Everything you need Catherine. Kitchen appliances to the country. Everything you need. What to take on a trip with a child

Keep this list and refer back to it periodically throughout your life journey.

Guy Seregin

To not feel like life is passing you by.
To understand that you are the same Real Man, about whom they make films and about whom all the virgins of Northern Butovo dream.
To not regret missed chances.
In order not to be silent in the company when your friends lie about their exploits.
So that there is something to write about in your memoirs (assuming even for a minute that you will write them).
In order, dying, to look around your creative path with a dull look and say: “Khy! Descendants, give me another bottle of Guinness, a vessel, and you can get out of the ward. I do not regret anything".
In general, in order to fulfill the duty destined for a man by nature,

need at least once in a lifetime...


case of beer in one sitting. By oneself.

start up

a fight in a bar - with the collapse of furniture and breaking dishes. Get out of there alive.

get lost

in the taiga, get lost there for a week and go out to the people.


in an amateur porn movie.


1928 convertible and try to bring it to life.


swear at least one child.


three kilograms of black caviar with a spoon from a jar.

to do

having sex on your own boss's desk. Do not wipe the table afterwards.


by car from a police chase.


in group sex (composition of the group - at least five people).

burst into tears

on the chest of the bartender and tell him a long story of your life full of instructive examples, monstrous mistakes and absurd accidents.

wake up

in the morning in shorts on a bench in front of Notre Dame de Paris and never remember how you got to France.


fox terrier sideburns just to make sure you look really bad in them.


car and drive it with all the dope into Gelendvagen.

give advice

the patrol that stopped you should not climb into your trunk, because you have been carrying this guy for the third month and he is clearly not fresh.

to accept

giving birth on the street with a handkerchief and a set of wrenches.

paste up

in your entrance there are announcements that a giant karakurt spider has escaped from your aquarium.


himself handcuffed to the door of Greenpeace - in a mink coat over his naked body, with posters "Death to the whales!" and “Give us atomic energy!” in hand.

cut out

jigsaw or anything.


to the presidential elections and torture local employees for a long time, who is this president and why is he needed.



with a parachute. (We don’t know why this is necessary, but in some tourist brochure we read that every real man should skydive at least once. So, just in case, we entered this item.)

get stuck

in an elevator for the night with three claustrophobic blondes.


upside down under the belly of a wildly galloping horse, while firing from two pistols.


friend from frostbite: “We drove off the highway and got stuck in some forest at night because we ran out of gas. Out of grief, we drank the bottle of vodka we had, after which Semyon fell asleep right in the snow. I realized that he was about to freeze, so I began to insulate him - I wrapped newspapers, rugs around him, and even cut off the leatherette upholstery from the front seats, because I remembered how important it was to cover the freezing person with heat-insulating material. I only guessed that it was possible to build a fire when it started to get light” (Dmitry Zurkevich, Moscow, 34 years old).

come in

to the Catholic Church. Admit that you are possessed by the devil and ask to be exorcised.


torture in the dungeons. Don't tell anyone.

sit down

at the photocopier, take off your pants and take some pictures. Send to all offices of your company.

go off

to the studio of intimate hairstyles design and make yourself multi-colored dreadlocks.


girl showing her own x-rays.


clinical death, return safely from oblivion and inform others that you were proclaimed a saint there.


ten kilos of peanuts for a bet in ten minutes.


along the Golden Ring... Hmmm... No, I don't think so. Cross out.


several familiar masters of martial arts dress up as transvestites. To go in this form to a place of accumulation of skinheads and, having waited for aggression on their part, to beat everyone mercilessly.

break in

into a flaming building and take out the burned-out fireman from there.


hammer at least one computer, after a crappy piece of iron hangs at the most inopportune moment.


friends, business partners and your bank have the maximum amount of money, add to them all your own savings, go to the casino and put everything at zero at once. (This Deed should be one of the last to plan - at the very end of your biography.)


sperm donor.

log off

in a chat under a female (very sexy) nickname and say rare nasty things to idiots who will rush to flirt with you.


pet and give it the nickname "Dirty Bastard". Regularly go for a walk with him and call the pet to you every time you catch up with some unpleasant passerby. (It is desirable that the animal weighs at least seventy kilograms and has at least forty teeth.)


in your best suit to a women's TV talk show and reveal that you're still a virgin.


at a sadomasochist party and take part in their games.


universe from death.




15 days for hooligan behavior in a public place.


on a fucking rhinoceros: “In the Palanga Zoo, rhinos are housed in a low concrete pool. There were three of them - and one stood, leaning sideways against the side. I don’t know what pulled me, but I jumped off the side right onto his back. The beast walked a few meters and stopped. And so well that she squeezed my leg between the wall and her carcass. And the second rhinoceros at that time came up from behind, climbed on mine and began to have sex with him, sniffing in my ear. The ministers dragged me out, and I paid a fine of 30 dollars” (Albert Tarasov, Tver, 30 years old).


the phrases "I love you" and "How does it unzip?" in Finnish, Chinese and Hungarian.


intimacy with a woman on December 31 in the presidential box of the Bolshoi Theater during the ballet The Nutcracker.


secretly who know each other.

climb up

down the drainpipe to the second floor with two bottles of champagne.

reach out

penis to the tip of your nose.

fly off

into space and eat all the tubes of beer and vobla.


in the women's bath.


to a restaurant with an unlimited number of approaches to the buffet and spend time there from breakfast to dinner.


on the sex of two lesbians and ensure that they now and irrevocably change their orientation.


to another country, knock on the first house you come across and get fed.

holidays, obligatory
to visit

King's birthday, Amsterdam

On April 30, Amsterdam turns into a huge bazaar - everyone sells anything on the streets. Music, dancing, beer, flower parades.

Love Parade, Berlin

A magnificent orgy of lovers of "techno" and other areas of extreme music. It takes place in July, in the form of a procession. You can hooligan - the police stations are still crowded.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

It takes place in the last week of February. The main event is a two-day dance marathon. It is forbidden to be completely naked, but the girls get by with patches of plaster, and there are tens of thousands of these girls. The main thing - do not stop.

Mardi Grass, New Orleans

The apogee of the holiday is the week before Lent. Wizards, booze, sex on the streets, and all - in the name of Christianity! He who does not fulfill his duty in the crowd is doomed to eternal torment in paradise.

Paratrooper Day, Moscow

Gorky Park, 2 August. A unique chance to test how cool these guys are and try your hand (for the last time).


So that at the same time do not spit at all.

write down

girlfriend's orgasmic screams and use them as a greeting on your answering machine.


treasure and draw up an accurate map of its location.


boss, without worrying at this moment about career consequences.

to invite

a bearded friend to visit and secretly feed diphenhydramine. While he sleeps, shave off his beard and stick on a pre-prepared artificial one.

show up

to a reunion of graduates, dressed up as a bum.


crazy night with all your ex-wives and girlfriends at the same time.


race car test drive.



to a psychoanalyst and lie to him about your alleged incest, murder and acts of bestiality. Then honestly follow all the advice that the specialist will give you.

wake up

in the same bed with a complete stranger.


to the twelfth floor without an elevator, a concert grand piano - in the company of another similar amateur loader.

to do

having sex in complete silence while the girl's parents are in the next room watching the news.


nuances of the Schrödinger wave equation with Scarlett Johansson. On a moonlit night, in broken English.


at least one girl, without losing interest in women forever.

women to be known without resorting to the power of money


She understands anatomy, she does good. All you need is a box of chocolates.


No office romances! Quick, fast-paced sex on her desk - and an interesting job in a new place.


It's untranslatable. Stormy night at the Zoological Museum. Although it is possible that she really was looking for the Kremlin.

Childhood friend

You don't have to get to know her. Even if the foreplay was in fifth grade, it's never too late to continue.


Watch her on the ground. She must live somewhere, and there is a bell on her door. The rest is a matter of technique.

Master class of travel fees - sharing years of accumulated wisdom and personal life hacks! Deciding what to pack for your holiday trip so you can travel light but still have everything you need close at hand. We make a list of necessary things and think over options for difficult situations (for example, loss of documents). Separately, we tell you what to take your child on a trip.

Since we travel often, we have already learned how to pack backpacks so that later we don’t regret the extra pounds behind our backs. In this article, we will give the minimum of things that we take with us on vacation - regardless of whether the trip is planned for a long or short one. We will also talk about some life hacks and give advice on how best to pack and not forget anything before the trip.

Travel preparation

No matter how experienced a traveler you are, do not leave everything to the last day - start preparing for a vacation trip in advance. Sometimes it is better to do this much in advance if the trip is not planned for a week, but for a much longer period. Choosing insurance, developing a route, issuing visas, booking accommodation, studying information about the country (prices, food, transport, and so on), buying currency and resolving issues with bank cards - all this will take enough time.

We also recommend that you make a list of things for a trip in advance: take a sheet of paper, divide it into categories and write down everything that comes to mind. Write down everything that you remember for one or two days - so you definitely won’t forget a single little thing. Checked! You can use special applications for smartphones, but we prefer a regular notepad. Once compiled, the list can later be used repeatedly, taking it as a basis - only minor details will change.

(Photo © Jakes_World / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

What to take with you on vacation?

Cards, money, documents

The first and most important thing to take with you on a trip is documents and money. This is the most important thing in traveling - keep it close to your heart. It is better to have a small handbag or backpack that you will always carry with you and take in hand luggage when flying.

So, what to take with you on vacation:

  1. Passports and their copies. In general, keep copies of all documents on your phone, flash drive, cloud storage / virtual disk or email - but it’s better to play it safe and choose several options at once. These copies may be needed if the originals are lost.
  2. hotel/apartment bookings.
  3. Printouts and electronic versions air tickets.
  4. Printouts and electronic versions insurance. Don't forget your vaccination certificate if required (for example, a number of African countries will not be allowed entry without an original yellow fever vaccination certificate).
  5. Bank cards(it is better to have several cards and accounts of different banks). Life hack: keep money on accounts, not on cards, and transfer money via Internet banking immediately before withdrawing (preferably using a VPN, we’ll talk about this a little later). In this case, if the card is stolen, it will be empty, since all the money will be kept in the account.
  6. Some cash. Cash should always be at hand - and it is in the currency of the country where you are. For example, during our trip, we forgot to exchange the euros we had for local dirhams twice in advance, because of this, at the right time we had to dodge to exchange currency - once in the late evening in Casablanca at the street changers through the mediation of the police, the second - also in the evening , only this time already in the Sahara near the Algerian border with the inhabitants of the village in which we were supposed to spend the night.
  7. small format notebook with your notes and notes, pen and pencil. It can be used for communication and bargaining.
  8. Doesn't hurt and phrasebook.
  9. Download to your mobile phone or tablet offline maps, such as OSMAnd or Maps.Me. Find out what else can be useful while traveling.
  10. International driver's license and license (power of attorney), as well as car documents, "green card", registration certificate and inspection card, etc. when traveling in your own car.

(Photo © [email protected]/ flickr.com / License CC BY-NC 2.0)

first aid kit

A first aid kit is perhaps the most important thing on a trip. Forgetting a first-aid kit at home is more expensive for yourself, because you will have to fork out abroad (and you simply cannot buy some medicines, since they are not sold without a prescription).

Life hack: we usually form two first-aid kits (and we advise you), in one - only the most necessary drugs that we carry with us (for example, for allergies), in the second - all the rest. This is especially true if you are going to the jungle or other unsafe places.

List of medicines that you need to take with you on a trip:

  • painkillers;
  • diarrhea remedies;
  • antipyretic;
  • remedies to relieve the symptoms of a cold;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • individual medicines for chronic diseases;
  • remedies for injuries;
  • remedies for motion sickness;
  • medicines for snake and insect bites;

travel insurance it is convenient to choose and buy on the site - it compares the prices of different insurance companies.

(Photo © mbtphoto (away a lot) / flickr.com)


Everything is individual here: someone takes nothing but a mobile phone and a camera, while someone stuffs a backpack to the eyeballs with equipment.

What we think is worth taking:

  • laptop if you need it for work;
  • mobile phone;
  • player;
  • a camera (preferably not a bulky DSLR with several large lenses, if you wish, you can replace it with a mobile phone with a good camera if you are not a professional photographer);
  • e-book.

We also take an external hard drive, flash drive and small speakers. We usually do not buy a SIM card - you can communicate for free via Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and similar applications.

If you are traveling by car, a navigator will come in handy.

Life hack 1: for all wires (chargers, USB cords) we have a special bag so that they are not lost - very convenient. We always take all gadgets with a bag for wires into the cockpit - if the luggage is lost, the equipment will remain with us.

Life hack 2: do not connect to an insecure public network, for this it is better to use VPN. All public networks in hotels, hostels, cafes, shopping centers, etc. should be considered insecure.

(Photo © preetamrai / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0)

List of personal care and cosmetic items

As for personal hygiene items and cosmetics, the list of things for a trip can be endless if you don’t stop yourself in time in an effort to take with you the entire arsenal of decorative cosmetics and other cosmetic things. Believe me, the minimum set is enough - new impressions from the trip, tan and sunglasses will replace your cosmetics.

List of things to take with you on vacation:

  • toothpaste and brush;
  • shaving accessories;
  • manicure scissors / "nippers" for nails, to whom it is more convenient;
  • hairbrush;
  • deodorant (preferably solid);
  • wet wipes;
  • disposable handkerchiefs;
  • shampoo (2 in 1) in probes or a small tube;
  • some toilet paper and paper napkins;
  • a roll of disposable plastic bags - an extremely useful thing for a trip, it will always come in handy on the road;
  • paper bags if you get sick.

Additionally for women:

  • some cotton buds and discs, sponge;
  • pocket mirror;
  • moisturizing cream;
  • Eyebrow Tweezers;
  • decorative cosmetics (hygienic lipstick and lip gloss, pencil / eyeliner, mascara, foundation);
  • makeup remover;
  • feminine hygiene products;
  • pumice stone for keratinized skin of the legs (especially important in southern countries).

Those who wear contact lenses will need a container and a solution for lenses, those who wear glasses should take spare ones just in case (glasses break and are lost - we have come across this more than once). Don't forget about sunglasses.

(Photo © Kikishua / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)

Here, perhaps, is the minimum of things that you can take with you on a trip. It is better to pour the makeup remover and shampoo into special 100 ml tubes - you can buy the so-called travel kit. It will come in handy if you are going on an independent trip, because not all hotels offer free toiletries. Well, already abroad it is easy to buy something that runs out or is not taken - for example, a body and face scrub, shower gel, and so on.

Be careful with liquids carried into the cockpit- the volume of one tube with liquid should not exceed 100 ml, and the total volume - 1 liter. All liquids must be packed in a transparent plastic bag. In general, we recommend that you take almost all hygiene items in your luggage, except for wet wipes, a comb, a mirror, hygienic lipstick, toilet paper, paper and plastic bags - they can come in handy. Feel free to check everything else in your luggage - it is unlikely that you will need shampoo during the flight, right?

Clothing and footwear

The choice of clothes and shoes on a trip should be approached with all responsibility. Think carefully about your wardrobe so that it doesn’t turn out that you have nothing to wear shoes or a dress with.

In general, the list of things for a trip is individual, but there are general recommendations. First, dress for the season and carefully read the weather forecast and the climate of the country you are going to. In case of rainy and cold weather (or if this is a feature of the country / region / season), waterproof shoes and a raincoat should be taken.

Secondly, you should not pack a lot of clothes and shoes - practice shows that almost half of the things taken on a trip are not worn (especially in southern countries). You will bitterly regret taking a dozen dresses and as many pairs of stilettos, unless you are going to attend social events every evening. In addition, on vacation, most likely, you will not resist buying clothes - leave a place for them in your suitcase.

(Photo © Jonas N / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Thirdly, try to take only those things that can be combined. Why do you need a thing on a trip if it doesn’t fit anything?

Fourth, choose only those clothes in which you will feel comfortable, which do not constrain, do not press and do not rub. Do not take unworn shoes - there will be corns. We take old shoes, which we don’t mind throwing away if something happens, and change them for a new one on a trip if the old one is torn.

Do not forget about a hat if you are going to hot and sunny countries. It is better to take a cap, as hats wrinkle a lot. Or buy a hat on the spot.

What clothes to take with you on a trip:

  • trousers / jeans (in hot countries, light and light ones are suitable, trousers are especially relevant in Muslim countries);
  • breeches / shorts;
  • a pair of T-shirts and / or T-shirts;
  • a pair of shirts;
  • sweater;
  • windbreaker;
  • light sneakers / sneakers (it’s better to ride in);
  • shoes / sandals / ballerinas;
  • slippers;
  • swimming trunks / swimsuit, if you go to the sea;
  • several changes of underwear;
  • several pairs of socks.

(Photo © Aurimas Adomavicius / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0)

What else to take with you on vacation?

The list can also include such necessary and useful things for travel as:

  • Swiss knife;
  • corkscrew;
  • lighter and matches;
  • fumigator;
  • thread and needle;
  • pins;
  • small flashlight;
  • an adapter for various types of sockets, as well as a tee or a compact extension cord (relevant for those who leave for a long time and take a lot of equipment with them);
  • tissue paper (or a microfiber towel that absorbs moisture well);
  • toothpicks;
  • scotch tape or cling film for wrapping a backpack at the airport and so on - in general, something that can make life much easier.

The things listed in this list, although it is not necessary to take on a trip, are still very desirable - at the right time they will help out a lot.

In addition to all of the above, we always have two plastic mugs and forks, a teaspoon, a camping kettle-boiler and a coffee pot - thanks to these items, you can save on drinks and prepare them at any time.

Despite the impressive list of things to travel, with proper packing, all this (and even more) can easily fit into a backpack with a volume of 45 liters (for each person). It is better to put things in a suitcase and a backpack with rollers, so they do not wrinkle much, and some things can be put into shoes and fill the voids with them.

Don't forget to eat on the road - something nutritious, such as dried fruits and nuts, as well as water. It is also helpful to have a couple of tea bags, coffee and sugar for the first evening at the hotel.

What to take on a trip with a child

If you are traveling with children, the amount of travel essentials will increase noticeably. Here you won’t get off with a small suitcase: you need to take care of what to do with the child on the plane and on vacation, pick up clothes for all occasions, and if the child is small, solve the issue of food and so on.

So, what to take on a trip with a child?

  • Documentation: a photo of the child must be pasted into the parent's passport or he must have his own passport, a visa and medical insurance must be issued for him. If the child is traveling with only one parent, have permission to travel from the other parent.
  • Clothes: arrange clothes so that there is always a change if the child gets dirty or tears clothes. It is better to have light and warm jackets for emergencies.
  • first aid kit(all the same drugs as described above, plus individual medications for the child if there are chronic diseases).
  • Toys: think about what you can take your child on a trip to organize his leisure time - for example, take a tablet with downloaded films and games, a coloring book, a few favorite toys.
  • I'm going: cookies, chopped fruit, water and juice.
  • For small children it is worth taking on a trip absorbent diapers, antibacterial wipes, paper tissues, a small blanket and spare diapers, a light blouse (air conditioning is often on the plane), a baby carrier or a folding stroller. Prepare baby food for the first time until you get comfortable in a new place and find a supermarket.

(Photo © c r z / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

What not to take with you on a trip

We understand that you want to take a lot of necessary and useful things with you on a trip, without which, it seems, all the pleasure of traveling will disappear. But you need to look at things soberly and ruthlessly cross out from the list what you can easily do without or what can be replaced with something on the spot.

hair dryer

Girls will understand how difficult it is without him. However, remember that many hotels have it. If you are going on a budget independent trip, it makes sense to cut your hair so that the hairstyle does not require styling, or you can put your hair in a ponytail / braid braids / and so on. Well, in the event that it is important for you to have a hair dryer, take a travel one.


A travel iron is a very handy thing when traveling, but you can safely do without it. First, let in your wardrobe there will be things from not very wrinkled materials. If the thing is wrinkled, hang it in the bathroom while you take a shower - it will smooth out a little from the steam. You can also spray it with water and hang it on a coat hanger to dry. In many hotels you can borrow an iron from the reception.


Books are heavy and take up a lot of space. It is much easier to take an e-book, a tablet or read from a mobile phone (which is what I do when I travel). Of course, there are not enough paper books - you can take a small paperback book or buy a convenient flipbook, or you can visit a bookstore abroad (there are unlikely to be books in Russian, but why not pull up forgettable English?).

Expensive jewelry

There is nothing to talk about here - it is better to leave expensive jewelry at home.

What do you think you need to take with you on a trip? What are some things you can't do without while traveling? Write in the comments!

Intro image source: © Tomoyuki Misaki / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult in preparing a dowry for an unborn baby. A couple of diapers, nappies and formula for feeding - that's all a baby needs. But no. In order for the baby and his mother to feel comfortable and not need anything, you should thoroughly prepare for the appearance of the child. So, in order to be armed in any situation, a newborn person and his mother must have the following things:

  1. Diaper. Despite the fact that today almost no one swaddles newborn babies, diapers are still needed. And the assortment of children's goods in the store will be a vivid proof of this. And this is proof that diapers are in great demand. The expectant mother needs to purchase ten cotton diapers, ten knitted diapers and the same number of diapers 120cmx150cm in size (the material is not important: either a baize or a chintz).
  2. Diapers. The baby will need reusable and disposable diapers. The first you need to have about 20 pieces. You can make them yourself from gauze or from an old sheet. Disposable diapers are purchased at a pharmacy or store. One package is enough for the first time.
  3. Undershirts. The best undershirts are knitted. That is why children's goods in the store Oh this position is offered only from such a fabric. Knitted blouses are the most comfortable when putting them on crumbs. Vests should not have any fasteners or decorations.
  4. Bonnets. You will need several pieces - some to wear on the street, others - at home.
  5. Blankets. The expectant mother should buy two blankets in advance - one is thin, the other is synthetic or downy.
  6. Crib. Mandatory attribute of a child's dowry. The baby should feel comfortable and protected in it. Therefore, it is better not to save on the purchase.
  7. Stroller. Don't skimp on a wheelchair either. It should be comfortable for both the newborn baby and the mother. A prerequisite for buying a stroller is its patency in the elevator (if you live in a high-rise building). Buy strollers with thick inflatable wheels.
  8. Bath. The length of the bottom of the vessel should not be less than 65 cm.
  9. Terry towel. Mom needs one large towel that will absorb water well from the baby after bathing.
  10. Scissors. You need regular nail scissors.
  11. Socks. Buy three pairs of thin socks.

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