Calorie content of olives and canned olives. Olives and olives: composition, calorie content, benefits and harms to the body. The benefits of canned olives

Olives have recently become a frequent guest on the table of Russians. They managed to win both ardent supporters and opponents. The latter say that harmful dyes are added to canned olives, and you can only eat green olives, but they are of little use either.

Canned olives bring benefits or harm to the body, as well as how olives and olives actually differ - this will be discussed in this article.

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To find out how useful olives are, you should get to know their composition, which is a real storehouse of useful substances. No wonder this product is recommended as a prophylactic to absolutely all people.


The chemical composition of olives includes many useful substances. First of all, the fat content is striking - 23.9%. 100 grams of fresh olives contain 39.8% of the Daily Value (DV) of fat intake.

  • 15.1 g oleic acid;
  • 3.6 g linolenic.

Other acids are present in small amounts. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid and plays an important role in fat metabolism.

Carbohydrates in olives 19 g (9% DV). Of these, 4 g is fiber, which is not digested in the intestine, but stimulates its peristalsis and normalizes the intestinal microflora. 4 g of fiber cover the daily need for it by 20%.

There are very few proteins - 1.6 g or 2.1% DV.

Of the vitamins, olives contain the most vitamin E, which is very important for maintaining reproductive health in both women and men. Its content is 5 mg per 100 g of olives or 33.3% of the DV.

Olives of varying maturity

There are also significant amounts of vitamin A and its provitamin - carotene (3.7% and 4% DV, respectively). Quite a bit of vitamin PP (1% DN), and the rest - very little.

Many of the minerals

  • sodium (350mg, 26.9% DV);
  • calcium (70mg, 7% DV);
  • magnesium (25mg, 6.3%).

There is potassium (95 mg, 3.8% DV) and phosphorus (20 mg, 2.5% DV), iron (0.5 mg, 5% DV).

Of the trace elements, we note:

  • copper (0.2 mg, 10% DV);
  • zinc (0.2 mg, 2% DV);
  • selenium (0.9mcg, 4.5% DV).

Calories 100 grams

Calorie content of 100 grams of olives - 296kcal (17.6% DV). This value is average. The calorie content of olives changes as the fruit ripens. Knowing how many calories are in olives is necessary and wants to lose weight, since their energy value is very high.

Slightly less calories in canned pitted olives. Their energy value is 140-175 kilocalories per 100 grams. But for those olives that were pickled with a bone, it is slightly larger. After all, naturally ripened fruits are pickled with it, and those canned without it get their dark color artificially. It is difficult to remove the bones from ripened fruits without violating the integrity of the fetus, which is why they are not pulled out.

Useful properties for women

Are there any benefits to canned olives?

The benefits of canned olives are the same as those of fresh ones. It is simply impossible to eat them fresh without soaking for months due to their inherent bitterness. And canned similar procedure was accelerated. To do this, they are treated with caustic soda, and if they want to get a dark color, oxygen is passed through.

In the latter case, the color is fixed with iron gluconate. Caustic soda is neutralized during pickling. The content of useful substances will decrease slightly. The amount of sodium increases, which is already quite a lot in olives. Therefore, hypertensive patients should not particularly lean on them.

Oleic acid also improves the lipid composition of blood cells, strengthens blood vessels, the heart, lowers the acidity of gastric juice, and normalizes bowel function. It exhibits medicinal properties in gastritis, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, arthritis.

Oleic acid is not all that canned olives are useful for, which contain tocopherol, iron, calcium and magnesium, zinc and copper.

People with a diseased liver or stomach should prefer green olives or olives with a stone, which do not contain ferrous gluconate. Although in the amount that is contained in 50 g of olives, it is beneficial - it stimulates hematopoiesis, increases the level of hemoglobin. Cereals, fresh vegetables, egg yolk slow down the absorption of iron gluconate.

How and where do they grow?

Almost everyone who has been to the Mediterranean, Crimea or Abkhazia knows how and where olives grow. Olive trees now grow everywhere in tropical and subtropical climates: in East Asia, and in Australia, in Peru, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, Iran and Mexico. Olive is an amazing tree that lives up to 2000 years.

According to beliefs, the olive is immortal, so its fruits make people hardy and resilient.

People have known her for 5.5 thousand years. This is evidenced by stones for squeezing oil and vessels for it in the archaeological layers of those times. The dove brought the olive branch to Noah. The other was given by Athena to the city that bears her name from antiquity to the present day. It was also brought by the dove to Mary in the Gospels.

This is a powerful tree with a thick trunk and a lush crown. Olives bloom in April-July with panicles of 10-45 fragrant white flowers. Harvest from early autumn to January. Olives are immediately taken for processing, so as not to lose their presentation.

Olive Tree

Is it a fruit, vegetable or berry?

Olives are actually not fruits, although they grow on a tree or shrub, not a vegetable, although they are pickled in the same way, not a berry, although they are similar. In scientific language, such fruits are called drupes, which include:

  • plums;
  • peaches;
  • cherries;
  • apricots;
  • all other fruits with one stone.

Is it possible to eat during pregnancy?

It is possible and even necessary for pregnant women to eat olives in moderation, if there are no contraindications. The usefulness of olives for expectant mothers is that they improve fat metabolism. Oleic acid is a building material for cell membranes, so a growing fetus needs a lot of it.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, olives should be avoided, and after it - on health.

Which color is better - black or green?

The debate about which olives are more useful - black or green, has not subsided since they began to be massively imported into our country. The differences between them are much less than the similarities.

Consider the benefits of green olives. They have slightly more fat than black ones, as well as vitamin E, 4 times more potassium and 3 times more magnesium. This composition determines the medicinal properties of olives, and also helps to fight overwork. Their benefits are noticeable and the next morning after a stormy feast, green olives will quickly return to normal.

Let's find out now what are the benefits of black olives. They have fewer calories, but more calcium, iron and zinc than greens.

Therefore, the benefits of black olives are undeniable for anemia, weakness, and sexual dysfunction.

Both olives and olives grow on the same tree, and only in Russia they are distinguished. When asked what color olives are, they will confidently say that they are green. Of course, because the black ones are called olives, and the green ones are called olives.

In the rest of the world, both are called olives.

They say that GOSTs are to blame for this. When the first batches of canned olives arrived in Russia, someone wrote down the green fruits as olives, and the black ones as olives. This seemed to be the beginning of the division.

Branch with ripe olives


Despite the abundance of useful properties, there are contraindications to the use of olives. This is an allergy to them, fortunately, which is quite rare. You need to be very careful with them and patients with pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Their consumption should be strictly limited, and in the event of an exacerbation, it should be completely eliminated. With gastritis with high acidity, kidney stones and cystitis, eating a large amount of olives can also be harmful. The first time a child should be given one or two olives to make sure that there are no allergies and individual intolerances.

Useful video

Everything you need to know about olives:


  1. Olives and olive oil, when used in moderation, help maintain youthful skin, hair and nails, they increase immunity, protect against cancer and save from anemia.
  2. They are also useful for expectant mothers from the second trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Caution should be taken with pickled olives, especially dyed black pitted, with ulcers, cholecystitis and cystitis.
  4. Olives improve both women's and men's reproductive health.

Olives are a product loved by many people, which are consumed both separately and as a component of various complex dishes. The richness and richness of taste, a wide range and versatility of use in salads, pizzas, meat and vegetable dishes have made this product very popular on all continents.

Calorie content of olives and olives

For those who follow their figure and are used to controlling their own, the question of how many calories are in olives is natural and quite understandable. The calorie content of olives and olives is different, despite the fact that these are the fruits of the same type of tree. Green olives picked from the tree before the berries are fully ripe are more nutritious than black olives that are fully ripe and blackened on the branch.

Olives, or as they are called black olives in producing countries, have a calorie content of 115 kcal per 100 g of product. More energetically valuable green olives have a calorie content of 296 kcal per 100 g. But this is data for fresh, recently picked fruits, which are practically not found in our diet.

Olives and black olives that have been processed come to our table, canned olives are equal to 145 kcal, olives - 115 kcal. Of course, fresh fruits are considered more useful, but they have a rather bitter taste and a very limited shelf life.

Properly processed olives preserve their beneficial substances - vitamins B, A, E, PP, as well as sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Olives, along with olive oil, can be components of vegetable diets, enriching them with taste and benefits. When following a diet, it should be borne in mind that there is a lot of salt in canned olives and too much consumption of them can cause fluid retention in the body, and, accordingly, swelling.

When compiling a family menu, we think not only about filling the dinner table with dishes, but also about the ability of foods to heal. Let's talk about olives - their benefits and harms, calorie content and use in cooking, and also dwell on the criteria for choosing canned olives. These beautiful berries not only have a very spicy taste, but with their appearance they can decorate any, even the most exquisite dish!

For more than one millennium, the fruits of the olive tree and products from them have been a significant constant in the national cuisines of the Mediterranean, and not only. This speaks not so much of a suitable climate for growing olive crops on an industrial scale, but of the high gastronomic qualities of their fruits, both fresh and canned. Let us add to this the greatest benefit of olives for man and we will see the perfect gift of nature!

The fruits of the olive tree are real wealth, a receptacle of valuable natural compounds that strengthen human health and treat his illnesses! Olive drupes are rich in vitamin E - a vitamin for women's health and beauty; ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins D, K, group B, as well as mineral salts of iron, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, magnesium, calcium and others.

Invaluable medicinal substances in olive fruits are unsaturated fatty acids, which in fruits - up to 56%. They strengthen blood vessels, lower cholesterol levels, prevent atherosclerosis, and also ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the listed useful components, olive fruits are rich in antioxidant complexes, pectin, fiber, proteins and ash compounds. By the way, olive tree drupes contain more than 100 bioactive substances! They can rightfully be considered a plant product, which is the standard for the balance of its constituent substances.

Whether olives are healthy, and what kind of healing attributes they are characterized by, are frequently asked questions when we stand in front of racks with canned green olives, wondering which jar to put in a basket.

The gifts of olive trees have an impressive resistance to various processing technologies. Those. the benefits of canned olives are no less than fresh ones. Fresh green olives (drupes) are bitter and tart, therefore unsuitable for food!

Before canning, olives are treated with special solutions, as a result of which they lose their astringency and bitterness, and acquire a very refined taste. From fresh mature drupes, magical olive oil is obtained, which is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world.

  • Unsaturated fatty acids play the role of healers-builders in the body, restoring damaged cell membranes, prolonging the life of cells and normalizing their vital activity. And this means that olives and olive oil should be used as a prophylactic agent for diseases of any organs, mucous membranes, blood vessels and skin.
  • For diseases of the stomach, liver and duodenum, nutritionists recommend eating canned olives daily - at least 6-7 pieces per day!
  • Olive pits are medicine too! Eating up to 10 olives with a stone can get rid of sand and stones in the bile ducts and gallbladder. They are also useful for kidney stones. Incredibly, this is a medically proven fact!
  • The complex of active substances in these beautiful berries has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and strengthens blood vessels.
  • For women and men, the product can become not only an aphrodisiac, but also significantly improve the organs of the genitourinary system, becoming an activator of the reproductive function.
  • Are canned olives good for cleansing the body? Yes! Their use helps our bodies cleanse themselves of toxins, toxins and salts. Indeed, in canned fruits, as well as in fresh ones, there is a high content of unsaturated acids and antioxidants that improve metabolism and nourish beneficial intestinal microflora. This contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines.
  • The vitamin-mineral complex in drupes is so balanced that their regular use in various dishes significantly improves the condition of bones and joints, prevents malfunctions in the mechanisms of the musculoskeletal system, heals, in combination with other methods, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, gout.

Harm of canned olives

Speaking about the benefits of olives, one cannot remain silent about their dangers. Canned foods can be harmful if consumed too much in their pure form. Green olives are not as harmful in significant amounts as black olives.

There is no harm in up to 10-15 pitted olives. Caution should be observed only with cholecystitis in the acute stage (due to the choleretic effect). But olive oil is better to limit to people who are obese or trying to lose weight - because of the high calorie content of this oil.

Calorie content of olives

If drupes contain up to 56% fatty acids, how many calories are in olives? Oil is pressed from oil-bearing varieties, and canning varieties are preserved, in which there is much less oil. Therefore, the calorie content of canned olives does not exceed 113 calories per 100 g, in comparison with olive oil, the calorie content of which is very high - 884 calories.

It should also be borne in mind that the green color of the olive fruits means that they have not yet gained ripeness. Ripe fruits have a brown-violet color and it is from ripe drupes that oil is squeezed out. We usually call canned ripe olives olives, the calorie content of which is higher than that of green olives - 166 calories per 100 g.

The use of olives in cooking

These gorgeous-looking fruits will decorate almost any dish! To imagine a festive table without these beautiful berries means to forget something important! The design of dishes with their help is so multifaceted that you can't go wrong using them even for sweet desserts and cocktails.

A large number of appetizers and salads contain green or black drupes, especially dishes of the national cuisines of the Mediterranean. Greek salad, whichever version of its execution you choose, always includes an olive tree drupe! This is the gourmet salad of the world!

The use of olive fruits depends on their size. Small berries are used in snacks, salads, sauces, hodgepodges, soups and meat dishes. Medium-sized drupes are used in pizzas, salads and to decorate dishes, while large specimens are stuffed.

Pitted large canned olives can be stuffed with almonds, capers, lemon, salmon or anchovies.

Olives are good with meat and game, they are often included in meat sauce recipes. Unripe green drupes are served with cold and hot fish dishes.

Their taste and aroma perfectly harmonizes with wines and cocktails based on them. No wonder that professional bartenders often supplement their alcoholic creations with olives or black olives. Olives emphasize the taste and aroma of rosé and white wines, while the noble astringency of red wines is enriched by green olives.

Often this product is also served as an independent dish, so that everyone present at the table can supplement the food on the plate with them. These popular green fruits never get bored and are always in place on any table!

Above, we described the use of the product in cooking, so choose the right one - so that the variety and size of the fruit is fully consistent with the planned dishes.

Buy drupes in metal cans only from manufacturers known to you. If there are no such products in the assortment of the store, then the best choice is a product in a glass jar. You will be able to see the product that is inside.

A few words about the differences between olives and olives. The only difference is the ripeness of the fruit! Olives are (ideally!) ripe olives. But they are black not only from ripeness! As a rule, manufacturers make them black by soaking them in special solutions and treating them with oxygen. To stabilize the resulting juicy blue-black color, a stabilizer is added to the brine - iron gluconate or E579. That's the whole secret!

If you want to try natural ripe olives labeled with the word "olives", then look for a product that does not have E579 on the label! Only in our area - the countries of the post-Soviet space - ripe olives are called olives. They don't have that name anywhere in the world.

The European olive is a genus of evergreen shrubs or trees, also called the European olive or Olive tree, from which the fruit crop is harvested. That's where we got the name from!

How to store olives

If you bought a product by weight and you don’t have the brine in which they were salted, then transfer them from the package to a glass jar and pour lemon juice in an amount equal to about 10% of the weight of the drupes. Pour in the same amount of olive oil. Rotate the bowl 90 degrees and shake the contents a few times to distribute the marinade. In this form, drupes can be stored for up to 14 days.

If there is an uneaten product in a tin or glass jar, then their shelf life without loss of usefulness is 3 days. If you want to extend their edibility, then make a cold marinade, the recipe of which we gave above.

Olives, the benefits and taste of which are undeniably high, deserve to take a significant place in your menu! We hope that you will include them in your diet as part of both simple and delicious dishes!

Olives are the fruits of the olive or olive tree. The olive tree or olive is an evergreen tree, photophilous and thermophilic, drought-resistant. It belongs to the Maslinov family, the Maslin family. More than 60 species are known, although only European olive (European olive) is of value in the food industry. Olives and black olives are one name for the fruit of the olive tree. Olives are used for the preparation of olive oil, for the preparation of culinary dishes, for the manufacture of canned food. Pitted or pitted black olives are canned, but they are not made stuffed, unlike green olives. The color of olives depends on the variety and processing method. There are: green (normal size, but unripe); combined (pink or chestnut, collected during the ripening period); black (matured on the tree); blackened by oxidation (immature olives that are treated with an alkaline solution).

The benefits and harms of olives

Olives contain a lot of saturated fatty acids, vitamins, chemical elements, phytoncides, tocopherols, catechins, carotenoids, anthocyanins, pectins, sugars, ash substances. In total, olives contain about a hundred valuable substances. The composition of olives includes vitamins A, C, B1, E. Olives are good for vision, as they contain vitamin A. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and the protective ability of the body. Vitamin E is good for the skin, makes it healthy and beautiful. Olives (more precisely, black olives) have rejuvenating, antioxidant, regenerating, antitumor, antiviral and antibacterial effects. A large amount of antioxidants contributes to the control of free radicals and cell oxidation processes. They slow down the aging process, improve the functioning of all body systems. Olives, due to the content of antioxidants, have an antitumor effect, stimulate cell growth. Good effect on the functioning of the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system.
With regular use of olives, metabolic processes improve. Increased sexual desire, male potency. To do this, it is enough to eat only 10-15 pieces of olives (olives). To reduce the risk of hypertension, it is also recommended to regularly eat olives or olive oil. They will cleanse the body of bad cholesterol, cleanse and strengthen blood vessels and the heart. This is due to the salts of potassium, phosphorus and iron. The heart, nervous and skeletal systems are strengthened. With the help of pectins, unnecessary substances are removed from the body: toxins, metal salts, decay products. They also improve intestinal activity and improve its microflora. Olives are very useful for digestion.
The calorie content of black olives (olives) is 115 - 166 kcal. Calorie content depends on their degree of maturity, on the variety and place of growth of olives.

You should not abuse the use of olives, as a large amount of salt is used in the process of their preparation. This may affect the functioning of the kidneys.

Choosing this or that product, we often do not know about its origin, we have no idea how to eat it properly and what its nutritional value is. Information about the calorie content of a product is simply necessary if you are on a strict diet or just monitor your health. Let's talk about olives and olives: what they are and what is the calorie content of olives.

What are olives and black olives?

Olives and olives is the name of the same fruit that grows on the olive tree, or European olive, as it is also called. Olives are still unripe fruits, while olives are already ripe.

Olives - a concept that is used only in Russia. The name of the tree from which the fruits are harvested is to blame - olive or olive tree).

How and where did olives come from?

Eating these fruits began in ancient times. Initially, wild trees were a source of tasty and nutritious food, because the calorie content of olives is not as low as it seems. Thanks to their nutritional value and useful composition, the product has become indispensable. Very soon people learned to extract oil from olives. On its basis, a huge number of medicinal potions and tinctures were made. The popularity of the delicious fruit grew so rapidly that it was grown in almost all Mediterranean countries.

Why are the fruits of the olive tree so useful?

Olives are a very healthy and nutritious product. Fruits contain a huge amount of fatty acids, rich in their beneficial properties. They differ not only from oils of animal origin, but also from vegetable ones too.

In our country, canned olives have become very popular. Despite the vitamin-rich composition, the use of the product should be moderate. In its composition, it contains a lot of salt, which can cause unpleasant symptoms (swelling, exacerbation of gastritis, diarrhea, cholecystitis).

Olive oil, despite all its benefits, can negatively affect the well-being of people suffering from symptoms of cholecystitis. It has strong choleretic properties.

  1. The branch of the olive tree has become a symbol of peace, goodness and victory.
  2. The olive branch is mentioned several times in the biblical story:
  • it was this tree that could survive;
  • the sign of the end of the flood was an olive branch brought by a dove;
  • in the olive grove, Christ read his last prayer before the execution.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, when choosing the ingredients for your lunch or dinner, do not forget to add the fruits of the olive tree to the menu. They will help you stay beautiful, healthy and slim!