Types of tests. S. Goryunova, L. PetukhovaOrganization of control and testing of products

test called the experimental determination of quantitative and (or) quality characteristics properties of the test object as a result of impact on it during its operation, as well as modeling the object and (or) impacts (GOST 16504-91). Experimental determination of the characteristics of the properties of an object during testing can be carried out by using measurements, evaluation and control.

Test object

Test object is a product or the processes of its production and operation. Depending on the type of product and the test program, the object can be either a single product or a batch of them. The object of the test may also be a model or model of the product.

The most important features of any test are:

  • taking certain decisions on the test object based on their results, for example, on its suitability or rejection, on the possibility of presenting it for the next test, etc.;
  • setting the required real or simulated test conditions. Under test conditions is understood as a set of influencing factors and (or) modes of operation of an object during testing. Normative test conditions must be defined in the normative and technical documents for testing specific objects.

Exists big number types of tests. They are classified according to various criteria. By appointment tests are divided into research, control, comparative and definitive. By level of There are the following categories of tests: state, interdepartmental and departmental. By type of development stages of the tested products distinguish between preliminary and acceptance tests. Depending on the type of test finished products they are divided into qualification, acceptance periodical and standard. Definitions of these types of tests can be found in GOST 16504-81 "The system of state testing of products. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions."

Test objectives

The purpose of the test one should consider finding the true value of a parameter (characteristic) determined not under those real conditions in which it can actually be found during tests, but under given nominal test conditions. The actual test conditions almost always differ from the nominal ones, since it is impossible to establish the parameters of the test conditions with absolute accuracy. Consequently, the test result always has an error that arises not only due to the error in determining the desired characteristic, but also due to the inaccurate establishment of the nominal test conditions.

Test results

Test result is called the assessment of the characteristics of the properties of the object, establishing the compliance of the object with the specified requirements, the data of the analysis of the quality of the functioning of the object in the process of testing. The test result is characterized precision- a test property that describes the closeness of their results to the actual values ​​of the characteristics of the object under certain test conditions.

There are great similarities between measurement and testing: firstly, the results of both operations are expressed as numbers; secondly, the errors in both cases can be expressed as the difference between the results of measurements (tests) and the true values ​​of the measured quantity (or the determined characteristic under nominal operating conditions). However, from the point of view of metrology, there is a significant difference between these operations: the measurement error is only one of the components of the test error. Therefore, we can say that testing is a more general operation than measurement. The measurement can be considered as a special case of testing, in which the test conditions are not of interest.


Control- this is the process of determining the conformity of the value of the parameter of the product established requirements or norms. The essence of any control consists in carrying out two main stages. At the first of them, information is obtained about the actual state of an object, about the signs and indicators of its properties. This information is called primary. On the second - the primary information is compared with pre-established requirements, norms, criteria. At the same time, the correspondence or non-compliance of the actual data with the required ones is revealed. Information about their divergence is called secondary. It is used to develop appropriate decisions about the object of control. In some cases, the boundary between the stages of control is indistinguishable. In this case, the first stage may be expressed indistinctly or practically not be observed. A typical example of this kind is the control of the size of the part by the caliber, which is reduced to the operation of comparing the actual and maximum permissible values ​​of the parameter

Control consists of a number of elementary actions: measuring transformation of the controlled value; operations for reproducing control settings; comparison operations; determination of the control result.

Measurements and control are closely related to each other, are close in their informational nature and contain a number of common operations (for example, comparison, measurement conversion). At the same time, their procedures differ in many ways:

  • the result of the measurement is a quantitative characteristic, and the result of control is a qualitative one;
  • measurement is carried out in a wide range of values ​​of the measured quantity, and control is usually carried out within a small number of possible states;
  • control devices, unlike measuring ones, are used to check the condition of products, the parameters of which are set and vary within narrow limits;
  • the main characteristic of the quality of the measurement procedure is accuracy, and the quality of control procedures - reliability.

Control classification

Control can be classified in a number of ways. Depending on the number of controlled parameters it is subdivided into one-parameter, in which the state of the object is determined by the size of one parameter, and multi-parameter, in which the state of the object is determined by the size of many parameters.

By the form of the compared signals control is divided into analog, in which analog signals are compared, and digital, which compares digital signals.

Depending on the type of impact on the object control is divided into passive, in which no impact is made on the object, and more active in which the impact on the object is carried out by means of a special generator of test signals.

In practice, the so-called tolerance control, the essence of which is to determine by measuring or testing the value of the controlled parameter of the object and comparing the result with the specified boundary valid values. A special case of tolerance control is the verification of measuring instruments, during which the error of the measuring instrument is investigated if it falls within the allowable limits.

According to the location of the controlled state zone, tolerance control of states is distinguished:

  • below the allowed value X<х н;
  • above the permissible value X>X in;
  • between the upper and lower permissible values ​​Xn< Хв.

The result of the control is not a number, but one of the mutually exclusive statements:

  • "the controlled characteristic (parameter) is within the allowed values", the control result is "good";
  • "the controlled characteristic (parameter) is outside the allowed values", the control result is "not good" or "marriage".

Classification of the main types of tests and the procedure for their implementation. At the first stage of writing this work, it is necessary to clearly understand the very concept of “test”. When defining the concept of “test”, one must start not from the English term “test” (which, as you know, has many meanings), but from the traditional norms of the Russian language. According to these standards, the test always involves some kind of impact or load.

The test passes or fails. Therefore, the test result should not be the results of the measurements performed during the tests, but the answer of the form “pass” or “not pass”, “corresponds” or “does not comply”. The situation with the definition and practical application the concept of “test” has developed not simply, but English term"test" has rendered domestic metrology a disservice. In English-language documents and technical books, this term is used to describe significantly different procedures, including such as control, verification, sampling, testing, etc. In domestic metrology, at one time, attempts were repeatedly made to deal with three fundamental concepts: “measurement”, “control”, “test” /1/. ISO/IEC Guide 2 defines the term “testing” as follows: a technical operation consisting in determining one or more characteristics of a given product in accordance with an established procedure.

Another definition is given in GOST 16504-81 “System of state product testing.

Testing and quality control of products.

Basic terms and definitions”. Testing is an experimental determination of the quantitative and (or) qualitative characteristics of the properties of the test object as a result of exposure to it during the operation, modeling of the object and (or) impact on it. Testing is a form of control. The test system includes the following main elements: a) test object - the product being tested. The main feature of the test object is that, based on the test results, a decision is made specifically for this object: on its suitability or rejection, on the possibility of presenting it for subsequent tests, on the possibility of serial production, etc. Characteristics of the properties of an object during testing can be determined by measurements, analyzes or diagnostics; b) test conditions - this is a set of influencing factors and (or) modes of operation of the object during testing.

Test conditions can be real or simulated, provide for the determination of the characteristics of the object in its operation and in the absence of operation, in the presence of impacts or after their application; c) test means are technical devices required for testing. This includes measuring instruments, test equipment and auxiliary technical devices; d) test performers are the personnel involved in the testing process.

It is subject to requirements for qualifications, education, work experience and other criteria; e) regulatory and technical documentation (NTD) for testing, which is a set of standards that regulate the organizational, methodological and regulatory and technical foundations of testing; a set of standards for the system of development and production of products; normative-technical and technical papers regulating requirements for products and test methods; Normative and technical documents regulating the requirements for test equipment and the procedure for their use /2/. The test conditions and the list of IEP controlled parameters are specified in the standards and general technical conditions (TS) for the product. All tests are classified according to the methods of conducting, purpose, stages of design, manufacture and release, type of finished product, duration, level of conduct, type of impact, determined by the characteristics of the object /3/. Figure 1 shows the classification of the main types of tests.

According to the result of the impact on the IEP, tests are divided into destructive and non-destructive, as well as resistance, strength and stability.

Tests are destructive if destructive methods of control are used in the process of their implementation or, as a result of external factors, the test samples become unsuitable for further use.

Methods non-destructive testing used as a substitute for destructive, and in addition to them. This reduces the time of failure analysis, and in some cases, the location and type of the defect are more accurately determined.

Most methods of testing electronic products are either destructive or greatly reduce technical resource products. Also, due to a decrease in the output of products, situations arise when the volume of samples for destructive testing becomes comparable to the output of products. Therefore, the most wide application in the practice of testing, he received a selective method that allows you to judge the entire population of products based on a sample taken from it.

If the products included in the sample fully reflect the nature and structure of the general population, then such a sample is called representative or representative. Figure 1 - Classification of the main types of tests Samples are classified according to a number of criteria: a) by the method of formation (repeated and non-repeated); b) by deliberate selection (intentional and random); c) in relation to the time of formation (one-time and random); d) according to the intended purpose (stratified and general productive). By duration, all tests are divided into: a) normal tests - tests, the methods and conditions of which provide the necessary information on the reliability indicators of the product for the same time as during operation; b) accelerated tests - tests, the methods and conditions of which provide the necessary information about the quality of the product in more short term; c) reduced tests - tests that are carried out according to a reduced program. By purpose, tests can be divided into research and control.

Research tests are carried out to study certain characteristics of the properties of the product.

The results of these tests serve to solve the following tasks: a) determining or evaluating the quality indicators of the functioning of the tested products in certain operating conditions; b) selection of optimal operating modes and reliability indicators; c) comparison of many options for the implementation of the product in the design and certification; d) building a mathematical model of the product functioning (estimating the parameters of the mathematical model); e) selection of significant factors affecting performance indicators.

Research tests, if necessary, are carried out at any stage. life cycle products. Research tests are carried out to study the behavior of an object under a particular external influencing factor (WWF) or in the event that the necessary amount of information is not available. Most often this happens when the object is not sufficiently studied, for example, when research work, design, selection best ways storage.

Model testing is an example of exploratory testing. For the purpose of pilot production, a model is made from sketches, which is then tested. In the process of testing, the performance, the correctness of the design solution are evaluated, possible characteristics are determined, patterns and trends in parameter changes are clarified. Research tests are carried out mainly on a typical representative in order to obtain information about the totality of all objects of a given type. Thus, these tests are carried out to study the characteristics of the properties of the object, the formation initial requirements to products and constituent parts, choosing the most effective methods production, operation (application) and control of products; determining operating conditions.

Exploratory tests are often carried out as identification and evaluative tests. The purpose of defining tests is to find the values ​​of one or more quantities with a given accuracy and reliability.

Sometimes, during testing, it is only necessary to establish the fact of the suitability of the object, i.e. determine whether the product meets the specified requirements or not. Such tests are called evaluation tests. Tests carried out to control the quality of an object are called control tests. The purpose of control tests is to check for compliance with technical conditions during manufacture. As a result of the tests, the data obtained are compared with those established in the technical specifications and make

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Testing of electronic products

The objectives of the tests are different for various stages design and manufacture of IET. The main objectives of the tests include: a) the choice of optimal ... Tests serve effective tool quality improvement, as they allow ... Based on the results of testing products in production, the developer determines the reasons for the decline in quality. In that work…

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Types of tests of wheeled and tracked vehicles are classified according to such criteria as: the purpose of the tests, the level of performance, the frequency, the range of evaluated properties, the duration and degree of intensification, the equipment used, the location and types of external influence.

The set of tests for different stages design life cycle - development, production, operation - constitutes a test system.

All types of tests (Table 1) can be normal, accelerated, forced, shortened, depending on the emerging requirements for the timing and cost of their implementation. They include bench studies of units and complete machines, laboratory and field (field) tests on special equipment and facilities. In accordance with the goals established during their organization, it is allowed to combine tests various kinds(categories), for example, development with preliminary, qualification with acceptance, etc.

Organization of tests different types differs in the order of their implementation and the level of regulation.

Research tests(if they do not partially fit with the preliminary ones) are the very first at the stage of development of the machine and differ in that they are carried out on a mock-up sample, include a comparison of various design solutions and options. Usually those components of the machine are tested for which it is not clear optimal solutions or unfamiliar-we conditions of application. Research tests are not regulated by official documents, they are carried out directly by developers or under their supervision, and the results are recorded in working documents (protocols).

Tests prototypes(samples of installation series) and samples of serial and flow- mass production according to the level of implementation, they are divided into state, interdepartmental, departmental, certification.

Preliminary tests prototypes is organized and carried out by the enterprise-developer with the involvement, if necessary,

distribution, manufacturers and co-executors involved in the creation of the machine.

Acceptance tests, as a rule, are carried out by the parent organizations for state testing of the types of machines assigned to them with the participation of developers and manufacturers. The test results are submitted to the acceptance committee. Tests of individual types of machines can be carried out with the participation of the acceptance committee. Acceptance committees include representatives of the customer (main consumer), representatives of the head testing organization, developer organization, manufacturer and, depending on the type and purpose of the machine, representatives of state supervision and (or) technical inspection . The acceptance committee is approved in the manner prescribed by the developer (sometimes by the customer or the main consumer together with the developer). The representative of the customer (the main consumer) is appointed as the chairman of the commission.

Testing samples of serial and mass production carry out: qualification - the manufacturer with the participation of the developer with the involvement, if necessary, of the customer; acceptance - the technical control service of the manufacturer with the participation of a representative of the customer; periodic - manufacturer.

Certification tests carry out test centers, laboratories, technical services accredited for this purpose. Certification systems for mechanical Vehicle. This category of tests includes all tests for compliance with specified (established) requirements.

Performance tests are carried out on samples of both experimental (installation series) and mass-produced. In the first case, performance tests, as a rule, are included in a separate stage general program, in the second case, they are organized in the form of operational observations or controlled operation of a significant number of samples on the basis of experimental production organizations by specially trained personnel. Operational tests are less commonly practiced as routine operation. Operational tests are carried out by organizations and the developer, and the manufacturer, and order-

ability to set functions) of the machine, based on its type and purpose specified in the TOR and (or) TS. Resource definition before overhaul and accumulation of data on the reliability of the machine and its units (assemblies) based on the results of experimental and controlled operation in reference experimental production enterprises, according to data from specialized maintenance and repair enterprises. Refinement of indicators of operational manufacturability and maintainability. Determination and clarification of the costs of spare parts, operating materials, the cost of repair effects, depending on the mileage (time) and operating conditions. Verification under operating conditions of the effectiveness of changes made to the design and manufacturing technology of the machine.

chika (the main consumer). Performance tests are intended to determine and evaluate the actual performance of wheeled and tracked vehicles when they operate in real conditions in various regions of the country

The types of tests listed in Table 1 reflect the prevailing integrated system obtaining information about newly created and operated machines. The actual basis of this information is bench tests (research) of units and complete machines; laboratory and road; per-ligon (field); accelerated and accelerated tests under specified conditions, on special equipment and structures with the involvement of all means to obtain the most complete and reliable data on the properties and characteristics of the object with reduced time and costs for processing the received data.

In the organization of tests, the following stages are distinguished: planning, conducting, processing the results and developing conclusions and recommendations.


AT last years Increasing attention is being paid to conformity assessment of products, both nationally and internationally. To do this, products are tested for compliance with international or national standards in accredited testing laboratories. Such tests are carried out primarily in the part safe use and environmental protection. At the same time, for the purposes of certification, testing centers carry out not only testing of samples, but also periodic inspection tests of certified products to control the stability of their quality at enterprises.

The complexity of tests increases, the number of repeated tests increases. This is of particular interest in guaranteeing the reliability of the results.

There is a problem of mutual recognition of test results. Mutual recognition is the basis for reducing the need for retesting and the associated costs of material, labor and financial resources, as well as the time on the way from the supplier to the consumer.

The task of establishing trust in testing laboratories through their accreditation has become important - certifying their competence and equipment, ensuring the possibility of conducting tests at the proper level of testing fixed types of products or conducting fixed types of tests.

A special international organization has been created - the International Conference on Accreditation of Testing Laboratories - IPAC, in which all developed countries participate. IPAC collects and summarizes information on the state of this matter in various countries and prepares appropriate recommendations for ISO and other international organizations. A number of ISO, IEC, OIML, EOCC recommendations have been developed on the issues of mutual recognition of test results and requirements for the competence of testing laboratories claiming to recognize the results of their tests on a national and international scale.

Tests in modern world received an extremely wide scope. Without them, production is unthinkable. Tens of thousands of enterprise laboratories conduct hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of product tests every day during the manufacturing process. Test or research laboratories, centers, polygons, together with production units form the quality industry. The problem of ensuring the quality of products today has taken on an all-Russian character, has become a paramount task of the state. The correct policy of the state in the field of quality can be the foundation of a system of measures to protect the consumer market from low-quality products.

Requirements for product quality are constantly increasing. Therefore, special attention has been paid to the following issues:

– rational organization and rational conduct of tests;

– ensuring the reliability and unity of their results;

– the need for a significant expansion of the types of tests;

- increasing their complexity and labor intensity.

1. Goals and objectives of testing and control

Tests are an integral part of the relationship between the customer and the manufacturer of products, the manufacturer of the final product and enterprises - subcontractors, supplier and consumer in domestic and international trade.

Tests can be considered the source of almost all reliable information about the properties and quality of products at all stages of their life cycle. Tests are the basis for improving the design, manufacturing technology, Maintenance during operation. A synonym for the concept of "test" is an experiment. The Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” defines “research” and “measurement” as such synonyms. Measurement is much broader than the concept of “testing”, although under certain conditions it may coincide.

A set of tests at different stages of the product life cycle - development, production, operation (consumption) - constitutes a test system.

Tests begin when forming terms of reference when the customer and the designer carefully study the properties of the best analogues, their individual elements.

At the stage of designing a prototype, individual samples are studied with the help of tests, and the correctness of engineering solutions is checked.

After acceptance testing and the start of mass production, the products are accompanied by other types of tests. When accepting products, the quality control department conducts acceptance tests, and after certain time periodic tests.

Thus, a certain system of tests is formed throughout the life cycle of products. A similar cycle can be traced for any other product. For example, construction materials, Rubber products, building construction, light products, Food Industry, agricultural raw materials. For each type of product, tests have their own specifics, however, and here they accompany it from creation to consumption. The test system has a multi-level character. It is an integral part of the organization of society, an important element of the technological process of creation, production and use of products and begins with the laboratories of the enterprise.

The main purpose of testing is an objective assessment of product quality at all stages of its life cycle. At the same time, quality is understood as a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy needs in accordance with its purpose. According to GOST R ISO 9000-2008, quality is the degree of compliance of inherent characteristics with requirements.

The task of the test is to obtain quantitative and qualitative estimates of the characteristics of the object, i.e. evaluating the ability of products to perform the required functions.

The task of control is to establish the compliance of the characteristics of an object with the requirements specified in the regulatory documentation. This problem is solved according to the test results.

The goals and objectives of the tests are set depending on their type. So, during research tests, the characteristics and properties of the product intended for development are determined. Such tests are carried out at the stage of research development on a specially created layout.

Preliminary tests are carried out at the stage of completion of experimental design in order to determine the possibility of presenting the product for acceptance testing.

The purpose of acceptance testing is to establish the conformity of products with the requirements and to resolve the issue of the advisability of putting the tested products into production.

A prerequisite for conducting tests of all types is to obtain reliable, objective information about metrological, technical, performance characteristics, product properties, ensuring the unity and reliability of test results.

Unity and reliability of test results

– create conditions for mutual recognition of test results by the supplier and the consumer,

– are the basis for an objective assessment of the characteristics of the tested products,

– allow to exclude or significantly reduce the number and scope of tests.

Reliability and reproducibility of test results are ensured by:

- the use of certified exemplary measuring instruments (OSI), test equipment, programs and test methods;

– the stability of the characteristics of the product under test,

- the absence or minimal influence on the characteristics of the product of external influencing factors during transportation, storage, operation.

To obtain information about the quality of products at all stages of the life cycle, tests and technical control are used.

The criterion for assessing quality is the degree of compliance actual values parameters and quality indicators to the requirements of regulatory documentation.

According to GOST R ISO 9000-2008:

trial is the determination of one or more characteristics according to an established procedure;

control – a procedure for evaluating conformity by observation and judgment, followed by appropriate measurements, tests or calibrations.

Characteristic is a distinctive feature.

Procedure established way carrying out an activity or process.

Process - a set of interrelated and interacting activities that transforms inputs and outputs.

According to GOST 16504 trials called experimental determination of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the properties of the test object as a result of the impact on it, during its operation, when modeling the object and impacts.

technical control called verification of compliance of the product with the established technical requirements.

Differences between testing and technical control

1. Tests are carried out when the product is exposed to certain external factors, and technical control is carried out under normal climatic conditions.

2. A sample of products is subjected to testing, and usually 100% of products are subject to technical control.

3. Tests are carried out in strict accordance with the program and methodology established by the technical documentation, and control can be carried out suddenly (volatile).

Technical control is performed not only to determine the values ​​of the parameters of finished products, but also to assess the state of technical documentation at the development and production stages.

4. Based on the test results, certain decisions are made about the condition of the tested products and their further use.

Test results cannot be used to implement automatic regulation technological processes in contrast to the results of technical control.

2. Classification of types of tests

Type of tests - this is a classification grouping of tests according to a certain attribute(GOST 16504-81).

Classification of types of tests can be carried out according to various criteria:

- depending on the objectives of the tests (control, research);

- depending on the stage of the product life cycle;

- by the level of implementation;

- by duration;

- according to the place and conditions of the event, etc.

Depending on the stages of the product life cycle (Fig. 1), the following tests are carried out: at the research stage - research; at the development stage - finishing, preliminary, acceptance; at the production stage - qualification, bearer, acceptance, periodic, standard, certification, inspection; at the stage of operation - controlled operation, operational periodic, inspection.

Research tests are carried out to study the behavior of an object with a particular external influencing factor (WWF) or if not required volume information. Most often this happens when the object is not sufficiently studied, for example, during research, design, selection of optimal methods of storage, transportation, repair and maintenance.

Exploratory tests are often carried out as identification and evaluative tests. Target defining tests – finding the values ​​of one or more quantities with a given accuracy and reliability. At assessment tests establish the fact of the suitability of the object, that is, determine whether a given instance from a number of objects of a given type satisfies the established requirements or not.

Tests carried out to control the quality of an object are called control . The purpose of control tests is to check for compliance with the technical conditions of certain copies of components or components during manufacture.

Finishing tests carried out at the R&D stage to assess the impact of technical documentation changes to ensure that the specified values ​​of product quality indicators are achieved.

Target preliminary tests - determination of the possibility of presenting samples for acceptance tests. Tests are carried out in accordance with the standard or specifications. The need for testing is determined by the developer. The program of preliminary tests is as close as possible to the operating conditions of the product. The organization of the tests is the same as in the finishing tests.

Acceptance tests are carried out to determine the feasibility and possibility of putting products into production. Acceptance tests of single-piece production products are carried out to resolve the issue of the feasibility of transferring these products into operation. Experimental and prototype samples (batches) of products are subjected to tests.

Qualification tests carried out in the following cases: when assessing the readiness of an enterprise for the production of serial products, if the manufacturers of prototypes and serial products are different, as well as when putting into production products under licenses and products mastered at another enterprise.

Acceptance tests carried out to decide on the suitability of products for delivery or use. Tests are subjected to each manufactured unit of production or a sample from the batch.

Tests are carried out by the manufacturer's technical control service. A customer representative may be involved. During testing, the values ​​of the main parameters and the performance of the product are monitored.

Periodic testing carried out for the purpose of:

– periodic quality control of products;

- control of the stability of the technological process in the period between the next tests;

– confirmation of the possibility of continuing the manufacture of products according to the current documentation and their acceptance;

– confirmation of the effectiveness of the test methods used in the acceptance control.

Periodic tests are intended for products of established serial (mass) production. During their implementation, the values ​​of indicators are controlled, which depend on the stability of the technological process, but are not checked during acceptance tests.

Type tests - control of products of the same standard size, according to a single methodology, which is carried out to assess the feasibility of changes made to the design or technological process.

Tests are subjected to product samples, in the design or technological process of which changes have been made. These tests are carried out by a testing organization. The test program is set depending on the nature of the changes made.

Inspection tests carried out selectively in order to control the stability of the quality of samples of finished products in operation. They are carried out by specially authorized organizations (state supervision bodies, organizations engaged in foreign trade operations) in accordance with regulatory documentation for these products according to the program established by the inspection organization.

Certification tests carried out to determine the conformity of products with safety and environmental protection requirements, and in some cases key indicators product quality: reliability, economy, etc.

Certification tests are an element of a system of measures aimed at confirming the compliance of the actual characteristics of products with the requirements of normative documents in order to obtain reliable information in the relationship between manufacturers and consumers of products. Certification tests are usually carried out by test centers independent of the manufacturer. Based on the test results, a certificate or mark of conformity of products to the requirements of ND is issued. Certification implies mutual recognition of test results by the supplier and consumer of products, which is especially important in foreign trade operations.

Controlled operation are carried out to confirm the compliance of products with the requirements of normative documents in the conditions of its use, to obtain additional information on reliability, recommendations for eliminating shortcomings, and increasing the efficiency of use. For controlled operation, samples are isolated, which create conditions close to operational ones. The results of controlled operation are included in the notifications sent by the consumer to the manufacturer.

Operational Periodic tests are carried out to determine the possibility of further operation of the product in the event that a change in its quality indicator can create a threat to safety, health, environment. Each unit of operated products is subjected to tests at established intervals of operating time or calendar time. Tests are carried out by state supervision bodies or the consumer. They control the compliance of products with safety and environmental standards and requirements, as well as with the standards that determine the effectiveness of its use.

It is allowed to combine the following categories of tests:

- preliminary with finishing;

- acceptance rooms with acceptance and delivery rooms - for single-piece production;

- acceptance with qualification;

- periodic with standard - with the consent of the customer (main consumer);

- certification with acceptance and periodic.

Tests are carried out at the following levels:

- state - for acceptance, qualification, inspection, certification and periodic;

- interdepartmental - for acceptance, qualification and inspection tests;

- departmental - acceptance, qualification and inspection tests.

Tests of the most important types of products for industrial, technical and cultural purposes, carried out in the head organizations for testing these types of products, are called state . Thus, along with acceptance tests, that is, tests for issuing a permit for mass production, state tests may include qualification, periodic, inspection and certification tests. Representatives of all interested ministries (departments) take part in state tests.

Interdepartmental testing usually carried out with acceptance tests when representatives of several ministries (departments) take part in the commission.

Departmental tests - these are tests conducted by a commission of representatives of the interested ministry (department).

According to the conditions and place of the test, there can be:

laboratory conducted in laboratory conditions;

bench conducted on test equipment in testing or research departments;

polygon conducted at the test site, such as vehicle tests;

natural – tests under conditions corresponding to the conditions of its intended use;

model testing are held on physical model(simplified, reduced) product or its components.

According to the duration or temporal completeness of the test, there can be:

normal when the methods and conditions of carrying out ensure the receipt of the necessary amount of information about the characteristics of the properties of the product (object) in the same time interval as in the envisaged operating conditions;

accelerated when the methods and conditions of carrying out provide obtaining the necessary information about the characteristics of the properties of the object in a shorter period than during normal tests. Holding accelerated tests allows you to reduce the cost of funds and time to create products. Acceleration of obtaining test results can be achieved by applying increased loads, increasing temperatures during thermal tests, etc.;

abbreviated when tests are carried out according to an abbreviated program.

According to the result of exposure, as in control methods, tests can be:

non-destructive - the test object after testing can function (be operated);

destructive - the object after testing cannot be used for operation.

And, finally, tests according to the determined characteristics of the object are classified into:

functional conducted in order to determine the values ​​of the indicators of the purpose of the object;

reliability conducted to determine the reliability indicators under given conditions;

strength conducted to determine the values ​​of influencing factors in order to exceed the value of certain characteristics of the object beyond the established limits or its destruction;

sustainability , carried out to control the ability of the product to perform its functions and maintain the parameter values ​​within the limits established by the normative documents during exposure to certain factors (aggressive media, shock wave, electric field, radiation, etc.);

safety conducted in order to establish a safety factor for the service personnel or persons related to the test object;

transportability conducted in order to determine the possibility of transporting an object in a particular container, without violating the ability of the object to perform its functions and maintain parameter values ​​within the limits;

boundary conducted to determine the dependencies between the maximum permissible values ​​of the object's parameters and the operating mode;

technological conducted during the manufacture of products in order to assess (ensure) its manufacturability.