Divination cards wedding 36 cards. Divination for marriage and love on cards and paper: a selection of the most accurate ways. The idea of ​​a fortuneteller about a partner

If you decide to take up fortune-telling for coffee, the interpretation of symbols is what you need to familiarize yourself with first. Without a correct decoding of the signs that appear on the surface, you will not be able to find out what the higher forces answered you to the question asked.

Fortune telling on coffee - interpretation of symbols

Fortune telling on coffee grounds simply. Brew natural coffee, enjoy the drink, then leave some liquid in the cup.

If there is too much water, the correct result will not work. There are several methods of divination. The most common involves turning the container over on a saucer, after which the mug should be rotated 7 times clockwise.

Some believe that a woman should turn the mug counterclockwise with her left hand, while men should turn it the other way around. Others believe that coffee should be chatted against the sides of the cup, after which the cup can be turned over.

Ritual must be taken seriously. The one who guesses just for the sake of pampering will never know the answer to his question.

Everything that appeared in the thick has importance. For example, the appearance of a light ornament without clumps on the walls of the container indicates that neither this moment, nor in the near future, serious situations that would be dangerous to health or material well-being are not foreseen.

The appearance of a large clot of thick indicates failure, a problem. By examining the shapes of the spots, you can find out what the nature of the trouble will be. Depending on their location, you can determine when they appear.

When divination, it is important to know the meaning of each symbol. Pay attention to the numbers.

  • 0 - prophesies the completion of unpleasant situations, the successful completion of the work begun. In the near future, it will be possible to get rid of what has been a burden for a long time.
  • 1 - someone is in love with you, take a closer look, this person from a close circle, perhaps, has been showing signs of attention for a long time.
  • 2 - be prepared for various household chores that will poison life. Remember, you need to control yourself, then you can get around any troubles.
  • 3 - the situation will develop very harmoniously. Rest assured, you will be able to emerge victorious from any dispute.
  • 4 - in the near future, frequent problems are likely, serious troubles are not ruled out, it will be difficult to realize what was planned.
  • 5 - someone is gossiping behind your back, be careful, as it is possible that ill-wishers know a lot about you.
  • 6 - frequent problems, try to be less receptive to other people's words.
  • 7 - harmony, success awaits, everything will work out, devote more time to your family, as your loved ones need you.
  • 8 - unfortunately, the truth is not born in a dispute. Therefore, refrain from scandals and overly stubborn upholding of your point of view. Silently do what you think is right, and then you will succeed.
  • 9 - the possibility of a fateful meeting, everything will change in better side.
  • 10 - well-being, success.
  • 101 - a very rare, but extremely positive sign. He prophesies absolute material wealth, the realization of all desires.

If letters appeared in the thick of divination, do not ignore the sign. It is possible that they will point to a specific person. This is especially important if you asked a question "Who and when?".

After all, the letters can indicate a particular month. However, if the question was not about names or months, and the letters appeared anyway, they may have a special meaning.

  • D, M- warn about a change in the financial situation for the better. Be sure that in the near future there will be an opportunity to earn extra money on the side or change the type of activity.
  • A, C- be able to overcome ill-wishers. The letters prophesy a quick climb up the career ladder.
  • L, T, X- favorable changes in the love sphere. A fateful meeting awaits soon, a strong love union, a wedding is not ruled out.
  • Z, R, O- travel, joy, meeting with friends.
  • b- easy flirting.
  • W- a truce with a partner after a long quarrel.
  • F - possible problems at work, conflicts with employees.
  • P- be careful, someone you know is not very sincere with you.
  • B- no matter what problems come your way, you will be able to overcome them.
  • S, U- quarrels, troubles.
  • E You are doing the right thing, don't worry.
  • AT- Trouble, tears.
  • H- serious feelings.
  • YU- frequent ailments.
  • H- health problems in loved ones.
  • G- the cause of failures will be a negative magic program.
  • To- perhaps someone is trying to bewitch you or impose damage on you.
  • E- watch your property, theft is not ruled out.
  • And Before making any decision, be sure to weigh all the pros and cons.
  • F Don't give up, all your dreams will come true.
  • I- happy future.

Appearances geometric shapes help to decipher important information from Higher powers. Do not neglect such symbols.

  • Square- minor problems are possible, but in general the situation will be very favorable, everything will work out, but you will have to make some efforts.
  • Triangle- Fortune is on your side.
  • Oval or circle- life with a partner will be full of happiness, joyful events. You know how to hear each other and support in a difficult situation.
  • One straight line- stable situation.
  • Two parallel lines- good health.
  • Zigzag- travel, abrupt changes, meeting interesting people.
  • oblique lines- possible danger, be careful with your health.
  • Wavy line- Do not worry about the little things, everything will happen as it should.
  • Star- happy future. In some cases, it prophesies a wedding or a meeting with a person who can change your life.

The appearance of several geometric shapes is not uncommon. In this situation, both one and the other prediction will come true, but with some time interval. It's hard to say what will happen first. Some fortune tellers believe that the location of a small dot above the symbol indicates that this will happen in 1 month or in a year.

There are many different symbols. Faces may appear real people, just silhouettes of men, women, animals and so on. Some creatures can seem really fabulous and unusual, others are very real.

There are several symbols whose meaning you need to know for anyone who decides to take up fortune-telling for coffee. This is .

In addition, pay attention not only to large figures, but also to small dots. This is an important symbol of divination on coffee grounds. One dot next to a large symbol enhances its meaning.

Predicting the future excites not only the mind, but also the soul. A person, no matter who he works for, and in which gods he does not believe, is drawn to everything unknown. Know the future, prepare for its unexpected events and be ready for any trials.

Every woman dreams of marriage. Fortune telling will help you find out exactly when this event will occur.

Forecast of the future is a weapon and reliable assistant. Divination for marriage will calm the young lady or help in acceptance difficult decision mature woman. What is needed for divination for a future marriage and how to do it at home?

Magic prediction of the future

Every little and young girl secretly dreams of meeting her betrothed and beloved man. Such a guy will appreciate her, become a reliable rear and protect her from any everyday adversity. Predicting the future in personal life is very popular among people of different social status, position in society and gender. Men, women, teenagers - everyone wants to know the future without exception.

Divination for a wedding refers to a magical effect that is safe for the physical shell of a person. If all recommendations are followed, no one will suffer from the actions taken. Guessing is dangerous for people who take everything too close to their hearts. They suffer from suspiciousness and are gullible. It is dangerous for such people to even think about fortune-telling, because relying on magic alone is stupid and not prudent.

Whatever the forecast, its outcome depends only on the person, his actions and deeds. You can’t rely only on ancient forces and not make any efforts for positive changes in your personal life.

Determine the chosen one by fortune telling

A person does not always walk an easy path to happiness. He has to overcome external obstacles, himself, his own ambition and fears. Fate raises the bar just as he, a fortuneteller, makes claims to the opposite sex. Even young girls in modern world hard to find a match.

Exaggerated demands and faith in the created illusion lead them to constant disappointment. Fortune telling helps to get out of the vicious circle, to look at the current stagnation in personal life from the other side. As soon as a person removes the burden from his own soul, he will get rid of burdensome loneliness.

A wedding is just one happy day, and after it there is joy family life consists of daily painstaking work.

A wedding is a happy day. However, the success of family life depends on daily hard work.

Cards, special magical attributes reveal not only the dry facts of the future, but the invisible part of a person's life. His feelings, thoughts, psychological blocks. Thanks to simple fortune-telling, a person can establish a personal life and finally become happy and complete.

Help magic

How can magic help? You can believe in it or be skeptical about the ancient forces, but their power and influence on fate ordinary people hard to deny. Prediction of the future exists as long as a person is looking for answers to eternal questions. What is the future? What will tomorrow bring?

The prediction of events destined by fate will help everyone who is ready to open their own minds to new, incredible discoveries. What are the most effective forecasts for love and marriage? Prediction should be easy even for a beginner and understandable to a person of any worldview.

Popular types of predictions that you can create at home:

  • divination on tarot cards;
  • layout for playing cards Oh;
  • predicting the future along the lines of the palm;
  • divination for big church holidays;
  • prophetic dreams.

The human soul itself is drawn to the knowledge for which it is ready. If the method of divination seems questionable, then it should be discarded. Magic must be respected, and only a person who listens to his own intuition can do this.

Conduct, whatever it may be, requires faith, otherwise any rites or rituals are a waste of time.

When will the wedding take place? A question, the answer to which can bring a lot of joy or sadness. Creating layouts or compiling astrological forecasts, a person must tune in to any results. Only from him further action depends on how much he gains or loses.

Divination for a future marriage

Before starting fortune telling, you need to prepare. A frivolous attitude to the future layout or ritual will create the corresponding results. Everything that is needed, a person already knows. It remains only to release the skills. First of all, the fortuneteller tunes in to the prediction:

  1. If a girl or woman is guessing for marriage, then she should think about the desired event. Imagine it down to the smallest detail.
  2. A positive thought has incredible power, besides, such preparation will help to tune in a fortune-telling deck or a magic ritual.
  3. Choosing special ancient decks, a person listens to his own heart. Maps can be moody and useless.
  4. The accuracy of the future forecast depends on the choice of the deck.
  5. Divination by hand or online predictions, which are easy to find on the Internet, will help determine the exact date of the wedding.

Palmistry (fortune telling by hand) will help determine the exact date of the wedding

Having decided on the goal, the means for their implementation will be found quickly.

Second condition correct divination the well-being of a fortune-telling girl will become:

  1. Do not succumb to strong positive or negative emotions before the alignment or ritual.
  2. Attributes and cards feel a person's anxieties, his anxiety and fear.
  3. No one will benefit from such fortune-telling.
  4. It is also not recommended to start magical prediction of the future, being weakened or sick.
  5. Any call of ancient forces requires the expenditure of strength and energy.

manipulation weak person does not tolerate well, and over time, complications may appear after the ritual.

The safety of the fortuneteller is an important condition, so you need to start fortune telling only with a calm mind and healthy body. Before the beginning, heavy thoughts and anxieties are released, like a boat tied to the shore.

Man becomes a vessel ready to receive new information and use it correctly. For concrete results, the spent forces and preparation are necessary.

Online fortune telling

The modern world does not stand still. A person develops, the ways of his communication with environment and ways of obtaining information. Card divination live are no longer the most sought after. The rhythm of life does not allow you to waste time anywhere.

For a busy person online divination- the easiest, free and fast option know the future. For such forecasts, you do not need to prepare for a long time or spend energy on long trips. A couple of mouse clicks will allow you to get a forecast in seconds. It is difficult to check the accuracy of fortune-telling online, but for those who are determined, there are no barriers.

At online predictions there are several secrets. It is necessary to create layouts via the Internet consciously, having carefully considered the issue. If we are talking about the date of the future marriage, then the phrase is spoken to oneself clearly and briefly. It is not worth piling up words and wishes in one sentence.

You must then follow the instructions that come with online form. And further, the person receives the information. Information may be useful, but one should not rely only on such fortune-telling. Girls are susceptible to a good prediction, but nothing comes true out of the blue.

Divination by Tarot cards

Drawing out a fortune-telling and fundamental card is not as easy as it might seem. Beginners in divination on Tarot cards or the Thoth deck will need to find several ready-made schemes for the alignment. Such blanks consist of cards that are taken out of the deck in turn. There may be three, six, eight or nine.

Beginners who are going to predict the date of the wedding on the Tarot should use ready-made schemes for layout

Popular divination covers all the probabilities that can affect the outcome. Influence from outside, fears and vices of the questioner. Prophesy marriage or other significant events senior Arcana - the fourth part of the fortune-telling deck.

The famous and very simple divination for 9 ancient symbols will answer the following questions:

  • the opinion of a fortune-telling girl about herself;
  • the opinion of men about me (men, if the asking woman has someone in mind);
  • what will be the wife of a woman drawing cards (possible misses and mistakes in relationships are indicated);
  • the ideal of a man for a fortuneteller;
  • circumstances and conditions of a fateful meeting;
  • the efforts and sacrifices that the questioner should make;
  • there is damage, evil eye and a crown of celibacy (a very important part of divination, which indicates magical barriers); card advice;
  • what is the probability of getting married in the near future.

Gradually, the alignment reveals the whole path to future marriage. Possible circumstances that prevent the realization of a dream and dangerous situations. The advice of Tarot cards will allow you to tune in the right way and look at the current life, way of life, character from the other side. The decoding of the layout begins with the first card. Strong Arcana overlap even negative values Cups, Wands or Coins.

The layouts can be supplemented or repeated if the first results are unclear or do not give an exact answer.

The main thing is not to get carried away with excessive predictions with the help of Tarot. An exciting business can drag anyone, but fate, personal and professional life takes place far outside the room in which the forecast is made.

Everyone can use hints, but not everyone should lay the foundation out of it. The future depends on the will of a person and his decisions, and the cards, no matter how powerful they have become over the past hundred years, are only effective helpers and advisers.

hand prediction

In the last 5-10 years, a mysterious science - palmistry - is gaining more and more popularity. A teaching that indicates the display of significant future events written in the palm of each person. Scientists have long proved that there are no two people on earth identical in prints or palm prints.

7 billion souls and each has a own destiny. It will be possible to unravel the patterns of lines and bends without a long preparation only partially. If a person is only interested in one question, then palmists will tell you where to look for the answer in the palm of your hand.

There are two things to remember about palmistry. The first concerns the location of the line on the hands. If you look closely, you can see that the dashes on the left and right hands are slightly different. Experts attribute the differences to the fact that left palm carries information about what is destined for a person from birth. Accomplishments, trials, dangers.

The right hand is a working one for most people, it displays the real picture, the fate changed by the will of the human soul. If it is necessary to analyze predestined events such as marriage, then the left hand should be read. But to find out why the girl is still not married will help the pattern of the right hand.

The second aspect that a beginner needs to know is that there are only a few important lines in the palm of your hand that are responsible for heart affairs:

  • line of the Heart;
  • line of children;
  • life line (auxiliary tool).

A small dash departs from the line of the Heart - the line of marriage. The intersection of the two lines is on the so-called Hill of Mercury. There you can also find a line prophesying children. The closer all these dashes are to the line of the Heart, the warmer the union of the questioner and her chosen one will be.

Branches indicate the number of marriages of the girl. For an accurate prediction, you need to check with right hand. Thin and short lines bad sign. Such dashes indicate bad alliances in which there will never be loyalty and love.

Divination on playing cards

36 playing cards will help you make a quick marriage prediction.

Playing cards will help you quickly predict marriage

The cards are laid out into 6 piles, the last card determines the pile that remains, and all remaining cards are set aside. Then the actions are repeated until a few symbols remain on the table.

Suits indicate the coloring of feelings, if Worms falls out, then love awaits the girl, and very soon. The tambourine symbolizes harmony, Cross the confidence in own choice, and Pika brings sadness and sorrow. The Lady, Jack and King are the prototypes of male and female people. These cards symbolize lovers and rivals.

Sixes predict travel, sevens and eights important things at work and in personal life. Nine and ten promise a meeting. Quick fortune-telling on playing cards will help answer only superficial questions.

AT different cultures exist a large number of divination for marriage. Young girls have always been concerned about the depth of relationships with young people, which could tell special divination for the wedding. For this, various improvised materials were often used: wax, candles, water, cereals. Divination on the ring, for marriage, was popular. Sometimes girls even turned to gypsy tarot. All this made it possible to determine the love lurking around the corner.

Folk fortune-telling on the ring for marriage is given below. You will need to use a thread, a ring and a glass of water and you will be able to predict future love without help.

  • Tie the thread to the ring. Concentrate on the question of marriage or love.
  • Hold the ring 1-2 cm above the water and say your question out loud.
  • If the answer is yes, the ring will spin. If negative, stand still.

Divination for marriage

engagement year

The first fortune-telling for marriage is fortune-telling by date of birth. To find out about approaching love and the date of your marriage, calculate the number of your birthday.

For example: 21 \u003d 2 + 1 \u003d 3 If the birthday falls on a date before the tenth, there is nothing to add, the number goes in its original form.

In the same way, add up the numbers of the expected year of marriage.

For example: 2017 \u003d 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 \u003d 10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1 According to the table below, compare the number of your birthday with the number opposite - this is the number of a prosperous year for marriage.

Birthday Number of year of marriage
1 1, 4, 5, 7
2 1, 5, 6, 8
3 3, 6, 7, 9
4 1, 4, 7, 8
5 2, 5, 7, 9
6 1, 3, 6, 9
7 1, 2, 4, 8
8 1, 2, 6, 8
9 2, 3, 6, 7

When analyzing the full date of birth, pay attention to the number of certain digits.

3, 6, 8, 9 - in the date of birth they speak of a long absence of marriage or relationships. This is due to the freedom-loving properties of these numbers. A person with such a date of birth may not worry about problems in marriage - the delay is natural, everything will come with time.

2 - relationship magnet. The more of them in the date of birth, the more likely it is to meet love.

Love on the cards

But if there can be several marriage dates, which one is really yours? To do this, you will need a full or incomplete deck of playing cards.

  1. Concentrate on the question: “When will I get married?” and shuffle the deck.
  2. Draw 9 cards and divide them into three equal piles: day, month, year.
  3. Sum the numbers in each pile down to a prime number. Jack = 1, Queen = 2, King = 3, Ace = 11. If the number 31 is in the stack of the day, proceed to the calculation of the month. If 32 or more - sum it up until you get prime number (32 = 3 + 2 = 5).
  4. The maximum day of the month is 12 respectively.
  5. The sum of the numbers in the year stack will give us the last two digits of the year. When a number from 1 to 14 appears, pull it out additional card and add it to the already existing numbers of the year, since 2000-2014 is already in the past.

If you are not faced with the problem of the absence of a partner and you suffer only from ignorance of his intentions, then you will need fortune-telling for marriage using the gypsy tarot. All you need is a deck of 36 playing cards that can be found in any home.

What is taro? Any object is a projection of our mind. All people are united by a thin thread. Subconsciously, we know not only about the feelings of our partner, but even about the feelings of a person whom we do not yet know.

We know both the past and the future, and the tarot only helps to bring this subconscious into the conscious.

Fortune telling for marriage can be different. Here is one of them.

  1. Draw 4 jacks from the deck gypsy taro. If you wish to marry one particular person, designate him as the Jack of Hearts, and the rest of the Jacks will be other partners from the future or the past. If there are more than four options, guess in several stages, appointing three specific people, and the fourth jack as “other”. In the next spread, designate jacks as the remaining potential partners, also leaving one "mysterious stranger".
  2. Lay the jacks face down in a single line in any order.
  3. After thoroughly shuffling the rest of the deck, place one tarot card under each jack, face down. Repeat the procedure until a stack of eight cards is lined up under each narrowed one.
  4. Take the first pile and find paired cards in it. If there is a pair, put it under the jack. Treat each stack.
  5. Shuffle the stacks together and repeat steps 3-4. The procedure is carried out only four times!
  6. Go to the interpretation of the cards gathered in pairs.

Divination by tarot cards

  • Aces: a person appreciates and loves you very much and you can count on an engagement ring.
  • Kings: be careful, this guy is very jealous of your partner and it is better not to share unnecessary information with him. If this is your partner, is he with you out of greed?
  • Ladies: either he's cheating or you're not his lifelong dream...
  • Tens: the guy has an interest and desire for you and needs your relationship.
  • Nines: he feels tenderness and love for you. Most likely, he will offer you an engagement ring.
  • Eights: it looks like you will have frequent showdowns. Either you will have to get used to it, or you will part from a misunderstanding.
  • Sevens: He likes courting you, but is he ready for the wedding? If this is not your partner, he really wants to become one.
  • Sixes: friendships bring you closer, and even without marriage bonds, you are firmly connected to each other.

Each person has their own number. It depends on him what year you get married.

For example, you were born on January 19, 1987. Personal number - 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=3+6=9. Below is a key that will help predict the year of marriage.

  • The one indicates that the wedding will be celebrated in years ending in 1, 5 and 7.
  • Two is a sign that an important year for the family will end with the numbers 2, 4 and 8.
  • Three is a number that says that the year with the last digit - 3, 6 or 9 will be ideal in terms of creating a family.
  • When calculating, it turned out to be a four? Reference number - 4, 6, 9.
  • The personal number "five" promises a wonderful year for marriage, in which it ends with either 5, or 8, or 0.
  • The number six indicates that only 6, 9 and 0 can be considered your numbers for marriage.
  • If your number is seven, then expect a wedding year ending in 1, 3, and 7.
  • Eight predicts marriage years with the last digit being 2, 5 and 8.
  • If a nine fell out, then the wedding years will have 3, 7 and 9 at the end.

What is the wedding date

If you already have a loved one, then you can conduct fortune-telling based on the dates of birth of both. To do this, you need to calculate your personal number and your lover, the difference will be the answer on what date you are most likely to marry.

So, if you were born on January 19, 1987, then 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=9 , he was born on April 15, 1985, his personal number is 1+5+4+1+9+8 +5=33=6. Find the difference: 9-6=3. Your wedding will take place on the 3rd or 13th or 23rd or 30th or 31st.

What month is the wedding

This fortune-telling will help you find out the month of marriage. To do this, you need to add to your personal number the number of letters in your full name.

For example, your personal number is 9 (date of birth - January 19, 1987), and the name consists of 5 letters (Irina). We add up the numbers 9 and 5 - it turns out 14. We bring it to a single one - 1 + 4 = 5, which means there is a great chance to get married in May. If, when added, it turns out 10, 11 or 12, then they do not need to be made simple, since these numbers mean October, November, December.

How soon will I get married

1. Opinion of a fortuneteller about himself

Tarot cards in the layout for marriage mean the following:

1. Opinion of a fortuneteller about himself

You believe in intuition, make decisions quickly and act energetically. This is your character, and this way of behavior you obviously consider correct. But think about it: where do your problems come from? Maybe you still need to force yourself to be more reasonable?

2. The opinion of others about the fortuneteller

You are a harmonious, calm person, absolutely not scandalous. Maybe it's just a mask that you know how to wear very convincingly and professionally. But that's just your image in the eyes of others.

3. What is a fortuneteller in family relationships

In family life, you will be positive, peaceful, optimistic. In essence, it will force you to turn a blind eye to some problems. However, you don’t seem to have any major reasons for concern, and small ones can indeed sometimes be ignored.

4. Representation of a fortuneteller about a partner

You would like a calm, balanced, cautious person. Such a man, in your opinion, may not grab a star from the sky, however, he will not do many reckless and stupid things, which then have to be disentangled for a long time.

5. Where or under what circumstances can a fortuneteller meet a partner

You will meet under fairly favorable circumstances. The situation at this point will clearly be in your favor. Perhaps you will be demonstrating the fruits of your efforts (i.e. you will be at an exhibition, at a conference, etc.) Or maybe you will make a very respectable purchase or talk with an influential person.

6. What the fortuneteller should do

Listen to your intuition, trust your inner instinct. And - most importantly - do not share your intentions or fears with anyone. Especially if you want to artificially "adjust" the situation for yourself. If you need someone's help, organize everything so that this person does not even suspect anything.

7. Are there circumstances that aggravate karma

Fortune is for you. And there is no reason to be afraid that someone can “do” something bad to you. Therefore, trust your Guardian Angel and live in peace.

8. Tarot card advice

You must make it a rule to act independently, to make decisions only on the basis of logic and objective reasoning. And at the same time remain an intelligent woman who knows how to restrain herself in moments of weakness or, on the contrary, strong irritation and anger. Neither excessive emotionality nor coldness will decorate you and add attractiveness.

9. Opportunity to get married - time forecast

This Arcana indicates that you will have the opportunity to get married pretty soon. And it will probably be associated with the beginning of something - vacations, employment, etc. Or it will be just the first days of a month. Perhaps it is then that you will be offered a hand or the day of the wedding is set.