Do-it-yourself country eco-parking. Eco-parking - lawn grate: choose and install with your own hands. Grass car park

Many car owners with garden plots, would like to combine beautiful green lawn with parking for own car. The acquisition of a lawn grate will solve two issues at once. You will get an excellent garden path and parking for cars in the country. There are plastic and concrete gratings, you can familiarize yourself with the options for decorating lawns by viewing the photo. They are convenient and practical, they are easy to mount. Yes, and such a lawn will not require special care.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of lawn grates has its positive and negative sides. Therefore, before installing them on your personal plot, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of operation.

To positive moments uses include:

  • Ease of installation. The work of installing a lawn grate can be done on their own.
  • Eco-parking keeps its shape at any time of the year due to the presence of a layer of crushed stone and geo-textile.
  • The lawn is absolutely non-traumatic. Therefore, even small children can play on it.
  • Eco-parking is maintained through simple garden tools.
  • Lawn grids are environmentally friendly and do not interfere with the natural growth of vegetation.
  • Green parking can be used as a recreation area or as a place for a picnic.

The cons are a little less, but they are also worth considering:

  • It is necessary to accurately calculate the load on the grate. Material deteriorates over time. Yes, suitable for cars plastic varieties, and for trucks - concrete.
  • After rain, it is very difficult to remove the accumulated water.
  • Concrete gratings get very hot from the sun's rays, which adversely affects plant growth.
  • The weight of gratings made of concrete is very large.

Plastic grids

This type of grating is most often used for car parking. Their height should not exceed 5 cm. They are usually green, but you can choose any color if you wish.
Lawn plastic grills have a ribbed surface, which ensures the grip of the car with the grill.

Attention! When it rains, the lawn grate can reduce slippage when the car slides.

The advantages of using a plastic grating include the possibility of mounting at an angle, i.e. there is no need to level the surface. The structure is fastened with metal brackets.

Features of using a plastic grate:

  • drainage effect.
  • Prevention of soil erosion.
  • Protection from animals (moles).
  • Slip protection.
  • Relatively low weight gratings.
  • Ease of installation.
  • concrete gratings

    Concrete gratings can withstand very high weight loads. Therefore, they are mainly used for parking trucks. As with plastic gratings, the installation of concrete gratings does not require prior leveling of the surface. But unlike the plastic counterpart, this grille is difficult to hide under the grass, it will always be visible.

    Do-it-yourself installation of a lawn grate

    You can install the lawn grate yourself. But you will need a lot of time, attentiveness and accuracy in work. Therefore, it is worth resorting to outside help. For example, to connect friends or relatives to the process of creating a garden path in the country. By following the sequence of installation steps, you will get a beautiful and durable lawn. Your attention is invited step-by-step instruction for the installation of a plastic lawn grid for eco-parking.

    • Special preparation of the soil can not be carried out. But still a little work with the surface will have.
    • Level the soil a little and tamp it down.
    • Fasten the edges of the lattice. To do this, you need to lay stones in a solution of concrete.
    • Prepare the layer. Make a mound of soil and gravel about 5–6 cm high.
    • Lay a level from the road grid on top.
    • Lay the mesh down with the wide side and the grate up.
    • Shift all rows by one cell and fasten the parts at an angle of 45 degrees.

    Advice. If necessary, you need to adjust the size of the grid to suitable dimensions. Use cutting tools for this.

    • Fill the lawn trellis with a mixture of earth and gravel.
    • Sow grass (green lawn). Do not forget about periodic watering.

    Advice. Seeds should be sown 3-4 cm below the surface of the grate. This will reduce the risk of damage to the grass.

    • The work has been completed. And if you followed the instructions exactly, you will soon become the owner of a green eco-parking in the country.

    Eco parking care

    Constant care of a lawn lattice is a guarantee of durability of operation. So, with proper protection, the eco-station will last from 10 to 15 years. AT winter time to clean the surface for snow, you need to use forks and shovels with a safe coating (rubber pads). In the summer, it is enough to periodically cut the grass with a lawn mower.

    There are a few more tips that you can follow to extend the life of your lawn.

    1. Cut the grass periodically (its height should not exceed 5 cm).
    2. Fertilize and water the lawn only according to the soil type.
    3. Aerate the soil with a pitchfork or other sharp instrument.
    4. Timely weed and clean the lawn from debris.
    5. Do not forget to replace broken sections of the grille.
    6. Do not use salt or chemicals on the surface (e.g. in winter).

    Eco-parking in the country - aesthetically pleasing and practical. You can do the installation yourself, but it is better to resort to the help of friends. Thus, you can complete all the work faster and better.

    Which grid to choose? It depends on which car will be in the parking lot. So, for a passenger car, a plastic grille is enough, and for trucks, a concrete one is needed. Eco-parking can become not only a parking place for a car, but also a recreation area for children or a barbecue. The construction cost is low. Having spent minimal money and effort, you will ennoble the site and create a parking lot for your iron horse.

    Green Parking Video

    Eco-parking for a summer residence: photo

    Each owner country house wants his yard to look neat and modern. The whole picture of the surrounding landscape directly depends on how accurately the lawn near the house will be formed. AT recent times when laying lawns, various lawn grates are used. And the explanation for this phenomenon is its practicality and ease of installation.

    Application of a lawn grate

    Lawn grills can be used for car parking, ecological parks, temporary recreation facilities, as well as for golf courses near private homes. Lattices help to keep green spaces in the form of green lawn grass in those areas where, in principle, this should not be. Such coatings can withstand loads up to 1200 kg per square meter or a parking lot up to 40 tons, depending on what materials are used.

    The mesh can support the weight of the vehicle while keeping the grass from damage, which acts as a natural filter. Low strength gratings are usually installed on platforms designed for medium loads. Most often, such tiles are mounted for parking light vehicles near shopping centers. At high loads, lawns are made of concrete: for example, for parking heavy vehicles - helicopters, airplanes. These coatings allow you to carry out any communications under the lawn. Using lawn trellises, you can create eco-parks in massive residential complexes, business areas and, of course, near cottages.

    The main purpose for which gratings are used is to protect the grass from mechanical stress. Therefore, they are installed on footpaths. The grass is well preserved due to the fact that the entire load is distributed along the walls of the cells. As a result, the root system of the lawn remains intact, and excess moisture enters through a drain located under the lawn.

    Here are some of the advantages of the grid for environment:

    In addition, the installed grate not only allows you to use the mower for maintenance, but also makes it easier to work on it.

    The choice of material for the site

    Any grid has two important parameters - perceived load and cell size. The parameters are interconnected and offer the buyer a wide range of different solutions. Almost all manufacturers write in the labeling of products the maximum possible weight, per 1 sq. m. surface. For this parameter, a grid is selected, not forgetting to add a 30-40% safety factor to increase the mass due to passengers, cargo in the car. Of course, this rule only applies to parking. For a playground or a lawn near the house, you can choose a margin of 10-20%.

    The lawn grate is made of a special environmentally friendly polymer. Don't have to choose cheap analogues PVC or other specialized types of plastic. Their strength will be lower, and the savings from their acquisition are not very significant.

    Types of structures for lawns

    A lawn grate is a honeycomb module, often made of concrete or high-strength plastic. The latter type is more modern and has recently become widespread due to its greater attractiveness, aesthetics and ease of installation.

    concrete grate

    The most natural and attractive design adjacent territory is the creation of a lawn on it. On a bright summer day, a fresh, beautifully trimmed and well-groomed lawn near the house will look simply irresistible. Unfortunately, often a do-it-yourself lawn does not look attractive. It is quite possible to prevent the occurrence of problems. To do this, you should take advantage of the concrete lawn grate.

    This type of lawn has been around for a long time and can be found in parks and other places. The obvious advantages of concrete grating are low cost, durability and high strength.

    Among the positive qualities of this material are the following:

    Concrete lawn tiles appeared not so long ago. It is strong, durable and has low price. Each grid is distinguished by a diverse form of modules.

    However, a concrete lawn grate has one significant drawback - rapid wear. Such structures do not tolerate temperature changes, especially during the periods of the autumn-winter season.

    plastic mesh

    Lawn plastic nets are effective today universal remedy with which you can create the perfect lawn. They are used not only in the creation landscaped garden or private yard. Its application gives excellent results when it is necessary to equip large areas intended for public use.

    The mesh is made of high-strength plastic, thanks to which the structure can withstand loads up to 1200 tons per square meter. meter. At the same time, the service life of a plastic lawn grate is quite significant and can reach 25 years.

    Installing the net along riverbanks helps prevent flooding, and along roads it stops roadside deterioration. The form plastic mesh can be different - in hardware stores you can find modules both small round and with large curly cells. Variety equals choice concrete structure for the lawn.

    Advantages of plastic grating:

    Surface preparation for installation

    It is very easy to install a lawn grate with your own hands. First you need to prepare the base for laying the grid.

    It is worth following the step-by-step instructions:

    Mesh laying

    Laying lawn grating - very simple task . Mesh installation can be done quickly. The method of laying the coating practically does not differ from the installation of a conventional paving slabs.

    Do-it-yourself lawn mesh laying sequence:

    Grass car park

    When planning a personal plot, the owners of a private house are faced with the problem of placing a parking lot near the house and want it not to take up much space. Modern materials and new technologies make it possible to equip a unique parking lot in the form of a lawn. This is possible thanks to the nets that strengthen the soil and do not allow it to be trampled. Before laying the grids on the surface, it is necessary to properly prepare the base. Plastic and concrete gratings are used to install the parking lot.

    The construction sequence is as follows:

    In order to build a parking lawn, you do not need to be a specialist, just simple construction skills are enough. The cost of parking with a lawn grate does not exceed the cost of materials and construction of a site with a hard surface.

    An improperly selected mixture of herbs for eco-parking can negate all the efforts and costs of creating an eco-zone. For car parking, mixtures that are resistant to trampling are suitable.

    The lawn grid is widely used in suburban construction. With its help, you can make a zone for playing with children or organize parking for a car. It is important to note that mesh is cheaper than asphalt and can be made by yourself.

    To maintain the permanent attractiveness of a lawn decorated with a lattice, one should adhere to simple rules care:

    • regular watering;
    • seasonal soil fertilizers;
    • timely lawn mowing.

    In this case, you can evaluate the aesthetic appearance of the lawn, as well as the convenience and comfort of using the site.

    The growing number of cars every day makes it necessary to find free parking space. But the arrangement of a parking area in a country house is often an inaccessible luxury for the average owners of standard country estates, which are characterized by small sizes. Since not everyone is able to leave the car outside their own territory, it becomes necessary to park the car in their backyard, taking up precious meters.

    Ecoparking is the best solution for car owners

    But the problem associated with the lack of parking space has a fairly adequate, with practical point vision, a solution, the essence of which is the creation of ecological parking.

    It is a reinforced lawn that is resistant to increased loads and able to withstand the weight of a standard car, while remaining an ordinary lawn, pleasing to the eye with a view of emerald grass. Having created such a parking lot on suburban area, car owners get the opportunity to leave their iron horse on the site without fear of damaging the soil.

    What materials to purchase before the direct arrangement of eco-parking?

    A brief overview of materials for eco-parking, which you need to buy immediately before its arrangement:

    • Geotextile is a moisture-permeable fabric, consisting of many polymer threads, which give the fabric significant strength. As practice shows, it is often used to create a separating-drainage layer in the construction of foundations, strengthening the banks of reservoirs and other types of work.
    • Lawn gratings (eco-parking cannot exist without them), which by their design are a green honeycomb material, are used as construction sites as well as landscape design. They are characterized by high resistance to moisture, low temperatures and chemical agents.

    The design of eco-parking in the country is extremely simple and implies the presence of several layers.

    The main ones are a layer of sand and gravel, a reinforcing mesh, which lawn grates can handle, and fertile soil sown with lawn grass seeds.

    Crushed stone is necessary to ensure effective drainage of the site, and the reinforcing material, the presence of which is implied by the design of the eco-parking, allows you to create an elastic foundation that contributes to an even distribution of the load.

    The sequence of actions during the construction of a parking lot

    Like any type of pavement, lawn grating necessitates the arrangement of a solid base, which allows you to calculate the allowable load on the modular pavement. Therefore, having decided on a place for eco-parking, the price of which depends on its area and the cost of materials, the required area is calculated taking into account not only the exit of the car, but also its turns and other maneuvers. Next, mark the site and remove upper layer soil. The depth of its removal is calculated based on the height of the sand and gravel layers, as well as the height of the lawn grate.

    The next stage of the eco-parking device involves laying a sand cushion, the role of which is to level the territory and hide all the irregularities. In this regard, the height of the sand layer is determined by the initial slope of the site and averages 20-30 cm. At the same time, the sand is carefully shed with water and compacted.

    Then crushed stone and reinforcing material are laid. If the soil on the site is clayey, additional adjustments are required to the structure, in accordance with which geotextiles are laid. It prevents crushed stone from leaving in excessively moistened soil.

    Often, geotextiles are laid between layers of sand and gravel to prevent them from mixing. The height of the crushed stone layer depends on the load placed on the future parking lot, and a 20 cm layer will be enough for a passenger car.

    Before moving on to laying lawn grids for eco-parking, the crushed stone layer is again covered with geotextile, and then lawn grids are laid. This event is not difficult. Having installed the first cell, you can mount the subsequent ones by simply inserting them into the grooves of the previous ones.

    To increase the strength of the structure, experts recommend strengthening each module with L-shaped pins from two opposite edges. The soil mixed with lawn grass seeds is poured into the cells of the gratings, and finally watered.

    The main advantages of ecological parking

    The advantages of ecological green parking, thanks to which it cannot be replaced by concrete eco-parking:

    • The creation of ecological parking, which is carried out in the shortest possible time, is available to everyone;
    • Ecological parking is resistant to deoxidation in the off-season, which is facilitated by the use of crushed stone and geotextiles;
    • The parking area does not pose a danger to children who start playing on the green lawn;
    • Car park maintenance does not require any specialized activities and is carried out using common garden tools;
    • The use of reinforcing mesh is cheaper than building a garage, laying asphalt and paving tiles;
    • Lawn grids and moisture-resistant geotextiles, the presence of which implies the design of eco-parking, are safe from an environmental point of view and do not interfere with the growth of plants on the site;
    • If there is no car in the parking area, it can be used as a place for recreation, games and barbecues.

    Green car park care activities

    • If the herbage has reached 5 cm, it is necessary to carry out its timely mowing;
    • Irrigation of the lawn and application of the necessary fertilizers must be carried out in accordance with the type of soil;
    • Carrying out aeration of the soil by piercing the site using a pitchfork or other tools equipped with a point;
    • Weeding the lawn from weeds and cleaning from household waste;
    • Timely replacement of failed segments of the lawn grate;
    • Accurate cleaning of the parking lot in winter period from frost using tools that are not characterized by the presence of sharp edges.

    Regular holding of such events contributes to a long operational life of ecological parking, which will be at least 10-15 years.

    The growing number of cars every day makes it necessary to find free parking space. But the arrangement of a parking area in a country house is often an inaccessible luxury for the average owners of standard country estates, which are characterized by small sizes. Since not everyone is able to leave the car outside their own territory, it becomes necessary to park the car in their backyard, taking up precious meters.

    Ecoparking is the best solution for car owners

    But the problem associated with the lack of parking space has a fairly adequate, from a practical point of view, solution, the essence of which is the creation of ecological parking.

    It is a reinforced lawn that is resistant to increased loads and able to withstand the weight of a standard car, while remaining an ordinary lawn, pleasing to the eye with a view of emerald grass. By creating such a parking lot at their summer cottage, car owners get the opportunity to leave their iron horse on the site without fear of damaging the soil.

    What materials to purchase before the direct arrangement of eco-parking?

    A brief overview of materials for eco-parking, which you need to buy immediately before its arrangement:

    • Geotextile is a moisture-permeable fabric, consisting of many polymer threads, which give the fabric significant strength. As practice shows, it is often used to create a separating-drainage layer in the construction of foundations, strengthening the banks of reservoirs and other types of work.
    • Lawn gratings (eco-parking cannot exist without them), which by their design are a green honeycomb material, are used both on construction sites and in landscape design. They are characterized by high resistance to moisture, low temperatures and chemical agents.

    The design of eco-parking in the country is extremely simple and implies the presence of several layers.

    The main ones are a layer of sand and gravel, a reinforcing mesh, which lawn grates can handle, and fertile soil sown with lawn grass seeds.

    Crushed stone is necessary to ensure effective drainage of the site, and the reinforcing material, the presence of which is implied by the design of the eco-parking, allows you to create an elastic foundation that contributes to an even distribution of the load.

    The sequence of actions during the construction of a parking lot

    Like any type of pavement, lawn grating necessitates the arrangement of a solid base, which allows you to calculate the allowable load on the modular pavement. Therefore, having decided on a place for eco-parking, the price of which depends on its area and the cost of materials, the required area is calculated taking into account not only the exit of the car, but also its turns and other maneuvers. Next, mark the site and remove the top layer of soil. The depth of its removal is calculated based on the height of the sand and gravel layers, as well as the height of the lawn grate.

    The next stage of the eco-parking device involves laying a sand cushion, the role of which is to level the territory and hide all the irregularities. In this regard, the height of the sand layer is determined by the initial slope of the site and averages 20-30 cm. At the same time, the sand is carefully shed with water and compacted.

    Then crushed stone and reinforcing material are laid. If the soil on the site is clayey, additional adjustments are required to the structure, in accordance with which geotextiles are laid. It prevents crushed stone from leaving in excessively moistened soil.

    Often, geotextiles are laid between layers of sand and gravel to prevent them from mixing. The height of the crushed stone layer depends on the load placed on the future parking lot, and a 20 cm layer will be enough for a passenger car.

    Before moving on to laying lawn grids for eco-parking, the crushed stone layer is again covered with geotextile, and then lawn grids are laid. This event is not difficult. Having installed the first cell, you can mount the subsequent ones by simply inserting them into the grooves of the previous ones.

    To increase the strength of the structure, experts recommend strengthening each module with L-shaped pins from two opposite edges. The soil mixed with lawn grass seeds is poured into the cells of the gratings, and finally watered.

    The main advantages of ecological parking

    The advantages of ecological green parking, thanks to which it cannot be replaced by concrete eco-parking:

    • The creation of ecological parking, which is carried out in the shortest possible time, is available to everyone;
    • Ecological parking is resistant to deoxidation in the off-season, which is facilitated by the use of crushed stone and geotextiles;
    • The parking area does not pose a danger to children who start playing on the green lawn;
    • Car park maintenance does not require any specialized activities and is carried out using common garden tools;
    • The use of reinforcing mesh is cheaper than building a garage, laying asphalt and paving tiles;
    • Lawn grids and moisture-resistant geotextiles, the presence of which implies the design of eco-parking, are safe from an environmental point of view and do not interfere with the growth of plants on the site;
    • If there is no car in the parking area, it can be used as a place for recreation, games and barbecues.

    Green car park care activities

    • If the herbage has reached 5 cm, it is necessary to carry out its timely mowing;
    • Irrigation of the lawn and application of the necessary fertilizers must be carried out in accordance with the type of soil;
    • Carrying out aeration of the soil by piercing the site using a pitchfork or other tools equipped with a point;
    • Weeding the lawn from weeds and cleaning from household waste;
    • Timely replacement of failed segments of the lawn grate;
    • Accurate cleaning of the parking lot in winter from frost using tools that are not characterized by the presence of sharp edges.

    Regular holding of such events contributes to a long operational life of ecological parking, which will be at least 10-15 years.

    Do-it-yourself eco-parking in the country: how to independently lay a lawn grate for parking, photo, video

    How to equip a parking space in the country, on the site of a country house?

    For those who already have a garage, freestanding or in ground floor, the question is irrelevant, but for the rest it may be of interest.

    There are several ways:

    • Asphalt the area. It is not cheap, it is not easy to make such a coating durable, and such a “patch” will look foreign.
    • Lay paving slabs, brick. A good option, but quite laborious.
    • Fill the site with gravel. Most budget solution, but the wheels of the car will leave marks, scatter stones, and there may be problems with cleaning, for example, snow.
    • Leave everything as it is, and park the car on the lawn. It will not last long, and tire marks will inevitably remain on it, and in the off-season, with an abundance of precipitation, leaving such a parking lot can become an off-road adventure.

    And yet, let's dwell on the last option, only not in its "wild" form, but by combining modern technologies and natural finish materials. Eco-parking does not spoil appearance plot, fits into the landscape design and provides a comfortable and safe place for car parking. To do it yourself, as evidenced by the reviews of those who have done this work, will not big problems.

    Types of lawn grates

    The main component of eco-parking is a lawn grate, which will determine the appearance of the parking lot. To organize a parking space, two types of gratings are used.

    concrete gratings

    The very first material used for a long time. Among the advantages can be noted:

    • durability, resistance to mechanical influences;
    • thick walls to withstand big weight, including trucks;
    • resistance to temperature extremes, moisture, sunlight.

    There are also disadvantages:

    • heavy weight complicates installation, special equipment may be required;
    • thick walls will not allow you to create the appearance of a full-fledged lawn, reducing the aesthetic component;
    • there may be difficulties with the rooting of herbs, given the small size of the honeycombs.

    Plastic grids

    A modern material that actively displaces heavy concrete. On sale there are two types of such gratings:

    Modular polymer gratings

    Structurally, they are small sections that are fastened to each other during installation.


    • Mechanically and chemically resistant, insensitive to climatic influences;
    • Lightweight and easy to install;
    • Withstand heavy weight of transport.


    • Demanding on the quality of installation. Failure of one section may require re-laying of the entire site.
    • The small size of the geocells can create problems for the grass planted in them, making it difficult to establish and creating a risk that the cell may simply be clogged with rocks and debris.
    Volumetric polymer gratings

    Manufactured from the latest generation of material, these gratings are a stretchable structure of bonded polymer strips, the thickness of which is very small. Thanks to this, the lawn looks like a real one, and the grating, performing reinforcing functions, becomes invisible.


    • Ease of material and ease of installation;
    • Large combs do not create problems for the development of the root system of the grass;
    • Withstand a lot of weight.
    • High mechanical properties, resistance to UV radiation, moisture, chemical substances;

    There are no obvious shortcomings in the material, only some laboriousness of joining the parts of the lattice together can be noted. Complicate the work on the construction of a parking lot can be an incorrect calculation of the number required material, since you will have to buy and install additional pieces.

    How to choose a parking grate

    The quality of future parking depends on the correct choice of grating. In the event that concrete sections are preferred, the discussion of load capacity, durability and the like becomes meaningless, unless, of course, the parking lot is expected to be used by tank tractors and rocket carriers. Although it is quite possible that she will survive them.

    In the case of polymer lattices, things are a little more complicated. We need to clarify a few things:

    Perceived load

    At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the thickness of the cell walls. The larger it is, the better, since the loads that occur when turning the wheels of a standing car can break thin walls.

    Cell size

    For plant growth, their successful rooting, cell sizes should be as large as possible (within reasonable limits, of course). Therefore, it is desirable that the grating height be at least 50 mm. The shape of the cells does not matter.

    Material quality

    Another important point What is the plastic grate made of? The following varieties are common polymer materials used in production:

    • Polypropylene. Not best material, which is due to weak resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Manufacturers add special components to the polymer composition, but this only reduces the susceptibility of the material to aging in the sun, but does not completely eliminate it. Another disadvantage is brittleness at low temperatures.
    • Polyethylene. There are two types: HDPE (LDPE - polyethylene high pressure) has great rigidity, but little ductility, especially when low temperatures; LDPE (HDPE - low pressure polyethylene) is more plastic, less responsive to temperature fluctuations. The latter option is preferable.

    Surface preparation

    Whatever the material used to make the gratings, no matter what excellent characteristics it has, the result depends on the quality of the preparation of the site for parking no less, and maybe even more.

    A well-manufactured parking lot is a multi-layer "sandwich" consisting of a sand cushion, a gravel cushion, a leveling layer and the actual grid with soil and planted grass.

    If it is planned to park only cars, the thickness of the sand layer should be 10-20 cm, gravel - 20-30 cm, leveling layer - 2-3 cm, and the height of the grate must be added to this.

    These dimensions may vary depending on the quality of the soil. On hard ground, the thickness of the base layers can be reduced, on viscous soil, it will have to be increased.

    The thickness of, for example, a gravel layer can be reduced if it is reinforced with a volumetric geogrid with crushed stone. It is also recommended to use geotextiles to separate the layers from each other, in particular, to separate the sand and gravel layers, preventing them from mixing.

    For reference: geotextile - woven or nonwoven fabric made of polymer fibers, a kind of dense mesh that allows air and water to pass through, but retains soil, sand, etc. It has a number of positive qualities, such as durability, resistance to chemicals and environmental influences (including animals), and has drainage properties.

    Let's tell you more about the stages of manufacturing eco-parking:

    Step 1. Territory marking The future parking lot is marked out based on the number of cars that will be stored on it, and the size of the cars. It is necessary to leave a place for arrival / departure, maneuvering.

    Do not forget about the dimensions of the selected grate, the dimensions of its sections or the area that the green parking will occupy. It is especially important to make the correct calculation when laying the volumetric grating.

    Step 2. Removal of the soil layer Excavation is carried out by any accessible way. The depth of the excavation depends on the characteristics of the soil itself and the planned loads on the parking surface. The main thing is that the bottom is even and horizontal.

    Step 3. Compacting the soil and strengthening the boundaries of the site. It is advisable to compact the bottom of the resulting pit, after which you can pour sand on desired height, forming the first layer. After backfilling, the sand must also be carefully compacted. It is recommended to lay a layer of geotextile on the finished sand cushion.

    Step 4. Filling the gravel pad The next step is the formation of the gravel pad. The thickness, as mentioned above, is selected taking into account the loads, as well as whether geogrids or other reinforcing materials are used.

    It is also desirable to cover the filled and leveled gravel layer with geotextile, which must be fixed around the perimeter of the parking lot.

    Step 5. Filling the leveling layer The final step in the installation of the substrate for laying lawn grids is the formation of the leveling layer. The sand is laid a couple of centimeters thick and compacted.

    As a result, you should get a flat, dense platform, recessed to the height of the gratings, which will be the main element in the green parking device.

    Installation of a lawn grate

    Depending on which grate is chosen, the methods of its installation also differ.

    Modular plastic gratings are laid on the prepared surface, fastening them together with the help of locks located along the perimeter.

    The fastening system provides for the assembly of modules in a checkerboard pattern, which increases the strength of the structure.

    When installing volumetric polymer gratings, the longitudinal side of the strip must be fixed in the ground using anchors in increments of approximately 1 m. Next, the grating is stretched to right size and is also fixed with anchors.

    In the same way, the next strip is laid next to it. Between themselves, the strips of the volumetric polymer lattice are connected by special latches.

    Note! When laying lawn gratings, they must completely cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future parking lot.

    Lawn improvement

    Here comes final stage, which will turn the so far not very pleasing to the eye area into a smooth green lawn.

    In the cells of the laid grid, you need to fill the soil with fertilizers, if necessary.

    This can be done in layers, and when laying the topmost layer, the earth can be mixed with lawn grass seeds in advance.

    After backfilling is completed, the soil must be well watered.

    For green parking, you should choose undersized perennial herbs, which can grow with a lack of light, such as:

      • perennial ryegrass;
      • red fescue;
      • bluegrass

    and other similar herbs.

    You should not immediately start using the parking lot after sowing. Let the grass grow a little.

    It will take quite a bit of time for the black parking area to turn into a soft carpet of fresh greenery.

    Subsequently, in order for the lawn to continue to please with its condition and even coverage, let the grass be in the sun from time to time. Do not leave the car in one place for a long time.

    Green parking care

    big care eco-parking is not required. As the grass grows, it is necessary to mow, feed, taking into account the characteristics of the soil and the type of plants.

    The site should be cleared of debris, soil should be added to the cells, grass seeds should be sown in places where "bald spots" appeared.

    In winter, you should clear the snow, making sure that your snow blower does not damage the parking grate.

    It is better to foresee and purchase gratings that will withstand all the vehicles that will park on your territory, all possible maneuvers with a margin. If the grate breaks, however, then to replace the broken elements, it may be necessary to shift the entire site again.

    Eco-parking can decorate a summer cottage, a courtyard of a private or apartment building, city street or square:

    For more information about lawn grates, their application and laying technology, see the video:

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    Do-it-yourself full-fledged eco-parking

    How can you make a full-fledged eco-parking with your own hands. Is it easy to do eco-parking with your own hands. Ecoparking like optimal solution for car owners.

    The constant growing number of cars makes it necessary to find free space for full-fledged parking. However, the arrangement of a parking area in a country house is very often an inaccessible luxury for ordinary owners of country estates, which are characterized by small sizes. Since not everyone can leave a car outside their own territory, there is a need to park the car on their personal plot, while taking up precious meters. That is, eco-parking is required.

    Ecoparking is the best solution for car owners

    True, the problem, which is associated with the lack of parking space, has a very adequate, from a practical point of view, solution, the essence of which is the creation of the so-called ecological parking.

    The very first thought is to fill the ecological parking lot with rubble and stop there. But, if the parking lot is created in nature, then you want to fit it beautifully into the surrounding landscape. So that it does not take away precious hundred square meters from the surrounding beautiful country landscape, it does not look like a crushed stone or asphalt area, which are already an eyesore in the city, but like, for example, a lawn.

    Parking lots of this type are increasingly being designed and in various big cities our country, for example in Moscow. However, the quantity harmful substances, which settle in the city, unfortunately, no grass can withstand. In this regard, in Moscow, the maintenance of parking on the lawn requires constant and significant efforts. However, in the suburban area, such projects are almost always successful.

    The eco-parking is a reinforced lawn, which has good resistance to increased loads, and can easily support the weight of an ordinary car, while remaining an ordinary lawn, pleasing to the eye with a view of green grass. By creating eco-parking at their summer cottage, car owners get an excellent opportunity to leave their own iron horse on the site, while not being afraid to damage the soil itself.

    A brief overview of the various materials for ecological parking, which should be purchased immediately before its arrangement:

    The design of ecological parking in the country is very simple and implies the presence of a number of layers.

    The main ones are a layer of crushed stone and sand, a reinforcing mesh, the role of which lawn grates will do well, as well as fertile soil sown with seeds of special lawn grass.

    Crushed stone is needed to provide extremely effective drainage land plot, and the reinforcing material, the presence of which is implied by the very design of the ecological parking, allows you to form an elastic base that will contribute to the uniform distribution of the entire load.

    How eco-parking is arranged

    Like any kind of paving, the lawn grate necessitates the arrangement of a sufficiently strong base that will allow you to calculate the maximum load on the modular pavement. In this regard, having decided on a place for ecological parking, the cost of which depends on its area and the price of materials, they calculate the required area, taking into account not only the exit of the car, but also its turns and other maneuvers. Then they mark the site and remove the entire topsoil. The depth of its removal is calculated based on the height of the lawn grate, as well as the gravel and sand layers.

    The next stage of the ecological parking arrangement involves the laying of a special sand cushion, the role of which is to level the territory, as well as to hide any irregularities. Therefore, the height of the sand layer is determined by the initial slope of the site and averages 20-30 cm. At the same time, the sand is very carefully shed with water and also compacted.

    After that, crushed stone and the necessary reinforcing material are laid. If the soil on the site is clayey, then additional adjustments are necessary in the design, already in accordance with which the geotextile is laid. It will prevent the rubble from leaving in too moist soil.

    Geotextiles are often placed between layers of gravel and sand to prevent mixing. The height of the crushed stone layer depends entirely on the load that will be placed on the future parking lot, and a 20-centimeter layer will be quite enough for a passenger car.

    Before proceeding to the laying of lawn grids for ecological parking, a layer of rubble is again covered with geotextile, and then lawn grids are laid. This event does not present any difficulties. Having installed the very first cell, you can easily mount the next ones by simply inserting them into the grooves of the previous ones.

    To increase the strength of the structure, experts advise strengthening each module with special L-shaped pins from two opposite edges. The soil, which is mixed with lawn grass seeds, is poured into the cells of all grates, and watered at the end.

    The main advantages of eco-parking

    The advantages of green ecological parking, thanks to which it definitely cannot be replaced by an ordinary concrete eco-parking:

    Activities for the care of eco-parking

    Regular holding of such events contributes to a very long operational life of eco-parking, which will be at least ten to fifteen years.

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    Eco-parking in the country: a lawn grate for parking and a garden path

    Many car owners who have garden plots would like to combine a beautiful green lawn with parking for their own car. The acquisition of a lawn grate will solve two issues at once. You will get an excellent garden path and parking for cars in the country. There are plastic and concrete gratings, you can familiarize yourself with the options for decorating lawns by viewing the photo. They are convenient and practical, they are easy to mount. Yes, and such a lawn will not require special care.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The use of lawn grates has its positive and negative sides. Therefore, before installing them on your personal plot, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of operation.

    The positive aspects of use include:

    • Ease of installation. The work of installing a lawn grate can be done on your own.
    • Eco-parking keeps its shape at any time of the year due to the presence of a layer of crushed stone and geo-textile.
    • The lawn is absolutely non-traumatic. Therefore, even small children can play on it.
    • Eco-parking is maintained with simple gardening tools.
    • Lawn grids are environmentally friendly and do not interfere with the natural growth of vegetation.
    • Green parking can be used as a recreation area or as a place for a picnic.

    The lawn grill allows you to create a beautiful parking space

    The cons are a little less, but they are also worth considering:

    • It is necessary to accurately calculate the load on the grate. Material deteriorates over time. So, plastic varieties are suitable for cars, and concrete varieties for trucks.
    • After rain, it is very difficult to remove the accumulated water.
    • Concrete gratings get very hot from the sun's rays, which adversely affects plant growth.
    • The weight of gratings made of concrete is very large.

    Plastic grids

    This type of grating is most often used for car parking. Their height should not exceed 5 cm. They are usually green, but you can choose any color if you wish. Lawn plastic grills have a ribbed surface, which ensures the grip of the car with the grill.

    Attention! When it rains, the lawn grate can reduce slippage when the car slides.

    The advantages of using a plastic grating include the possibility of mounting at an angle, i.e. there is no need to level the surface. The structure is fastened with metal brackets.

    Features of using a plastic grate:

  • drainage effect.
  • Prevention of soil erosion.
  • Protection from animals (moles).
  • Slip protection.
  • Relatively low weight gratings.
  • Ease of installation.

  • Plastic grate for lawn

    concrete gratings

    Concrete gratings can withstand very high weight loads. Therefore, they are mainly used for parking trucks. As with plastic gratings, the installation of concrete gratings does not require prior leveling of the surface. But unlike the plastic counterpart, this grille is difficult to hide under the grass, it will always be visible.

    Do-it-yourself installation of a lawn grate

    You can install the lawn grate yourself. But you will need a lot of time, attentiveness and accuracy in work. Therefore, it is worth resorting to outside help. For example, to connect friends or relatives to the process of creating a garden path in the country. By following the sequence of installation steps, you will get a beautiful and durable lawn. We offer you step-by-step instructions for installing a plastic lawn grate for eco-parking.

    • Special preparation of the soil can not be carried out. But still a little work with the surface will have.
    • Level the soil a little and tamp it down.
    • Fasten the edges of the lattice. To do this, you need to lay stones in a solution of concrete.

    • Prepare the layer. Make a mound of soil and gravel about 5–6 cm high.
    • Lay a level from the road grid on top.
    • Lay the mesh down with the wide side and the grate up.
    • Shift all rows by one cell and fasten the parts at an angle of 45 degrees.
    Advice. If necessary, you need to adjust the size of the grid to suitable dimensions. Use cutting tools for this.
    • Fill the lawn trellis with a mixture of earth and gravel.
    • Sow grass (green lawn). Do not forget about periodic watering.

    Advice. Seeds should be sown 3-4 cm below the surface of the grate. This will reduce the risk of damage to the grass.

    • The work has been completed. And if you followed the instructions exactly, you will soon become the owner of a green eco-parking in the country.

    Eco parking care

    Constant care of a lawn lattice is a guarantee of durability of operation. So, with proper protection, the eco-station will last from 10 to 15 years. In winter, to clear the surface for snow, you need to use forks and shovels with a safe coating (rubber pads). In the summer, it is enough to periodically cut the grass with a lawn mower.

    There are a few more tips that you can follow to extend the life of your lawn.

    1. Cut the grass periodically (its height should not exceed 5 cm).
    2. Fertilize and water the lawn only according to the soil type.
    3. Aerate the soil with a pitchfork or other sharp instrument.
    4. Timely weed and clean the lawn from debris.
    5. Do not forget to replace broken sections of the grille.
    6. Do not use salt or chemicals on the surface (e.g. in winter).

    Concrete lawn grate

    Eco-parking in the country - aesthetically pleasing and practical. You can do the installation yourself, but it is better to resort to the help of friends. Thus, you can complete all the work faster and better.

    Which grid to choose? It depends on which car will be in the parking lot. So, for a passenger car, a plastic grille is enough, and for trucks, a concrete one is needed. Eco-parking can become not only a parking place for a car, but also a recreation area for children or a barbecue. The construction cost is low. Having spent minimal money and effort, you will ennoble the site and create a parking lot for your iron horse.

    How to make paths from paving stones in the country with your own hands

    The lawn grid is a cellular module used to protect the root system and strengthen the soil. They are used in various places: eco-parking, children's play areas and footpaths of parks, golf courses, on the slopes of road embankments to retain soil. Depending on the material from which they are made, gratings are able to withstand loads of up to 200 tons per square meter. They are usually made of two materials: concrete or plastic.


    A lawn grate is perfect for arranging eco-parking. Previously, it was believed that green plastic gratings were only suitable for temporary parking lots, while concrete gratings were laid for heavy loads. In part, this statement is true, because if the laying is done without additional preparation, the soil will inevitably be pressed under the weight of the car. Thus, in places where the wheels come into contact with the ground, pits are formed on the ecopark. The fact is that the concrete grating will also go into the ground if the site has not been prepared in advance. But given that the concrete does not bend, the load goes to the entire tile at once, parking on the lawn does not hurt root system and herbage.

    If you have stone paths on your site, eco-parking made of concrete gratings will perfectly complement the composition and fit perfectly into the landscape. Honeycombs occupy only 50% of the laying area. For rainy weather and lovers of good shoes, this is rather a plus. The disadvantages of concrete lawn tiles are rapid wear with frequent use and, of course, weight. Frequent drops temperatures and the ability of concrete to absorb moisture cause cracks and chips.

    Plastic lawn grills

    Plastic grating has many advantages over concrete:

    • much less weight and less noticeable, which creates a wider range for their application;
    • more durable and wear-resistant;
    • frost resistant and ultraviolet rays;
    • prevents washing out and weathering of the soil;
    • 90% of the herbage of the laying area;
    • non toxic.

    There are several varieties of plastic cellular modules. The differences are in the cell shape, color and load capacity.

    Plastic lawn modules sag under excessive load. They are placed on the slopes and embankments of roads. Jointed from many pieces, the canvas perfectly repeats the small radii and irregularities of the slopes. The service life is more than 25 years. Modern materials make it possible to use plastic cellular modules in parking lots and places with increased soil loads. It is also worth noting that plastic is easily sawn with a jigsaw, so you can create more complex landscape compositions.

    Disadvantages of plastic lawn modules:

    • the edges cut the grass crushed by the car;
    • it is necessary to periodically rearrange the car, as the grass fades under the wheels;
    • technical fluids flowing from the car will fall into the soil;
    • site preparation is required for parking arrangements.

    Laying a lawn grate with your own hands

    Laying a lawn grate is easy enough for those who are used to doing everything with their own hands. The technology of laying cellular modules is a fast and easy process. Most of the time will be required to prepare the site.

    First, you need to decide for what purposes the place will be used. People will simply walk there, or cars will periodically pass by, or heavy equipment will stand there. The load determines the thickness of the poured layers of sand and gravel.

    The place of laying is marked with pegs, a pit is dug. The depth of the pit is calculated as follows: the height of the sand and gravel layer is from 15 cm to 45 cm; leveling layer of sand 2 - 4 cm; lawn grate height 5cm.

    Pit depth for various kinds loads:

    • For pedestrian areas - 25 cm;
    • To enter the garage - 30-35 cm;
    • For parking cars - 40 cm;
    • For trucks - 55 cm.

    In order to avoid sprinkling, in a dug pit, it is necessary to tamp the soil from all sides. The bottom and walls are poured with a small layer of concrete. Walls can be strengthened brickwork.

    We pour the carrier layer. Gravel or crushed stone mixed with sand in a ratio of 4:1 creates a dense cushion. For greater density, compact the layer.

    On a flat bed of gravel, we put geotextile, which will prevent the layers from mixing.

    The next is a leveling layer of sand and gravel of a small fraction (5-10 mm). Layer thickness 20-40 mm.

    After thorough tamping, you can proceed directly to laying the lawn grid for parking. The modules are laid out one at a time, joining them together, gradually filling the entire area allocated for the lawn.

    Pour the soil onto the installed grate. It is best to use a mixture of sand and peat (or rotted compost). Spread the soil evenly across all combs. To prevent the soil from washing out, leave 0.5 cm to the edge of the cell unfilled.

    When sowing the area with grass, make sure that the seeds are distributed as evenly as possible and do not remain on the plastic bridges of the combs. Watering should be done in the morning and evening, using a sprinkler nozzle.

    In general, caring for a lawn or parking lot created from lawn grates is no different from caring for a regular lawn. It also needs to be regularly mowed, watered and fertilized.

    How to make an eco-parking device from a concrete lawn grid?

    Eco-parking areas with lawn cover successfully compete with tiled and concrete ones. Another option is offered to your attention - this is a hard coating of a lawn grate made of weather-resistant concrete. Pavement eco-parking can be an original solution for decorating a house interior or designing an entire site.

    Lawn grate, advantages and disadvantages

    Features of self-laying lawn grate

    Laying a concrete grate does not require special qualifications from the performer. To control the quality of installation, it is enough to have building level. Job skills are acquired on the job. For convenience, the entire scope of work can be divided into several stages.

    • Preliminary work includes marking the site, removing roots, stones and other foreign objects. To compact the soil, a manual tamper is often used, the main requirement is that the surface is processed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working area. The slabs are not connected to each other, therefore, experts recommend the arrangement of a curb framing that prevents the movement of the extreme slabs under horizontal loads. The creation of the curb can be postponed to a later date before the start of intensive use of the coating.
    • We start the installation of lattice panels from the far corner. At the first stage, it is recommended to check the evenness of the horizontal plates especially carefully. The material is freely cut by a grinder with special nozzle, so there are no problems with fitting to the configuration of the work site.

    Gravel sand cushion is able to increase the bearing properties of the grating coating by one and a half to two times, therefore, on weak, sandy and sandy soils such structures are used everywhere.

    For its arrangement on the site, excavation is carried out. The base depth of the mini-pit is determined by the thickness of the compacted crushed stone and sandy backfill, 200 and 150 mm thick, respectively. These indicators can vary depending on the density of the soil and the planned loads.

    The installation of the grating is carried out according to standard scheme. If geotextiles with a density of 150-200 mm are laid between crushed stone and sandy backfill, the probability of operational shrinkage of the coating will decrease several times.

    The volume of the grate is filled with a soil substrate, in which the seed material of the lawn grass zoned for the climate of the region is preliminarily added. Young herbage will appear by the end of the second month after completion of work, but it is desirable to operate the coating with maximum load from the beginning of the next warm season.

    An excellent addition to the grating can be tiled sidewalks and paths. The range includes different types paving slabs, pick up suitable option advice from a landscape designer.


    Eco-parking is a successful invention of Western countries, which allows you to combine the advantages of a green lawn and parking. It is especially relevant in the context of a lack of free space within a large metropolis.

    In Moscow and the Moscow Region, eco-parking (eco-lawns, eco-parking) first began to appear in 2006. Initially, they were organized at large business centers and shopping and entertainment complexes. As a result, here the parking lot did not seem like a gray concrete space: it simultaneously performed a functional, decorative and environmental role.

    Later, eco-parking began to appear in the yards of public institutions and apartment buildings. Now in popularity they are not inferior to traditional places of accommodation. road transport. This is due to the presence of a significant number of advantages over traditional parking lots.

    1. Efficiency of installation. The process of organizing eco-parking in terms of labor and time costs, as well as in terms of the quantity and cost of the materials used, is more economical than the construction of a standard parking lot with concrete pavement;
    2. Nice appearance. The sight of a lush green lawn is much more attractive than a concrete platform covered with oil and gasoline stains, carved with cracks.
    3. Soil conservation. Since the soil during the arrangement of eco-parking is strengthened using plastic and concrete gratings, the soil does not sag or crack during the use of the site. Contributes to this and strengthened in the soil grass cover.
    4. Ecological purity. In the 21st century, when megacities are filled with smoke and burning, the arrangement of such green oases seems to be very relevant.
    5. Long service life. Grass cover of eco-parking provided proper care will have to be updated every three years. The lawn lattice is capable to serve 20-25 years.
    6. Ease of operation. Ecoparking does not require complex care. It is enough just to water the lawn on time, sometimes apply fertilizer once a year and cut the grass as it grows. In winter, eco-parking lots are cleared of snow manual method(without the use of snowplows and chemicals to remove ice).

    Prices for eco-parking

    Materials and services

    units measurements

    Concrete lawn grid 60x40x10cm

    Plastic lawn grate "rhombus" 60x60x4cm

    Lawn grate TTE 80x40x6cm

    Preparation of the "trough" at minus 20-30 cm with the removal of soil

    Device sandy base 10cm

    Lawn grill device

    Backfilling cells with fertile soil

    Sowing seeds of lawn mixtures in cells

    Border (side stone) 100x20x15cm

    Curb installation

    Appearance of lawn grates and technical description

    Currently, two types of lawn grates are used in the construction of eco-parking: plastic and concrete. They differ in their ability to withstand a particular weight load. Ultimately, the quality of the service life of a parking space will be determined by the correct choice of lawn grate, which depends on factors such as:

    1. Soil type;
    2. Type of parked vehicles (trucks, cars);
    3. Installation of curbs, fences and other similar structures;
    4. The need for additional facilities (security, lighting, barriers, etc.)

    If we consider concrete and plastic lawn gratings used in the construction of eco-parking, then the following should be noted:

    • Concrete lawn grate "Super" (600x400x100mm) gray color ideal for parking lots organized for trucks or heavy vehicles. The number of separate sections of such a lattice that fits on 1 square meter is 4.16 pieces.
    • Plastic lawn grate "Rhombus" (595x595x40mm) of green color is used for arranging standard eco-parking for cars. Its modules are made of flexible polyethylene, which eliminates the possibility of their subsidence. To cover one square meter of soil, 2.82 sections will be required.
    • Plastic lawn grate TTE "Extra" (500x500x60mm) of gray color is one of the most popular options for a lawn grate, which is characterized by increased strength. Exactly 4 sections fit into 1 square meter of parking.
    Type of lawn grate Dimensions and Specifications

    Concrete lawn grate

    Actual size, mm:

    Weight, kg: 32.7

    Quantity, pcs. in m2: 4.2

    GOST, No.: 17608-91

    Concrete class for compressive strength: M400 (B30)

    Water absorption of concrete, no more: no more than 6%

    Frost resistance: F200

    Plastic lawn grate "ROMB"

    Frost-resistant plastic

    from -30С° to +40С°.

    Module size: 600x600x40mm,

    color - green, black.

    quantity in 1m2 - 2.82 pieces,

    for load 200 t/m2

    weight of 1 piece - 1.6 kg.

    Lawn grate TTE

    Compressive strength: over 1200 tons/m2,

    Module size: 800x400x60mm with 32 cells 83x83mm each,

    in 1 m2 - 3.125 modules.

    Weight: ~ 14 kg/piece (~ 44 kg/m2)

    Colour: dark gray

    Material: polymer sand,

    AT general view eco-parking includes such elements as:

    • Leveled ground with built-in drainage system;
    • Borders and decorative stone that form the boundaries of the site;
    • Bearing layer, consisting of crushed stone 10-30 cm thick (depending on the expected load on the eco-parking);
    • Geotextile fabric that prevents soil erosion;
    • A layer of carefully compacted sand 5-20 cm thick;
    • Plastic or concrete lawn grates;
    • fertile soil, which lawn grass seeds are planted.

    The layers of crushed stone and sand, which form the basis for the eco-parking, are carefully compacted to prevent subsidence and bevels during the operation of the parking lot.

    Our work

    Scope of eco-parking

    Eco-parkings are used not only for arranging car parking spaces, but also for organizing children's and sports grounds. The use of lawn trellises contributes to the formation of protection for the grass root system. This prevents the gradual yellowing and death of the lawn.

    Children's playgrounds and sports grounds covered with lawn grass provide not only an aesthetic view of the territory, but also contribute to the care of the environment in conditions high level air pollution in the metropolitan area.

    It is not uncommon for eco-parking technology to be used to equip courtyards of private houses and recreation areas. This is a very successful alternative to pouring cement and laying paving stones.

    In all these cases, there are such positive effects from the construction of eco-parking:

    • Firstly, the areas covered with green spaces are expanding without prejudice to parking lots, children's and sports grounds;
    • Secondly, an effective airbag against exhaust is created;
    • Thirdly, it provides a natural barrier to erosion and subsequent degradation of the soil;
    • Fourthly, eco-parking effectively absorb drops of automotive fuel and prevent their evaporation into the atmosphere.

    Winter operation of eco-parking and lawn grates.

    Lawn grills easily endure the winter period, incl. mechanized snow removal by tractors and special cleaning equipment.

    How to arrange eco-parking?

    The arrangement of eco-parking comes down not only to laying a lawn grid and planting grass: it is a labor-intensive process that consists of a number of milestones.

    • Territory marking. First of all, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of the future green parking lot and carefully study the internal structure of the soil: determine where the cables, hatches and other communications lie. In addition, the number is determined curbstones for the arrangement of eco-parking.
    • Carrying out earthworks. They are expressed in excavation by 10-30 cm (this is best done using a tractor), leveling the site and laying rubble on it. In this process, it is important not to affect the communications that lie underground. After the rubble is laid, the eco-parking drains are installed.
    • Rubble crushing. One of the most crucial stages, since an insufficiently dense layer of rubble can subsequently lead to subsidence of the eco-parking. Usually tamping is carried out by a roller or vibrating plates.
    • Installation of eco-parking curbs. Eco-parking curbs play an important role: they prevent the movement of the lawn grate.
    • Laying geotextile and sand. The geotextile fabric prevents sand from being washed out during the operation of the eco-parking. The density of the material must be at least 160 g/sq. m. A layer of sand 10-20 cm thick is poured directly onto the geotextile and carefully compacted.
    • Installation of lawn grates. Lawn grates are laid out on top of the sand tightly to each other. Their cells are filled with fertile soil (chernozem from the Moscow region and Tula). The finished site is subjected to thorough watering.
    • Planting grass. Lawn grass seeds are carefully introduced into the prepared moist soil and watered again.

    After 2-4 weeks lawn grass gives good sprouts and eco-parking can be put into operation.

    In fact, the most important aspect in the process of arranging green parking lots is the formation of a carrier layer. Its thickness depends on the future load on the eco-parking. For trucks, a layer of crushed stone of 20-30 cm is required, and for cars, 10-15 cm is enough.

    If all the work on the eco-parking arrangement is carried out correctly, it can last at least 20-25 years. In this regard, the construction process should be entrusted to specialists who will perform the work efficiently, quickly and at a high level. professional level.

    Rules for the operation of a parking space and the care of eco-parking from a concrete lawn grid

    • Park only within the assigned identification number.
    • Park the car in the middle of the limit lines.
    • Do not carry out car mechanic and other works on the territory of the eco-parking.
    • Park the car, cleared of clods of dirt.
    • Carry out entry and exit to the eco-parking area in a calm (smooth) mode.
    • Do not store extraneous things (fuel and lubricants, rubber and other property) in the eco-parking area.
    • Carry out measures for the timely replacement and repair of eco-parking covering elements, including the lawn grate.

    Eco-parking care

    • Water your lawn thoroughly at least 3 times a week.
    • Constantly monitor the cleanliness in the cells (remove leaves, cigarette butts and other debris).
    • If necessary, add a plant mixture of earth and lawn seeds to the cells or contact the operating company for carrying out necessary work.
    • After adding plant soil and seeds to the cells, water abundantly for 2 weeks 2 times a day.
    • When the height of the grass is more than 20-25 cm from the edge of the lawn grid, it is necessary to cut it to a level of 5 cm. Remove any grass clippings.
    • If a bunch of grass with earth, for some reason, is not in the cell, it is necessary to return it to its place and pour plenty of water on it.
    • It is not recommended to leave the car for a long time (more than 20 days).


    1. From about May 25 of each year, it is necessary to fill up (fill the cells) with a fertile mixture of vegetable soil, sow seeds and water abundantly for 2 weeks.
    2. The lawn stone has cells 10 cm deep, so be careful and careful when walking in high heels. Step only on a hard surface (lawn grate).

    Keep cleanliness and order in the eco-parking area.

    Why should you contact our company?

    Arrangement of eco-parkings is one of the main activities of our company. Working since 2008, we have created a significant number of green parking lots in Moscow and Moscow Region. You can be sure of high quality and the minimum terms for the implementation of work, because:

    • In our activities, we rely on our own teams of qualified professionals with extensive experience and do not use the services of intermediaries;
    • When arranging eco-parking, we use modern technologies and certified materials;
    • At the request of clients, we promptly travel to any district of Moscow and the Moscow Region, take measurements, evaluate the load on the future parking lot, study the geological map of the area and carry out the whole range of measures to install eco-parking;
    • Our specialists advise clients on the operation of a green parking lot.