Drought-resistant apple variety Jonagold. Apple variety "Jonagold": characteristics, pros and cons Jonagold apple tree description

Apples are valued for their benefits to the body and taste. The number of varieties of apple trees increases every year, but some of them are gaining particular popularity due to their tasty fruits and their good keeping quality. Jonagold belongs to these varieties.

Jonagold (apple tree): description

Jonagold is an apple tree winter variety. It is obtained by crossing very well famous varieties Golden Delicious and Jonathan. This happened in the middle of the last century in America. This variety came to us a couple of decades later, and gardeners immediately paid attention to it. Industrial cultivation began.

Jonagold apple tree (photo) is popular not only in the USA. There she is among the top 15 most requested. It is one of the most commonly grown varieties in Belgium. He is valued for large fruits, although its price is low.

The Jonagold apple tree is of medium height and in the first years of its life has a wide, rounded crown. Then, at the time of full fruiting, it becomes broadly oval. The density of young branches is average. The crown shape does not require special adjustments. Skeletal branches grow at such an angle that they do not need to be adjusted.

Every year an average number of young branches are formed on the tree. The tree bears fruit on ringlets, annual growth and fruit branches.

It begins to bear fruit quite early, in the third year after planting. permanent place Jonagold apple tree.

The description and photo indicate that the fruits are larger than average in size, reaching up to 9 cm in diameter. The weight of one fruit is up to 220 g. Apples same size, round. The color is yellow, with a red or orange blush covering two-thirds of the fruit. The skin is medium thick, shiny, covered with a waxy coating. The pulp is very tasty, aromatic, with a wine flavor, sweet and sour (4.6 b.), yellow.

The fruits reach removable ripeness at the end of September, a week earlier than the mother variety Golden Delicious. It is then that they are removed from the trees and stored.

They can be stored in a cellar or other premises of this type. There they can retain their taste until February. If you use the refrigerator for storage, you can enjoy fresh apples Jonagold and in April.


Jonagold apples tolerate transportation well, so they can be transported over long distances.

Apples of this variety are used to make juices and wine. From the bottom they produce puree and dry powders. What do the gardeners who grow the Jonagold apple tree say? Reviews say that at home, jams, preserves, compotes are made from apples of this variety, and used as a filling for pies. But best use They consider eating fresh apples because they are very tasty and aromatic.


It doesn't bloom very early. Jonagold is a triploid. In order for the number of ovaries to be sufficient, you need to have at least two pollinators.

Open pollination ranges from 9 to 21 percent. The best pollinators for this apple tree variety are:

  • James Grieve;
  • Renet Orange Cox.

Pollination with varieties shows good results:

  • Jonathan;
  • Champion;
  • Idared;
  • Elstar.


The yield of the Jonagold variety does not depend on weather conditions. It is always stable and quite high.

At the age of 7 years, the Jonagold apple tree is capable of producing up to 15 kg of fruit per tree; at 12 years, the yield is up to 55 kg per tree.

Frost resistance of apple trees

Jonagold is an apple tree with average frost resistance. Does not tolerate sudden changes in the usual for the region winter temperatures to extreme ones. After freezing, it recovers poorly and the yield decreases. IN middle lane Trees of this variety are best grown on frost-resistant wood chips.


You can plant an apple tree in autumn or spring. It is believed that the Jonagold apple tree variety takes root better in the fall. But for this it needs to be planted correctly.

The hole for the seedling is prepared in advance, two weeks before planting. Its size should be sufficient to accommodate the root and provide it with a set useful substances. Having prepared a hole 1 m deep, loosen the soil. This allows the roots of the plant to grow unhindered in depth and to the sides for several years. The length and width of the pit are also 1 m.

Place separately. Fertilizers and substances beneficial to the seedling are added. This is rotted manure, a handful of ash. You can add complex or potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

A mound of prepared soil is placed at the bottom of the hole. A seedling is placed on it. Straighten the roots so that they are directed to the sides of the mound. Place a peg in the hole to which the seedling will be tied. Carefully fill the remaining space with earth, compacting it periodically.

Watered. Up to 30 liters of water are poured under one tree. Then mulch with a thick layer of peat, humus, hay or grass clippings. This especially needs to be done in the spring. Mulch will help retain moisture near the plant's roots and prevent weeds from choking it out. Water deeply once or twice a week. This largely depends on the weather and soil conditions.

In spring they are planted 5 days after the soil thaws. In autumn - two weeks before the onset of persistent frosts.

When planting, make sure that the planting site is located at a height of at least 10 cm above the soil level. The distance between apple trees should be at least 4.5 m.

Crown formation

Jonagold is an apple tree that does not require special pruning. Its skeletal branches grow under right angle. Therefore, the main task is to form a crown by cutting the conductor 40 cm from the upper branch of the lower tier, and leaving required quantity skeletal branches (4-6).

If the tree is weak, the lower tier consists of 3-4 branches, the conductor is cut to 20 cm. next year it is shortened again by 40 cm. After 4 years of such procedures, the conductor is cut out at a height of 2.5 m, transferring it to a side branch.

Subsequently, branches growing into the crown or crossing are removed. Damaged or diseased ones are pruned. The crown is constantly maintained in a cone shape.


In the first 4 years of life (in the second year after planting) apply nitrogen fertilizers, promoting the growth of apple trees. When the branches or root system freeze, which can happen in the Jonagold apple tree, use foliar feeding with a 0.5 percent urea solution. The first time it is carried out a couple of weeks after flowering, the second time after another two weeks. Potassium chloride is added to the solution.

Foliar feeding with preparations containing boron promotes better fruit set.

Disease resistance

Jonagold is an apple tree with average resistance to scab. But powdery mildew is often affected. These diseases need to be fought regularly. Early spring the wood is treated with Bordeaux mixture. After bud break, but not during flowering, they are treated with other preparations containing copper. The number of treatments depends on weather conditions. On rainy and hot weather they need to be carried out more often than in dry summers.

Apple clones

Jonagold is a popular and famous apple tree. Therefore, it is often used to breed new species. Currently there are more than 100 of them. They are all divided into 5 groups according to color.

These are mutants with a bright red blurred or striped coat, a solid red color or blush, blurred over the entire surface with or without strokes.

Apples of this variety are quite popular in many countries. It is not strange, since, despite its low durability, the Jonagold apple tree always produces large, large and beautiful fruits. In addition, apples have good taste. Their yield is always very high and freshness remains for quite a long time. This variety is very popular in cooking and production.

History and description of the variety

The history of the creation of this apple tree variety is quite interesting. A description of the variety was found back in the last century. As usual, many gardeners tried to create something new, and now, after many attempts, new variety apples It was created from the varieties Jonathan and Gold Delicious, from the first parts of the name of the parents, and received a new name for this tasty and actively fruiting variety - Jonagold. Today, breeders have bred more than a hundred types of these apples.

The Jonagold apple tree variety is strong and fast-growing. The crowns of young trees are oval, and as they grow older they become spherical. The branches extend at fairly wide angles. The excitability of the buds of the variety is high, but the tree does not produce shoots so quickly. Fruits are formed on ringlets, fruit rods and growths not older than one year.

Flowering period is average. These apple trees are triploid, so they need at least two pollinations to bear fruit well. The best pollinators are Idared, Gloucester and Elstar. Apples are always large, weighing from 150 to 250 grams. They are usually round or slightly elongated in shape, with characteristic ribbing in the areas of the fruit cups. The skin is medium in thickness.

Yield indicators

The harvest period occurs approximately 2 or 3 years after planting. In the first 10 years you can get up to 15 kilograms in one season. After this, the yield increases to 60 kilograms. The fruiting period occurs in September, when the apples gain color.

The best clones

The variety is very popular all over the world. Therefore, it is not strange that many of its clones have been created that possess certain properties of the variety. The main difference by which a clone can be identified is the brighter color of the fruit.

Usually there are 5 main clones of this tree:

  • WITH bright color, characteristic blush, shading - Wilmut and New Jonagold apples.
  • Apples that are red, but more diffuse in color. This includes varieties Jonica, King Jonagold, Goldpurple.
  • Medium intensity in color, usually from bright to the darkest red - Novayo apple tree.
  • Varieties with blush dark colors. There may be shading on the fruit. Varieties Jonagored, apple tree Jonagold Decosta, Romagold.
  • Clones with a smeared or uniform blush over the entire surface. Apples are always dark in color - Marnika, Rubin-Star and Jomured.

The ripeness of the fruit is usually determined by its pink blush. Full maturity occurs around January. It is recommended to store apples in cold rooms or refrigeration units until spring. Reviews of taste confirm that the storage period does not affect them in any way.

Diseases and pests

The described apple tree variety is moderately resistant to frost and pests. In our country, this variety is rarely infected with scab. A frequent companion of the apple tree is powdery mildew; it must be combated almost constantly. During the spring period, the fruits are processed in mandatory Bordeaux solution. After the buds appear, but before flowering, Jonagold should be treated with products containing copper. The number of treatments depends directly on weather conditions.

The characteristics of this variety of apples make it possible to highlight their special attractiveness if you need to get good, juicy and tasty fruits. Apples are stored for quite a long time and do not lose their quality. Although the trees themselves are not very resistant to diseases, there are quite a lot of fans of the variety.

Video “Apple variety Jonagold”

From this video you will learn about the features of the Jonagold apple tree variety.

Sometimes you don't have to be experienced gardener to accurately recognize what type of apple is in front of your eyes. Simply because the popularity of some varieties is off the charts due to their high consumer qualities. The topic of this article: an apple tree variety that is extremely drought-resistant and unpretentious in cultivation - “Jonagold”, as well as its best clones.

The “Jonagold” variety first appeared back in 1943 and was bred by breeders from New York after successfully crossing the “Jonathan” and “Golden Delicious” varieties. In 1960, the variety moved to Europe, finding new home in the gardens of Belgium and the Netherlands, since the Americans did not see much benefit in the development and cultivation of Jonagold. Large-scale production research on the apple tree began in the 70-80s of the last century in the forest-steppe and steppe of Ukraine. Actually, it is on the territory former USSR the variety revealed its potential and became one of the most popular fruit species.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The description should start with how the tree will look in the garden most of the time. The apple tree is vigorous, decorated with a wide oval crown while the tree is young, and later becomes spherical. Skeletal branches are at a wide angle relative to the trunk. The variety bears fruit on fruit twigs, ringlets, and annual growth.

The fruits are quite large (average size about 180-200 g), slightly conical, one-dimensional. There is ribbing near the calyx, especially noticeable in big apples. The peel is medium thick, dense and smooth with a pronounced waxy coating. The main color of the fruit is green-yellow, the outer color is an orange-red “blush”. The pulp is yellow, dense and juicy, sweet and sour with a clearly visible astringency. Ripeness occurs in mid-September.

The variety is distinguished by its versatility of use and high shelf life: in storage, apples retain their taste until February, in the refrigerator - until mid-April.

The apple tree bears its first fruits in the third year after planting. During the pollination period, they interact well with the varieties “Idared”, “Gloucester”, “Jonathan”, “Champion”. The variety does not have good winter hardiness and has low immunity to powdery mildew. But it is quite resistant to scab.

Since the “Jonagold” variety is very popular all over the world, it has developed numerous clones (there are more than 100 species in total), usually distinguished by a more intense color. They are conventionally divided into 5 groups according to color:

  1. Bright red skin, with a spotted, somewhat blurred blush - “Wilmuta”, “New Jonagold”.
  2. Bright red skin, with a blurred top coat - “Jonika”, “Jonagold King”, “Nicobel”.
  3. Dark red skin - “Novayo”.
  4. Dark red skin, with a blurred blush - “Jonagored”, “Decosta”, “Romagold”.
  5. Dark red skin with a uniform blush - “Jomured”, “Rubinstar”.

Among them, the “Decosta” variety stands out, which in morphological parameters is practically no different from its ancestor. A significant difference lies in the color of the fruits - by mid-August the fruits are covered with a dark red blush, and by full ripening they reach a rich red color. “Decosta” ripens several days earlier than Jonagold.

Where does it grow?

You can find “Jonagold” and its descendant “Decosta” in any regions with moderate cold winter, because at low temperatures apple trees receive too much damage, which negatively affects the yield of the variety. That is, in northern regions You won't be able to grow them.

Given the average resistance to drought, favorable regions for cultivation will be those where the climate is temperate and warm. Although with proper care and proper preparation By winter, apple trees can be grown in central Russia.

Planting and care

Apple trees prefer sunny, open places without drafts. The soil should be fertile, loose, with neutral acidity. Planting is carried out both in spring and autumn (before the first frost). The planting scheme is standard: the holes are about 70 cm deep, about 1 m wide, there should be at least 4-5 m of free space between the trees.

Despite their drought resistance, trees need regular and abundant watering, at least 25-30 liters of water every week. Mineral supplements perform well throughout the year, as well as organic fertilizers in spring and autumn. It is advisable to mulch for the winter trunk circle humus or peat mixed with sawdust.

Diseases and pests

Among the diseases, the most dangerous for apple trees, including Jonagold trees, are scab and powdery mildew.

Scab is fungal disease, which appears on leaves and shoots as light, as if discolored, spots. After some time, the spots become covered with an olive-brown coating, grow and eventually turn black. Subsequently, all parts of the tree become infected, and it gradually begins to fade. Young trees affected by scab produce a harvest, but the apples are deformed and often have a poor taste.

Powdery mildew is another fungal disease that appears on the green part of the tree in the form of a powdery coating. white(fungal spores). Over time, the fungus spreads and the spots on the leaves and petioles (spread from bottom to top) become brown. The affected areas wither and subsequently die. The infection spreads quite quickly to neighboring plants, so prompt treatment is required.

Having received summer cottage plot, I didn’t even doubt that there will be. And, of course, Calville is snowy. These are the varieties that I knew before serving in the army.

  • Or at the end of April.
  • Or at the beginning of May.

Monitor the condition of the seedlings. So that the roots do not dry out.

  • The width is 1 m. And you need to dig to a depth of about 1 m.
  • Make a small drainage and lay a layer of fertile soil.
  • Add compost and fertilizers - mineral and organic.
  • Spread the roots of the seedling on the mound.
  • Place a stake and secure the seedling.
  • After filling with soil, lightly compact the soil with your foot and water generously.
  • Mulch well after the soil has settled.

Watch the video on how to prepare a hole for planting:

Advice! Monitor the grafting site (8-10 cm from ground level).


The selected rootstocks will tell you:

  • On dwarf– 2.0-2.5 m in a row and 3.5-4.0 m – row spacing;
  • On semi-dwarf– 3.0 m and 4.0-4.5 m;
  • On vigorous– 3.5-4.0 m and 4.5-5.0 m.

And consider the shape of the crown.


So that the harvest is full:

  • Plant nearby good pollinators.
  • Spend timely , especially against scab and powdery mildew.
  • The sun is not something desirable, but simply necessary. Choose a planting site that is open to sunlight.
  • A correctly chosen crown shape can only improve illumination.
  • should be no closer than 1.5 m.

Plant apple trees in well-lit areas.

Agricultural technology

  • regularly. Although the variety is drought-resistant. You don't just need it to withstand dry weather. Apples should be juicy. Especially seedlings planted in spring. The weather can make adjustments to watering.
  • The apple tree will be happy (both root and foliar).
  • Dig up the soil in tree trunk circles.
  • Systematically mulch(before winter necessarily) humus, peat, mown grass, hay.
  • Don't forget process wood from(use compatible tank-mixed fungicides and insecticides).

Particularly annoying delicious apples.

Pruning and crown formation

Start forming a crown for 2-3 years.

Then take the pruning shears:

  • use scraps:
    • Formative.
    • Sanitary.
    • Anti-aging.

Advice! After 4-5 years, transfer the conductor to the lateral branches.

Very often in gardens in industrial plantations in Europe they use:

  • Fusiform.
  • Palmettes.
  • Trellis.
  • Cordons and walls.

Correct classic palmettes: 1 - with horizontal branches, 2 - with inclined branches, 3 - circular, 4,5,6 - Verrier palmettes with different numbers branches, 7 - double Verrier, 8 - candelabra, 9 - Cossone system.

We prefer:

  • Sparsely tiered.
  • Cup-shaped.
  • Bush-like.
  • Fusiform.

Formation sparsely-tiered crown: a - original plant, b - pruning in the first year, c - pruning in the second year, d - pruning in the third year.

Look at the video theoretical foundations apple tree trimmings:

Pollinator varieties

As a prominent representative of triploid apple varieties, Jonathan variety it is necessary to plant at least 2 varieties of apple trees, among which he prefers:

  • Jonathan.
  • Gloucester.
  • Elstar.
  • Cox Orange Pepin.
  • Melrose.


Cox Orange Pepin.

Important! Implementers (sellers) of seedlings rarely pay attention to how the apple tree is pollinated. Who is better to have as neighbors? And for this variety this is just not superfluous.

Features of ripening and fruiting

Beginning of fruiting

Starts in 2-3 years. And then annually and progressively.

In the Moscow region

It is determined by the climate chosen by the rootstock. Adjust the timing of flowering and ripening. They will be a little later.

In the Moscow region, Jonagold begins to bear fruit a little later.


Fruit ripening

In September(closer to October) to you Apples must be removed for storage– yellow-orange with a bright pink blush. And some even seem greenish. So you don’t have to eat them right away. This is removable maturity.

Jonagold apples after removal.

But in January it’s a different taste. The taste of a ripe apple!

Fruit storage

  • In the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-3 degrees - until April.
  • If the storage temperature is higher, even less.

Subspecies and options


MM-106 rootstocks give your tree the opportunity to more successfully resist diseases, frost and drought:

  • It begins to bear fruit earlier. Even for the 2-3rd year.
  • It will take up to 25-35 years to bear fruit and produce good apples (up to 100 kg per tree).
  • Apples are no worse than on other rootstocks.


Its nuances:

  • The height is even less - 2.5-3.5 m. Same as the crown.
  • But lives and bears fruit for up to 15-20 years.


  • Low-growing spur.
  • Solid light red color of the fruit.

Fruits of Jonagold King.

  • Increased stability:
    • to diseases (scab and powdery mildew, including).
    • to frost.
  • The fruits are medium - starting from 150 g.
  • Juicy light cream pulp. Like Jonathan.

Advice! On weak-growing rootstocks, the original formations are better - spindle, fruit wall.


The most famous and popular of the clones of the Jonagold variety. You will meet the names - Jonagored, Highlander. Aka Jonagored Morrens Supra:

  • The variety was not bred, but was discovered (or noticed) in 1980 in Belgium (spontaneous mutation).
  • And in 1989 he was already awarded a gold medal in England. After all, even tasters (and they are strict people) give him ratings from 4.6 to 5 points.
  • AND weight 170-220 g.

Apple tree Jonagold Morrens.

  • Ripens in the first half of October. And you can store it for up to 7 months.
  • Fruits in any weather.
  • And the indicators for resistance to frost and disease are higher than those of their predecessors.

Attention! It is still one of the ten best apples in the world.

You can see what the Jonagored Morrens Supra apple tree looks like in the video below:

Features of cultivation in the regions

In the Moscow region

If you really want to grow Jonagold varieties:

  • Pick up on frost-resistant zoned rootstocks.
  • And the most winter-hardy. Same Jonagored Morens. And Jonagold Decosta.

Timely agricultural technology will allow maintaining good yields. The use of copper-containing fungicides is included in these measures.

In Ukraine

In the gardens of scientific institutions of Ukraine in the steppe and forest-steppe zone:

  • Since the beginning of the seventies, initial tests of this variety have been carried out.
  • Since the mid-eighties - extensive production tests.

The Jonagold apple tree is successfully grown in Ukraine.

And in our time - one of the most popular varieties among amateur gardeners. So do farmers.

In Belarus

In northern Polesie, as in Belarus can be grown on winter-hardy rootstocks.

Apples of any Jonagold clone are consumed fresh, processed into juices, and used in cooking. They even make powders for baby food.

Plant these apple trees in your garden and you won’t go wrong. You will only win. Stable apple harvests for yourself and for sale. No special features or additional costs. Patience and success!

And also from myself. Sometimes the mistakes of market acquisitions are not entirely upsetting. So we were not too upset about the mistake in purchasing the Jonagold apple tree. AND this apple tree adds positive emotions to us every year.

Jonagold is an American apple tree with late-winter ripening fruits. Obtained in 1943 at the Geneva breeding station (New York, USA) by crossing 2 varieties - Jonathan x Golden Delicious. In the early 1970s, the variety was sent to undergo initial testing, and since the mid-1980s, it has undergone extensive production testing in plantings belonging to scientific institutions in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe of Ukraine. In the territory of southern Polesie, this apple tree was tested mainly on frost-resistant skeleton-forming plants. It is worth noting that initially the new variety did not arouse much interest among American breeders and its trials were completed in the United States back in 1953. In the 1960s, Jonagold was brought to European countries (Belgium, the Netherlands), where its first large plantings appeared. And only after the active spread of the apple tree throughout Europe in their homeland they remembered it. On the territory Soviet Union the variety began to be distributed in the 1970s, and in the 1980s it was grown in all republics of the USSR. The popularity of this apple tree throughout the world has not faded to this day; its share in the world market accounts for a significant volume of apple sales.

The trees are vigorous and fast growing. The crown at a young age is broadly oval in shape, in mature trees it is spherical and medium dense. When extending from the trunk, the skeletal branches form a wide angle (closer to a straight line). The excitability of the buds is above average, the ability to form shoots is average. Fruiting is concentrated on ringlets, fruit twigs and annual growths.

The flowering period falls in the middle period. The variety is triploid (requires at least 2 pollinators). From 9 to 21% of fruits are set through open pollination. Among the best pollinators for Jonagold are the following varieties: Jonathan, Idared, Gloucester, Champion, Cox Orange Pepin, Elstar.

The fruits are of above-average and large size (the weight of an apple usually varies from 170 to 220 g, the largest specimens can reach 250 g), one-dimensional, round or rounded-elongated, slightly conical, with ribbing at the calyx (better expressed in large fruits). The skin is of medium thickness, smooth, elastic, dense, shiny, with a waxy coating. The main color of the fruit is greenish-yellow; the outer color occupies no more than 2/3 of the surface of the apple and is expressed through a fairly bright, blurry-striped orange-red blush.

The pulp is yellow in color, dense in consistency, juicy, crispy, has an excellent, very unique, but harmonious sweet and sour taste, with astringency. Tasting assessment of the taste of Jonagold apples is 4.6 - 4.8 points. A variety for universal use: fresh, canned, juices, compotes, purees, dry powders for baby food, preserves, jams, desserts.

The period of removable fruit ripeness falls in September (often towards the end of the month, depending on the area of ​​growth). It is customary to harvest when the main color of the fruit becomes yellow-orange (without “greenishness”) with the addition of a pink blush. The fruits reach full maturity in January. The fruits are stored for quite a long time: in the refrigerator until April. The transportability of the variety is very high.

The apple tree bears fruit quickly: the trees bear fruit from the 3rd year after planting. Productivity is also high: from 5 - 7 year old trees up to 10 - 15 kg of fruits are collected, at the age of 10 - 12 years old apple trees produce up to 40 - 55 kg of fruits.

Winter hardiness is low (below average): trees very unfavorably tolerate the change from normal winter to extreme winter for a particular region. In the conditions of the Crimea, the Steppe and the western Forest-Steppe, the trees withstand the winters usual for these regions well with decent agrotechnical care on the rootstocks M.9 and MM.106, while forming quite high yields. In extreme winters, trees suffer significant damage, take a long time and are not fully restored, and yields are noticeably reduced. For example, in the conditions of southern Polesie Ukraine, in the harsh winter of 1986 - 1987. Trees aged 6 years on M.3 froze by 3.0 - 4.0 points when the air temperature dropped to minus 35.9 °C. In the spring, the condition of the trees was assessed at 2.0 - 3.0 points: the wood of the skeletal and semi-skeletal branches was brown, the proportion of damaged bark on the trunk reached 50 - 70% of the common surface, up to 65% of fruit formations froze, loss of some semi-skeletal branches was observed, shoots grew very weakly. Subsequently (from 1987 to 1992), the frozen trees never fully recovered, bringing low yields (from 7 to 18 kg/tree). In 1993, these trees were uprooted.

The resistance of the Jonagold apple tree to scab is average, and to powdery mildew - low.

The obvious advantages of the variety are: large, very beautiful fruits with excellent taste; high performance productivity, precocity and keeping quality; the possibility of various uses of fruits for culinary and industrial purposes.

Significant disadvantages include: insufficient high level winter hardiness and resistance to major diseases.

Since the Jonagold apple tree is very popular all over the world, it has developed numerous clones (there are more than 100 species in total), usually distinguished by a more intense color. They are conventionally divided into 5 groups:

1. Mutants with a bright red striped (hatched) spotty-blurred blush: Vilmuta ( Wilmuta), New Jonagold ( New Jonagold) etc.
2. Mutants with a bright red blurred cover color: Jonica ( Jonica), Jonagold King ( Jonagold King), Nicobel ( Nicobel), Goldpurple ( Goldpurpur) etc.

3. Mutants with average fruit color between bright red and dark red: Novayo ( Navajo).
4. Mutants with a dark red blush blurred over the entire surface of the fruit, against which strokes may appear: Jonagored ( Jonagored), Jonagold Decosta ( Jonagold Decosta), Romagold ( Romagold).
5. Mutants with a uniform dark red blush blurred over the entire surface of the fruit: Jomured ( Jomured), Marnika ( Marnica), Rubinstar ( Rubinstar).

Characteristics of the American selection Jonagold apple tree

History and description of the variety

The history of the creation of this apple tree variety is quite interesting. A description of the variety was found back in the last century. As usual, many gardeners tried to create something new, and now, through many attempts, a new variety of apples appeared. It was created from the varieties Jonathan and Gold Delicious, from the first parts of the name of the parents, and received a new name for this tasty and actively fruiting variety - Jonagold. Today, breeders have bred more than a hundred types of these apples.

The Jonagold apple tree variety is strong and fast-growing. The crowns of young trees are oval, and as they grow older they become spherical. The branches extend at fairly wide angles. The excitability of the buds of the variety is high, but the tree does not produce shoots so quickly. Fruits are formed on ringlets, fruit rods and growths not older than one year.

Flowering period is average. These apple trees are triploid, so they need at least two pollinations to bear fruit well. The best pollinators are Idared, Gloucester and Elstar. Apples are always large, weighing from 150 to 250 grams. They are usually round or slightly elongated in shape, with characteristic ribbing in the areas of the fruit cups. The skin is medium in thickness.

Yield indicators

The harvest period occurs approximately 2 or 3 years after planting. In the first 10 years you can get up to 15 kilograms in one season. After this, the yield increases to 60 kilograms. The fruiting period occurs in September, when the apples gain color.

The best clones

The variety is very popular all over the world. Therefore, it is not strange that many of its clones have been created that possess certain properties of the variety. The main difference by which a clone can be identified is the brighter color of the fruit.

Usually there are 5 main clones of this tree:

  • With a bright color, characteristic blush, shading - Wilmut and New Jonagold apples.
  • Apples that are red, but more diffuse in color. This includes varieties Jonica, King Jonagold, Goldpurple.
  • Medium intensity in color, usually from bright to the darkest red - Novayo apple tree.
  • Varieties with a blush of dark colors. There may be shading on the fruit. Varieties Jonagored, apple tree Jonagold Decosta, Romagold.
  • Clones with a smeared or uniform blush over the entire surface. Apples are always dark in color - Marnika, Rubin-Star and Jomured.

  • Growing and care

    Like all apple trees, this variety has a number of features that should be strictly observed when planting and growing them. Here are the main rules:

    1. Planting can take place both in spring and autumn, most importantly - before the first frost.
    2. The soil is loose and with sufficient fertilizer.
    3. The planting site is chosen as light as possible, it is necessary large number sun rays.
    4. The planting hole is at least 100 and 70 centimeters deep.
    5. You can only fertilize the soil mineral fertilizers.
    6. The grafting site of the seedling must be at least 5 centimeters above the ground.
    7. After planting, abundant watering is required.

    Next you need to support optimal watering. Otherwise, caring for trees is the same as caring for other apple trees. You can use the same technologies that are used for other varieties. The fruiting period begins 3 years after planting.

    Harvest and storage

    The fruiting period occurs at the beginning of autumn. The tree bears fruit optimally in the conditions of our country; the total amount of harvest depends on proper care and growing climate.

    The ripeness of the fruit is usually determined by its pink blush. Full maturity occurs around January. It is recommended to store apples in cold rooms or refrigeration units until spring. Reviews of taste confirm that the storage period does not affect them in any way.

    The described apple tree variety is moderately resistant to frost and pests. In our country, this variety is rarely infected with scab. A frequent companion of the apple tree is powdery mildew; it must be combated almost constantly. During spring, fruits are necessarily treated with Bordeaux solution. After the buds appear, but before flowering, Jonagold should be treated with products containing copper. The number of treatments depends directly on weather conditions.

    The characteristics of this variety of apples make it possible to highlight their special attractiveness if you need to get good, juicy and tasty fruits. Apples are stored for quite a long time and do not lose their quality. Although the trees themselves are not very resistant to diseases, there are quite a lot of fans of the variety.

    Video “Apple variety Jonagold”

    From this video you will learn about the features of the Jonagold apple tree variety.


    Jonagold (apple tree): description of the variety, photo

    Apples are valued for their benefits to the body and taste. The number of varieties of apple trees increases every year, but some of them are gaining particular popularity due to their tasty fruits and their good keeping quality. Jonagold belongs to these varieties.

    Jonagold (apple tree): description

    Jonagold is a winter apple tree. It is obtained by crossing the very well known Golden Delicious and Jonathan varieties. This happened in the middle of the last century in America. This variety came to us a couple of decades later, and gardeners immediately paid attention to it. Industrial cultivation began.

    Jonagold apple tree (photo) is popular not only in the USA. There she is among the top 15 most requested. It is one of the most commonly grown varieties in Belgium. It is valued for its large fruits, although its price is low.

    The Jonagold apple tree is of medium height and in the first years of its life has a wide, rounded crown. Then, at the time of full fruiting, it becomes broadly oval. The density of young branches is average. The crown shape does not require special adjustments. Skeletal branches grow at such an angle that they do not need to be adjusted.

    Every year an average number of young branches are formed on the tree. The tree bears fruit on ringlets, annual growth and fruit branches.

    The Jonagold apple tree begins to bear fruit quite early, in the third year after being planted in a permanent place.

    The description and photo indicate that the fruits are larger than average in size, reaching up to 9 cm in diameter. The weight of one fruit is up to 220 g. The apples are the same size, round. The color is yellow, with a red or orange blush covering two-thirds of the fruit. The skin is medium thick, shiny, covered with a waxy coating. The pulp is very tasty, aromatic, with a wine flavor, sweet and sour (4.6 b.), yellow in color.

    The fruits reach removable ripeness at the end of September, a week earlier than the mother variety Golden Delicious. It is then that they are removed from the trees and stored.

    They can be stored in a cellar or other premises of this type. There they can retain their taste until February. If you use the refrigerator for storage, you can enjoy fresh Jonagold apples in April.


    Jonagold apples tolerate transportation well, so they can be transported over long distances.

    Apples of this variety are used to make juices and wine. From the bottom they produce puree and dry powders. What do the gardeners who grow the Jonagold apple tree say? Reviews say that at home, jams, preserves, compotes are made from apples of this variety, and used as a filling for pies. But they consider the best use to be eating fresh apples, because they are very tasty and aromatic.

    It doesn't bloom very early. Jonagold is a triploid. In order for the number of ovaries to be sufficient, you need to have at least two pollinators.

    Open pollination ranges from 9 to 21 percent. The best pollinators for this apple tree variety are:

  • James Grieve;
  • Renet Orange Cox.
  • Pollination with varieties shows good results:


    The yield of the Jonagold variety does not depend on weather conditions. It is always stable and quite high.

    At the age of 7 years, the Jonagold apple tree is capable of producing up to 15 kg of fruit per tree; at 12 years, the yield is up to 55 kg per tree.

    Frost resistance of apple trees

    Jonagold is an apple tree with average frost resistance. Does not tolerate sharp changes from normal winter temperatures in the region to extreme ones. After freezing, it recovers poorly and the yield decreases. In the middle zone, trees of this variety are best grown on frost-resistant wood chips.


    You can plant an apple tree in autumn or spring. It is believed that the Jonagold apple tree variety takes root better in the fall. But for this it needs to be planted correctly.

    The hole for the seedling is prepared in advance, two weeks before planting. Its size should be sufficient to accommodate the root and provide it with a set of useful substances. Having prepared a hole 1 m deep, loosen the soil. This allows the roots of the plant to grow unhindered in depth and to the sides for several years. The length and width of the pit are also 1 m.

    The soil for planting an apple tree should be neutral acidic, pH 5.0-6.5. The layer of chernozem or humus layer must be at least 18 cm. The apple tree does not tolerate stagnation of water in the root system. Level groundwater should not be less than 1.5 m. Apple trees do not grow on swampy soils and peat bogs.

    The top layer of soil is laid separately. Fertilizers and substances beneficial to the seedling are added. This is rotted manure, a handful of ash. You can add complex or potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

    A mound of prepared soil is placed at the bottom of the hole. A seedling is placed on it. Straighten the roots so that they are directed to the sides of the mound. Place a peg in the hole to which the seedling will be tied. Carefully fill the remaining space with earth, compacting it periodically.

    Watered. Up to 30 liters of water are poured under one tree. Then the tree trunk circle is mulched with a thick layer of peat, humus, hay or mowed grass. This especially needs to be done in the spring. Mulch will help retain moisture near the plant's roots and prevent weeds from choking it out. Water deeply once or twice a week. This largely depends on the weather and soil conditions.

    In spring they are planted 5 days after the soil thaws. In autumn - two weeks before the onset of stable frosts.

    When planting, make sure that the planting site is located at a height of at least 10 cm above the soil level. The distance between apple trees should be at least 4.5 m.

    Crown formation

    Jonagold is an apple tree that does not require special pruning. Its skeletal branches grow at the right angle. Therefore, the main task is to form a crown by cutting the conductor 40 cm from the upper branch of the lower tier, and leaving the required number of skeletal branches (4-6).

    If the tree is weak, the lower tier consists of 3-4 branches, the conductor is cut to 20 cm. The next year it is shortened again by 40 cm. After 4 years of such procedures, the conductor is cut out at a height of 2.5 m, transferring it to a side branch.

    Subsequently, branches growing into the crown or crossing are removed. Damaged or diseased ones are pruned. The crown is constantly maintained in a cone shape.

    In the first 4 years of life (in the second year after planting), nitrogen fertilizers are applied to promote the growth of the apple tree. When the branches or root system freeze, which can happen in the Jonagold apple tree, use foliar feeding with a 0.5 percent urea solution. The first time is carried out a couple of weeks after flowering, the second time after another two weeks. Potassium chloride is added to the solution.

    Foliar feeding with preparations containing boron promotes better fruit set.

    Disease resistance

    Jonagold is an apple tree that has average resistance to scab. But powdery mildew is often affected. These diseases need to be fought regularly. In early spring, the tree is treated with Bordeaux mixture. After bud break, but not during flowering, they are treated with other preparations containing copper. The number of treatments depends on weather conditions. In rainy and hot weather they need to be carried out more often than in dry summers.

    Apple clones

    Jonagold is a popular and famous apple tree. Therefore, it is often used to breed new species. Currently there are more than 100 of them. They are all divided into 5 groups according to color.

    These are mutants with a bright red blurred or striped coat, a solid red color or blush, blurred over the entire surface with or without strokes.

    The child of popular parents - Jonagold apple tree

    Jonagold– “child” of the Jonathan and Golden Delicious varieties, grown in America.

    The combined name is taken from them.

    Now known over 100 Jonagold clones. They differ in color and very little taste.

    But, speaking specifically about the first variety, let's look at how to plant it, care for it, and why this variety of apples is so attractive to gardeners and producers. Apple tree variety Jonagold, its full description and photo are in the article.

    What type does it belong to?

    The Jonagold apple tree is winter variety.

    The crossed variety quickly became in demand for its taste, high level of fruiting and long-lasting shelf life of apples.

    Jonagold apples have a calorie content of 45 kcal.

    Harvesting Jonagold at the end of September - beginning of October.

    Apples are stored until February, in the refrigerator - until April.

    This is the most important section that cannot be skipped. Jonagold - apple variety triploid. Apple trees of this variety are considered bad pollinators. That is, they cannot pollinate themselves and help others with this. Therefore, it is important to remember that Jonagold should be planted next to 2-3 apple trees of a good pollinator variety.

    If you follow this planting rule, the apples will, as they say, flow.

    Description of the Jonagold variety

    Now let's look at the appearance of the tree and fruit.

    Apple trees Jonagold large, growing quickly.

    The angle between the branches and the trunk is large.

    The young tree has wide oval crown, and during the fruiting period - round, spherical, with branches hanging down.

    They bear greenish-yellow fruits, covered with a bright orange-red blush with thick stripes.

    One an apple weighs on average 180-250 grams. The fruit is round in shape, slightly beveled on top, smooth and even.

    May be covered with rusty mesh. The pulp has a light cream color, dense consistency and strong aroma, which the variety owes to its parents.

    Jonagold apples have a beautiful color, make sure of this by looking at the photo in the next section. Magnificent appearance The following varieties of apple trees can also boast: Orlovsky Pioneer, Aromatny, Ekranny, Krasny Ranny and Yuzhny.

    History of selection

    The variety was bred in the United States of America in 1943. Then the Jonathan and Golden Delicious varieties were crossed.

    From them Jonagold received bright color and pleasant sweet taste. Selection has also left its mark on the adaptive properties of this apple tree variety, which we will discuss separately.

    Region of natural growth

    The variety does not tolerate prolonged frosts well, so not suitable for growing in cold climates with extreme frosts.

    Jonagold - apple tree moderately drought-resistant, feels comfortable in temperate and warm climates, where it takes root well and brings maximum yield.

    Also suitable for planting in regions with a temperate climate are the following varieties: Augusta, Papirovka, Malinovka, Yandykovsky and Quinti.

    The apple tree is starting bear fruit in 2-3 years. Until the first decade, harvest volume on average is 10-15 kilograms per year, and by the age of twelve reaches 40-55 kilograms per year.

    Overall this is high yield. The fruits are harvested in September, when they acquire a pink blush. Full ripeness is achieved during storage.

    By the way, you also need to store apples correctly if you want to enjoy fresh fruit even in winter. After harvesting, immediately cool everything in the refrigerator or basement. Wrap each apple in paper.

    Place the apples, stems side up, in a clean, dry, moisture-resistant container, e.g. wooden box or a plastic basket.

    This way the harvest is stored in the basement. Apples are sometimes coated with melted wax to protect them from pests.

    Planting and care

    Now let’s note the rules for planting Jonagold.

    You can plant apple trees spring or autumn until frost.

    The soil must be loose and fertile.

    For example, the same as for potatoes.

    Jonagold loves the sun very much.

    By following planting rules, you will speed up the tree's adaptation to the soil.

    Follow a simple algorithm:

  • Before planting, dig a hole with a diameter of 1 meter and a depth of 70 cm. The bottom should be loose by 20-25 cm.
  • Pour it out fertile soil with mineral fertilizers to half the height of the pit.
  • Place the seedling so that the grafting site is 5-8 cm above the soil level.
  • Spread the root system and cover it with fertile soil.
  • Compact the soil and water with water in a volume of 30-50 liters. In the future, water the tree abundantly and follow several mandatory care components.
  • For maximum yield remember the following:

  • Jonagold should be planted near good pollinators;
  • Treat apple trees for pests (they are listed in the next section);
  • Once again: water the trees deeply;
  • Do pruning every year in March-April.
  • Diseases and pests

    A mandatory maintenance procedure is pest and disease control.

    At the same time, it is worth paying attention to such problems as scab, cancer, monilial burn. Knowing this, consider purchasing the necessary medications to protect against diseases in advance.

    As for pests, apple trees are most often threatened by apple moths, codling moths, fruit sapwood, as well as silkworms and hawthorns. Take a series preventive measures, which we talk about in detail in separate articles.

    These rules are simple to follow, but they will help achieve maximum yield.

    Jonagold apples are great for transportation and long-term storage.

    Once collected in September, they can be stored in the refrigerator - then you can enjoy the ripe fruits until until March-April next year.

    But it is better to eat fresh apples before winter, when they are still full of vitamins.

    They are on sale in January. Apples of this variety make delicious compotes, juices and purees.

    Winter apple tree Jonagold: description, photo

    Having received a summer cottage, I had no doubt that there will be apple trees in the garden. And, of course, White filling, Semerenko, Calvil snowy. These are the varieties that I knew before serving in the army.

    More than 20 years have passed... I began to select varieties. And I especially wanted Seven. That's all market knowledgeable inspired me that this variety is a thing of the past. Here, take Jonagold. And the taste of Jonathan and Semerenko. And he took it. And he raised it. AND the whole family, and not only, admires this taste.

    Description, photo

  • Back in 1943 there was bred by American breeders. You will also find 1968 in publications. Some kind of mistake. Without intent.
  • They didn't think for a long time. Took the parents the best varieties Jonathan and Golden Delicious apples.
  • And this happens in life. The child was not very pleased. This is even more common in breeding.
  • And they sent it to Europe (Belgium and the Netherlands). Where it was liked and spread successfully.
  • Oddly enough. This became the impetus for his popularity in his homeland. In the US it is now one of the 15 most popular apple varieties.
  • Winter apple tree Jonagold is most likely an early winter plant (also called late autumn).
  • Vigorous tree.
  • From the beginning of fruiting the shape of the crown transforms from wide-oval to spherical. Largely due to abundant harvests.
  • Skeletal branches do not form sharp corners with a barrel. Even closer to a right angle.
  • The fruits are round. They may also be slightly elongated.
  • Yes and impressive weight. Arouses interest among buyers - after all 250 g is not uncommon. The record holder is the Dutch variety Wilmut with apples in 300g. And on average – 160-220 g.
  • The skin is shiny, elastic and with a waxy coating.
  • Sweet and sour taste. Juicy with dense, aromatic, crispy flesh. There is a little bit of astringency.
  • Jonagold branch with fruits.

    So what? attracts gardeners and specialists:

    • High yield;
    • Tolerates transportation well;
    • Precociousness;
    • Long-term storage of fruits;
    • And the taste of apples.
    • Apple tree Jonagold Dacosta

      Description of the apple tree Jonagold Decosta:

    • Belgium is considered the homeland.
    • In the garden where the Jonagold variety was grown, these apples attracted attention brighter color - dark red blush over the entire surface. A little blurry. Sometimes with barely noticeable strokes.
    • You will also come across such names - Decosta, Verbeek.
    • Perhaps, Jonagold's most famous clone.
    • Same as the main variety:

    • Height, crown of a medium-sized tree.
    • The fruits are round in shape.
    • Weight reaches 170-210 g.
    • Disease resistance indicators:
      • For scab – average.
      • To powdery mildew – low.
      • Shelf life until April.
      • The growing conditions and care rules are the same.
      • Including presence nearby necessarily several pollinating neighbors.
      • Apple Jonagold Decosta.

        What makes them different:

      • Ripening time is a week earlier.
      • Winter hardiness is slightly higher.
      • Look at the video of what the Jonagold Decosta apple tree looks like:

        Additional Features


        What other variety has more than 100 clones? Besides Jonagold? The difference is mainly in the intensity of the color. They even conditionally divided into 5 groups:

      • Bright red striped spotted blurred blush– Wilmut, New Jonagold.
      • Bright red blurred cover color– Jonica, Jonagold King, Nicobel.
      • Something midway between bright red and dark red- Novayo.
      • A dark red blush is blurred over the entire surface of the fruit with possible streaks– Jonagold, Jonagold Decosta.
      • The dark red blush is blurred evenly over the entire surface of the fruit– Marnika, Rubinstar..
      • This is a typical triploid. AND one tree is not enough for pollination. Serve at least two. Among the best are Gloucester and Idared.

      • Growing area.
      • What rootstock is the seedling on?
      • This will give you the opportunity to make certain adjustments to the timing (flowering, ripening).

        Growing areas

        There are a lot of them. This regions where winters are moderately cold. Moderate and warm climate. The north doesn't seem to fit. This:

      • America,
      • Europe,
      • Ukraine,
      • Middle zone and South of Russia,
      • Belarus.
      • And this is Jonagold from our garden.

        Tree height

      • On semi-dwarf rootstock MM-106 sometimes 3. And even up to 5 m.
      • A on a vigorous- And all 6 m!
      • And what kind of crown do you want to form.
      • Crown width

      • So determine the width of this dome-shaped crown yourself.
      • Impressive at 5 meters in height. And smaller at 3 meters.
      • Powerful root system promotes the strength of trees with such a crown.
      • Crown of Jonagold apple tree.


      • Don’t let the removal of 15 kg of apples from a 7-8 year old tree confuse or upset you.
      • From trees aged 9-12 years you can collect 40 and 50 kg each.
      • And for older adults (20-30 years old) there will be 60-100 kg per tree.
      • Tasting assessment

        Somehow one phrase from the numerous proposals to purchase the Jonagolod variety caught my attention: “...ripens 8-10 days earlier than the Golden Delicious variety, with higher taste qualities.” Apparently they forgot to add “higher” for whom (for themselves, their girlfriend, their wife...).

        I have a different opinion. The same as many gardeners and apple lovers. Delicious! And the taste and color... They even have very high scores with a wide range from 4.0 to 4.7. There are also 4.8. Even 4.8-5.0.

        Winter hardiness

        Pay attention to winter hardiness:

      • She below average. Or rather, quite low.
      • Sudden changes are harmful.
      • To reduce their effects:

      • Buy on M-9 and MM-106 rootstocks.
      • Carry out the necessary agrotechnical measures.
      • Disease resistance

        And these indicators are not the advantages of the variety:

      • to the scab– average indicators.
      • to powdery mildew- even lower.
      • Use fungicides with copper ( Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride, copper sulfate and others) for their prevention.

        Lifespan of a tree

        • On frost-resistant seedlings of Antonovka even 25-35 years old.
        • For semi-dwarfs, -25 years is already age.
        • After 2-3 years of targeted treatment with fungicides (urea and copper sulfate), we eat completely different apples. And we like them even more. And the photo below is from our garden.”

          My apple tree Jonagod.


        • Or at the end of April.
        • Or at the beginning of May.
        • Monitor the condition of the seedlings. So that the roots do not dry out.

          Autumn - until frost. When the leaves fall. WITH advods prefer autumn planting . And the Jonagold apple tree variety confirms this in practice. With its adaptability.


          Apple tree Jonagold does not require special conditions when planting. The soils are not heavy (loamy and sandy loam).

          Apple tree planting diagram.

          As usual for every apple tree prepare the planting hole:

        • The width is 1 m. And you need to dig to a depth of about 1 m.
        • Make a small drainage and lay a layer of fertile soil.
        • Add compost and fertilizers - mineral and organic.
        • Spread the roots of the seedling on the mound.
        • Place a stake and secure the seedling.
        • After filling with soil, lightly compact the soil with your foot and water generously.
        • Mulch well after the soil has settled.
        • Watch the video on how to prepare a hole for planting:


          The distance will be determined by the selected rootstocks:

        • On dwarf– 2.0-2.5 m in a row and 3.5-4.0 m – row spacing;
        • On semi-dwarf– 3.0 m and 4.0-4.5 m;
        • On vigorous– 3.5-4.0 m and 4.5-5.0 m.
        • And consider the shape of the crown.

          So that the harvest is full:

        • Plant nearby good pollinators.
        • Spend timely disease prevention, especially against scab and powdery mildew.
        • The sun is not something desirable, but simply necessary. Choose a planting site that is open to sunlight.
        • A correctly chosen crown shape can only improve illumination.
        • Groundwater should be no closer than 1.5 m.
        • Plant apple trees in well-lit areas.

          Agricultural technology

        • Water regularly. Although the variety is drought-resistant. You don't just need it to withstand dry weather. Apples should be juicy. Especially seedlings planted in spring. The weather can make adjustments to watering.
        • The apple tree will be happy and fertilizing(both root and foliar).
        • Dig up the soil in tree trunk circles.
        • Systematically mulch(before winter necessarily) humus, peat, mown grass, hay.
        • Don't forget treat the tree against pests(use compatible tank-mixed fungicides and insecticides).
        • The codling moth is especially annoying to tasty apples.

          Pruning and crown formation

          Do not rush to prune young trees. Assess the condition of the tree after a year and decide on the shape of the crown.

          Start forming a crown for 2-3 years.

          Then take the pruning shears:

        • in spring use scraps:
          • Formative.
          • Sanitary.
          • Anti-aging.
          • Very often in gardens in industrial plantations in Europe they use:

          • Palmettes.
          • Trellis.
          • Cordons and walls.
          • Correct classic palmettes: 1- with horizontal branches, 2- with inclined branches, 3- circular, 4,5,6- Verrier palmettes with a different number of branches, 7- double Verrier, 8- candelabrum, 9- Cossone system.

            We prefer:

          • Sparsely tiered.
          • Cup-shaped.
          • Bush-like.
          • Fusiform.
          • Formation of a sparsely-tiered crown: a-initial plant, b-pruning in the first year, c-pruning in the second year, d-pruning in the third year.

            Watch the video for the theoretical basis of pruning an apple tree:

            Pollinator varieties

            As a prominent representative of triploid apple varieties, Jonathan variety it is necessary to plant at least 2 varieties of apple trees, among which he prefers:

            Cox Orange Pepin.

            Features of ripening and fruiting

            Beginning of fruiting

            Starts in 2-3 years. And then annually and progressively.

            In the Moscow region

            It is determined by the climate chosen by the rootstock. Adjust the timing of flowering and ripening. They will be a little later.

            In the Moscow region, Jonagold begins to bear fruit a little later.

            Fruit ripening

            In September(closer to October) to you Apples must be removed for storage– yellow-orange with a bright pink blush. And some even seem greenish. So you don’t have to eat them right away. This is removable maturity.

            Jonagold apples after removal.

            But in January it’s a different taste. The taste of a ripe apple!

            Fruit storage

          • In the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-3 degrees - until April.
          • If the storage temperature is higher, even less.
          • Subspecies and options


            MM-106 rootstocks give your tree the opportunity to more successfully resist diseases, frost and drought:

          • It begins to bear fruit earlier. Even for the 2-3rd year.
          • It will take up to 25-35 years to bear fruit and produce good apples (up to 100 kg per tree).
          • Apples are no worse than on other rootstocks.
          • Dwarf

          • The height is even less - 2.5-3.5 m. Same as the crown.
          • But lives and bears fruit for up to 15-20 years.
          • Low-growing spur.
          • Solid light red color of the fruit.
          • Fruits of Jonagold King.

          • Increased stability:
            • to diseases (scab and powdery mildew, including).
            • to frost.
          • The fruits are medium - starting from 150 g.
          • Juicy light cream pulp. Like Jonathan.
          • The most famous and popular of the clones of the Jonagold variety. You will meet the names - Jonagored, Highlander. Aka Jonagored Morrens Supra:

          • The variety was not bred, but was discovered (or noticed) in 1980 in Belgium (spontaneous mutation).
          • And in 1989 he was already awarded a gold medal in England. After all, even tasters (and they are strict people) give him ratings from 4.6 to 5 points.
          • AND weight 170-220 g.
          • Apple tree Jonagold Morrens.

          • Ripens in the first half of October. And you can store it for up to 7 months.
          • Fruits in any weather.
          • And the indicators for resistance to frost and disease are higher than those of their predecessors.
          • You can see what the Jonagored Morrens Supra apple tree looks like in the video below:

            Features of cultivation in the regions

            In the Moscow region

            If you really want to grow Jonagold varieties:

          • Pick up on frost-resistant zoned rootstocks.
          • And the most winter-hardy. Same Jonagored Morens. And Jonagold Decosta.

          Timely agricultural technology will protect against frost and maintain good yields. The use of copper-containing fungicides is included in these measures.

          In the gardens of scientific institutions of Ukraine in the steppe and forest-steppe zone:

        • Since the beginning of the seventies, initial tests of this variety have been carried out.
        • Since the mid-eighties - extensive production tests.
        • The Jonagold apple tree is successfully grown in Ukraine.

          And in our time - one of the most popular varieties among amateur gardeners. So do farmers.

          In Belarus

          In northern Polesie, as in Belarus can be grown on winter-hardy rootstocks.

          Apples of any Jonagold clone are consumed fresh, processed into juices, and used in cooking. They even make baby food powders.

          Plant such apple trees in your garden - you won't go wrong. You will only win. Stable apple harvests for yourself and for sale. There are no special features or additional costs in care. Patience and success!

          And also from myself. Sometimes the mistakes of market acquisitions are not entirely upsetting. So we were not too upset about the mistake in purchasing the Jonagold apple tree. AND this apple tree adds positive emotions to us every year.

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