Divination by tarot cards without registration online. Free tarot divination online. Tarot divination on the situation, question

Free fortune telling on Tarot cards online will help clarify contentious issues. We offer many options free spreads Tarot: card of the day, fortune-telling on the situation on one card, "Tree of Lovers" - alignment for relationships, "When I get married", fortune-telling for treason, "Seven-pointed star", one of the most powerful layouts - "The Secret of the Priestess" and others.

With our tarot divination, you can learn everything about love and finance, health and career. You will be able to get answers to questions that require a specific yes or no answer and find out if your desire or expectation will come true. In addition, you will find here forecasts for the future, get a chance to use the help of horary numerology, and novice tarologists will be able to figure out the meanings of the Arcana of the deck.

Divination for love on Tarot cards online

What could be more important than relationships with a loved man! It is love that pushes us to accomplishments and deeds, and its absence deprives us of sleep and appetite. Century after century, poets talk about it, now arguing, now agreeing with each other. And the theme never ends...

By turning to Tarot divination for relationships and love, you can clarify heart issues. This alignment on the Tarot cards is called the "Tree of Lovers."

The alignment on the Tarot cards "To the Beloved" is an excellent tool for clarifying a whole range of issues related to the upcoming marriage. This is fortune-telling for a girl (woman) planning to marry a particular man. In it, in 9 positions, all significant aspects of the near- and long-term prospects of this union are considered and forecasts are made regarding the behavior of the future spouse under certain circumstances.

Is there a problem with marriage, and if so, what are the obstacles to it and how can they be overcome? There is a way to understand this - an old divination on Tarot cards.

The Tarot layout online “Will I Get Married” is a fortune-telling that will allow you to instantly and absolutely free of charge consider the real state of affairs, deal with the reasons for the disorder of your personal life and determine the next steps to correct them.

"Feelings of a beloved man for me" - free online alignment on a full Tarot deck, which allows you to predict the prospects for an alliance with a specific person. It is done for relationships that have already begun to form (or have prospects for this).

What could be worse than this uncertainty - "was there a betrayal or not"?! Such thoughts deprive you of sleep and appetite, make you lose faith in true love and fidelity ... You need to get rid of such moods quickly. At least in order to have the strength to live normally and build your future. And this free online fortune-telling on treason on Tarot cards will give you an exhaustive answer to such an ambiguous question.

This tarot spread is “What does he or she think of me?” is an effective assistant in difficult moments of life, when you are not sure or simply do not know how your loved one treats you. This is a free online service that will help you navigate his attitude towards you in this moment and, accordingly, understand how to behave in order to correct the situation.

Do you know that the mutual understanding of two people, especially when it comes to love relationships, largely depends on their names? And what degree of this mutual understanding can be calculated on Tarot cards? On our site you can access for free online test on the compatibility of names in love and marriage with your partner (or partner), who will tell you how the Tarot system interprets your names and how you fit together.

Divination for the future - Tarot spreads online

Our life mainly consists of everyday life and trifles, days run after days, forcing us to rush, think, do something, make decisions. How to live today, so that tomorrow you won’t be offended, ashamed, annoyed for him? The answer to this question is exhaustively given by the card of the day - Tarot and its Magic power future predictions. In this case, the Tarot card turns out to be an objective adviser and friendly assistant.

Knowing forecasts for a few days is no less relevant than for a year or two ahead. After all, decisions need to be made every day. And to have an idea about the general atmosphere of the coming week, to receive advice or a warning for every day, means to get the opportunity to think through your actions several steps ahead, anticipate events and, accordingly, choose the best from the many options for your actions. "Seven-pointed Star" is a free online divination for the near future, which just gives such a chance.

A year is a long time. And a lot can happen during this time - great love and career take-off, moving and changing jobs. Fortune telling "Circular alignment" will help you understand what exactly to expect from the next twelve months, how they will be marked. You will walk through the milestones of each of them online, and this will allow you to understand in one minute exactly how you should behave, what you should avoid and what to pay attention to. So here it is - free way lift the veil of secrecy, which every time appears before us in the form of hopes, fears and anticipations from the next life cycle.

Celtic cross - universal remedy to resolve any issues. Celtic cross online and free - a convenient opportunity to use it all the time. Mentally ask your question and make a deal. Everything is very simple - a single click of the mouse and now you have a complete picture of the situation, covering all its aspects.

Tarot forecast by date of birth for a year is a proven method of prediction, which, moreover, makes it possible to comprehensively analyze this time period. We will teach you how to correctly calculate the number of "your" Arcana, under the influence of which you will have to live for next year. And then you just have to read your forecast, which - and there is no doubt about it - will provide good food for useful thought. In a word, consider, read and get ready to live another - maybe difficult, but perhaps, on the contrary, very successful - year of your life.

This is an online alignment for fate. It contains about a dozen positions, in which it answers in detail all the main questions that concern every person when he tries to embrace and comprehend his life as a whole. Use it to determine your capabilities, find out what you can claim in your career or personal life, find out what echoes of the past affect your life now, understand what you shouldn’t “get into”, because it’s useless ...

Divination to the question and the meaning of Tarot cards

Layout "Horseshoe" - best way getting answers to specific practical questions. It is done on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, consists of 7 positions, in which the prospects for the plan are outlined, the possible difficulties associated with its implementation, problems that have not been resolved in the past and can still affect it, etc. This is a free online fortune-telling that you can safely use whenever you have doubts or concerns about some business, undertaking, or expectation.

Diagnosis of the Aura on the Tarot cards is a kind of emergency " Ambulance", if you want to quickly get a complete picture of your energy state. The alignment considers key aspects regarding possible external influences on your biofield, the state of the aura in this moment and gives recommendations on what to do if you have problems in this regard. The alignment works online, and it can be used absolutely free of charge.

If with the help of ordinary Tarot you can find out about your past and future, then the Osho Zen deck speaks only about the present. It does not provide specific answers to concrete questions. But only is good tool for spiritual growth. "Life exists only in the present, the past no longer exists, and the future is just a fantasy. Therefore, you need to live in the present, and the future may depend on it...."

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Tarot spreads for divination at home

There are a lot of home divination methods on tarot cards. You can find them in books, specialized publications, on the Internet. Which of the tarot layouts is the most effective and truthful? It's hard to judge. We hope you choose correct option. We will offer you the basic methods and practices. The most important thing in divination by tarot is the time of its implementation. For divination for love by the most best time It is considered Christmas Eve, which falls on the night of 6 to 7 January.

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Popular layouts on Tarot cards

In this section, we have collected those divinations that have been on our site since the very first day of its existence. In this section simple lungs layouts for different topics, remarkably responsive to difficult questions. For beginners, this section is ideal. They don't just answer simple questions but also help to understand true reasons and intricacies of human behavior.

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Tarot spreads for employment, money

Free tarot readings for relationships

Divination and Tarot layouts for the future

Esoteric divination and tarot spreads for free

Free tarot divination for a trip, a trip

Tarot divination on the situation, question

Divination by Tarot"Pentagram" is intended for analysis of a confusing situation and clarification of hidden influences and circumstances raising doubts and uncertainty. This chart will help you see what affects the situation from the past, what are hidden factors of the situation in the present, what surprises may soon arise and where events will lead you. With the help of this online divination on the situation, you will be able to deal with the situation and take control of things.

Not everyone can tell fortunes on Tarot cards online for free, illustrated by the famous American artist Joseph Vargo, but only those who do not know fear. Free online divination on the mystical Gothic Tarot Vargo cards can reveal the deepest secrets of a person and are suitable for diverse layouts. The mysterious deck is full of scenes involving vampires, stone gargoyles and ghosts. To tell fortunes on a gloomy and dark, bright and merciless deck will be decided by those who are worthy of understanding it. Divination online for free on Tarot Varga cards will be appreciated by lovers of gothic, crypts, cemeteries, disturbing predictions and gloomy romance.

Nevertheless, it is the Vargo Tarot deck that is considered the most universal and objective according to predictions. Fortune telling on Tarot cards online for free on our website and deep and thorough interpretations of this deck will help to understand the causes and consequences of events. Tarot cards online will tell you everything, but the colors will thicken, you need to take this into account and extract the hidden meaning of what was said. To tell fortunes online and receive a warning about danger for free, to understand the cause of your fears and fears, to understand the passions and attachments that torment you, to separate will from coercion, Gothic Tarot cards will help you, here and now. Fortune telling on Tarot cards online for free and understanding yourself will help you gothic Tarot Vargo, causing horror and awe.

To start divination with Tarot cards online for free, select the divination you like and click "GUESS".

During divination, sounds can be turned off to focus entirely on the prediction.

Fortune telling for yourself: fortune telling online for free Personality card

To tell fortunes on Tarot Vargo cards and to know yourself, to penetrate the secrets of your subconscious, to comprehend the attitude of the people around you will help this alignment, which will help you rethink your attitude to the inner and outer world, and for someone, it may become an opportunity to change it and a guide to new action.

Fortune telling on the situation: fortune telling online for free

To tell fortunes on Tarot Vargo cards and analyze the situation that has developed at the moment in some area of ​​\u200b\u200byour activity, this alignment will help. He will suggest possible ways to resolve problems and suggest what can be done in these circumstances, as well as help to penetrate into the material and monetary essence of the issue.

Guess the question: fortune-telling online for free How to act in a situation?

To tell fortunes about the option of action in the current difficult situation and answer the question “What to do in this situation?” this alignment, analyzing the results of your steps, will help you. Take the received forecast with all seriousness, try to avoid the negative development of events that Tarot cards can predict.

Fortune telling for the near future: fortune telling online for free Forecast for the week

It is possible to tell fortunes for the near future on Tarot cards. This spread will give you a possible forecast for next week, for each day separately. This will help you plan your actions and avoid possible troubles, you just have to listen to the truthful recommendations of the Tarot cards.

Fortune telling on relationships: fortune telling online for free

This alignment will help you to tell fortunes about the relationship of another person and for love. He will reveal to you the secret feelings and thoughts of the intended person, his attitude towards you. Fortune telling will be more reliable if, before guessing, you tune in to the wave of this person, try to mentally penetrate into his secrets. A simple technique will help you with this - focus on your question and look at the photo of the person you are thinking about and about whom you want to know information. After that, start guessing.

Tell fortunes for a person: fortune telling for a person online for free by name and date of birth
Entity Map

This layout will help to tell fortunes about a person by name and date of birth on the Vargo Tarot cards and discover the most hidden secrets. He will tell you truthfully what a person is like, his thoughts and motives for actions when you enter his name and date of birth. In this scenario, you can tell fortunes for yourself, use it as a layout of the “Personality Card”. By entering your data, you can analyze your desires and your character. But divination on a person, revealing his essence, nevertheless, reflects the thoughts and feelings of a person on this moment time, it should be borne in mind that tomorrow everything can change and be different.

Fortune telling for health: fortune telling online for free

Fortune telling on health on Tarot cards and find out what you should pay attention to in your body Special attention this schedule will help. It will point you to the system in the body that is currently at risk. Tarot cards will help you with the diagnosis of diseases, indicate the disease that you are most at risk of getting sick now.

Fortune telling on the gothic tarot

The Gothic Vargo Tarot deck is based on the Rider Waite Tarot and Marseille Tarot. This mystical deck features cards depicting ghosts, vampires, and chimeras living in graveyards and hiding in abandoned family tombs. Whoever wants to tell fortunes on these Tarot cards involuntarily comes to mind the question of whether it is possible to find mutual language with these cards and with the powers contained in them. It seems incredible that they would want to let a person into their world and reveal the secret hidden behind seven seals. Can a mere mortal mysterious cards Tarot, on the image of which there are inscriptions that chill the blood in the veins, like this: "Abandon hope forever." It is immediately clear what is behind the door, on which such an inscription flaunts.

But we should not forget that the main character in the layouts on this deck is our own Shadow, hidden in the dark in the most unsightly and terrible guises. On the cards of the Gothic Tarot Vargo, faces are depicted distorted by thirst, unattainable passions, the pangs of loneliness, the torments of hunger and longing for the unrealizable, which will never come true for them.

The name of the artist Joseph Vargo became widely known to Tarot lovers in the early nineties. In his works, the artist lives in a mysterious dark world full of mysterious entities that enter into dialogue with him. Looking at his deck, one gets the impression of a penetrating blue light on dark background cards. Images blue color create the illusion of light coming from the half-open doors of the crypts and the eye sockets of dilapidated towers.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards online for free on such a deck will be terribly pleasant for those who love Gothic symbols, who like the romance of a creepy night cemetery, who prefer disturbing sensations and cannot imagine life without gloomy emotions. For those who like to tell fortunes with the call of the spirit on a saucer or on needles, the Gothic Tarot Vargo is able to reveal the secrets of the past and future associated with people who have gone to another world. In divination on the Tarot Vargo cards, everything is extremely clear and precise, there are no allegories of things and directions of action. In such arrangements additional cards for clarification, they are usually not needed, since the Gothic Tarot Vargo quite clearly gives the answer to the question posed.

Artist and mystic Joseph Vargo created a mysterious and unusually objective deck of cards that harmoniously combines light and dark. To understand the value of the information received and its veracity, you need to experience it. Entering mysterious world Taro Vargo you experience extraordinary emotional sensations that cannot be compared with anything, the Tarot Vargo cards serve as a pass to this ghostly world.

The deck consists like any other classic tarot deck of 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The artist gave Minor Arcana the appearance of the cards from the universal Tarot Waite deck, this made the conversation with the cards clear and understandable. In the images of the Tarot, Joseph Vargo refused to depict the symbols of the Golden Dawn on purpose, as he found them insufficiently clear and understandable in interpretation. This is a very life-affirming deck, it makes us remember that while we are alive, everything is in our hands, it is in this world that we are capable of many accomplishments, while we still have hopes and opportunities.

The deck of Gothic Tarot Vargo cards is called Saturnian. It's time to tell fortunes on Tarot cards online for free for thrill-seekers and talk with these magical Tarot cards to those for whom the Guardian of the Threshold is not just a phrase. If you consider death to be a transition to new stage development, it means that you do not need to look for a translator to understand the language that the Gothic Tarot Vargo cards speak to you. But don't let the images of strange and mysterious creatures, stone chimeras and vampires scare you, this is just a bizarre way to feel and make clear our fears and secret thoughts. You can tell fortunes and learn how to manage your hidden fears and desires on the Gothic Tarot Vargo cards. Tarot Vargo divination is true at any time, but much more mysterious and penetrating at night, when all our fears and demons come to life.

How else can you tell fortunes on Tarot cards online for free on our website

You can also tell fortunes online for free using Tarot cards on our website. You can tell fortunes on our website in other layouts, we have several types of divination on Tarot cards:

Map of the day online for free;

Free online divination three tarot cards past, present and future;

Free divination on the tarot guardian angels that protect you every minute;

Divination on marriage relations on the bride's tarot in online mode;

Fortune telling Tarot from the piggy bank of layouts free, just choose your layout from the eight proposed layouts.

It can be spreads on one or three cards, " Partnerships" or "Seven-pointed star", "Runic layout" or "Mystery of the Popess", "Ankh" or "Pyramid".

To select the next divination on Tarot cards, go to the page

Fortune telling online for free on Tarot cards has become simple and real, you just need to press the "Fortune telling" button. And whether or not to believe online fortune-telling, you decide for yourself, you just have to tell fortunes on Tarot cards online for free.

Good evening!
I have a strange life situation... it so happened that three martyrs seek my favor and I like all three ... I understand that I need to decide, but I don’t understand who I should choose. What do the cards say about it?
Choose 1st? no empress
Choose 2nd? yes world
Choose 3rd? no star
Should I leave them three? No court (somehow I think that if I can’t choose, maybe it’s all not feelings at all)
Should I wait for another really important martyr in my life? yes world
Thanks for the help!

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nothing serious will come of the first. If you want to get married - this is not for him. You can start with the second new life and she will be nice. The third one seems to be seeking you for the sake of sporting interest, he has no plans. It can attract, but this is all only external, feigned.
You can choose the second one or wait longer interesting option, the universe will provide it to you more than once.
Best regards, Veronica [email protected]

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Hello! I fell in love with a girl and we had a relationship, but now we are separated. Is there any chance to start again?

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Good evening, I have a question. The man borrowed money from me, now he does not give it back. He says that he has a good deal now and the money will be a little later. She asked if he now has the amount to give me or he is not lying. Knight of Pentacles, King of Swords, 10 of Cups. I really ask for help. I understand that he’s not lying, there will be money, he really did something with the King of Swords, but I didn’t understand about 10 bowls at all.

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Good day, dear Oracle! Your help is very much needed. I have something going on in both jobs.
Should I quit R? 8 Swords. Jester. 8 denarii.
Should I stay in R for now? Lady of Swords. 4 cups. 8 denarii.
What happens if I quit R? Hanged. 6 of Wands. Emperor.
What won't happen if I quit R? 4 Swords. Justice. Knight of Cups.
Will I be able to find a new main job before May? Devil. 9 cups. 10 cups.
How long will I work for O? Hanged. 2 Swords. Tower.
I'm a bit confused and don't know how to proceed.

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Hello, dear experts, please help me understand the cards drawn to the question "Will A. write to me in the next two weeks?" 6 cups; additional cards 7 swords; The hermit will be very grateful)

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Hello Oracle,
Will I meet my man?
2 denarii. Ace of wands. 2 cups
Thank you!

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Many thanks to your site, for more than five years now I have been with you ... I rarely go, but always to the "point". All the best to you and prosperity ...

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Hello Oracle. Help read what the cards say to my questions. There is no relationship, but we have to spend a lot of time together. I would like to understand what is happening.
What does he feel for me? Chariot, Queen of Pentacles, Hermit
How to treat me? Star, hermit, arrival
What are you thinking of doing about me? Jester, 2 cups, 4 cups
What is deceiving me? Sun, 6 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles (deceives in his good attitude? And what's wrong with money
How will our relationship develop in the near future? Peace, sun, 9 of cups
What is expected of me? Empress, 10 swords, 8 swords (I'm not free)
Should I write to him myself? King of Wands, 6 of Swords, Queen of Wands

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Hello Oracle!
She asked if the relationship with the man would be restored? Chariot, 10 denarii, 9 denarii
Quarreled on the contact is very hard.
Help to understand what the cards answered.

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Good time! Dear tarologists, please decipher the alignment.
I met a man from Europe in NW. An active correspondence ensued, I liked it. He wrote a lot and often. We went to viber, and then everything somehow withered. Do not understand why
1. Why was he silent? King of the Denarii
2. Are you disappointed in something? Ten denarii
3. Will there be a sequel? Three of Cups
4. What does he want from me? Emperor
5. What is its essence? Three of Cups
6. Is there a prospect of a serious relationship with him? Moon
7. How does he feel about me? Priestess

Thank you very much in advance!

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Hello Oracle!
How can I survive a breakup with a man, what is the advice of the cards?
Star.8 Pentacles. 8 cups. Justice.10 denarii

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Hello Oracle.
See what the cards say.
Is he cheating on me? 2 wands, king of swords, 4 denarii
What are your plans for me? Ace of denarii, justice, star
We quarreled, made a secret pocket, and what is hidden there - the lady of wands, why the devil.

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Dear Oracle! tell me how our relationship with our beloved man will develop - emperor, empress, justice.

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Dear Oracle! Please tell me what you see! Help out, as usual))). What does he plan for her? 9 denarii, 8 swords, queen of swords (she is the lady of denarii)
What will really happen between them in the near future? 2 swords, 6 denarii, king of wands
How does it affect our relationship? Queen of Cups, Ace of Denarius, Emperor
Jack of Wands, Empress, 7 of Cups
How does his sister influence our relationship? 6 of Cups, Lovers, Queen of Wands (this is my element)
Should I be afraid of her in the near future as a rival? Ace of Cups, 9 of Wands, Priestess.
Should I be afraid of other women? 4 denarii, 10 wands, jack of denarii
Will our relationship improve in the near future? Priestess, Sun, Wheel of Fortune. The last question concerned mainly whether we will now devote more time to the spiritual sphere, joint "outputs", leisure, and so on. quarrels, etc. we don't, it's just that our relationship is a bit one-sided.

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*Where the Knave of Wands, the Empress of 7 of Cups is a question. How does his sister influence his attitude towards her (this other woman)? Because there are suspicions that she is persuading him to leave me and be with the one, because. she is her friend.

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Hello Oracle!
Help, please, with the interpretation of the cards.
I told the martyr that I want a child.
How did you take it? Nine of Wands
What decision will he make (accept)? Tower, sun, four of wands
Thank you.

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Judging by the cards, he took it as an attack literally or internally and was ready to defend himself, maybe he was taken by surprise. A positive decision, but it should have a touch of harshness and surprise for him or you.

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Hello Dear Oracle!
Below you answered me that the man is upset that he can’t take everything he wants and weighs - and + .... He wants me to break up with my husband, insists ... but I’m still not motivated on his part)))
We met yesterday, very joyfully, warmly, as always in our rare meetings, maybe even hotter))) He is generally in recent times I have become closer, more attentive, I feel trying, I have become more emotionally invested in something, but we rarely see each other 1-2 times a month, the rest is SMS and phone.
Asked for cards
With what thoughts did you go to a meeting yesterday - magician
What are the feelings after the meeting - 8 of wands
What plans for our relationship is the ace of wands.
You, the Oracle, are just a balm for the soul! рџ?Ѓ Even when I hear from you, not quite what I want))) I just take it into account and work in the direction you have given. Treat more, if not difficult!)))
Thanks for your work!!!

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Dear Oracle, tell me your opinion, the situation is this - a pause with a man, a conflict due to his passivity and rare meetings. I asked the cards: "How does a man want to act towards me?" The Empress has fallen. What do you think that would mean? Thank you!

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Hello Dear Oracle!
Tell me the answer to this question: I have a birthday very soon, will my MCH show itself on this day, we are in a quarrel, and perhaps even completely parted - death, 9 swords, the sun
How will the birthday go, something no plans and no money (- jack of denarii, 4 of wands, 6 denarii
Thanks in advance.

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Hello Oracle! Tell me what do you see? They communicated well with the man (not in a relationship), in a friendly way. I see that his ardor has cooled down. And somehow it all comes to naught. Can't we get anything?
What does he think of me? Queen of Pentacles, Jester, 7 of Cups
What feelings does it experience? 2 of pentacles, World, Emperor
What are the goals for me? Tower, 6 of Pentacles, Priest
What will be the actions? 5 of Cups, Page of Swords, Priest
What will be the relationship in the next month? Page of Cups, 5 of Wands, Queen of Swords (my element)

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Dear Oracle, can I have your mail, something I really want a personal consultation))

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Only for you, and, only today - give me your e-mail, I will drop my mail to you ...

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Hello Oracle. Not quite a standard situation happened to me, I want to fight in it, it is important for me. We work together with a man, we started dating. Both are free. He is secretive, withdrawn and strange. Already he was almost going to marry me, for me this is incomprehensible, because. We've been talking for 1.5 months. But this is not the point, but the lack of sex (excuse me for writing specifically). I spend the night with him, we hug, kiss and that's it. I asked what was wrong, but nothing intelligible. AT last time, I just left, it’s some kind of humiliation, I can’t explain it, but I feel like I’m forcibly inclining him to this. An absurd situation for me. After that, he did not call or write, neither did I. We don't talk at work either. So what's the deal? Help ra... tsya.

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1-What do you think about the situation? death, empress, 5 swords
2-what does it feel? hermit, 10 denarii, rider of wands
3-What are you going to do? king of denarii, queen of swords, ace of denarii
Why didn't we have sex? rider of swords, jack of swords, 4 of wands
5-does he have problems in the male part? king of wands, 8 denarii
6-What does he want from me? 2 denarii, queen of wands, 10 wands
7- how should I behave? court, queen of swords, rider of cups
He is a Capricorn, I am a Taurus
Be grateful for the comment

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