Business plan for making keys. The main sections of the business plan. Workshop Equipment

Own workshops for making keys are opened by people who already have jobs in this area. If you do not have the necessary qualifications, you should be trained. Some key making machine manufacturers offer training courses on how to operate their equipment, but this is clearly not enough.

There is always a demand for making keys, it is only important to locate your workshop as far as possible from the nearest competitor. Study equipment offers, try to make the most realistic forecasts for profitability and write a business plan.

Main risks

The services of a key-making workshop are in constant demand, which does not depend on the season, periods of holidays and other objective circumstances. This business gives a small but stable income. Risks are associated only with subjective factors - poor quality of service or the wrong choice of location for the workshop.


The room for the workshop should be sought in crowded places. First of all, start exploring options near public transport stops and metro stations, underground passages. AT big cities areas in shopping centers or premises located in close proximity are worthy of attention.

You can work in a residential area, and in the suburbs, but you should be located near supermarkets. Also suitable are premises near large markets, public institutions, and other places in which there is a constant accumulation potential clients.

Enough room to work with total area 5-10 m². Key making machines are compact. But before starting the search for a room, it is worth deciding on the choice of equipment, for each device a recommended installation area is provided. You should be comfortable working. 220 V power supply is sufficient for machine tools.


For the manufacture of a certain kind keys must be purchased separately. There are also fully automated systems on the market. combined models, which are suitable for working with a wide range of keys and do not require special participation from the master in the work. But they are more expensive than three narrow focus machines:

  • Vertical. The cost is within 30,000 rubles.
  • Universal. average cost- about 50,000 rubles.
  • Duplicator (programmer) of keys for intercoms. The average cost is 25,000 rubles.

On the market there are many offers of equipment manufactured in different countries. European machines are different high quality but also cost more. Chinese manufacturers offer cheap equipment, but also decent quality it is also no different.

It is worth considering the proposals of domestic manufacturers - this is the optimal ratio of price and quality. If you have sufficient funds at your disposal, it is better to buy equipment from reliable European brands.

Also, for work, you should purchase a set of locksmith tools - a vise, grinding wheels, files, meters, a set of needle files. In total, the purchase of these tools will require about 15,000 rubles.

Consumables are blanks. They are sold individually and in sets, the price depends on the type of key. To get started, you need to make a stock of blanks different type in the amount of 11,000-15,000 rubles.

For complete equipment a workshop for making keys, an amount within 120,000 rubles is enough.


The work in the workshop can be handled by one person - the owner of the business. But it is highly desirable to hire a qualified assistant or at least a shift. The fact is that in most cases, customers need to make a spare key urgently. If a person comes to your workshop, and it is closed for lunch or due to the fact that the master is forced to leave for urgent business, the client will not wait for him to come and go to your competitor.

Is it profitable to save on the wages of another master, or will an increase in working hours bring more income? In every separate case find out more profitable option only possible in practice.

Documents and licenses

Registration of this business is simple and requires a minimum of permits. You can choose individual entrepreneurs and UTII taxation systems. OKVED codes:

6 - the manufacture of tools, locks and hardware, cutlery, cutlery.
- 63 - production of locks and hinges.
- 7 - production of other metal products.
- 4 - retail trade in specialized stores.

Production of keys is not subject to licensing and certification.


Advertising in the media is expensive and will not bring a tangible effect to popularize this service. In your case, you need to focus on outdoor advertising. Order a bright sign and install it on the facade of the building. Also, it is worth making a portable advertising structure (pillar).

It makes sense to post ads on bollards in nearby areas. The site of the workshop will also give a certain effect. Enough simple design, list of services and contact details. Promote it through social media and forums, local classifieds platforms, directories. This method is especially relevant in metropolitan areas. Many customers who need urgent key production search for the nearest workshops via the Internet.

Do not rely only on the main activity. These workshops provide a range of additional services:

Sale and repair of locks.
- Sharpening knives and other tools.
- Sale of accessories - tags, key rings, identifiers.
- Opening blocked door locks, safes, cars.

Each of these services individually does not bring much income. But in combination, a good result is obtained.

It is also worth thinking about creating a network of workshops. 3-4 points in good places will allow you to reach a decent level of income and reduce risks.


The price of one blank varies between 10-17 rubles, depending on the type of key. The cost of making a duplicate for a client is 90-120 rubles. On the manufacture of one key, the master earns 80-100 rubles.

Profit directly depends on the number of customers. 50-70 customers per day can be served in a passing place. The norm is a monthly income of 60,000-80,000 rubles. These are very average, but very significant figures. Many entrepreneurs reach payback after 3-4 months of work.


Key making is a great business for a beginner. The threshold for entering the sphere is low, the profitability in the presence of a constant flow of customers is very high, the risks are associated only with subjective factors.

Despite the low cost and the transition of mankind to new models electronic keys, standard metal products do not lose their relevance. Therefore, the production of keys is a business that will provide its owner with a stable and, possibly, high income.

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The most common work of the master in this area is the production of duplicate keys. A great idea would be to provide an emergency lock picking service. To do this, it will be necessary to create the possibility of the master leaving at a given address. AT small town there will be no difficulties, and in a metropolis it is possible to limit the needs of customers by designating the permissible territory for the provision of services.

Sometimes workshops additionally sell and replace batteries and repair watches.

You can further expand the scope of services and offer customers:

  • refuel lighters;
  • sharpen knives or scissors;
  • clean or patch shoes.


Losing keys is a daily occurrence, and usually people tend to make a duplicate immediately after losing it. A few years ago, the production of keys was difficult, as the necessary equipment was not available on the market. In the manufacture of the craftsmen used primitive methods, which, according to consumers, had a negative impact on the quality of products. Today, anyone can purchase professional machines, which are quite simple to use. This allows non-professionals to engage in the production of keys various kinds and forms.

Locks are installed not only in houses, but also in cars, mailboxes and safes. Therefore, the production of keys is a very demanded business.

Description and analysis of the market

In order to draw up a clear business plan, you must:

  • analyze the market;
  • learn information about competitors;
  • study the pricing policy in the field of key production;
  • calculate all possible costs at the beginning of the journey.

Reliable and up-to-date information will help to prepare a high-quality business plan, and avoid extra costs when organizing your own business.

Analysis of competitors shows that not everyone chooses the usual scheme of work. Some workshops choose a seasonal system.

The focus is on:

  • country;
  • subsidiary farms;
  • private sector houses.

At the beginning of the summer season, workshops make barn locks and keys to them. This allows you to get maximum income at minimum cost.

As for the choice of location, practice shows that key workshops are not located in all shopping centers and markets. Therefore, the services of such a business can become very popular in a particular area.

The target audience

Key making is a business whose consumers are most often individuals. Companies use such services much less frequently.

You need to understand that long-term orders (for example, when a company orders a hundred keys and picks them up a week later) will be rare. More often, grandmothers, mothers with children and students who need to make a duplicate here and now will come to the workshop.

Competitive advantages

The main advantage of the key manufacturing business is that the profit from one duplicate can reach up to 90%. The cost of raw materials for the manufacture of the product is approximately 20%, and rent payments small compared to the profits made.

Key blanks are most often purchased abroad, so their cost depends on the exchange rate. Accordingly, the sale of English flat and intercom keys is the most profitable.

And in order to outshine business competitors, you need to strictly control the quality of services provided by the workshop and make special offers to visitors.

Advertising campaign

Guaranteed to attract new customers:

  • pillars;
  • advertisements on bollards in nearby areas;
  • spectacular design of the workshop website.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

Before starting your own business, an entrepreneur must analyze a number of factors.

It is important to decide in advance which premises are best suited for the workshop, what equipment to purchase and where to recruit qualified personnel.

To start your own business you need:

  1. Collect necessary kit documents for business registration and subsequent activities.
  2. Select and rent/purchase premises that meet the goals of the business.
  3. Purchase and test equipment.
  4. Hire staff and, if necessary, train them.


To officially start production, you need to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur or register an LLC with the tax authority. Individual entrepreneurs are advised to choose such a taxation system as UTII (single tax on imputed income).

When submitting documents to the tax office, it is necessary to fill out an application in the established form, which indicates the codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED).

For the workshop, it is better to choose the following:

  • 28.6 - production of cutlery, cutlery, tools;
  • 28.63 - production of locks and hinges;
  • 28.7 - production of other metal products;
  • 52.4 - other retail sale in specialized stores.

A complete list of documents required for registration is contained in the Federal Law "On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” dated 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ.

Room and design

The best choice of location are crowded places. Sites in shopping centers, in big cities - underground passages and stalls near public transport stops. You can stay close to markets and public institutions.

Since the key making equipment is compact, it is possible to rent small room. Five is enough square meters. The main thing is convenience for the master.

The design of the workshop depends on the imagination of the businessman. You can open a business in a room with a simple interior.

In the field of key production, the client is attracted not by the beauty of the premises, but by the specifics of the services provided.

Equipment and inventory

To open a workshop, you need to acquire machines, consumables and blanks. Machine tools can vary in cost, but it is important to remember that price correlates with quality. Therefore, it is not worth saving, because cheap equipment can quickly fail. Before buying, it is recommended to study user reviews of various machines - this will help you choose high-quality models from the variety offered.

In the plan for opening a small workshop, it is necessary to indicate the purchase of such equipment:

  • machine for making intercom keys;
  • vertical machine;
  • universal machine.

Machine for making Finnish keys Vertical machine Machine for making safe keys Machine Keyworld 100 E1

You will also need simple tools:

  • files;
  • needle files;
  • vise;
  • circles for sharpening;
  • measuring instruments;
  • goggles for eye protection.

The video contains detailed information about necessary equipment for the workshop. Video filmed by Trowel Dnepr channel


The business owner can handle the work himself. However, the production of keys should be carried out by a person with the necessary qualifications and experience in this field. Therefore, if a businessman does not have the necessary skills, or he does not want to work himself at all, it makes sense to find one or two employees.

Shift work can be more efficient, because it can avoid downtime associated with a lunch break or forced weaning of an employee.

It is important to find an experienced specialist. It is possible to hire an employee without experience, however, there are no courses for training how to operate the machine. Machine tool manufacturers come to the rescue - they release a lot of video tutorials on making keys.

Financial plan

Planning must contain mathematical calculations. Before you start your own business, you must first calculate the amount of initial investment, the number of regular expenses, and also evaluate possible income workshop.

An approximate preliminary calculation of profitability will help you understand whether opening a key manufacturing business is a profitable undertaking in each specific case.

Starting investments

At the beginning of the journey, you will have to spend a certain amount of money.

The entrepreneur will face the following one-time expenses:

Starting from the first month of work, the amount of monthly expenses must be added to the one-time expenses.

Recurring costs

This amount includes the costs of:


Profit is directly proportional to the number of customers. In a crowded place, you can make keys for 50-70 customers per day. Workshop revenue per day can be from 3 thousand rubles. The average profit per month is 70 thousand rubles.

Most often, there is no price list in the workshop, and the cost of work is determined depending on the complexity. On average, the price of making a duplicate is 80-120 rubles. On the manufacture of one key, you can earn 80-100 rubles at the cost of one piece of 10-17 rubles.

Calendar plan

A novice businessman must draw up an action plan for opening his own business. In the field of key production calendar plan might look like this:

Risks and payback

The key making business is always in demand. Customer interest does not depend on the season, public holidays and other circumstances. All risks are subjective - a low quality of service or the wrong choice of a place for a workshop can fail. You should not expect big profits by saving on blanks and equipment, as well as renting an office next to competitors.

By analyzing the monthly ratio of income to expenses, it can be calculated that, on average, a workshop pays off in the first 3-4 months of work. Compared to other types of business, this is quite an acceptable period.


Making and repairing keys as a business idea. The video was filmed by the channel "Business Ideas."

In order to start, you do not need large investments (a little lower we will write total amount investments), the profitability is about 500%. High profitability due to the low cost of blanks and high price finished product ( the cost of the product is formed mainly from the invested labor a).

Despite the fact that the provision of services requires manual labor with a certain qualification - everyone can learn this craft. There is nothing super complicated, just a genuine desire to master the craft and practice. Now with the equipment usually comes a DVD with a description of the entire process, thanks to which you can get a practical basis.

The target audience

There is no clearly defined age group and belonging to the stratum of the population. Target audience outlined by key type, for which duplicates are potentially required.

Key for intercom type "tablet" (for reading by touch)
Keychain for intercom "RFID"
Contactless smart card "RFID"

Organizational moments

In order to start providing services for the production of keys, you must

  1. Get registered with the Federal Tax Service;
  2. (only if you plan to work with legal entities, to provide services to the population, a bank account is not required);
  3. Rent 2-4m 2 in a well-traveled place (bazaar, shopping center, ground floor in the building of a multi-populated residential area). Study the flows of potential customers well (in practice, it happens that the same master, moving to another place in the bazaar, starts earning 200% more);
  4. Purchase equipment and supplies.

What equipment will be needed?

Consider minimum set necessary .

Machine "combine" for keys type: English, flat, crosses, level, Finnish, pump-action. The cost is approximately 27,000 rubles.
, a machine for special keys with vertical and wave cutting, the cost is approximately 34,000 rubles.
Programmer for copying the keys of intercoms of all types (tablet, key fob, smart card). The cost is approximately 5200 rubles. To use this (and any other programmer) does not require specialized knowledge. The workpiece is brought to the device, the code is read. Then discs are brought up and with one touch the code is transferred to them.
, is used simultaneously as a storage of blanks and as a showcase for types of keys. The cost is 1500 rubles without hooks. One bag costs 15 rubles, you will need about 50, which is another +750 rubles.

In addition to equipment, you will need blanks. To start, you need to take 7-10 thousand rubles (specific types of blanks will be advised by the equipment seller).

In total, it turns out 73,250 rubles is necessary in order to start in this type of business.

Key making is a time-tested method of making money. The market is saturated with such enterprises. But, despite the high level of competition, experts advise opening a key-making workshop for those who want to organize own business with minimal investment, bringing, albeit small, but stable income.

Business idea: a workshop that makes duplicate keys

Everyone has keys. For some, this is a big bunch on a key fob, for others, only a couple of pieces: from a car and an apartment. Losing a key is a common thing, but very unpleasant, often causing a lot of problems.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 100,000 rubles.

Market saturation is high.

The complexity of starting a business is 4/10.

It is good if all family members have keys. In this case, you just have to wait for someone close. But if children or sick elderly relatives remain in a closed apartment, and there are no spare keys, then the door will have to be knocked out. The same applies to cars, cabinets, safes and other things. Behind closed door there may be important documents, money, animals, electrical appliances turned on. To avoid unpleasant situations, people try to order duplicate keys.

Types of blanks:

  • rod for garages and safes;
  • Finnish for apartments;
  • contact for intercoms;
  • vertical, equipped with a laser notch;
  • blanks for duplicates for English locks;
  • blanks for car duplicates.

Companies that sell key making equipment offer free assistance in selecting optimal set the most sought-after items. With experience, the entrepreneur will be able to independently purchase the necessary parts. The cost of a set of blanks varies from 7,000 rubles. and higher. By the way, the cost of the workpiece is about 7-10 rubles. The cost of the finished key is more than 70 rubles. That is, over 500% overlap. One key is made in 2-5 minutes, depending on the complexity of the order. By implementing 20 keys per day (minimum plan), an entrepreneur can earn up to 36,000 rubles within a month. The costs pay off in 1-2 months.

Financial plan and development perspective

When calculating the cost of organizing a workshop, monthly tax payments, rent payments and other expenses should be taken into account.

  1. For the premises, the entrepreneur will have to pay at least 9,000 rubles. per month.
  2. Acquisition Supplies, blanks - from 7,000 rubles.
  3. The amount of tax depends on the chosen form of taxation. Income tax is 6% of profit, approximately 1,500 rubles.

Total: the amount of expenses will be 17,500 rubles.

Net profit, after all deductions, will be 18,500 rubles. And this is at minimum investment at the start.

Having established the work of one point, you can start creating a small network of workshops. But it is advisable to do it in a big city.

Another option is to increase the range of services provided:

  • trade in locks, key chains, key holders;
  • repair of locks, including the service "call the master to the house";
  • emergency opening of cars, safes, garages, apartments;
  • key restoration;
  • knife sharpening, garden tools, scissors and more.

Among the clients of the workshop can be not only individuals, but also organizations. Often the keys are ordered to hotels, hotels, shopping centers. Production wholesale parties products can attract such buyers.

Making keys as a business cannot be called a new, uncommon or uncompetitive business idea. It refers to working methods of earning money that have been proven over the years and do not require serious initial investments.

Almost everyone has a key. Their loss is a common thing, but very unpleasant. Sometimes people get into very difficult situations, for example, losing the key to the house.

If every member of your family has a key, and you are the first to arrive, you will have to wait for someone to return home.

This is not so scary, of course, but there are times when a person’s time is scheduled by the minute, and he ran in for some documents, and there is no way to get into the house, except to knock out the door.

To avoid such an unpleasant situation, duplicate keys should be made. Developing this business idea may seem like a waste of time, but it is not entirely true.

How to start a key making business?

Desire and a certain amount of money - all that is required of you at the first stage. Most of the finances will go to the premises, and such a thing as a key maker should not be the last in line for a purchase. if you have appropriate place for work - this is excellent, but if it is not there, then you will have to rent or buy "square meters".

The second stage will be the purchase of blanks for future keys, which can be purchased at the same place as the equipment.

And the final stage, but no less important than the previous ones, is advertising. You must attract potential customers, without whom there can be no talk of any profit.

Market analysis

Key making is a business like any other. entrepreneurial activity, cannot but have competitors. Therefore, before organizing it, you should analyze the market for the presence of competitive firms providing similar services, determine the possible scope of work and the future location of the workshop.


The choice of premises should be made based on the volume of future business. If you plan to buy one key making machine and work with it, then a space of 3-4 m 2 will be enough. It is best to rent or buy a room in a crowded place. It can be a market, subway, supermarket, underground crossing. A small parking lot for customers will be very helpful. In the future, with the expansion of the enterprise, you will have to look for a new room for work.


Making keys as a business requires certain equipment, for which you should allocate a decent amount of money. Of course, you can use the old-fashioned way, making a cast from the key, but it’s unlikely that you’ll even earn money to rent a room. Today, every person has wide selection: purchase of Chinese, European or Russian-made machine tools.

Their cost is proportional to the quality. For example, if you decide to purchase a machine Italian made then be prepared to spend at least $1,000.

The high cost is due to the convenience of managing the key production process.

More economical option- a Chinese machine, the cost of which does not exceed $ 500. The problem is that this equipment is different poor quality and reliability.

The best option is a key cutting machine domestic manufacturer. His purchase will cost $ 800.

The quality of domestic machine tools is quite high level. Among the advantages of the domestic version, cheap spare parts and inexpensive maintenance should be noted.

For the first time, it is advisable to purchase a pair of machines for making keys of two types: horizontal and vertical. In the future, the scope of services provided can be expanded by purchasing special machines for the production of car and intercom keys.


Blanks for making keys are divided into:

  • rod (garages, safes);
  • Finnish (apartments);
  • contact (intercoms);
  • vertical (with laser notch);
  • English;
  • automobile.

Starter pack with everything necessary blanks will cost 300-400 dollars. For uninterrupted operation workshop it will last no more than 3 months. The cost of blanks is very low - from 2 rubles. They sell keys with a wrap of 300 percent or more - from 50 rubles. Depending on the complexity of the product, it takes up to 3 minutes to make it.

Optional equipment

Making keys as a business requires additional auxiliary equipment. You will need:

  • a shield for key blanks, on which it is convenient to place blanks of various types;
  • needle files, files, sharpeners;
  • measuring instruments, eye protection goggles.

Activity registration

After choosing the premises and equipment, you need to register the business. Making keys, oddly enough, also requires a work permit. The optimal organizational and legal form for such entrepreneurial activity is individual entrepreneur, and the taxation procedure is a single tax on imputed income.

When filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, the OKVED code corresponding to the type of activity should be indicated. OKVED 28.6, 28.63, 28.7, 52.4 should be indicated. They correspond to "manufacture of cutlery, cutlery, tools", "manufacture of locks and hinges", "manufacture of other metal products" and "other retail in specialized stores, respectively.

If you plan to use hired labor, then, having hired the first employee, you should register off-budget funds PFR and FSS as an employer. In the future, you will pay insurance premiums for your employees.

Registration with law enforcement agencies is not required, since you are only engaged in making a key, and not opening the doors of apartments and cars (within the limits permitted by law, of course). Otherwise, registration with the police will be required.


If you do not plan to manufacture keys yourself, then you will need staff. Wage master on average is about 10,000 rubles per month, excluding a percentage of sales. An inexperienced worker should be trained to operate the machine. There are no such courses nowadays, although equipment manufacturers provide video tutorials on making keys, and in some cases they can train your workers.