.
  2. We blow bubbles. Immediately in different points small crystals appear on the surface, which grow rapidly and finally merge. If the weather is not very frosty and the bubbles do not freeze, you will need a snowflake: as soon as you blow a soap bubble, drop a snowflake on it, and you will see how it immediately slides down and the bubble freezes.

Explanation: In case of frost and contact with frosty air or a snowflake, the crystallization process immediately begins, so the soap bubble freezes.

Experience number 4 - DIY helium balloons

Would need:

  • Air balloons
  • Empty bottle (1 or 1.5 l.)
  • Tea spoon
  • Funnel
  • table vinegar
  • Baking soda

Conducting experience:

  1. Pour about a third of the vinegar into the bottle.
  2. Through the funnel we fall asleep in the ball 2-3 tsp. soda. We put the ball on the neck of the bottle.
  3. Pour the contents of the balloon into the bottle.

Explanation: As a result of the interaction of soda and vinegar, carbon dioxide is released, which fills the ball. But such a ball will not fly by itself, in order to make it attach to the ceiling, it should be rubbed and thereby electrified, and then it will be able to stay under the ceiling for 5 hours!

Experience No. 5 - A simple motor

Would need:

  • Battery
  • Copper wire
  • neodymium magnet

Conducting experience:

  1. We bend copper wire, the ends of the wire should not connect.
  2. With the help of pliers, we make a small dent on the positive contact of the battery.
  3. We put the battery minus on the magnet, put the wire on top of the battery. The free ends of the wire should lightly touch the magnet.

Explanation: We put a battery on the magnet and then we put a wire heart on them. The system starts spinning. This happens because an electric charge arises in the wire. And this is nothing but the ordered movement of charged particles. Each of them is affected by a magnetic field that deflects the direction of their movement. This deflection is called the Lorentz force. Charged particles move in a circle, creating a rotation of the structure. The battery will run out after a while, and the movement will stop. But the impression will remain.

Experience number 6 - Paper bottom

Would need:

  • Cup
  • Paper

Conducting experience:

  1. Pour water into a glass.
  2. Cut out a square from paper, put it on a glass.
  3. Turn over carefully. The paper has stuck to the glass, as if magnetized, and the water does not pour out. Miracles!

Explanation: When we cover a glass of water with a piece of paper and turn it over, water presses on the sheet on one side, and air on the other side (from the very bottom). The air pressure is greater than the pressure of the water in the glass, so the sheet does not fall.

Experience #7 - Egg Walk

Would need:

  • two trays with fresh chicken eggs
  • wishing to walk on them and a good mood.

Conducting experience:

  1. Lay a trash bag or oilcloth on the floor (for hygienic purposes).
  2. Place 2 egg trays on top.
  3. By evenly distributing your weight and placing your feet correctly, you will be able to literally walk on raw and fragile eggs with bare feet.

Explanation: It's no secret that breaking an egg costs nothing. However, the architecture of the egg is so unique that with even pressure, the stress is distributed harmoniously throughout the shell and does not allow the fragile egg to crack. Try it today, it's very exciting!

Experience number 8 - Clean hands

This inspired teacher's project is a fun and visual way to show kids the importance of personal hygiene. Using only 3 slices of bread, the woman was able to clearly explain to first graders why it is really important to wash your hands before eating.

Would need:

  • 3 slices of bread
  • 3 zip packages
  • clean and dirty hands

Conduct: The bread in the first bag is control sample. Place a piece of bread in the second bag washed hands. Well, the third is a piece of bread, which let all the kids touch with unwashed hands after a walk. After just a week, children will be able to own experience make sure hygiene is very important!

Experience No. 8 - Flower Magic

In this experiment, we will be able to paint the flowers in any color with our own hands. There will be no limit to the surprise of children when, in front of their eyes, for some time the flowers change their color.

Would need:

  • White carnation, chrysanthemum or chamomile.
  • Food coloring of any color, but we will choose blue.
  • A jar or a vase, a knife and a camera to capture the results of home experience later and leave a photo of a flower of unearthly beauty as a keepsake.

Conducting experience:

  1. Take a small jar or glass vase, pour water at room temperature, dilute blue food coloring.
  2. Cut off the tip of the stem sharp knife. Place the flower in colored water.
  3. After about 3 hours, the carnation petals begin to turn bluish around the edges. The veins of the flower are also colored.
  4. In a day, the flower will already noticeably color in Blue colour. Sometimes the petals are brighter at the edges, sometimes the middle. But after two days, the flower will definitely turn blue.

Explanation: The flower used to grow in the ground, it had root system. Through special vessels - capillaries - water from the soil came to all parts of the plant. If its root is cut off, it does not lose the ability to "drink" water with the help of capillaries. Through them, like tubes, the water rises. In our case, it was painted. Therefore, the flower, penetrated by capillaries, also changed color.

Experience number 9 - Sprouting peas

Experiences for children with sprouting are different, you can use almost any unprocessed cereals and beans. In our germination experience, we use peas. This experience will help children better understand where plants come from and how they grow.

Would need:

  • Peas
  • Saucer
  • Cotton swab
  • flowerpot
  • Earth

Conducting experience:

  1. It is necessary to take three peas from the usual package bought in the store. But our goal is not to use them in cooking, but to prove their viability.
  2. Put a piece on a saucer soft tissue gauze or bandage (as an option - a large cotton swab). Pour some water in there. Put the peas on top. Cover with the same fabric. We put the saucer in a warm place away from the draft or next to the battery.
  3. Around the second day, sprouts will appear from the peas - first the root, and then the leaf. We plant the sprouts in a pot of earth (not too deep). In the evenings, water the peas and wait for the sprouts to sprout.
  4. After two days, green shoots will appear. When they grow up, you need to stick long sticks into the ground and tie peas to them with a thread. It will grow on them. Then the peas will get stronger, pods will appear, and there are real peas in them.

Explanation: Our peas sprouted because favorable conditions were created for this process. Peas needed warmth and moisture. If it were humid, but cold and dark - for example, in a refrigerator, peas would not germinate. Or, let's say, where it would be warm, but there would be no moisture (say, in a dry cloth), the peas would not “come to life” either. For speedy germination, access to light and oxygen is also needed, and the peas had them.

Experience No. 10 - Lava Lamp

In the next experiment, we will reproduce the legendary lava lamp. This is a very beautiful and spectacular experience that children will especially enjoy.

Would need:

  • Oil can be refined sunflower or baby oil for the skin (it is more transparent)
  • Food colorings dissolved in water
  • Soluble effervescent tablet (you can use aspirin or any other)
  • glass vase
  • Funnel

Conducting experience:

  1. First of all, fill the vase with water by about a quarter.
  2. Then pour the oil through the funnel along the edge of the vase, the oil should lie on top of the water.
  3. Then we take the dissolved food coloring, through disposable pipettes, we drip into the vase around the perimeter. We observe how drops fall first on the surface of the water, and then they mix with water in snakes.
  4. When the bottom layer of water becomes colored, it will be possible to continue the experiment. - We throw a piece of an effervescent tablet into a vase, upon contact with water, the tablet begins to dissolve and colored bubbles rise into the oil layer. Watching beautiful effect, as colored water droplets rise and descend again to the lower layer.

Explanation: The oil does not dissolve in water due to the stronger molecular structure than water, that is, the oil molecules are connected more tightly to each other.

Experience No. 11 - Surface tension or a slide of water

A slide can be built from almost anything - sand, salt, sugar, and even clothes. Is it possible to make a slide out of water?

Would need:

  • glass cup
  • A handful of coins (or, for example, nuts, washers, or other small metal objects)
  • Water (preferably cold)
  • Vegetable oil

Conducting experience:

  1. Take a well-washed dry glass,
  2. Lightly grease the edges with vegetable oil and fill with water to capacity.
  3. And now, very carefully, drop one coin into it.

Result. As the coins are lowered into the glass, the water will not pour out of it, but will begin to rise little by little, forming a slide. This is clearly visible if you look at the glass from the side.

As the number of coins in the glass increases, the slide will become higher and higher - the surface of the water will inflate like a balloon. However, on some coin, this ball will burst, and water will flow in streams along the walls of the glass.

Explanation: In this experiment, a slide on the surface of the water is formed mainly due to physical property water, called surface tension. Its essence lies in the fact that a thin film of its particles (molecules) is formed on the surface of any liquid. This film is stronger than the liquid inside the volume. It takes force to break it. It is thanks to the film that the slide is formed. However, if the pressure of the water under the film is too high (the slide rises too high), it will burst.

The second reason for the formation of a slide is that water does not wet the surface of the glass well (cold is worse than hot). What does it mean? Interacting with a solid surface, water adheres poorly to it and spreads poorly. That is why it does not immediately flow over the edge of the glass when a slide is formed. In addition, to reduce wetting, the edges of the glass in the experiment were lubricated with vegetable oil. If, for example, instead of water, gasoline was used, which wets glass very well, no slide would have happened.

Experience No. 12 - Egg in a bottle

Can you put an egg in a bottle without breaking either the bottle or the egg? It is possible if it is quail. But we will do it with an ordinary egg.

Would need:

  • A bottle with a neck diameter smaller than an egg
  • Thin strip of paper
  • a little vegetable oil

Conducting experience:

  1. Boil the egg and peel it from the shell.
  2. Lubricate the neck of the bottle with vegetable oil.
  3. Set fire to the paper and drop it to the bottom of the bottle.
  4. Then immediately put the egg on the neck. When the paper goes out, the egg will be sucked in.

Explanation: The fire burns the oxygen in the bottle and rarefied air is formed in it. Decreased pressure from the inside and normal Atmosphere pressure outside, they work together and push the egg into the bottle. Due to its elasticity, it slips through a narrow neck.

We told and explained the most interesting . We hope that our article was interesting and useful for you. Good luck with your experiments, but be vigilant and attentive!

Every child has a desire to learn about the world around them. An excellent tool for this is experiments. They will be of interest to both preschoolers and children of primary school age.

Safety rules for home experiments

1. Cover work surface paper or polyethylene.

2. During the experiment, do not lean close to avoid damage to the eyes and skin.

3. Use gloves if necessary.

Experience number 1. Dancing raisins and corn

You will need: Raisins, corn kernels, soda, plastic bottle.

Course of the experiment: Soda is poured into the bottle. The raisins go down first, then the corn kernels.

Result: The raisins move up and down with the soda bubbles. But when they reach the surface, the bubbles burst and the grains fall to the bottom.

Let's talk? You can chat about what bubbles are and why they go up. Pay attention that the bubbles are small in size, and can carry along raisins and corn, which are several times larger.

Experience number 2. soft glass

You will need: glass rod, gas burner

The course of the experiment: the rod is heated in the middle. Then it is torn into two halves. A half of the rod is heated by a burner in two places, gently bent into a triangle shape. The second half also heats up, one third is bent, then a ready-made triangle is put on it and the half is bent completely.

Result: the glass rod turned into two triangles linked to each other.

Let's talk? As a result of thermal action, solid glass becomes plastic, viscous. And it can be made different figures. What causes glass to become soft? Why does the glass no longer bend after cooling?

Experience number 3. Water rises up the napkin

You will need: a plastic cup, a napkin, water, felt-tip pens

The course of the experiment: the glass is filled with water by 1/3 part. The napkin is folded vertically several times to form a narrow rectangle. Then a piece of about 5 cm wide is cut off from it. This piece must be unfolded to make a long segment. Then step back from the bottom edge about 5-7 cm and start making large dots with each color of the felt-tip pen. A line of colored dots should form.

Then the napkin is placed in a glass of water so that the lower end with the colored line is about 1.5 cm in the water.

Result: water quickly rises up the napkin, painting the entire long piece of napkin with colored stripes.

Let's talk? Why isn't water colorless? How does she get up? The cellulose fibers that make up paper napkin, porous, and the water uses them as a way up.

Liked the experience? Then you will also like our special material for children of different ages.

Experience number 4. Rainbow from the water

You will need: a container filled with water (bath, basin), a flashlight, a mirror, a sheet of white paper.

The course of the experiment: a mirror is placed at the bottom of the container. The light of the flashlight is directed to the mirror. The light from it must be caught on paper.

Result: A rainbow will be visible on paper.

Let's talk? Light is the source of color. There are no paints and felt-tip pens to color the water, a sheet or a flashlight, but suddenly a rainbow appears. This is the spectrum of colors. What colors do you know?

Experience number 5. Sweet and colorful

You will need: sugar, multi-colored food paints, 5 glass cups, a tablespoon.

The course of experience: in each glass is added different amount spoons of sugar. One spoon in the first glass, two in the second, and so on. The fifth glass remains empty. In the glasses, put in order, pour 3 tablespoons of water and mix. Then a few drops of one paint are added to each glass and mixed. The first is red, the second is yellow, the third is green, and the fourth is blue. Into a clean glass clear water start adding the contents of the glasses, starting with red, then yellow and in order. It must be added very carefully.

Result: 4 multi-colored layers are formed in the glass.

Let's talk? Large quantity sugar increases the density of water. Therefore, this layer will be the lowest in the glass. The least sugar is in the red liquid, so it will be on top.

Experience number 6. Figurines made of gelatin

You will need: a glass, a blotter, 10 grams of gelatin, water, animal molds, a plastic bag.

The course of the experiment: pour gelatin into 1/4 cup of water and let it swell. Heat it in a water bath and dissolve (about 50 degrees). Pour the resulting solution onto the bag in an even thin layer and dry. Then cut out animal shapes. Put on a blotter or napkin and breathe on the figures.

Result: The figures will begin to bend.

Let's talk? Breathing moisturizes the gelatin on one side, and because of this, it begins to increase in volume and bend. As an option: take 4-5 grams of gelatin, let it swell and then dissolve, then pour it onto glass and put it in the freezer or take it out to the balcony in winter. After a few days, remove the glass, remove the thawed gelatin. It will have a clear pattern of ice crystals.

Experience number 7. Hairstyle egg

You will need: an egg shell with a conical part, cotton wool, felt-tip pens, water, alfalfa seeds, an empty roll of toilet paper.

The course of the experiment: the shell is installed in the coil in such a way that the conical part is located down. Cotton wool is placed inside, on which alfalfa seeds are poured and watered abundantly. You can draw eyes, nose and mouth on the shell and put it on the sunny side.

Result: after 3 days, the little man will have “hairs”.

Let's talk? Soil is not required for grass to sprout. Sometimes even water is enough for sprouts to appear.

Experience number 8. Draws the sun

You will need: flat small objects (you can cut out figures from foam rubber), a sheet of black paper.

The course of the experiment: in a place where the sun shines brightly, put black paper. Place stencils, figurines, children's molds loosely on the sheets.

Result: When the sun sets, you can remove objects and see the prints of the sun.

Let's talk? Under influence sun rays black fades. Why is the paper dark in places of the figures?

Experience number 10. color in milk

You will need: milk, food coloring, cotton swab, dishwashing detergent.

The course of the experiment: a little food coloring is poured into milk. After a short wait, the milk begins to move. Patterns, stripes, swirling lines are obtained. You can add a different color, blow on milk. Then the cotton swab is dipped in dishwashing detergent and lowered into the center of the plate. Dyes begin to move more intensively, mix, forming circles.

Result: various patterns, spirals, circles, spots are formed in the plate.

Let's talk? Milk is made up of fat molecules. When the agent appears, the molecules are broken, which leads to their rapid movement. Therefore, dyes are mixed.

Experience number 10. Waves in a bottle

You will need: sunflower oil, water, a bottle, food coloring.

The course of the experiment: water is poured into the bottle (a little more than half) and mixed with the dye. Then ¼ cup vegetable oil is added. The bottle is carefully twisted and placed on its side so that the oil rises to the surface. We begin to swing the bottle back and forth, thereby forming waves.

Result: waves form on an oily surface, like on the sea.

Let's talk? The density of oil is less than the density of water. Therefore, it is on the surface. The waves are upper layer water moving due to the direction of the wind. The lower layers of water remain motionless.

Experience number 11. colored drops

You will need: a container of water, mixing containers, BF glue, toothpicks, acrylic paints.

The course of the experiment: BF glue is squeezed out into a container. A specific dye is added to each container. And then alternately placed in the water.

Result: Colored droplets are attracted to each other, forming multi-colored islands.

Let's talk? Liquids of the same density attract while liquids of different densities repel each other.

Experience number 12. We draw with a magnet

You will need: magnets different forms, iron filings, sheet of paper, paper cup.

The course of the experiment: place the sawdust in a glass. Put the magnets on the table and cover each with a sheet of paper. A thin layer of sawdust is poured onto the paper.

Result: Lines and patterns form around the magnets.

Let's talk? Every magnet has a magnetic field. This is a space in which metal objects move as the attraction of a magnet dictates. A circle is formed near a round magnet, since its field of attraction is the same everywhere. Why does a rectangular magnet have a different sawdust pattern?

Experience number 13. lava lamp

You will need: Two glasses, two effervescent aspirin tablets, sunflower oil, two types of juice.

The course of the experiment: glasses are filled with juice by about 2/3. Then sunflower oil is added so that three centimeters remain to the edge of the glass. An aspirin tablet is thrown into each glass.

Result: the contents of the glasses will begin to hiss, boil, foam will rise.

Let's talk? What reaction does aspirin cause? Why? Do layers of juice and oil mix? Why?

Experience number 14. The box is rolling

You will need: a shoe box, a ruler, 10 round felt-tip pens, scissors, a ruler, a balloon.

Experience: a square hole is cut in the smaller side of the box. The ball is placed in the box so that its hole can be pulled out of the square a little. You need to inflate the balloon and pinch the hole with your fingers. Then put all the markers under the box and release the ball.

Result: As long as the balloon is deflated, the box will move. When all the air is out, the box will drive a little more and stop.

Let's talk? Objects change the state of rest or, as in our case, uniform motion in a straight line, if a force begins to act on them. And the desire to preserve the previous state, before the impact of force, is inertia. What role does the ball play? What force prevents the box from moving forward? (friction force)

Experience number 15. false mirror

You will need: mirror, pencil, four books, paper.

The course of the experiment: books are stacked, and a mirror is leaning against them. Paper is placed under its edge. Left hand placed in front of a sheet of paper. The chin is placed on the hand so that one can only look in the mirror, but not at the sheet. Looking in the mirror, write your name on the paper. Now look at the paper.

Result: almost all letters are upside down, except for symmetrical ones.

Let's talk? The mirror changes the image. That's why they say "mirror image". So you can come up with your own, unusual cipher.

Experience No. 16. living mirror

You will need: a straight transparent glass, a small mirror, adhesive tape

The course of the experiment: the glass is attached to the mirror with adhesive tape. It is filled with water to the brim. You need to bring your face closer to the glass.

Result: The image is reduced. If you tilt your head to the right, you can see in the mirror how it leans to the left.

Let's talk? Water refracts the image, and the mirror slightly distorts.

Experience No. 17. flame imprint

You will need: can, candle, sheet of paper.

The course of the experiment: the jar must be tightly wrapped with a piece of paper and kept in a candle flame for several seconds.

Result: removing a sheet of paper, you can see an imprint on it in the form of a candle flame.

Let's talk? The paper is tightly pressed to the bank and does not have access to oxygen, which means it does not burn.

Experience number 18. silver egg

You will need: wire, a container of water, matches, a candle, a boiled egg.

The course of the experiment: a stand is created from the wire. The boiled egg is peeled, mounted on a wire, and a candle is placed under it. The egg is evenly turned until it is smoked. Then it is removed from the wire and lowered into the water.

Result: After a while, the top layer peels off and the egg becomes silvery.

Let's talk? What changed the color of the egg? What did it become? Let's cut it open and see what it's like inside.

Experience No. 19. saving spoon

You will need: Teaspoon, glass mug with handle, twine.

The course of the experiment: one end of the string is tied to a spoon, the other end to the handle of the mug. The string is thrown over forefinger so that there is a spoon on one side, a mug on the other, and it is released.

Result: The glass will not fall, the spoon, rising up, will remain near the finger.

Let's talk? The momentum of the teaspoon keeps the mug from falling.

Experience number 20. painted flowers

You will need: flowers with white petals, water containers, a knife, water, food coloring.

The course of the experiment: you need to fill the containers with water and add a certain dye to each. One flower should be set aside, and the rest should be cut off the stems with a sharp knife. This must be done in warm water, obliquely at an angle of 45 degrees, by 2 cm. When moving flowers in containers with dyes, you need to pinch the cut with your finger so that they do not form air locks. After placing the flowers in containers with dyes, you need to take the postponed flowers. Cut its stem lengthwise into two parts to the center. Place one part of the stem in a red container, and the other in a blue or green container.

Result: water will rise up the stems and color the petals in different colors. This will happen in about a day.

Let's talk? Examine each part of the flower to see how the water rose. Are the stem and leaves painted? How long will the color last?

We wish you an exciting pastime and new knowledge while conducting experiments for children!

Experiments were collected by Tamara Gerasimovich

A small child is not only a perpetual motion machine and a jumper, but also a brilliant inventor and endless why. Although children's curiosity gives parents a lot of worries, it is very useful in itself - after all, this is the key to the development of the baby. Learning something new is useful not only in the form of lessons, but also in the form of games or experiments. It is about them that we will talk today. Simple physical and chemical experiments do not require special knowledge, special training or expensive materials. They can be carried out in the kitchen to surprise, entertain the child, open in front of him the whole world or just cheer up. Virtually any experience a child can prepare and put on their own in your presence. However, in some of the experiments, it is better to make mom or dad the main character.

Explosion of color in milk

What could be more amazing than the transformation of a familiar thing into an unusual one, when white, familiar to everyone, milk becomes multi-colored?

You will need: whole milk (required!), Food coloring different colors, any liquid detergent, cotton buds, plate.
Work plan:

  1. Pour milk into a bowl.
  2. Add a few drops of each dye to it. Try to do this carefully so as not to move the plate itself.
  3. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the product and touch it to the very center of the plate of milk.
  4. The milk will move and the colors will mix. A real explosion of color in a bowl!

Explanation of the experiment: Milk is made up of molecules different type: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. When a detergent is added to milk, several processes occur simultaneously. Firstly, the detergent reduces surface tension, and due to this, food colors begin to move freely over the entire surface of the milk. But most importantly, the detergent reacts with the fat molecules in the milk and sets them in motion. That is why skimmed milk is not suitable for this experiment.

Growing crystals

Everyone knows this experience since childhood - obtaining crystals from salt water. You can, of course, do this with a solution blue vitriol, but children's version- plain table salt.

The essence of the experiment is simple - in a saline solution (18 tablespoons of salt per half liter of water) we lower a colored thread and wait for crystals to grow on it. It will be very interesting. Especially if you take a woolen thread or replace it with an intricate bristle wire.

The potato becomes a submarine

Has your child already learned how to peel and cut potatoes? Can't you surprise him with this gray-brown tuber anymore? Of course you will be surprised! You need to turn a potato into a submarine!
To do this, we need one potato tuber, a liter jar and edible salt. Pour half a can of water and lower the potato. She will drown. Add a saturated salt solution to the jar. The potatoes will float. If you want it to plunge into the water again, then just add water to the jar. Why not a submarine?
Solution: Potatoes sink because it is heavier than water. Compared to a salt solution, it is lighter, and therefore floats to the surface.

Lemon battery

It’s good to spend this experience with dad so that he explains in more detail where the electricity comes from in a lemon?

We will need:

  • Lemon, thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • Two pieces of insulated copper wire approximately 0.2-0.5 mm thick and 10 cm long.
  • Steel paper clip.
  • Bulb from a flashlight.

Conducting experience: first of all, clean up opposite ends both wires at a distance of 2-3 cm. We insert a paper clip into the lemon, fasten the end of one of the wires to it. We stick the end of the second wire into the lemon 1-1.5 cm from the paper clip. To do this, first pierce the lemon in this place with a needle. Take the two free ends of the wires and attach the bulbs to the contacts.
What happened? The light bulb is on!

A glass of laughter

Do you urgently need to cook soup, and the child hangs on his feet and pulls into the nursery? This experience will keep him distracted for a few minutes!
We only need a glass with thin, even walls, filled to the top with water.
Conducting experience: take a glass in your hand and bring it to your eyes. Look through it at the fingers of the other hand. What happened?
In the glass you will see very long and thin fingers without a hand. Turn your hand with your fingers up, and they will turn into funny shorties. Move the glass away from the eyes, and the whole hand will appear in the glass, but small and on the side, as if you moved your hand.
Look with your child at each other through a glass - and you don’t have to go to the laughter room.

Water flows up the napkin

This is very beautiful experience perfect for girls. We need to take a napkin, cut out a strip, draw lines of different colors with dots. Then we dip the napkin into a glass with a small amount of water and watch with admiration how the water rises and the dotted lines turn into solid ones.

Miracle rocket from a tea bag

This elementary focus experience is a "bomb" for any child. If you are already tired of looking for ingenious entertainment for children, this is what you need!

Carefully open an ordinary tea bag, stand it upright and set it on fire. The bag will burn to the end, fly high into the air and circle above you. This simple experiment usually causes a storm of enthusiasm among both adults and children. And the reason for this phenomenon is the same, which makes sparks fly from the fire. During combustion, a stream is created warm air, which pushes the ashes up. If you set fire to and extinguish the bag gradually, no flight will work. By the way, the bag will not always take off if the air temperature in the room is high enough.

live fish

Another simple experience that can pleasantly surprise not only children, but also girlfriends.
Cut out a fish from thick paper. In the middle of the fish round hole A, which is connected to the tail by a narrow channel AB.

Pour water into the basin and place the fish on the water so that down side all of it was moistened, but the top remained completely dry. It is convenient to do this with a fork: putting the fish on the fork, carefully lower it into the water, and sink the fork deeper and pull it out.
Now you need to drop a large drop of oil into hole A. It is best to use a bicycle oiler for this or sewing machine. If there is no oiler, you can draw machine or vegetable oil into a pipette or a cocktail tube: lower the tube with one end into the oil by 2-3 mm. Then cover the upper end with your finger and transfer the straw to the fish. Holding the lower end exactly over the hole, release your finger. The oil will flow straight into the hole.
In an effort to spill over the surface of the water, the oil will flow through channel AB. The fish will not let him spread in other directions. What do you think the fish will do under the action of the oil flowing back? It is clear: she will swim forward!

Focus "conspiracy of water"

Every child thinks that his mother is a magician! And in order to prolong this fairy tale longer, you sometimes need to reinforce your magical nature with real "magic".
Get a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Paint the inside of the lid with red watercolor paint. Pour water into a jar and screw on the lid. At the time of the demonstration, do not turn the jar towards small viewers so that it is visible inner side covers. Say the plot out loud: "Just like in a fairy tale, turn the water red." With these words, shake the jar of water. The water will wash away the watercolor layer of paint and turn red.

density tower

Such an experiment is suitable for older children, or attentive, assiduous kids.
In this experiment, objects will hang in the thickness of the liquid.
We will need:

  • tall narrow glass vessel, for example, an empty clean half-liter jar from under canned olives or mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup (65 ml) corn syrup or honey
  • food coloring of any color
  • 1/4 cup tap water
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup medical alcohol
  • various small objects, e.g. a cork, a grape, a nut, a piece of dry pasta, a rubber ball, a cherry tomato, a small plastic toy, a metal screw


  • Carefully pour honey into the vessel, so that it occupies 1/4 of the volume.
  • Dissolve a few drops of food coloring in water. Pour water into the vessel halfway. Please note: when adding each liquid, pour very carefully so that it does not mix with the bottom layer.
  • Slowly pour the same amount of vegetable oil into the vessel.
  • Fill the vessel to the top with alcohol.

Let's start the science magic:

  • Announce to the audience that you will now make various objects float. You may be told that it is easy. Then explain to them that you will make different objects float in liquids at different levels.
  • One at a time, carefully lower the small items into the vessel.
  • Let the audience see for themselves what happened.

Result: different objects will float in the thickness of the liquid at different levels. Some will "hang" right in the middle of the vessel.
Explanation: This trick is based on the ability of various substances to sink or float depending on their density. Substances with a lower density float on the surface of denser substances.
The alcohol remains on the surface of the vegetable oil because the density of the alcohol is less than the density of the oil. Vegetable oil remains on the surface of the water because the density of the oil is less than the density of water. Water, on the other hand, is less dense than honey or corn syrup, so it stays on the surface of these liquids. When you drop objects into a vessel, they float or sink depending on their density and the density of the liquid layers. The screw has a higher density than any of the liquids in the vessel, so it will fall to the very bottom. The density of pasta is higher than the density of alcohol, vegetable oil and water, but lower than the density of honey, so it will float on the surface of the honey layer. The rubber ball has the smallest density, lower than any of the liquids, so it will float on the surface of the topmost, alcohol layer.

Submarine from grapes

Another trick for sea adventure lovers!

Grab a glass of fresh sparkling water or lemonade and toss a grape into it. It is slightly heavier than water and will sink to the bottom. But gas bubbles, similar to small ones, will immediately begin to sit on it. air balloons. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will pop up. But on the surface, the bubbles will burst and the gas will escape. The heavy grape will again sink to the bottom. Here it will again be covered with gas bubbles and rise again. This will continue several times until the water "exhales". According to this principle, it rises and rises real boat. And the fish have a swim bladder. When she needs to dive, the muscles contract, squeezing the bubble. Its volume decreases, the fish goes down. And you need to get up - the muscles relax, dissolve the bubble. It increases and the fish floats up.

lotus flowers

Another experiment from the series "for girls".
Cut flowers with long petals from colored paper. Using a pencil, twist the petals towards the center. And now lower the multi-colored lotuses into the water poured into the basin. Literally before your eyes, the flower petals will begin to bloom. This is because the paper gets wet, becomes gradually heavier and the petals open.

Where did the ink go?

You can put the following trick in the piggy bank of the magical mother.
Drop ink or ink into a bottle of water to make the solution a pale blue. There also put a tablet of crushed activated carbon. Close the mouth with your finger and shake the mixture. She brightens up before her eyes. The fact is that coal absorbs dye molecules with its surface and it is no longer visible.

"Stop, hands up!"

And this experience is again for the boys - explosive and playful fidgets!
Take a small plastic jar for medicines, vitamins, etc. Pour some water into it, put any effervescent tablet and close it with a lid (non-screw).
Put it on the table, turning it upside down, and wait. The gas released at chemical reaction pills and water, will push the bottle out, there will be a "roar" and the bottle will be thrown up.

Secret letter

Each of us dreamed at least once in our lives to become a detective or a secret agent. It's so exciting - to solve riddles, look for traces and see the invisible.

Let the child make a drawing or inscription with milk on a blank sheet of white paper, lemon juice or table vinegar. Then heat a sheet of paper (preferably over the appliance without open fire) and you will see how the invisible turns into the visible. The impromptu ink will boil, the letters will darken, and the secret letter will be readable.

Scattering toothpicks

If there is nothing to do in the kitchen, and only toothpicks are available from the available toys, then we will easily put them into action!

To conduct the experiment, you will need: a bowl of water, 8 wooden toothpicks, a pipette, a piece of refined sugar (not instant), dishwashing liquid.
1. We have toothpicks with rays in a bowl of water.
2. Gently lower a piece of sugar into the center of the bowl - the toothpicks will begin to gather towards the center.
3. Remove the sugar with a teaspoon and drop a few drops of dishwashing liquid into the center of the bowl with a pipette - the toothpicks will “scatter”!
What is going on? The sugar sucks up the water, creating a movement that moves the toothpicks toward the center. Soap, spreading over the water, drags particles of water with it, and they cause the toothpicks to scatter. Explain to the children that you showed them a trick, and all tricks are based on certain natural physical phenomena that they will study in school.

vanishing coin

And this trick can be taught to any child over 5 years old, let him show it to his friends!

  • 1 liter glass jar with lid
  • tap water
  • coin
  • assistant


  • Pour water into the jar and close the lid.
  • Give your assistant a coin so that he can make sure that this is really the most common coin and there is no catch in it.
  • Have him put the coin on the table. Ask him: "Do you see the coin?" (Of course, he will answer yes.)
  • Put a jar of water on the coin.
  • Say magic words, for example: "Here is a magic coin, here it was, but now it's not there."
  • Have your helper look through the water on the side of the jar and say if he sees the coin now? What will he answer?

Tips for a learned wizard:
You can make this trick even more effective. After your assistant can't see the coin, you can make it reappear. Say other magic words, for example: "As the coin fell, so it appeared." Now remove the jar and the coin will be back in place.
Result: When you place a jar of water on a coin, the coin appears to have disappeared. Your assistant will not see it.

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