Concept of plan and map. Basic properties and elements of topographic maps. Additional structural elements

Each plan has its own name, purpose and features. It is generally accepted to classify plans according to size, location and meaning. Within the framework of this article, the main division is affected - by size and location.

Perhaps it is worth going from the general to the particular, so I will start with distant plan. It exists in order to show the place and time of the action, moreover, the person in the frame takes up negligible space or is completely absent. An excellent example for illustration is shots from films about wildlife.

In general, or, as it is also called, growth plan, a person occupies almost the entire frame in vertical plane. As a rule, the general plan is used to link to the scene of action or, in other words, to focus the viewer's attention on the situation around the hero.

They are followed medium shot, which in turn is divisible by first middle and second middle. The first medium shot is framed in the waist area and represents, in fact, the picture that we see when talking with a person in reality, while the second shot is framed in the area below the waist, but above the knees, thereby allowing you to comfortably observe the actions of the hero in frame at a short distance.

The last two plans are large and detailed. And if in close-up emotions and feelings reflected on the hero’s face, then the detailed one focuses attention on the details.

I want to note that you should not give too much strong meaning the names of the location and size of the plans, since these concepts are somewhat vague and most people disagree on what exactly they mean, or others use. So, for example, the terminology given in this article may be used in one video school and be unacceptable in another. In addition, there are cases when there is no need for such terms at all, for example, if the hero, on whom this moment time the camera is directed - it moves.

When choosing the size, it is worth avoiding framing the plans according to the articulations of the legs (Fig. 1). In the picture, I cut off the area below the knees. The hero's legs look amputated on him. To avoid this effect, you can crop in the middle of the thigh. And if you need a more general plan, then you can go to the growth plan and crop in the middle of the lower leg (Fig. 2). Such a plan creates the feeling that the hero is worth something. A similar situation occurs with ankle-length framing - this area is considered the least successful for framing, so they try to avoid it in every possible way.

It is easy to choose the size of the shot, based on how you want to present the character, what relationships and emotions you want to show in the frame. If this is an open expression of deeply personal feelings, then the general plan is inappropriate to use. On the other hand, if the hero of the frame says or does things of little importance to the viewer, we will not use a large one, since it carries a personal meaning.

So that our viewer does not get bored while watching the film, I strongly recommend changing plans. However, resorting to this technique, do not forget about some rules:

  1. Frame changes should occur approximately every 5 to 10 seconds.
  2. Usually, close-up transitions with a new character seem too abrupt to the viewer and cause subconscious discomfort. To prevent this from happening, a new hero is introduced into the video sequence gradually. Should start with general plan, then transition to medium, which is replaced by large. The gradual approximation of the plan is perceived more naturally than abrupt transitions from distant to general. Variants are also acceptable when one step is skipped when approaching the hero, for example, the transition from the background to the second middle shot, etc.

The position of the cameras during the shooting. The power of identification.

Most of the scenes between two people, usually dialogues, are filmed with video cameras located symmetrically relative to each other at a slight angle behind the characters. This plan is called the "plan over the shoulder." AT ideal- when filming, four video cameras are used to implement this scheme: two at the level of the shoulder of each hero and two slightly behind - behind the back. This arrangement of cameras is called the eight, or - internal and external reverse.

The standard montage template for the interaction of two heroes is the cutting of external plans. When we need to go deeper into the action, we zoom in and move on to cutting. internal plans. When it is necessary to weaken the contact of the audience with the characters, one can again return to the outer planes.

All this is not so relevant for semi-professional or amateur shooting, since not everyone can afford four camcorders at once. As a rule, a professional film crew deals with such complex and expensive schemes. However, it is recommended that amateurs also keep in mind the techniques of such shooting.

You can freely use plans of different sizes for each hero. Here it is worth noting the following point - the viewer identifies himself with the hero, whose plan at the moment is larger. Therefore, if you want to focus on someone, just change plans from general to large. Just do not forget about the rules for transitions from plan to plan, which I wrote about above.

Another way to control the strength of the viewer's identification with the character is to change the distance of the video camera from the communication line of the two characters. The closer the camera is to the line of communication, the more we involve the viewer in what is happening between the characters, whether it's a wedding scene in a temple or an ordinary dialogue on the street. For even more personalization, the camera can be moved close to the line of sight (Fig. 3).

In order to avoid mini jumps, in the case when there are several cameramen on the “set” filming the same character or scene (a similar situation can often be found at wedding celebrations), the size of the shots submitted, during transitions after editing, should differ significantly. A good technique, in this case, is to use different shooting angles, which should be at least 20 degrees, and in the ideal situation - 45 degrees.


noun, m., use Often

Morphology: (no) what? plan, what? plan, (see) what? plan, how? plan, about what? about the plan; pl. what? plans, (no) what? plans, what? plans, (see) what? plans, how? plans, about what? about plans

1. plan called graphic image objects that are located inside any structure, within the boundaries of any area, etc.

Precise plan. | City plan, buildings. | Plan of the apartment, school. | Plan of underground communications. | Reduced plan. | Plan scale. | Display something on the plan. | Draw a plan. | Plat.

2. plan called a sequential list of someone's expedient actions that are pre-distributed by someone in accordance with time periods, deadlines, etc.

Detailed, specific plan. | Long-term strategic plan. | Operational, tactical, current plan. | Production, financial plan. | Crisis exit plan. | Accept, reject someone's plan.


3. Yours plans you name the prospects of development, the course of something, that you assume.

Far, grandiose, audacious plans. | Creative, scientific plans. | Let someone know about your plans. | Joint plans with anyone. | Make plans for the future. | Unravel someone's plans. | Implement your plans. | The collapse of someone's plans.

intention, intention

4. business plan called short description intended actions and financial calculations entrepreneur, which are aimed at achieving a specific commercial goal.

Sections of the business plan. | Draw up a business plan. | Calculations clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the business plan.

5. plan name the sequence of presentation of any information.

Clear plan. | Lesson plan, speeches, dissertations. | Negotiation plan. | Before each meeting, I try to prepare a conversation plan.

6. In movies, photos plan name a number of depicted objects that are located closer (further) in relation to the viewer in accordance with the compositional intent of the author.

Left, right plan. | Something is placed in the foreground. | Give the actor's face a close-up. | A river is visible in the background.

7. If someone, for example, prefers to be in the foreground, then this means that this person intensively draws the attention of other people to their actions, their behavior, etc.

He doesn't like to be in the foreground.

8. If something, for example, moves away to the background, then this means that something ceases to be felt by someone as important, significant, etc.

9. If they talk about something in some plan, then this means that any issue is being discussed by someone from any particular point of view.

Consider any issue politically. | In practical terms, this is not feasible. | Think about the problem in everyday terms.

planned adj.

Planned task.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitrieva. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what a "plan" is in other dictionaries:

    plan- plan and... Russian spelling dictionary

    plan- plan / ... Morphemic spelling dictionary

    PLAN, plan, husband. (lat. planum plane). 1. A drawing depicting on a plane, usually on a large scale, some kind of object, some kind of structure, some kind of area by the method of direct horizontal projection. Building plan. City plan... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    A word that comes from the Latin word planus (smooth, flat), where the English plane, plain, German Plan, etc. come from. Initially, this concept meant a plain, later it began to be used in geometry, where it began to denote a plane ... Wikipedia

    1. PLAN, a; m. [from lat. planum plane] 1. A drawing depicting a terrain, object, structure, etc. on a scale on a plane. while maintaining their actual proportions. P. building. P. city. P. school. P. spaceship. Strongly reduced p. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    1) a non-powered aircraft heavier than air with a wing to create aerodynamic lift. In addition to the wing, like the aircraft, it has a fuselage, landing gear and tail. In free flight, it moves with a decrease (plans) along an inclined ... ... Encyclopedia of technology

    - (lat. planum, from planus smooth, smooth). 1) a drawing, an image of an object on paper in a small form. 2) in painting: the distance of objects from one another. 3) figuratively: the general distribution of any work, considerations, intentions, project; plan... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Way of action, order, schedule, distribution, painting, estimate, project, scheme, tactics, route, ceremonial, rank. Canvas for writing.. Cf. . See the intention to highlight, have plans, plans, stand in the forefront, make plans… Synonym dictionary

    - (from lat. planum plane) 1) a drawing depicting in conventional signs on a plane (on a scale of 1: 10,000 and larger) part earth's surface(topographic plan). 2) A horizontal section or top view of any structure or object (see, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A large-scale program for the rearmament of the German military navy adopted shortly before the outbreak of World War II. Contents 1 Background 2 Plan Z 3 Implementation ... Wikipedia

    Door frame - component door block, serves to hang on it door leaf and the location of the reciprocal part of the fixing device in it. The door frame is rigidly fixed in the doorway, making up a single whole with it. The presence of a box in the door set indicates an increased degree of conjugation of the opening with the door, to ensure better insulation of the shared spaces.

    Threshold - the lower transverse part of the door frame. Notable for the fact that it may not be included in the box or have a simplified configuration.

    The vestibule is a small uniform protrusion around the entire perimeter of the leaf or box, which serves as a limiter when closing, hiding the gaps between the leaf and the box and increasing the insulating properties of the door.

    Platbands - special decorative strips, which close the seam connecting the doorway and the frame. In steel doors, they can be made integral with the frame, increasing the protective properties.

71. What is shown on the section of the building?

A section is an image of a building mentally dissected by a vertical plane. If you mentally cut the building with a vertical secant and remove its front part, and project the rest of the building rectangularly onto the frontal projection plane (parallel to the secant plane), then the image obtained on it will be a section of this building. Sections are made along the most structurally or architecturally important parts of the building, according to stairwell, window and doorways. The section of the building is called transverse when the vertical cutting plane is perpendicular to the longitudinal walls of the building. The section of a building is called longitudinal when the vertical cutting plane is parallel to the longitudinal

the walls of the building. The direction of the cutting plane for the cut is indicated on the plan of the first

floors with an open line with arrows at the ends, showing the direction of projection and view of the observer. As a rule, the direction of view on the plan is indicated either from top to bottom or from left to right.

72. What is called a building plan?

A building plan is an image of a section of a building dissected by an imaginary horizontal plane passing at a certain level. The plan of the building gives an idea of ​​its shape, relative position individual rooms. The imaginary cutting plane of the section is located within the door and window openings. Therefore, the building plan shows window and door openings, walls and partitions, built-in wardrobes, plumbing equipment, etc.

73. Choosing the optimal parameters for the location of the point of view in perspective projections.

In order for the image to look good in perspective, it is necessary to take into account the natural angle of view of a person, so the relative position of the object, picture and point of view cannot be arbitrary. When choosing a point of view, it is recommended to adhere to the following provisions:

The main line of sight should be directed perpendicular to the picture plane and divide the picture approximately in half or be in the middle third of the picture. It's called a picture. what will be enclosed between the extreme rays going from the viewer to the object;

The angle between the base of the picture and the structure should be 20 e ... 40 °;

the viewer must be at such a distance from the object that the object is included in the cone of clear vision or would be in the field of clear vision. To do this, the angle between the extreme lines of sight should be within 28 ° .. .37 °;

In the case when the vertical dimensions of the structure are greater than the horizontal ones, the viewer should move one and a half to two heights from the structure in order for the angle of view in the vertical plane to be within the allowable limits;

According to the location of the picture plane With respect to an object, perspectives can be of two types: central frontal perspective used to build interiors, i.e. perspectives internal view premises; angle perspective is used when depicting individual objects, in which case the picture plane is located at an angle to the object.

According to the distance of the point of view from the subject, perspectives can be divided into perspectives with a sharp, sharp angle and perspectives with an obtuse, gentle angle. The angle is the position of the depicted object relative to the picture plane, in which a sharp shortening of the parts remote from the foreground is obtained.

When choosing a point of view, a necessary condition is the actual location of the point of view, i.e. the best. When marking the points of standing, mentally imagine what the building will look like.

Let's say you need to explain to someone how to get from school to your house. You will not begin to draw the surrounding objects as they look in nature or in a photograph, but draw a diagram on a sheet of paper - indicating houses with squares, a street or road with a winding line, trees with circles, etc.

Topographic plans are used, as a rule, in situations where such a scheme is required for a not too large area. They are needed in the preparation of projects, during construction. Without plans of the area, no economic activity. In everyday life, it is useful to draw up a plan of your premises (houses, apartments, rooms), your site, yard, garden.

Conventional signs

In order to work with a topographic plan, you need to be able to read it. You can't read without knowing the letters. The "ABC" of the plan are conventional signs. , denoting objects on the plan, are called topographic. Such signs are similar to the objects themselves. Each natural object on the plan corresponds to specific color: forest - green, river, lake, swamp - blue. Some objects, such as fields, gardens, forests, bushes, occupy the terrain large areas. These areas are called lands and their boundaries are marked with a dotted line.

Before making a decision on the construction of any economic facility, on the laying of roads, on the allocation of land, it is necessary to have an image of the area. It can be in the form of a drawing or a photograph. They are usually made from the surface of the Earth, so they do not always show what size and shape this area has, some objects obscure others. The image of the terrain can be in the form in which the terrain is shown from above, however, not all objects on them are similar to their actual appearance on the terrain, not all terrain objects can be determined (a detached tree, a bush, a key, a mill). There are no names on the aerial photographs, settlements, it is difficult here to determine the trees that make up the forests. The most convenient and complete way to depict the terrain is a plan.

A terrain plan is a drawing that depicts a small part of the earth's surface from above in a reduced form. It shows what the area is occupied with, what objects are placed on it. According to the terrain plan, you can determine the relative position of these objects, the distance between them, this place and much more.

The significance of the terrain plan is enormous. He is a faithful assistant to man in the study of nature, housekeeping, for tourism and in the defense of the country. AT agriculture the terrain plan is necessary for the placement of agricultural facilities, determining the size of arable land, hayfields, pastures. According to the plans, a place for the construction of economic facilities, buildings, laying roads, communication lines, power lines is established. All these objects are first outlined on the terrain plan. Everyone has such plans. emergency services. They allow you to quickly approach the scene of the accident.

The terrain plan, as well as, is a reduced image of the earth's surface on a plane. But the plan is different.

The plan shows small areas terrain, so they are drawn on a large scale, for example, 1 cm - 5 km. The maps show significant areas of the terrain - the mainland, the state, the world as a whole. And they are drawn on a smaller scale: 1 cm - 1 km, or 1 cm - 100 km, 1 cm - 250 km.

When constructing plans, the curvature of the spherical surface of the Earth is not taken into account and it is considered that the surface sections are a plane. When constructing maps, the curvature of the earth's surface is always taken into account.

The plans are very detailed depictions of the area, up to and including standing tree. The maps show only large objects: large rivers, lakes, mountains, cities. On the plan of Moscow, many streets are clearly visible, and on the map Moscow is marked with an asterisk.