Business idea of ​​opening a private medical clinic. Organization of entrepreneurship in medicine: ideas, equipment, list of services provided, cost

State Medicine in Russia is not yet at the highest level and patient care in clinics and hospitals leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many Russians are willing to pay quite high price for quality medical care in other private medical institutions.

To date, the opening of a private medical center is promising and profitable business in the field of medical services. So how do you open medical Center from scratch?

The main task of such a center will be high quality medical care that meets the costs of patients.

In order to open a medical center, you will need to weigh all the positive and negative points, analyze costs and profits, and, of course, decide on the direction of the center.

The main stages of opening a medical center:

  1. Choice of direction.
  2. Legalization of business.
  3. Analysis of costs and income.
  4. Center expansion.

The main types of medical institutions

Medical institutions are divided into several areas:

1. Therapeutic. The contingent of service in therapeutic centers is patients from 15 years old. The work of such a center is aimed at preventive and symptomatic treatment. various diseases. These types of institutions are hospitals and clinics.

As a rule, polyclinics are organized at hospitals. These medical institutions usually include departments such as internal medicine, gynecology, neurology, surgery and oncology. The presence of a registry and a sanitary checkpoint is prerequisite when organizing such a medical institution.

2. Pediatric. Very similar to therapeutic, except for the age of the patients. This institution serves children from birth to 15 years of age.

3. Preventive. The service is aimed at all age groups without reference to the place of residence. Here are services in all directions.

4. Special. Patient care is based on alternative medicine. Today there is big choice in this direction, but for a start it is advisable to stop at one, and then try to develop in other areas of alternative medicine.

The practice of opening medical centers shows that at the beginning of a business, it is better to open a center with a small number of referrals. Wherein financial expenses will not be as significant as in the case of a multi-profile direction.

Today's realities are such that dentistry, urology, gynecology and cosmetology are the best areas.

Medical center business plan

Any entrepreneur knows what is one of the pledges successful business. It is necessary to understand what are the costs for the purchase of equipment, rent or purchase of premises, payroll, repairs, etc.

Medical center space

The choice of premises significantly affects the successful promotion of a business. When choosing a location for a clinic, preference should be given to central areas, a street with a good flow of people and proximity to bus stops and metro stations. However, rent in the center will be much more expensive than in the periphery.

The size of the room depends on the scope of services provided..

So, to open a dental office, you will need 25-30 square meters. m., with 14 sq. m. will take an office, 6 sq. m. - sterilization, the rest - a place for visitors. The size of the room is regulated by sanitary standards.

There are two options for choosing premises: rent or own space. The second option is more costly. Here you may need an amount from ten to hundreds of mils. rub.

The optimal area for a medical center ranges from 150 to 200 square meters. m. The room must have a bathroom, a plumbing and ventilation system, as well as electricity.

The room should be reception hall, as well as free access to all offices.

Guideline for monetary costs for choosing a room:

  • rented premises - 150 thousand rubles. monthly;
  • construction and repair of a new building - 50 mil. rub.;
  • rent of an office in 30-40 sq. m. per month - from 20,000 rubles;
  • repair of 1 m of area - 30,000 rubles. and more.

How to open a medical center?

Center equipment

One of the most expensive items in terms of costs is the purchase of equipment, since the cost of medical equipment is always very high. For example, an ultrasound device for diagnostics will cost 160 thousand dollars, and a device for examining analyzes - 10-70 thousand dollars.

And this is natural, since high-quality equipment costs a lot of money, and the patient pays money and expects appropriate high-quality diagnostics.

At first, you can buy good used foreign equipment that will last for many years.

Indicative list of equipment for the medical center:

  • instrument-analyzers;
  • scales;
  • magnetic hanger;
  • thermostat;
  • centrifuge;
  • bath on a water basis;
  • drying cabinet;
  • tiles with a heating surface;
  • shakers;
  • microscopes;
  • instruments for measuring physical parameters;
  • mixing devices;
  • muffle furnace, etc.

It is difficult to determine the exact figure for the purchase of equipment, but it is tentatively worth starting from the amount of 3-4 million rubles. and higher.

Medical clinic staff

The main criterion for the selection of personnel is the presence of a profile diploma and a record of medical categories. It is welcomed if applicants have experience of working abroad and knowledge of a foreign language.

The length of service of qualified personnel should be at least three years.

A small center will need two family doctors and two nurses, an accountant and an administrator. At the same time, the monthly wage for a doctor it will be from 40 thousand rubles, and for a nurse - from 15 thousand rubles.

A good doctor and a professional nurse are highly valued as often people go to the clinic not because of high-precision expensive equipment, but because of an excellent doctor.

After all, the prestige of a medical center is growing not from the availability of equipment, but from quality work professional employees. Finding a good team can take time. from a couple of weeks to several months.

When choosing staff, it will be necessary to draw up a suitable work schedule, since the influx of patients is very different in different time day.

For the administrator of the center, it starts from 15 thousand rubles, - from 30 thousand rubles.

To keep professionals in the clinic, you need to pay a decent salary, because the high qualification of an employee implies relevant

The amount required for the fund will be from 200 thousand rubles.

Obtaining a license

Opening a medical center will not do without obtaining a state license for the type of activity. Obtaining a license requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • have a room that fits sanitary requirements and standards;
  • availability of personnel of the appropriate profile;
  • purchased necessary medical equipment and certificates for it.

Please note that each medical service requires a separate license and is valid only for the medical center located at a specific address.

To issue sick leave, you need a separate license or the presence in staffing professional with the required certification.

State registration of a private medical center

According to the organizational and legal form, a private medical center is related (limited liability company).

State registration of a private medical center is within the competence of the Federal tax office Russian Federation and occurs within 3 to 5 business days.

State registration of the medical center according to the registration.

Medical center from scratch

List of documents for state registration

  • (submitted to the Federal Tax Service);
  • check for
  • memorandum of association;
  • and a list of members of the company;
  • minutes from the founding meeting.

To obtain a license, it will be necessary to fill out an application at the licensing authority, which refers to the health department of the subject of the Russian Federation.

According to data for 2015, the amount of 50 thousand rubles was spent on obtaining a license to open a medical center.

Medical center services

The medical center can have a wide range of services:

  • urology and sexopathology;
  • dentistry;
  • ophthalmology;
  • cosmetology and surgical plastics;
  • gynecology;
  • various specialized clinics.

Financial investments

To open a narrow medical center, for example, a dental one, you will need about 30–50 thousand c.u. e.

This option is suitable for a beginner entrepreneur.

Starting small can achieve results and open up over time multidisciplinary medical center.

If you decide to open a multifaceted center with a diagnostic department, then the amount of costs will have to be increased to 100 thousand USD. e. Regarding income, then for a month of visits with the calculation of 50 people. per day and cost per visit 45–50 USD. e., it can reach up to 60 thousand. e.

Medical center advertisement

  • development of a unique corporate identity for the future medical center;
  • thoughtful concept of advertising;
  • creating and launching the broadcast of promotional videos;
  • creation of a multifunctional high-quality website;
  • organization of advertising outdoor and in public transport.

The nuances of the medical business

Opening a medical center comes with some challenges.

Calculation of all costs and projected profits for opening a medical center

1. Costs:

  • building rental per month – starting from 150,000 rubles;
  • preparation of documentation for obtaining a license - 50 000 rubles and higher;
  • per month - starting With 200,000 rubles;
  • repair for 1 sq. m. square - starts from 30 000 rub. and depends on the location of the center;
  • purchase of equipment - starting from 3 mil. R.;
  • organization advertising campaignfrom 700 000 rubles

2. Estimated income - 600 thousand rubles monthly.

3. Payback of business - from one to three years.

How to open a medical center? Watch the following video instruction:

The medical business is one of the most responsible and complex types business. We must always remember that health is the most valuable thing a person has! If you still decide to move in this business, do it very carefully, with deep knowledge of the matter and a margin of safety. Lenar Salakhutdinov told the BIBOSS portal about how to open a medical clinic.

Where to start?

The hero of our article, with 17 years of experience entrepreneurial activity, of which more than 10 years in the multidisciplinary clinic "MEDEL", founded in 2005, I am sure that in any field, including medicine, successful entrepreneurs are united by one feature - "the disease is one's own business." You need to become a "fanatic" of your idea, and then you will be able to overcome the initial period of business development much easier, in which many give up. This “burning” with your idea will allow you, despite psychological and physical difficulties, to create a sustainable business and attract specialists high level. You need to be confident in the successful development, and then you can lead a high-level staff and build a system of quality service.

Many entrepreneurs, when thinking about how to start a business, often try to copy someone else's successful business model, but often copying leads to failure. Experts consider it ineffective to take someone else's business as a model, it is more efficient to create their own standards and bring them to new level, no limit.

Lenar Salakhutdinov

director of the multidisciplinary clinic "MEDEL"

Starting a medical business, it is more efficient to choose the main goal not to maximize profits, but to help the patient recover in the shortest time, With minimal cost time and money. The idea of ​​making money, which many entrepreneurs keep in mind, is short-sighted, patients quickly realize that they want to make money on them, and do not return. lofty ideas about serving people, proven in practice, give the business "immortality". I am convinced that any business in modern society should be built on the idea of ​​goodness and service to people.

An entrepreneur who decides to go into the medical business does not need to have a specialized education. Our hero knows many entrepreneurs who do not have a specialized education, but have a great interest in their activities and entrepreneurial acumen, which also leads to success.

Lenar Salakhutdinov

director of the multidisciplinary clinic "MEDEL"

I personally have been very interested in this area since childhood. All my family members were doctors. And although I myself economic Education, a deep interest in medicine led to the fact that we, together with relatives, decided to organize a medical clinic.

How to find your niche?

You can study the statistics: what diseases most often affect residents of the city, region; Which doctors' services are in high demand? The medical services market is such that uniqueness is not the most important thing here. Can be taken standard model clinic and try to improve it with better service, etc. Today the market is saturated, especially in major cities, the competition is much higher than even 10 years ago. Every year the market develops and is saturated with services of a higher level of technology and service.

You can move in the same direction of business with competitors, but provide services at a higher level.

In medicine, it is important to consider the psychology of the patient. As a rule, the patient comes to the doctor with great hope, he expects empathy and deep attention from the doctor. He hopes to find in the face of a doctor a person who will understand his problem and confidently offer a solution to it.

Who is the main target audience of the clinic?

This can be analyzed using elementary marketing. It is necessary to decide on the profile of the clinic - it can be a diagnostic clinic or a clinic for outpatient or inpatient admission. A diagnostic clinic implies the installation of “heavy equipment” (MRI, CT, X-ray) or / and the creation of a laboratory with a wide range of studies. The clinic allows you to consult a doctor and pass many tests. Inpatient clinics use treatments, including surgery, that require a 24-hour or day hospital stay.

It is necessary to proceed not only from the demand for services in the market, but also from whether the entrepreneur will be able to organize activities in this direction.

Because for any service, except for financial investments, highly professional doctors are needed. You need to be especially strict about the selection of doctors when it comes to surgical interventions, since in this case your responsibility increases to the maximum. For example, it is necessary to have an anesthesiologist-resuscitator on duty who will support the person’s condition at the right time. In Russia today, there are quite a few private round-the-clock hospitals, and, including due to the reduction in the number of beds in budgetary medical institutions, there is an increase in demand in this direction.

Of course, entrepreneurs initial stage take those areas where there is less risk and responsibility. The hero of our article first opened a consulting and diagnostic clinic, and over time, an operating room with a day hospital appeared in the clinic.

Investment size

It works here universal rule- the greater the amount of investment, the more competitive the business can be. But it also increases the risk of returning capital. Therefore than more funds you invest, the more accurate the calculation (business plan) should be. But it is not always possible to calculate everything mathematically, you need to have practice and deeply understand the market.

Lenar Salakhutdinov

director of the multidisciplinary clinic "MEDEL"

Of course, if an entrepreneur is a beginner, he has more risks, in this case it is more reasonable to start with minimal investments, but you need to understand that with minimum investment competitiveness may be significantly lower. Every year it becomes more difficult to move around the market, the target audience becomes more capricious, spoiled by more favorable conditions. If we compare the exactingness of patients today and when we opened (in 2005), we will see a noticeable difference. The development of any market gives the consumer greater freedom of choice, but at the same time leads to greater complexity of doing business. Everything becomes important: how the administrator looked at you, what he said, how he accompanied you, what level the doctor and equipment were, how quickly he got the result after treatment, how much time and money was spent, etc.

Where will the investments go?

The first is rent or purchase of space. The second is the salary of medical specialists, middle and junior medical staff, and administrators. Third - equipment, tools, raw materials, inventory. Based on this, you will need from 5 million rubles in the most economical scenario. Every year, in conditions of tougher competition, when it becomes more and more difficult to surprise a patient, more and more investments are required.

Renting, of course, will require less costs than buying a room, but there are risks that the conditions may change and become uninteresting, unprofitable, and you don’t want to lose a warm place.

One of the most basic devices - ultrasound - costs from 1.5 million rubles, and an expert-level ultrasound device will cost 5-7 million rubles. It should also be taken into account that doctors of high-level ultrasound diagnostics are quite demanding on equipment, they want to work on a device of a higher level. For the purchase of equipment, you can use leasing and various credit programs.

The list of necessary basic equipment and inventory for obtaining a medical license is specified in the regulatory documents.

Lenar Salakhutdinov

director of the multidisciplinary clinic "MEDEL"

Where to look for funds? It is necessary to monitor the market for credit products of various banks and state support. For example, for several years, medicine was included in the list of support for the Tatarstan Leasing Grant program, but in 2016, the direction of medicine was excluded from all lists of business support in the Republic of Tatarstan. In a crisis, support only manufacturing enterprises, and medical institutions, even with high-tech services, do not find support from the state.

Step-by-step instruction

In your activities, you will need to conclude contracts with suppliers of medical raw materials and instruments. The more raw materials you purchase, the lower the cost you can expect. When a clinic develops trusting relationships with suppliers, they can provide raw materials without prepayment. At the first stage, 100% prepayment is required. Russian raw materials may be cheaper, but they are not always of the proper quality. Imported raw materials are of higher quality, but also more expensive. It all depends on what level of paying capacity of patients we focus on.

You will also have to deal with specialists and companies conducting Maintenance equipment, certification of workplaces. It is also necessary to take care of the disposal of medical waste, as required by SanPiN. Regularly required sanitization ventilation systems in the clinic, etc.

How to recruit staff for the clinic? Ten years ago it was possible to start with two different specialists, now the spectrum should be wider.

Lenar Salakhutdinov

director of the multidisciplinary clinic "MEDEL"

There are many applicants. But good specialists for which it will not be a shame before the patient, it is not enough. We are looking for doctors according to the recommendations, based on the current image in medical field, you can’t just take it “from the street”. The clinic "MEDEL" has developed a standard, certain requirements for applicants. So, in addition to professional skills, they must have such qualities as kindness, patience with people and ease of character. According to such criteria, the whole team is formed. Also important is the desire to learn and learn new things. When inviting mature luminaries with well-formed admission tactics, you may encounter difficulties - they have less flexibility and can dictate their conditions, although there are some advantages in working with such doctors, we give preference to talented young and middle-aged specialists.

How do we attract employees?From working conditions to social guarantees, the possibility of career growth, additional training.

If you are just opening a polyclinic facility focused on daily routine admission of patients, then it should be easily accessible. If your clinic is aimed at solving serious problems, performing operations, then the patient is ready to overcome any distance for this, even to come from another city.

The requirements for the premises of medical institutions are prescribed in SanPiN, which indicates which minimum areas should have offices for the provision of a particular service and what should be equipped. You will not be able to obtain a license without meeting these requirements, without having all necessary equipment and equipment required for this activity. For example, health facilities need to ensure that hot water, sinks in offices, sewers, supply and exhaust ventilation etc.

In the clinic, according to the requirements of SanPiN, it is required special repair. Walls, floors and ceilings should be easy to clean and disinfect. Therefore the circle finishing materials narrows - it is impossible to paste over the walls paper wallpaper. In some offices, the walls and floors must have ceramic tiles.

You also need to meet strict requirements fire safety. A medical facility is a place of congestion of people, you need to comply with all the necessary fire regulations with the presence fire alarm, evacuation schemes, emergency exits and fire extinguishing equipment.

The documents

All medical services, with the exception of a number of near-medical services, are licensed. There is a list of services that are subject to mandatory licensing, which can be found in normative documentation. Previously, a license to conduct medical activities was issued for five years, now it is issued indefinitely. But this still implies systematic checks by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, Roszdravnadzor, the Ministry of Health, which are obliged to control the level of medical services provided in accordance with the existing license.

A package of documents for obtaining a license must be submitted to Federal Service for health care supervision. It will take about two months to obtain a license, but the process can take up to a year, and during this time even a ready-made clinic will not be able to work. This must be taken into account in business planning. To obtain a license, the clinic must have the appropriate premises, the necessary medical equipment and specialists with valid certificates. Moreover, a license must be obtained for each type of medical services. And if the clinic plans to issue sick leave, you need to obtain the appropriate license allowing this activity, and have a specialist with the appropriate certificate on staff.

Lenar Salakhutdinov

director of the multidisciplinary clinic "MEDEL"

It is better to open an LLC - patients have more confidence in legal entities and organizations. An individual entrepreneur is also licensed, but the question of personnel policy arises - an individual entrepreneur has more restrictions on the number of personnel and accounting. As a rule, most private medical institutions exist as LLCs and operate under a simplified taxation system. It is also important that for each location address, a medical institution must obtain a separate license and register as a separate legal entity.

Opening checklist

Lenar Salakhutdinov

director of the multidisciplinary clinic "MEDEL"

It so happened that the clinics "MEDEL" did not open by holding holidays. All attention and funds were directed to quality. There are pluses in the grand opening of the institution, but a real holiday should be with a lottery, memorable gifts, games, valuable information for guests. It is better to hold such events when you have already been working for some time. I have noticed that often start-up entrepreneurs have a pompous holiday, and then everything is curtailed or the work is carried out very modestly.

Currently, large and small businesses are developing rapidly. Medicine, as one of the most popular sectors among the population, brings huge profits to the state. The same applies to those individual entrepreneurs who have their own business in this area. The relevance of this business is that people are not always ready to apply for medical care and consultation with government medical institutions. There are a lot of reasons for this: long queues, lack of time, poor quality maintenance, old equipment or lack of it, poor-quality service by staff and many others.

All this suggests that it is easier for people to turn to private clinics or firms, while paying a certain amount of money. Today, all over the world, including in Russia, in any city there are private clinics staffed by qualified personnel. The most common of these are advisory centers, dental clinics and others. All this is a small medical business. Ideas for its creation can be very diverse. You can build your own medical center, but for this you just need a lot of money; a massage parlor, sale or exhibition can become very promising and profitable medical equipment, creation of new innovative devices and more. All of them are based on one thing - making a profit.

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Necessary documents, equipment

Let's consider in more detail how to organize a medical business. This idea is very promising, but you need to choose right direction. If the initial capital is small, then you can build your own massage room. To do this, you will first need to register with the tax office as individual entrepreneur or LLC, paying the state duty. Then you need to get permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire inspectorate. If the salon is located in a rented room, then this is not required. Second, you need to buy necessary equipment. For massage sessions, you will need couches, bedspreads, furniture (tables, chairs), a refrigerator for storing creams. You won't need a lot of money for this.

After all this, you need to find workers. Specialists with a medical education or who have completed special courses in massage are invited to work in a massage parlor. Everyone should have a certificate for the right to engage in such activities. Usually in massage rooms massage therapists take about 30 - 40% of the revenue for their work, and the head, in turn, provides them with clients. Such activities are mutually beneficial.

The cost of one massage session ranges from 150 to 1000 rubles and more, it all depends on its type.

Massage can be therapeutic, hygienic, sports, cosmetic.

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Other Medical Business Ideas

Ideas medical entrepreneurship variety. The sale of medical equipment may become very promising. It will be especially profitable in small towns or rural areas due to its great shortage. Usually such equipment can be bought at exhibitions or fairs for very low prices and then resell it.

The second idea is to create our own diagnostic center. Ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, FGDS, X-ray studies, radioisotope manipulations, and laboratory tests can be performed there. But you need to keep in mind that the purchase of equipment will require millions. The payback will be several years. The profitability of such an institution is very high, especially if experienced diagnosticians work there.

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Innovative technologies

Ideas about the introduction of new technologies into practice are also very relevant. Today, people are used to using old equipment and tools without noticing scientific and technological progress. Here are the most different ideas, for example, the introduction of new equipment in medical organizations that allows them to take the necessary medicines, or the so-called terminals, where it will be possible to purchase the necessary drugs for money, washing them down with water right there. In many Western countries, devices have been invented that, like an alarm clock, give a signal that the time has come to take the necessary medicine. This is very important for people with bad memory, and we have hundreds of thousands of them.

This includes the latest terminals, with the help of which the patient himself could enter all his complaints and symptoms that bother him right in the hospital, and the computer would print them out. Thus, patients would come to the doctor with finished papers, saving time and nerves, and the doctor, based on accurate data, could make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Are you a professional nurse, a professional doctor or a medical practitioner? Have you ever looked at a job different from bedside work? In other words, have you ever thought about starting a side business that can supplement your income? If yes, then below are ten small business ideas for nurses, doctors, and healthcare professionals.
Combining your professional experience, your personality and motivation may be all you need to start your own business healthcare. There are endless opportunities you can join and the nice aspect of this is that it won't get in the way of your medical career. So without wasting any time, below are ten creative business ideas for nurses and doctors from which you will make a lot of profit:

Top 10 small business ideas for doctors and nurses.

1. private service patient care.
You can set up your own private care center where you will take care of patients who are being treated for diseases and injuries. Instead of visiting the hospital too often, patients would rather pay you to study their recovery, treat their wounds, and so on.
One mistake you should avoid in this business is taking on the duties of a doctor, especially if you are a nurse or lack experience in the matter. You will maintain your integrity by sending patients to qualified physicians whenever the need arises.

2. Home nursing care.
This is very similar to the option above, but the difference is that you take care of the patients in their own houses, not in a private object. Most patients, although not in doctor's appointments, are not strong enough to leave their homes while recovering from illness or injury.
Such patients would prefer to pay their own expenses in order to receive their treatment at home. Because this business requires you to visit patients in their homes, you can charge patients much higher; for this and other reasons.

3. Blogging.
Blogging is big business these days. You, too, can create a blog that discusses certain health-related topics or other topics such as your hobbies or experience as a medical practitioner. While it takes a lot of time, effort, and sometimes money to build a profitable blog, the profits will keep coming in once you're able to build a large audience and embrace smart monetization options. If you are very good at writing, blogging is perfect for you.

4. Write and sell books or electronic books.
While there are medical textbooks and other resources that explain various disorders and diseases, the information they contain is far more complex than the average person can comprehend.
As a nurse, physician, or medical practitioner, you can bridge the gap between medical texts and the populace by explaining medical terms such as diseases and disorders in simple, everyday language that everyone can understand.
People are becoming more health conscious and need the books and other resources that are provided in plain language. So you can make a fortune by creating books or e-books that explain specific medical conditions in simple terms.

5. Sale of medical supplies.
As a medical practitioner who knows how to handle most hospital equipment and instruments, you can start selling these medical supplies. You can target hospitals by selling patient care items such as adult diapers, disinfectants etc.
You can also target doctors and your fellow nurses by selling the tools they use such as stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, etc. You will have the largest service market by selling medical instruments that can be used at home, such as digital blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, scales, etc.

6. Freelance writing.
Are you a very good writer? Then you can turn your skills into cash by managing health and medical writing projects for individuals and healthcare companies. You can also write blog posts for health and medical blogs. Another very profitable option, writing for newspapers, magazines and health publications. Some publications cost $1,000 per article.

7. Private consultations for patients.
If you have worked as a nurse/physician for many years, chances are you have the experience needed to offer consulting services patients with minimal health problems related to your specialty. Again, you have to be careful if you choose this idea. Don't overstep your boundaries by playing the part of a doctor unless you are a real doctor.

8. Career Advisor.
Another good business idea is to give career advice to nurses and other healthcare professionals who are just starting their careers. Share with them what you have learned over the years. Teach them what you wanted to learn yourself when you first started. They would be happy to pay you for these vital pieces of information.

9. Tutoring.
As a nurse or doctor, you can make more money by educating female students at any nursing school or certification program around you. Start by searching the web curricula for nurses/doctors and apply for a mentor position. While this business option will not make you rich, it will provide you with enough money to pay some bills.

10. OTC drugs.
If the laws in your country do not condemn it, you can make extra income by running a shop/pharmacy patent and selling over-the-counter drugs.