Teaching preschool children speech development. Seminar “Sections of work on the development of speech of preschoolers. The main signs that determine readiness for school

Theory and methodology for the development of children's speech

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development.

Tasks speech development
at preschool age:

Formation of sound culture, phonemic hearing;

Vocabulary development;

Formation of the grammar of speech;

Development of coherent speech of preschoolers;

Children's education preschool age communication and speech etiquette;

Introduction to different genres of children's literature

Requirements for the results of development educational program BEFORE:

The child speaks well enough, can express his thoughts;

Can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation;

Can distinguish sounds in words;

The child develops the prerequisites for literacy.

The development of speech goes in several directions: its practical use in communication with other people is being improved, at the same time, speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking.

The speech development of children is one of the main components of their readiness for schooling.

In the development of the vocabulary of preschool children, two sides are distinguished: the quantitative growth of the vocabulary and its qualitative development, i.e., mastering the meanings of words.

In the period from the birth of a child to 7-10 years, speech skills and abilities are formed and actively developed.

Speech skill- this is a speech action that has reached a degree of perfection, the ability to perform this or that operation in an optimal way. Language skills include external design(pronunciation, division of phrases, intonation) and internal (choice of case, gender, number, etc.).

Speech skill- a special ability of a person, which becomes possible as a result of the development of speech skills. A.A. Leontiev believes that speech skills are creative in nature and represent a combination of language units, their application in any situations of communication.

There are four types of speech skills:

1. Skill talk, i.e. express your thoughts orally;

2. Skill audit(understand speech in its sound design);

3. The ability to express your thoughts in written speech;

Methods of work on the development of speech of preschoolers

Model learning method (simulation):

Teaching pronunciation, intonation;

Drawing up sentences according to the model, expressive reading by heart;

Writing texts different type(description, narration, reasoning);

Retelling of literary works.

Problem method:

Questions, creative tasks;

Exercises, didactic games, etc.

Communication method:

Conversations (for example, how to behave with an unfamiliar adult; what you would like to know; what you would like to see);

Creation of speech situations (for example, lost in the park; lost in the store; meeting with an unfamiliar adult, with stranger boy or girl)

Role-playing games, excursions;

Collaboration and other activities that encourage speaking out.

Speech exercises, word games, reading and discussion of literary works, dramatization, dramatization games, collective stories, competition games, literary creativity, individual work with a child - all kinds educational activities must repeat, so that children can firmly learn the pronunciation of sounds and syllables, new words and their meanings, as well as grammar rules.


Communication- this is the interaction of two or more people, aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve overall result (M.I. Lisina )


By imitating the speech of others, children adopt not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, and construction of phrases, but also the mistakes that occur in their speech.

Requirements for the speech of the teacher:





emotional intensity,

Knowledge and adherence to the rules of speech etiquette,

Appropriate use of non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime).


Education - This is a purposeful, systematic and systematic process in which, under the guidance of an educator, children master a certain range of speech skills and abilities.

The most important form of organization of teaching speech and language is directly organized activity in which the tasks of speech development of children are purposefully solved.

1. Depending on the leading task, the main program content

By forming a dictionary

On the formation of the grammatical structure of speech

On education ZKR

On teaching connected speech

On the formation of the ability to analyze speech

The development of coherent speech in preschoolers is one of the most significant aspects of preschool education and upbringing. According to how well the child owns speech instruments (builds phrases and sentences, correctly selects and uses word forms), teachers form an opinion about the general level of his speech development.

In order to better understand exactly how speech develops in preschool age, and how best to develop speech in a small child, you need to have general idea about the main stages of its formation.

Stages of formation of the speech of a pre-Child child

3-4 years

This period is characterized by a low level of development of coherent speech. The kid answers the questions in monosyllables: “yes” or “no”, operates with a narrow set of features in the description of objects or phenomena, for example, he can indicate, answering a question, the color or shape of an object.

At this age, children still do not have the opportunity to independently retell the plot of their favorite cartoon or story, describe the proposed picture, it is much easier for them to compose a short story if their parents ask leading questions. The length of such a story will not be more than 3-4 sentences.

4-5 years

The child can retell a short story or fairy tale, tries to reason and analyze. This is a period of active “whyring”, and in order to convey to an adult the essence of a question that worries him, kids usually try to formulate the question of interest to them more clearly.

That is why the most inquisitive children develop coherent speech skills faster and more efficiently. This period is also interesting for the beginning of the active use of dialogues. The preschooler not only answers, but also asks, learns to maintain a conversation, asks topical issues, analyzes the received answers.

5-6 years

This age is characterized by a sharp jump in the development of coherent speech in children. They become active participants in the speech process, improve dialogical and monologue speech, easily retell the content of their favorite fairy tale or the conversation of relatives.

When talking about something, preschoolers try to compose complex sentences, use epithets and phraseological turns. It is important to monitor whether the child correctly selects the right word forms, puts stress, uses new words.

The method of describing pictures in speech development classes at this age can no longer be the main one. It is necessary to offer other exercises that stimulate the use of logical operations (analysis, generalization) in speech, as well as creative tasks, for example, independently finish a story that has not been read to the end, compose using personal experience, own history.

6-7 years old

The preschooler becomes a full participant in the speech process. He moves from using descriptive constructions in speech to reasoning and analysis, monitors the culture of speech, actively applies these skills in the process of everyday communication.

We develop the speech of a preschooler. How?

What includes a technique that helps parents and teachers to promote the timely development of coherent speech in children:

  • training of the respiratory apparatus of a preschooler,;
  • regular classes using the exercises recommended at this stage, which contribute to the improvement of coherent speech (, tongue twisters,);
  • set of measures for

The method of setting the correct speech breathing

It is very important to teach your child the correct articulation when he speaks. To do this, you need to make sure that at the beginning of the conversation, the children exhale smoothly and strongly through the mouth, while the speaking child must correctly distribute the flow of exhaled air and control the time during which the exhalation occurs.

The methodology for training these skills involves a certain set of exercises, as well as control over the general level of development of the preschooler's linguistic apparatus. It is also desirable to conduct timely consultations on the speech development of children with specialized specialists - a defectologist and a speech therapist.

Speech development exercises

Developing auditory differentiation

The technique for training auditory differentiation involves the child's ability to hear certain sounds in a long stream of speech.

name the words

  • Invite the child to name words that begin with a certain letter - A, B, P, T, O, M.
  • Now let the preschooler name words that end in other letters, for example: S, T, F, V, K.
  • Continue experiments with words: think of letters, for example, O, E, U, L, V and ask them to name those words in which these letters are in the middle.

We train the reaction and analyze the composition of the word


Name the letter, the presence of which in the word the preschooler must analyze. Then, listing the words, invite him to indicate the presence of a letter in them by clapping his hands. Let's say the letter "C" is guessed. An adult pronounces a series of words: ELEPHANT, THREAD, LIGHT, COW, MELON, CHAIR. Each time, having heard the desired letter, the child should clap his hands. Over time, the speed at which an adult speaks words can be increased.

come up with a word

In this task, the child must come up with a new word. It should begin with the letter that the word proposed by the adult ends with.

For example: SOVA-A RBUZ; CIRCLE - G AIR, HOUSE - M EDVED etc.

We are engaged in word formation

Explain to the child how words are formed that denote the qualities of objects and indicate the material of their manufacture.

For example:

Glass - glass;

Wood - wooden;

Invite the child to experiment on their own, forming words-definitions from such materials:

Fluff, water, sand, paper, light, firewood.

Activities with pictures

Any technique for the development of speech involves the mandatory use of visual and didactic material. Sets of pictures depicting procedures and processes familiar to the child (getting up, washing, cleaning, dressing) will be an excellent help for mastering verbs, adverbs, participles and participles.

Ask the children to describe what they see in these pictures. A younger kid will most likely respond in monosyllables, using only verbs. An older child will build more complex structures introducing parts of speech such as adverbs and adjectives. This will help them describe what they see in the picture in more detail.

Games for the development of speech skills

These games can be played by the whole family, they will bring more pleasure to children who have reached the age of 5-6.

Let's travel

Starting the game, the adult informs the children that the whole family is going on a trip. It can be a trip of any subject: to the sea, to the village to see your grandmother, to hike in the mountains, etc.

Then the facilitator invites the children to help him collect the luggage that will be needed on the trip. It is necessary to clarify the task: what letter the items of luggage should be called. For example, an adult offers to name the things necessary for a trip that begin with the letter “K” (bowler hat, map, karemat). When the items starting with the suggested letter are exhausted, you can suggest another letter and continue the game. Great game for curious and observant children!

Building bridges

This technique wonderfully trains the child's ability to pick up the right words, determine lexical meaning words, develops ingenuity.

For such a game, you will need children's loto cards or self-made pictures depicting objects that children often encounter in Everyday life. The task is for the preschooler to find a connection between the two proposed pictures and explain what allowed him to combine these concepts.

We show the baby a picture on which a plate (pot, tureen) is drawn and another, where vegetables and fruits are depicted. The child must “build” a bridge between these two pictures, explaining how they can be connected: vegetable soup can be cooked in a saucepan or fruit compote can be cooked. In completing this task, the children should illustrate their ideas with words, trying to fully reveal the relationship between objects.

Tongue Twisters

This wonderful and effective technique will help you learn how to pronounce difficult sounds, overcome the formation of "porridge" in your mouth and just have fun, it remains to memorize tongue twisters.

Tongue twisters can be very diverse, but in order for the child to enjoy these activities, it is better to reinforce the lessons on memorizing them with bright and colorful pictures illustrating this or that tongue twister.

In this regard, the book “Try it, repeat it” can be called an excellent guide. Russian tongue twisters”, illustrated by children's artist A. Azemsha. Huge and bright illustrations of this edition will make children's lessons in memorizing tongue twisters fun and long-awaited.

Development of speech and communication

Parents of growing preschoolers should understand that no modern methodology for the development of speech can replace the benefits of live human communication. After all, it is everyday communication at home, within the walls of preschool educational institution or developing circles is the key to the timely formation of speech skills.

A child who spends a lot of time in front of a TV or computer screen sooner or later has problems associated with replenishing vocabulary, the ability to clearly and clearly express their own thoughts, analyze and reason.

It must be remembered that any technique tries to actively use the natural curiosity of children, which perfectly stimulates children's craving for knowledge. That is why the cognitive-speech development of preschoolers is one of the constituent elements of child development.

In the process of communicating with children, parents not only enrich their cognitive sphere, but also help them streamline knowledge about the world around them, create special conditions for the productive growth of the personality of a growing person.

Lecturer, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Delayed speech development and methods for its solution:

The methodology is carried out in several stages. The methodology is based on the assimilation of the simplest material and techniques, which subsequently turn into complex classes. However, the gradual complication of tasks for kids goes unnoticed. And after a few sessions, you can see positive results.

It is gradually complicated tasks that are very well absorbed by the child and very effectively influence his further speech development.

AT preschool institutions use a lot of techniques that help kids to actively develop and improve their knowledge and skills. However, there are some children who need an individual approach, where the problem will be clearly identified and its solution will depend on the right methodology and technique.

When identifying a problem, the following factors should be considered:

  • The age of the child;
  • Peculiarity;
  • Baby skills and abilities.

In addition, genetic predispositions should be examined. For example, if one of the parents had a speech delay or other speech problems in childhood. All this will help to direct the technique to an effective result.

Technique of speech development of preschoolers

Each technique according to the Ushakova method is designed for individual characteristics child, which involve the performance of certain tasks and exercises.

Thus, considering psychological condition the child, his acquired skills and abilities, a positive result is possible.

To date, some methods are actively used in practice in kindergartens and even at home. For the most effective speech development, constant participation from parents is required.

Ushakova O.S. developed teaching aids for teachers of preschool and school institutions, which describes in detail each stage and method of working with a child. The whole technique is designed to improve and correct the speech of the baby.

Each technique has a specific goal and a structured plan that involves learning from simple exercises to more complex ones. In all processes, the reasons why the child has certain deviations that do not allow the baby to fully develop his speech are taken into account.

These factors can be:

  • Lack of attention from adults. That is, they communicate little with the child, do not read books to him, do not voice the ongoing actions;
  • A child who has distracted attention;
  • Children with psychological characteristics. It can be genetic diseases, congenital speech retardation.

It is an individually selected technique that allows you to establish the correct, and most importantly, effective process of speech development in a baby. It is the correct diagnosis of the problem that significantly increases the chances of the full development of the baby.

What should parents pay attention to

Every parent should remember that the development of the child is largely dependent on them. And the timely definition of any speech problem can be eliminated.

It is at preschool age that it will be easier for a child to improve his speech, learn how to use new information and formulate sentences beautifully.

Every baby is already early age begins to make various sounds and syllables, and by the age of one and a half can say some simple words. Children at the age of three are already calmly formulating sentences, and can explain what they need or what they don’t like.

If parents note that it is easier for the baby to express their thoughts through gestures or crying, then you should seek the advice of a speech therapist. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can fix the problem.

Parents should not rely on the fact that the baby will speak out over time. You should help him, and then he will be able to fully communicate and live in society.

How to help your child develop speech at home?

First of all, the speech development of the child depends on the parents themselves. With proper communication and sufficient attention, unwanted problems can be avoided:

  • Parents should properly talk to the child, even if he is very small. Do not distort speech, each situation or subject must be said clearly and correctly;
  • Constantly read books to the baby and tell fairy tales;
  • During the game, say the name of this or that object;
  • Ask the child to repeat simple words after you;
  • If the pronunciation or wording is incorrect, try to correct it;
  • Sing more songs. It is the song form that contributes to the rapid memorization of words;
  • Talk to your child everywhere. Even if you are busy with something, in the process you can tell the baby about the work done. In this case, the baby will even be interested. This may provoke him to some questions or actions;
  • During games, use a variety of toys and various items.

All this will become a faithful assistant in the speech development of a preschooler.

Today, in almost every kindergarten there are speech therapy groups, where the main task for the specialist is the development of the child's speech and the elimination of shortcomings.

It is worth remembering that the correct speech of a preschooler is the main criterion for his readiness for school.

The main signs that determine readiness for school

There are several main criteria by which you can determine whether the baby is ready for school or not:

  • The child must be able to listen to the interlocutor;
  • Correctly perceive information;
  • Be able to express your actions;
  • Display information;
  • Use your speech knowledge as a means of influence;
  • Retell a short text or story.

All these moments determine that the child will be able to fully learn and develop.

All methods of speech development of a child involve the help of parents. That is, classes with only specialists will not give a 100% result without the participation of parents.

This or that program should be fixed and worked out at home. If you follow all the recommendations and pay full attention to the baby, then soon the child will begin to delight his parents with his skills and abilities.

Each lesson should take place in the form of a game. Otherwise, the child may simply refuse to study. If the baby is tired, then you can postpone the tasks for another time.

All children really like communication and active games. Therefore, devote more time to the kids, talk with them and play.

The purpose and objectives of the development of speech of preschool children

Speech development: goal, tasks, typical mistakes in the development of children's speech and their overcoming.

The purpose and objectives of the development of children's speech

I was prompted to write this article by chance - I came across one of the popular "mom" sites on gross mistakes in explaining to parents the methodology for developing the speech of preschoolers. And I realized that I definitely need to write an article for parents about the basics of speech development techniques. Moms and dads, grandparents need to know what is actually the development of speech of preschool children, why every family needs it and what are effective ways speech games and activities with preschool children.

Who doesn’t write now about the development of children’s speech! It is very difficult for an ordinary reader - a non-specialist to understand all this confusion. For some reason, it is believed that it is enough to read articles on the Internet or books, retell them in order to declare oneself an “expert / consultant / specialist / trainer in the development of the speech of preschool children” and start teaching other adults to develop the speech of children. But the theory and methodology for the development of children's speech is a very deep, complex and versatile science that requires knowledge of psychological, psycholinguistic, physiological, methodological foundations. And in order to advise and teach someone the development of children's speech, you need to know its basics and understand the system and patterns of the child's speech development, as well as engage in daily practice of the speech development of many, very different kids. In this article, I will try as a specialist and a candidate pedagogical sciences in this area simple in plain language"sort it out" the confusion that exists on the Internet on the development of the speech of babies. I hope that as a result of reading this article, you will be able to properly and effectively develop the speech of your kids and avoid mistakes. You will also be able to navigate the literature and articles on the development of children's speech.

What you will learn about in the article is not only my personal opinion, it is also the results of numerous studies by scientists, as well as the results of my personal long-term work on the development of speech in children from various families and social strata.

You will learn from this article:

Part 1 - "We hit the bull's-eye", or about the main goal of developing the speech of children under seven years old and why all this is needed,

Part 2 - "Measure seven times, cut once" or why you need to know the norms of children's speech development,

Part 3 - “Wherever you go, you will find”, or the main directions of speech development and tasks,

Part 4 - "Pan or Lost", or effective and ineffective ways to develop the speech of babies.

Speech development: how to and how not to develop speech in preschoolers

Part 1. Why is it necessary to develop speech and what is speech development? Or we determine the goal of speech development and “hit the bull's-eye”

Speech development: typical mistakes in understanding the goal.

To do something effectively, you need to have a very accurate representation about the desired goal of our actions. Then we can "hit the bullseye" and achieve it. What will be the result of our actions? What will the child or his speech be like?

If there is no precise understanding of the goal, then our actions will be very similar to firing cannons at sparrows, and the goal will be difficult and almost impossible to achieve. The choice of ways to achieve it also depends on the understanding of the goal, that is, the selection effective techniques development of speech and the ability to distinguish them from ineffective ones.

Therefore, at the beginning, let's look at the purpose of developing the speech of children at preschool age and those typical mistakes that occur in this very important issue.

What is speech development? Opinion 1 and error 1. The most common mistake in the development of speech, which I encounter daily in my practice of communicating with parents and teachers, with my friends, is understanding of the development of speech is too narrow - like the work of a speech therapist in staging disturbed sounds in children. It is believed that if a child pronounces all the sounds, then his speech is well developed and nothing needs to be developed, which is not at all the case! Once I even heard from the lips of the educator (I went with a friend to pick up her child in kindergarten and accidentally heard the teacher’s remark): “You know! It turns out that we also need to develop the speech of children, but we do not have a speech therapy group. This was said by the teacher of the senior group kindergarten big city(!!!), which showed me that even many teachers do not understand the purpose of their own work on the development of children's speech and do not know why this is necessary. This means that they do not have results in this direction.

Let's separate these two concepts and these two lines - speech correction and speech development.

Line 1. Speech correction. A speech therapist is engaged in speech correction, i.e. correction of her speech disorders in children and adults. That is, a speech therapist conducts classes with children whose speech is already impaired and helps the baby in correcting speech disorders. Moreover, speech disorders concern not only sounds, but also speech breathing, intonation, tempo and timbre of speech, as well as grammar, vocabulary, coherent speech, that is, all aspects of speech development. If the child does not have speech disorders, then he does not need speech therapy classes, but he needs speech development classes (see line 2).

Speech therapists conduct classes both with the youngest children of early age with a delay in speech development or with a delay mental development, and with older children - 3-7 years old, and even with schoolchildren, adolescents and adults. But the methodology of classes with 2-year-olds and with 5-year-olds or with schoolchildren is different.

Line 2. Development of speech and prevention of speech disorders. With the normal development of speech, speech therapy classes are not required for the child. But to develop his speech is very necessary and important! This means that he needs classes and games not for speech correction, but for the development of speech. A lot can be done from the first days of a baby's life so that he does not develop speech disorders in the future. And so that he speaks freely, beautifully, precisely, expressively, correctly and without errors. This is the development of speech.

I specifically wrote in simple everyday language without terms, so that the difference was clear.

What is "speech development"? Opinion 2 and error 2. Very often the concept of “speech development” narrows down in modern families, and in many centers for preparing for school and preschool education only to prepare children for literacy, or is considered even more narrowly - only as teaching to read. That is, in this case, teachers and parents believe that the development of speech in preschoolers is teaching children to read and good knowledge of letters by kids. But quick reading and knowledge of such concepts as “word”, “syllable”, “hard consonant”, “soft consonant”, “vowel”, “sentence” is only a small, very narrow particle of an integral system of speech development in preschool age. And it cannot be “pulled out” from this system. More on this below.

A case from my practice. Many years ago I spent Parent meeting in his new group of kids. The kids in my group were three at the time, some were four. The first thing parents asked me at the meeting was how fast I would teach their children to read, and how fast they would read by the end. school year. They thought that since I was engaged in the development of speech, this means that the main thing for me in teaching three-year-old children is reading. Then I asked one of the mothers: “Irina, when did you get your prestigious job, did you pass a competitive interview?” “Of course,” Anechka’s mother answered. “Did you have your reading speed checked when applying for this job?” Anya's mother laughed: "Of course not." Then I asked those mothers and fathers who were tested for reading speed when applying for a job to raise their hands. Nobody checked :). I asked what was tested, and what tests did they need to pass? It turned out that absolutely everyone, when applying for a job, tested their ability to navigate in new situations, as well as in typical and non-standard situations think independently, prove your opinion correctly, lead a discussion, analyze information, do not get lost in life situations, general level development, the ability to cooperate with people and other life skills. “This is what is laid in preschool childhood, and this is what I will teach your children,” I said then. - “And to have your own thoughts, and to express them accurately and clearly for the interlocutor, to conduct a discussion, clearly formulate questions and answers to them, defend your opinion, navigate in different life situations of verbal communication. And this is the development of the speech of babies! So what will be the main thing in the lives of children - the speed of reading or these life skills of verbal communication with people, the ability to express oneself, one's thoughts and feelings, to feel one's individuality? Each parent answers this question for himself. (Note: I do not deny reading, but I believe that it should not be an end in itself and the most important thing in teaching kids)

At this meeting, we decided this issue in favor of life skills of communication. And we did great! These children not only spoke well by the end of preschool age, they became my co-authors of many speech games and activities that you are now reading on the site. And we also wrote two real books with them, published by the publishing house "Karapuz" in the series "Development of speech and speech communication" on interesting expressions of the Russian language (counting crows, scratching the tongue, and others). Playing with these kids and the stories and tasks they created formed the basis of my online course.”

What is "speech development"? Opinion 3 and error 3. Another very common mistake, which occurs to me in letters from readers of the site - this is equate the development of speech with its appearance in a child. From this point of view, it turns out like this: as soon as the baby spoke, as soon as the first words appeared, there is nothing to develop, no development of speech is needed, because the child speaks, which means that speech is and is developed! This is not true. Just the first words are only the first stage in speech development. All the most interesting is waiting for you ahead. And the writing of fairy tales and riddles, and acquaintance with poetry and other genres of children's literature and the ability to distinguish them from each other, and logical speech tasks, and games with sounds, syllables, sentences, and retelling, and much more.

What is speech development? Opinion 4 and error 4. Some people think that the speech development technique is just tongue twisters, counting rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters. It is necessary to use them with children in any order and more often, and everything will be fine.

Or is there such an opinion that the development of speech - it's just memorizing and naming different objects by a child from pictures(remembering and naming the names of cities, trees, flowers, animals, countries, body parts, birds, fish, etc.). And you have to make sure that the baby more words- I remembered the names of objects, so his speech will be developed. This is not true. Well-developed speech is much more than just naming things.

I encounter this error all the time on different sites on the network. For example, on one of the sites for mothers, the author wrote that at an early age there is a developed method for developing speech, everything is clear, there are well-scheduled classes for Doman, but “for preschool age, there is no method for developing speech, you need to create it.” This phrase caused me a sincere smile, I laughed for a long time and from the bottom of my heart. After all, for many decades in our country, entire teams of talented scientists and practitioners have created and are creating a methodology for the development of children's speech! Students study this technique for several semesters, and it is considered one of the most difficult. And the methodology for the development of speech is not a mountain of randomly selected rhymes, poems or tongue twisters and games - but these are specific stages in solving specific problems in their system. Reasonable, proven steps! Since each tongue twister or tongue twister or other technique does not exist on its own, but "fits" into the system of speech development, and does not fit just like that, but in a specific direction and at a specific stage of children's education. It is then that they will really “work” as effectively as possible on the development of children’s speech. Otherwise, we use their potential only by 10-20%.

What happens in case of this error? We get the so-called "learned helplessness" in the development of the child's speech. It manifests itself in the fact that the child perfectly and quickly performs the tasks that he was taught and which were often repeated. But he does not speak as a means of communication and knowledge in life and is lost in any unfamiliar situation. But the possession of speech as a means of communication is the main thing! As one mother, a reader of my site and a graduate of my course for parents, said: “I was proud that my daughter knew the names of all the capitals of the world, while she could not meet other children in the yard or talk to them, tell a fairy tale. And only now I realized that it was not the main thing! I must say right away that after the change in the position of this mother in communicating with the child, there was a sharp push in the development of the baby's speech. Now the girl already uses phraseological units in her speech, actively composes stories and fairy tales with her mother. And if this had not happened, she would have remained at the level of memorized words.

A case from my practice. Sasha is 4 years old. When monitoring the development of speech, I pay attention to the fact that the baby has a very low level of speech development and great difficulties with speech. He cannot retell "from pictures and with my help even "Turnip", several groups of sounds are broken, the boy is confused in colors and shapes, cannot describe where the object is, cannot describe the toy even with my help, cannot continue the phrase, selects words with difficulty, coordinates words with each other in sentences with errors, he has many grammatical errors in his speech. But to my amazement, he answers very accurately from the pictures and gives me all the prepositions (in, on, under, behind, in front of, from under, because of). I ask Sasha's mother what is the matter and how does he know prepositions so well, because. I can't understand the reason. It turns out that for a whole year, every day, the mother memorized pictures with the child depicting various prepositions (the ball is on the table, under the table, at the table, in front of the table, jumped out from behind the table, etc.). And in the end, Sasha remembered them all and knows how to reproduce - to name. It took a lot of time for this lesson - it took a lot of repetition of pictures - daily speech exercises unloved by the child in the evenings throughout the year !!! Did this give impetus to the development of Sasha's speech? No. During this year of “coaching” the child only for the knowledge of prepositions, very important other aspects of speech development were missed. "Training a child" to solve one problem never leads to good results in the development of speech. All prepositions could be learned very quickly and interestingly for the baby with Sasha in exciting and fun speech games (you can find a detailed description of them in my series of articles about). Were the mother's heroic daily efforts to develop her son's speech effective? No. But it was possible with joy and enthusiasm to play with the baby in speech games and achieve better results instead of the painful repetition of the same pictures day after day!

Let's now see how to avoid mistakes and without unnecessary "heroism" to develop children's speech easily and with joy. And finally we will determine our true goal, for what we will try and what we want to get.

What is actually a methodology for the development of speech and the development of children's speech?

The methodology for the development of children's speech answers the questions: 1) what to teach in the development of children's speech, 2) how to teach, and 3) why and why to teach in this way. Moreover, the answers to these questions and recommendations in the methodology for the development of children's speech are also taken not by themselves "from the head", but are determined from the practice of developing the speech of babies and from experimental work with children. How does this happen? To test a certain method of speech development, the authors take several groups of children (groups should be approximately the same in terms of the level of development of babies). Further, with these groups of children, work is underway to develop speech, but they are taught different ways to select the most efficient one. Next, the researchers look at the difference in the results obtained in children. The results are then cross-checked with other groups of children. And on the basis of a comparison of the data obtained, a conclusion is made about which method of developing speech in working with children is more effective and gives the best results. And it is this method that is recommended for everyone to use - both teachers and parents. This is how the theory and methodology for the development of children's speech was created and is being created. And I, as a researcher of children's speech, developing my own methods of developing children's speech and game communicative situations for speech classes with children, do exactly the same - I always check all the methods of speech development in my work with children before recommending them to other people - teachers and parents.

The purpose of the development of speech of children in preschool age

What is the speech development of preschool children really? The development of speech has as its goal help the child to master competent, beautiful, expressive oral speech in mother tongue, learn to accurately, vividly, figuratively convey YOUR thoughts, feelings, impressions in speech (pay attention - your own, that is, do not memorize and repeat like a parrot what an adult said, but form your own opinion about the event and express it in speech, prove it, discuss with others).

That is, well developed oral speech the child should be: a) correct (that is, without errors), b) “good” in quality, that is, beautiful, imaginative, accurate, rich, expressive. Here is our goal of developing the speech of toddlers at preschool age.

Now more and more often there are children who are considered geniuses in the family. They know by heart huge passages from encyclopedias. But any creative or problem situation confuses them. They also do not have beautiful creative expressive speech. That is, they do not have a base, a basis for the development of abilities and the development of speech.

A case from my practice. Vanya was very intensively developed in the family, as he was the only son and grandson in the family of professors. Vanya's speech was also developed, but in a special way: they read passages from encyclopedias to the child and forced the boy to retell them. It was a daily task - Vanya's lesson with his parents "on the development of speech." The child retold, indeed, at the highest level for his age - still, daily training in the family gave its result! The family believed that a good retelling was the main thing Vanya needed to succeed in school. But with verbal communication and creativity, as well as with initiative and curiosity, the child had obvious problems. They were not encouraged in the family. Once I asked Vanya (he was 6 years old at that time): “Will your wooden boat float in the water?”. And he answers me: “Grandfather has not yet read about this to me. When he reads, I will tell you what he said. And there is no attempt by the child to even try to reason, generalize or practically test his version - to launch the boat into the water and draw a conclusion about its "buoyancy" and its causes. Such children cannot compose a fairy tale, meet a peer in the yard, and negotiate with children. Is their speech well developed? Can they express their thoughts? No. Alas, they only repeat other people's memorized thoughts. The goal was not achieved, although the adults in the family put in a lot of effort, but, alas, in the wrong direction! Vanya is now studying at school - he is studying averagely, without outstanding success and without the desire for knowledge. Indeed, at school, it’s not the retelling that is important, but the child’s ability to highlight the main thing in the educational material, generalize, draw an independent conclusion, analyze, compare, and not repeat after an adult. Parents are disappointed and offended by Vanyushka. And I don’t envy Vanya - after all, the family itself “driven” him into this “dead end” of development.

It is interesting: When the methodology for the development of speech was just being created in Russia, it set an even more interesting and even higher level task - to educate a child not only in correct expressive speech, but individual style of speech! Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and other writers have an individual style of speech - we will never confuse authors with each other, feeling their author's style. You can read more about this in the article (the article was written almost 100 years ago, and what deep and very modern thoughts it contains! And how you want to go to these heights!).

Alas, in the current situation, this task is no longer up to it, because. usually children don't "mature" to that level. We are already talking about the fact that almost every child has a violation in the development of speech! But after all, a huge number of these violations simply could not have happened if the child had been properly dealt with and communicated in the family and in the kindergarten!

So, with the goal and with typical mistakes in determining the goal of speech development, as well as with what a speech development methodology is, we have decided. The goal is high, interesting, very necessary for all of us in life, and the main thing for us is to start moving forward - to go towards it in small steps.

Now let's talk about indicative indicators of speech development - or about "norms" and monitoring the development of the child.

Part 2. Who came up with the standards for the development of children's speech and why you need to know them.

Speech development is a process that goes through a number of stages in a child. And there are indicative indicators of the development of a baby's speech in each of his age periods. All the standards for the speech development of children that exist in our country are the result of serious, long-term and deep scientific research child development.

Of course, all children are very individual! But a 2-3-term delay in development is already an alarm signal that requires an appeal to specialists. And if help is provided to the child on time, then everything will be fine. But if you ignore the lag in the development of your baby's speech, then there may be problems at school - great difficulties in writing and in learning in general. The development of speech is closely connected with the development of thinking, with communication with peers, so it is very important that the child does not experience problems. And if there are problems - so that they are solved in time.

A little about the baby's vocabulary and indicative indicators in its development.

Literally today I receive a comment on my website: “Ha ha ha. 200-300 words by 2-3 years!” (the implication is unrealistic!) But this is a modern minimum - the standard of speech development. The reader laughs at these figures, because. Indeed, many children do not speak at all now in their 2-2.5 years. And she thinks it's normal! But these numbers are not random! This is the minimum, not the maximum! Let's see what is the maximum and what children in their 2-3 years old can really do.

For that, let's go back to our story. 1965 This is 49 years ago. This year, the book "Development and upbringing of a child from birth to three years" was published under the editorship of a remarkable scientist - a classic, a researcher of the early development of children N.M. Shchelovanova. I quote from this book:

“In the third year of life, the rapid development of the child's speech continues. His vocabulary is growing every day. For a year it increases 3-4 times, reaching 1300-1500 words (my note - let's compare these figures for the number of words in a child's dictionary by the age of three!). The child, as it were, on the fly catches and repeats not only new words, but now even whole turns of speech, and easily memorizes poems, songs, fairy tales, although he does not understand everything that he grasps so quickly ... As has been said more than once , the level of speech development depends on education. The main means of developing the speech of a child of 2-3 years old, as well as a younger one, is his communication with adults and the speech of adults. This was written when me and many of you - my dear readers - were not yet in this world. Pay attention to the number - 1300-1500 words!!! Not 300, but five times more!!!

When I read these old lines about two-year-olds, I involuntarily compare the two-year-olds of 1965 and today's, not even speaking children. And this despite the fact that we are all intensively engaged from the cradle " early development”, we buy expensive toys, take them to centers for almost six months and pay quite a lot of money for it. And children are lagging behind in the development of speech from their peers of previous years! And they are behind the baseline! And after all, speech - all experts know this - is a mirror of the overall development of the baby, which reflects all his achievements and problems. Why is this “mirror” now showing us such sad results? Maybe we have lost something very important or missed in the race for the unimportant and set other goals for the development of speech? Yes! This is true!

And when this important thing is revived again, speech problems go away! When we start:

- correctly use lullabies, nursery rhymes, pestles, roll calls from the cradle,

- listen and look closely at your baby and follow him, and not try to impose your ideas and ideas on him,

- conduct communication taking into account the form of communication with the child, characteristic for this age,

- when we, in the course of ordinary affairs, draw the attention of the child to the word and the expression of our thoughts and feelings,

- when we try not to speak ourselves, but to create situations for the baby to actively speak -

then the children change after us and there is a sharp jump in the development of the speech of babies! How sometimes you want children to change themselves. It's unrealistic. When we - adults - change, our children and their speech also change after us!

This has already been proven by many mothers with children who took my Silent Children not only spoke in this course last fall, but now - a year later - they began to speak better than their peers! This result is not a “magic pill”, it is the spiritual work of parents, but the work is very grateful, joyful, creative and interesting! And yet - this is the result of understanding by these mothers and fathers of the patterns of speech development. And when you understand not only “what and how to do”, but also “why and why to do it this way”, then a creative spring wakes up inside, everything becomes clear and understandable, fits into the system. And there is no need for extra "developmental" courses and toys. Since there is already an understanding of what a child really needs for development, and what is not.

You will find a small "cheat sheet" on the development of children's speech in the course of everyday life in the article And if you want to learn this and find out all the details, welcome to my course. Sign up and receive information about the recruitment of a new group in the mailing list. I do not advertise the course, because the number of people who want to study on it is always greater than the number of places in the group of the course, which comes with my individual support to each participant and her baby.

Why is it so important to know the standards of speech development? Or about monitoring the speech development of babies.

Are the standards necessary and is it necessary to know them if all children have individual developmental characteristics? Yes need. Although very often on the net I read in mom's forums that "there were old farts - they came up with standards, they drive everyone one size fits all." Of course, this is written by those who do not know anything about the standards - indicative indicators of the development of babies. Or those who prefer not to solve the problems of their baby's speech development, but to hide their heads in the sand like an ostrich - this tactic is not the best. Any problem in the development of a child's speech can be solved if it is solved and contacted in time by specialists!

"Indicative" They are not called that for nothing. They are like a landmark for us - a beacon on the way across the sea of ​​a baby's development. And we need to notice this beacon and understand that it is signaling us.

Why is it important and necessary to know them? To track the development of your baby. So that if suddenly there are problems, then notice them immediately, contact a specialist - a doctor and a speech therapist and not waste precious time. In order not just to look, but to see your baby - what is constantly changing in him, what new things he learns, what he needs help with, where he is especially strong, and where he still fails and you need to support him additional games and exercise.

It's important to know: When monitoring the development of a child's speech, it is important not even how much he knows now, but dynamics in its development. And it is important to see that the baby is learning new things, that all the time in his development is happening forward movement. But if there is no such movement, then there is reason to think. Two reasons can contribute to developmental delay:

A) either we - adults - "lag behind" the child and give him old tasks that he has long outgrown. And it's time to give him more challenging tasks speech communication according to his age

For example, we understand the baby at a glance, we guess right away what he will need and what he wants. Why then should the child speak? She is simply not needed in his life! Speech and no! This is one of the reasons why a child does not appear on time - and a very common reason, which, fortunately, is easy to overcome and fix everything, and the baby will soon speak.

B) Either there are problems in the development of the child and it is worth consulting with specialists.

I will give examples of the importance of knowledge by parents and teachers of development standards.

Example 1. Baby talk. All babies start to babble, even deaf ones! Moreover, they begin to babble at about the same time. And this applies to children of various nationalities and from different social strata. Surprisingly, this is a scientifically proven fact! One gets the impression that babble appears and develops on its own, and the child babbles "for himself." But - what is important to know: in deaf children, babbling gradually fades away (by the way, babbling fades in another case - if the mother does not communicate with the baby, for example, if the baby is in the child's home). In deaf babies, babbling does not become more complicated (there are certain stages of complication of babble in the normal development of a child, which are described in the heading "Development of a baby from birth to a year").

So if:

A) the child does not babble (and he, for example, is already 10 months old),

B) he has appeared babble, but does not become more complicated, but remains at the same level,

B) babble appeared, and then began to fade

– then you should immediately contact the experts.

Example 2. Child food and ... speech development. In the "standards", that is, in the approximate indicators of the development of the child, an approximate age is given when we begin to accustom the baby to solid food. It would seem, what difference does it make when you start giving your child solid food? It turns out that this is very important! I know my friends who ignored solid food until the age of 3, and processed all the food for their son in a blender (there were no medical indications for this, my mother just wanted it that way - it seemed to her that it would be better for the baby’s digestion). The result - the child has huge problems with articulation and speaks very badly!

Let's look at why solid food is so important and how it affects speech.

If a baby after a year or even after 2 - 2.5 years eats only pureed food, then it will be difficult for him to start speaking well. Why? Because speech requires the ability to control the muscles in the mouth, and the ability to control breathing. And chewing solid food is not just about nourishing the body and eating, but also developing the ability to coordinate muscle work. Food for the little ones is a kind of “articulatory gymnastics”, which is “carried out” 3-4 times a day (how many times the child chewed solid food, so many times he trained his muscles, that is, he did such “gymnastics”). Need to know? Yes! And in time to start giving the child a cracker, fruit, cookies, dried fruit. And also give straws for a cocktail to drink juice from them or play with them - blow bubbles. It is also good for muscle development.

That is why the norms for the development of a child's speech are not just written words, they contain very deep factors and patterns of development of the baby. But these patterns and factors are not immediately visible at a glance, if you look at the norms superficially! They still need to be seen and understood. I'm glad that today we managed to look deeper! I will continue to reveal some of the secrets of child development, familiar to professionals. And if you have a desire to learn such secrets - write :-), I will tell on the site and in my courses. And I already tell a lot on the course, which I wrote about above. There is also an idea to make a creative workshop - a workshop on sharing such secrets and joint compilation - inventing family speech activities and activities. Therefore, I will be glad to know your wishes and interests. Write in the comments!

Part 3. Tasks of speech development.

So, we have determined that the development of speech is not a narrow area of ​​\u200b\u200bworking with sounds or learning to read, but this is a very wide area very important in the development of the child. What does the development of speech include - what directions stand out in it:

  1. Sound culture of speech- correct pronunciation, rhythm, tempo, timbre, intonation, speech breathing, diction and other indicators of "sounding speech".
  2. Vocabulary development: includes three lines - a) enriching the dictionary with new words, b) activating the dictionary, c) clarifying the dictionary (that is, the ability to select the most accurate and appropriate word in a given situation).
  3. Mastering the grammatical structure of speech: a) morphology (that is, the ability to correctly and without errors coordinate words in sentences with each other - for example, say “red boots”, but “red dress”, and not “red boots”, “red dress”), b) syntax ( ability to build sentences and texts different types), c) word formation (the ability to form new words from known ones by analogy, for example: builds - builder, teaches - teacher, development of language sense and word creation)
  4. Development of coherent speech- the ability to build a dialogue and monologue (description, narration, reasoning), creative writing of fairy tales, fables, stories, riddles.
  5. Preparing for literacy- familiarization with the word, sound, sentence, syllable, mastering the sound analysis of words. Initial reading instruction (this is not a mandatory part of the program for preschoolers, therefore it is not available in all preschool education programs, but most modern children already read freely by school, and many school teachers require this from future first-graders).

In continuation of the article on next week You will learn how to deal effectively with some of these tasks and what common mistakes are commonly made and how they can be overcome. We will talk about speech development presentations - which ones are useful and which ones are useless for the development of children's speech, how to find time for the development of toddlers' speech, how to make speech classes interesting and much more interesting. You will learn not only about my experience, but also about the experience of mothers - readers of the Native Path website.

You will hear useful information about the development of children's speech in the video lectures below from the "Talk to me, mom" series. Lecturer - T.D. Yakovenko, teacher of psychology and children's literature, National State Pedagogical University.

Lecture 1 "Speech and literary and artistic development of preschool children" (from 3 years old)

Lecture 2. The development of the speech of the smallest children - from zero to three years

And I want to complete the first part with a poem by Sergei Skachko about his native language and speech:

Touch with reverence
To what you are armed
Create light and get drunk
Boundless Russian language

Airy, juicy, tasty,
Severe and gentle, many-sided,
Skilled in all melodies
Our amazing language.

It suits him and the term is narrow,
And an interjectional sigh, and a cry,
Be proud that you understand Russian,
Try to get deep.

It's funny and sad to hear, right,
Like Elochek and Fimok army
To overseas "ings", "shn" and "wow"
They want to press him, groaning.


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Pure and correct speech is an important component for the formation of a full-fledged personality. After all, a man with wonderful developed speech is not afraid of communication, and also understandably expresses his own thoughts and desires for the people around him. Fuzzy speech is often the reason for the development of a large number of complexes in a person, complicates the process of communication and its self-realization.

It should be noted that correct speech of a preschooler is main indicator his readiness for learning at school. If a child has certain speech defects, then in the future this can lead to academic failure, problems in communicating with peers and the formation of self-doubt. Thus, modern parents should start off take care of speech development your child from a very young age. Speech therapists and defectologists warn parents that speech disorders in a baby will not disappear spontaneously as it grows and develops. If you have identified a delay in speech development or a speech defect in a child, you should immediately seek help from specialists. Indeed, over time, these speech problems can worsen and turn into persistent violations.

Of particular importance for the development of speech in a child is communication with parents and joint systematic exercises with them. In order for classes for the development of speech to be effective, parents must know the main stages in the development of a child's speech.

Stages of speech development of a preschooler

Experts note the following stages in the development of speech in preschool children:

  1. 3-4 years. In this age range, the baby names the shape, color, size and quality of the object. Uses general words: furniture, clothes, tools, vegetables, etc. In the process of looking at a picture or an object, he answers the questions of an adult in monosyllables. Can make 3-4 descriptive sentences with parents according to the illustration. The kid actively retells his favorite fairy tales.
  2. 4-5 years. The kid uses adjectives in the process of communication, which denote the properties of objects, verbs that characterize labor actions, as well as nouns. Easily navigates the location of objects, time of day, and also perfectly describes the mood of people. The kid during this period improves communication skills through dialogue, and also actively asks questions and answers them. The child already knows how to retell short stories and make short stories according to the plot picture.
  3. 5-6 years. Children in this age range use all parts of speech in the correct form and precisely in meaning. In addition, the child coherently and consistently retells literary works of small volumes, and also makes up short stories on his own. Can easily communicate with an adult, asking questions on the topic and answering them correctly.
  4. 6-7 years old. This age period is characterized by a rich vocabulary, as well as the use of antonyms and synonyms in the process of communication. The child develops a culture of speech communication. He can independently and expressively convey the content of the heard work. In addition, the child easily composes a coherent story of a creative nature from a picture or a series of pictures.

It should be noted that these steps speech development are conditional and do not take into account the individual characteristics of each child.

If you have fixed certain problems in the formation of speech in a child, then systematic exercises will help correct the situation.

Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: a game

Each parent must Be sure to find time for your child and in light to play short classes for the development of speech. Teachers recommend that the following goals be pursued during the lesson:

  • to form and replenish the child's vocabulary, develop his logical thinking;
  • help to master the skills of coherent speech and teach how to build sentences;
  • correct the sound side of speech in close relationship with the development of the sound analysis of words and the formation of phonemic hearing.

With a child, it is best to carry out classes in a playful way.

We offer options for games with the baby, which will help to actively develop the child's speech:

Games with different words

This selection of entertaining games will help the child develop speech, teach to compare and analyze, and will also contribute to the development of attention and memory. In addition, the baby will be able in the future to independently describe and characterize according to outward signs various items.

"Choose adjectives"

This game is very popular among children, regardless of age category. The essence of the game is that parents show the baby a toy or a picture, and he must name maximum amount features that characterize this object. For example, "fox" - red, cunning, fast, beautiful, etc. The game is recommended to complicate over time. The child must match the original adjective with actual nouns. For example: "red" - tomato, poppy, rose, apple, etc.

"Who's doing what"

This game helps to enrich vocabulary with verbs. For the lesson, you need to prepare thematic cards. Next, the parent shows the child a card and asks the question: “What can I do with it?” or “Why is this necessary?”. It is recommended to complicate the game over time by adding facial expressions and gestures to it. For example. Children must name the type of activity for certain actions of an adult.

"Object and its actions"

The game contributes to the intensive development of the child's speech. Its meaning lies in the fact that the baby is invited to identify objects that perform certain actions. For example: “What and who flies?” - bird, plane, fly, snowflake, fluff, etc.

Games on the topic: "What it looks like"

This category of games is effective method development of speech in children of any age category. At the initial stage, the lesson will require certain game material: models of vegetables, a shell, Pine cone, a piece of fabric, a piece of fur, etc. In the future, only words can be used for the game. The rules of the game are that the child answers the questions, arguing his own answer. For example: “What does a dry leaf or a piece of fur look like?”. Further, parents ask additional questions: “Why?”, “What?”. Variations of this game a large number of. Consider the most popular of them.

"Letters and Numbers"

This game remarkably develops speech, imaginative thinking, fantasy and the ability to concentrate on the necessary object. For the lesson, you will need images of letters and numbers, which are on separate large sheets. The child is invited to first consider one letter or number, and then name the objects, phenomena that these images are similar to. In addition, the kid can draw his own associations or come up with a story about the object he saw. Further, the number of children's associations per object should gradually increase.

"Draw a picture"

The meaning of this game is as follows: the child is offered to consider some unfinished drawing drawn on the album sheet. geometric figure and ask them to draw at their own discretion necessary elements to the figure. In the next lesson, you can increase the number of shapes or lines in the drawing.


This game is used in the classroom for the development of speech with preschoolers aged 5-7 years. For the lesson, subject cards of a variety of topics will be required. This game is best played with a small group of children. The facilitator selects one subject card and, without showing it to anyone, examines the image. Next, the child asks the participants of the game a series of questions: “What does it look like?”, “What color is it?” etc. Each child must offer their own answer. After that, the facilitator opens the reversed image and invites the players to "defend" their versions with the help of arguments.

This game remarkably develops speech, and also forms the ability to correctly build sentences, draw conclusions and teaches the skills to prove one's own point of view with the help of specific facts.

Game on the theme: "Who is from where"

This game effectively develops the child's speech skills, teaches to determine the relationship and general patterns between objects. To do this, you need to prepare thematic cards and familiarize the child with them. For example, if you show your child images of animals, then pay attention to their external characteristics, habitat and ability to adapt to it. Birds use wings, fish use fins, and so on.

A lesson for the development of speech is carried out as follows: the child is shown images of the sea and the forest, for these habitats you need to select and distribute pictures with various animals, arguing your own actions. Next, show the child a part of an animal: tail, paws, ears, and invite him to identify this animal and its habitat. After the arguments, the child is shown a complete picture of this animal, and he formulates a conclusion about the correctness of his own arguments.

Game on the theme "Avalanche of words"

"I put in the basket..."

The adult begins the game with the following phrase: "I put a pear in the basket." The kid repeats this sentence and adds his own version: “I put a pear and a peach in the basket.” The next player adds their own version by repeating the previous phrase.

For older children, it is recommended to add words starting with one letter: “I put pineapple, apricot, avocado in the basket ...”. In addition, you can play by keeping the sequence of letters in the alphabet: "I put an orange, an eggplant, a grape in the basket ...". For clarity, a poster with images of the letters of the alphabet should be in front of the child.

"Endless story"

This game is not only for memorization of words and their sequence, but and keeping the meaning of the sentence. Any word is chosen for the game and other words are added to it, which form a short story. New words can be placed in any part of the sentence. For example: choose the word - flower. One child comes up with the beginning of the story - a flower has grown. Another child continues - a flower has grown in the clearing. The third baby - grew up in a clearing beautiful flower etc.

All classes for the development of speech, which are held in a playful way, are diverse and creative.

Thanks to games, the child develops a culture of speech, stimulates speech activity and communication skills.

The kid also learns to correctly pronounce words and clearly put stress on them.

In order for classes for the development of the speech of preschoolers to be effective and bring maximum benefit, parents should monitor the mood of the child, not suppress his emotions and take into account his speech capabilities. Adults should not think that after a few games the baby will begin to use the correct forms of the word in the process of communication at the morphological, syntactic and grammatical level. This process is gradual and takes time.

Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, riddles

For development, activation of the speech apparatus child and getting rid of "porridge in the mouth" is recommended in the classroom pronounce tongue twisters. Parents should initially read the tongue twister to the baby slowly and pronouncing each sound clearly. Next, offer to say it with you, and then ask to tell the tongue twister yourself. Do not scold the child if he does not succeed. Turn your lesson into an exciting game so that the child wants to repeat the tongue twister many times. Stop your choice on simple, short and easy-to-pronounce tongue twisters.

For example: Our bear has big bumps in the bag or the gray cat is sitting on the window. After a while, you can learn tongue twisters that are more complicated in pronunciation.

In addition, for the development of speech, read children's poems and riddles to your child more often, which broaden his horizons, help develop thinking, attention, and memory.

Classes for the development of speech of preschoolers: breathing, articulation, finger gymnastics

One of the main conditions beautiful and correct speech in a person is a relaxed articulation with a smooth, long exhalation. In children with various speech defects, breathing is arrhythmic and superficial. Speech therapists recommend parents fulfill with the child systematically simple breathing exercises, which will contribute to the formation of a long exhalation and, as a result, proper development speech.

For example, you can do exercise "Snowfall". To do this, you need to roll small lumps of cotton wool and put them on the child's palm. Next, invite the baby to blow off the cotton wool from the palm, like a snowflake. Then place a ball of cotton under the child's nose and ask him to blow up.

Great for developing proper breathing exercise "Storm in a teacup". For its implementation, prepare a glass of water and a tube for cocktails. The child should place one end of the tube in the center of the wide part of the tongue, and the other end in a glass of water. Then the baby begins to blow through the tube, making a real storm. Parents should be in control this process so that the child's cheeks do not puff out, and the lips are in a motionless state.

It should be noted that the author breathing exercises is a famous teacher and vocalist A.N. Strelnikov. Her author's technique not only restores breathing, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems.

For the development of speech of preschoolers is also popular articulatory gymnastics aimed at main muscle organ of speech - tongue. Gymnastics for the tongue is simply necessary, since promotes formation correct pronunciation. After all, defects in sound pronunciation violate emotional and mental the balance of the child, as well as negatively affect the full communication with peers.

Articulation gymnastics performed in front of a mirror so that the child can see the movements of his own tongue. The duration of the lesson should not be more 10 minutes a day. At the same time, do not offer the child to immediately perform a large number of exercises. Good for one lesson 2-3 exercises. Do not be discouraged if the child did not succeed in repeating the exercise after you. Be calm, consistent and patient with the baby and he will definitely succeed. Spend articulation gymnastics in a playful way. Positive emotions from the lesson will help the child quickly learn new exercises.

Speech therapists and teachers for the development of speech in preschoolers use finger gymnastics that promotes active development fine motor skills hands and, respectively, speeches The child has. The essence of this gymnastics is that a child with parents pronounces small verses, accompanying their certain finger movements. These exercises are important for the child, as they improve the coordinated work of the speech centers, contribute to the development of attention, memory and imagination, and also increase the flexibility of the fingers.

Thus, modern speech therapy and pedagogy offer parents a wide variety of activities for the development of speech preschoolers. Systematically play with your child, do not criticize him for wrong answers and be sure to support him on an emotional level.