Rocking chair made of wood. Rocking chair - an island of relaxation and harmony in the summer cottage. Classic on skids

Everyone associates a rocking chair with comfort and coziness, and you immediately want to sit in it by the fireplace in a country house with a cup of hot coffee. It is very beautiful and original item an interior that fits into almost any style. In addition, swinging on a chair is good for health. So you can relax, relieve stress, gain strength, calmly read your favorite book, listen to music or just take a nap. You can make a rocking chair with your own hands from wood, consider examples with photos, drawings and the progress of work using several technologies.

Features of wood structures

Most often, furniture is made of wood, so the rocking chair is no exception. Why do many people choose this particular material:

What makes this chair attractive?

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands from wood according to the drawings is shown in the video with instructions and work progress.

Types of armchairs

There are many various models chairs, all of them can differ in their functionality, dimensions, style of execution, materials and the presence of additional gadgets. We always choose furniture based on our preferences and habits, and the rocking chair is no exception.

Consider several options for the design of rocking chairs:

Work technology

To figure out how to make a rocking chair with your own hands from wood according to drawings and the right size you need to buy everything necessary materials and tools:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Paint brush for filling fastener holes.
  • A hammer.
  • Straight corner with a ruler.
  • Disc grinding machine.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Electric jigsaw for cutting blanks.
  • Clamp.

1 way

To create a rocking chair, you can use an ordinary chair by shortening its legs and attaching this structure to the skids. To appearance was attractive, the chair can be braided with leather or plastic ribbons. If desired, you can also sew a rocking chair cover yourself.

To make the design more interesting shape, sidewalls can be cut out of plywood according to a pre-calculated pattern. The edges of the plywood should be well finished.

plywood edges

Then we connect the two resulting parts to each other using three bars (30 * 50 * 600 mm).

To lay out upper part, we use thin boards and plywood planks (10 * 50 * 600 mm).

In some cases, the length can be increased so that the slats protrude beyond the edges of the sidewalls. After assembling the chair, it can be varnished or painted.

2 way

We begin the process of creating a rocking chair with a drawing. For a quality result, a sketch is required. In addition, we can save ourselves from strong errors in the calculation of the amount of material.

Work technique:

3 way

We will assemble a rocking chair according to the drawing, using high-quality types of wood. As a basis, we use the usual wooden chair. All parts will be mounted at right angles, so you do not need to cut out many additional elements.

Now you can create a rocking chair yourself and please your household. The main thing to remember is that the product can be scratched, and the material will quickly age and lose its appearance. Therefore, always treat the chair with varnish so that it pleases you with its beauty for a long time and creates comfort in the house.

Many of us are familiar with such a piece of furniture as a rocking chair, which can be found in many country houses. For most, it is one of the favorite vacation spots, but not everyone knows that everyone can make such a chair. However, first you need to acquire certain knowledge, skills and prepare a tool.

AT last years rocking chair has become a fairly common piece of furniture. In the range of many furniture companies you can find a large number of models of rocking chairs designed for use in apartments and offices. Moreover, there are among them models made in classic version weaving method, and modern products that fully meet the requirements of high-tech style.

Benefits of a wooden chair

Before you start manufacturing, you need to decide what material to use for it as a basis. Although there are many options, the wooden chair is the most common. Therefore, further list the advantages that this material has:

  • environmental Safety. For many years, wooden furniture has been very popular among consumers, which provided it with such qualities as natural origin, safety and hypoallergenicity. Therefore, the owners of wooden chairs do not face any inconvenience in the process of using it, because they are confident in the environmental friendliness of this material;
  • strength and long service life. Wood is a fairly durable material, which was transferred to the furniture made from it. In addition, she tolerates mechanical influences and demonstrates a long service life;
  • attractive appearance and variety of forms.

Rattan rocking chair

We repeat that rocking chairs today offered in in large numbers most various options. One of these products is a rattan rocking chair, which not only has a pleasant design, but is also able to perfectly harmonize with other elements of the cottage interior. The birthplace of rattan is South America, and this plant itself is often referred to as a flexible liana.

Of the features of this material, it should be noted high strength, in which it is capable compete with wicker.

The technology of manufacturing armchairs from this culture is characterized by the fact that instead of traditional joints based on screws and bolts, glue and skillful knitting are used. Alas, it is impossible to buy this tree in our country, so most owners country cottages it is impossible to make such a chair with your own hands.

Wicker rocking chair

A photo of the options available today for this piece of furniture allows us to judge that a wicker rocking chair is quite in demand today. It can be found in cottages and even in apartments in many regions of our country. Willow vine is used as a material for it, and the finished chair itself fits well into the interior. garden house, cottages and even garden greenery. consumer rocking chair willow vine attracts primarily because of its low weight and high strength. However, such furniture has one serious drawback: excess moisture negatively affects the material, so in wet weather it is not recommended to keep such chairs on the street.

Materials for manufacturing

Regardless of what type of wood you decide to use to make a wicker chair, you must have certain skills. The tree is affordable and easy to process, so many owners who are thinking about making a rocking chair with their own hands most often consider using wood as the basis for it. But first it is necessary prepare certain tools for making furniture:

  • electric jigsaw with a set of knife blades;
  • disc grinder with a set of coarse and fine-grained nozzles;
  • screwdriver with drills;
  • tape measure and corner with a ruler;
  • hammer and spatula;
  • brush and pencil.

Execution of the drawing

Even before you start work, you should consider that in order to make a quality rocking chair with your own hands, a drawing is required.

Having a sketch in hand, you can avoid serious errors in terms of product dimensions and correctly determine the quantity of materials that you will need to make.

First you need to take metal mesh, each cell of which corresponds to 1 cm, and outline on it a template for the side of the chair. To further make it more convenient to work, it is recommended to transfer the created chair template to plain paper. So it will be easier for you to mark the outline of the chair already on the plywood itself. Do not worry if small errors are made. Here it is important to maintain the symmetry of the sidewalls and avoid protruding corner elements on the outer rolling part.

To do this work, we need plywood 3 cm thick, from which three drawers are cut dimensions 120 x 800 mm. The manufacture of sidewalls is carried out using an electric jigsaw exactly according to the pattern. After that, you need to take a beam 50 mm wide and 25 mm thick and cut out 35 fragments from it, each of which should be 120 cm long. The finished bars will later serve as a seat and back for us.

Try to get as much timber at the very beginning to minimize waste. This will be quite easy to do, given that you can calculate the total length of the timber even before buying. Say, if it has a length of 2.3 m, then it is better to make the chair narrower. As a result, its width will decrease to 115 cm, however, this will allow you to avoid waste. The given dimensions of the rocking chair do not require their exact observance. Therefore, if in the course of work it becomes clear to you that it would be better to increase or decrease the size to minimize waste, you can do it without fear.

Workpiece processing

Surface treatment of workpieces is carried out using grinder. During the operation, it is necessary Special attention give them to the ends. If, during work, wood fibers protrude on them, then you need to use a hammer and level them, and then process them with hot drying oil. So you will make the ends of your furniture more resistant to moisture, which will positively affect its service life. When the drying oil dries, it is necessary to carry out reprocessing to fix the result.

The assembly of the chair is carried out, focusing on the drawing of the rocking chair. Need fasten the two sides, used kings. But first you need to mark the places where they will connect.

According to common schemes for the manufacture of rocking chairs, it is recommended to fix them in the head area, in the middle and at the legs. When you have to fasten the tie bars to the sidewall, use a confirmation for this. This name is given to a special screw screed, with which they are fixed wood materials. First, before fastening, it is necessary to create holes in the sidewall 8 mm and in the end of the drawer side 5 mm.

Next, we begin work on creating the seat and attaching it to the base. We take earlier cooked 35 pieces of timber, in which you need to make four holes for two on each side. After that, the bars must be fixed to the sidewalls. Given the number of holes present, it is recommended to fix the bars with 3 or 4 mm self-tapping screws. During the fastening of the boards, constantly check the horizontal position of their installation.

Finished product processing

If we turn to the experience of making rocking chairs made of wood and plywood by ordinary owners with their own hands, we can identify a number of serious mistakes made after assembly. Among them, I would especially like to dwell on low-quality finishing or its absence. In order to do everything right and ensure the chair has the longest possible service life, it is necessary do the following:

  • process the hole above the screws with putty;
  • cover with a layer of antiseptic;
  • apply waterproof varnish in two or three layers.

If you perform all the above work exactly, you can be sure that a rocking chair made by yourself will be able to please you for more than one year.

If you are going to start making a rocking chair with your own hands for the first time, then it will be useful for you read the recommendations experienced craftsmen who have done this work more than once:

Other types

One of the varieties of this piece of furniture is wooden Baby chair . It is done according to the same scheme as described above, however, you need to adjust the size for the age of the child. This also applies to the tilt of the backrest and handles. Quite often, child seats are made in the form of a horse.

Of particular interest is the rocking chair for the office. The peculiarity of its manufacture lies in the fact that leather is used for facing, as a result of which the product acquires a respectable and solid appearance. With such a chair at hand, a person will have the opportunity to relax and unwind during the working day.


Although furniture manufacturing offers enough big choice furniture, one of the most desirable for many owners of summer cottages is a rocking chair. Settled in it you can relax and allow yourself to forget about everyday affairs for a while.

Moreover, in order to personal experience to feel all the benefits of having such a piece of furniture, it is not necessary to spend big money on buying a rocking chair. You can always make it yourself. Given that you can use available materials and tools, any person who at least once held a hammer and saw in his hands can cope with this task. There are many ready-made schemes for the manufacture of such furniture, therefore, if you strictly follow the technology of manufacturing a rocking chair, you can create a fairly elegant and reliable product that can serve you for many years.

Secondly, a simple and at the same time effective health simulator. Thirdly, it is surprisingly comfortable to relax in it, read a book or indulge in sweet, addictive and enveloping laziness.

Since the statement that all diseases stem from the nerves is largely true, the rocking chair can become a unique pill, a miracle cure for many diseases.

Rhythmic, even and calm swaying puts the human nervous system into some kind of trance - the body calms down, relaxes, but the parasympathetic nervous system on the contrary, it is activated.

A person relaxes, distracted from the daily routine and obsessive thoughts. A relaxed mind is “lazy” to control the body, the muscles relax, starting to fully rest and recover, accumulating a reserve of strength.

A rocking chair will help overcome sleep problems, because dimensional rocking is the same manipulation that a mother carries out, rocking a child in cradle. Just half an hour in a rocking chair - and a deep healthy sleep will take you into his arms.

A rocking chair will help patients with tachycardia - swaying, as it were, sets a certain uniform pace, to which the heart adjusts. It trains the vestibular apparatus - after it it is easier to endure long trips in a car, train or plane.

Today, rocking chairs are made from different materials, but our most popular products are from rattan and vines.

What to make a rocking chair from: we select materials

To make a reliable, strong and durable rocking chair, you must use quality woodconiferous varieties, oak or larch. Often, to simplify the work, plywood is used - its sheets are not only easy to saw to get the part of the required shape, but it is also plastic enough and lends itself well to further processing (sanding, painting).

The choice of material is almost completely determined by the place where to place the rocking chair. An outdoor rocking chair must have additional protection and processed antiseptics, which minimize the impact of adverse aggressive natural factors (frost, rain, snow) and allow you to maintain aesthetic appeal as long as possible.

For giving the best option the combination of metal and wood looks like - the base (frame) is made of forged metal, and the seats are already made of wood. And stores are increasingly offering plastic rocking chairs, which has two undoubted advantages: small price and high immunity to all natural influences.

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands: the most affordable options

The main part of the design of the rocking chair is two runners (skis) that have an arched shape, due to which, in fact, the chair can rock. These skids can be short or long. In chairs with long skids, the depth and amplitude of rolling are quite large, a person moves from a sitting position to a semi-lying position. Rocking chairs with short skids provide a calm and sedate swing, which is why they are especially popular with older people.

To make a simple rocking chair, you don't even need detailed drawing rocking chairs. It is enough to take a ready-made, for example old, chair (1) with wooden legs. Let's make two supports (2), for this we make two elements from the bars, which will have the same curved base. We also cut out the cheeks (3), which we will use later as the bottom for the legs of the chair.

For each leg of the original chair, we cut out two restrictive bars (4) - a total of eight. We nail the appropriate limiters at the required distance for each support for all legs. Both supports with outside screw in three (6) furniture bolts- this will give the chair stability and ensure a safe swing. Let's prepare the end plate (7) for each restrictive timber. Having inserted the legs of the chair into the prepared grooves with limiters, we cover the limiters with closing plates and fix them with a perforator. For convenience, a footrest (8) can be added to the front.

Similarly, you can upgrade the chair with metal legs by making special fastening loops from metal

Plywood rocking chair

For plastic modeling, plywood is the most favorable material. Using a jigsaw, you can get a design that will greatly simplify the process, because structurally it combines the two most important (and most difficult to manufacture) elements of a rocking chair - skids and sidewalls. In addition, the absence of joints significantly increases the strength of the structure.

For the manufacture we need:

  • jigsaw
  • screwdriver
  • plywood - a sheet with a thickness of at least 15 mm
  • oak (pine) slats with a section of 10x50 mm - about 20-35 pieces, the length depends on the manufacturing option - a single or double chair. For a single chair, the rail length is 1200 mm.
  • timber (pine, oak is better) - 30x50 mm, 3 pcs, equal in length to the rails
  • self-tapping screws

We draw a pattern on graph paper, transfer the pattern to plywood and cut out the sidewall with an electric jigsaw.

After that, we sand all the details and remove small chamfers. If the rocking chair is intended for summer cottages, the ends will require special attention - they require maximum protection against dampness. Therefore, the ends of all parts are impregnated with hot drying oil, after which the wood fibers are slightly flattened with a hammer - so moisture will be absorbed much less. Before starting the general assembly, the processing-varnishing procedure for the ends must be carried out twice.

We mark the holes for the connecting bars (tsargs) at the foot, middle part and at the head. To achieve maximum accuracy, after preliminary marking, the sidewalls are aligned and a hole is drilled. The drawers are fixed with euro screws and additionally fixed with wood glue. After that, we evenly fix the rails on the already assembled frame with self-tapping screws. After the assembly is completed, it is necessary to putty the holes above the screws, once again sand all the details with fine sandpaper, treat with an antiseptic, cover with stain (if you like). dark tones wood) and cover the resulting chair with waterproof varnish.

If it is possible to use the grinder and welding machine, you can assemble a metal frame. This will require steel corner(20x20x3 mm) and steel strip (thickness 4 mm, width 40 mm). After assembly, the frame is painted, after which holes for self-tapping screws are drilled along the entire length of the seat and backrest, with which wooden facing strips will be attached.

Advice! Before assembly, be sure to treat the metal parts with an anti-corrosion compound.

The rocking chair is rightfully one of the most popular pieces of furniture. She gains even more popularity when there is country house. It can be different models made from different materials. But preference is given wooden products. You can buy ready-made, or you can make it yourself. How to make a rocking chair with your own hands and what materials to give preference to, read further in the article.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden structures

Wood is the most common material for making furniture. Wooden rocking chair is no exception, thanks to its numerous advantages:

  • Ecologically pure material giving off a pleasant forest scent.
  • Significant strength.
  • Long period of operation.
  • The possibility of implementing design solutions.
  • Ease of processing, including manual.
  • A wide choice of wood of any brand and in any place.
  • Large color spectrum of the material.

The finished rocking chair fits well into any architectural ensemble of the building. It can be installed at any time convenient location: in the meadow, by the pool, by the fireplace, near the barbecue, etc. Rocking in a chair is relaxing, comfortable for the body, and beneficial for the body. It is a comfortable and safe swing for children.

Photo: rocking chair in interior design

Along with numerous advantages, there are a number of disadvantages, the main of which is the significant cost of any rocking chair. In addition, structures are characterized by the loss of their qualities and characteristics if it is affected by rain, fog, and other precipitation. Undesirable will be a long stay of a rocking chair under the influence of the sun.

Material and its characteristics

For the manufacture of rocking chairs from solid wood, conifers are preferably selected. It can be pine, spruce, alder or larch. These rocks are characterized by low mass and low density. Homemade designs with a significant mass will be inconvenient to move. high density material will create difficulties in work.

Coniferous trees have a structure of light gray shade. Easily processed. A significant disadvantage of such wood is that with an increase in the level of humidity, it increases in size. Despite this, conifers are budget option, are widespread in trading network and are of low cost.

The chair can be made from more expensive types of wood. It can be oak, ash or beech. These types of wood have almost no pores, resulting in high level strength. Finished structures are reliable and durable, but have a high cost. Tree species have a light or light yellow color.

For the manufacture of a chair that sways, high-quality wooden blanks of the first grade are used. The humidity of these blanks by the beginning of work should not exceed 10%. If this figure is higher, then wood is not recommended. It is better to let it dry, as a structure made of wet wood will subsequently dry out and undergo deformation. The consequence will be its nondescript appearance or complete destruction.


For the manufacture of a wooden swinging structure, it is necessary to draw up a drawing of the chair. It is better to perform it on graph paper, drawing all the structural elements with dimensions. To make a simple rocking chair with your own hands from wood, it is recommended to take an ordinary chair as a basis.

Drawing of a rocking chair made of wood

The simplicity of the design lies in the fact that all elements are attached at right angles and there is no need to cut additional details. The basis for the whole structure is the size of the seat and the height of the legs. Under these dimensions, connecting elements will be cut. The next step in the manufacture of rocking chairs, according to the drawing and the required dimensions, we cut wood parts.

Seat square shape with a side length of 53-56 cm can be made of plywood or a solid piece of wood. The thickness of the seat should be 1.0-1.5 cm. For the rear and front legs, a beam with a section of 4.5x4.5 cm is used. The rear legs are cut with a height of 105-110 cm, the front ones - 55-60 cm. length, height and thickness 57x4x1.5 cm, respectively.

This design and dimensions are not a dogma. Based on preferences, the shape and size of parts may vary.

Another drawing example


Making a chair requires a tool. To complete the work you will need:

  • fine-toothed wood saw or electric jigsaw for cutting blanks;
  • simple or electric planer for processing construction details;
  • grinding or belt machine for grinding parts;
  • manual milling machine for grooving and processing connecting rails;
  • right angle or building plumb;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • clamp or rubber band;
  • brush or spatula to fill the mounting holes.

Given that the structural elements will not be attached to nails, a hammer will be needed to fit the parts to each other.

Connection of parts

To attach the seat and legs to each other, you can use two options:

  1. spike fastening;
  2. connection with glue.

When fastened to a spike on wooden elements rocking chairs are marked. According to it, grooves are cut in the legs, 2.0x1.5 cm in size, 2 cm deep. The shape of the connecting rails is prepared for the grooves. Before fastening the parts, the groove and ends of the rails are treated with building glue.

Thematic material:

In the second version, the attachment points are treated with glue and interconnected. For reliability, epoxy glue is often used. The joints are reinforced with self-tapping screws. The seat is mounted on transverse rails and is also fixed with self-tapping screws.

In both versions, a clamp and gaskets are used to finally fasten all elements of a rocking chair made of wood. The gasket material is installed between the clamp and the rocking chair. After installation, the clamp is tightened and the swinging chair is left for 24 hours for the glue to completely harden. In the absence of a clamp, the screed is carried out using a hard rubber band.

Mounting skids

The manufacture and installation of skids can be done in two ways.

First way

Differs in simplicity and speed of execution. It is as follows:

  • For the manufacture of skids, a sheet of plywood, 1.5 cm thick, is used.
  • According to the template, two blanks of the same curvature are cut out of plywood, about 1 m long.
  • Slots are made in the legs of the chair, 1.5 cm wide under the thickness of the plywood skids. The depth of the slots can be 7-10 cm.
  • The runners are ground along the edge and installed in the slot. During installation, it is necessary to achieve the most uniform level of their installation.
  • At the landing sites of the skids, a through hole is made, with a diameter of 2 cm.
  • The hole is treated with glue and a wooden spike is inserted into it.

Second way

More labor intensive. A block of wood is used as a ski. To equip a rocking chair with skis, you must:

  1. AT wooden bar, with a section of 4.5x4.5 cm and a length of about 1 meter, cut grooves.
  2. Process the ends of the legs of the chairs for landing in the grooves of the runners.
  3. Place the skid bars in boiling or hot water until the wood is pliable.
  4. Using a tool, bend the skis to a certain radius and leave in this state until completely dry.
  5. Install the dried runners on the legs, pre-treating the grooves with glue.

In order for the runners to serve for a long time, it is necessary to use wood with high wear resistance.

Balance check

Rocking chair made of wood, can cause inconvenience when landing or getting up. This arises as a result of the difference in the weight of the structural elements that are in its front and back parts. To avoid discomfort, it is necessary to balance the swinging structure.

With a significant inclination of the structure forward, cross bars can be mounted on the skids behind the back. If necessary, the weight on the slats can be increased by installing decorative elements.

Balanced Rocking Chair

When tilting back, the same counterweight must be equipped in front of the rocking chair. It can be an additional shelf for legs. If this weight is not enough, then you can equip a niche under the shelf for an additional counterweight.


The finished structure will be used in different places at different temperatures. Operation in winter and summer, under the sun and in the cold, indoors and outdoors can lead to rapid aging of the tree and various diseases. This will save the processing of the material.

Before assembling the structure, the tree can be stained. Due to its concentration, the rocking chair can take on any shade.

Armchair varnished in 3 layers

To prevent diseases, the tree must be covered with a special antifungal liquid, as well as an agent against wood insects and pests.

To protect the wood from getting wet, it is recommended to treat it with a special water-repellent liquid.

The finished chair will serve not only as a piece of furniture, but also as a separate design element that will always attract everyone's attention.

A rocking chair is the most comfortable piece of furniture that is designed for home relaxation. Such a product is expensive, and not everyone can afford to buy it. In order not to spend money on the purchase of a product, you can design and make a rocking chair with your own hands. Beautiful and original product self assembly will become a central decoration in your home interior.

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How to design correctly

There are several types of rocking chairs that suit different needs and habits of users. The first models that appeared in everyday life were equipped simple arcs and skis. Do-it-yourself rocking chairs can be made according to the finished drawing. But you need to know that these drawings were created under individual person and others may not. First of all, the product should be comfortable and meet your own needs.

If the family consists of 3-4 people, then the design of the chair is designed for the heaviest and tallest member of the family.

What you need to know when designing a product:

  1. In the manufacture of the chair, it is required to take into account that the center of gravity of the rocking chair must be correctly located in relation to the center of the rocking circle. Then the product will be comfortable and stable.
  2. A rocking chair made of wood will not move if these two points converge at one.
  3. The product will be unstable if the center of gravity moves higher in relation to the center of the circle.

How to choose material and design

The material for the chair is chosen depending on the interior of the room in which it will stand, and financial capabilities. Design and choice of material:

  • Wicker products have a beautiful appearance and are the most popular models. They are expensive, because they are woven by hand from rattan and cane. Models made from Indonesian rattan are very durable and have good quality. These are elegant, comfortable and environmentally friendly products. Thanks to good depreciation, they are able to withstand any weight. They are often installed on balconies and loggias of a country house.
  • The frame for rocking chairs is made of profile pipe, metal or wood. Plywood is often used. Metal carcass combined with natural materials such as rattan. These products are highly durable and can withstand big weight. To make them comfortable to sit on, the back and seat are made of plastic pipes.
  • The most budgetary are products made from wood. They are less durable, but have a beautiful appearance. A classic armchair made of wood with your own hands will look incomparable in a living room with a fireplace.

The comfort and smoothness of the rocking of the chair depends on the runners (skis). They can be made in two ways:

  • According to the drawing, 2 blanks are cut out of plywood and polished. The thickness of the plywood must be at least 15 mm. Skis must be installed in the grooves symmetrically with respect to each other. To do this, grooves are made in the legs of the product. Their depth should be from 7 to 10 cm. In the place where the legs of the chair and skis adjoin each other, cut through through holes. A wooden spike is inserted into them, having previously lubricated the holes with glue.
  • For the manufacture of skis use 2 square bars 1 m long, 45 mm thick. It cuts the grooves into which the legs of the chair will be inserted. To give skids necessary form, the bars are soaked in hot water. When they soften, the material will become elastic and slightly arched. When the skis are dry, they are installed on the legs. The parts are fixed with glue, so all joints are pre-lubricated with a substance.

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