Direct kitchen - the secrets of a convenient layout from the designer. Kitchen layout Arrangement of a small kitchen 5 sq.

Being upset about a tiny kitchen is unproductive. It is better to think over the design of a 5 meter kitchen to the smallest detail, trying to use every square centimeter for the benefit of the business.

The fact that this is possible has already been proven by thousands of owners of small kitchens in Khrushchev, who managed to make them not only cozy and beautiful, but also multifunctional.

Arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen

In all construction forums, the question about the design of kitchens of 5 sq. M sounds more often than others. Especially when people do not want to redevelop, combining the kitchen with a living room or pantry, but they dream of accommodating all the necessary equipment in it without sacrificing storage space. It seems to be impossible to do so.

Now, when it comes to the design of a kitchen of 8 5 m, there are immediately many examples of how beautifully and cool everything can be organized on this square. And tiny kitchens are advised to expand visually using various design tricks. But these tricks can only affect our aesthetic perception, but not the ability of the kitchen to accommodate everything you need.

Therefore, let's stop talking about styles, textures and color schemes for a while, and let's solve practical problems.

corner kitchen

Corner or L-shaped arrangement of furniture is considered the most optimal for small rooms, especially if you need to squeeze a dining area into them.

The following options are possible:

  • With a sink in the corner. This is the most ergonomic design - a kitchen of 5 sq. M turns out to be as convenient as possible for the hostess. A corner wall cabinet with a pull-out mechanism is hung above the sink, which allows you to make the most of the space.

  • With hob in the corner. A non-standard solution for those who love to cook and do it often. Electric and gas hobs of a special angular shape are not uncommon today, so it will be easy to fit them into the design of a 5 m2 kitchen.

For reference. Please note that the price of a corner hob, corner hood and even a corner bottom module is usually higher than their standard counterparts.

  • With sink under the window. A rather complicated option in execution, requiring the transfer of a heating radiator and lengthening of water and sewer pipes. But the result will definitely please you.

Kitchen without fridge or dining table

If you decide to sacrifice a table or a refrigerator, which really take up a lot of space in the kitchen, you will have more opportunities for the 5 m2 kitchen to get a comfortable work area.

  • - furniture is located along three walls, allowing you to use all the usable space and create an ideal working triangle. If you are not too lazy and break through a small dispensing window into the room adjacent to the kitchen with your own hands, you will be able to fully preserve the functionality of this small room.

  • double row kitchen. Furniture is located along two opposite walls. A simplified modification of the U-shaped kitchen, which allows you to leave free access to the window and place high modules for storage and kitchen appliances.

Small Kitchen Design Ideas

If you are a lover of vintage sideboards, cute knick-knacks on open shelves and soft sofas with cozy pillows, then even a kitchen design of 8 5 sq m and more will become a problem for you. In a tiny kitchen, every centimeter has to be taken into account and used with maximum efficiency, so country or classic, where too much space is given to decorative elements, is unlikely to be appropriate here.

You will have to abandon bulky and functionally useless items in favor of convenience and ergonomics.

Furniture and appliances

To provide more free space in a small kitchen, furniture and appliances must be chosen very carefully. With today's assortment, this is easy to do.

  • Do not buy a ready-made headset. Custom-made furniture always fits better into the design of a 5 sq m kitchen, leaving even the most inaccessible corners unused.
  • Reduce the depth of the lower modules to 50 or even 40 cm - the kitchen will be much more spacious.
  • Make the most of the full height of your kitchen. Make hanging cabinets up to the ceiling: rarely used utensils can be stored on the upper shelves. Do not cover the bottom with the plinth; it is better to place baskets for storing vegetables under the cabinets.

  • Use small-sized kitchen appliances: a two- or three-burner hob, a narrow oven and PMM, a small refrigerator built under the countertop.

Advice. A large refrigerator with a freezer can be placed in the hallway or on the loggia, and only daily used products can be kept in a small kitchen.

  • An excellent solution can be multifunctional appliances, for example, an oven with a microwave function or a slow cooker, which can replace both the hob and the oven.

Attention! The instruction manual for such equipment should be studied by you before purchase, so that you can make sure that it really suits you in all respects.

  • When planning a kitchen space, pay attention to folding chairs and transforming tables. The latter can be folding, roll-out, sliding, which greatly saves space in the kitchenette.

For reference. Watch the video on our portal about small kitchens and transforming kitchens. You might be interested in some of the ideas in these videos.

Important little things

  • If we are to use the space to the fullest, then let's pay attention to other details of the interior. For example, the work surface can be increased by replacing it with a window sill with a wider countertop. It can also serve as a bar counter or a table for quick snacks. Under the windowsill, you can also arrange small shelves.
  • If you remove the door to the kitchen or replace it with a sliding one, it will be much easier for you to move.
  • Finally, the rails and hooks on the kitchen backsplash and on the inside of the doors can become a repository for a huge mass of little things that are so necessary in any kitchen.


The design of a 5 m kitchen is a task for creative and inventive people. Without a certain amount of adventurism, it is better not to take it on - it is better to entrust this matter to professional designers. If you decide to do it yourself, look for non-standard solutions and do not be afraid to experiment.

Kitchen with an area of ​​5 sq. meters is often found in Khrushchev, typical panel houses and houses of the old fund. Fitting a working and dining area in such a tiny space is quite difficult, but quite possible. From this material you will learn how much depends on what furniture is selected and how it is arranged, what color the walls are painted, how the light is built and what kind of curtains hang on the windows. And here you can also get a lot of super ideas for design, renovation, planning and redevelopment from a selection of 50 photos of real interiors.


To the kitchen 5 sq. meters to fit both the working and dining areas, there is no other way out than to plan the arrangement of furniture L-shaped or linear.

  • L-shaped (corner) layout good because it allows you to arrange the stove, sink and refrigerator according to the “working triangle” rule, as well as use the corner and two walls. By arranging the kitchen furniture in this way, you will get a spacious work area and enough storage space. True, you will have to “save” on the size of the dining area and choose a table / stand for 2 people. An example of a corner kitchen 5 sq. meters is shown in the photo below.

  • The linear layout is more compact, but slightly less convenient, since the cook will have to run along the entire kitchen line many times to prepare food. However, in such a small room it is not so difficult. But the dining table can be put more spacious - designed for 3-4 people.

If the kitchen is only a utilitarian room, and the dining area is moved to another room, then you can consider a U-shaped or two-row layout.

  • A two-row furniture layout is a great option for narrow room. As a rule, the kitchen is arranged as follows: the stove, sink, food preparation area and dishwasher are placed on one side, and the refrigerator, oven and microwave oven are on the opposite side.
  • The U-shaped layout is the most convenient, because everything you need for cooking is at hand. The downside is the bulkiness of the U-shaped headset. Most of all, this option is suitable for a square kitchen. In the next photo slider you can see the interior of the kitchen 5 square meters. meters with a U-shaped suite and a dining area placed in the living room.

When designing your kitchen in a U-shape or in two rows, remember that the passage between the furniture should be at least 90 cm.

Color spectrum

Kitchen with an area of ​​5 sq. meters must be light and rather monochrome than multi-color or contrast.

  • Best of all visually enlarges the space and solves the problem of lack of light white color. In a small kitchen 5 sq. meters it should be more than any other colors. In fact, the facades of the headset, and the decoration, and the dining group, and even the curtains can be white. Do not be afraid of the soiling of white surfaces. In fact, they are just as practical as any colored ones. And so that such an interior does not seem too “hospital”, use several shades of white (from milky to ivory) and different textures (from gloss to stone).

Design of a small kitchen 5 sq. meters in a one-room Khrushchev

  • In a pair of white, you can pick up other light shades: light gray, light blue, cream, beige.
  • Try not to use more than 3 colors in the interior, otherwise there is a risk of “overloading” the interior.


  • Proper laying of the floor will help to “push apart” the walls. If a Have you chosen ceramic tiles?, then it should be laid diagonally. Wooden floors and laminate in narrow spaces are also laid diagonally or across the room. Ideally, the flooring slabs should be small, folded in a run or herringbone pattern.
  • A well-known drawback of kitchens in Khrushchev is not only a small area, but also low ceilings. Rhombic or vertical striped wallpaper will help “raise” them. But be careful, the abundance of vertical lines will narrow the narrow kitchen even more.

Design project of a small kitchen with striped wallpaper

  • It is desirable that the walls are plain and without drawings. But if you want to stick wallpaper, then choose canvases with a small pattern of muted shades. Wallpaper with a large and colorful print is safest to glue on only one wall.
  • Create the illusion of a large space wallpaper will help with perspective view. For example, it can be a city street, a road that goes into the distance, or a forest path.

  • Another super-effective technique is wall cladding with a mirror. If you decorate them with an entire wall or a large area (for example, an apron or a wall near the dining area), the space will visually appear larger. And if a window is reflected in the mirror, then natural light will increase.

  • To add a sense of airiness and lightness to a small space, use shiny, glossy or “satin” surfaces in the backsplash finish. For example, boar tile or glass .

Redevelopment and zoning

Redevelopment is always a labor-, time- and financially costly undertaking, but with its help you can radically change and enlarge a small kitchen. There are two options for redevelopment: combining the kitchen with adjacent rooms or moving partitions.

  • Moving the partition and increasing the kitchen at the expense of adjacent rooms. Pros: an increase in the kitchen by a couple of square meters, thanks to which it becomes possible to equip a full-fledged dining and working area. At the same time, the kitchen remains isolated - smells and noises will not penetrate into the rest of the rooms. Cons: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room / corridor decreases, repairs become more complicated and more expensive due to the construction of new partitions.

Below is a plan of the apartment with the transfer of the partition and the increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen due to adjacent rooms.

The following photos show the interior of the kitchen in a one-room Khrushchev, which was increased by the living room.

Keep in mind that the redistribution of an apartment, even with the demolition of non-load-bearing structures, requires coordination with housing inspections.

  • Combining the kitchen with the living room and/or hallway. Pros: the space becomes convenient for family vacations, meals and meetings with guests, the kitchen is enlarged by moving the dining group to the living room area or to the border of two rooms, it becomes possible to equip a full-fledged and spacious dining area. Cons: there is no way to retire, noises and smells from the kitchen can interfere with vacationers in the living room (and vice versa), disorder in one area or another will spoil the overall look of the room.

Below are plans for a two-room apartment in a typical Khrushchev before redevelopment and after combining the kitchen with the living room.

Plan of a two-room apartment in Khrushchev before redevelopment

And here is a good example of the design of a combined kitchen-living room in a one-room Khrushchev.

Layouts of the apartment "before" and "after" alterations

To make the combined kitchen-living room or kitchen-hall look orderly, it must be zoned. The boundaries of the zones can only be marked visually (using different finishes for walls, floors and ceilings, lighting, carpets) or physical "delimiters". For example, it can be furniture, a low partition, a ceiling beam, a partition with an arched or open doorway, plants, a glass partition, sliding doors, and curtains. The following selection of photos shows examples of zoning combined kitchen-living rooms.


Much depends on the choice of furniture. Here are some tips to help you plan your kitchen set:

  • Since the tiny 5-meter kitchen is sorely lacking in storage space, you need to use its height, that is, the walls. Choose a three-tier kitchen set up to the ceiling and place on the topmost shelves those things that are not often needed in the kitchen (glasses, holiday service, food supplies, flasks for pickles, etc.). By the way, in the additional tier you can hide the air duct.
  • In addition to the top of the kitchen cabinet, you can also use its bottom, namely the plinth. If you build several drawers into it, you get excellent storage for small items.

  • Ideally, a kitchen set should be ordered according to individual sizes, because not a single centimeter should be wasted.
  • To visually lighten the interior, the facades of the kitchen set should be chosen glossy or with glass inserts, solid doors without panels and even without handles are also well suited.

  • The universal color of the kitchen set is white. It is also good if the kitchen has a gas stove. Indeed, among the white facades, the white box will be practically invisible (see photo).

  • Another good option is a set to match the walls.

No less scrupulous you need to approach the choice of table and chairs. After all, in the kitchenette, they should be maxi-functional and super-compact.

  • The bar counter will become the most "miniature" solution. In an isolated kitchen, it can be equipped on the basis of a window sill (see photo examples below), and in a kitchen combined with a living room, it can be placed on the border of the rooms.

In the corner kitchen of 5 sq. meters, you can carve out a place for snacks by converting the window sill into a bar

An example of a window sill table

And here is an example of the design of a combined kitchen-living room with a bar counter.

A mini bar counter can also be built into a headset niche, as shown in this photo.

  • Another mobile solution is a folding table, which, when assembled, turns into a hanging shelf.

  • A small round coffee table for 1-2 people will also fit in a 5-meter kitchen.

If your lifestyle does not fit in with mini-tables, choose a table for 3-4 people in a rectangular or square shape - they use space more rationally. It is desirable that it can be easily folded and unfolded.

  • Chairs fit light, compact and functional. For example, these can be folding "garden" chairs, transparent polycarbonate chairs, benches, stools or corners with built-in storage boxes.


To save space in the work area, choose small-sized and built-in appliances.

It is better to choose a refrigerator that is narrow but high, a dishwasher is 45 cm wide, and a hob with 2-3 burners.

It’s good if household appliances combine several functions at once: a slow cooker + a bread machine, a food processor + a meat grinder + a juicer or an oven + a microwave.


Proper lighting is the key to comfort. In a small kitchen, there must be a lot of it.

  • Neither curtains, nor furniture, nor extra items on the windowsill should interfere with the penetration of daylight.
  • Artificial light is important to distribute as evenly as possible throughout the room. This lighting scenario is ideal: spotlights around the perimeter of the ceiling + furniture lighting for the working area + sconces or a chandelier above the table.

  • Pick up the lamps themselves miniature and concise.


All small kitchens tend to seem cluttered and cluttered. Even the magnets on the refrigerator can bring a sense of disorganization to a 5-meter kitchen. Therefore, the most important principle of its decor is “less is more”. However, you don’t need to completely give up jewelry and accessories, otherwise the interior will turn out to be too minimalistic. A couple of small paintings / posters / photo frames on the wall, a potted flower pot and a wall clock will be enough to create coziness.

As for curtains, short and concise types of curtains are best suited: roman and roller blinds, blinds and cafe curtains as in the photo below.

What are direct kitchens, how to choose a comfortable kitchen set with a linear layout, 75 real photos of direct kitchens in the interior.

A direct kitchen is a layout option in which all elements of the kitchen set are located along one wall. The arrangement of the refrigerator, sink and stove in one row is not always convenient for the hostess: such a layout violates the principle of the triangle - the main one for kitchen ergonomics. Therefore, if the area allows, a direct kitchen set is often combined with an island or peninsula.

Who will suit the linear kitchen

  • if you have a small kitchen (in a Khrushchev or other typical house with small apartments), you cook little and don’t need a lot of storage space for supplies
  • your kitchen with a complex layout - narrow, elongated, with ledges, niches, an inconveniently located doorway or access to a balcony
  • you have a studio apartment, or the kitchen is combined with the living room
  • you live alone / you are a young family without children
  • you don’t like to cook a lot, the simplest set of household appliances is enough for you (make a cup of coffee in the morning, heat a bun in the microwave or cook spaghetti)
  • you want to equip a full-fledged dining area in a standard kitchen: put a large dining table with chairs, or even better, a small straight or corner sofa.


- This is the easiest option for designing if you are doing a kitchen design project yourself.

- Direct kitchen sets are the most inexpensive. A kitchen with a linear layout is significantly cheaper than a U-shaped or corner kitchen of similar dimensions, because it does not have the most expensive modules - corner cabinets and end cabinets.

— This kitchen is compact. It takes up less space than a corner one, is less conspicuous, and the room seems more spacious.

- A linear kitchen does not have corners that are difficult to reach. So you don’t have to buy expensive accessories like a “magic corner” or a “carousel”. All cabinets and drawers are fully accessible, everything you need is always at hand.

- If you decide to buy a ready-made inexpensive kitchen or assemble it from modules, a single-row set is the best choice. It is easiest to fit into the dimensions of the room. But if the layout of the kitchen is non-standard, and the walls are "crooked" - make a direct kitchen to order.

- Well suited for a small kitchen or small-sized studio, and for a spacious apartment with an open layout.


- The principle of a triangle does not work with a linear layout. The ergonomics of a direct kitchen always loses to a corner or U-shaped one.

- If the direct kitchen is long (more than 3-4 meters), it will be inconvenient to use it. You will spend a lot of extra time and effort every day running back and forth between the refrigerator, sink and stove.

- If the kitchen is small, and you also need to fit a refrigerator in it, it will be difficult for you to make a working surface of a normal length.

  • Recommended:

The minimum length of a straight kitchen that is convenient to use is 2.5 meters.

1. Move the sink away from the wall so you don't hit the wall with your elbow

The design project of any kitchen begins with a “wet point”. The sink is located where water outlets are already installed - usually they are located in the corner. With a straight kitchen layout, the sink is usually on the edge. And here there is a big minus: if you put the sink close to the wall, when washing dishes, your elbow will rest against the wall. Represented? Uncomfortable! Especially if the wall is on the right. Solution: choose a cabinet for washing wider - not 600, but 700-800 mm, or add a retractable cargo bottle from the edge so that a small section of the countertop remains between the edge of the bowl and the wall. It can be closed with a sink wing or put a dish dryer there.

  • If the length of the kitchen does not exceed 2.5 meters, if desired, you can easily move the sink to another location. The best option for a direct kitchen is when the sink is located in the middle, between the refrigerator and the stove. But if the kitchen is long, it is much more difficult to transfer communications - you will need a pump.
  • Place the dishwasher and washing machine as close to the sink as possible. The closer the output of communications, the better the drain will work. And you don't have to carry dirty dishes far away.

2. Give preference to deep cabinets

If you have a narrow elongated kitchen and decide to order a kitchen set with a straight layout, make lower cabinets at least 60 cm deep. This compensates for the lack of storage space. But keep in mind: there must be a passage of at least a meter between the headset and the opposite wall / dining table - otherwise the kitchen will become too cramped.

3. The main work surface - between the sink and the stove

According to the rules of ergonomics, there should be a main work surface between the sink and the hob for cutting vegetables and other work with food. Its optimal length is from 40 to 80 cm. Less - it will be inconvenient for you to cook, more - waste a lot of effort.

  • If the kitchen is very small (for example, in Khrushchev or a mini-studio), pay attention to compact hobs with two or three burners. The latter have a width of 45 cm instead of the standard 60 cm, but lose little in functionality.

4. Between the stove and the refrigerator, leave a “gap” of at least 15 centimeters

The work surface between the hob and the refrigerator performs several functions: firstly, you need a place to put food, and secondly, such an indentation protects the side wall of the refrigerator from greasy splashes and heat (especially if you have a gas stove).

5. If the straight kitchen is long, use tall column cabinets

You can hide a refrigerator in them, build in spacious retractable storage systems, an oven, a microwave oven or a coffee maker. If desired, even a washing machine can be placed in such a cabinet.

  • Pencil cabinets fit perfectly into the design of the studio kitchen: they split up the space less and harmonize better with cabinet furniture for the living room.

6. Order a kitchen with tall upper cabinets or a mezzanine

Instead of hanging cabinets with a standard height of 700-720 mm, give preference to high ones - 900-920 mm. There will be more storage space, plus tall cabinets visually pull the kitchen up - a valuable feature if you need to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

An alternative option is to plan a straight single-row kitchen with two-tier wall cabinets. At the very top, it is convenient to store what you use the least. Plus, the facades perfectly mask the pipe from the hood and make the design of a direct kitchen integral and harmonious.

7. A peninsula or island makes a single-row kitchen more convenient.

If you have an open-plan studio apartment or a kitchen-living room and space allows, plan a direct kitchen set with a peninsula (it requires less space) or an island. They usually serve as a work desk or bar counter, and you will have additional cabinets for storage.

  • Leave a passage of at least 100-120 cm between the kitchen unit and the peninsula / island, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use the cabinets.
  • A direct kitchen with a breakfast bar can do without a dining table, but for this it is very important to choose comfortable bar stools.

8. Choose narrow appliances if the kitchen is small

In a direct kitchen, every centimeter is a jewel. Place a narrow 45 cm wide dishwasher and you can carve out a place for a convenient sink with two bowls.

9. Let the furniture blend into the wall

Do you want the kitchen to “dissolve” into space in a kitchen-living room or studio? Order deaf smooth facades of the headset to match the wall decoration (light shades are the best choice).

Which kitchen is better - straight or corner?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously: it all depends on what habits your family has and what data your apartment has. Based on the feedback from readers of our site and visitors to popular Internet forums, we have drawn the following conclusions:

- A direct linear kitchen is more convenient if you need a full-fledged dining area or a mini-living room with a sofa

- A small straight headset disciplines: it makes you regularly get rid of trash and buy only the most necessary things - there is simply nowhere to store useless things.

- A linear set in a kitchen-studio or in a kitchen-living room looks more strict and neat. Especially if the interior is decorated in a minimalist or Scandinavian style. The corner kitchen takes up more space and is more striking.

- If you have a lot of small household appliances, you always buy products with a margin and spend a lot of time in the kitchen, choose the corner layout of the headset.

Direct sets for the kitchen-studio

A built-in kitchen in a niche or a linear kitchen with or without a breakfast bar is a good option for a studio.

  • For an apartment with a studio layout, a design project of a direct kitchen with two pencil cases along the edges is well suited: one has a built-in refrigerator, the other has an oven and built-in storage systems.
  • Take a closer look at the projects of kitchens with hanging cabinets in two rows. The first tier can be made to a standard depth (usually 300-350 mm), and the upper mezzanine cabinets can be as deep as the lower cabinets (570-600 mm). Examples are in the photo below:
  • If the studio is very small (19-30 square meters), small straight kitchens up to 2.5 meters long are good. Direct planning in a small kitchen is sometimes the only possible option. Examples in real apartments, see the photo below:

Direct kitchens with a set of 2.5-4 meters

There is enough space for drawers and household appliances, and a block of tall column cabinets often allows you to do without hanging cabinets.

In old-built houses, kitchens cannot boast of a large area. Basically, the dimensions do not exceed 5 square meters.

However, in such a room you can create a harmonious and functional interior. It is worth taking seriously the creation of a design project for the future room, where the main criteria of the kitchen will be taken into account, namely the shape and illumination.

Optimization of the kitchen space

Note the fact that the financial cost of repairs will be much higher than for kitchens, which have a much larger area. Unfortunately, standard kitchen sets are not suitable for a 4-square kitchen.

Therefore, you need to contact the factory or store to make it according to the dimensions required for you. Such furniture will be an excellent option, as all the nuances of the room will be taken into account.

And despite the compactness will be roomy. Also in the design of the kitchen, which has an area of ​​​​4 square meters, it is important to choose the right color.

At the same time, it also plays a big role where plumbing and household appliances are located. For example, in a small kitchen, you can place the sink in the corner, then there will be more space.

Design options

Designers offer many options for decorating the kitchen space, so there should not be any particular difficulties.

Experts advise for kitchens that have a U-shape, etch furniture along the walls. Also, for visual expansion, cut a window into the next room, such a kitchen layout of 4 square meters will be very original.

To save space, the sink can be installed under the window, but this option will require additional financial costs.

Note! Self-leveling floor in the kitchen - 77 design photos in a modern style

You will need to lengthen the sewer pipes. However, this design will look very good.

The stove is best placed in the corner of the room, this will save space and easily arrange the elements of household appliances in the remaining space.

If on a kitchen area of ​​​​5 square meters furniture is arranged in an angular type, then the sink will be in the corner of the room. This option is good too. You can hang a small cabinet above the sink, this will help save space.

Furniture for a small kitchen

This issue in the choice of furniture should be pushed back very seriously. Since the future interior of the kitchen will depend on the choice you make. It is necessary to choose the right material and think over the external style of the kitchen set.

Kitchen furniture must meet the following characteristics:

  • compactness;
  • attractiveness;
  • functionality;
  • made from natural material.

Furniture style

In the interior of a kitchen with an area of ​​​​5 square meters, there should not be bulky fittings. The handles of the facades can be replaced with small metal ones, they fit any style. The facade of the furniture is best made of natural wood.

The table is supported depending on the selected headset. There are also tables that are built into the furniture set.

For example, a bar counter, which can serve not only as a table, but also visually divide the room into two zones.

There are transformer tables that are very relevant in small kitchens. They will significantly save space in the kitchen area.

Storing dishes and food

This is always a problem in such a small area. This problem can only be solved with the help of built-in wardrobes. Small cabinets are easy to build into the wall, which will save space.

From this, a small kitchen of only 5 square meters will become very functional and cozy. The main principle of arrangement is not to burden the space with unnecessary design elements.

Kitchen design photo 4 - 5 sq. m.

Owners of a small kitchen area of ​​​​5.5 square meters. M. with a refrigerator (for example, as in the photo below) ask a fair question - how to make the design of a tiny room functional and beautiful? Indeed, it is quite difficult to place all the necessary kitchen items and attributes, including a refrigerator, in a limited space. However, the functionality of the room largely depends on the selection and placement of furniture, decoration, lighting and textiles. In our article, we will share effective tips for arranging a small-sized "Khrushchev" kitchen with a photo selection of real interiors.

Rules and secrets of arrangement

For residents of Khrushchev, the problem of organizing space in the kitchen is the most important, because the kitchen is the smallest room in the apartment. For people without experience and special knowledge in design, arranging a room of 5.5 square meters can be a real challenge. However, organization of space can be quite effective even in such a limited area thanks to the following recommendations:

  1. Often in such a small kitchen it is very problematic to place a dining table. If one person or a couple without children lives in the apartment, a place for eating can be arranged on the windowsill, converted into a bar counter. For a family with one and a child or children, it is better to move the dining table outside the kitchen, as all family members will be closely placed together in the kitchen.
  2. It is worth making the most of the vertical space: hanging cabinets and shelves under the ceiling will allow you to store things that are needed more rarely. The space under the sink and window sill can also be used for storage.
  3. The inside of the cabinet doors can also be used by placing hooks on it to wound kitchen broth, appliances.
  4. In order not to litter the kitchen, you should limit the use of textiles. Heavy, voluminous curtains, tablecloths and other fabric elements will significantly weight the space and conceal an already small area. If the floor is high, instead of curtains, you can hang a laconic tulle on half the window, blinds or Roman blinds. It is better to refuse a tablecloth for a table in favor of a glass, transparent tabletop.
  5. Installing a high-quality hood will allow you to abandon the heavy door to the kitchen in favor of a thin sliding or folding one. This technique will allow you to get a few more centimeters of space.
  6. The use of transformer items will also allow you to quickly and efficiently change the space. For example, folding tabletops and chairs, a work surface cover. If necessary, they can be quickly folded and free up space in the room.
  7. In a small kitchen, it is very important not to leave the corners empty, as this can "eat" a significant part of the space. To fill the corners, you can use a corner sofa, a refrigerator, a set (a sink can stand in the corner).

The rational arrangement of furniture in a small kitchen: a folding table, tall cabinets, a functional space near the windowsill.

Layout options

Unlike other rooms in the apartment, after the repair in the kitchen, the location of the stove and sink will most likely remain the same, due to the stationary location of communications. Therefore, it is necessary to think over the interior design based on the existing arrangement of pipes, the shape of the kitchen, the position of the window. Below are examples of kitchen designs with different layout options.

    1. L-shaped. This option for planning a kitchen set is the most convenient and common in small-sized kitchens. The L-shaped layout allows you to use two near walls, the angle between them. Suitable for both square kitchens and elongated rooms.

L-shaped set in the kitchen without a refrigerator.

    1. U-shaped. With this model, the headset uses three walls. The options are convenient for families without children, since on one side of the headset you can arrange a small dining area for two. The refrigerator can be placed near the door or against one of the walls, making it shorter.

U-shaped set, at the base of which there is a sink.

    1. Parallel (two rows). Furniture and appliances are located on opposite walls. Such an organization allows you to equip a convenient working triangle, but there may not be room for a dining area.

In the case of a parallel and U-shaped layout of the headset, the passage between the sides must be at least 1.2 m.

A set in two rows is convenient for more spacious elongated kitchens.

  1. No refrigerator. This appliance takes up the most space in the kitchen, so many people decide to move it to the hallway, to the balcony or to another room. From the point of view of convenience, this may not be the best way out, but such a maneuver allows you to equip a dining place in the kitchen for all family members.

Arrangement of functional areas

The functionality and convenience of the kitchen are determined by the design of the work areas. To design a kitchen with an area of ​​​​5.5 square meters. m with a refrigerator was not only beautiful, but also really working, pay attention to the rules and photos on the design.


The comfort of staying in the kitchen and cooking will largely depend on how conveniently the working triangle is equipped (the space between the sink, refrigerator and stove). Therefore, when organizing the working area, follow these tips:

Options for the location of the working triangle.

  • Instead of a stove with 4 burners, it is better to choose an alternative with two.
  • It is also better to choose a narrow sink. To increase its functionality, you can purchase a wide cutting board, put it on the sink at the time of work, and then hide it in the closet.
  • The width of the countertop between the stove and the sink should be at least 80 cm for comfortable work.

To save space, some experts advise replacing a vertical refrigerator with a horizontal model in order to use the lid as a countertop. Such a decision is not always justified, because a lot of vertical space remains empty, which is unacceptable in a small kitchen.

The refrigerator should be narrow, tall and roomy. Regarding kitchen appliances, the multifunctionality of appliances is welcome: for example, if the oven combines the function of a microwave oven, and the slow cooker combines the functions of a yogurt maker and a bread machine.

One wall set: use of a narrow, tall refrigerator, a 2-burner stove and a compact work surface.


An apron is a part of the wall between the wall cabinet, countertop, near the sink and stove. This part of the working space should be moisture resistant, easy to clean (easy to clean from grease and splashes), and withstand elevated temperatures. That is why the most practical and common material for finishing an apron is ceramic tile.

The tile itself is very easy to clean, but the joints at the joints have a porous structure, so they will absorb dirt and be difficult to clean. To solve this problem, you can choose larger tiles, and cover the seams with a special protective varnish.

Among other things, the apron should be aesthetic. You can focus on this part of the kitchen by highlighting it with bright colors, ornaments or patterns, lighting.

Apron made of small gray ceramic tiles.

Lighting Features

With the wrong lighting (lack of it), a small kitchen will turn into a closet, so the light needs to be built correctly.

Main nuances:

    • It is not recommended to force the window sill with objects that will interfere with the passage of daylight. For example, placing a microwave on it, and on top of a toaster or kettle would not be the best solution. To protect from the bright sun, it is better to use light blinds, tulle up to half the window, Roman blinds.
    • Artificial lighting should be distributed throughout the room as evenly as possible. To do this, it is worth installing spotlights around the perimeter of the ceiling, also highlighting the work surface and installing small pendant lights above the eating area (if it is within the kitchen). The more lighting elements there are, the less power each should have!

Spotlights are installed on the ceiling, the dining area is illuminated by hanging chandeliers, and natural light comes through the window unhindered.

  • It is important to observe multi-level and dispersal. In the previous example, you can see that the lighting fixtures are at three levels: the ceiling, above the head and below human height.
  • Simplicity and brevity of forms.

For a small kitchen, you can not choose voluminous, overall chandeliers of complex shape. Firstly, they will overload the space, and secondly, the kitchen is a place of increased pollution, therefore it will be very difficult to wash decorative lamps.

The working area is emphasized with the help of lighting.

Finishing rules

Finishing materials must be selected for the ceiling, floor and walls. Regarding the ceiling, a single-level plasterboard construction or stretch ceiling will be a universal solution. Plasterboard ceiling can be additionally painted or putty.

It is not advisable to use complex two-level and combined ceilings, since the area is too small for zoning, and there is a risk of making it overloaded with details.

Laconic light plasterboard construction for ceiling decoration.

For finishing the floor, the choice of materials is huge: porcelain stoneware, tiles, linoleum.

Floor decoration with tiles or linoleum with imitation of a wooden board.

Tiles laid diagonally can visually expand the space. The same goes for linoleum with imitation wood and a herringbone pattern.

Walls can be decorated with washable wallpaper. It is advisable to choose plain options or wallpaper in a discreet, small pattern. Large drawings and ornaments will bring disharmony into a small space.

A great idea to expand the space is to use glossy, mirror and shiny materials for wall decoration. For example, the apron area can be made of glass or boar tiles.

Tile "boar" white color for finishing the apron.


Small kitchen 5 sq. m will not allow to implement bold design projects and solutions, but it is quite possible to make it cozy, comfortable and pleasant to stay. Since the decoration should be simple, concise and functional, the following styles correspond to it: minimalism, modern and high-tech.

    • Minimalism. The very name of the style suggests that only functional items should be used in kitchen design, and unnecessary decor should be abandoned. Minimalism welcomes monochrome, the use of metal and glass, simplicity and conciseness of forms.

Small kitchen design in a minimalist style.

    • Modern. The style also does not allow excessive pretentiousness and congestion, but functionality, compactness and accuracy are welcome. To design a kitchen in this style, use a minimum of decor, natural colors, modern finishing materials.

Functional room in modern style.

  • High tech. This is a style of high technology, modern materials and forms. Hi-tech is ideal for a small room, because it allows you to make it ergonomic, neat and functional. Acceptable colors: all shades of white, gray, metallic. Geometric, strict lines, smooth surfaces, lack of decor are welcome.

High tech modern kitchen.

We are sure that thanks to our selection of photos with kitchen interior designs of 5.5 square meters. m (with or without a refrigerator) you have found enough interesting ideas and inspiration for arranging a room!

Video: ideas for arranging a small kitchen.