Fortune telling on the relationship of two people. Divination for love and relationships online. Free divination. The layout "Love or friendship?"

Free fortune telling on Tarot cards online will help clarify contentious issues. We offer many options for free Tarot spreads: card of the day, divination for a situation on one card, "Tree of Lovers" - alignment for relationships, "When I get married", fortune telling for treason, "Seven-pointed star", one of the most powerful layouts - "Mystery Priestesses" and others.

With our tarot divination, you can learn everything about love and finance, health and career. You will be able to get answers to questions that require a specific yes or no answer and find out if your desire or expectation will come true. In addition, you will find here forecasts for the future, get a chance to use the help of horary numerology, and novice tarologists will be able to figure out the meanings of the Arcana of the deck.

Divination for love on Tarot cards online

What could be more important than relationships with a loved man! It is love that pushes us to accomplishments and deeds, and its absence deprives us of sleep and appetite. Century after century, poets talk about it, now arguing, now agreeing with each other. And the theme never ends...

By turning to Tarot divination for relationships and love, you can clarify heart issues. This alignment on the Tarot cards is called the "Tree of Lovers."

The alignment on the Tarot cards "To the Beloved" is an excellent tool for clarifying a whole range of issues related to the upcoming marriage. This is fortune-telling for a girl (woman) planning to marry a particular man. In it, in 9 positions, all significant aspects of the near- and long-term prospects of this union are considered and forecasts are made regarding the behavior of the future spouse under certain circumstances.

Is there a problem with marriage, and if so, what are the obstacles to it and how can they be overcome? There is a way to understand this - an old divination on Tarot cards.

The Tarot layout online “Will I Get Married” is a fortune-telling that will allow you to instantly and absolutely free of charge consider the real state of affairs, deal with the reasons for the disorder of your personal life and determine the next steps to correct them.

"Feelings of a beloved man for me" - free online alignment on a full Tarot deck, which allows you to predict the prospects for an alliance with a specific person. It is done for relationships that have already begun to form (or have prospects for this).

What could be worse than this uncertainty - "was there a betrayal or not"?! Such thoughts deprive you of sleep and appetite, make you lose faith in true love and fidelity ... You need to get rid of such moods quickly. At least in order to have the strength to live normally and build your future. And this free online fortune-telling on treason on Tarot cards will give you an exhaustive answer to such an ambiguous question.

This tarot spread is “What does he or she think of me?” is an effective assistant in difficult moments of life, when you are not sure or simply do not know how your loved one treats you. This is a free online service that will help you navigate his attitude towards you in this moment and, accordingly, understand how to behave in order to correct the situation.

Did you know that the mutual understanding of two people, especially when it comes to love relationships, to a large extent depends on their names? And what degree of this mutual understanding can be calculated on Tarot cards? On our site you can access for free online test on the compatibility of names in love and marriage with your partner (or partner), who will tell you how the Tarot system interprets your names and how you fit together.

Divination for the future - Tarot spreads online

Our life mainly consists of everyday life and trifles, days run after days, forcing us to rush, think, do something, make decisions. How to live today, so that tomorrow you won’t be offended, ashamed, annoyed for him? The answer to this question is exhaustively given by the card of the day - Tarot and its Magic power future predictions. In this case, the Tarot card turns out to be an objective adviser and friendly assistant.

Knowing forecasts for a few days is no less relevant than for a year or two ahead. After all, decisions need to be made every day. And to have an idea about the general atmosphere of the coming week, to receive advice or a warning for every day, means to get the opportunity to think through your actions several steps ahead, anticipate events and, accordingly, choose the best from the many options for your actions. "Seven-pointed Star" is a free online divination for the near future, which just gives such a chance.

A year is a long time. And a lot can happen during this time - great love and career take-off, moving and changing jobs. Fortune telling "Circular alignment" will help you understand what exactly to expect from the next twelve months, how they will be marked. You will walk through the milestones of each of them online, and this will allow you to understand in one minute exactly how you should behave, what you should avoid and what to pay attention to. So here it is - free way lift the veil of secrecy, which every time appears before us in the form of hopes, fears and anticipations from the next life cycle.

Celtic cross - universal remedy to resolve any issues. Celtic cross online and free - a convenient opportunity to use it all the time. Mentally ask your question and make a deal. Everything is very simple - a single click of the mouse and now you have a complete picture of the situation, covering all its aspects.

Tarot forecast by date of birth for a year is a proven method of prediction, which, moreover, makes it possible to comprehensively analyze this time period. We will teach you how to correctly calculate the number of "your" Arcana, under the influence of which you will have to live for next year. And then you just have to read your forecast, which - and there is no doubt about it - will provide good food for useful thought. In a word, consider, read and get ready to live another - maybe difficult, but perhaps, on the contrary, very successful - year of your life.

This is an online alignment for fate. It contains about a dozen positions, in which it answers in detail all the main questions that concern every person when he tries to embrace and comprehend his life as a whole. Use it to determine your capabilities, find out what you can claim in your career or personal life, find out what echoes of the past affect your life now, understand what you shouldn’t “get into”, because it’s useless ...

Divination to the question and the meaning of Tarot cards

Layout "Horseshoe" - best way getting answers to specific practical questions. It is done on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, consists of 7 positions, in which the prospects for the plan are outlined, the possible difficulties associated with its implementation, problems that have not been resolved in the past and can still affect it, etc. This is a free online fortune-telling that you can safely use whenever you have doubts or concerns about some business, undertaking, or expectation.

Diagnosis of the Aura on the Tarot cards is a kind of emergency " Ambulance", if you want to quickly get a complete picture of your energy state. The alignment considers key aspects regarding possible external influences on your biofield, the state of the aura in this moment and gives recommendations on what to do if you have problems in this regard. The alignment works online, and it can be used absolutely free of charge.

- often to get a response to question asked it is enough to draw one card, its meaning is the answer to your question. In this case, the possibility of misinterpretation is excluded, because there are no other cards that can confuse you. Highly recommended for beginners as well as those who are interested in specific question.

Divination provided online statistics. All your predictions are remembered.

With this divination you can check whether you and your partner match by your names and which tarot card your name represents.

Moreover, you can find out the meaning and compatibility of cities, countries, and indeed any words and phrases.

The principle of divination is that each combination of letters corresponds to a certain numerological value, which, in turn, corresponds to a certain Tarot card. Next, it is checked how the resulting cards are combined.

- one of the simplest and most concise spreads possible, however, it allows you to answer the most difficult question that causes anxiety.

Only three cards are selected: the first one shows the recent past, affecting your question, the second - the present and its impact on your question, the third - final result.

Four directions of the world- this layout is one of the simplest and most versatile layouts. It is suitable even for beginners, but requires a very precise formulation of the question. The more specific the question, the more accurate the answer will be.

The layout shows what significant event awaits you in the future what cannot be done in this regard, what Tarot cards recommend to do and the final result if the recommendation is fulfilled.

- this alignment is used to interpret current position affairs and events. It allows you to orient yourself in what is currently happening around you, to better see what is happening from all sides, and helps to predict upcoming difficulties.

With this information, you can prepare for the challenges ahead and deal with them more easily, and in some cases avoid them altogether.

In this and all subsequent layouts, significator- a card around which the Tarot layout is built, denotes a person who is being guessed at.

- this alignment can help to accept important decision. You are predicted two solutions Your problem and the results of each solution. You just have to choose which of the two proposed to accept (or not to accept both - it's up to you). Prediction does not choose for you the best way, it only shows the results of one and the other solution. The choice is yours.

- a layout showing the past incarnation. Sometimes it happens that you are not interested, neither the past, nor the future, nor the present - you want to know at least something about your previous incarnation. Are you interested in what karma do you have came into this life, what they have to work out, what to pay special attention to. In this case, the Infinity alignment will help you.

When cards are laid out by hand, this is done with the left hand. When online mode, it is recommended to click on the cards with your left hand.

Seven pearls of Isis- the schedule is applied in cases where the problem has already occurred or something greatly disturbs you, and you need to carefully analyze the reasons for what is happening. To get as much information as possible on the issue that concerns you, this alignment is used.

The alignment can be useful if you feel that you are not in control of the situation, and something important is constantly eluding you.

- the alignment can help if you are in difficult situation negatively affecting your psyche.

The cards offer you detailed analysis situation, its causes, the origins of the problem, the possibility of overcoming the crisis, active steps towards out of the crisis and the end result of these efforts.

- a layout that helps to see how each of the two fans treats you, and what you will come to if you choose the 1st or 2nd fan.

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Tarot spreads for employment, money

Free tarot readings for relationships

Divination and Tarot layouts for the future

Esoteric divination and tarot spreads for free

Free tarot divination for a trip, a trip

Tarot divination on the situation, question

Divination by Tarot"Pentagram" is intended for analysis of a confusing situation and clarification of hidden influences and circumstances raising doubts and uncertainty. This chart will help you see what affects the situation from the past, what are hidden factors of the situation in the present, what surprises may soon arise and where events will lead you. With the help of this online divination you can handle the situation deal with the situation and take control of things.

Do you want to know your future destiny with the help of Tarot cards, but don't know where to start? In this article, we will tell the reader about the Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation, give examples of divination on the situation and love, and also tell about another, no less interesting information. Enjoy reading!

Layouts for beginners: what is their feature

If you are just starting to learn the basics of divination on Tarot cards, we recommend that you study simple spreads(for three or four cards). Their peculiarity lies in the correctness of the formulation of the question, the observance of order, the accuracy of unfolding. See below for details.

Note! No types of Tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation do not like haste, a momentary desire to “create something” on the part of a fortuneteller. Any fortune-telling is the result of a balanced decision that should not be regretted (regardless of the cards drawn). Each alignment should be carried out with good health, complete peace, renunciation of problems. Willingness to expand one's own consciousness for the knowledge of the Truth, complete renunciation of the desired result - the main postulates of successful divination

Video tarot spreads for beginners with interpretation will help you explore the secrets of the world of tarot deeper. If this is not enough for you, visit the courses of the Russian School of Tarot or read the book by tarologist Sergey Savchenko "Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards".

Consider examples of divination for three or four cards - this will make it possible to understand the essence of the chosen deck, to find out the answers regarding the question of interest.

Three Card Spread

Fortune telling will be able to shed light on current circumstances, tell about events from the past, predict the future. Focus, shuffle your deck and draw three cards at random, (from left to right) as shown in the diagram below.

The interpretation of the positions of the layout is as follows:

  1. Symbolizes past events. Thanks to the interpretation of the values ​​that have fallen out, the fortuneteller will be able to determine the real cause of the development of current problems.
  2. Current state of affairs (life situation/presence, absence of problems, etc.)
  3. Final map - how it all ends

The layout of the "Small Pyramid" (4 cards)

This fortune-telling will help to give an answer to an existing problem, to predict the outcome of the current situation. To begin, shuffle the deck, ask a clear, concise question, laying out random cards according to the scheme below.

The interpretation of the layout is as follows:

  1. Interpretation of the essence of the problem. The task is to determine the present state of affairs
  2. Emotions, feelings that directly affect the current situation
  3. Materialism, earthiness of the existing problem
  4. The final map is a generalized answer to the question asked

Tarot spreads for beginners with an interpretation of love and relationships

Consider popular layouts for beginners with an interpretation of love and relationships. Details are below.

The layout of "Magic love"

This type of divination predicts the future in the sphere love relationship. Suitable for those who have not yet met a life partner, but want to learn about the prospects for a fateful meeting. For fortune telling, both the Elders and Minor Arcana decks (preferably use one of the traditional ones).

To get a true prediction, focus, discard extraneous thoughts, shuffle the deck, pulling out seven cards, laying them on the table according to the diagram below.

The interpretation of the positions is as follows:

  1. The card answers the question "Will true love ever meet?"
  2. Feeling of complete security next to the second half
  3. The prospect of legalizing relations (presence / absence of official marriage)
  4. Will there be similarities in the tastes of the fortuneteller with previous love interests
  5. Presence/absence financial obligations between partners
  6. Will quivering tender feelings between partners persist for a long time
  7. Advice from the Tarot card - how to behave in order for the meeting of the second half to take place in the near future

The layout of the "New Beloved"

Fortune telling is suitable for those who are in a bored relationship, but want to tell fortunes for love. This Tarot layout will tell everything about the upcoming relationship that will be in the next period of time, revealing the features of the future soulmate. The principle of divination is the same as in the previous scenario, the main thing is to tune in, freeing your mind from unnecessary thoughts. Ask the cards a question of interest by laying out the cards according to the diagram below.

The interpretation of the cards is as follows.

  1. Does it make sense to expect a love relationship in the near future
  2. The lasso will notify the person you meet on the way about the Sign of the Zodiac. Before starting the interpretation, specify the dropped suit and correspondences for the selected deck of cards
  3. Compatibility with a future lover
  4. The position will indicate the duration of the union (short-term / long-term relationship)
  5. Will the person be congenial or will he be in a different category
  6. The final card - how will this relationship end

Tarot spreads for beginners for fate and the future

Below are Tarot layouts for fate with an interpretation for beginners. Let's consider each of them in detail.

The layout of "Surprise"

Fortune telling is acceptable for situations when a person thinks about the upcoming changes and their impact on his life. Allows you to receive warnings about unexpected turns Life Path knowing their character.

Note. Before the start of the layout, it is necessary to determine the time interval of fortune-telling (the permissible interval is from one month to a year)

First, determine your significator, then draw 13 cards from the deck, laying them out according to the figure below.

The interpretation of the dropped positions is as follows:

  • S - Significator of the querent (questioner)
  • 1 - Current state of affairs
  • 2, 3, 4 - The presence / absence of negative events that will occur in the near future
  • 5,6,7 - Presence/absence of positive events
  • 8, 9 - The impact of the above events on the financial component of the querent (losses, profits, etc.)
  • 10, 11 - Direct / indirect influence of circumstances on the fortuneteller's emotions (upset, sadness, moral exhaustion, elation, joy, etc.)
  • 12 - Tarot advice regarding elimination negative manifestations, minimizing the destructive effect, etc.
  • 13 - general characteristics the nearest future of a person in a certain time period

"Intersection" layout

Fortune telling reflects the influence of decisive (fateful) actions on the everyday life of a fortuneteller. The alignment will help to find out the events of the near future, to identify ways to solve possible problems.

Note. Fortune-telling is preferably carried out for a short period of time (a week - three months)

Before starting fortune-telling, you should choose a significator of personality. Shuffle the deck carefully, randomly drawing ten cards, laying them out according to the scheme below.

The interpretation of the cards is as follows:

  • S - Significator of the querent
  • 1, 2, 4, 5 - What will happen in the life of a fortuneteller in the near future
  • 3 - Card advice: how to act in order to avoid unexpected cases, problems
  • 6, 7 - Negative events, problems, obstacles in the way of the questioner
  • 8, 9 - Ways to overcome difficulties, unforeseen difficulties, etc.

Tarot spreads for beginners with interpretation for work

Consider some types of layouts for work (with detailed interpretation for beginners).

Layout "Employment"

Fortune telling will be relevant in cases where the fortuneteller plans to go to the first place of work. It will also be useful to the unemployed who want to know the prospects for employment. Preparation for divination is identical, draw 8 cards at random (not counting the significator), laying them out according to the figure below.

The interpretation of the cards is as follows:

  • S - Fortune teller's significator
  • 1 - Probability of getting the desired job
  • 2 - Having an employment decision
  • 3, 4 - What will be the working conditions and wages
  • 5, 6 - How will the relationship with employees develop
  • 7 - Circumstances at work, what are they (positive/negative/neutral)
  • 8 - Perspectives career development and/or salary increase

Alignment "Analysis of professional activity"

Fortune telling is applicable for those who wish to receive an objective assessment of their professional activity. The cards will show the presence / absence of favorable changes, which should be expected in the near future. Lay out the cards according to the indicated scheme.

The positions are interpreted as follows:

  1. How are things going for the current time period?
  2. How would you like your professional activity to proceed?
  3. The present state of affairs (according to the cards)
  4. Fears, fears associated with the position
  5. Presence/absence of growth prospects
  6. Will the future position bring moral satisfaction
  7. How will the situation develop in the near future?
  8. Advice from the card

Tarot spreads for beginners for self-knowledge and personality

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main layouts of the Tarot, which allow you to determine the state of your Life Path and personal growth.

Alignment "Steps to the soul"

Divination "reveals" all the hidden qualities of your inner "I". To start divination, carefully shuffle the cards, laying them out according to the scheme below.

  1. The state of your personality for the current period of time
  2. The intentions / motives of the fortuneteller. Determine for yourself the main values ​​/ needs in life, including the focus of the main energy
  3. Achievements and successes, fruits of labor
  4. What are your positive traits(abilities, talents, best character traits)
  5. What are your weaknesses and/or limitations?
  6. Fortuneteller's addictions (alcohol, smoking, limited behavior patterns)
  7. Personal dignity. Determine for yourself who you really are, who you would like to see yourself in the eyes of others
  8. Dreams, hopes (what inspires, upsets, gives joy, gives happiness)
  9. How do you treat others (plans, outlook on life, possible consequences)
  10. Advice from the card - how to behave in order to become better

The layout "Your way"

This fortune-telling will make it possible not to stumble and choose the right path in life. See the layout diagram below.

The interpretation of the positions is as follows.

  1. Decide on goals and what you want to achieve
  2. The presence of possible obstacles
  3. What makes it possible for you to “move forward” (pay attention to this)
  4. What makes it impossible to move on (people, objects that pull you down)
  5. Personal Factors to Develop for Success

Let this information help you learn the basic basics of Tarot. Stay tuned for updates and don't forget to leave comments. All the best!