Real time travel of people. Real cases of time travel! Paradox upon paradox

Time travel has been talked about since the dawn of science fiction. But it is one thing when science fiction writers write about such cases, and quite another when ordinary people talk about them. Moreover, there are many such stories, and some are even confirmed by documentary evidence.

The real facts of time travel

Man hit by a car

A similar case was described by the NYPD in November 1952. Traffic accident on Broadway. A man is killed by a car. There doesn't seem to be anything strange. But the driver and passengers of the car claimed that the man appeared on the road quite suddenly. The clothes of the deceased and his documents caused even greater surprise among the arriving law enforcement officers. The identity card had been personally issued over eighty years ago, and the address on the business cards included a street that had been removed half a century ago. The diligent police officers found with difficulty, but in the archives, references to the gentleman with such an identity card, then found the daughter of the indicated person, already at that time an old woman. The old woman showed a photo of her father, who disappeared seventy years ago on Broadway. And the same man who was hit by a car was looking at the police from the photo.

Student and cemetery

A certain student from Switzerland was studying in Paris. On a May day off, the girl decided to go to the park of one of the suburbs of the capital. In the park, she found a quiet place where she sat on a bench with a book. Suddenly the light began to fade, and the girl looked up from her reading, assuming that it was the clouds that blocked the sun before the rain. But her eyes met something unimaginable. Instead of a park in front of her, there was a cemetery with many graves. The confused student left the book and took a few steps forward. Suddenly, in the distance, she saw a group of people in unusual clothes walking towards her. The procession was led by a priest, followed by several women and men who carried the coffin. The girl got scared and ran back. Around her again was a sun-drenched park, and on a bench lay an abandoned book. Later, the student found out that during the plague epidemic in the 14th century, a cemetery was made on the site of this park.

The man who was struck by lightning

It is worth mentioning the inhabitant of foggy Albion. It all happened during a thunderstorm when lightning struck next to Mr. Peter Williams working in his garden. He lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar place. Having found people, the victim asked to be taken to the hospital, which was immediately done. After spending a couple of days in the hospital, Mr. Williams decided to go for a walk, but his trousers were in a terrible state. Then the man who was in the same room with him offered to help and gave him his corduroy trousers, which were practically new. Having gone out for a walk, the Englishman returned to the place where he had found help two days before, and having gone further, he found himself near his own house. Of course, after returning home, Williams immediately went to the hospital to return the trousers to their owner. He found the clinic pretty quickly, but no one was waiting for him there. Both the doctor and the nurse were the same, but they did not recognize their recent patient. However, the patient himself noticed that these two had changed, as if they had grown old. The roommate could not be found at all. Moreover, even in the registry there was no evidence of a patient like Williams. The last argument was the trousers, because of which the man returned to the hospital. But even here a discovery awaited him. These trousers have long gone out of fashion, and therefore they were removed from mass production. This prompted the stubborn Englishman to visit the factory that produced the trousers. There he found old workers who, after examining Williams' unwitting acquisition, reported that such clothes had ceased to be produced more than 20 years ago.

Hundreds of thousands of people disappear without a trace every year on our planet. Of course, the main reasons for this are crime, bloody military conflicts and accidents. The rather fantastic idea that some missing people could simply be lost in time does not occur to anyone ...

Aliens from the past

In the 50s of the last century, an amazing case became known to the press. A man in 19th-century clothing suddenly found himself in the thick of cars on a busy New York street and was crushed by one of the cars. The driver swore that the deceased suddenly appeared in front of his car, as if he had fallen from the sky, there was simply no way to slow down.
Trying to identify the deceased, the police searched his pockets, they found an identity document issued 80 years ago ... It turned out that the man was a traveling salesman and lived on a street that was demolished 50 years ago. This story interested the police so much that they were not too lazy to dig into the archive and find lists of residents of the area indicated in the document for the end of the 19th century, in which they discovered the mysterious salesman.
Further searches led to an unexpected meeting. An elderly woman with the same last name as the deceased told the detectives that 70 years ago, under very mysterious circumstances, her father disappeared. He went outside to breathe before going to bed and seemed to have evaporated, all attempts to find him led to nothing. Digging through the box of photographs, the woman found a photograph of her father. The police simply gasped when, in a photograph dated April 1884, they saw exactly that unfortunate salesman who had fallen under the wheels of a car ...
An even stranger incident occurred in a small California town in the summer of 1936. On his street was an old-fashioned dressed, unknown to anyone, frightened old woman. She literally shied away from the passers-by offering her help. Her unusual outfit and strange behavior attracted the curious: after all, in this town everyone knew each other and the appearance of such a colorful figure did not go unnoticed. When the old woman saw people gathering around her, she looked around with despair and confusion and suddenly disappeared in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.
In 1966, three brothers were walking down a street in Glasgow early on New Year's morning. Suddenly, 19-year-old Alex disappeared in front of his older brothers. All attempts to find him were unsuccessful. Alex disappeared without a trace and was never seen again.
In the 90s of the last century, one of the Hong Kong newspapers told the world an amazing story about the boy Yun Li Chen. In 1987, doctors from a psychiatric clinic in Hong Kong turned to scientists, the police brought to them a very strange boy who claimed to have come from the past. The doctors did not find any brain damage in him and came to the conclusion that he was quite healthy, but the boy's unusual stories baffled them and made them doubt his mental health.
Scientists became interested in the doctors' story and visited the boy. First of all, they were struck by his clothing, cut from a fabric that was clearly hand-crafted, it resembled museum exhibits found in ancient burials. Yun Li Chen was fluent in one of the ancient Chinese dialects, and he told historians such details about the distant past that he simply brought them into a state of real shock.
They decided to check the boy's story with the help of temple books. In some of them, several centuries old, the historian Ying Shao unexpectedly discovered the names of places and even the names of people reported by a strange boy. The astonished scientist decided to seriously investigate this amazing case, but he was in for a bitter disappointment - Yun suddenly disappeared, as if he had evaporated from a closed chamber, which was under vigilant control.
Frustrated, Shao again turned to the ancient chronicles and suddenly found a mention of Yun Li Chen in them! It was reported that Chen disappeared for more than ten years, but then returned not at all matured and began to say that he had been in the distant future, where he saw iron birds flying, carts moving without horses and houses resting on the clouds. Of course, no one believed the boy, he was considered crazy, and three weeks after his return he died unexpectedly.
“Year after year, with surprising regularity, unusual manipulations with time are repeated. We have a certain number of reports of missing people who seem to have been swallowed up by time, and not by any other force, ”John Kiel, a well-known foreign researcher of anomalous phenomena, expressed his opinion about the mysterious disappearances of people in one of the conversations.
Time trap for...submarine
It is possible that not only people, but also other living beings fall into the "traps" of time. This can explain the mysterious appearances of Bigfoot in the most unexpected corners of our planet, as well as quite numerous sightings of prehistoric animals like Nessie.
Time plays a bad joke not only with individuals, it can also do very impressive objects. American parapsychologists claim that the Pentagon classified a striking incident that happened to one of the submarines. The submarine was in the waters of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, when it suddenly disappeared, literally moments later, a signal from it was received already from ... the Indian Ocean.
However, this incident with the submarine was not limited only to its movement in space over a huge distance, there was also a rather significant time travel: the crew of the submarine literally aged 20 years in tens of seconds! Information about this unique case was published in 1993 in the American weekly The News.
Researchers of anomalous phenomena have tried to collect statistical data regarding cases of time travel. They found that between 1976 and 2001, there were 274 such cases, and planes often became victims of "holes" in time. The most trivial case, the most frequently repeated, is when an aircraft suddenly disappears for a moment from the radar screen, and then it turns out that the clocks of the pilots, and indeed of all passengers, are a few minutes behind.
However, more terrible accidents sometimes happen to airplanes. In 1997, the W. W. News” told about the mysterious DC-4 aircraft, which in 1992 landed in Caracas (Venezuela). This plane was seen by airport employees, although it did not give any mark on the radar. Soon managed to contact the pilot. In a surprised and even frightened voice, the pilot announced that he was operating a charter flight 914 from New York to Miami with 54 passengers on board and was due to land at 9:55 am on June 2, 1955, at the end he asked: “Where are we?”
The dispatchers, stunned by the pilot's message, told him that he was over the airport in Caracas and gave permission to land. The pilot did not answer, but during landing, everyone heard his surprised exclamation: “Jimmy! What the hell is this!” The surprise of the American pilot was clearly caused by a jet plane taking off at that time ...
The mysterious plane landed safely, its pilot breathing heavily, finally saying, "Something is wrong here." When informed that he had landed on May 21, 1992, the pilot exclaimed, "Oh God!" They tried to calm him down, they said that a ground team was already heading towards him. However, when he saw airport employees next to the plane, the pilot shouted: “Do not approach! We're leaving here!"
The ground crew saw the astonished faces of the passengers in the windows, and the DC-4 pilot opened the glass in his cockpit and waved some kind of magazine at them, demanding that they do not approach the aircraft. He started the engines, the plane took off and disappeared. Did he manage to get there in time? Unfortunately, the further fate of the crew and passengers of the aircraft is unknown, since the magazine did not report on any historical investigation of this case. As evidence of this unusual incident at the Caracas airport, there was a recording of negotiations with a DC-4 and a calendar for 1955 that fell out of a magazine that the pilot was waving ...

Chrononauts reluctantly

Time travelers are often referred to as chrononauts. However, there is no evidence of the invention of the time machine in the near or distant future yet. Many modern scientists generally deny the possibility of time travel, believing that it is irreversible.
True, not everyone thinks so, for example, a number of physicists put forward a hypothesis that there are zones of so-called time faults on the Earth, in such anomalous places the past and the future sometimes close together, while there is a transfer of information and energy, in which they can be captured and material bodies - people, animals, planes ...
There is also a hypothesis that with temporary violations of the structure of space and time, special tunnels are formed in them, connecting different eras.
Some researchers believe that unwitting time travelers only momentarily fall into the past or future and then are transported back to their own time. However, there is reason to believe that this is not always the case. The most deplorable option is quite possible - to get stuck in someone else's time forever.
In this case, travelers from the past to the future will most likely face the unenviable fate of a psychiatric patient… Imagine that a policeman thinks of a strangely dressed man claiming to be in Napoleon’s army…
Those who get from the future into the past, with a certain self-control and resourcefulness, can more or less get settled. Perhaps it was just such an unwitting time traveler who built the famous Baghdad battery, which gave current 4000 years ago ...
Some of the researchers of anomalous phenomena seriously suggest that Leonardo da Vinci was a chrononaut involuntarily ... He arrived in the 15th century from the future and was stuck in it forever. They consider the numerous diverse inventions of Leonardo to be proof of such a hypothesis, which were significantly ahead of their time.

The most accurate do not leave evidence of their stay, but among time travelers there are people who are not always careful - it was in their footsteps that scientists realized that teleportation exists. If you still have doubts, check out 15 most famous cases of time travel!

Cell phone in Chaplin's film

This phenomenon was recorded in a documentary about the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's film "The Circus". A woman walking by accidentally got into the frame, holding her hand to her ear as if she were holding a mobile phone. Moreover, she also talks, although no one is observed next to her. But this is 1928!

Hipster in the 1940s

The photo with this man, whose identity has not been established, spread around the world. It recorded a group of people who were present at the opening of the South Fork Bridge over the Shenandoah River in Arkansas. Most of the people in the picture practically merge together, but one of them is clearly not the same as everyone else. He is dressed in modern clothes, he is wearing trendy sunglasses and a camera that is definitely not from the 40s. These things simply did not exist at the time. Naturally, this picture was subjected to verification, but the experts did not find a photomontage.

TV presenter - time traveler

On the left is a photograph of an unknown man from the United States of the 19th century. On the right is a photo of the famous American TV presenter of the early 21st century, Conan O'Brien. The resemblance is striking! But that's not all. The press has repeatedly called the TV presenter a time traveler. His demeanor and appearance are strikingly different from anything they've seen before.

Time traveler in the open air

This picture was taken in 1917 in Cape Scott Park near Vancouver. Just look at how the young man in the middle is dressed: his rather modern shorts and T-shirt are clearly different from the prim attire of people from the last century!

Marilyn and the Time Traveler

It's hard to take your eyes off Marilyn, but try and take a closer look at the woman in the background. What is in her hands? Digital camera? Miniature video camera? Be that as it may, this technique simply did not exist at that time ...

Andrew Karlssin - a crook from the future?

This traveler was arrested in 2003 for stock exchange fraud. He claimed to be from the year 2256 and knew all the information about the market. Having 800 dollars, he made 126 successful transactions and in a short time increased his fortune to 350 million! As experts say, without having accurate knowledge of how stock quotes will fluctuate, it is impossible to do this.

Flight through the years

Pilot Victor Goddard (pictured left) claimed to have had a time travel experience in 1935. Flying over an abandoned airfield in the Scottish Sandman, he flew into a strange yellow cloud. Getting out of it, Victor saw that the airfield below was full of planes and people dressed in clearly military uniforms of strange colors. Arriving at his airfield, he shared a strange observation with friends. Four years later, the previously abandoned airfield in Drem was again given to military pilots, and after some time they changed their uniform, giving out exactly the same one that Victor Goddard had observed in his strange flight through time.

Jay-Z, what fate?

Jay-Z is a fairly famous singer, and he is also the husband of the singer Beyoncé. There is nothing strange about him, and it would be difficult to suspect a time traveler in him. But maybe this picture taken in 1930 will convince you?

Through time through plumbing

Hakan's opportunity to travel back in time came when he crawled under a sink to fix a pipe. Yes, yes, you heard right! Arriving home, the man saw water on the floor. To fix the leak, he reached into the cabinet under the sink and saw a tunnel. At the end of it, as is customary, a light glimmered. Hakan was not afraid and decided to check what was there at the end. He got out in his own kitchen, however, 36 years later. There, Hakan met himself, 72, and filmed the same video with himself, showing the same tattoos.

Cell phone in 1938

A typical shot of a girl talking on a cell phone, isn't it? This photo was taken in 1938. And again, the time traveler was given out by modern technology beyond his years!

And again cellular communication!

This photo was taken in the early years of the 20th century. We can't see exactly what the man in the vest is pressing to his ear, but it's clearly some kind of portable device. How did she get there?

Nicolas Cage and you?!

Actor Nicolas Cage also turned out to be one of these time travelers. Doubt? Then take a look at the picture taken a hundred years before the birth of Cage! Now believe?

Smartphone and Mike Tyson

This photo was taken during a fight between Mike Tyson and Peter McNeely in 1995. In the front row, a person is clearly visible, filming what is happening on a smartphone or a miniature digital camera. However, this technique will appear on the market only a few years later.

Andrew Basiago

In 2004, Andrew Basiago, a Seattle lawyer, made a public statement that he was involved in a secret US government time travel program as a child. Most of the movements, according to the man, were carried out on the basis of the documents of the famous engineer Nikola Tesla. Andrew allegedly managed to visit the Ford Theater five or six times on the night that the assassination of President Lincoln took place. Each time he met his "copies" and changed the course of history.

If time travel is possible in principle, then sooner or later we must encounter "visitors" from the past or the future. Indeed, in the history of the paranormal, there are many cases that can only be explained with the help of this fantastic theory. Or maybe it's not so fantastic after all? Let's get to the facts...

Minister gone mad

A few years ago, in a compartment on a train from Mexico City to Acapulco, a man in an old-fashioned jacket and wig suddenly appeared out of nowhere. In one hand he held a quill pen, in the other a leather purse. The stranger was very scared. He called himself Minister Jorge de Balenciaga and tried to find out where he was ... While one of the passengers, a surgeon, ran after the conductor, this man disappeared. True, the pen and purse remained on the floor.

The surgeon picked them up and subsequently showed them to historians, who found out that both items were made in the 18th century. Documents were found in the archives, from which it followed that Minister de Balenciaga one night, returning home, collided with a long iron "devil's carriage", bursting with fire and smoke, and then somehow found himself inside it and saw there bizarrely dressed of people. After reading the prayer, the minister again found himself on the streets of Mexico City. After this incident, he lost his mind, and remained beside himself until his death.

Mummy in sneakers and watch in the imperial tomb

In Mongolia, a female mummy was discovered over 1,500 years old. She was wearing modern Adidas sneakers. True, apparently, the lady was not an alien from the future - she was wearing clothes and jewelry from that ancient era, and obviously she did not occupy an ordinary position, since she was buried along with her horse.

And this is by no means an isolated episode. In 2008, the tomb of the Chinese Emperor Xi Qing of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was opened in Shanxi, and a modern Swiss Made watch was found inside, which is a gold ring with a dial. It is possible that all these are the things of time travelers that they gave to people from the past. Or they themselves appropriated them. By the way, note that both sneakers and watches went to the elite ...

But the most amazing story is connected with a resident of the city of Zhirnovsk, Volgograd region, Yevgeny Iosifovich Gaiduchk. Gaiduchok died in 1994 at the age of 76. In 1985, in Moscow, he met with a well-known researcher of anomalous phenomena, the leader of the Kosmopoisk association, Vadim Chernobrov, and told him that he had arrived in 1985 from the future in a time machine and that he had read about this machine from Chernobrov himself. By the way, the book about time was written by Vadim Alexandrovich only many years later.

Eugene said that he comes from the XXIII century. Like, as a teenager, he decided to "hijack" the unit for time travel and go to the past with his girlfriend ... They ended up in the 30s of the twentieth century, but then their vehicle crashed. The energy of the machine could only be enough to send back one person, and Zhenya sent a girlfriend there.

So no one came to help him from his native era. Soon there were people who adopted the boy, and he began a new life in the Soviet country ... Gaiduchka's daughter Svetlana Bulgakova recalled that in her childhood she heard amazing stories from her father about spaceports, interplanetary flights, strange creatures ... And one day, in 1951, he told her the continuation "The Wizard of the Emerald City", which was released only in the 63rd ...

Passing through doors

Recently, a curious video appeared on the Web, which shows how a man, dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt with a hood hiding his face, approaches the store in the dark and calmly passes through a closed door. At the same time, incomprehensible interference appears on the video ... When the visitor is inside, flashes of light are visible through the window. Ten seconds later, a strange visitor goes out the same way, without opening the door.

You might think that you are in front of a montage, but a homeless man sleeps next to the store, who is awakened by light flashes and who looks in amazement at a stranger ... In addition, on the recording, the date keeps changing in a strange way from 2016 to 2019 ...

According to some users, there was an overlay of space-time, so the stranger managed to freely overcome the locked door ...

Many of us would love to travel back in time. Who doesn’t want to meet famous personalities, feel like a courageous knight or a beautiful lady, for whose honor grandiose fights are held?
It is possible that such a movement would allow turning back the events of one's own past, making a different choice regarding fate.

Or maybe there is a desire to see how our descendants will live?
Is it possible to become the chosen one, or is it just a matter of fantasizing what exactly will happen in the distant future?

Unfortunately, modern science has not progressed far enough to make these dreams come true.
Another question is that from time to time strange personalities appear, trying to convince others, and sometimes themselves, that they managed to find themselves in the past or future.

They try to give a lot of evidence, not shying away from showing photographs, which are depicted with devices, decorations, in the guise, symbolizing our descendants or predecessors. Where do these people come from? Why do they continue to try to defend their position regarding any secret missions with inexplicable persistence?

We offer you to get acquainted with people who consider themselves time travelers. Their revelations were brought to the general public through interviews for the same channel.

Amazing coincidence, right?

Edward from Los Angeles, 5000

In February 2018, a man named Edward showed a picture claiming to be of Los Angeles in the year 5000, which turned out to be almost completely submerged. He insisted that fourteen years ago he became a participant in a grandiose project organized by the opposition forces.

The man explained that often the most capable scientists and inventors are bought out by members of the shadow government, who offer favorable working conditions, salaries and tempting prospects. At first, his professional activity was connected with the technical support service, where he was noticed and made a proposal for cooperation regarding work in a reputable organization. It can be understood that the man did not hesitate for a long time and decided to move, driven by curiosity and professional ambitions.

Edward shared, as he sincerely believes, extremely important information regarding life after several decades. According to the man, the melting giant glaciers will force people to swim on special devices in order to somehow move around and continue to live, providing themselves with food and everything they need. An eyewitness to such amazing events announced the continuation of projects and the allocation of huge sums for research, in which he happened to be a participant.

John, 4000

John told reporters that he actually lives in the year 4000. He had to move to our reality, as there were problems with artificial intelligence, which can turn out to be a real threat. All responsibilities are taken over by robots, because of which ordinary people can remain unemployed.

The man is the co-founder of a popular company that produces high-quality cars that are produced for his contemporaries. He believes that it is much safer to live in the 21st century, since robots have not yet had time to seize power. The mission of a real hero is to warn the inhabitants of the modern world about the inadmissibility of too rapid development of technology.
John showed a photograph of his plant, which has an impeccable reputation.

In the picture, embedded robots in the form of giant spiders assemble perfect cars that are not capable of getting into an accident, thanks to special, equipped devices. Human intervention in the production process is reduced to a minimum.

It is curious that the man spoke about the absence of familiar birds that were eliminated. This was done in order to prevent numerous damage to cars with a flight function. Many of those present at the story of John were embarrassed that none of the people keep dogs and cats at home.

The man explained that our descendants do not adhere to such a tradition. If someone wants to communicate with representatives of wildlife, he can go to the zoo. As it turned out from the words of John, this state of affairs suits absolutely everyone, given the long-established order.

Clara, 3780

It is impossible not to mention the brave girl who shared her impressions of staying in the distant future. At the beginning of 2018, she gladly informed the journalist about her professional activities, which are related to the service in the secret part of the military department in America.

She happened to become a participant in a grandiose experiment, which was started at the beginning of the 21st century. As the time traveler argued, she had to travel to the year 3780. Clara was assigned to carry out a particularly important mission, the details of which are not going to be extended. It can be said that, in this way, the girl, on the one hand, caused considerable skepticism among those who witnessed her story, and on the other hand, further aroused curiosity, given the continuing halo of mystery.

Sharing her impressions, Clara mentioned that time can be considered a real parameter for measurement, similar to the usual height, length and depth. If you have certain knowledge, skills and abilities, you can easily travel in time, according to the girl. According to her, these processes are quite ordinary, since their main goal is to bring high-tech ideas from the future into the present.

Greek travelers

Judging by the account of another time traveler, the Americans are not the only ones who practice covert operations. The Greeks, mastering various developments, can also be attributed to one of the peoples. The end of 2017 was marked by an interview with a man (who wished to remain anonymous), during which a stay in 3207 was mentioned.

Anonymous did not disclose details regarding his journey. One might think that the feeling of self-importance, drawing attention to their words, was the purpose of the stranger's appeal to the media.

A similar story can be recalled by many residents of Greece. The most ordinary student acted as a representative of modernity in the future. He wanted to appear as convincing as possible in order to win as many listeners as possible to his side. He explained that he met a professor who offered to become a participant in an unusual experiment. Thus, the guy was able to visit the distant year 10,000.

For convincing evidence, he gave not only the details of the future, in which artificial intelligence rules, but also showed photographs. It is curious that such a responsible mission fell on the shoulders of an inexperienced young man who did not have the necessary knowledge.

In addition, the true purpose of sending him to another reality was not announced, which is why many doubted the veracity of the student's words.

William Taylor, 8973

Another man who spoke emotionally about the exciting journey through time is William Taylor. For several years, according to the man, he had to be a member of a secret project organized by British intelligence. According to Taylor, he had to go through a rigorous selection, receive the necessary instructions and be extremely careful not to miss a single detail related to the future.

He stated that in 8973, there is a complete disappearance of people. They have been replaced by human-robot hybrids, which are perfect creatures, which is not surprising given the wide range of possibilities. The man managed to capture the inhabitants of the future on camera so that his contemporaries would believe him. After returning home, the security services selected the photographs in order to keep the project as secret as possible.

William found it necessary to tell that members of world governments have been practicing time travel for over 30 years. They are carried out both between measurements and on a time scale. This allowed the UFO to be restored in order to study its device more carefully. According to the witness of such unusual events, such interesting information allows us to conduct research that is necessary for progress and the introduction of high technologies for routine operations.

Noah Novak - one in two persons

To sound more convincing, Novak announced a second term for Trump's presidency. According to an eyewitness to the events of the future, he will be elected again, despite the numerous scandals that will accompany the company during the election campaign. In the coming years, artificial intelligence will develop rapidly. In 2028, according to the man, sending a manned expedition to the Red Planet will be successful. It is possible that we will be able to live up to the full-scale exploration of Mars.

Alien traveler, 6491

The alien traveler from the 65th century turned out to be James Oliver. He shared a detailed story that he was forced to stay on earth, while his true home is on another planet. He had to settle in our world in order to fulfill a scientific mission.

A sudden malfunction of the spacecraft reduced the chances of returning home. According to Oliver, he has no idea how much longer he will have to live among our contemporaries. At the same time, the "alien" was able to make statements regarding the future, without resorting to the display of photographs.

Georgian from the USSR, 9428

The man, who wished not to disclose his identity, shared information about the journey to 9428. Anonymous mentioned that during the time of the Soviet Union, Georgia made a huge contribution to the scientific experiment. His goal is to find cures for incurable diseases, tools that allow you to create real superheroes from ordinary people.

The mission of the unknown hero is to obtain information through the use of a special time machine. He was able to see many aspects from the future, but unfortunately, the device was set to move through 400 years, which is why it was not possible to get answers to the existing questions.

V.D. Davis, 2200

Another hero is W. D. Davis. He was able not only to visit the distant future, but also to bring food. The man explained that with the help of a nutritious briquette, you can not feel hungry for a whole week. With the help of this food, according to Davis, it was possible to eliminate mortality from lack of food.

In addition, the man said that he was over 100 years old, while in the future people will be able to live over 180. The reason is the cure for all known diseases, especially fatal ones. This made it possible to completely remove the position of doctors and medicines. As Davis said, in the future, people manage to coexist peacefully with aliens, as well as explore space and other planets.

Drunk Traveler

In the US state of Wyoming, a man was found in a state of intoxication, considering himself a time traveler. After being arrested in October 2017 for appearing in a public place in a state of intoxication, the stranger said that he had taken on a responsible mission - warning earthlings about the impending attack of aggressive alien invaders.

He resolutely declared that all people must urgently leave the earth in order to avoid mass casualties. He needed to speak with the head of the city in order to convey additional important information. When asked about taking alcohol, the man said that after drinking, he was able to move in time.