Terracotta color in clothes. Terracotta color: photos in the interior, color options and fashion accessories What does terracotta color mean

Terracotta is one of the coziest and warmest colors, because in fact it is a variation of the red hue, which is considered the natural color of the earth. In fact, variations of terracotta can be quite diverse, from dark brown to coral and light brown. This color is associated with modern fashionistas mainly with autumn, more precisely with autumn foliage.

This noble rich color symbolizes confidence and stability. From a psychological point of view, terracotta will be able to calm the interlocutor and set him in the mood you need, so this color should be worn if you are going to meet a person who clearly has some negative feelings for you. The person next to you will feel protected on a subconscious level, and this is very important both at business meetings and, for example, on a date.

Appearance color and color type

  • Spring. People of this color type have pale skin, easily tanned with a lot of moles and freckles. The eyes are also light, such as blue or light green. Hair is usually light shades: blond, light brown, light brown and so on. The terracotta color is perfect for people of the spring color type, it will be in perfect harmony with such an appearance. A variety of terracotta-colored accessories will also look advantageous.

  • Summer. The skin of the owners of this type of appearance is also quite pale. Sometimes with a bluish undertone. The hair is usually light blond, with age it can darken to chestnut. The eyes are the same as those of people with the Spring color type. Unfortunately, terracotta color does not suit such people, clothes of this color should be avoided, which cannot be said about accessories, they can complement any of your looks.

  • Autumn. This color type is characterized by golden skin that tans beautifully. Hair can be red, brown, blond, but even blondes with this type of appearance will cast their hair red in the sun. The eyes are mostly olive, deep blue, bright green. Terracotta color for such people - just what the doctor ordered. Feel free to dilute your wardrobe with it, especially with light shades of this color.

  • Winter. The skin is porcelain white, sometimes olive. Her hair is dark brown, black, rarely platinum blonde. The eyes are mostly brown, may be cold shades. Terracotta color and such people will be most welcome. The main thing is to choose brighter shades of our color.

So, after we figured out who really suits terracotta, we can conclude that the aforementioned color, due to the variety of its shades, will suit everyone. Some prefer light, some dark.

How to combine

Terracotta shades are rarely found in the wardrobe of modern girls, because they treat it quite carefully, and rightly so. The most difficult thing is to choose colors that terracotta will go well with. To facilitate your task when choosing the colors of clothes that will go well with it, we will analyze the most relevant symbioses.

  • Terracotta + white. Perhaps the best combination, because there is no color more versatile than white. You will look your best if one of these two colors prevails over the other. It is most important. For example, knitted sweaters with terracotta skirts will look great. White shirts are a well-known classic that will harmonize perfectly with trousers or skirts in our trendy color. A white dress with a bag and terracotta shoes will not leave you unattended at any event. After all, such a combination will suit almost every one of us, no matter what color type we belong to.

  • Terracotta + blue. Very stylish combination, and most importantly, unusual. If you choose less intense things in such a symbiosis, then this will be a wonderful option for a walk in the park with a coffee or meeting with friends. Jeans, a white T-shirt and a terracotta jacket or cardigan, and you are ready to enchant everyone who crosses your path. If you choose more saturated shades, you get an excellent set for going to a social event. For example, blue trumpet trousers, a terracotta-colored T-shirt, blue accessories and the image is ready.

  • Terracotta + black. The option preferred by vamp women. This combination is perfect for the office if the dress code is not strict. A black dress in a business style will perfectly complement a terracotta-colored jacket or a black skirt and a terracotta turtleneck and vice versa. The combination of these colors is a great option for a casual look. For example, a black jumpsuit and black slip-ons will look great with an elongated jacket.

  • Terracotta + green. This combination of colors looks expensive and stylish. The most important thing is to add a third participant to such a tandem, for example, beige or brown. An interesting fact is that a purple accent can make your terracotta green look unique.

  • Terracotta + red. An interesting choice, but be sure to dilute this fiery set with a light color so as not to look like a bright rippled spot.

  • Terracotta + gray. If you want to add depth to your terracotta look, pair it with dark gray. So, for example, a gray dress with a bag and a terracotta-colored scarf will look great together.

  • Terracotta + beige. This is a great combination for the office. Despite the brightness of terracotta, beige can make your look really gentle. A terracotta-colored dress with a beige jacket and shoes will look great together, but you can get a more relaxed look if you combine a beige coat with a terracotta set.

So, the most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment with colors, new combinations and accents. Unfortunately, terracotta is not considered the “second black” now, and it’s hard to find it in the wardrobe of modern fashionistas. But, in spite of everything, the terracotta color can perfectly emphasize your bright personality and help you stand out from the crowd.

If you are not a fan of bright experiments, then, in any case, you should not refuse terracotta accessories, they go well with almost any color. A pair of terracotta-colored shoes or a handbag will not become superfluous in your wardrobe and will attract admiring glances to you at any event, be it a business meeting or going to a nightclub.

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Color is of great importance not only for the aesthetic perception of the interior, but also for the psychological state of the residents. It is for this reason that it is so important to choose the right scale for the design of each room. Today we will talk about how terracotta color affects our emotional state. Photos in the interior using its variations, discussion of suitable styles and other nuances - in our material.

Terracotta shade will make your interior hospitable and cozy

The name of the terracotta color in Latin translates as "burnt earth". In nature, terracotta is the color of a clay pot fired in a kiln. Its shades range from muted orange to red-brown. Here you can find both carrot and calm orange, brick, autumn leaf color and other rich tones.

It is believed that this color gives warmth and comfort. It is used not only in interior design - terracotta can be found in clothes and even in the color of modern cars. This is how the gradient table of this color looks like

What does the terracotta color look like in the interior for various purposes?

Warm shades of terracotta look good in combination with stone, wood, textiles and ceramics. To make the color look expensive, it is better to use matte surfaces, glossy terracotta looks defiant. The combination of terracotta walls with textiles made from natural materials looks colorful. In this case, curtains or upholstery may have a patterned pattern.

If you are faced with the task of decorating a spacious room with windows facing the sunny side, do not be afraid to use terracotta as the main tone. For small rooms, it is better to use this shade as an additional one or opt for its light variations. Light ones will visually expand the area, the ornaments in the Moroccan style look especially original.

Expert point of view

Yaroslav Galaiko

Lead Designer and Head of Ecologica Interiors Studio

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“When deciding to use brown-orange, take into account not only the size of the room, but also its artificial and natural light.”

And now it's time to show how the terracotta color looks in rooms for various purposes.

Terracotta entrance hall

Dark terracotta color in the living room

Dark shades of the selected color are suitable for large rooms, such as. They add warmth and comfort to the room. You will appreciate this range if you often find it cool in winter evenings. If your living room is located in the house, you can afford it, finished with natural stone, it will go well with the main color.

Feel free to use dark or light in natural wood tones - it will organically fit into the interior. To dilute, you can add bright accessories in matching tones. How it will look as a result, look at these photos.

Light terracotta color in the bedroom

Light has a comfortable rest, for this reason, light shades of terracotta should be used here. Calm tones are suitable for walls, this is one of the most successful options. Against such a background, you can arrange dark furniture and use bright textiles: pillows, bedspreads. Against the background of light terracotta, a carved headboard made of natural wood and various little things in contrasting colors will look great: vases, lamps, photo frames.

An interesting idea for bedroom design is the use of light gray in combination with terracotta. Given the versatility of color, you can arrange white furniture in the bedroom. Luxury will add a little gilding. Examples of such bedrooms in the photo.

Terracotta color: photo in the interior of the children's room

In the interior, terracotta can only be light - dark shades are not suitable in principle. How bright the color should be, decide for yourself. Too aggressive orange can prevent a child from concentrating on homework. But calm tones, on the contrary, will increase the attention and perseverance of your baby.

It is better to use a combination of terracotta with delicate greenery and golden yellow in the design of the room. Boys can be combined with blue and blue. In both the first and second versions, the interior should be diluted with milky white. In practice, it will look something like this.

Kitchen decoration with pumpkin-carrot shades

Cheerful warm orange tones are very suitable for a "hot" shop. They can be used in furniture, textiles and utensils. A good idea for romantic natures is the light pastel color of the walls with a touch of ocher and the floors in the color of natural fired ceramics. For a spacious one, you can use a darker tone, embellishing it with the purity of white and vibrant greenery. Kitchens in terracotta tones in the photo gallery.

Bathroom in brick color

Why not? Brick red looks good in composition with white tiles and chrome plumbing. You can use it not as a main color, but in bright details: towels, mirror frames or ornaments. The brick color will organically fit into the modern one, and more delicate tones will decorate the vintage design.

Terracotta in a different version

The discussed tone can be applied not only in the design of the walls. It will look good in furniture, textiles and accessories. Depending on the main solution, you can choose bright or calmer shades.

Many people will not be able to quickly answer the question:terracotta color - what is it? And it’s completely in vain, because it is widely used by designers in the development of interiors: with a successful combination with other colors, it can bring brightness and elegance to any apartment.

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Terracotta - what color is it?

Let's start with an explanationwhat does terracotta look like. It is considered to be a combination of red and brown.However, there are dozens of shades, so orange, brick, peach, carrot and many other colors can be attributed to terracotta.

Attention!Terracotta color owes its name to the Latin word terra, which translates as "earth". Indeed, in the places where this word appeared, it is krasnozems that are often found.

The color is visually appealing. On the one hand, it is bright, which allows it to bring liveliness and elegance to any room. On the other hand, it does not look aggressive, unlike red and bright orange. That is why the useterracotta colors in the interiorgaining such popularity today. Many architects actively use it in the design of residential premises. Furniture, walls, floors - all this can be a bright addition if you choose the right shade.

The opinion of psychologists

When choosing the right colors for decorating your home, you need to carefully consider the pros and cons. Moreover, it is simply impossible to give universal advice here - it all depends on the temperament and character of the person.

It has long been proven that the colors surrounding a person have a significant impact on his behavior, ability to work and the ability to relax.

But here you have to rely on internal sensations.

One person, being in a room decorated in one color for a long time, feels peace and tranquility. On the other hand, such a design will have the opposite effect - even after a long rest, he will feel tired.

Approach the choiceterracotta wall paintshould be careful, if only because today experts distinguish more than fifty of its shades.

Dark terracottais used relatively rarely and never as a primary color. Rather dark, aggressive and oppressive, it can suit a strong, active person, but only in the workplace. In apartments, it is used only in cases where you need to highlight some area, focus on a specific detail.

It has quite different propertieslight terracotta color. This is a light, pleasant, almost pastel shade that can become the main one both in the workplace and in the living room or kitchen. Feeding the residents with energy, it will improve mood, cheer up and simply make you feel better. But there are also places where it should be used with extreme caution - a children's room and a bedroom.

How to get the right color

Have you decided to make repairs in the apartment on your own and want to use the terracotta color in the interior? Good decision. But for this you need to knowhow to get terracotta color. At first glance, there is nothing complicated here.

Usually experts call terracotta a brown shade of red.Therefore, the main colors to be mixed are red and brown.

But what should be the proportion? It depends on what shade you want to get. The more red paint in the can, the more aggressive the color will be.

Increasing the amount of brown impurity reduces the aggressiveness, but the result is a slightly gloomy tint.

But the experiments don't end there. In some cases, you also have to add orange paint to make the shade brighter and more saturated. The addition of yellow is also quite justified: you can get light, light and attractive tones.

Of course, mixing a large amount of paint at once is not worth it - in case of failure, you will waste a lot of expensive material in vain. Therefore, it is better to experiment with a relatively small amount of paint and mix it in a convenient container. Having received the desired shade and knowing the proportions, you can easily get the right amount of material that meets your requirements -how to make terracotta color,you already know.

What colors match terracotta in the interior

Amateur designers rarely use this color in the design of living spaces. Which is understandable - if you use it incorrectly, then it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect.

You need to have considerable experience, as well as a good design flair, so that it opens up before you in all its glory.What is combined with terracotta in the interior?

Do not use it with bright colors (red, bright yellow, orange or deep green).

Firstly, these paints will look ridiculous next to him, losing all their attractiveness. Secondly, the terracotta color is muted by such bright neighbors and will not be able to demonstrate all its beauty.

Important!By adding a small amount of white elements (flower pots, lamps, doorways) to the terracotta interior, you will achieve a wonderful effect - the prevailing color will become more contrasting and lighter.

It looks completely different in combination with shades such as coffee with milk or creme brulee. Muted, non-aggressive colors allow terracotta to show maximum depth.

An unusual combination, reminiscent of the romance of the East, is obtained by combining it with black. For example, a black leather sofa looks simply luxurious against a terracotta wall, regardless of the chosen shade.

Terracotta for living room

Living room in terracotta colorwill immediately demonstrate cheerfulness, combined with self-confidence. No variegated colors and shades - only a slightly muted color filled with vitality.

Of course, it can be combined with other colors. But not all combinations will be successful. Let's talk about the most common of them.

  1. Terracotta and berry shades. A good choice for people who want to decorate their homes in an ethnic style, such as Arabic or Persian.brick shadeterracotta will perfectly complement the color of sea buckthorn, peach or raspberry.
  2. Terracotta, orange and beige. The combination is more reminiscent of exotic Africa. It will be difficult to illuminate such a room: it always seems that there is not enough light. Therefore, you will need not only basic lighting, but also several sconces and lamps.
  3. Terracotta, amber and brown shades. A great choice if you want your interior to literally glow. Using differentshades of terracotta, you can achieve the desired result. And dark brown will successfully set off light terracotta and amber.
  4. Terracotta, beige and smoky. A very bold decision for self-confident people. Beige and smoky furniture or curtains will successfully dilute the rich color of the wallpaper and floor, making the interior of the room even more refined and sophisticated.
  5. Terracotta, creamy, linen, coral. A difficult combination, smacking of romance, the late Middle Ages. Take care of the presence of light curtains, frills and numerous pillows on the sofa and armchairs.

A dark terracotta shade is best used for flooring, while light shades have proven themselves to be the main color for walls and even ceilings.

Of course, it is not necessary to use this color as the main one during repairs. It can also be helpful. For example,terracotta sofa in the interior of the living room, decorated in turquoise or blue tones, will be a good solution.

Terracotta for the bedroom

The use of this color in the bedroom is a very bold decision. Especially if we talk about wallpaper or floors, and not just about individual elements of decor. But if you choose suitable pastel shades and colors that successfully complement them, then the effect will be wonderful.

  1. Light terracotta color with a pinkish tint. With moderate lighting, the bedroom will look especially cozy - warm and at the same time calm. Relaxing in such a room is pleasant and easy.
  2. Light terracotta color with an orange tint. The color will always be especially warm, it will help you recharge your batteries after a hard day's work. But using cold tones in such a bedroom, including pure white, is not worth it. It is better to choose beige.
  3. Terracotta color and textured surfaces. Like most natural colors, terracotta is best displayed as fluffy, rough, or raised textures. But with gloss, it does not combine at all. It is undesirable to use shiny elements or silk.
  4. Terracotta and vanilla. A great solution for people who want to demonstrate their love of life. Red looks too vulgar. But terracotta combines rage, striving for the future, restlessness with calm natural tones. Well, vanilla will be able to shade it favorably.

Important!Should not be appliedterracotta curtains in the bedroom- in intense natural light, they will immerse the room in eerie red tones.

Terracotta for the kitchen

But terracotta kitchen- Definitely a good find. Here people refuel with energy for the whole day, and bright shades will perfectly help them with this. It is no coincidence that many small restaurants and cafes with light subdued lighting have terracotta elements in the interior.

  1. Terracotta and gold. A truly royal combination. It looks very bright and even solemn. An excellent solution would be to use brass decorative elements - they will emphasize the refined taste of the owners.
  2. Terracotta and coffee with milk. Reminiscent of classic Italian style. True, it is not suitable for all kitchens - only for spacious ones. The standard kitchen area is from 4 to 6 square meters. m will look even more cramped.

Terracotta bathroom

Tired of the standard white, yellowish or blue tones in the bathroom? What can you say about terracotta?Light, close to pastel shades will make the bathroom more refined and visually warm.

  • Terracotta and copper. Copper-coated faucets and sanitary ware perfectly complement the main color of the finish, creating a particularly harmonious and attractive room.
  • Terracotta, wenge and beige. It is also a pretty good combination, but you will have to find suitable wooden furniture for the bathroom - not in all apartments and houses it is spacious enough for this.

Terracotta for children

In children's rooms, the use of such colors is not desirable. But if you decide on a bold experiment, use only lightterracotta wallpaper in the interior, and refuse saturated and dark ones.

  1. Terracotta and white. Looks elegant and mature at the same time. White curtains, tulle and even a canopy will make the interior lighter and weightless.
  2. Terracotta and light green shades. A very successful combination - lightness, beauty and playfulness will surely please your children, and contrasting colors will emphasize your impeccable taste.

Terracotta entrance hall

The color is easy to perceive, so using it in the design of the room where guests enter in the first place can be called a good solution. However, avoid dark tones. Light shades are better suited, making the room warmer and more spacious. Dark, close to brown tones, on the contrary, visually reduce the size of the room.

Terracotta living room furniture

Whether to use terracotta-colored furniture in the living room is a rather difficult question. Much depends on which color is the main one and which shade attracts you. In any case, you should choose one of the two options. Firstly, furniture can complement the main interior, matching it in color. Secondly, she can set it off by having a completely opposite color, for example, a combination of light brick with cold turquoise.

Now you are well aware of this amazing color. You know,what is combined with terracotta in the interiorand how to achieve the desired shade.

Terracotta color in the interior is a balance of colors dictated by nature itself. Excessively light colors make the room more spacious, but it is easy to get lost in them and it is difficult to feel cozy. Bright colors give vivacity, but sometimes we need rest and comfort. Using a variety of terracotta colors, you can get a calm and welcoming home design.

What color is terracotta?

Terracotta, born from the union of red and brown, is warm and cozy. At the same time, it has amazing depth. In wall decoration you will meet it infrequently and that's good - your design will be special. H in fact, terracotta is the name of the shade of unfired clay brick, in fact it is a brick range.

It is a deep color with no claim to superiority, but this is its original beauty. The brick interior goes well with folk-style items - from African to Japanese motifs. It is recommended to use a maximum of natural materials and a minimum amount of gloss. This applies to textiles, furniture, wall and floor finishes, where it is best to choose a matte surface.

Terracotta color in the interior is not at all limited to one shade, as some people think. The combination with other colors gives rise to a juicy palette - terracotta with different concentrations of red and brown, as well as pink-scarlet and orange.

Pink is coldish, orange is too bright, but they harmoniously complement the brick range. Arriving at a house decorated in such shades, you will feel comfortable - it seems to embrace with its warmth and depth.

What colors are best to combine

Terracotta color is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It does not go well with bright artificial colors, which make it boring, and at the same time look ridiculous. You should not make such an interior more original by adding bright purple pillows or a neon light green lamp. But calm shades of green, purple and blue will be quite appropriate.

Taken from the earth, because "terra" is translated from Latin as "earth", with natural shades. You can safely use the whole gamut of red-brown - from coffee with milk to real red.

Lighten up the thick brick color of the room with white accessories or trims - it will immediately become lighter.

It is very beautiful to combine terracotta with a light range of “delicious” shades - milky, creme brulee or coffee with milk. A bold and bright duet will turn out with a stylish solution in an oriental spirit. Also remember that dark, thick terracotta colors need to be lightened - a white ceiling or doorway trim. Delicate and warm terracotta coloring of the walls is perfectly combined with neat snow-white friezes.

Terracotta color in the interior of the house

What is the best room to decorate in brick color? In individual elements, it can be used for any room, but the ideal place for such a palette is the living room or bedroom.

Living room

If you choose a terracotta color for your living room, then the guests, coming to your house, will immediately feel your calm and cheerful nature. Such a person does not want to express himself through flashy bright colors - he is already confident enough in himself, but without exaltation.

But from psychology to design - brick tones in the interior of the living room must be correctly and harmoniously distributed. To do this, you need to decide which shade is suitable for walls, furniture, textiles and accessories.

Use a simple rule:

  • use light shades to decorate the walls;
  • for floors, furniture and other design elements - more saturated.

For example, a soft sofa in a textile upholstery of a juicy brick-scarlet color scheme will look luxurious, but for the walls it will be a mistake - in the mass this color will look like bloody. The walls are best decorated in the lightest and most delicate shades of terracotta.

Delicate blue or turquoise accents will bring a touch of ease and romance.

Wooden furniture always goes well with brick finishes. Dark wood and white painted are the best options.

And of course accessories for the living room:

  • clay vases;
  • natural carpets and skins;
  • paintings in bright yellow-red and terracotta tones;
  • textiles in natural shades.

The natural game will be played to the end if natural materials are used as materials: linen, cotton and wood. Luxurious linen curtains and upholstered furniture in natural upholstery are very relevant in this color scheme - it will balance the design. The same principles as for the living room can be successfully used for the kitchen - a cozy and pleasant atmosphere is provided.


Relaxing harmonious terracotta color is well suited for the bedroom. The main difference between the design of the bedroom and the living room is the contrast of colors. The bedroom should be much lighter, for this reason, rich shades of color are best used for furniture upholstery, pillows, curtains and small design elements. As the main one, choose the palest range in the terracotta palette - these are colors close to cream.

To strengthen and emphasize the chosen direction, use the following techniques:

  • furniture with textile upholstery and wooden elements of deep dark color;
  • dark wooden accessories - cornice, picture frame, etc.

The combination of terracotta and gray looks unusually beautiful and even intriguing - use a gray bedspread or curtains. Light furniture from pure white to ivory is a great choice for a bedroom in terracotta colors. It will bring a light and relaxed atmosphere to the solidity of the brick range.


The traditional terracotta color in the interior of the bathroom is a bit boring, unless you are an irreparable conservative. But bright variations of this palette with the addition of orange and pink-scarlet colors can create an interesting designer bathroom. But these colors are quite bright, and the shine of the tile will only enhance them. Use this color technique for the walls in doses to create a comfortable room.

Terracotta scarlet colors are a great choice for creative people - it can be a bathroom in this color or even ceramic tiles. Sometimes you can see terracotta-carrot shades in the design of the bathroom, but in combination with gloss, this color is overly intrusive.

Taste this mysterious and deep terracotta color in the design of your home. As a result, you will have a warm, sunny and cozy home - a blissful atmosphere for a family nest. In addition, this palette never gets bored or boring, because it is natural for our eyes.

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The harmony of colors, which are dictated by nature itself, is the terracotta color in the interior. This is a pretty popular solution. Due to too light colors, the room becomes visually larger and more spacious, but in such rooms it is easy to get lost and feel cozy.

But rich bright colors can give you vivacity, although sometimes you need a little rest in a comfortable room. If you use different colors, combining them, then you will get some kind of harmony. Thanks to the terracotta range, you can get a seasoned, calm and harmonious design of the room.

How to experiment with colors? What is terracotta? What can it be combined with? You will learn all this from this article.

Incomprehensible terracotta shade

Have you heard of the existence of a terracotta shade? A few years earlier, he was quite popular. Terracotta color in the interior was used with success. Our days are no exception. How can you describe it? In some ways, it resembles desert sand - a harmonious ratio of red and brown colors.

The tint is pleasant. Experts note that terracotta has amazing depth. It is clear that most often classic colors are used for interior decoration. But then your design will be original and special. Simply put, terracotta is a shade of unbaked clay bricks. On the photo you can see what it looks like.

The terracotta is quite deep and is not strongly expressed against the general background. Therein lies its charm. It goes well with other colors. The brick style design is suitable for African, Oriental or Japanese styles.

Terracotta requires that the room uses as many natural materials as possible, with a low combination of gloss. We are talking about textiles, furniture, ceilings and walls. To finish all elements, the use of matte surfaces is recommended.

Accent! Terracotta color in the interior is far from one standard shade, as is commonly believed. Combining with other suitable color schemes produces a colorful palette. It turns out a different concentration of red and brown shades, as well as scarlet pink and orange.

Pink is cold, and orange is quite bright, but in combination with each other, they go well with the brick scale. When you come into the house after a hard day at work, this design will create a feeling of comfort, hugging you with its warmth and depth, as seen in this photo.

What can be combined with terracotta color

Terracotta is not as simple as it seems. It looks ridiculous with bright artful shades that make it boring. Yes, and they themselves do not look very good in the overall picture. For example, using a bright purple color to give originality is completely inappropriate. Purple pillows or curtains won't brighten up your home. What color goes with terracotta? For example, it is recommended to use calm shades of green, blue or purple, as in the photo below.

And also we mentioned that terracotta is in perfect harmony with natural shades. After all, the word "terra" itself is translated as earth. Therefore, you can safely add a full range of red-brown shades to the interior: from coffee with milk to real red.

Advice! White accessories and finishing elements will help to dilute the thick brick color of the room. It will perfectly complement the overall picture, making the room lighter and brighter. You can see this effect in the photo below.

The combination of terracotta with light shades is obtained in an original way: milky tones, beige, coffee with milk or creme brulee. Those who consider themselves very bold can use a duet of terracotta and black. So, you will achieve the motives of the Eastern peoples. Pretty stylish solution. But, the whole room should not consist only of these colors. Then the picture will be gloomy. Dilute the interior with something light, such as white doorways, furniture or ceiling trim.

Knowing such subtleties, you can create a unique design of the room. And how to make separate rooms in the house? Let's find out.

Terracotta color for the living room

It is noteworthy that the terracotta color is suitable for any of the rooms of an apartment or house. Let's start with the living room. By decorating this room in such a color scheme, guests will feel your cheerful and calm nature. The person who designed the room in this way does not want to express himself through bright colors, because he is confident in himself. At the same time, there is no self-exaltation.

Terracotta soft color in the interior of the living room can say a lot about the owner. But, we will not develop the topic of psychology and proceed to design. Brick color must be rationally distributed. You should find out in advance what shade you will make walls, furniture, ceilings, textiles and accessories.

There are two simple rules:

  1. For wall decoration it is recommended to choose light colors.
  2. For flooring, design elements and other accessories (furniture, paintings) - rich shades.

For example, buying a brick-red sofa would be the right decision, but making the walls that color is a big mistake.

Light! Turquoise and blue accents create a relaxed and romantic atmosphere.

Wooden furniture will be in perfect harmony with the brick finish. The dark color will fit well into the overall picture. You can see this in the photo below.

For the living room, you can use the following accessories:

  • clay vases;
  • textiles in natural shades;
  • carpets and skins;
  • paintings in a yellow, red or terracotta frame.

To complete the overall picture, add upholstered furniture, linen curtains and other decorative elements. In the same way, you can design a kitchen.

We decorate the bedroom

The bedroom is made for relaxation. Terracotta color fits perfectly into the bedroom. The only difference between the design of the living room and the bedroom is the contrast of shades.

To enhance and emphasize the direction, use furniture with wood elements and dark-colored textile upholstery. Accessories: cornice, paintings, frames should be dark.

As an option - use terracotta and gray. It goes well with the terracotta shade. The result is pretty good. You can buy gray curtains or a bedspread.

bathroom design

Using the traditional terracotta color for a bathtub is boring. Better suited bright shades of the palette, with the inclusion of pink, scarlet or orange.

The bath will turn out interesting and unusual. Due to the brightness of the colors and the brilliance of the tiles, the effect will be enhanced. Therefore, it is better to do such a design not entirely, but in parts (dosed), to create a comfortable room.


If you like experiments, then why not decorate your house in this style? As a result, you will get a cozy, bright and warm home with a comfortable atmosphere of oriental culture. This palette will not get bored, as it is natural to our eyes.