Original solutions for the refrigerator. How to place a refrigerator in the corridor - planning and design tips If the kitchen is very small, then the refrigerator can be taken out to an adjacent room or corridor

AT modern houses somehow there is too much technology: TVs, and routers, and air conditioners ... Everything needs electricity, which means: sockets, wires and extension cords. If you live in a hi-tech or minimalist apartment, electrical appliances can still somehow fit into the interior. But most other styles of technique spoil. Then she wants to be removed from sight, hidden or disguised.

Hiding appliances in the kitchen

Most of the appliances are usually in the kitchen. However, this problem is now solved in the easiest way: embed everything that is possible in the kitchen, close it with the same doors as cabinets. Sold special built-in cookers and dishwashers. Even the refrigerator can be hidden in this way.

However, what if you are not going to change the kitchen, and it is not organized in a special way? Microwaves, toasters, and other small appliances can still be tucked into wall cabinets if they are the right size.

The refrigerator cannot be removed, but it can be disguised by painting it, for example, with slate paint or pasting it with self-adhesive paper. Such disguise can be subjected to various Appliances, we have written a lot about it in the article.

If your kitchen is in country style, you can hide some of the appliances behind the curtains.

We hide equipment in the rooms

TV is the biggest lover of drawing attention to itself in the living room or bedroom. It can also be "embedded", that is, hidden behind the cabinet doors and opened only for viewing.

You can also hide the TV behind a curtain or by hanging a beautiful poster of a suitable format over the screen.

The remaining options relate to masking: to create such an environment for the TV so that it does not stand out. For example, surround it with photos within the same color as its border.

Another annoying device is an Internet router. Among other things, he tends to blink, thereby drawing attention to himself even on the closet. The router can be placed in nice box, leaving holes for cooling, or cover with a book cover.

To avoid the mess created by phones, tablets and players charging at the nearest outlet, you can make a charging station. For her, both a drawer of a cabinet or a chest of drawers, and an ordinary shoe box are suitable.

The air conditioner is quite difficult to disguise, although I really want to. In order for it to work without interference, it cannot be fenced with anything. The maximum that can be done: a locker in the form of doors (with slots), but without the bottom. Then almost nothing will interfere with the air. But if such a disguise will stand out unnecessarily, it is better to abandon it altogether. Therefore, when choosing an air conditioner, look for a prettier model and the color that is in harmony with the interior. In extreme cases, the air conditioner can be painted, giving it the same color as the surrounding space.

We hide equipment in the office

You have a separate office, or just a desktop in the room, the same thing will always happen: a tangle of wires, extension cords, a printer or other office equipment.

The printer can be hidden in drawer chest of drawers, after removing the side or front wall of the drawer.

Trash can, bowl pet, electric wires- all these things do not decorate the interior at all, but only spoil it. How to disguise them and where to hide them so that they do not irritate and do not create a mess in space? We have found a number of practical and very interesting ideas!

Dirty laundry

Dirty trousers and skirts can never be part of the decor of the bathroom, so you need to try not to see them. For this, of course, there are the most common baskets for dirty laundry. But you can be more inventive and original, choose a beautiful wicker rattan basket for your interior. Eco-friendly, beautiful and practical!


But the interior of the kitchen can spoil the trash can that is in plain sight. It is reasonable to hide it and there are several places for this at once. The first and most common option is under the sink, the second is in the kitchen island, the third is roll-out under working surface(To make it convenient to remove the trimmings immediately during cooking).

Internet router

There is a router in almost every house and every apartment, they often put it in the living room and it also does not look very aesthetically pleasing. How to hide a small box with an antenna? Can do original screen in the form of book spines or even put the router in the cover from a large old book. It will turn out very original and interesting!

Air conditioning

Air conditioners are installed in different ways, sometimes they fix it on outer wall, but sometimes there is no such possibility and you have to fix it right on the window. In this case, it doesn't work very well. beautiful view from a window, which is easy to disguise with a plywood panel covered with slate or any other paint.

Electric meter

Electric meters are the biggest enemies of space in the hallway, they do not look attractive at all. But they can also be disguised! And it's very easy to do if you have wooden plank and slate paint, it will act as an organizer for notes.

Electric wires

Electrical wires, extension cords, phone chargers and USB cords can really spoil the interior picture. To prevent this from happening, it is worth coming up with a creative disguise for them. Just the cords and chargers can be folded into a beautiful basket and put on a shelf. But from the wires from the extension cord, some manage to make interesting decorative elements on the walls.

Ugly bath

If it is not possible to replace the bath, and its outer lower part is already very annoying, then you should think about inexpensive decor. For example, stitch outside old boards that stylishly decorate spaces.

Washing machine

Making a "camouflage" for a washing machine is as easy as shelling pears! This will only require adhesive tape and a little imagination. Well, you can't do without scissors either. Everything here depends entirely on the mood and style of the interior, you can cut rhombuses, circles, squares, floors and decorate with them. washing machine.

pet bowl

Pet bowls take up a lot of space in the kitchen or hallway, and don't look very pretty. For them, you can make a small roll-out panel at the bottom of the kitchen set, it will hide the bowls and make the interior neat.


Refresh the design of the refrigerator, turn it into an art object and breathe into it new life? Easily! This can be done with slate paint or adhesive tape.

How to successfully fit the refrigerator into the interior of the kitchen? We found

To save general style a kitchen set cannot avoid solving the problem of disguising a refrigerator if its appearance does not fit into the main interior design. Modern and high-tech units with many features and functions seem rough and huge if the kitchen is made in the elegant Provence or Baroque style. There are several ways to help avoid discrepancies in appearance premises and successfully arrange this necessary item in the household.

One of the most common, but also expensive options, is built-in appliances. Such a refrigerator will comfortably fit in the accessible area of ​​the kitchen, its design will be a logical continuation general interior. Depending on the needs of the family, you can purchase a kitchen with a built-in large refrigerator or a compact mini-bar. A less costly, but more time-consuming solution would be to independently embed the purchased refrigerator in the cabinet. For safe use built-in appliances at home, you should follow a few rules when installing it:

  1. The cabinet should not have a bottom; the refrigerator is installed on the floor using adjustable legs.
  2. The rear wall of such a cabinet is not mounted to ensure ventilation of the operating unit, or it must contain a grate.
  3. To create a stable structure, it is better to use the principle of a wardrobe, the doors of which are made taking into account their frequent opening and closing.

Two low refrigerators installed next to each other under the work surface look very original. This option will help eliminate height differences along the entire line of the kitchen set.

Hide in a niche

A narrow refrigerator is conveniently located in a small niche. Before installing it in a closed place, it should be possible to conveniently approach the equipment for its use, and also leave free place at the walls of the unit for ventilation.

Put in pantry

This option for installing a refrigerator is very convenient, especially if this room is located directly in the kitchen or very close to it. If there is a large pantry next to the unit, you can place shelves for storing vegetables and fruits, as well as home preservation.

Put in another room

Before taking the refrigerator out of the kitchen, you should carefully listen to the sounds that it makes. An engine that is too noisy can interfere with rest if the adjoining room is a bedroom. A popular option in new buildings and not only is the removal of the refrigerator to the insulated loggia. At the same time, before the rearrangement, a redevelopment agreed with the necessary authorities is made, which provides for the demolition of the partition between the loggia and the kitchen. This option will allow not only to move the refrigerator to a remote corner, but also to expand the space for the dining area.

Build a drywall structure around it

To implement this option, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Drywall and the walls of the refrigerator must be at a certain distance from each other - at least 5 cm for the side surfaces and 15 cm for the back.
  2. On the side on which the door is hung, it is necessary to increase the gap between the surfaces so that it opens freely.
  3. On the convenient side of the unit, you will need to install an outlet and supply electricity. If the outlet is located in an accessible place, then you will not have to move the equipment to disconnect it from the network.
  4. When constructing the upper part of the niche, you must leave a distance of at least 15 cm from the refrigerator, this will ensure normal air circulation.

When calculating the internal width and depth of the niche, it should be taken into account that the frame racks and drywall have a certain thickness. In order for the refrigerator to fit inside the building and the necessary gaps remain, the total wall thickness of the niche must be added to the initial parameters.

Install under the stairs if it is a private house

If there is a staircase in an individual residential building next to the kitchen or directly in it, then the space under it can be used to place a refrigerator. Decorative fences with doors will disguise the unit.

When choosing the installation point of the equipment, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a convenient approach to it and the free opening of the door.

For normal functioning equipment in a closed area, you need to consider the heat sink so that the unit does not overheat.

Separate freezer from refrigerator

In a small kitchen, it is not easy to place a bulky refrigerator with a freezer as a "second floor". To adjust the dimensions of the unit, you can install these parts separately. Small appliances can easily be placed under the countertop or in the cabinet. To freeze food in this case, you should buy a separate chamber, which may be located in an adjacent room.

Buy a small refrigerator

Very compact, but low-capacity units are suitable for those who live alone. This option will be acceptable in a small family where they do not like to cook at home. Some small refrigerators have a built-in freezer inside, others do not contain it at all. The mini-unit will fit in a cabinet under the window or in a cabinet under dining table. It can also be placed at the bottom of the headset under kitchen worktop. Such a decision is easily given to those who do not like to make grocery purchases for the future.


Creating a comfortable and stylish interior in the kitchen - a task that requires careful planning and resourcefulness, especially if the room has a small area. Of all the necessary interior items, the refrigerator is one of the most bulky and difficult to style.

If it is impossible to apply any of the tips listed in the article, you can make the unit an independent interior decoration by painting it in the same tone as kitchen set.

When planning your own apartment Special attention should be given to the kitchen. After all, it is there that you will eat with your family, arrange friendly gatherings, which means that the space should be comfortable, cozy and stylish. The question immediately arises of where it would be appropriate to place the refrigerator. This will be discussed in our article.

Before thinking about where to put the refrigerator, you should choose the unit that will suit your preferences and the style of your home. When choosing equipment, rely on the design of the room. So, if you have absolutely small area, then huge products simply will not suit you. must be followed and color combinations. It is worth harmoniously fitting the object into the room, and not making the technique a bright, ridiculous spot.

When choosing the location of equipment, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • Practicality. All design elements, appliances, furniture must comply with this principle. It should be convenient for each member of the family to approach the unit and use it. Also, the refrigerator should be in a place so as not to disturb anyone.
  • Consider the shape of your product. This is what you should start from when you are looking for a location for your device.
  • Consider the height of the ceiling, the size of the windows, the presence of a balcony in the kitchen, sockets.
  • It is worth remembering that do not place the refrigeration appliance near radiators, stoves. This will cause the equipment to malfunction. Do not put the unit near the window. So the product will heat up from sun rays. And do not place the item in a very humid room.

Layout and location

Modern designers offer many fresh solutions on how to arrange a refrigerator in your square meters. Among them there are both conservative options, and the most daring and original.

One of the most common options is the corner arrangement. At the same time, try to choose narrow options refrigerators. They organically fit into the space. Here you can play on color contrasts. Besides, this perfect option for small kitchen. For example, if you live in Khrushchev, you can safely use this advice. You will be able to successfully fit the unit into your layout, and the room will acquire a stylish and fashionable look. Usually in this case, the refrigerator is placed separately, at the exit. You can place it in the corner of the kitchen set, as a continuation of the composition. Wherein optimal distance before washing will be saved. By placing the unit exactly in the corners of the room, you can not only save space, but also build general concept style, choosing the right colors and sizes. Many residents of such houses tell what exactly corner models are not only optimal in order to save space, but also help to create stylish look your apartment.

Also common location refrigerator- in one line. So linear design fit for larger kitchens. Accordingly, all household appliances and headsets according to this concept you will build along the walls. You can also save space in this case by choosing the built-in model of the unit. Thus, the refrigerator will be surrounded on all sides by objects.

By the way, linear execution resonates in the hearts of many connoisseurs of style and beauty. You can, for example, put the unit on the podium, placing an additional cabinet on top. It is only important to remember the rule in time and not install the device near the sink / stove, otherwise the operation of the equipment can be quickly disrupted.

The 10-meter kitchen with a free-standing refrigerator also deserves attention. Here big square helps implement various designer fantasies. If in the middle you have dinner Zone, then it is important to balance the presence of technology at the edges of the room. All elements (wardrobe, sideboard, refrigerator, sink) should be optimally combined with each other in tone, size, width, height. If you are not sure that you can optimally plan the space yourself, then you should entrust this to experienced and qualified designers. They will advise you which option is best for you.

Another option for kitchens large sizes will be a built-in refrigerator. Of course, this option may take a few extra square meters, but it's worth it. You can choose any place where the unit will be located. At the same time, remember that embedded technology has its own characteristics. It would be right to leave small space for air circulation. Otherwise, the unit will quickly fail. Unlike previous places this arrangement allows the technique not to stand out. Thus, when the cabinet doors are closed, you will not see the unit. It is only important to choose the right size.

A creative option would be to disguise the product as a closet. This is a new and quite fashionable phenomenon. In this case, you will not violate the design of the kitchen. The wardrobe can be ordered from your favorite material and painted in your favorite shade. By the way, this embedded technology has many advantages:

  • Perfectly fit into the interior of the room, can complement it;
  • Efficient use of space - saving square meters;
  • Equipment in this form makes much less noise during operation;
  • Reliable protection against various damages.

An interesting option can be considered with two refrigerators. Moreover, it can be both built-in models and mixed ones. Everything here will depend on your area. If a square meters allow, it is possible, based on the style concept, to put the product in different angles. If the kitchen is small, the entrance hall will help out, a refrigerator is also often placed there.

If you choose a steel unit, then you should combine all the interior items, correctly fitting into the style concept. Remember that the most dangerous place- Near gas stove. If it is impossible to avoid such a neighborhood, then it is worth putting a small rack with shelves between the elements. The place where the refrigerator is located should not be warm and heat up, as the device can quickly fail.

It is also worth remembering that the unit itself must stand level, the door on the refrigerator must close tightly, open without hitting other objects. This is especially important for the good operation of the device. A few tips for those who have a too small kitchen:

  • You can pre-order a kitchen set, where there is a special niche for the refrigeration unit;
  • Discard the stove, if possible, replace it with a slow cooker;
  • A conventional stove can be changed to a built-in one. The place where the usual stove used to be located will be occupied by a refrigerator;
  • You can buy a small desktop refrigeration unit and put it under the table.

Interesting interior design ideas

Experienced designers describe various options interesting interior ideas with a refrigerator. One of the most fashion options for modern kitchens– built-in appliances, especially for indoors light colors with a niche and a pencil case. So you can effectively save space. At the same time, it is worth especially carefully calculating all the parameters with a column, the height of which will depend on the features of the kitchen design project. Usually it is made of such a height as to be on a par with the upper hanging cabinets.

Can be compiled interesting options with a metal refrigerator. It will become the highlight of your kitchen. At the same time, experts advise keeping the style in the interior. For example, it will be possible to arrange metal elements in the kitchen, products that match in color. All this will help to harmoniously fit your unit into the kitchen space.

It is worth remembering that bright hues will help visually make your room bigger. This is especially true for those who have a small kitchenette.

You can use this trick. Choose cream, white, beige shades. They will help create a visual expansion of space, the presence of light. In addition, light shades will charge you with positive emotions and set you in the right mood.

It often happens that the size and layout of the kitchen does not allow you to install a full-fledged refrigerator there. But the whole kitchen revolves around him! Yes, and I want the room to be beautiful, to produce good impression was comfortable and functional. What to do if the size of the kitchen is only 5 m 2?

With this solution, you can easily create a comfortable and functional interior.

Ways to place the refrigerator:

  • If there is a small pantry next to the kitchen, the refrigerator can be placed there;
  • Disguising a refrigerator as a closet in the hallway or corridor;
  • Combination of kitchen with loggia.

One of the most acceptable and less expensive options is to place a refrigerator in the hallway. Yes, at first it seems that it is a little unusual, but over time you will find that it is convenient. In addition, the choice is small, when you have to choose between appliances that should be placed in the kitchen: a stove or a refrigerator.

Ways to place a refrigerator in the corridor:

  • In a special cabinet, which was made to order;
  • In the corridor niche;
  • In a small corridor closet.

Placing a refrigerator in a closet has a number of advantages: a significant area of ​​​​space is freed up in the kitchen, a lot of light, a built-in refrigerator will not bother anyone. At the same time, the cabinet will continue to perform all its functions. You need to personally decide what cabinet design you want to see in your home.

hallway design with fridge

There are various design options.


  1. If you decide to place the refrigerator outside the cabinet walls, great solution may be the construction of a small "window" in the corridor. This is done for a more convenient supply of products.
  2. When choosing refrigerator compartment it is worth considering the design of the hallway. Due to this, the refrigerator will fit perfectly into the room.
  3. Place the refrigerator so that it does not block the aisles.

The basic rules for installing a refrigerator in the corridor: silent operation of the unit, the design of the refrigerator is selected in accordance with the design of the room; correct location.

Washing machine in the hallway: is it worth it

The washing machine has become an indispensable thing in our time. However, at small sizes bathroom, it can easily not fit there. The corridor comes to the rescue. Should I put a washing machine in the hallway?

Installation rules washing machine in small corridor or hallway:

  • Convenient location. The unit will not block the passages.
  • Correct placement of communications.
  • Suitable corridor sizes.
  • The right choice of technology - you should choose narrow models.
  • Compliance with the design of the room.
  • Compliance with the requirements of SNiP.

By adhering to these rules, you will be able to correctly mark the washing machine in the hallway. Correct connection washing machine is as follows. If the corridor is located next to the bathroom, then holes must be made in the wall, and hoses should be placed and connected through it. Another option is to hide all the hoses in flooring. This option requires more costs than the first one.

Connecting communications is possible using:

  • Squeeze sleeve, which is mounted in the pipe;
  • Fitting, when connected to a metal-plastic pipe;
  • A tee that connects to a sink or bath faucet.

If you decide to mount the washing machine in a closet, then you should take care of the presence of an outlet.

Installing a washing machine in a corridor closet

How to hide the unit? There are many different options.

For example:

  1. Placement of the washing machine in the closet. In this case, the cabinet will continue to perform its main function.
  2. Hiding a typewriter in a pencil case is one of the most best options placement of the machine. Built-in wall cabinet does not take up much space and is easy to use.
  3. Place the machine in a small bedside table.
  4. Placement behind a curtain is a very convenient option, so the machine will not attract much attention.
  5. Do not hide the machine at all.

Of course, the last option does not look aesthetically pleasing at all, and it should be used already in a hopeless situation.

Layout of the hallway with a refrigerator in the closet (video)

As you can see, if the dimensions of the room do not allow you to install the right technique in the kitchen or bath, you can place it in the hallway or hallway. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules, and then the technique will not attract too much attention and will last for many years.