Projects of houses with an attic and a balcony. Projects of houses with a terrace Country house with a terrace and balcony

Erect country houses It is becoming not only popular, but also a necessity due to the busy everyday life of the city. Today there are many companies that offer finished projects houses various types, by ordering which, the customer will receive a ready-made house with all the construction work done: from project development to finishing works. House projects with a balcony and a terrace are becoming very popular today due to their simplicity, quick turnaround time for construction, reliability and relatively inexpensive price.

Frame house with balcony and terrace

A frame house with a terrace is a convenient option that combines stylish interior, elegant design of facades. A frame house with a balcony will expand the boundaries of the house and create extra space for relaxation and communication. The frame house is excellent and inexpensive option. Regular size frame house, proposed construction companies, 6x6.

A frame house consists of an internal frame, which after construction is sheathed special materials on internal and outside. Externally frame house sheathed with sheet and molded materials, internally with special insulation.

The main load is borne by the frame, which is most often made of wood; metal frames are less commonly used.

Frame house construction technologies:

  • Frame-panel. This technology involves installing the material, after which it is processed and insulated. In order to install, you need to buy everything separately. consumables, and all construction work should be carried out in stages. This technology is labor-intensive, but cheaper.
  • Frame-panel. This technology provides production work according to a previously prepared project. Special panels are manufactured in production, into which insulation is immediately built. After which the finished structures are brought to the site where the house is installed.

Although these technologies differ in execution technique, the installation of a house will cost almost the same, you just have to take into account that in the first option you will have to pay extra to the builders for additional types works: cladding, insulation, finishing.

House with a balcony and a terrace (video)

Drain for balconies and terraces: an important stage of construction

An important step in building a house is the correct choice of drains for balconies and terraces. It’s worth paying attention to them when developing a house project. With them making the right choice, installation and use, the house will be reliably protected from water and its destructive effect in case of stagnation in the drains.

Important points when choosing ladders:

  1. To correctly determine the type of drain required, you need to take into account the type of roof of the house, the layers of its covering, the type of waterproofing, the material of the drain pipe and the load on the drain.
  2. It is necessary to correctly determine the drainage area for each drain. When choosing a ladder, you should pay attention special attention for the calculated amount of water and bandwidth ladder
  3. To avoid water leakage, it is necessary to pay attention to the compliance of the drain and the selected waterproofing material.
  4. If the balcony or terrace is covered with a parapet, you should be careful about removing water. Heavy rainfall or impact large quantity water into the drain can cause destruction of the roof. Therefore, drains and inlet grates require regular inspection.
  5. It must be remembered that rain and melt water must be discharged strictly in storm sewer. In the case of drainage of water into a combined sewer system, drains with an odor-blocking and anti-freezing device should be used.

When choosing drains, it is also important to pay attention to the acquisition additional elements for water drainage. For example, a drainage ring, an extension element with a flange, an extension, a storage element. It is these auxiliary elements that ensure reliable drainage of water from roofs of any type and content.

Why lay a terrace board on the balcony?

Today, a balcony is often an additional place in the house reserved for relaxation. That’s why the owners do everything to create a cozy atmosphere there. An important element in creating an interior on a balcony is the issue of flooring.

There are traditional ways floor coverings such as tiles, laminate or wood flooring. However, they all have their drawbacks. The tiles are heavy and susceptible to temperature changes. Laminate flooring can quickly deteriorate by getting wet and swelling. Wooden materials cheap, but short-lived.

Projects of two-story houses with a balcony and a terrace

A ready-made project for a two-story house with a terrace is presented on the construction market today. In most cases, projects offer rational houses, which will combine high-quality building materials, efficient designs, beautiful facades convenient layout, reasonable prices.

Project of a two-story house: main stages:

  • Creating a title page;
  • Explanatory note;
  • Floor plans;
  • Facade design;
  • Sections of the house;
  • Roofing project;
  • Floor design;
  • Drawings of reinforced concrete lintels;
  • Roofing drawings.

Construction companies offer wide choice house projects with comfortable balconies and beautiful terraces that are a natural extension of the house. These additional seating areas will be very useful in the spring and autumn.

What is the difference between a terrace and a balcony?

Sometimes when designing houses and various construction work Customers and performers have problems with the correct naming of such types of premises as balconies and terraces. This question is very important, since the calculation of the area of ​​the room depends on the correct definition, which affects the determination total area and market value.

The main and main difference between a terrace and a balcony is that a terrace is an open area that can be attached to a building, and can also be located above the roof of the lower floor. The terrace can be located on the ground and have a roof.

Balcony and terrace regulatory documents can be used in summer time. But considering wide range quality materials for glazing, rooms can be made suitable for all seasons.

Project of a house with a balcony and a terrace (video)

Nowadays, the construction of houses with balconies and terraces has become widespread. Many construction companies present ready-made projects developed by professionals. Such projects include all stages of creating a house, calculated down to the smallest detail. When creating a house project, they take into account modern materials, which are widely represented in the construction markets. Projects also take into account the individual wishes of each customer. Before drawing up a project, it is important to study the features construction technologies and the quality of materials used in the construction of houses.


Various layouts - residential, and intended for summer holiday, occupy more than half of our catalog. Among 1700 ready architectural solutions All building materials are presented: timber, brick, gas blocks, frame and monolithic concrete.

Features of a modern terrace

It's hard to imagine country cottage without an open or partially closed area for fresh recreation. This favorite place for relaxation and receiving guests. Initially it was a structure in the form wood flooring on a low support, rising 15-45 cm above the ground. Sometimes it was fenced with railings, and a removable awning served as protection from the sun and rain. It was usually located in a shady part of the garden, or on the beach near the water.

Projects modern houses with a terrace are different great variety- it is built into the overall architectural ensemble along with a balcony, bay window and other elements (No. 40-09L). Its main difference from the veranda is that the site is built on an additional foundation and does not have a strong connection with the main foundation.

  1. Projects of houses made of foam blocks (aerated concrete) with a terrace and a plinth. Inexpensive material is gaining popularity every day, and we offer more than 700 ready-made options for economical construction.
  1. Modern 2-level frame cottage with a terrace on the ground floor - No. 70-26 (175 m2). A very popular solution has been implemented here: in order not to cover the site with a temporary awning, it is located under a balcony or loggia.
  2. Project of a terrace with barbecue, built separately from the cottage (garden, country house) - No. 70-37. The structure is placed near a reservoir as a barbecue area, and is practically a gazebo - part of the structure is covered with glass walls.

Our bureau offers not just a sketch version, but a fully developed set of documentation for construction. You can make changes to any of them at the request of the client, adapt it to another building material, add the necessary elements. At the same time, the architect takes into account the terrain features of the site, the quality of the soil, and the prevailing wind direction.

Considering projects country houses, developers sooner or later face a choice of which house to build on their suburban area: one-story or two-story. Due to various circumstances related to budget restrictions or usable area on the site, as well as based on the advantages and disadvantages of one-story or two-story houses, and a choice is made in favor of one option or another.

Project of a two-story house with a balcony covered with siding

Let's take a break and turn to history. At the dawn of the development of the construction industry, humanity simply did not have the knowledge and ability to erect buildings higher than one floor, so all buildings were one-story. In order to provide themselves with a high-quality and reliable home, people used clay. Based on this, the installation of the roof and its maintenance were not accompanied by danger, because for this it was not necessary to climb to the top.

When people acquired tools, a lot changed in life, including in the construction industry. Settlements began to be surrounded by high walls to protect them from hostile neighbors and predatory animals. Accordingly, the price of housing that was under protection increased significantly. This fact contributed to the development multi-storey construction, which made it possible to increase living space in a limited area.

Original project houses with attic and balcony

The development of the construction industry has made it possible to solve all problems with the construction multi-storey buildings, And high-rise buildings now you won’t surprise anyone. However, despite this, for the development of the private sector, projects of two-story houses of a small area, with a garage, terrace, balcony and other functional features are mainly used.

The key factor when choosing the number of floors of a future private house will be the size land plot. As a rule, if there are not too large areas two-story construction are given greater preference. If on small areas build, then with the same living area you can occupy the entire land, leaving no room for plantings and outbuildings. An important factor when choosing is the visual perception of the structure.

Project of a two-story house made of stone and wood with a balcony and terrace
Original exterior two-story cottage with terrace

Now they are located not only on the first floor, as everyone is used to seeing, but also on the second. Houses with a terrace can have awnings and be miniature or very large, on which you can walk. The layout of houses with a terrace or balcony is not only intended for people who are used to not denying themselves anything. There are enough budget projects, suitable for citizens with average incomes.

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical rooms, electrical points, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in a design solution?

Detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which displays all necessary steps and technologies in the construction of foundations, walls and roofs.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which shows the location and size of rooms, walls, roofing, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision of the construction progress. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What determines the timing?

The timing depends on the chosen project and material (houses made of logs and timber require time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of volume change wooden walls and other parts due to drying of the wood.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized experience. A fleet of construction equipment has been put into operation since 2015. We do not involve contractors.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like in this picture. Can you?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on your staff?

Currently there are 5 interior designers on staff with a total of 74 years of specialized experience.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.