How moisture resistant is foam concrete and aerated concrete? Foam concrete or aerated concrete - what to build a house from? Using collapsible forms

Choice building materialimportant stage preliminary preparation building a house. The comfort, coziness, and warmth of the building depend on it. Lightweight, porous materials are popular in modern construction. All that remains is to choose - aerated concrete or foam concrete. Gas blocks and foam blocks are cellular materials. The main difference is the method of formation of air bubbles inside, their technical specifications. It is worth comparing the two materials, determining the similarities and differences between them.

Aerated concrete

The name of the gas comes from the manufacturing process. You can distinguish an aerated concrete block by white color, rough surface with small pores. Gas composition:

  • quartz sand;
  • Portland cement;
  • water;
  • aluminum shavings, lime.

The result chemical reaction is a gas that promotes the formation of aerated concrete. When released, the gas forms pores (small cracks). Advantages:

  • Lungs, large size elements allow you to quickly erect building partitions without the necessary heavy equipment.
  • Correct geometric shape.
  • Good thermal insulation retains heat in winter and keeps the room cool in summer.
  • Due to its porous structure, the material has good breathability.
  • Easily amenable to external processing.
  • Environmentally friendly product. The natural ingredients are not harmful to health. The aluminum contained in the composition is a harmful component, but during the process it dissolves in total mass, loses its harmful properties.


  • High moisture absorption. Having aerated concrete blocks on the street, having correctly made the ebb system, nothing critical happens when moisture is absorbed, the material is not inferior to foam concrete.
  • Insufficient density in aerated concrete makes the elements brittle.

Despite the stated disadvantages, correctly selected parameters will allow you to build not only partitions, but also any type of building walls.


On initial stage the components included in the composition are measured according to required quantity, mixed in a special mixer. The resulting mixture is poured into the mold and left to acquire initial setting. Based on the method of acquiring strength, blocks are divided into the following types:

  • Autoclaved. Hardening is facilitated by high pressure with the addition of steam.
  • Non-autoclaved. Hardens the material in natural conditions. It is possible to use steam or heating with electricity, but the pressure does not increase.

Aerated concrete blocks belong to the first type. The strength of autoclaved material is much higher, having gained strength under natural conditions. The autoclave method is used only in factory conditions. To create porosity, aluminum paste is used. The interaction of aluminum and water leads to an increase in mass volume. After preliminary setting, special tool the raw materials are cut into equal gas blocks. The building material is placed in an autoclave, where the effects of pressure, temperature, and steam finally add strength to aerated concrete.

Foam blocks

Features of foam material: gray, smooth surface, closed porous cells. The composition of foam concrete includes:

  • Portland cement;
  • water;
  • special chemical additives.


  • High frost-resistant, heat-protective characteristics.
  • The closed pore structure does not allow moisture to pass through.
  • Has good strength. Although compared to aerated concrete, the strength is lower.
  • Chemical foaming agents are used to create porosity.
  • Imperfect geometric shape.
  • The structure of the foam block is subject to temporary changes.


First, using an industrial mixer, prepare a regular cement mortar, the ratio of components is maintained according to future strength. Foam is added to the mixed mixture and mixed thoroughly. After which the finished solution is distributed into molds. Foam concrete blocks gain strength and harden under natural conditions. The initial setting of the mixture occurs in the first hours after distribution of the solution. Then the foam blank is loaded onto a pallet and removed for subsequent drying. The drying process takes 2 to 3 weeks. This time is enough to be used. The foam block gains its final strength in six months.

Comparative technical indicators

Foam concrete or aerated concrete is produced according to the same building standards, deviating from them is strictly prohibited. It would seem that the difference should be minimal, but technical parameters identical. Let's try to compare and differentiate the indicators and find out what is more reliable - aerated concrete or foam concrete?


The density of materials ranges from 300 to 1200 kg per m³. A comparison of gas and foam concretes of similar density shows that the second option is less durable. The quality of the chemical foaming agent directly affects the strength of the product. Many manufacturers save on it, since the price of foaming additives is high. In addition, the material does not have the same strength over the entire area. Aerated blocks are characterized by homogeneity, equal strength in different points material.

Hygroscopicity, cold resistance

These indicators are affected by differences in production methods. Aerated concrete absorbs water strongly, while foam concrete absorbs less water. In practice, the outer part of the materials can be processed - they are covered with plaster or tiles, so attention is not always paid to the hygroscopicity indicator. In this indicator, aerated concrete is inferior to foam concrete.


With the autoclave method, a chemical reaction occurs between lime and aluminum paste, resulting in the release of hydrogen. During the hardening process, it does not completely evaporate from the materials; it partially disappears during the construction process. This gas is not considered bad and does not cause harm to health.

The ones used do not contain harmful substances, and the pores are hermetically sealed. It follows that the two construction products are not harmful. When choosing a material, the safety criterion should not be used as a determining factor.

Modern construction technologies country houses Foamed concrete blocks are widely used. They are light, durable and large in size, which allows you to build walls quickly. It’s just not always clear what is better to choose – foam concrete or aerated concrete. And is there a difference between them?

There is a difference and it is in the method of obtaining the material. Foam concrete and aerated concrete are related materials; both of them are lightweight concrete with small air bubbles inside. In essence, it is concrete that has been foamed and frozen in this state. But the ways these bubbles form are different.

Why is concrete foamed?

As you know, the best heat insulator is air. The most effective heat-insulating materials are those that contain large number air pores inside. But the more voids inside, the less durable such material is. Foamed cellular concrete successfully combines the strength of concrete and good thermal insulation properties of air.

Production Features

Foam concrete made from a cement-sand mixture with the addition of a chemical reagent - a foaming agent. The foaming agent for foam concrete can be synthetic or organic origin. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into molds. Hardening occurs naturally, which makes it possible for small enterprises to produce foam concrete blocks.

Aerated concrete or autoclaved foam concrete is made only in factory conditions. It does not contain any chemical additives for foaming; it consists entirely of mineral raw materials: sand, lime, cement, gypsum, water and aluminum powder as a blowing agent. As a result of a chemical reaction, bubbles are formed, which form pores. The material hardens at high temperatures in an autoclave under pressure.

What are the benefits of houses made from foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks?

Both foam concrete and aerated concrete are durable building materials, they do not burn, are not environmentally harmful, durable and, at the same time, easy to process. Houses made from these materials are much cheaper than those made from traditional brick. There are several reasons:

  • Low cost of the blocks themselves.
  • Savings on heat and sound insulation. The low thermal conductivity of materials allows you to build walls of reduced thickness, but the house will still be warm.
  • Large sizes blocks allow you to spend less connecting material (cement or glue) and build faster.
  • Both aerated concrete and foam concrete are light materials, building a house does not require the construction of a massive foundation.

Comparative characteristics of foam and aerated concrete

The advantages and disadvantages of these building materials are approximately the same. The advantages include the following characteristics:

  • High strength.
  • Ease.
  • Easy to process and use.
  • Good heat insulating and sound insulating properties.
  • Does not rot, is not damaged by rodents.

Disadvantages of materials:

Compared to ordinary concrete both aerated concrete and foam concrete can withstand less mechanical loads.

How to distinguish aerated concrete from foam concrete

Differences between the foam block and the gas block are clearly visible:

  • Foam block: gray shade, the surface is smooth.
  • Gas block: color – white, surface rough, embossed.

If you break off a piece, the pores of the foam concrete are much larger. Having placed pieces of both materials in water, after a while you will notice that open-cell aerated concrete will quickly absorb moisture and sink to the bottom, while foam concrete will remain on the surface for several days.


They are made in different densities depending on the purpose of the materials. At the same density, foam concrete is slightly inferior to autoclaved aerated concrete in terms of strength. Aerated concrete is stronger. In addition, the quality of aerated concrete is controlled by a large manufacturing plant, but when producing foam concrete in small enterprises, it is difficult to control its strength. Its strength depends on the quality of the foaming agent. It is no secret that manufacturers can use low-quality, cheap foaming agents to reduce the cost of blocks.

Strength is also influenced by the fact that the structure of aerated concrete is more uniform. Foam concrete may have larger or smaller pores, which affects its strength.

Ability to retain heat

The denser the structure concrete block, the worse it keeps warm. Therefore, foam concrete, which has a low density, will be a better heat insulator than aerated concrete.

Exact block sizes

Accuracy geometric dimensions There are more autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. It is regulated by GOST, permissible deviations are up to 3 mm in length, up to 2 mm in width, up to 1 mm in thickness, while for foam blocks deviations in geometric dimensions in thickness can reach 5 mm.

This is due to the fact that when filling molds for foam blocks there are always deviations in size. Aerated blocks are cut after hardening with a special string and their dimensions are more accurate.

At first glance, 5 mm is small relative to the overall size of the block. But violation of the geometric dimensions of foam concrete blocks leads to deterioration of the masonry and greater consumption of masonry materials.

Environmental friendliness

Autoclaved aerated concrete is an absolutely environmentally friendly material. During its production, a reaction occurs between lime and aluminum. The hydrogen released as a result is not all released during the hardening of the material, but it is not a poisonous gas. Aerated concrete is made from mineral raw materials, therefore it is not at all susceptible to rotting, and thanks to the ability to regulate air humidity in the room, the likelihood of fungi and mold appearing on it is completely eliminated.

Foam concrete is also a safe building material. It is made from cement, sand, ash, waste from crushed stone production, and chemical additives are used as foaming agents. Foam concrete-forming foaming agents, both protein and artificial, harmful substances do not contain. The quality and environmental friendliness of such additives cannot always be strictly controlled. Large enterprises producing aerated concrete use this fact to promote their product on the construction market. But even if there is a possibility that the chemicals are not entirely safe, their concentration in the foam concrete itself is extremely low. In addition, the pores of foam concrete are closed and sealed.

Both building materials do not have significant environmental disadvantages and this parameter cannot be decisive when choosing.

Water absorption

Both foam concrete and aerated concrete have a porous structure, which means they absorb moisture to one degree or another.

Aerated concrete absorbs more moisture than foam concrete. This is due to the fact that there are pores in foam concrete closed type, and in aerated concrete there are pores of both open and closed types. A wall made of aerated concrete must be covered protective layer, otherwise it will pick up a lot of moisture. During frosts, wet aerated concrete does not show itself in the best possible way- cracks. Plaster or tiled cladding is used as a coating.

Foam concrete can be used without a waterproof coating, but usually the walls are finished, leveling them, and also for decorative purposes.


Foam concrete is cheaper, the components for its production are not very expensive, and the equipment is not complicated. The production of autoclaved aerated concrete is more expensive. But when building, foam concrete may need more than aerated concrete due to the fact that it is less durable.

It is also important that aerated concrete is laid on an adhesive mixture, and for foam blocks, inexpensive cement mortar is quite suitable. True, with glue, installation is faster, and you will need much less of it than cement mixture.


If you need to build a low building, cover it with blocks wooden building, make an extension to a country house, then best choice there will be foam concrete.

If you need to build big house with reliable load-bearing walls - use aerated concrete. But do not forget that you need to build quickly; you cannot leave an unfinished house to get wet in the rain.

We hope that this comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of foam concrete or aerated concrete was timely and helpful to you. Good luck with your construction!

Gas and foam concrete blocks- these are related building materials. They are made from lungs cellular concrete. These two types of blocks are actively used in low-rise construction. Often developers have a question, what material is better to use?

Knowledge about the method of their production and characteristics will help you choose foam or aerated concrete. They will be discussed in this article.

Which material is better - stronger and warmer?

One of the main advantages of building materials is its strength. This parameter directly depends on the density (specific gravity) of concrete:

  • for foam concrete blocks it ranges from 650 to 700 kg/m³;
  • aerated concrete material has a density of 400-450 kg/m³.

Based on these figures, foam concrete blocks should be more durable. However, this is not true. Aerated concrete building material is manufactured using a factory method and using modern technologies. Thanks to this, with a strength of 35 kgf/cm² and a density of 450 kg/m³, it can withstand the same loads as foam concrete with a specific gravity of 650 kg/m³.

Both building materials are considered warm. But which one has a higher rate?

Aerated concrete blocks have lower cold resistance than foam blocks. However, their geometry is ideal. Thanks to this, this material can be placed on a very thin layer of glue. Because of this, a minimum number of cold bridges occurs.

For comparison:

  • the thermal conductivity of D-500 brand gas blocks is 0.12;
  • The thermal conductivity coefficient of foam concrete analogs of the D-700 brand is 0.24.

At the last material high level thermal resistance, it effectively accumulates heat. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of heating your home. However, for such a result to become possible, the thickness foam concrete walls should be twice as much as that of enclosing structures made of aerated blocks.

The conclusion follows from this: aerated concrete buildings are warmer (2 times) than foam concrete buildings, with the same thickness of enclosing structures.

What parameters to choose?

Desired qualities of building materials for walls:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • shape convenient for laying;
  • large dimensions;
  • not too much weight.

Foam and aerated concrete blocks have all these qualities. However, there are differences between them.

One of them is the geometry of the blocks. Aerated concrete material It is manufactured only in a factory way. Therefore, it has an almost correct shape. As a result, gas blocks are more convenient to lay, and masonry mortar less is spent. Foam concrete material is often made handicraft, because of this its geometry leaves much to be desired.

There are also differences in the block production technology. Aerated concrete analogues are environmentally friendly. In the production of foam concrete, production waste is often used to replace quartz sand. Moreover, to obtain foam, lye or waste remaining after tanning leather is used. Because of this, the blocks have a shorter shelf life, and the properties of this building material are inconsistent.

Foam blocks are easy to make. This makes it possible to produce them handicraft. The mixed solution is placed into molds in which it hardens. Very often the shape of the material is uneven.

There are also differences in storage conditions for building materials. Aerated concrete building material again wins in this regard, as it is reliably packaged. Thanks to this, it is protected from atmospheric influences and pollution. Foam concrete analogues are not packaged. This is their minus.

Which block production technology is better?

The material used to produce both types of blocks is lightweight concrete, the structure of which is permeated with small pores (cells). Manufacturing conditions and the ingredients used influence the qualities of these related building elements.

Their production methods differ; cells are formed during different production processes.

Foam concrete blocks are made like this:

  1. First, the components of the solution are mixed.
  2. A foam additive is then added to the mixture.
  3. The ingredients of the solution are mixed mechanically.
  4. The mixture is then poured into molds.
  5. Next, the blocks dry at natural temperature.

The equipment for their production is inexpensive. Therefore, foam concrete blocks are often made in small workshops. Due to worn-out molds, products often have incorrect geometry. The difference in dimensions can be significant, and this reduces the quality of the masonry.

Features of the production of aerated concrete blocks:

  1. The porous structure of the material is formed as a result of chemical interaction between the ingredients of the solution.
  2. To increase the strength of the product, it is processed in an autoclave.
  3. Aerated concrete is produced only in factories. In this case, expensive, technological equipment is used. Therefore, the quality of blocks made from it is higher than that of foam concrete analogues.

Properties that make it worth choosing aerated concrete blocks for construction:

  1. Easy processing. The material can be drilled, sawed and planed. Nails can be driven into it without any problems.
  2. Ecological cleanliness. The blocks are made from natural ingredients, so they do not contain harmful substances.
  3. Fire safety. Aerated concrete is non-flammable, it belongs to fire resistance class 1 and fire resistance category 2.
  4. Long service life. It is about 100 years old.
  5. High level of strength.

For the production of foam concrete blocks, slaked lime, water, Portland cement, blast furnace slag, etc. are used. Sulfide or soap lye is used to foam the mixture.

Aerated concrete is made from Portland cement, quartz sand, slaked lime and water. Aluminum paste is used as an additive. This ingredient is harmful to health, but during the production of the material its particles are dissolved.

Foam concrete has a structure with closed cells. The walls come out warm and have good sound insulation. The material absorbs moisture less than aerated concrete. However, it is still necessary to clad the walls with it.

Aerated concrete's structure consists of small pores and microscopic cracks. It absorbs water more intensely than foam concrete. That's why aerated concrete walls must be protected with moisture-resistant cladding.

Which masonry will cost less?

An important selection criterion is the cost of the blocks and, based on it, the price of construction. Equipment for the production of aerated blocks is expensive, and the production technology is complex and costly. Therefore, aerated concrete blocks are not cheap. They cost 3000-3500 rubles per cubic meter.

Equipment for the production of foam blocks is several times cheaper. Their manufacturing technology is simpler. Thanks to this, the material costs 2500-2900 rubles per cubic meter.

Aerated concrete blocks are more expensive than their foam counterpart. However, due to their ideal geometry, much less masonry mortar is spent on them, and the walls are more durable.

Before choosing a building material, you should know about the scope of its use. Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are in most cases used for the construction of enclosing structures, as well as internal partitions in domestic construction. In addition, they are used to fill frames during the construction of monolithic buildings. The material can be used in the construction of high-rise buildings.

For foam concrete blocks natural drying the scope of application is not so wide. Area of ​​their use:

  • construction of partitions and piers inside buildings;
  • construction of external load-bearing walls approx buildings up to three floors high;
  • construction of fences;
  • construction of production facilities;
  • arrangement of thermal insulation layers of ceilings, floors and walls.

For construction residential buildings up to two or three floors high, private cottages, dachas often use aerated concrete blocks.

What building material to choose for the construction of a garage, utility and other non-residential buildings? The blocks for them must be strong, reliable, durable, and resistant to mechanical loads. Aerated concrete meets these requirements, but for reasons of economy it is better to prefer foam concrete. Its characteristics are quite suitable for the construction of non-residential buildings.

If you need to build a bathhouse, it is better to choose foam blocks. Aerated concrete is warm and well soundproofs rooms, but it is less moisture resistant, quickly absorbs water and takes a long time to dry. Therefore, it is not advisable to use this building material for a bath or sauna.

Foam concrete has better moisture resistance and is cold-resistant. Therefore, it is ideal for building a bathhouse.

The choice in favor of gas or foam concrete blocks depends on their characteristics, features and cost. It is easier for amateur builders with little experience to work with the first type of product. They have standardized sizes, high quality and good technical characteristics. Foam concrete blocks may have uneven surface, but they are cheaper.

Watch the video published in the article. It contains a lot of additional information about what criteria should be used to choose a building material:

Every owner dreams of building country house from environmentally friendly pure material. The modern construction market offers large selection block products, thanks to which you can quickly and efficiently build a structure of any complexity. In this article we will analyze gas block and foam block, consider their differences, advantages and disadvantages.

Main differences of the material

Foam block and gas block, let's figure out what the difference is.

  • Foam concrete is a product made from sand-cement raw materials with the addition of a foaming agent. During the production process, the entire mixture is thoroughly mixed, poured into molds and the block is left to harden naturally. This technology involves producing blocks both indoors and on construction site. The photo shows a foam block
  • Gas block is a product that requires high temperature and room humidity. Contains: lime, sand, cement mixture and water. Aluminum powder is used for gas generation. Process undergoes autoclave hardening, with mandatory heat treatment under high pressure. As a result, the material is reliable, durable and resistant to rotting and burning processes (see example of the product in the photo)

It is worth noting that both products are similar to each other, but despite this they have quite a lot of differences:

  • different production mechanism;
  • strength level;
  • degree of shrinkage upon drying;
  • water absorption level;
  • thermal insulation qualities;
  • environmental friendliness;

But whether it’s better to choose a foam block or a gas block, let’s take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the building material.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam block

The main advantages of foam blocks include:

  • high fire-resistant characteristics, for four hours 15 cm of foam block can resist fire;
  • frost resistance, a regular module can withstand up to 35 cycles of thawing and freezing, and some types of products allow 75 cycles of exposure;
  • The environmental friendliness of the product is higher than that of wood;
  • the thermal conductivity of the material can be compared with brickwork;
  • enough lightweight material, which is easy to stack, transport, unload and load;
  • high sound insulation properties, 10 cm thick masonry can withstand up to 40 dB of noise;
  • speed of construction, thanks to convenient sizes modules, you can quickly and efficiently build a house if you compare brickwork and block-based, block-based will be 2.5 times faster;

Ready-made foam block house box

Disadvantages of the material:

  • possible violations during the laying of modules can lead to a decrease in performance qualities designs;
  • when purchasing a low-quality product, the geometry of the module may be damaged, which will definitely complicate the work with the product; buy building materials only from trusted manufacturers;
  • Due to the unpresentable appearance of the blocks, the structure requires external finishing works.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas block

The advantages of aerated concrete include the following:

  • Due to its light weight, the product has sufficient strength;
  • simple processing, the material can be processed using any available tool (saw, milling cutter);

The video shows an example of cutting a module

  • good thermal insulation, due to low thermal conductivity, the material retains heat in winter, and in summer it does not allow heat to penetrate inside the house;
  • fire safety, aerated concrete modules are classified as fire resistance grades I and II;
  • high sound insulation qualities (depending on the thickness of the module);
  • highly environmentally friendly, the material does not emit harmful toxins;
  • high biological stability, the material is not susceptible to the formation of mold, rot and fungus.

Shown in the photo ready house made of aerated concrete

Among the disadvantages of the building material it is worth noting:

  • high water absorption, as a result of which the plaster on the facade simply disappears;
  • difficult to bend, the base of the house must be strong and not shrink, otherwise the structure will begin to crack and collapse;
  • in case of fastening some additional elements a problem may arise that can be solved with special fasteners;
  • metal elements installed in the wall will begin to oxidize over time;

We are building a house

When the plan for the future home is ready, the question arises: aerated blocks or foam blocks, which is better? Before you start doing anything, you need to understand that the strength of the structure will depend on the quality of the selected materials and the type of foundation poured. Experts recommend pouring the foundation using reinforced concrete. This type of foundation will allow you to build a house from any material (foam block, gas block), which will meet all operational characteristics. If you don’t know what to build your cottage from or country house, we advise you to study the recommendations of specialists. Recommendations:

  • Strength of the material. Aerated concrete is considered the most durable product if you want to increase its service life future design, use gas silicate modules;

The video shows comparative characteristics modules

  • Application of modules. Foam block is used to construct partitions, fences and load-bearing wall structures located above the 3rd floor; Gas block is used for the construction of load-bearing walls, partitions, construction high-rise buildings and filling frame voids;
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient. Aerated concrete is twice as warm as foam concrete, with the same wall thickness. And by installing a ventilated façade, you can create favorable climate inside the building;
  • Cost of modules. 1 cubic meter of foam concrete will cost $22, and aerated concrete will cost $31;

For information! When choosing modules, consider the density level. The higher the density, the more reliable material, but the material will be cooler due to fewer air bubbles.

Remember, the main thing is to purchase certified products from a manufacturer with a good reputation.

Both materials are artificial stone and belongs to the group “cellular concrete”. It is these that individual developers most often pay attention to, since this type of construction is considered the simplest and most cost-effective. Unfortunately, most articles devoted to the choice between aerated concrete and foam concrete for construction consider in detail only the characteristics of these materials, which implies “...draw your own conclusions.”

This is partly fair. But in this article we will analyze some properties, based on the advisability of using certain products in each specific case. It's clear that GENERAL recommendations will not be able to provide answers to all questions. So we will try to minimize such “gaps”, and also at the same time dispel some of the myths that are crammed into annoying advertisements.

By the way, in many articles devoted to the advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete and foam concrete, there are paragraphs that say that these materials “do not rot,” “do not burn,” are not “corrosionable, rodent-proof,” and the like. We will deliberately skip the analysis of such “properties”, since it is simply not clear what audience such “valuable” information is intended for, when it is clear and, by definition, the materials are stone, albeit artificial.

First of all, what should you consider?

  • Local conditions. This is not only the climate, but also the location of the house (in a lowland or on a hill; closed by other structures, a forest belt or “blown” from all sides) and so on.
  • Your financial capabilities. Focusing only on the price of blocks means making a mistake. After all, a significant share of the costs is the arrangement engineering communications, finishing of the building and a number of other activities, without which the construction of houses from any type of product is impossible. From what, we have already written.

This leads to a completely logical conclusion that asking the question “which is better” is not entirely correct. Both materials have their own advantages and certain “cons”. Therefore, we will dwell on some of the features of construction, taking into account those problems that most concern the private developer.

Possibility of self-installation

Working with both materials is not particularly difficult. This is not the construction of a log house from wood, when you really cannot do without the help of a professional, at least as a work manager. Cellular concrete is easy to process and does not require special equipment. The right tool any owner can find it. The relatively light weight of the blocks allows them to be moved manually, including to heights.

But there is one peculiarity. The process of “adjusting” aerated concrete (AC) products is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that the fastening of these blocks is carried out using an adhesive composition, while for the installation of foam concrete (FC) it is used mortar. Therefore, the accuracy of product processing is important, otherwise it will increase sharply, and it is not cheap. And the formation of so-called “cold bridges” cannot be avoided.

Therefore, organizations selling GB blocks offer to immediately purchase the appropriate device for leveling the edges, which must be done after cutting the products (although you can make it yourself). But the process itself requires some skills and takes some time.

There is one more difference. It will not be possible to set up the production of GB at home (if we talk about quality), but any developer is quite capable of producing PB at the work site. Forms can be used either purchased or self-assembled from scrap materials.

There is an established opinion that since aerated concrete products are factory-made, their geometry is more correct, which allows for smoother masonry. But for some reason, no mention is made of the fact that since the foam concrete blocks are “set” on the mortar, it will not be difficult to correct or level them on such a layer even for an inexperienced craftsman.

Construction Features

We are talking about number of floors. In this regard, aerated concrete is “more reliable”, and from these blocks you can safely build 2-3 floors. But the same cannot be said about foam concrete - a number of additional measures will have to be carried out (for example, reinforcement). Therefore - plus the “nth” amount to the total expenses.

And one more moment. The foam concrete mass can be poured into formwork, that is, monolithic structures can be constructed. For example, additional insulation, interior walls complex configuration– there are enough options. This adds an extra “plus” to foam concrete.

Exterior finishing

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to veneer it, but it is necessary to use foam blocks, since they do not have a very “attractive” appearance. It’s like looking at it - on the one hand, the aerated concrete structure looks neat, and the color is noble - white, especially since everyone has their own concept of beauty.

But there is one, and very significant, nuance. Unlike its “brother”, GB absorbs liquids well. So it turns out that, taking this factor into account, it will be necessary to “protect” the walls from precipitation. Otherwise, constant dampness in the house and destruction of the material cannot be avoided. Therefore, all advertising “propaganda” claiming that you can save a lot on finishing aerated concrete (compared to PB) is nothing more than a fiction, another “temptation” based on the incompetence of the buyer. Even if we limit ourselves only to injection (or impregnation) waterproofing, it will also require certain material investments.

Construction of the building

Naturally, since we are talking about a residential building, we will have to carry out a whole range of measures both during the construction process and during occupancy. This includes laying pipes, cables, and placing appliances (for example, a boiler), pieces of furniture on the walls, and so on. But how to attach it?

The GB holds the dowel securely, but as for the PB, there is no way to do without anchors - the material is too porous. This is precisely the big (albeit relative with a skillful approach) “minus” of foam concrete. Therefore, the choice of type of finishing for PB products is somewhat limited. For them, most often the owner chooses plaster compositions to simplify (and reduce the cost) the process external design surfaces.

Which house is warmer?

In both. The main thing is to choose the right “parameters” of materials. These are dimensions (meaning the thickness of the walls) and density. Much depends on the correct installation and thermal insulation measures. But one thing is certain - in such houses it is more comfortable than in brick ones, since both foam and gas blocks are able to maintain the microclimate at the same level both in summer and in winter.

Which construction is cheaper?

In practice, the costs are approximately the same (with all the same “parameters” - dimensions and the like). If you compare product prices, PB is cheaper. Its 1 m3 will cost approximately 2.5 – 2.9 thousand rubles, while for a GB the cost of a “cube” is in the range of 3.1 – 3.7 thousand (all other factors being equal).

But construction costs are determined not only by this. The glue (when building walls from GB) is laid in a thin layer, but the mortar (for PB) is thicker. If we take into account the price of cement, then total costs and they turn out approximately the same.

Environmental friendliness

This problem worries many, it has even become fashionable to think not only about one’s own health, but also about environment. In this regard, many give foam blocks a “minus”, since their production technology is based on the use of “chemistry”. But for some reason, the fact is forgotten that more “ecologically friendly” GB products are installed using adhesives, which also contain various chemicals. Therefore, in reality, there is simply no point in talking about the absolute “purity” of construction.

Service life

It is believed that for blocks from GB it is 1.8 times greater than for PB. But these data are relative. Much depends on the quality of installation and finishing work, as well as on the regularity and correctness of preventive measures, since good care significantly increases the durability of any material.

For the thrifty owner, the information is more than complete. And which “stone” to choose – think for yourself, taking into account the stated considerations about the nuances of construction from these “light” concretes.