State farms for the cultivation of indoutok. Farm products and their demand. Livestock expansion options

Raising ducks as a business attracts many entrepreneurs today, especially those who are just starting their independent career. Such interest is explained by a large number of positive aspects - these birds do not need serious care, they are unpretentious in food and maintenance, and they multiply quickly. The effect is exacerbated by the high demand for duck meat, which makes this type of business profitable. But you can’t do without studying the nuances of this business, duck business requires certain knowledge, financial investments. All this will be discussed.

Situation in the industry

Poultry farming is one of the main formats of farms. Almost all entrepreneurs who have a livestock of domestic animals are also breeding ducks. Even in a village, this type of business can generate income.

Duck meat is popular among Russians, though not as big as chicken and turkey. Establishing product deliveries is easy. Meat can be sold through the following channels:

  • shops, supermarkets;
  • city ​​markets;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • manufactures of semi-finished products.

You can open your own outlet to sell meat on their own. You can do both retail and wholesale. But meat is not the only product to be marketed. Down and feathers can also be sold. They make down pillows, clothes. You just need to find a company that will be ready to buy these products. An even more profitable option is to establish independent production of products.

Despite the existence of competition in the industry, entering the market is not difficult. The entrepreneur will be able to grow ducks and quickly find distribution channels. It is not necessary to adjust wholesale trade. At first, you can sell livestock to private individuals.

Is it profitable to breed ducks?

Many entrepreneurs wonder if duck breeding is profitable or not? This business format is considered to be very profitable. The advantages of doing so include the following factors:

  1. it does not take much time to care for the livestock;
  2. no expensive equipment is required for the equipment of the premises;
  3. can be done practically non-waste production(people are willing to buy meat, including liver, feathers and down);
  4. low cost of maintenance (ducks eat everything, so you don’t have to spend a lot of money on feeding them);
  5. high rate of increase in livestock (allows you to quickly start making a profit without acquiring new individuals).

But ducks need a lot of space. They cannot be kept only indoors; a spacious place for walking is required.

The selection of a plot of land is one of the most important actions. You can buy or rent it. The relationship with the landlord must be official. Certificate of ownership can be obtained from the municipality.

But raising ducks for meat requires careful selection of suitable territory. It should be located outside the city - poor ecology will adversely affect the health of the livestock and the quality of future meat.

The ideal option is to find such land on the territory of which or near which there is a reservoir. For ducks, it will become a second home. If there is no reservoir, then you need to take care of creating an artificial pond, but it should not be too small, otherwise it will quickly become clogged and become a source of disease for birds.

  1. Walking. When the ducks themselves can go outside for walks from enclosed spaces. In this case, at least 10 m 2 of land should be allocated for each individual.
  2. Partially paddock. In this case, the ducks are kept in a fenced-off paddock. For each bird, 2m 2 is allocated.
  3. Closed. In this case, all ducks live in specially equipped cages, and only 1/3m 2 falls on 1 individual.

Usage closed type leads to an increase in body fat. Ultimately, this makes animal meat of less quality. The most preferred way is walking. It is as close as possible to the natural conditions of keeping ducks. The birds will not experience discomfort.

Creating places to live

Choosing a content method is not the only step to take. In any case, it will be necessary to equip the places of residence. To do this, you can create a poultry house, the walls of which must be insulated, because temperature changes have a bad effect on ducks. To eliminate this negative factor, you need to install indoors artificial ventilation, with which it will be possible to submit warm air during the cold season.

It will not do without floor insulation. For the winter, they can be covered with grass, removing it with the onset of summer. The floor should not be directly on the ground - the bottom of the structure must be located at a height of at least 25 centimeters from the surface of the earth. This will not only prevent the floors from getting very cold, but will also act as protection for the livestock from all kinds of rodents.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe poultry house must be calculated independently. Even before its construction, you should decide how many ducks the businessman wants to keep. Indoors, it is necessary to organize different zones - young individuals should be separated from adult ducks. Several laying hens should be kept together with 1 male.

Ducks are photophilous animals. Winter duration daylight hours is shortened. In order for the growth of birds to be as active as in the summer, you need to use artificial lighting, not forgetting about systematic ventilation.

Purchase of equipment

To ensure the normal maintenance of ducks in captivity and their subsequent sale, the following equipment will have to be purchased:

  • incubator;
  • nests for individuals with special thresholds;
  • freezers;
  • feeders;
  • drinkers;
  • specialized plucking machine.

All this will simplify the maintenance, breeding and marketing of livestock.

It is impossible to conduct legal activities without first registering your own business. In the case of duck breeding, you can choose one of the following business formats:

  1. OOO. This form of entrepreneurship is suitable for large farms, which are headed by several businessmen at once. You will need to collect a lot of documents, it will not be possible without authorized capital(the minimum amount is 10,000 rubles).
  2. IP. Suitable for a small farm owned by one person. There will be no restrictions on the sale of ducks. Can be used different forms taxation, reducing their burden on the state budget. The downside can be considered that the entrepreneur bears personal, including property, responsibility.
  3. LPH. This is the easiest option. It is suitable for those who are just starting to breed ducks in their summer cottage. But here the land should be owned by the businessman. Such an entrepreneur will be able to breed ducks and sell their meat, but in a certain amount. In this case, we are talking about the so-called surplus production, that is, the amount of production that the owner himself cannot use.

You can not do without a number of mandatory documents. The entrepreneur will need the following documents:

  • permits from SES, GKN and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • certificate of well-being conditions;
  • quality certificate.

It will be possible to slaughter ducks only with a veterinarian, and before that he must issue a certificate of bird health to the owner of the livestock. After the killing procedure, another document is issued, indicating that the slaughter took place in accordance with all existing standards. It is even better to ask a doctor to stamp the carcass of each animal, which will allow meat to be transported not only within the region, but also beyond its borders.

If a businessman wants to independently sell products in the markets, then he will have to contact the veterinary laboratory to obtain such a permit.

When the entrepreneur has figured out all the technical and legislative aspects, he can proceed to the direct breeding of birds. But not every breed of ducks can bring big profits. Most often they breed the following breeds:

Where to buy, how to breed and care

On the initial stage will have to buy a livestock of ducks. This can be done in special poultry farms. All company documents should be checked in advance. A personal visit will help you understand how the birds look, what size they are, how productive they are.

Ducks don't need any help to breed. The main thing is to make special nests for laying hens. After hatching, the eggs will need to be sent to a special incubator. Ducklings will appear there in a month.

These birds also do not require special care. The premises must be kept clean. Ducks must always have fresh water and food. As food, you can use compound feed and greens (ducks are very fond of duckweed). You need to take care of the presence in the diet of the following products:

  • cereals (including bran);
  • shells (they must be pre-crushed);
  • fat (we are talking about technical);
  • peas;
  • milk (dry mix should be used in animal feed);
  • salt;
  • various additives.

health care

Diseases are a serious danger not only to the health of ducks, but also to the profitability of the business as a whole. Livestock health is most affected by their diet. It is necessary to carry out the prevention of diseases all the time. One individual can infect all others. The most defenseless in this case is the younger generation. To avoid diseases, you should follow these recommendations:

  • ducks of different ages should be in different rooms;
  • onions and garlic as a food additive will help protect animals from infection with such serious diseases as typhoid, hepatitis, cholera;
  • the food should contain vitamins, especially a lot of them should be in the feed for young individuals;
  • hygiene of the premises is the basis of a healthy livestock;
  • you need to clean the room systematically, it is better to draw up an appropriate schedule, and manganese and lime should be used when cleaning;
  • inventory must be disinfected with special solutions.

All this will protect the livestock from diseases and help maintain their health.

Financial indicators

Many entrepreneurs involved in breeding birds are interested in the answer to the question, what is the profitability of breeding ducks. It should be noted right away that there is no need for large initial investments in this business - 200,000 rubles will be enough to buy livestock, equipment for the premises and purchase inventory.

The profitability of this business format is high. It is about 70%. And this is provided that the entrepreneur maintains 1 small farm with 250 ducks. The more individuals there are on the farm, the higher will be the profitability of their cultivation and subsequent marketing.

Even at first, you can count on a profit of 75,000 rubles in 2 months. But it will not be possible to quickly recoup your business, because ducks should be grown for at least 2 months before slaughter, and you still need to wait for the eggs to appear and the offspring to emerge from them.

Summing up

Breeding ducks - profitable business. Without special knowledge and careful care of the birds, you will not be able to get high profits. Over time, you can increase the livestock by opening new farms.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Many birds have been domesticated by man. There is a breeding of chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, turkeys and many others. These animals are not only delicious meat, but also valuable down and feathers, as well as nutritious eggs. As a rule, farms are engaged in the cultivation of poultry, and on a large scale - poultry farms. But any entrepreneur has the opportunity to enter into this quite profitable and interesting business in its own way, and today we will consider the possibility of becoming a mother duck by raising ducklings to become a bird for sale.

If you want to start running farming breeding ducks, the first step is to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. Here you have a choice, register a peasant farm or simply become an individual entrepreneur. The first form does not involve sole business, but, as a rule, a family, but in the future, if you have a spouse and children, they will be great at helping you take care of the birds.

In addition to registering with the tax office (for individual entrepreneurs) or with the authorized body at the place of permanent registration of the head of the economy (for peasant farms), you will soon need permanent permits from the veterinary service, and it makes sense at the very beginning to find out all the requirements that may vary in different regions. By law, you can breed a bird without any restrictions, but its slaughter and sale of meat carcasses must be legally documented. Yes, you will receive a veterinary certificate only if the employee of this department knows for sure that the slaughter of the bird took place in accordance with all established requirements, having previously checked the cooked animals. Even after the last bird has turned into meat ready for sale, the veterinarian will have to check it too, and only the local veterinary station deigns to issue a certificate. Then the meat will be transferred to the laboratory, in which, in the absence of violations, you will finally be issued a trade permit.

Don't be embarrassed by the price of the fee for opening a peasant farm at 800 rubles, the collection of all certificates and documents, their execution and other bureaucratic red tape, as a rule, costs 20 thousand rubles.

Many rural residents use a form of personal subsidiary farming for breeding one or another livestock or for growing vegetables, cereals and other crops. It is more of an additional income for the family, growing produce for themselves and selling the surplus at the local market. A full-fledged business involves not only legal registration, but also large areas, as in our case, for growing ducks.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In general, a duck is an unpretentious bird, it does not go over food, and it does not require any special conditions of detention. But, being a waterfowl creature, he loves all kinds of reservoirs. Yes, and she also needs space so as not to walk in a crowd, angrily quacking at her fellow tribesmen. Ideally, if you have your own house with an adjacent pair of ares of land that has access to, for example, a river or lake - ducks in such conditions will feel most comfortable. If there is no house, then, of course, you can rent it somewhere in a village near your city, but keep in mind that you will have to move there almost for permanent residence. A truly acceptable place of residence with several ares of land can be rented for 30 thousand rubles a month, including utility bills, while for such an amount you can really find a territory with access to a reservoir. However, as a rule, rural residents are engaged in poultry breeding, and entrepreneurs from big cities are not ready to give up life in the metropolis. Farming is best done directly on your own plot.

To provide ducks happy life before slaughter, the territory for them should be fully ennobled. First of all, you need to protect at least with a net the area for their walks, if there is a reservoir with access to open swimming, then take care of its limitation by stretching the same net over the water. Ducks will not dive, but for safety reasons and to prevent their free drift, it is recommended to put up a barrier and at least one and a half meters under the water column, ideally, fix it at the bottom. For such serious care of them, they will feel great and get sick less often, well gaining body weight.

In addition to the walking area, over which it would not hurt to put a canopy, two poultry houses will be needed - for young animals and breeding ducks.

Add to this the purchase of an incubator (do not forget that it is extremely unprofitable, when breeding a bird, not to sell its eggs), freezing equipment and plucking machine; the latter is needed not only to remove fluff and feathers from slaughtered carcasses, but also to collect these materials with the expectation of subsequent sale. Refrigeration equipment it will cost 30 thousand rubles, a picking machine - 10 thousand rubles, an incubator for 100 eggs - 5 thousand.

Ready-made ideas for your business

You can build poultry houses yourself, the main requirement for them will be the absence of cracks, because birds must live in warm room without drafts. So that the birds do not freeze even during winter frosts, it is worth installing a heater in each bird house, and also cover the floor with bedding in the cold season. It will cost no more than 10 thousand rubles, while building perches in poultry houses is not required - domesticated ducks spend their short lives on the ground, not climbing hills like chickens. It makes no sense to take into account the cost of building materials, since poultry houses are built from improvised boards, logs and other similar items, which are always in abundance in private areas. However, if carpentry is absolutely not given to you, you can also ask someone who understands this better to build rooms for birds.

Do not forget about the feeders and the watering system, but they are also easily made with your own hands. So, for the construction of the bird town itself, only 10 thousand are needed for heaters and bedding, but the purchase of all equipment will require more significant costs.

    Arrangement of poultry houses - 10 thousand rubles

    Incubator - 5 thousand rubles

    Feather removal unit - 10 thousand rubles

    Refrigeration equipment - 30 thousand rubles

It turns out 55 thousand. For such money, we will get a ready-made platform for growing chicks, growing up ducklings, slaughtering adults and storing meat and eggs. Ducks will be unaware that this territory was created for raising them for meat, but if any opportunities for escape are eliminated, they will not be able to guess their destination, but they are quite capable of going on an unconscious journey. When the enclosure is ready to receive its first inhabitants, it is time to go to the sellers of breeding ducklings.

In general, in the long term, it is recommended to raise chicks on your own, without buying new ones each time and simply bringing them to the right age to score. That is, the business involves full-fledged breeding, where generation after generation, obtained from the first drakes and ducks, is replaced, and not a kind of nursery with the constant purchase of new ducklings. For breeding ducks, the Beijing breed is recommended, these birds mature in 2 months, which allows you to get a new batch of meat on average once every 60 days, and they also have high egg production - up to 140 eggs per year from one duck. The disadvantage of this breed is that individuals hatch eggs very poorly, therefore, for maximum performance, representatives of other breeds, such as Rouen, can be purchased. Then the incubator will cope with this problem.

The first ducklings will need about 300 pieces, as well as 13 grown birds, which will become future parents at the rate of 3 drakes per 10 ducks - this will be enough for them to actively bear offspring in the future. The Beijing breed begins to lay eggs at the age of 30 weeks, the reproductive age lasts up to 2 years, only after that the laying hen is slaughtered due to its failure in this role. In the future, laying hens and drakes will be selected from the grown litter. A three-day-old duckling costs about a hundred rubles, their purchase will cost 30 thousand rubles, adults - about 7 thousand more. You can buy a batch of older ducklings so as not to personally play the role of a mother for fragile and recently born chicks, accustoming everyone to an independent life, but then the price of each duckling will be about 250 rubles, so the whole flock will require 75 thousand for their purchase. It is still recommended for a beginner poultry breeder to use the second option or carefully study the literature on rearing young chicks in order to avoid the death of small and helpless birds.

Subsequently, raising a bird for longer than 60 days is not economically profitable, starting from the age of fifty, ducklings begin to consume twice as much food, and this number only grows every week, and by this age they are already gaining 2 kilograms of meat. Feeding the birds will cost about 25 thousand rubles for two months, one chick will eat food for a little more than 80 rubles. True, in warm periods this amount will be somewhat less, when the birds have the opportunity to walk in the fresh air, they find their own food on their own; the presence of a reservoir greatly simplifies their task, and you will only have to feed them. Ten years ago, ducks could not lay eggs when low temperatures, but today's breeds are devoid of this drawback and perfectly give offspring at any positive temperatures that heaters are able to provide them. But this point is still worth checking with the seller of the ducklings. Thus, the amount of starting capital consists of the following values.

    Equipment and construction of the enclosure - 55 thousand.

    Buying birds - 27 thousand rubles.

    Purchase of feed - 25 thousand rubles.

    Utilities - 3 thousand rubles.

Having at your disposal 110 thousand rubles and your own house with access to a pond, you may well start a business of breeding ducks.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Duck meat is always in demand, there should not be serious problems with the sale, while most farmers are engaged in raising chickens, since in addition to the meat actively consumed by the population, they also carry eggs, which are used on a large scale in Food Industry and simply bought by the population for their own needs. The duck, as a rule, goes only as a meat carcass, while a duck egg is not found on sale. This is due to many reasons - and the firm belief of the population in the contamination of duck eggs with salmonellosis, and worse taste compared to chicken, and less historical use in the kitchen (although in many countries duck eggs are valued and often eaten; if there is a desire to establish exotic business export of duck eggs - you can try). Only bakeries can actively buy duck eggs due to some use of duck eggs in dough preparation. Often they can be sold only as incubation, the price can be up to 25 rubles apiece, but, as a rule, only at retail, wholesale will be cheaper. Yes, in breeding ducks, the sale of eggs can be just a small bonus, as well as the sale of down, a kilogram of which can be sold at best for 1,700 rubles. But duck meat is sold to wholesalers at an average of 150 rubles per kilogram, at retail it reaches a price of 200 rubles.

How to sell your products is up to you, but if there is a market nearby, it would be nice to try to spend at least a few days of trading - suddenly the demand will be significant. If not, wholesale meat buyers will be ready to take the meat of slaughtered poultry from you in large quantities. The best strategy is to work with suppliers and then sell the surplus on the local market. Or maybe vice versa, if meat is in demand in your countryside.

Eggs will have to be sold, most likely, only for incubation for the reasons indicated above, but there will always be a buyer for fluff, since even large poultry farms do not provide in full the need for this material for production. Owners of private households are often asked about the availability of this product by feather and down dealers, and sometimes by employees of clothing factories. From one slaughtered duck, you can collect up to 12 grams of down and about 100 grams of feather. With 300 ducks you get 360 grams and 30 kilograms respectively. When slaughtered every two months, you will be able to receive feathers and down for an amount covering the cost of utilities for one month. Not so serious, but also money. The main source of income is still meat.

How much can you earn by breeding this bird? After 60 days of life, the Peking duck boasts a carcass, which contains an average of 2 kilograms of meat. If we take the price per kilogram equal to 200 rubles, then one duck will bring us 400 rubles of income. We have 300 of them, it turns out 120 thousand rubles, but please note that this is the amount for two months of work. 25 thousand goes to feed, another 6 thousand - for two months of paying utility bills. Wage labor is not provided for, a family of 3-4 people will quite cope with a brood of ducklings for several hundred heads. The operating profit for the two months after which the poultry is slaughtered is approximately 90 thousand rubles, or 45 thousand rubles per month. As a result, you will receive 41,400 rubles net profit with deductions under the simplified taxation system with income deductions.

Hiring a person to slaughter a bird can also be attributed to expenses if you yourself do not know how to do it or simply do not have enough morale to kill creature. However, sentimentality of this kind is not typical for a farmer and an entrepreneur.

The profitability of rearing one bird exceeds 50%, therefore, by increasing the number of birds, you will receive additional profit from each beak. The annual production of meat for only three hundred birds will exceed 7 tons, so registering your business as a simple personal subsidiary farm does not make sense. If you still have more than one acre of land at your disposal, then you can and should increase the number of chicks reared, because 200 ducks require only about 100 square meters of land.

The payback of such a project does not exceed 4 months with optimal development, but the fewer birds you breed, the less profitable the business becomes, and the payback period grows proportionally. It is sometimes noted that it is unprofitable to breed ducks with a population of less than 500 pieces due to the actual sales of only meat, but this may be due precisely to the presence high level competition in your area, and hence the initially low selling prices for a duck carcass. However, if there is indeed a fierce struggle for survival in the product market when breeding chickens, then things are easier with ducks. At the same time, meat is well bought, and many do not want to engage in such business because of the simplicity of breeding chickens, which gives you the opportunity to open such a business. As a prospect, we can consider the possibility of breeding several breeds of ducks up to selection and breeding of new species, which will increase the range and quality of the products offered.

Matthias Laudanum

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- popular recently with Russian farmers, has always been considered profitable business. In today's article, it is proposed to consider breeding ducks as a business.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:180-225 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with a population:for the countryside
Situation in the industry:average competition
The complexity of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: up to 1 year

Breeding ducks as a business: advantages and disadvantages

A few years ago, before the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia in 2014, poultry farming developed rapidly in the country on a huge scale in large poultry farms. Today the situation has changed radically. Feeding thousands of birds is becoming an overwhelming task for large enterprises. But for small farms and private farmsteads, the demand for poultry breeding has grown significantly.

The point is not only that it is much easier and cheaper to keep a small number of birds, but also that in recent times the popularity of real organic products, the production of which is hardly possible with large-scale poultry farming, has grown dramatically.

Is it profitable to breed ducks? The undoubted advantages of breeding ducks include:

  • undemanding in careful care and unpretentiousness in maintenance;
  • active breeding of birds and a rapid increase in livestock;
  • their omnivorous nature, which means low feed costs;
  • the sale of not only duck eggs and meat, but also down and feathers.

disadvantages this business are not specific, and inherent in any business in the field of Agriculture:

  • the need for a large land plot for walking birds and a pond for their bathing;
  • constant bird watching;
  • the need to pass the quality control of meat and egg products, the execution of a package of documents.

When organizing a business, close attention is paid to the choice of breed of poultry for breeding. If the duck farm plan provides for the sale of meat products, it is necessary to purchase meat breeds of ducklings. Egg-bearing breeds gain less weight, but carry much more eggs, which are also in great demand for sale.

What types of ducks are beneficial for breeding

Meat breeds of ducks gain their "commercial" weight in about 2-2.5 months, the number of eggs they lay reaches 40-80 pieces per year. Egg-bearers will reach the same weight in 3-4 months, but the number of eggs that they will give in a year will reach 140-180 pieces.

The most popular duck breeds for breeding among Russian farmers are:

  • Beijing breed. Considers one of the best in the meat direction. By the time of slaughter peking ducks reach 4-4.5 kg - drakes, females are 500-700 g lighter. One of the advantages of this breed is that they freely interbreed with other breeds. "Hybrids", for example, mulards, today are champions in weight gain and the most popular "suppliers" of the delicacy liver, from which famous dish foie gras.
  • Muscovy ducks or indo-ducks - meat breed. Drakes can reach up to 5 kg in weight, females are twice as light. Calm birds, perfectly enduring the absence of a nearby reservoir.
  • The White Moscow breed is a "hybrid" obtained from crossing a Peking duck and a Khaki Campbell duck. It perfectly tolerates any climatic conditions and gains weight up to 3.5-4 kg.
  • Another meat breed is Rouen. It has a delicate taste of meat, reaches a weight of up to 5 kg.
  • Ukrainian gray breed - refers to the meat and egg breed. Drakes reach a weight of up to 3.5 kg, females - up to 3 kg. Egg production - from 120 to 250 eggs per year.
  • Black white-breasted breed of the egg direction. Full weight - 4 kg reaches only six months of maintenance. Slaughter is usually carried out at the age of 3 months, when ducks weigh 2.2-2.5 kg. Laying hens give up to 140 large eggs weighing 80-90 g per year.
  • The Agidel breed is the record holder for the meat and egg direction. At the age of 7-8 weeks, these ducks can reach a weight of 3 kg; in a year, the female can lay up to 230-240 eggs weighing from 90 g.
  • Breed Star 53 - meat ducks. Another breed that is grown specifically to obtain liver for making foie gras. By the age of 50 days, they reach a weight of 3.5-3.7 kg.

Muscovy and Peking ducks are the most popular for poultry breeding as a business among other meat breeds. By the way, the cultivation of ducks for meat as a business prevails over the egg direction, giving farmers who decide to choose egg-laying ducks for breeding, slight advantage, due to the relative emptiness of this niche.

Business registration

Currently, domestic legislation provides for three forms of doing business for poultry breeding:

  1. OOO. Suitable for organizing a large farm with large volumes of products. More information on how to register an LLC can be found at the link.
  2. IP. Best suited for those entrepreneurs who are planning to open small business with hired workers and a relatively small volume of production. Read how to open an IP.
  3. LPH (personal subsidiary plot). Registration of private household plots is registration with local governments after the provision of documents confirming the ownership of land plot and expressing a desire to engage in farming. Only members of the same family can open private household plots. Sale of products can be carried out only in the form of the sale of surplus left after personal consumption, i.e. in very limited quantities. Of course, no one keeps records of sales, but it is undesirable and fraught with large fines to abuse violations of the law by passing off individual entrepreneurs as private household plots.

In order to sell their products, private household plots need to register with a veterinary clinic, get a veterinary certificate there, with which it will be possible to receive veterinary certificates of Form No. 2, which can be used to sell excess products.

For individual entrepreneurs, paperwork follows the same scheme, plus you will have to issue a certificate of conformity of products to GOSTs and a quality certificate. You will also need to register with the tax office. What taxes an individual entrepreneur pays can be found in this.

How to build a duck farm

Since duck breeding as a business involves its conduct in rural areas, the villagers should not have any special problems finding premises. Even if it becomes necessary to build a poultry house, special costs this step is not required. You can build a poultry house from used boards or boards of the second or third grade. You can insulate the nets with any cheap building materials- Styrofoam, mineral wool or something similar. The plank floor can be lined with grass or hay.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room must be calculated based on their content of three ducks per square meter. meter. The poultry house must also be divided into at least three zones:

  1. For keeping the young.
  2. For the maintenance of breeding individuals
  3. For keeping other birds.

You will also need to organize a paddock for walking with an area of ​​ten square meters. meters per duck. Keeping ducks exclusively in cages is undesirable - the bird swims in fat and, accordingly, its meat falls in price.

The poultry house must be equipped with lighting and a ventilation system for ventilation in winter period. In the paddock you can dig a small artificial pond if there is no natural body of water nearby.

Equipment and inventory

The equipment and inventory required on any poultry farm, no matter what scale, include:

  • feeders and drinkers, which you can either build yourself or purchase at any pet store or agricultural store;
  • incubator for breeding chicks;
  • lamps with red light for installation in the poultry house;
  • heater in the poultry house. The best cheap option would be to install a conventional potbelly stove with a water circuit around the perimeter.

To process carcasses you will need:

  • machine for plucking feathers and down;
  • meat freezers and egg coolers.

In total, the purchase of equipment for breeding ducks with a population of up to 60-70 individuals will cost from 80 to 100 thousand rubles.

How to choose and buy young animals

Having identified one or more breeds of ducks for breeding, a future entrepreneur can purchase ducklings in any nearby household plot or on a duck farm. The price of a daily weekly age of ducklings ranges from 90 to 110 rubles per piece. Two- or three-week-old chicks will cost a little more.

When buying, you must visually inspect the ducklings for diseases. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to conduct another survey when buying, and you will have to be guided only by the honest word of the seller. By the way, it is for this reason that it is better to buy ducklings already grown up, albeit a little more expensive. Optimal time to buy - autumn.

duck care

Ducks do not require any special grooming. The main thing is to ensure that there is always food in the feeders, water in the drinkers, and the room is cleaned on time. Ducks are fed compound feed, fresh juicy greens. The composition of the diet of birds may include:

  • any grain crops;
  • crushed river shells;
  • powdered milk;
  • various mineral supplements;
  • animal and vegetable fat;
  • salt.

If it is possible to collect lake or marsh duckweed for feeding ducks - small plants that cover the surface of the water, you need to do this - duckweed is a delicacy for ducks. Usually ducks are sent for slaughter at the age of 2-3 months. During this time, they eat from 10 to 12 kg of feed. Consequently, a herd of 100 ducks needs from 1 to 1.2 tons of feed for this time. At a cost of 1 kg of about 10 rubles, total costs for food will be from 10 to 12 thousand rubles.

How to find a distribution channel for products

Taste qualities duck meat and duck eggs create a great demand for it from enterprises Catering- cafes, restaurants, etc., buying products from duck farms in bulk. The main channels for marketing duck farm products can be considered:

  • production facilities engaged in the manufacture of semi-finished products;
  • markets;
  • the shops;
  • or open your own branded outlet.

Down and feathers can be sold to factories producing down clothes, pillows, etc. Among other things, eggs and young ducklings for start-up entrepreneurs will also be used for sale, manure - as a fertilizer for a garden for summer residents.

Profitability of a business idea

Opening a small duck farm of one hundred heads will require the following expenses:

  • arrangement of a poultry house - 40-50 thousand rubles (building from scratch will require an amount of 300-350 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of equipment - 100-120 thousand rubles;
  • the purchase of ducklings - 9-11 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of feed - 10-12 thousand rubles;
  • for unforeseen expenses, an amount of 20-30 thousand rubles should be planned.

In total, organizing a business will require from 180 to 225 thousand rubles (subject to the availability of premises for a poultry house). The payback of the business, even with the most “modest” estimates, will be no more than one year. Based on the experience of successfully operating duck farms, you can plan a plus profit starting from 7-8 months of operation.

Thanks to its tasty and lean meat, the indo-duck (scientifically musky duck) has become a widely popular and sought-after poultry among farmers in many countries around the world. Compared to ordinary ducks, it has a quiet and calm disposition and excellent meat growth. The breed has the best rate of survival and hatchability. The bird does not need any special nutrition and care, therefore, growing and keeping indo-outs at home is not problematic for an amateur poultry farmer.

Description and all the details about indoutok

Motherland Muscovy ducks Central and South America. It differs from other breeds of domestic ducks by its unusual exterior and high productivity. From the point of view of vital activity and anatomy, the Indo-duck is a type of poultry with anatomical features of geese and ducks. In the courtyard, when keeping musky ducks at home, constant quacking is not heard and silence practically reigns.

The bird makes a quiet hissing sound, and therefore the Indians have another name - "mute". Other Muscovy Duck Features:

  • has a hard plumage,
  • feeds mainly on green plant foods,
  • meat with low fat accumulations,
  • retained the ability to fly,
  • treats its offspring with care until the ducklings become completely independent,
  • capable of laying up to hundreds of eggs with a white shell yellow shade, the weight of each egg is 80 grams.

External and anatomical features of the indochka:

  • medium sized head
  • beak on top with growths of coral color,
  • in the center of the base, the beak of a male with a fleshy growth in the form of a knob,
  • the neck is short and slightly thicker than that of ducks.

White Indians are the most popular. Muscovy ducks are also red (brown), black and white, black white-winged and completely black. males large sizes are more likely to show aggression. The maximum length of a three-kilogram male is 0.8 m, and the average female is about 0.4 m.

Breeding indoutok and business nuances

Although ducks are picky and easy to care for, they must be kept warm at constant temperature regime. In winter, the allocated room should have good thermal insulation with high-quality insulation with excellent physical and technical characteristics. The temperature should not fall below zero. +18C+20C is optimum temperature water for bathing Muscovy ducks.

The area where Muscovy ducks will be reared must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. These are mandatory safety measures for any domestic animal and should not be neglected.

If you are firmly on your feet and the business needs further development, be sure to purchase Indo-Mulards. To breed this breed, a male musk is crossed with a Beijing female. On average, the male weighs up to 4 kg. For the extraction of the well-known foie gras liver, ducks of this breed are used. The product is valued for its special fat content, achieved by proper combined nutrition. Naturally, the price of such a liver will be appreciated by the sellers.

When dispensing a product wholesale lots it is possible to achieve full reimbursement of all expenses for the care of indo-cats. A little-known fact - widely practiced in many countries, the drug "oscillococinum" is produced using Muscovy duck. By selling carcasses for this purpose, your profits will increase a little.

How to breed indoutok at home for meat in a natural way?

The cost of one individual is quite low. First, get young indo-outs, and soon they will please you with the first offspring. Buy should be at the beginning or middle of the autumn season, when they become ducks and young drakes. For the appearance of ducklings in winter and spring, one drake is planted with 3-5 ducks. Muscovy duck females take excellent care of their offspring.

The bird should be kept separately from other animals in your farmstead - in a small built poultry house. hot summer days the room should be kept cool, and warm in winter. The exit of windows and doors to the south and the side from which the winds constantly blow. The area of ​​the poultry house is calculated from the number of placed birds per 1 sq.m. Usually 3 ducks and a maximum of 8 ducklings.

Adults rush with the onset of the April heat. It is important to prevent the eggs from lying in the nest for a long time. As soon as the clutch has reached 20 eggs, the female nests. First you need to prepare the nest. It might be simple cardboard box, below laid with any fabric (burlap). The use of synthetics is not allowed.

Due to the preserved instinct for flights, in day-old chicks, the tips of the wings are docked (cut off) to the first phalanx. The cut off places are treated with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. Wing docking is not performed for adults. They stop laying eggs until their wings are fully grown.

For business, it is better to buy grown ducklings born this year. From such indows, offspring can be obtained as early as next spring. The cost of a reared bird is about 800 rubles per head, the cost of a chicken is from 100 rubles.

The economic maturity of females occurs at the age of 196-200 days; it is not recommended to cause egg-laying earlier. Mature individuals begin to lay eggs in February-March. In one season, a duck can hatch 2-3 broods of 20 eggs each. The first cycle of egg production lasts five months and during this time ducks can lay 60-80 eggs, then rest (molt) for three months, then the story repeats. Fertilization in drakes in spring (April-May) is 100%, in autumn it decreases by half.

Within 2 months after hatching from eggs, indo-chicks reach a mass of 2-2.4 kg. Further, their content is considered inappropriate. The timing of bird slaughter can be determined using the example of French farms: drake after 70 days and duck after 65 days. After 70 days, the ducklings begin to shed and lose weight. This results in the formation of stumps (rudiments of new plumage) that are poorly removed from carcasses.

The average selling price of an indoutka carcass is 270-300 rubles per kilogram. Average weight carcasses 1.5 kilograms.

A list of the benefits of growing indoo meat at home

  1. Increased viability and high survival. With proper care, the survival rate at the time of sale is 95% -100%.
  2. Can be grown in simple barn or other ventilated area. The main thing in it should be warm and there should be no drafts.
  3. They don't need reservoirs. Suitable for content small garden plot with a water trough placed.
  4. Strangers are treated calmly without shouting (quacking).
  5. You can feed yourself various types food and feed mixtures.
  6. The eggs are edible. It is impossible to eat them from under an ordinary duck. Muscovy ducks can lay about 100 eggs each year. Weight of each 70 g.

Breeding indoutok at home in an incubator.

Hatchery eggs are selected and stored in the same way as other poultry. One difference is the longest incubation of 32-35 days. Eggs that have lain for 15-18 days are well hatched. Storage temperature of eggs for subsequent incubation +15C. It is recommended to place a container of water near the incubator so that the air does not become dry.

Before laying eggs, the incubator must be adjusted and heated for 4 hours. Eggs are laid with the calculation of the brood time. The chicks should hatch in the morning. If the eggs are laid vertically, the eggs will fit 20% more. However, the horizontal position of the eggs is more natural for ducklings.

The incubation period is 1-7, 8-29 or 30-34 days and depends on the readings of a wet and dry bulb, the number of turns per 24 hours, and air humidity.

It is good to know both ways of how to breed and grow an indout at home. Applying them in practice, you will significantly increase your income and be able to expand your business.

Feeding hatched ducklings.

The first day the chicks from the incubator still do not know how to eat and drink. But they respond very well to any movement. Therefore, an egg is taken, hard-boiled, chopped and sprinkled on the backs of ducklings. Potassium permanganate is added to drinking water. The next day, they are fed the first semi-liquid mash of bran with milk and boiled eggs.

On day 4, a mash with cottage cheese, chopped onions, spinach and crushed grains (a little) is prepared for feeding. From the 5th day of life, ducklings begin to be fed with chopped boiled meat waste. When the brood is 10 days old, boiled potatoes are added to the mash.

The number of feedings up to 10 days of age - 6-8 times a day, from 10 to 30 days 4-5 times a day, and after one month 3-4 times. From the age of 20 days, ducks begin to eat boiled mashed potatoes, and from the 40th day they are already switching to the diet of an adult bird. Chicks can be fed with special food, and if you decide to feed them with grain, then it is better to purchase a mill.

The diet of ducklings in our table.

grain bran, kg

spro, cake, kg

fish, bone meal, kg

fat-free cottage cheese, kg

return, kg

boiled potatoes, kg

fodder yeast, kg

green fodder, kg

chalk, gravel, kg

edible salt, kg

peel barley, kg

pick wheat, kg

peel corn, kg

Nutrition of adult Muscovy ducks.

The quality of food and feeding rules are also from the category of questions - how to care for indo-ducks at home. The health of ducklings, adult ducks and, consequently, the growth of livestock depends on this.

Diet needs to be enriched eggshell, limestone, sand, chalk and shell rock in small quantities. Feed must always be dry. Its quantity in the container for feeding should always be the same. The bird is so omnivorous that it can eat grass, leaves, weeds, fruits, worms, insects, fish and meat waste.

Indians need wet food. This is one of the conditions for the comfortable maintenance of tree ducks. You should also feed ducks with aquatic vegetation, such as duckweed. Ducks are very fond of eating corn, beets, rutabaga, turnips and barley, which requires pre-soaking and is served with water. A separate feeder filled with gravel is needed next to the feeding place.

For one adult per day you need 1 liter of water and 0.35 kg of feed. If the bird is in an open area with lots of grass all day, it is possible to reduce the amount of feed by about 50%. If ducks pluck feathers, then the diet is poor in nutrients. Therefore, enrich it with herbs and vitamin supplements.

The diet of an adult individual by season is presented in the table below.

barley, kg

wheat, kg

bran, kg

potatoes, g

bone meal, kg

shell, chalk, kg

yeast, kg

In the summer, Indian women can be on pasture for a long time, on fresh greenery. Therefore, the cost of feed during this period of time can be reduced.

Before slaughter (15 days in advance), when feeding, limit the following additives to the feed - fish and fishmeal, give more boiled potatoes, mash and limit physical activity.

Is breeding Muscovy ducks at home profitable as a business?

According to one version, the Indians got their nickname from the Muscoa Indian tribe. The breed was brought into Russian Empire under Queen Elizabeth. Since that time, this breed of poultry began to spread throughout the earth. Modern amateur poultry farmers are increasingly interested in how to keep an indout at home. Some want to consistently receive additional profit, while others seek to organize a full-fledged and profitable business. The main income of such activities is profit from the sale of bird carcasses. A duck that is more massive in weight and size will bring great benefits. Among hatched ducklings, half of the brood are males, which satisfy these indicators. To increase the bird in size by 1.5-2 times, it is worth additionally feeding with top dressing containing various useful vitamin and mineral supplements.

And now, let's consider the financial side of the business. We breed an indo-duck on our site, there is a barn to which electricity is supplied. The cost of feeders, a perch for ducks, the purchase of hay, insulation of the barn - 10,000 rubles. To breed chicks, we buy grown ducks in October - 1 drake and 5 ducks for 3,000 rubles. We conditionally believe that vegetables such as potatoes and beets, necessary for feeding adult ducks, are available, and are not included in the calculation of profit.

We conditionally believe that each duck will bring us 80 eggs. It turned out 400 chickens. We accept the average weight of a carcass as 1.5 kilograms, the cost of selling an indochka carcass is 270 rubles per 1 kilogram, we score from 60 to 70 days. Revenue for the second year amounted to 162,000 rubles, expenses (feed, electricity, veterinary drugs, etc.) for two years amounted to 129,842 rubles. Let's make a reservation right away that the calculation of the feed was carried out strictly according to the norms, both for an adult duck and for chicks. Taking into account the cost of buying chicks and preparatory work, total amount expenses amounted to 142,842 rubles. Profit amounted to 19,158 rubles.

Of course, this calculation does not take into account the time spent on poultry breeding, it does not take into account how you will look for customers to sell carcasses. Our task was to show with this calculation that it can be profitable to grow indoutok. Therefore, if you decide on this business, try everything first on a small batch, and then become a farmer and develop the business.

Conclusion. Growing indoutok at home is beneficial. After all, the price of meat is much higher than the cost of carcasses of ordinary domestic ducks. Meat is much tastier, it is dietary, contains a minimum of fat, and eggs have good taste. If you wish, you can also arrange the sale of eggs, especially since this market niche has not yet been mastered. In any case, you are guaranteed a regular wholesale buyer.