Man can gain come knowledge. Sociology, social psychology. The wisdom of people is measured not by their experience, but by their ability to acquire it.

Any human behavior is explained from the point of view of psychology. And this means that you can determine for yourself the reason for certain of his actions.

Let's take a deeper look...

Knowing, for example, the scheme of "mental behavior" of customers, you can carefully direct their desires in the right direction. Influence choice and purchasing activity.

This is important, especially in sales. After all, there are often situations in which it is urgent to sell a certain product (expensive, seasonal or “perishable”). Plus, the price is too high, so analogues are in the best demand.

What to do?

“Tie” the client to good numbers or dates. In other words, to consider the figure white color, must be added dark background.

As a dark background, today we will use the anchor (binding) effect, which allows us to convince a potential customer to choose and buy the product we need.

So how does the anchor effect work in sales? What are its possibilities? And how to use it wisely?

You will learn about all this from our article, if, of course, you read it to the end.

How does a person make a purchase?

In the process of buying, a person uses the conscious or reflective part of his mind.

Conscious - rational half. Constantly evaluates, weighs facts and circumstances, thinks for a long time, is based on logic. Only then does he make a decision.

Reflexive - irrational part. "Plays" according to mood and environment. Moreover, analysis and reflections here, to put it mildly, are not taken into account. The decision is made on the basis of a momentary impulse.

Marketers are great at managing both the rational and reflective minds of buyers.

How do they make a choice?

These are two different planes. One is analytical and the other is creative. It's like solving a difficult math problem or pick up a colored pencil and draw bright lines.

The irrational behavior of a person is the most creative and interesting field for activity.

The “behavior” of the reflexive part of consciousness can be compared to a girl in love who does not notice anything around her, and reacts positively even to simple gifts. Wears "rose-colored glasses" and unconditionally trusts her lover.

She firmly believes that she is doing the right thing. And only the most strong arguments they can return it to the ground (in our case, for example, a timely call from a friend who will say that the selected item costs 3 times cheaper in a nearby store).

What is an anchor effect?

Imagine the same situation in different variations...

Option number 1

You go to the store and you see breathtaking jeans. This is the model you have been looking for. Without hesitation, take the product you like to the fitting room.

The jeans fit just perfect.

The next step - you take out the price tag and find out the cost. And here the surging buying activity drops sharply, since you are not ready to give $ 500 for jeans.

The item is returned to its place. And as soon as you are about to move away from your dream, the seller hurries to you:

“I noticed that you liked the jeans. Great choice. This is an exclusive model of the brand ____. Limited edition - only 45 copies. Moreover, the “Minus 50%” discount now applies to it. And the jeans are currently $250.".

Everything, it's done. You already take out your wallet and pay. At the same time, you don’t think at all about the fact that even $ 250 is expensive for the goods of the specified brand. Yes, and you have nowhere to wear them.

All thoughts are occupied by the desired jeans and amazing luck, which allowed you to go "to the right place, at the right time."

"Excellent purchase. I'm good," you say.

This is a simple and illustrative example of using the anchor (snap) effect. This technique is often used by sellers, influencing the course of “choice and purchase”.

Option number 2

You notice beautiful jeans in the store that you have long dreamed of. The size and model fit 100%.

You call the seller and are interested in the cost of goods.

The counselor explains:

"Great choice. This is an exclusive model of the brand ____. Limited edition - only 45 pieces. And it costs $250.”

No, it's too expensive, especially for a mass market brand.

There is no binding (no anchor), so the rose-colored glasses remain in your pocket.

Result - leave without buying.

Of course, our example is slightly exaggerated. But only to better show you - WHAT is the anchor effect in sales.

And now we want to dwell in detail on what possibilities it contains. Believe me, they are worth knowing about them.

Unique Anchor Effect Features

Let's play simple game- We ask, and you honestly answer ...

All the same clothing store:

“Here you can find original blouses from $200, jeans from $500. And also luxurious dresses for every taste.

Q: How much do dresses cost? A standard-minded person will probably assume that the cost of dresses will be over $500 (+ the word "luxury").

Now let's formulate a question with slightly different initial data:

“Here you will find original coats from $500, jeans from $250. And also luxurious dresses for every taste.

Question - how much do you think the dresses cost now? Agree, here you can draw a range from $250 to $500.

The cost of "luxury dresses" is actively changing in our minds. In the second option, it is much lower.

But in fact, the price can be radically different from the one that we have determined for ourselves. To be precise, it was established for us by the original figures. But dresses can cost from $100 to $1000.

Simply put, we have been anchored in the subconscious. We have limited the flight of our imagination - they have given a bar or a benchmark that we are equal to. So, if the price of trousers was indicated “from $ 1500”, then “our cost” of dresses would also increase.

This is an example of the possibilities of the anchor effect. It directs the thoughts of buyers, while even without numbers it draws the cost of the goods. The initial value (starting point) is indicated, which leads to the desired result.

The main thing here is not to play too much - the binding effect should to some extent meet expectations potential clients. Imagine how a customer would react when they discover that dresses in your store start at $5,000 (whereas jeans start at $250).

This is a disappointment and a waste of time.

A game of contrast or where to anchor?

Sales, promotions, discounts

Classic way. We already talked about it at the very beginning of the text. This also includes the visual effect when the old prices are crossed out, and instead of them other, lower ones “flaunt”. Some shops go further - they indicate the difference that the customer saves.

If before the goods cost $100, and now - $35, then the benefit is obvious. More than 50%. This opportunity cannot be missed.

A person does not buy the thing itself. He gets the DISCOUNT, not the final price.

Another interesting point is the “demonstration” of the allowable amount of goods in one hand. This is also a kind of anchor that stimulates the desire to buy. And the higher this number, the better.

Let's say "no more than 7 bottles of champagne in one hand" works more efficiently than "no more than 2 bottles of champagne in one hand."

Against the backdrop of expensive goods

Remember the funny "bearded" expression - "If you want to appear young and healthy, then stick close to the old and sick". We act in the same way ...

We have goods, the price of which is slightly overpriced, next to expensive models.

For example:

LipstickMaybelline New York(mass market) is located next toYves Saint Laurent, which cost many times more.

A striking contrast is created, emphasizing the "financial appeal" of Maybelline New York lipstick. And few people will notice and realize that its cost does not quite correspond to its delirium.

That is, the expensive segment, as it were, levels out (or softens) the inflated price of a similar product.

So, we looked at how the anchor effect is applied in offline sales. Let's now try to adapt it to selling texts ...

In fact, everything is simple. You just need to set the "initial number", which will soften the final price.

For example:

“The cost of cleaning the entire house will cost you $50. But if you place an order right now, it will only be $35.”

“This printer model used to cost $120, but today it costs $70. Hurry up to buy, because the benefits are obvious".

By the way, the snapping effect can also be used as a “starting” position. For example, when sending letters asking for donations, you need to indicate the amount that other patrons have ALREADY contributed. Believe me, the average size of the "checks" sent from the recipients of letters will be higher than the indicated number.

It remains only to draw the line

Basically, everything has been said. And it remains only to sum up the results to consolidate the material.

The anchor effect is a "digital limiter" that can be either start or end. It creates a contrast, a dark background for the white piece that we need to sell.

But remember - this range of numbers sets the mood for your proposal. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful not to make a mistake, and not to make a minus out of zero.

Be careful or trust us to write the selling text - we know exactly how to use the anchor effect so that the client has a desire to buy.

And that's all for today.

Until we meet again, friends.

However, this is not a translation at all, since the text contains a lot of unnecessary information and research in the spirit of "British scientists have proven ..." This is rather a creative interpretation.

The article describes one very important psychological effect - anchor effect or anchor effect.

What's the secret?

When they tell you "Just don't think about the pink monkey" You start thinking about her. But this is nothing compared to the subconscious bias in the perception of numerical indicators.

In order to appreciate something, we need a starting point, some kind of anchor - something like a "pink monkey".

For example, if you ask how many people make up the population of Venezuela, what would you say? Get lost and think. And if you ask a question: Is the population of Venezuela greater or less than 65 million?. The question takes on a different color, and your brain subconsciously begins to rely on the mentioned figure, even if it is taken from the ceiling. What answer did you give in the first and second cases? In the second case, the named number will be much larger than in the answer to the first version of the question.
Meanwhile, only 28 million people live in Venezuela.

Repeated studies have shown that our brain always clings to such anchors, a hint of which circumstances give us, and absolutely any.

In Judgment Under Uncertainty Heuristics and Biases, Kahneman, Tversky, and Slovik write:
“In many cases, people evaluate something based on an initial value, which is then adjusted to fit the final answer. The initial value, or starting point, may be suggested in the formulation of the problem, or may be the result of one's own calculations. In both cases, these calculations are usually unfounded ... that is, different points of reference lead to various estimates, which tend to the original values"

Their book also describes the following experiment.

The students were asked to remember the last three digits of their phone number and then asked when Attila destroyed Rome (the correct answer is 411 AD). At the same time, students with larger last digits consistently named a later date than students with smaller ones.

Simple tricks

Now think about how this rule is constantly applied in our lives. For example, you get on sale - not necessarily things, but also in any Apple Store, etc. You can see that the item used to cost $100, but now it's selling for $49.99. And it doesn't matter that such a price is too high for it - the number 100 starts playing in your brain and, accordingly, a discount of more than 50%! And the more the initial cost of the goods, the more high value buys this product in your eyes and the more spectacular the sale looks! Goods are bought not for their final cost, but for a discount that has been made on its full price.

Retailers know another technique based on the anchor effect: to place very expensive products next to cheaper ones, but relatively expensive for their product category. The anchor is very high price, which, with its value, levels out the inflated cost of the second product, and you are already ready to take “this flash drive for 99 bucks” lying next to the new MacBook Air

Ask for more!

Experiments have shown that even though people are aware of this anchoring effect, people still subconsciously fall under its influence. Then why not use it for your own purposes?

For example, in 1975 such an experiment was carried out.
The students were offered two hours a week, during two years, work as volunteers - educators in the camp. Everyone refused. Then the researchers invited these students to go once camp for two hours. Half of the students agreed.
While in the group where they were NOT previously offered to work for two years, only 17% agreed to a two-hour trip.

Now you are convinced that always have to ask for more ?

In the very general view, in order to use the anchor effect for your own purposes, you just need to set anchor anchors yourself, which people around you will be guided by.

For example, the phrase will definitely result in “This work will cost you 10 thousand rubles, but I can do it for 5 thousand”. Or “Let's buy four new laptops for our department! Or one printer for me". And also this: “Our program used to take 8 minutes to load, now it takes only 5!”

Where is your anchor?

Think not only about how you will now negotiate or how you will ask something from your superiors. Think about your daily behavior.
You go to the same cafes, shops, buy the same food, the same brands.
On the one hand, all this has been tested by time, but doesn’t it seem that you are limiting yourself? Where are unsupported anchors placed? Possibly set by someone or something?

A good example here is the “price corridors” for goods that exist in our minds, that is, a kind of “fork” of prices for which we consider it acceptable to buy this product. If it is cheaper, then it is suspicious, if it is more expensive, then it is simply not for our wallet. Price corridors are also the result of the anchoring effect, so $1000 Prada bags are the norm for us (although their real value is comparable to the prices of low-cost brands), since they are always sold at such inflated prices, and we do not see anything strange in this. .

Our valuation is tied to the goods, that is, in fact based on the price already imposed on us. Try to evaluate the product "from scratch", according to your own impressions - and you will be extremely surprised!

So I advise you to think carefully at your leisure and conduct a “reassessment of values” - where this is required.

Modern psychology can help any woman in establishing emotional contact with a man, and some of her methods even allow you to make men fall in love with you and make them learn how
Note: The material of this article at first may seem difficult to understand, but by re-reading it again, you will understand that there is nothing complicated in these methods.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)- a rapidly developing area of ​​applied psychology, offering simple and available ways influence on the subconscious that any average person can master. More recently, NLP methods were classified and used only by special services, now these techniques are available to everyone. The use of NLP makes it possible to effectively interact with other people, influence them, understand and accept their vision of the world around them.

In our vain times, people have become emotionally closed, and communication has turned into a formal process, often leading either to the “use” (material, sexual) of one person by another, or to unsuccessful attempts to “use” each other. The consequence of this is the emergence of an atmosphere of mutual distrust and wariness, which adversely affected the personal lives of both women and men.
How to restore saturation to communication and depth to feelings? How to ensure mutual understanding and trust, so necessary for the development of relations? How to create a favorable opinion about yourself in a short time and establish an emotional contact that allows you to get to know a man well and get close to him so that an ordinary acquaintance can grow into something more?
NLP gives the following answer to all these questions: it is necessary to consciously build a "bridge" that harmoniously and equally connects the subconscious of a man with your subconscious. It is the harmonious connection of the unconscious partners that gives those feelings of deep trust, understanding, closeness, unity, mutual sympathy and responsiveness, without which there is no full-fledged communication.
In NLP, such a connection is called “rapport” (“Rapport”, translated from English, means “consent”, “harmonious relations”, “mutual understanding”. In terms of professional hypnosis, rapport is the connection between a hypnotist and a hypnotized person).
Rapport is a way to explain to the subconscious of another person that you share his thoughts, experience similar feelings, take into account his interests and understand his condition. At the same time, you remain a holistic person, observing your own interests.
Rapport is very important for making a good impression. It gives communication ease, openness and naturalness. Relationships in which there are elements of rapport are distinguished by mutual respect, by mutual consent and deep mutual affection.


A good way to establish rapport is through the “mirroring” process, which is the alignment certain details your behavior (body position, rhythm of movements, breathing, voice) with similar details of the behavior of the interlocutor. In NLP, this action is called "attaching" or "adjusting." Moreover, "adjustment" is not a primitive imitation, but a sensitive, not conspicuous, reflection of the partner's behavior.
By adjusting your posture, body language, breathing, speech, and tone of voice, you can establish rapport with almost anyone. You can also join through feelings, showing interest, participation, tolerance, respect for the experience, knowledge and qualifications of the interlocutor, his character traits.
The explanation of the causes of the phenomenon of adjustment lies beyond the scope of this book, and we will not go into them (by adjusting to your interlocutor, you, in fact, enter into a kind of resonance with him). The adjustment "works" - and this is the main thing!

Reflection of body position. You sit down or become exactly the same as your interlocutor. The reflection of the posture can be direct (i.e. mirror) and cross (if your interlocutor has right leg thrown to the left, then you do the same). You can also adjust to the distribution of body weight.
Reproducing the interlocutor's posture is a simple and obvious adjustment technique. And yet, despite the availability, this method requires some skill. Primitive and obvious "mirror reflection" can lead to the fact that the interlocutor pays attention to him and thinks that you are mimicking him, and this will lead to loss of contact.

Adjusting the rhythm of movements. You can blink with the same frequency as the interlocutor blinks, nod with the same frequency as he nods, shake your leg the same way as he does, step in step with him, etc. Often use indirect "reflection" - when in the rhythm of the movements of the interlocutor, some kind of own movement is made. For example, with the movement of the partner’s hand, you can adjust with weak movements of your hand, you can respond to the movement of his body with the movement of your head. Whenever your interlocutor strokes his forehead, you can lightly tap your finger or pen on the table, or in response to any movement of the interlocutor, indicate the beginning of a similar movement. It is necessary to make such an indirect adjustment correctly and almost imperceptibly.

Breath adjustment. In its direct form, it consists in "adjusting" the speed or frequency of one's breathing to the breathing of a partner. It is a very effective method of influence.
If the other person's breathing rate is very different from yours, you can:
When he breathes very often - for every two of his exhalations, make one of his own;
When he breathes too infrequently, try to fit two of his respiratory cycles into one of his, while every second exhalation of yours should coincide with the exhalation of your partner.
It happens that direct attachment to the interlocutor's breathing is fraught with difficulties caused by different type breathing of men and women (in many men it is abdominal, and in most women it is chest). In this case, you can use indirect attachment, for example, move your finger to the beat of your breath, shake your leg or head.
in an interesting way reflecting the movement of the partner's breathing is the adjustment of his speech to his exhalation. The fact is that a person always speaks while exhaling, and any phrase you utter at the moment when the interlocutor exhales will be perceived by him almost as an analogue of his own speech, and he will subconsciously accept what you said much more favorably. Many hypnotists use this technique with success.

Adjustment through speech. Adapting the tempo, rhythm and speed of your speech, the timbre and volume of your voice to the way the interlocutor speaks and the ability to listen, is another method of establishing rapport. This is also facilitated by the repetition of words, expressions and professional terms that are most often used by him in a conversation (using the same words always strengthens trust and mutual understanding, since a man begins to think that you and he have the same views on the world around him).
Do not speak faster than the interlocutor can listen - this prevents the establishment of mutual understanding.

Other methods. Attachment methods that use the movement of the pupils of the eyes and take into account the type of the so-called representative system of the interlocutor are very effective (representational systems are the ways in which a person receives, stores and encodes information in his brain: pictures, sounds, sensations, smells and tastes). We will not consider such sophisticated ways of tuning because of their relative complexity. Those interested are encouraged to refer to the specialized literature on NLP.
Do not apply a large number adjustment methods, as it will require high costs your attention, and it is necessary for the correct conduct of the conversation. Sincere (!) interest in your interlocutor and genuine (!) attention to him is the simplest and at the same time, the most reliable way to establish trust and mutual understanding!

Rapport implies an equal interaction of the subconscious partners, but since it was consciously caused by you and, therefore, can be controlled by you, you are in a stronger position than a man. This advantage should be used.
First you need to make sure that the connection to the partner (by breathing, posture, movement or anything else) has happened. To do this, change the position in which you sit or stand. If the partner involuntarily adjusted to this change, then you should change the rhythm of your breathing or gestures and see how the man will react to these changes. If there is obvious “mirroring” here too (that is, the partner began to automatically adjust to the rhythm of your breathing or your gestures), then you have joined securely and can “lead” the partner (leading is one of the basic terms of NLP).
The fact that you are able to “lead” a partner indicates interest in you, sympathy on his part, and a subconscious tendency to accept your actions and your point of view without any criticism or resistance. In other words - “mirroring” by a man of your postures, movements, speech features indicates his agreement with your behavior, your ideas, desires and assumptions. You have, in fact, hypnotized your partner and you can carry out your intentions regarding him!

Using "anchors"
Probably, every person has moments when, having heard a certain melody, he begins to experience positive emotions associated with memories of the pleasant moments of life, during which this melody sounded. So, for example, you can remember a date with a loved one that happened many years ago and was accompanied by memorable music. And now, having heard this music again, you remember everything that happened then, it comes back to you forgotten feeling love and romantic thoughts - the associative mechanism worked, which in NLP is called the "anchor".
Anchor is one of the elements of the physical and emotional state, which is subsequently able to act as a stimulus that causes a similar state. Any anchor can be external influence on a person who is in some special memorable physical and emotional state, which, if again rendered, can cause a repetition of this state.
Anchors can be formed naturally, or they can be set on purpose. They are:
auditory (beep, some special words or a phrase of a loved one, a memorable melody, etc.);
visual (photo, certain underwear, gesture, chocolate packaging, etc.);
kinesthetic (touch, stroking, etc.).
In addition, a certain taste or smell can act as an anchor.
Anchors are formed:
Through repetition. When something is experienced by the subject at a low emotional level, it takes a large number of repetitions to associate the anchor with that "something". Moreover, the less emotions the subject experiences, the more number repetitions are required for memorization. For example, a mother will have to spend a lot of time trying to Small child I realized that a red traffic light means danger.
Through emotional involvement. When the emotions are strong enough, it often only takes one time for the anchor to be set. (The child runs through a red light and almost gets hit by a car. The horror he experienced will instantly and permanently record in the subconscious what the mother has been trying to inspire for a long time.
That's exactly what "anchoring"(at the moment of the highest experience of emotions) is used in NLP. If you learn how to correctly capture and track the emotional states of people (in NLP this is called calibration), then you will not be great work apply this technique. By the way, using “anchoring”, anyone can “imprint” their own emotions. For example, while in a state of high spirits, you can squeeze your fingers in a certain unusual way and, subsequently, repeating exactly the same contraction, get a similar state.
The "anchoring" technique requires a subtle and elegant approach, since the installation of the anchor must be completely invisible to the person in relation to whom it is carried out. In addition, at first it is quite difficult to determine the true emotional state of the subject (this can be helped by the use of adjustment). Therefore, it will take some time to fully master the "anchoring". However, it makes sense to spend this time, since the use of this technique allows you to evoke the right emotions in the man you are interested in at the right time.
Here typical example anchoring techniques:
You come to work, and a male employee, for whom you have certain feelings, is in a great mood because of yesterday's victory of your beloved football team. You congratulate him and, at the moment of congratulations, gently squeeze his elbow (place a kinesthetic anchor). Subsequently, it will be enough for you to repeat the same contraction, and it is quite possible that the man will experience a similar feeling of joy, and since all this will happen in your presence, he will subconsciously associate his positive emotions with you.

Similarly, you can use this technique when anchoring your lover's sexual experiences. For example, at the moment of your partner's orgasm, put a kinesthetic anchor (you can, for example, squeeze his wrist), and if you suddenly notice that your loved one has begun to cool off towards you, use this anchor. The result will be in your favor!
When you feel that sexual contact can be especially violent (your desire is great and your partner is extremely sexy today), put on some special, memorable underwear - let it become a visual anchor for your partner. Repeat this several times, and, subsequently, the very sight of this underwear will excite your partner very much.


The human brain is able to hold sets of memories about those personalities that in the past have had one or another influence on us. Subsequently, the perception of any new person is consistent with these memories. It happens, for the most part, on an emotional level. For example, if in the presence of a new acquaintance you feel negative emotions, similar to those that you experienced earlier in the presence of other people unpleasant for you, then you subconsciously begin to consider this person as “bad”. You seem to be transferring your attitude, which you showed towards those personalities that are unpleasant for you, to a new object.

The transfer phenomenon
Transference (transfer) is a spontaneously arisen attitude towards a person, characterized by an unconscious transfer to him of feelings that once arose for other people.
Freud also noticed that in some cases the patient transfers to the doctor's personality feelings for people and events experienced earlier or experienced at the present time. Freud spoke about it this way: "... we notice that the patient, who should be looking for a way out of his painful conflicts, shows a special interest in the personality of the doctor ..." (Sigmund Freud, "Introduction to Psychoanalysis", lecture No. 27).
Freud found that his patients fell in love with him or hated him when they shared their thoughts and feelings, and he listened to them, deliberately questioning and not objecting. Such a transmission took place, even if these feelings had long since subsided. Freud called this transference, and considered this phenomenon as a phenomenon inherent in any human relations and manifests itself not only in a psychotherapeutic session, but also in everyday life. In fact, the doctor himself becomes a kind of "anchor" for the patient. It is enough to conduct several sessions, in which the patient is immersed in his love experiences, and now the very personality of the psychoanalyst is associated with these experiences in the patient, and he begins to experience certain feelings towards the doctor.
Using the phenomenon of transference, you can improve your relationship with a man or even make him fall in love with you. To do this, you just need to become a psychoanalyst of your friend and encourage him to talk about his passion, while trying to make the man feel all the positive emotions associated with his love. This will lead to the fact that he will transfer a significant part of his love experiences onto you (Attention! Do not fall into the trap of negative transference, in which negative emotions associated with a man’s former (current) lover are transferred to you - talk only about good ones!) be afraid that your pride will suffer, because the effectiveness of metol pays for all the moral costs associated with it!
Some avoid this conversation because they think they will also have to talk about their former love affairs. This is a delusion - in this situation, it is much more important for a man to pour out his own soul. How to get into yours.

Love Transfer Technique Using Neuro Linguistic Programming
Create an environment conducive to seduction (soft lighting, appropriate music). Make sure that no one interferes with you and cannot interfere (be sure to turn off the phone and doorbell). Try not to make the intimate setting too artificial and obvious. Your clothes also should not hint to a man about possible intimacy.
Immerse a man in an atmosphere of trusting and friendly communication - create a rapport. To do this: show sincere interest and genuine attention to him, adjust to his posture, breathing, movements, etc.
Encourage a man to tell a frank story about his past or current love. Carry on the conversation in such a way so that the state of love associated with the former (current) lover returns to him. Focus the man's attention exclusively on positive aspects this experience - talk about his beloved and his feelings for her only good!
Try adjust to his state of being in love - listen to a man with warmth and empathy.
Start gently and rather “harmlessly” touching a man, gradually expanding the zone of touching and making them more intimate (but not too much!) At the same time, do not forget to sincerely admire him, linking this admiration with his beloved. If she does not share the feelings of a man, then you can say something like this: “You are so strong (beautiful, sexy, etc.). What pleasure would she experience with you ... ". Saying this, you must be as sincere as possible! Try to feel everything you say!
When you see that you are securely “attached” to your partner and can “lead” him, use the situation as you consider it possible to use it!
As soon as the man’s positive emotions associated with his former or current lover reach a maximum, put a kinesthetic anchor: hold his elbow, touch his wrist, or stroke his head, arm, leg in a certain way. Subsequently, when you find yourself in a suitable situation, use the anchor, and your partner will automatically enter a state of pleasant experiences, imprinted by the anchor, but this state will no longer be associated with his past or current love, but with you!
In the future, the very re-creation of the environment in which a man told you about his beloved (with the same music, which is actually an auditory anchor, the same lighting, etc.) will lead to a positive result for you.

Reinforcement Learning (RL) – effective method shaping the behavior you want. His correct application leads to the fact that a man is happy to do what you are interested in, because he knows that you will somehow reward him for it.
The OP method is modern version the well-known “carrot and stick” method, which, by the way, is used by most people completely wrong. Many "educators" use only the "stick", completely forgetting about the timely encouragement, although the use of the "carrot" as the predominant tool of influence is more reasonable and much more effective than the use of the "stick". This is largely due to the fact that the reward immediately forms the desired behavior, and the “whip” does not even hint at how to behave. In addition, almost all educators act as a “carrot” and “stick” out of time, rewarding or punishing only after something has been done. The correct punishment would be at the very beginning of the action, which must be stopped, and the immediate encouragement of the desired actions.

Reinforcement. Reinforcement is a signal that tells the student that he is on the right track, or that he is making a mistake. (This signal can be perceived by the "student", and can only be perceived by his subconscious). Experts distinguish between positive reinforcement (PP) and negative reinforcement (NP).
PP is something pleasant (smile, affection, sincere praise, tasty food etc.) added to the situation immediately after the learner began to do or did what you need. PP activates the pleasure center of the brain, in which information is instantly recorded about why the subject receives this pleasure.
OP (not to be confused with punishment) is what the student would like to avoid (your grief, disapproving facial expression, irony, inattention). It shows that undesirable behavior needs to be stopped right now in this moment time. Experiments have shown that a weak OP works much better than a strong one. A very effective OP is to deprive the subject of something pleasant (for example, a child is deprived of sweets). Do not deprive a man of sex - this will no longer be a negative reinforcement, but a punishment that can boomerang back to you.

Variable (variable) reinforcement. If a dolphin is rewarded with a fish for every jump he makes, he will become lazy and will not jump high. To prevent this from happening, trainers use variable reinforcement (VP), which consists in the fact that not all jumps are encouraged, but only the best ones, and even then, not all.
In the relationship between a man and a woman, the EP "works" very well. For example, the main secret of the attractiveness of any "bitch" is her intuitive ability to variably reinforce the actions of men. A smart representative of this category of women first lures the “dolphin into the pool” with a large portion of “fish” (that is, it binds to itself with special sexuality, affection, attention, “warmth”, etc.), and then very skillfully dispenses “feeding”, seeking from the "dolphin" (i.e. from the man) what she needs, in fact, engaging in emotional and (or) material "gutting".
To control the behavior of a man, it is not at all necessary to demonstrate bitchiness (a bad “darling” always comes from her), you just need to master the technique of properly supplying reinforcements. She is very simple. First, you show some warmth towards a man, expecting signs, attention from him and a little encouragement for them, then the encouragement becomes more significant (depending on his behavior), then the usual encouragement becomes variable (obviously encouragement-indifference). (Female coquetry is actually a type of variable reinforcement.)
It should be noted that in large numbers of happy married couples, there is a variable reinforcement of the relationship between spouses that maintains these relationships
in constant tone.
Unfortunately the volume this manual does not allow to present the methodology of reinforcement learning in a sufficiently complete form. For a more detailed study, you should refer to the excellent book Karen Pryor "Don't Grow at the Dog").

This is how our psyche is arranged, Dear friends that it is able to fix certain moments of our life in our subconscious, connecting them with certain sensations and internal feelings caused by external stimuli. Reproduction then of a situation associated with some kind of memory will cause in us a corresponding reaction and an internal experience of a person, which is called a resource. That is, we call a resource a feeling of fear or, conversely, calmness, a feeling of love and a feeling of trust, a feeling of anxiety, a feeling of concentration, heightened attention etc. Anchor is just that very irritant from the outside world that causes you a certain feeling, for example, it can be a melody familiar from childhood, after hearing which you return to that moment of your childhood when you first heard it, and experience the same feelings, as then. Also, any visual image, kinesthetic influence, that is, any touch, can be an anchor, by the way, a kinesthetic anchor is considered the most effective. Different smells also evoke different memories and feelings in us associated with those smells.

In general, an anchor is not a signal, but a resource in the form of our inner experiences - it is a reaction to this signal. Now think about how you can manage your internal state through these anchors, as well as the internal state of other people. The anchor of speech influence can be very effective, because, as we all know, the word has great power, especially if this power is recognized and tamed. There are words that evoke positive feelings in us, there are also those that evoke negative ones, so you can use only the words we need in your life, pronouncing them yourself and, if possible, demanding the same from other people, for example, members of your family. You hear, for example, the word problem is an anchor that makes you feel anxious, unless of course you like problems, then exclude this word from your vocabulary or set this anchor in such a way that it makes you feel concentrated and energized for solutions to this problem. You can do this in the following way: remember a situation from life when you successfully solved a problem, and then admired the result of your work with self-esteem, this is the feeling of a winner who solved the task assigned to him.

Remembering this situation, imagining it as realistically as possible, literally returning at this time, put an anchor in the form of the word problem at the peak of this experience, and it is also desirable to put a kinesthetic anchor, that is, fix this moment with a certain touch (you can scratch your hands or chin). You need to train anchoring in this way until the word problem gives you that very feeling of an omnipotent person who is able to cope with any problem and a sense of pride in himself in connection with this. Let's also say that chin scratching or any other touch on the body that you used to establish a kinesthetic anchor should also bring you back to similar inner experiences that you have no problem with. In this way, you can program yourself for any external stimuli, you can completely take control of your inner feelings through the installation of anchors.

I usually do not use the words "anchors" and "resources" in my practice - I give different definitions to various external stimuli, thereby sharpening the human psyche in a certain way, as if transforming their image. And, in fact, this is setting anchors to another person, which I will write about in my next article, since there are a lot of interesting moments which should be focused on. But regarding setting anchors for yourself: I want to recommend you a simple, but very effective way- this is a way of suggestion, that is, setting anchors for frequent events in your life. Let's say you meet with your boss and it makes you very nervous, you feel discomfort from such meetings - reprogram yourself, make this time pleasant for yourself. To do this, select the state, that is, the resource that you need at the time of the meeting with your boss, remember the time when you were in this state and fix it with a touch or visual image, for example, imagine the face of the boss and his office. You can do the same by simply remembering it in a very comfortable environment for yourself, when you feel good, then fix this moment with any touch on yourself or spoken words.

What you are doing is associating an event with a feeling, and it is up to you to decide which event will make you feel certain. I recommend that you use a notebook in which you will record observations of yourself, with the aim of later identifying patterns in your behavior in certain situations. There are a lot of different anchors in our life, all of them are at the subconscious level, and even if we understand why we have certain feelings, we cannot always control them. Therefore, it is better to start a diary and write down in it each time your inner feelings and what caused them. If you have a feeling of anxiety or fear, immediately write down everything that happened to you if you do not know what exactly caused this feeling. If some person forced you to make a concession to him, pay attention to how he behaved with you, what he said, how he said, whether he touched you, in general, everything, write it down in your diary, along with your feelings that you have arose from communication with this person.

Good sociologists know that many people have, so to speak, common anchors for all, which are set en masse. That is, certain news can cause a certain reaction in the majority, because it will be associated with a specific experience. So that your reaction is not controlled in this way, you should keep a diary, writing down in it all your experiences for the day, as well as the events preceding them, since you can not always notice this kind of manipulation, but it happens every day. To set the right anchors, that is, the anchors you need, you can resort to your own imagination, as well as to the experience of other people, even fictional ones. Suppose you have not experienced a feeling of victory in your life, or simply do not remember it, but at the same time you have seen how the winners feel, how proud they are of themselves, how they enjoy life. Imagine their feeling, translate your admiration for them into admiration for yourself and fix this feeling, this resource you need with the help of an anchor, kinesthetic as the most effective or any other.

Use words effectively such as: “I am a winner”, “I am the best”, “I am calm”, “I will achieve my goal” and so on. There are many such ways of psychological pumping, they work great if, say, say these words constantly when you have a feeling of victory, and especially when you win. And when something happens in your life with which you will have to fight, by saying these words, you will turn to the very resources that you need at the moment, it can be courage, determination, self-confidence and the like. I would even recommend that you use some kind of ritual of your own, for example, no matter what, do some physical exercise every day, with the idea that if you do this, then today you will be fine, you will only achieve and solve all the tasks set for yourself.

When it becomes a habit, I mean exercise, then it will become a habit to achieve your goal, for example, by doing ten or fifty push-ups every morning, depending on your capabilities, you turn to a resource that makes you feel confident in yourself. After all, you were not too lazy, you found the strength in yourself to do this physical exercise again, which means that you have enough strength for the rest. As you can see, the topic of anchors can be considered very deeply, but the meaning comes down to working on your subconscious and bringing your feelings to a conscious level. It is the anchors that force us to experience certain inner experiences that we are not always aware of and therefore do not control. But if you approach this issue in more detail, then you can set yourself up in such a way that your internal state is the way you need it.

Keep a diary, do not be too lazy to do this, believe me, the work you have done to analyze your own behavior will not be in vain. Many of my clients have radically changed their lives thanks to this work, because every time we analyzed the entries in their diary together with them, we found answers to all questions and came to an understanding of previously incomprehensible things. Our behavior is not unreasonable, and our feelings are not as complex in origin as we think. Control yourself dear friends, otherwise others will control you, set the right anchors for yourself.

Good day!

Let's start today's lesson with a repetition of the school biology course. Remember? A hungry dog ​​is given food, and at that moment a bell rings. After a few such repetitions, the sound of the bell in the dog begins to salivate.

The most interesting thing is that the behavior of people, despite their highly developed thinking, is controlled in the same way by conditioned reflexes (they are also called anchors), as well as the behavior of animals!

I heard the sound of an alarm clock - it's time to get up, the phone rings - you have to pick up the phone. Many people have their own favorite tune. In the past, they heard it in their happiest moments of their lives, and now it returns them a joyful feeling. The negative anchor is the screeching of the brakes next to us. As a rule, such a sound causes fear in us.

AT Everyday life we meet a huge number of anchors. They are so widespread that we hardly notice them. Moreover, we very often use anchors to our detriment.

Here is an example. Family quarrel. The woman is hysterical. To calm her down, the husband embraces his wife. And he does this with every fight. It seems to work... But if a man decides to hug his wife in a positive situation, he will suddenly get a scandal in return! With his touch, he fixed the negative state of the woman. Moral - think about what and when you do so that the most good actions do not become an anchor for negative emotions in the future.

But what prevents us from using this mechanism to achieve our goals?

I am sure that you have already come up with the idea to fix the state of agreement with your interlocutor with the help of an anchor in order to use this in communication with business partners, superiors, subordinates, wives and husbands.

Women have accumulated experience in using anchors for centuries. For example, after waiting for the moment when her partner experiences maximum sexual desire, a woman establishes some kind of anchor for this experience. She can at this moment look at the man in a special way, say a certain phrase, offer to listen to certain music. Maybe touch it somehow. Having fixed this anchor in several similar situations, a woman can use it in the future if she decides that the man has “cooled down” to her.

A good example of women using anchors to control men is in the following video.

Men are also far from the most defenseless creatures. In the practice of a pickup truck, the technology of calling a guy a girl's feelings of love towards himself is well developed. To do this, he starts a conversation about love, asks if she has ever fallen in love very much, asks to tell how it was, what she felt at the same time. At that moment in the conversation, when the girl remembers her feelings and relives them again, the anchor is set. After some time, the guy starts talking about himself, and at the same time turns on the anchor (he also touches the girl, as at the time of his setting, etc.). In this way, he extracts from the memory of the girl the previously experienced feeling of love and switches it to himself. Then it remains only to use the “unexpectedly” outbreak of attraction.

You can fix in this way any other emotional state of a person - based on the future. For example, you want to capture the state of pleasure from the work done by the subordinate. Wait until he comes to report to you about the successful completion of the project. When accepting a report, tap the table with a pencil with a certain rhythm. To be sure, repeat in another similar situation. In the future, when you need to assign this subordinate a special complex project, requiring enthusiasm, when setting a task, tap in the same way with a pencil on the table, and the state you need for the subordinate will “turn on”.

There are 3 types of anchors - visual (these include various images, pictures, symbols), auditory (sounds, words, phrases, intonations) and kinesthetic (sensations). In addition, there are combined anchors. These are combinations of visual, auditory and kinesthetic anchors. Combined anchors are the strongest. Therefore, in order to guarantee the state of the interlocutor you need, it is better to put two or three anchors on it.

How to anchor

Creating and using anchors requires good observation skills. You must learn to notice the moment when the interlocutor experiences emotions most strongly, immersed in the desired state.

Having noted the peak of the interlocutor's experiences, connect him with some kind of anchor.

For example, if you place a kinesthetic anchor, you can touch the shoulder or arm of the interlocutor, the knuckle of his fingers, etc. The kinesthetic anchor is considered the strongest, because it is most difficult for the interlocutor to realize.

Kinesthetic anchors are most conveniently placed on a bone rather than a muscle, since the muscle is mobile and there is a chance that the next time it will not fall into this place.

When placing an auditory anchor, you use a keyword or phrase. You can start talking at this moment with the interlocutor in a special intonation, a special timbre of voice.

When setting a visual anchor, you can draw the interlocutor's attention to a certain object, show him some symbol, which will later be associated with the desired state.

After you have anchored, you will only have the right moment as much as possible. in a similar way activate it (for example, touch the interlocutor's hand or say a key phrase).

Remember: the success of the anchor operation directly depends on two things: a well-chosen moment (peak of experience) and the accuracy of its subsequent reproduction. The less strong an emotion you have anchored, the more times you will have to repeat anchoring in other similar situations in order for it to work effectively.

Anchors can also be used very effectively on yourself.. Do you feel great after exercising? Are you energized after a major success at work? Does a cup of coffee with cognac give you energy? The next time you feel something like this, pinch your finger, ear, eyebrow, or elbow. To ensure results, repeat anchoring a few more times in situations where you feel "ready to move mountains." Now, you can get a cheerful mood at any time when you need it. According to a similar scheme, anchors can be used in the process of falling asleep, developing creative ideas. With the help of an anchor, you can change your behavior, for example, eliminate the feeling of anger, which is very disturbing in business.