Mva them scriabin documents for admission. Reviews about "Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K.I. Scriabin, FGBOU VO"

There are not many universities in Russia where you can get a quality education, which in the future would help to effectively treat our smaller brothers. One of the famous educational institutions is the Veterinary Academy. Scriabin. We will take a closer look at this institution today.

The emergence and development of the university

The history of the current educational institution in Moscow began in 1919. At this time, the Moscow Higher Zootechnical Institute was opened. The history is very complex and confusing. The established university changed its name several times and was reorganized. In 1948, the educational institution became known as the Moscow Veterinary Academy. In subsequent years, the university made an important contribution to the development of veterinary medicine. For this, the Academy was awarded the Order of Labor

In 1973, the educational institution was named after Konstantin Ivanovich Scriabin. This man is a Soviet and Russian biologist, the founder of helminthological science. In 1994, the institution was renamed. The university was named the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. Scriabin. It still bears this name.

Organizational structure

Educational activities are carried out by structural units that are part of the Veterinary Academy. Scriabin. There are 5 faculties:

  1. Veterinary and biological. This faculty, which has existed since 1969, invites applicants to study in the areas of "Biology" and "Biotechnology".
  2. veterinary medicine. This structural unit is the largest and oldest in the university. It trains veterinarians and specialists for work in the field of veterinary and sanitary examination.
  3. Zootechnologies and agribusiness. The history of this faculty began in 1919. The proposed direction of training is "Zootechny".
  4. Commodity research and examination of raw materials of animal origin. This faculty has been functioning for several decades. The undergraduate program offers 3 directions - “Commodity Science”, “Food Products from Raw Materials of Plant Origin”, “Food Products of Animal Origin”.
  5. Correspondence and part-time education. This is a structural unit among the faculties of the Veterinary Academy. Scriabin offers a convenient training schedule for the areas of training available at the academy.

Canine College

In the organizational structure of the university there are not only units that provide training in higher education programs. Available at the Moscow Veterinary Academy. Scriabin and Cynological College. It conducts recruitment for programs of secondary vocational education for full-time and part-time education on a contractual basis.

There is only one specialty in the cynological college. And this is Cinematography. Students learn to train dogs. First, they learn the theory, and after mastering it, they move on to practice. Special classrooms, a cynological training ground have been prepared for classes.

Veterinary center

Them. Scriabin can boast not only of the created college. The educational institution opened an innovative veterinary center. He became an example of the organization of a university clinic. The center performs several important tasks:

  • develops new methods for diagnosing diseases and treating animal diseases;
  • provides veterinary care to animals, ranging from conservative treatment to surgical intervention;
  • is engaged in training of specialists, periodically holding seminars, conferences, master classes.

Academy students come to the clinic in order to gain practical skills, experience and the necessary knowledge from the specialists working here. Some doctors of the center were educated at the academy in their time. It is possible that the most successful and motivated students will be able to get a job here.

them. Scriabin: student reviews

Students generally leave positive feedback. The presence of free places, interesting study, exciting extracurricular life - all this is attributed to the merits of the university. Regarding education, it is worth noting that students in the first year mainly study the school curriculum, but a little in depth. In the future, disciplines related to the future profession gradually begin to appear in the schedule.

The material and technical base is sufficient for obtaining a quality education. Students say that the university has microscopes, chemical reagents, mannequins, surgical instruments, and various preparations. Educational literature is enough for all students.

Moscow Veterinary Academy(currently Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology) named after K. I. Skryabin - one of the oldest universities in Russia, founded in 1919 in Moscow. The Veterinary Academy is an educational, scientific and industrial complex. It trains highly qualified specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, conducts fundamental and priority research in veterinary medicine and animal science, biotechnology and ecology in veterinary medicine, commodity science, marketing and technology of food and animal products.

Every year more than 4,000 students, graduate students and applicants study at the Veterinary Academy, more than 300 veterinary specialists undergo advanced training.

Scientific schools of the Veterinary Academy and their representatives have received wide recognition in domestic and foreign veterinary, zootechnical and biological science.

In 1973, the Academy, by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, was named after an outstanding scientist who made a great contribution to domestic and world science, the formation and development of the university, Academician Konstantin Ivanovich Skryabin.

In May 2000, in Prague, at the international congress, the Veterinary Academy was included in the European Association of Agricultural Universities.

The Veterinary Academy has the necessary training and production and experimental base. On its territory there are five educational and laboratory buildings, clinics, a vivarium, a garage and other production facilities. Departments, laboratories, clinics are equipped with the necessary equipment, including computers, electron microscopes, devices for radiobiological and molecular biological research, modern video equipment.

Great opportunities have been created at the Veterinary Academy for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel through postgraduate studies, doctoral studies and applicants. Postgraduate studies, in accordance with the license, train candidates of sciences in 17 specialties of veterinary, biological, agricultural, technical and economic sciences.

The doctoral program trains highly qualified personnel in the main areas of veterinary and biological sciences.

Educational process and scientific research at the Veterinary Academy are professors, associate professors, doctors and candidates of biological, veterinary, agricultural, economic, chemical, technical and other sciences. Among them are academicians and corresponding members of Russian and international academies of sciences, honored scientists of the Russian Federation, honorary doctors of foreign universities.

In the Veterinary Academy at all faculties there are scientific student circles, united in a student scientific society - SSS. This makes it possible to join the scientific work during the years of study and continue it in the future in graduate school.

For dissertation defenses, there are five doctoral dissertation councils in 15 veterinary and biological specialties.

Library of the Veterinary Academy has more than half a million volumes of scientific and educational literature, exchanges scientific works with foreign universities and scientific institutes, as well as with the libraries of our country.

The Veterinary Academy publishes a large-circulation newspaper "Knowledge" on a monthly basis.

12 unique scientific and educational museums have been created at the Veterinary Academy: helminthological museum im. K.I. Scriabin, anatomical, patho-anatomical, fur farming, pharmacology, history of veterinary medicine and others.

Student campus of the Veterinary Academy fully provides hostels for all out-of-town and foreign students and graduate students. There is a comfortable hotel for students of the faculty of advanced training, foreign students, researchers and university professors who come to advanced courses.

On the campus of the Veterinary Academy there is a sports complex and a football field with artificial turf, where there are sections for 18 sports, a canteen, a clinic for students and employees, shops, a kindergarten, a school; buffets are available in student dormitories and academic buildings. The Veterinary Academy has a music studio and amateur art circles.

Campus Veterinary Academy, created by the labors of many generations of students, employees and builders in a wasteland, has turned into an oasis where educational buildings and hostels, residential buildings and industrial buildings are buried in greenery. A special charm of living in the town of the Veterinary Academy is given by the nearby forest park ensemble with the old Kuzminki estate, the buildings of which, as well as the horse yard with original equestrian statues of Klodt, the barnyard and other buildings are architectural monuments. Kuzminsky forest park is not only a favorite place for walking, but an additional opportunity for athletics in summer and skiing in winter.

An attractive force for applicants to study at the academy, as well as postgraduate and doctoral studies, the faculty of advanced training for young people, specialists, researchers and teachers of universities in Russia, the CIS countries and other states are the wide opportunities that Moscow opens - one of the centers of world civilization , science, education and culture. Moscow has unique libraries (the Central Scientific Agricultural Library, the Library of Foreign Literature), scientific and educational museums, the All-Russian Exhibition Center, whose pavilions demonstrate the latest achievements of domestic and world science, technology, education, culture; leading research institutes and higher educational institutions of Russia. This intellectual and cultural richness of Moscow is widely used by students and graduate students from foreign countries, students of the Faculty of Advanced Studies of the Academy.

Everyone who wants to become highly qualified specialists, get professions that are interesting and necessary for the country, enter graduate school and doctoral studies, and improve their professional knowledge is invited by the Moscow Veterinary Academy. There are ample opportunities here for obtaining a second profession or for in-depth training in individual programs at all faculties and postgraduate studies.

Foreign citizens who do not speak Russian are enrolled in the preparatory faculty of the Veterinary Academy for a period of study of one year. Foreign citizens study the Russian language, chemistry, biology at the preparatory faculty. At the end of the academic year, final exams are held at the level of a Russian full secondary general education school, they receive certificates of graduation from the preparatory faculty and are sent to study in their chosen specialty.

Postgraduate study at the Veterinary Academy foreign citizens with higher education at the level of specialist or master of science are accepted.

Dossier of a candidate for studies includes the following documents executed in Russian or English (French, Spanish):

* a questionnaire indicating in it the full name of the specialty (filled in at the academy);
* a copy of the certificate (document) of education, certified in the prescribed manner, indicating the subjects studied and the grades (points) received on them in the exams;
* a medical report certified by the official health authority of the sending country;
* certificate of the absence of HIV infection, hepatitis, tuberculosis, certified by the official health authority of the sending country;
* a copy of the birth certificate, duly certified;
* 12 4x6 photo cards.

In addition, for postgraduate candidates of the Veterinary Academy it is necessary to submit duly certified copies of a document on higher education at the level of a specialist or a master of science and an extract from the credit sheet or a sheet of subjects studied with grades, as well as a list of published scientific works (if any).

It is desirable for candidates arriving for advanced training to have an internship program (plan).

The beginning of postgraduate study at the Veterinary Academy is September-December.

Foreign citizens who have successfully mastered the curriculum and passed the final state certification are issued state diplomas of the appropriate education and qualifications (certified specialist).

Foreign citizens who have successfully completed the postgraduate studies of the Veterinary Academy and defended their thesis are awarded the degree of Candidate of Science and are issued a state-recognized diploma of Candidate of Science.

Foreign citizens who have successfully prepared and defended a doctoral dissertation are awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Science and a state-recognised Doctor of Science diploma.

Address of the Veterinary Academy: Russia, 109472, Moscow, st. Academician Scriabin, 23.

Directions to the metro station "Kuzminki" or "Ryazansky Prospekt", then by bus to the stop "Academician Skryabin Street".

The condition of the hulls leaves much to be desired. Although they are trying to “bring beauty with cosmetic repairs”, you still can’t hide the essence - it’s very cold in the classrooms in winter, you have to sit in class in jackets (some teachers swear for this, so zealously honor the “honor of white coats”, spitting on the health of students). In the off-season, the drafts are wild, it still blows from the paper-covered windows. Some teachers, theoreticians, who have completely forgotten that medicine has stepped forward a long time ago, continue to teach ...

In this sharaga (and it is difficult to call such a university in another way) you can retake a bunch of grades for a red diploma, although in the provision on intermediate certification it is written that a retake can be only in 2 disciplines. At least, such lawlessness is created on zaochke. The curator from the dean's office may forget to inform the students of important information or not give out the student's records on time, but she does not forget to suggest that the grade student correct his grades for the diploma with honors. So, if you see a graduate of this university with a red diploma ...

We turned to the center at the academy to a specialist. The center is prepaid. OK, paid, then for what? Because the doctor told us to go to another specialist and that's it! They stayed at the reception for exactly 5 minutes and left with nothing, not even for the money, it's a shame, but for the fact that it was in vain! Maybe you need a post payment or for doctors to redirect, and not re-register and pay money again ?!

I wanted to book my dog ​​for the purpose of subsequent removal of papilloma for an appointment with an oncologist and a cardiologist. I called. Such an unpleasant manner of communication of the administrator shocked me. There was a feeling that I was distracting a person from something global, important with my call. Of course, she did not sign up, because "the theater begins with a hanger." Apparently, what is the "pop", such is the "arrival". Alas.

My Sphynx kitten began to vomit and we took him to the veterinary clinic at the Academy. Scriabin, they said that either an infection (the kitten was not vaccinated), or a foreign body. They took blood for clinical analysis, placed a catheter, and did an ultrasound. On the ultrasound, everything is fine, they said to do an x-ray later. Why didn't they do it right away? For some reason they put a dropper and made 2 injections. When we brought Masya home, he no longer got up, he began to swallow with difficulty. They called the "doctor", she said that the individual reaction to the drugs...

Today it is the Academy of mediocrities and saints. Oppressive atmosphere. Absolutely nothing is left of the former glory of the "leading university". Most talented students are transferred to Timiryazevskaya or RUDN University.

I feel very bad. I am in intensive care. But still I want to tell this terrible story, with my Spout. Nosik was my favorite dog. A childhood friend suggested to me that it is better to treat at the Scriabin clinic. I took this advice into account, since he himself has a decorative dog near death. And treated her in the same clinic.

I'm going to 2nd degree. Due to the busy work schedule, it is not possible to take several days off. Therefore, I discussed in the selection committee the issue of passing the entrance exams on the 1st day. I have clarified this question several times. "Yes, it is possible. Write a statement," they told me. Outcome: the application was lost. On the day of the exams, they were generally not aware of what I was passing today. I'll have to take a few extra days off. I've already been reprimanded at work. Submitted documents in parallel to Rudn. There was no such problem.

Rosobnadzor banned admission to the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K. I. Scriabin in connection with the failure to comply with the instructions of the department. In addition to admission, the ban does not impose other restrictions on the educational activities of the university. A message on the official website of Rososbrnadzor: the university has not created conditions for ...

So, a year after graduating from this university, I have a review. It will rather be neutral, because I try to reason as objectively as possible. It will be about the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. First, I will give a few irrefutable facts that you need to be prepared for when applying: 1. Tuition fees. If earlier in 5 years the cost rose by an average of 5 thousand rubles. per year, but now it has doubled over the past few years to 120 thousand rubles. in year. It's hard to get into the budget...

A healthy dog, Pomeranian Bundy, 8 years and 3 months old, died. On July 30, 2016, our beloved Spitz Bundy began to cough, as it were, this phenomenon could be compared, as if the dog was trying to throw out a foreign object (hair, etc.) from the throat. Friends told us that if you want to save the dog, take it to Academy (but, they did not specify the department or the clinic at the Academy, as it turned out to be the department of the Academy, but it was already too late.) On July 30, we were at the reception of Dixa Oksana Vasilievna. Rude customer service...

For 2 years at the DOD they said that the medal gives 10 points. Until April! That is, the maximum possible ID. Therefore, why do we need Olympiads and other achievements if we still cannot jump above 10?! As a result - 5! Question: What is the relationship? Either they wouldn’t lie to the DOD, making it possible to increase this figure, or you must answer for your words!

All applicants enter the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education MGAVMiB - MVA named after K.I. Skryabin on a competitive basis based on the results of the points scored on the Unified State Examination, including through targeted training. At the same time, the applicant has the full right to submit documents for training on a paid basis with further payment for training, through a cash desk or a bank. Tuition prices are publicly available on the official website of the academy. Sponsorship or voluntary donation to the bank account of the academy is not a basis for admission to a university.

I'm surprised by the negative reviews about the academy. I am a 2nd year student of the FZTA. The teachers here know their stuff. We have never heard of any "bribes". But here you have to study, I don’t advise you to do “just like that”, professions are still specific. What is needed here is desire. The dean of the faculty A. V. Bakai is a wonderful person who cares about students. Special thanks to Yu. N. Kozlov for the acquired knowledge of genetics and curator A. P. Khramov.

Good academy, no doubt. That's just about the old teachers and their old material, I completely agree. We are falling behind in practice. But, in general, the teaching staff is very wise, as well as good specialists in their fields. So to everyone who wants to enter the MBA, I will say that the university is just cool. I miraculously entered it myself and I do not regret that I spent 5 years there! With a strong desire to learn is not difficult :)

I studied at the MBA-veterinary faculty, a very long time ago. She graduated, worked in the village as a veterinarian, and now she is a candidate of veterinary sciences at the Research Institute! But studying at the academy is the happiest day. Hello to all graduates of 1990.