Phytoncides of plants. Research work "the effect of phytoncides of indoor plants on simple organisms" Aloe phytoncides

Substances produced by plants and having a variety of chemical nature. They inhibit the development or kill bacteria and multicellular organisms (flies, worms, mice, etc.) and protect plants from diseases; they are a kind of immunity factor for plants.

Properties of phytoncides

Phytoncides possess bactericidal properties(that is, the ability to kill microbes). A Soviet biologist discovered phytoncides V. P. Tokin(1928). The scientist drew attention to the fact that the ciliates (single-celled animals), which were next to the onion gruel, all died. B.P. Tokin reported on his discovery at the International Congress of Cytologists in Amsterdam. Phytoncides are found in higher and lower plants. They can be in both gaseous and dissolved form. Phytoncides are used to fight some infectious diseases. For example, fir needles, young shoots, young bark, wormwood, oregano, wormwood, hyssop have antibacterial properties. As well as juices, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, lingonberries, cranberries.
and have anti-diphtheria and anti-typhoid properties.
Garlic and onion. There are volatile phytoncides, that is, acting at a distance, and those that have an effect when using the fruits of volatile plants.

A lot of phytoncides are found in the fruits of ash, bird cherry, cedar, sea buckthorn and other plants.

Phytoncides in plant fruits. Volatile, odorless phytoncides have the same effect as odorous ones. With injuries and diseases of plants, large amounts of phytoncides are released. They are used to control pests of cultivated plants. The action of phytoncides explains the healing properties of green spaces. Volatile substances of some plants, in addition, can act on other plants, so some flowers (for example, lilacs and lilies of the valley) cannot be combined in bouquets. Aronia, barberry, cranberries, grapes, pomegranates, blackberries, viburnum, cranberries, lemons, red rowan, black currant, blueberries have bactericidal properties.

We use this substance every day without even knowing it. Phytoncide is an invaluable gift to a person from the plants surrounding him, which has the most beneficial effect on our entire body.


If to speak plain language, phytoncide is a biologically active substance that destroys harmful microbes that lead to the development of serious pathologies (tuberculosis, typhoid fever, dysentery and other infectious diseases). These drugs are formed the following types plants:

  • deciduous - acacia, oak, poplar, birch, bird cherry;
  • conifers - spruce, fir, pine, juniper;
  • exotic - boxwood, citrus, cypress;
  • medicinal plant species - chamomile, aloe, yarrow, sage, nettle, coltsfoot and others.

But those plants that we used to use in our dishes as seasonings are especially detrimental to microbes. These are the well-known onions, garlic, red pepper, mustard, horseradish. Tomatoes, beets, carrots, parsley and celery deal well with harmful organisms. But that's not all positive traits phytoncides. These substances are able to activate most of the processes in our body, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, and normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Invisible weapon

Phytoncide is a substance that a plant releases in order to protect itself. With its help, it copes with the harmful effects of insects, fungi and bacteria. Phytoncides are a complex of antimicrobial substances, consisting of powerful chemical compounds(aldehydes, ethers, alcohols) that can suppress the development of microorganisms or completely destroy them.

Antibiotic of natural origin

Phytoncide is a substance that provides the natural immunity of every tree, flower, bush. It can be said for sure that absolutely all plants emit this substance, just in some cases it remains useful only for themselves, while in others it brings invaluable benefits to human health.

The spectrum of impact of these biologically active substances extraordinarily wide. Some plants produce phytoncides in large quantities and thus provide good growth their weak brethren. So, in a coniferous forest, the air can be called almost sterile. He exerts a strong therapeutic effect on the human body. That is why doctors recommend walking more often on outdoors and in park areas, and at home to keep a sufficient amount indoor plants that help clean the air from harmful bacteria.

The power of phytoncides

A number of studies were carried out, as a result of which it turned out that the phytoncides of some plants (onions, garlic) are capable of killing mobile bacteria and even a tubercle bacillus. So, for example, mannik (cereal plant) is capable of literally destroying a number of multicellular organisms - horseflies and flies - in just seconds.

Fragrant flowering bird cherry is sung in songs and pleases those around with its fragrant appearance, but not everyone knows that it deals with small insects in the most merciless way. Flying up to the tree at the moment of its lush flowering they won't last even a few seconds. The most tenacious creatures on earth - rats, cannot be near the bird cherry for more than a few minutes, and, having inhaled its phytoncides, they literally die within half an hour.

Mechanism of action

How does it work" chemical weapon"? The action of phytoncides was studied back in the thirties of the last century by the scientist Tokin. He conducted simple, but most demonstrative experiments, in which a small piece of land from the forest was used. It was dissolved in water and a few drops of this mixture were applied to glass. From a plant, also brought from the forest zone, juice was squeezed out, which dripped into the center of the earthen solution. Microscope observations showed that after a quarter of an hour most of the living microorganisms in the soil died. , amoeba).

Significance for a person

The properties of phytoncides are very valuable for our health. Sometimes they are a good alternative to stronger, synthetic antibiotics. Their action is soft, gentle, but the effect is very persistent. What plants are considered the most useful?

  1. Mint - its phytoncides help to relax, relieve headaches, lower blood pressure.
  2. Fragrant plants (oregano, lemon balm, pine needles) - their phytoncides relieve stress, calm the nervous system.
  3. Lilac - its phytoncides can quickly increase blood pressure.
  4. Red pepper, onion, garlic, horseradish - their phytoncides are detrimental to pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  5. Poplar - phytoncides inhibit the activity and reproduction of Staphylococcus aureus, increase blood pressure.
  6. Oak - its phytoncides, on the contrary, reduce pressure well.
  7. Coniferous trees - their phytoncides significantly increase the body's resistance to physical activity, destroy Koch's wand, which provokes the development of tuberculosis, and also perfectly increase immunity.
  8. Decoctions of medicinal herbs have a powerful healing effect on the entire body.
  9. Essential oils well disinfect, heal, disinfect and accelerate healing.


Plants that produce phytoncides are found everywhere, and onions are one of the brightest representatives. It was used as a powerful remedy by our ancestors and today does not give up its positions. Onions are widely used in traditional medicine, and almost everyone knows about its excellent bactericidal properties. In addition to phytoncides, the composition contains many essential oils, minerals, organic acids and vitamins that bring undoubted benefits to our body. So, onion gruel compresses are used for the rapid healing of wounds. Its phytoncides easily deal with pathogens of dysentery, tuberculosis and cholera.


Its chemical composition includes allicin, also a phytoncide. This substance has a sharp specific smell and has a detrimental effect on various fungi and bacteria. Garlic has been used since ancient times as a powerful protective agent. With its help, they protected the house from evil spirits and treated various kinds of ailments. Now it is used to normalize intestinal microflora, and alcohol solutions based on it successfully cope with Koch's bacillus, causative agents of typhoid and cholera. AT harmonious combination phytoncides of plants (onion and garlic) can significantly improve human health, protect it from various kinds of viral infections and purify indoor air well.

Green Healers

Scientists have calculated that all the plants of our planet annually replenish the atmosphere with 490 million tons of phytoncides. A person, inhaling them, disinfects the lungs and the entire body as a whole. Green spaces play a very important role in our life, they create a kind of protection against bacteria and viruses. In addition, they contain bactericidal juice, which contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and overall health. That is why it is so important to plant yards and premises.

The effect of phytoncides on our body can be shown on the very simple example. It is enough to leave a bouquet with fragrant bird cherry, lilies of the valley or lilies at the head of your bed. In the evening, their aroma will seem magical, but the very next day, a person who inhales it all night will wake up with an excruciating headache. This indicates a powerful effect of these substances on the body and their strong concentration in a rather small plant.

Ordinary indoor flowers, such as geranium, chrysanthemum or begonia, can lower concentration harmful microorganisms in the air by fifty or more percent. Now it has become fashionable to replace them exotic species. Here it is better to opt for myrtle or eucalyptus, which perfectly clean the room from flies and mosquitoes.

Each hectare of forest emits a certain amount of phytoncides per year:

  • deciduous - two kilograms;
  • coniferous - five kilograms;
  • juniper - up to thirty kilograms.

This amount will be enough to completely cleanse the city of germs. medium size. So, in the birch forest for one square meter accounts for up to 450 microbes, and in a typical modern operating room allowable norms there are five hundred non-pathogenic microorganisms per square meter. The air in the forests is clean and healthy. It is not for nothing that famous sanatoriums are built in pine forests. So filled useful substances the environment has a positive effect on our health, and children who have lived next to pine forests for at least a few years can later boast of strong immunity.

Rice. 1. American agave - Agave americana L. (Agave - Agavaceae Endl.).

Agave americana - A gave americana L. (Agave - Agavaceae Endl.). (Fig. 1). Agaves are representatives of the flora of the southern United States, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. Large perennial rosette leaf succulents, monocarpics. Leaves up to 1-2 m long and 20-25 cm wide, grayish-green, powerful, hard, fleshy, lanceolate, wide, with strong spikes along the edges. Toward the top, the leaf narrows, turning into a sharp large spike. After flowering (once in a lifetime - in our latitudes up to 70 years) and the ripening of seeds in the inflorescence (in the axils of the pedicels), bulbs appear, developing into small plants with leaves and roots. As they fall, they take root. Appears at the base of the stem a large number of processes - daughter rosettes, which are separated and rooted. Possesses phytoncidal properties, cleans indoor air from microbes. Agave leaves contain saponins active against Walker's carcinosarcoma, agavoside, which has the ability to inhibit the growth of malignant neoplasms, so agave has found wide application in medical practice.

Aloe treelike - Aloe arborescens Mill . (Asphodelaceae - Asphodelaceae Juss.). (Fig. 2). Centennial, rannik. Homeland - South Africa. evergreen succulent tree plant 1-4 m height. The stems are erect, branching, with numerous traces of leaves in the lower part. The leaves are arranged alternately, juicy, fleshy, bluish-green, brought together in the upper part of the stem in the form of a rosette, amplexicaul, xiphoid, bordered by soft spikes. Flowers orange, drooping, on thin stalks; collected in an inflorescence - a thick brush that appears from the axils of the upper leaves.

Rice. 2. Aloe tree - Aloe arborescens Mill.

Other types of aloe also have phytoncidal properties: A. present (A. vera L.), A. prickly (A. ferox Mill.), A. socotrinskoe (A. succotriana Lam.), A. folded (A. plicatilis (L .) Mill.), A. soap (A.saponaria (Aitt.) Haw.), etc. All of these species are widely distributed. In a room culture, the air in the room is healed. Aloe is a Muslim symbol. Pilgrims returning from Mecca bring with them a sprig of the plant and hang it upside down in the direction of Mecca over the threshold of the dwelling, into which after that evil spirits cannot penetrate. Chemical composition: Aloe contains glycosides of geconin, a steroid compound. Leaves and fresh juice are used for external use (for wounds and abscesses) and for oral administration (for diseases of the stomach, liver, lungs). The drugs have a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, expectorant effect.

Rice. 3. Caucasian Hylotelephium (L.) (Grossh.) H.Ohba

Hylotelephium caucasus (L.) ( Grossh .) H . Ohba (Crassulaceae - Crassulaceae DC.) (Fig. 3). Bunny cabbage. Homeland - Caucasus: all areas. Herbaceous succulent plant with erect stems. The leaves are arranged alternately, ovate-oblong, dark green. The inflorescence is dense, corymbose, the flowers are small, purple. The fruit is a multi-seeded leaflet. The plant contains organic acids, alkaloids, coumarins, tannins, flavonoids. Root infusions stimulate the central nervous system. In Georgia, the plant is used to treat skin diseases and inflammatory processes. Leaves - wound healing, antiscorbutic, fungicidal, hemostatic; are also used for impotence, epidermophytosis. The juice has antiseptic properties.

Rice. 4. Kalanchoe pinnata - Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Peresson

Kalanchoe pinnate Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Peresson (Crassulaceae - Crassulaceae DC.) (Fig. 4). Homeland - South and tropical Africa and about. Madagascar. Distributed in the tropics of the New World, in tropical Asia, Australia, South and Central America, Mexico, the islands of the Caribbean, Hawaii. perennial evergreen height up to 1 m or more. The leaves are fleshy, juicy, whole in the lower part of the stem, ovate, large, pinnate in the upper part, with 3-5 lobes, mostly oblong-ovate, the edges of the leaves are serrated, on which "children" develop in large numbers - young plants. The flowers are greenish-white-pink, with a corolla tube up to 3.5 cm, collected in apical paniculate inflorescences. Blooms profusely from January to late May. The aerial part contains flavonoids, tannins, polysaccharides, organic acids, micro and macro elements (Al, Mg, Ca, Cu, Si, Mn). Kalanchoe juice acts like aloe juice, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid cleansing and healing of wounds and ulcers, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and has low toxicity. It is used as an external remedy for necrotic processes, during skin grafting to prepare wounds for secondary sutures. Used in complex therapy for purulent wounds, after opening abscesses, felons, boils. Used in the complex treatment of patients with erysipelas. In ophthalmology, juice is used in the treatment of burns, injuries, keratitis, corneal erosion, dystrophic damage to the elements of the eye, pigmentary retinal degeneration, and herpetic keratitis. Used in dental practice for inflammation of the gums; in obstetric and gynecological practice.

Laurel noble L aurus nobilis L. (Laurel - Lauraceae Juss.) (Fig. 5). Homeland - the Mediterranean. Evergreen dioecious tree up to 4-6 m tall or shrub. The leaves are medium-sized, lanceolate, smooth, leathery, bright green, slightly wavy, with prominent veins below. The flowers are small, white, inconspicuous, the inflorescence is an umbrella, located in the axils of the leaves.

Fig.5. Noble laurel - Laurus nobilis L.

The fruit is a small, oval, black-brown or blue drupe. The leaves of the plant contain oil of complex composition. The roots contain sesquiterpene lactones, catechins, flavonoids, anthocyanins; in the bark and wood - alkaloids. An essential oil was found in the fruits. Leaf preparations in the Caucasus are used for rheumatism, paralysis, dislocations, deafness, cough, scabies. An infusion of dried leaves in vegetable oil is rubbed against arthritis, myositis, and neuralgia. The decoction is drunk for dermatoses and malaria.

common lemon C itrus lemon Burm. (Rutaceae - Rutaceae lindl.) (Fig. 6). Not known in the wild. Homeland - Southeast Asia. Cultivated on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. evergreen tree up to 3-5 (7) m high. Shoots with thorns. The leaves are leathery, oblong-ovate, with winged petioles. The flowers are white with a pink tinge, axillary, solitary or in few-flowered racemes, with a delicate delicate aroma. The fruit is a light yellow "orange" with a hard-to-peel peel. Fruit pulp contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, citric, malic acids, pectin (gelling) substances, fiber, vitamins C, B 1 , B 2 , PP.

Rice. 6. Lemon ordinary - Citrus limon Burm.

The leaves contain essential oil, vitamin C. Lemon fruits are an effective capillary strengthening agent, which is prescribed for scurvy, anemia, sciatica, acute articular rheumatism, gout, bile and urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, jaundice, dropsy, tuberculosis, edema of cardiac origin, infectious and viral diseases. Lemon juice or pulp is indicated for thirst in febrile patients, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (low acidity, for example, with hypocidic gastritis), and mineral metabolism disorders. Diluted juice is used for rinsing with inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, with tonsillitis, diphtheria, pharyngitis. Outwardly - with fungal diseases and the treatment of hypo- and beriberi, with atherosclerosis. Lemons are used to remove freckles, age spots, fungal diseases, to soothe itching in eczema, with oily facial seborrhea (lemon juice and cologne (I: I). Lemon bark boiled in sugar is used to improve digestion. Freshly cut lemon is applied to epigastric region in the form of mustard plaster for toxicosis in pregnant women as a distraction.

Myrtle ordinary Myrtus communis L . (Myrtle - Myrtaceae R.Br.). (Fig. 7). Homeland - the Mediterranean. Evergreen densely leafy shrub up to 1 m in height with tetrahedral small hairy shoots, leaves are dark green, small, leathery, lanceolate or oval, pointed, with numerous glands containing essential oils, which causes a pleasant aroma. The flowers are white, with a yellowish or pink tint, up to 2 cm in diameter, solitary, axillary, very fragrant. The fruit is a dark blue berry. Myrtle contains a large amount of essential oil, antibiotics, phytoncides. It is used in the perfume industry and medicine. In the room where it is grown, it acts as a nurse due to its pronounced phytoncidal properties. The antibacterial drug (tincture of myrtle) is active against spore-bearing and acid-resistant bacteria. Possesses

Rice. 7. Common myrtle - Myrtus communis L.

tonic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. With a positive effect, the tincture is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, nephritis, kidney tuberculosis, exacerbation of chronic pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, and a number of other diseases. Myrtle in the form of a wreath heals tumors. Extract from it, inhaled in the form of vapors, cures migraine. Flowers infused with water, according to the ancients, restore lost beauty. An infusion of the leaves in the form of a compress on the forehead, temples and legs gives restorative sleep to the sick, exhausted by fever. From the juice of the crushed fruit with alcohol, an oily liquid is obtained, which is considered a means of smoothing wrinkles and restoring the freshness of the skin.

Wine infusion of fruits is considered an elixir of vigor, health, they were treated in the hope of restoring strength and restoring health. Young

unblown fragrant buds were used as a means of strengthening the stomach.

Rice. 8. Bent stonecrop - Sedum reflexum L.

stonecrop bent Se dum reflexum L. (Crassulaceae - Crassulaceae DC.). (Fig. 8). Homeland - Europe, found in Ukraine, in the Ciscaucasia. Herbaceous evergreen perennial. Stems creeping, forming cushion thickets. Leaves are bluish, subulate. The flowers are yellow, collected in a corymbose inflorescence. The fruit is a multi-seeded polyleaf. Blooms in June-July. Contains carbohydrates, organic acids: oxalic, citric, malic; tannins, flavonoids. The extract is more biologically active than aloe extract. It has phytoncidal antibacterial properties.

Rice. 9. Pelargonium pink - Pelargonium roseum Willd.

Pelargonium pink Re largonium roseum Willd. (Geraniaceae - Geraniaceae Juss.) (Fig. 9). pink geranium, fragrant geranium. plant of hybrid origin. It is believed that a number of species of pelargonium took part in its formation, including P. radula L "Her., P. capitatum Ait., P. qraviеolens L" Her. (from the Cape of Good Hope). Evergreen shrub up to 1.5-2 m in height. The aerial parts of the plant are softly pubescent, with capitate (glandular) hairs located between simple, thin, long hairs, and have a strong, pleasant smell. The stem is erect, slightly woody at the base. Leaves on long petioles deeply five-, seven-fingered separate. The flowers are pink, collected in a simple umbrella. Insecticide (dry leaves - moth repellant). It has significant phytoncidal properties, heals indoor air. In freshly harvested raw materials, the content of essential oil is 0.1-0.2%, in dry - 1-3%. Contains citronellol, geraniol and other alcohols. Decorative, medicinal. Widely used in room culture. The essential oil contained in the capitate hairs is used to flavor medicines. In medicine, pelargonium essential oil is used similarly to rose. It has an anti-inflammatory effect in angina, for gargling and lubricating the gums. Pelargonium - good remedy for inhalation for headaches.

Fig.10. Rosemary officinalis - Rosmarinus officinalis L.

Rosemary officinalis Rosmarinus officinalis L . (Lamiaceae -Lamiaceae Lindl.) (Fig. 10). Homeland - the Mediterranean, the Alps. Evergreen shrub 0.5-1.5 (2) m in height. The green parts of the plant have a characteristic odor. The leaves are opposite, oblong-linear, dark green above, white-tomentose below with a sharply protruding midrib, with essential oil glands. The flowers are pale violet-blue, almost sessile, collected 5-10 in racemose inflorescences at the ends of the branches. Blooms from February to May. Leaves and apical shoots contain essential oil, alkaloids, ursolic and rosmarinic acids, tannins.

In the countries of the Mediterranean, Europe in the Middle Ages, there was a belief that the presence of rosemary in the house is effective against old age, plague and witches. In our time, it has been proven that, having strong volatile properties, it cleans the air of the room from germs. According to the legends of the peoples of Europe, flowering rosemaries bring peace and happiness to the house. It is used as an antiseptic in the treatment of wounds and rashes, when fumigating rooms in which there were sick people or animals. The leaves are used to improve appetite and digestion. In the form of an aqueous infusion and essential oil - as a carminative, tonic and sedative for cardiac neurosis, nervous disorders, and loss of strength. In gynecological practice - with menstrual disorders, circulatory disorders, bleeding. In the form of an ointment, essential oil is prescribed for radiculitis, neuritis, other colds, scabies. Leaves externally - for baths with rheumatism.

Fig.11. Eucalyptus spherical - Eucalyptus globulus Labill.

Eucalyptus globular E ucalyptus globulus Labill . (Myrtle - Myrtaceae R. Br.) (Fig. 11). Homeland - Australia and adjacent islands. Evergreen fast growing tree. The bark of the trunk is smooth, whitish-gray. Plants have well-defined heterophilia (diversity). The leaves of young plants are sessile, arranged oppositely, ovate, old ones are dark green, with alternate leaf arrangement, short-petiolate, ovate or lanceolate, sickle-shaped or obliquely pointed. Flowers solitary, axillary, sessile or located on a short pedicel. Fresh leaves contain an essential oil, the main integral part which is cineole, as well as myrtenol, globulon, aldehydes. The leaves contain tannins and resinous substances. Leaf tinctures are used as a means of repelling mosquitoes, mosquitoes, ants, and other insects. Due to its pronounced antiseptic properties, it is used for inhalation in diseases of the respiratory tract, laryngitis, tracheitis, catarrhal and putrefactive bronchitis, lung gangrene. They are used as a local anesthetic, vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory agent for bronchitis and bronchial asthma, for lubricating the nasal passages for flu and colds; in eye practice sometimes - with blepharitis; in the skin - with pustular skin diseases, for washing infected wounds, fistulas, ulcers. Eucalyptus oil has found application in osteomyelitis, carbuncles, phlegmon, and other purulent diseases. In gynecological practice with erosions and ulcers of the cervix. Together with water or in an alcohol solution as a deodorant. Outwardly, it is prescribed as an analgesic for neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago.

The chemical composition and use for medicinal purposes of the following plants, which have a pronounced phytoncidal effect, are currently not known.

Rice. 12. Akalifa Wilks - Acalypha wilcensiana Muell.

Rice. 13. Common ivy - Nedera Helix

Akalifa Wilkes A calypha wilcensiana Muell . (Euphoriaceae - Euphorbiаceae) (Fig. 12). Homeland - Pacific Islands, India, South America. The leaves are opposite, ovate, pointed at the ends, of the original color: copper-red spots are scattered on a bronze-greenish background, in some other species they are bordered with a yellow, white, burgundy border. Flowers in spike-shaped inflorescences, inconspicuous.

Ivy Not dera helix (Araliaceae - Araliaceae) (Fig. 13). Homeland-Europe, Asia, North Africa. Stems are long, hanging. On the stems there are aerial sucker roots, with the help of which the plant climbs the walls. Leaves of plants of different varieties from trifoliate to palmate forms, with varying degrees of dissection of the leaf blade. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences - panicles.

Rice. 14. Chlorophytum crested - Clorophitum comosum L.

Chlorophytum crested Chlorophytum comosum L . (Liliaceae - Liliaceae Juss.) (Fig. 14). Homeland - South Africa. Ampelous plant with linear or xiphoid leaves collected in basal rosettes. Long drooping flower stalks grow near the root neck, on which, after flowering, “babies” appear (small rosettes of leaves with aerial roots), which are then used for vegetative propagation. The flowers are small, white, located at the ends of the stems. Undemanding to the conditions of watering and care. It has significant phytoncidal properties.

test questions

    What are biotic environmental factors?

    What biotic components that affect human health do you know?

    What diseases can be caused by poisonous plants? Give an example.

    What diseases are caused by viruses? Give brief description one of the diseases.

    Define the term "biogeochemical endemic".

    Ecological aspects of infectious diseases.

    What are phytoncides?

    What mechanism underlies the formation of phytoncides in natural plant communities?

    What substances of plants can determine their phytoncidal properties?

    Name the plants with phytoncidal properties.

    For what purposes can plants synthesizing phytoncides be used?

All plants produce phytoncides. Phytoncides - volatiles plants. The chemical composition of phytoncides has not been established, but their ability to cure many diseases has been known since ancient times. The most active phytoncides are onions, garlic, St. John's wort, fir, yarrow, radish, carrots, cranberries, mint, plantain, sage. Along with bactericidal (kill microbes) and bacteriostatic (suppression of microorganisms) action, phytoncides favorably affect the function of the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and the tone of the muscles of the bronchi, thereby facilitating breathing in bronchial asthma.

Tree phytoncides

In contact with wildlife, man in vivo inhales phytoncides. Volatile substances of horse chestnut, European larch, pine and common ash reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the surrounding air, especially for asthmatics, substances, including gases - carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur. Phytoncides of many plants contribute to dust settling.

They have a calming effect, improve cardiac activity and respiration, fluffy and stone oak, ash, lemon wormwood, rosemary.

Inhalation of phytoncides of crushed fresh chamomile, wormwood, lingonberry leaves clears the respiratory tract from pathogenic microbes. A general strengthening and normalizing immune response effect is exerted by phytoncides of evergreen walnut, Italian and Crimean pines, Himalayan cedar, cypress.

It has been noticed that a person's stay for 5-7 hours in pine, mixed or deciduous forests normalizes the activity of the nervous system, improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

A person's stay in a pine-oak forest with a predominance of pine (80%) contributes to:

  • a significant increase in the body's defenses;
  • increased tissue respiration;
  • acceleration of glycolysis and phosphorylation reactions;
  • activation of phagocytosis.

Phytoncides of garlic, onion and fir especially enhance the phagocytic activity of blood leukocytes.

Forest Functions

Forests and forest plantations (squares, parks) successfully carry out the function of dust precipitation and regulation of atmospheric microflora. coniferous forests cope with this matter in summer and winter. Deciduous forests are mostly active in the summer, when numerous foliage performs the function of photosynthesis. In the crowns of trees, especially in summer, dust particles and microorganisms settle, so the air in forests and parks is cleaner and contains significantly less allergens than in areas of residential and industrial buildings, and especially near roads.

Dust particles and microorganisms, settling in the crowns of trees, come into direct contact on the surface of the leaves with phytoncides secreted by the plant, which have a bactericidal and fungicidal (kill fungi) effect. Interaction chemical substances industrial and automotive emissions with phytoncides occur both on the surface of the leaves and in the atmosphere.

Forests significantly reduce the noise level, up to its absorption at some distance from the source, so staying in the forest relieves excessive neuromuscular tension and stress reactions.

Under the influence of volatile substances of plants, the air is ozonized, the amount of useful lungs ions, the radioactive background decreases. The microclimate of the forest is useful for asthmatics - reducing temperature fluctuations and air velocity, warming the soil, sufficient solar radiation create gentle conditions for hypersensitive and hyperreactive human airways. The oxygen produced by forests plays an important role. All this favorably affects the processes occurring in the body.

Pine phytoncides

Phytoncides of pine needles increase blood pressure in patients prone to hypertensive reactions (they are more sensitive to turpentine than healthy people), which is explained by the presence of pinene (turpentine) in the air. Therefore, people with high blood pressure are not recommended to stay in a pine forest.

Inhalation of oak phytoncides, on the contrary, lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Phytoncides of birch, thyme, linden have an antispasmodic effect on the bronchi. Lilac, pyramidal poplar, bison tone up the nervous system.

Phytoncides of garlic

With, as with inflammatory diseases of the lungs, it is recommended to inhale the garlic smell. To do this, clean 1 prong, grind and wrap in two pieces of cotton wool, which are inserted into both nostrils. Inhale for 5-10-15 minutes 3-4 times a day. Ground garlic can be placed in a jar (keep closed) and inhaled, covered with a towel (sheet), 3-4 times a day.

Before each inhalation, you need to prepare a fresh "gruel".

A similar procedure can be performed with tincture of myrtle or fir, etc.

Plant phytoncides can also be inhaled through an inhaler. To do this, the juice of garlic or another plant is diluted with saline or just water in a ratio of 1:2, 1:3. The solution is poured into a container for medicinal substance inhaler. Inhale 10-15 minutes daily or every other day, 20-25 inhalations per course of treatment.

Healing properties of juniper

Juniper has a pronounced anti-asthma effect. This plant belongs to the cypress family. As you know, cypress was grown in ancient times near religious places of worship to purify the air and improve the area. Common juniper (yalovets) is an evergreen coniferous shrub or tree.

Chemical composition

Its fruits are bluish-violet with a wax coating, contain: sugar - 40%; poorly studied bitter resins - 10%; oil with a high fat content, tannins, malic, formic and acetic acids, and terpene compounds of juniper berries contain menthol and camphor - essential oils - 2%. Juniper needles are rich in vitamin C - about 266 mg.

The use of juniper

Essential terpene oils have a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect, and therefore anti-allergic, since bacteria and fungi are strong allergens.

In the heat, juniper spreads a strong aroma - its phytoncides (volatile ether compounds) purify and refresh the air.

Magnificent conditions for patients with bronchial asthma are created by nature among the mountains covered with juniper thickets.

Almost all asthma sufferers feel better while in juniper groves. Children with asthma who are referred to such sanatoriums for treatment get rid of attacks from the first days of their stay and, at the end of the treatment period, go home practically healthy. But after leaving the zone of the sanatorium, most of them, after some time, attacks of bronchial asthma resume, however, they proceed in a milder form.

Many doctors are convinced, however, that full recovery in the juniper groves is entirely possible, but only after a stay in the area for many years.

The therapeutic effect of air is enhanced by the addition of an infusion of juniper berries as an expectorant and antispasmodic agent at the rate of 10 berries per 200.0 ml of water, 0.5 cup 2-3 times a day.

Attention! Among the junipers there is one poisonous species - juniper Cossack. It is notable for having blue-black bumpy berries. When harvesting medicinal juniper berries, carefully avoid this poisonous variety.

Infusion of juniper berries with long-term use (take 2 months - 2 months break; repeat such alternations 2-3 times during the year) brings relief to those suffering from asthma and outside the sanatorium.

The following articles on this topic will also help you.

Research work

"The action of phytoncides of indoor plants on simple organisms"

Novikova M, Zhuravleva A,

Mordashov A, Yanushevsky I, Semenova V.

Supervisor: Minaeva A. V.

  • Introduction

II. Main part.

1. The history of the study of phytoncidal influence

plants to living organisms

2. Method for determining volatile

plant activity

3. The effect of indoor plant phytoncides on


III. General conclusions


For centuries, people have tried to decorate and equip their homes with plants. In today's noisy, fast-paced and polluted world, the role of plants has increased many times over. It is especially great in a cold climate, where a person spends most of his time indoors and is deprived of the opportunity to communicate with wildlife. Under these conditions, the normal development and health of children largely depend on the quality of the indoor environment - schools, kindergartens, etc. Protecting themselves from dust and noise, modern premises become more hermetic and the concentration of potentially hazardous substances in them increases. Reduction of risk factors can be achieved by means of landscaping.

Hypothesis: Do houseplants really emit phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on microorganisms in the air of classrooms.

Objective - establish the role of phytoncides of indoor plants in healing environment by counteracting pathogenic microorganisms.


  • to study the state of the problem in the special biological literature, Internet sites;
  • identify among the plants of the school office, plants that produce phytoncides;
  • learn how to apply research methods in practice;
  • prove the role of phytoncides in the destruction of pathogens;
  • develop students' interest in environmental issues;
  • give recommendations on landscaping school classrooms, taking into account the impact of plants on the health of students;

Object of study: indoor plant phytoncides Research methods: observation, experiment, analysis, comparison. Place and time of study: MBOU "Secondary School No. 25", biology room.

The relevance of research:

The air in classrooms contains many microorganisms, including opportunistic pathogens such as staphylococci and microscopic molds. In enclosed spaces, the total content of microorganisms in the air is continuously increasing. green plants emit volatile substances into the air, which, even in small concentrations, can not only purify the air, but also improve people's well-being. The research methodology is to grow microorganisms on culture medium in Petri dishes, the effect of phytoncides of various indoor plants on the resulting colonies of microorganisms and monitoring the rate of death of microorganisms.

An assortment of tropical and subtropical plants was compiled that can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes at home and in crowded places: in kindergartens, schools, medical and preventive and other institutions, which can be combined into three groups:

1st group - plants whose volatile secretions have a pronounced antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal activity against air microflora

2nd group- plants whose volatile secretions improve cardiac activity, increase immunity, have calming, anti-inflammatory and other therapeutic effects.

3rd group- phytofilter plants that absorb harmful gases from the air.

The effect of phytoncides on the human body.

Indoor plants and plants growing near residential buildings can also affect a person's condition, his performance. When studying the action of phytoncides, about ninety species of indoor plants were studied, the most active of them were: white-spotted begonia, spring primrose, fragrant pelargonium, hybrid hippeastrum, white oleander, elastic ficus, Andre philodendron, ferns - Venus hair, pteris serrata, nephrolepis high.

The miraculous effect of phytoncides:

  • Twenty minutes of being in the company of disinfecting plants is enough to restore efficiency, vigor and a positive attitude.
  • Aloe, anise, flax, lotus, mint, juniper, dope - they not only treated, but even processed sarcophagi for better preservation of buried bodies. All these plants have one thing in common: increased release of phytoncides. All of them are able to influence the human body at a distance - it is enough that they are in the same room with you.

  • Branches of wild rosemary and fir scattered in the room reduce the number of microorganisms in the air tenfold.
  • Lemon phytoncides act on E. coli, and, by the way, are much more effective than such potent drugs as streptomycin and erythromycin.
  • If this takes root on your windowsill mediterranean plant, like ordinary myrtle, then your family will have a better chance of resisting a sore throat, acute respiratory infections and other autumn-winter infectious viral ones. By the way, it is good for children prone to allergies.

Research activity.

In the research work, a method was used to determine the phytoncidal activity of extracts of indoor plants according to B.P. Tokin. For this purpose, several experiments were carried out to identify the effect of phytoncides on protozoa. Biology laboratory equipment was used : microscope, glass slides, pipette, garlic press, ciliate culture, onion head, apple. As well as extracts of indoor plants: lemon, Kalanchoe, geranium, aloe.

Experiment #1 . Identification of the action of phytoncides of indoor plants on protozoa.

Experiment progress: Using a pipette, place a few drops of liquid with ciliates on a glass slide and examine under a microscope. Observed the movement of ciliates. Made a slurry from garlic bulbs. She quickly put a drop of slurry on a glass slide, next to a drop of liquid with ciliates, but in such a way that the liquid and the slurry did not touch. I did the same with onions, apples and lemon leaves.

Results processing:

Over time, ciliates died under the influence of phytoncides. Death occurred after 20 minutes next to the garlic, after 15 minutes next to the onion, after 1.5 hours next to the apple (this is due to the fact that the apple has very few phytoncides, and perhaps their effect is less strong than that of garlic, onion and lemon), after 45 minutes next to the lemon leaves.

Hence the conclusion that the phytoncides of garlic, onion, lemon really have a detrimental effect on protozoa.

Experiment #2 "Interaction of protozoa with the sap of the studied plants".

Experiment progress: 1. In a ceramic mortar, grind the leaves of the plant under study, the effect of phytoncides of which must be checked.

Squeeze a few drops of the juice of the plant under study through gauze.

Take a drop of water from the river with a pipette, place it on a glass slide and cover with a coverslip.

4. View the preparation first under a small and then under a large magnification of the microscope. You can see the simplest - infusoria-shoe.

6. Add a drop of prepared juice from plant leaves under the cover glass.

7. Observe the movement of protozoa for 1 minute. Write down the results of observations.

Results of experiment #2:

a) extracts of plants with phytoncidal properties immobilize and, apparently, destroy microorganisms;

b) the greatest impact was noted with the use of geranizonal.

c) put the results in a table and built a diagram.

Experiment #3 "Determination of remote phytoncide activity".

The course of the experiment: 1. L leaves of Pavlov's lemon, zonal geranium, aloe vera, chop kalanchoe.

Place a drop of water with protozoa on a glass slide and, at a distance of several millimeters from it, a slurry from the plant under study.

Observe the mobility of protozoa under a microscope after 5, 10, 20, 30 minutes.

Experience results:

a) the time of exposure to protozoa has increased;

b) volatile phytoncides immobilize protozoa at a distance, but more slowly;

c) put the results in a table and built a diagram.

Phytoncidal activity was calculated by the formula A=100:T, where A is phytoncidal activity, T is the time of death of protozoa, and the results were entered in the table:

Conclusion: Experiments show that when using the same volumes of slurry, the time for which the protozoa die depends on the type of plant taken.

See Attachment.


You can create a healthy microclimate and clean the air in classrooms with the help of indoor plants. Usually in enclosed spaces there is a lack of oxygen, which leads to poor blood supply to the brain, which means fatigue. Possible consequences of polluted air are well known: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, headaches, skin irritations, dryness in the nose and mouth. This not only causes some discomfort, but also has a negative effect on the general condition of a person.


  • Blinkin S.A., Rudnitskaya T.V. Phytoncides around us. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981
  • Bodnaruk M. M., Kovylina N. V. Ecology. To help the teacher. - Volgograd: Publishing house "Teacher", 2007
  • Internet resources
  • Tokin B.P. Healing poisons of plants. The Tale of Phytoncides. – M.; Enlightenment, 1980
  • Tepper E. Z., Shilnikova V. K., Pereverzeva G. I. Workshop on microbiology - Moscow: Drofa Publishing House, 2004
  • Hession D.G. All about indoor plants. - M .: "Thought", 1996