Curtains for interior doors. A variety of decorative curtains on the doorway. A photo. Plastic curtains - for modern rooms

Different design ideas can be involved in the design of the doorway. An opening without a door can be designed in the form of an arch or left in the classic version. But in some situations, adjacent rooms need visual zoning, which entails the need to create a partition . When building a new look rooms, everyone thinks about how to close the doorway instead of the door. Curtains are the best option: they not only perform a functional role, but also decorate the interior, giving it completeness and harmony.

Curtains for doorways do an excellent job of zoning. They visually hide adjacent rooms and give a sense of privacy; with arches, this effect cannot be achieved. In addition, such products do not overload the space with heavy elements and create a comfortable atmosphere. They replace door elements with great success integrating into the overall design of the premises.

Advantages of using curtains for doorways:

Thick and heavy curtains can protect against drafts, and in the summer, even light curtains can prevent flying insects from entering the room.

But interior curtains have several nuances that should be considered before purchasing textiles:

  • Lack of soundproofing. Thin material is not able to drown out extraneous sounds, so curtains will be an unsuccessful option for separating the bedroom, nursery and office areas.
  • Light and transparent curtains practically do not hide adjacent rooms from each other.

Varieties of curtains for doorways

Curtains on the doorway can transform the entire interior beyond recognition. In order for the element to fit into the overall style of the room, it is necessary to choose the right material for the curtains.

Basic on the doorway:

Curtains on the door

Curtains for the doorway are used even if there is a door. Some people just want to bring a touch of homeliness with the help of airy tulle or wooden threads that create “wind music” when you pass through them.

Curtains will be relevant for wooden doors with glass inserts. In the living room, such a door can become a decorative element, but for an office adjacent to the hall, transparent material can become an obstacle; the same goes for the bedroom. In these cases, door curtains will help make the space private and private.

Roller blinds on the doorway of the office will be the best solution. The curtains open and close easily. So that from the side of the living room the view of the glass inserts is not spoiled, on the other hand, textile curtains from translucent canvases in neutral shades should be used.

Macrame will look beautiful curtains on the bedroom door. In the design of this room, fabric curtains should be used, which, with the overall design, will be conducive to relaxation and rest.

How to choose the right curtains for the doorway

The variety of curtains is sometimes confusing and does not allow you to decide on the choice of a model suitable for the interior. When choosing curtains, you must use the following recommendations:

For stylish interiors, you should carefully consider the design of curtains, which are one of the main elements of decor.


Curtains are ideal for a classic interior made of dense and heavy fabrics. The classic welcomes expensive materials, so the best solution is products made of velvet, jacquard, silk and brocade, decorated with tassels or fringes. Structures can be multi-layered. Curtains can be supplemented with a lambrequin or transparent voile curtains, if the design of such canvases does not interfere with free passage through the doorway.

For doorways in a room with a light finish, textiles of neutral shades are used; for catchy interiors, products of a rich shade are used, the depth of which can be fully revealed with velvet material.

East style

Oriental styles, especially Japanese, tend to be minimalist, so a simple curtain model should be chosen for the doorway. A good solution would be Japanese panels, which are used for wide openings.

Other options would be translucent organza curtains., tulle, voile or chiffon. Monochromatic curtains in neutral shades will not catch your eye, but light colors will add lightness and freshness to the interior.

Modern styles

For modern, hi-tech, loft and minimalism, they usually choose curtains from modern materials in a stylish design. It can be an airy muslin or threads decorated with glass beads.

Roman blinds and pleated blinds look organically in modern interior decoration, where they are often used glass door models or empty openings.

Country and exotic

For rustic styles, traditional models of curtains are suitable, which can be printed with a pattern with flowers or in a cage. Curtains-arches or curtains with a simple lambrequin would be appropriate. From fabrics, chintz, cotton, linen or taffeta are usually chosen.

For eco-style and exotic for which natural motifs are relevant, curtains made of wood or bamboo are suitable. They can be made with a regular canvas, roller blinds or flowing threads decorated with carved figures.

Doorways often look boring, so decorating them with curtains is a good design move. With interior curtains, you can always create an atmospheric interior with exclusive notes.

Today we’ll talk about such an interesting way to design doorways as special curtains for doors.

In another article, we talked about curtains on the doorway can be read at the link.

Curtains, which are designed to decorate the doors directly, are a separate type of curtains, which is used in the home interior as completely independent.

An unusual solution - compact cornices are fixed above the glass, the curtain curtain hangs freely, it is not fixed from below

This is not to say that this is a completely borrowed, western decor for doors.
Suffice it to recall how in Soviet times zealous housewives hung simple chintz curtains on wide glass in the kitchen door. Thus, they fenced off the space for evening meetings with friends, protected children from careless handling of the vast glass canvas, and created cozy home decor with their own hands.

Ideas for decorating a door with curtains

Today, the fashion for glazed doors is reborn again, in the company with the latest trends in interior design, a very romantic, cozy tandem is obtained.

In most cases, curtains for doors are sewn by hand, although ready-made models can also be purchased.
Curtains for the door look good in styles such as Provence, country, Mediterranean, ethnic, eco-style. However, the laconic styles of minimalism, Scandinavian, Japanese are loyal to this method of decorating doors, because in this case the curtain takes on an appropriate, monolithic look, and the emphasis shifts to its functional purpose.
In general, curtains can decorate any door, both glass and deaf.

Double doors, one of which is decorated with a curtain

The purpose of the curtains on the door

The purpose of curtains for doors is not only decorative. Of course, expensive fabrics, and even beautifully draped and decorated with various decorative elements, will make any interior more luxurious and richer, but even a more modest curtain decoration will make the interior more unusual, cozy, truly caring.

It is advisable to periodically cover both external and interior doors with glass instead of panels in some way.

1. Doors to the bedroom or children's room, facing the common passage corridor, need such refinement as curtains for the door.

The question may arise - why do we need such doors that will have to be shaded, if you can put solid, cast canvases? The answer lies in aesthetics and the sense of presence. In addition to the fact that the glazed door looks light and floating, the glass in it leaves the effect of a common space. For example, it will be much more comfortable for a child to fall asleep alone in a separate bedroom if he is fenced off from the whole apartment by an almost soaring fence with glass and a cozy curtain through which the light of his native apartment glows.

Pockets on the door - functional decor

2. Doors with full glazing, panoramic view - they let a lot of light into the house, so they are often used in the glazing of the hall, living rooms in private houses. Despite all their splendor, shading in excess light may be required, as well as localization of privacy.

Sand-clay fabric for white doors with glass

Such curtains have an undeniable advantage over curtains on doorways. Exquisite volumetric decor is not always appropriate and convenient, simply put, it can get in the way too much, and quickly lose its appearance from the constant influence of household members.

Shapes and styles

Here is a whole list of ideas and styles for curtains that can be hung on the door:

1. Roller blinds - for two-thirds, or the upper half of the doors (when their lower part is solid wood);

Convenient and beautiful - roller blinds hang on the door evenly and tightly, a beautiful pattern is visible when unfolded

2. Chinese-style curtains tied with ribbons - it is enough to cover the upper 2/3 of the windows with them so that the roll is not too voluminous in the assembly - it is easy to sew it yourself;

Chinese curtains with a roll on tapes, for the front door with glass

3. Blinds metal or plastic horizontal, which are attached to the deep grooves of the canvas with glazing;
4. Simple hand-sewn curtains on the eaves - decor for loyal Provence, rustic, country styles, for children's rooms and bedrooms;

A simple curtain on the window in the door - the light does not take away, but hides from possible curiosity from outside

5. Curtains on cornices above and below;

Decorating an interior door with curtains - pay attention to how the cornice looks

6. The same curtains, but assembled in the middle with an interception - the “Clock” model is obtained;
7. Roman blinds - suitable for high doors, when the assembled curtains are located above the head of a person of average height, otherwise such curtains will overshadow and visually clutter up the room;

Roman blinds on the door leaves - for easy opening and closing

8. Lambrequins, Austrian, Roman curtains for curtains with a glass part up to 80% of the curtain.

Lambrequin swag on the door

It is especially convenient that curtains with a lifting mechanism and rich decor can be gently lifted during the daytime. Such doors, and accordingly, curtains, have a place to be in warm countries - Europe, America. But it is possible to use them in domestic construction, for a particularly representative part of the house - it can be a hall, a living room, a winter garden on the second floor, a hall on the first floor.

9. Curtains made from natural materials - bamboo, straw, jute. It is enough to choose the appropriate size in width, in a wide range of ready-made roller blinds. The height of the curtains can be shortened with your own hands.

Bamboo roller blinds for doors

What fabric can be used to sew curtains for doors

Curtains for doors are most often made of lightweight fabrics. This is due to their lightweight, floating design and the need to leave enough light for the room while blocking out the view;

Suitable fabrics - cotton, linen (for Provencal and eco-interiors), chintz, satin (country, related styles), tulle, voile, mesh (suitable for most styles), do not forget about the appropriate decor - ribbons, beads, fringe, wood finish;

A curtain in the form of a rigid stretched canvas is suitable for bright nurseries, for a kitchen, an office - it resembles a roller blind, but it does not have a standard roller mechanism, which makes it more authentic to the chosen style;

Dense fabrics - for entrance doors on the first floors of private houses, to convey the style and prestige of the house, in addition, often nothing else will suit the interior of the living room.

Classic openwork tulle curtains for the door

Advantages of curtains for doors

If you are in doubt whether it is worth making a curtain on the door with your own hands, think again about the pros:
With the help of curtains, you can visually adjust the size of the room - reduce or increase it. You can achieve this effect with the help of the appropriate coloring of the product.
It's an inexpensive way to add style to a room, whether it's the delicate romance of voile curtains or elegant Roman shades.
This is an affordable way to temporarily change the situation.

Banal furniture can become an element of design composition

Some cons:

  • The consequences of mounting the curtains on the door leaf in case you want to remove the curtains later - during rough installation, holes may remain that worsen its presentation;
  • To see what is happening behind the door, you will have to open it, especially from the side where the curtain does not hang, whereas before it was enough to look through the glass.

Simple curtain assembly on the door cornice from below and above

As you can see, all curtains for doors can be sewn with your own hands, except for rolled ones. They are sewn according to a simple pattern, when a special tunnel is created under the cornices at the bottom and at the top of the canvas, processed along the edge on both sides.

In a separate article, we wrote in detail how to sew such curtains on our own. Follow the link.

They were used not only as a decoration for windows, but also for doors. Styles and models of curtains have changed over time. In addition, many of their species known to us today were named after the countries in which they appeared: Roman, French, Japanese and Austrian. Their functionality depends on the purpose of the application. Do you like exclusive curtains? Would you like to save money on this? In this case, we suggest you make them yourself. From this article you will learn how to make a curtain on the door with your own hands.

Before you make a curtain on the door, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the advantages of this solution:

  • With the help of curtains, you can visually adjust the size of the room - reduce or increase it. You can achieve this effect with the help of the appropriate coloring of the product.
  • Ability to use different materials. It can be textiles, wood or threads.
  • Curtains bring some lightness to the interior.
  • Saving usable space, which is especially important in small apartments. On average, a swing door needs 1 m 2 of area, and when installing curtains, this problem is reduced to nothing.
  • Saving money on the purchase of high-quality interior doors. Even the most expensive curtains are cheaper than doors.

Like everything else, curtains installed on the doorway have their drawbacks. Among them, it is especially worth noting insufficient heat and sound insulation. In view of this, the choice is between beauty and practicality.

Some install a door, on the opening of which curtains are then hung. Some designers fully justify this option, especially in cases where the room has an old door that does not harmonize with the overall concept of the interior. This combination is quite logical when arranging a balcony doorway.

Curtains are divided into types depending on the purpose:

  • Curtains with a door - perform decorative functions and protect the room from excess light, give it some charm.
  • Curtains instead of a door - they are attached to the doorway, they are a replacement for the door.

Types of curtains depending on the material used:

  1. Textile curtains are made from different types of fabric. It can be silk, chintz, satin, satin, velvet, tweed, linen, etc.
  2. Rope or thread curtains are a continuous airy veil made of threads. It separates rooms without obstructing air circulation.

Curtains should be chosen depending on the style of the interior. For example, if it is made in a classic style, then it is better to give preference to a textile curtain. For hi-tech style and minimalism, it is better to make curtains on grommets. Wooden curtains fit perfectly into the country style, filament curtains harmonize best with the oriental style.

The fastening of the curtain depends on whether or not there is a door, as well as on the shape of the opening. So, there are such types of fasteners:

  • Installation on platbands - suitable for hanging curtains.
  • Curtains are installed on the door leaf in cases where they want to hide from the sun or prying eyes. Roman blinds are usually installed on such a mount.
  • The cornice is installed above the passage on the wall. In this case, the curtain is fixed on loops, rings, drawstring. It is worth noting that the latter option is appropriate only on condition that the structure is motionless. Soft rings form soft folds.

You can decorate curtains with tassels, pelmets, eyelets. If you want the curtain to drape, then sew curtain tape to its upper edge.

Each detail should correspond to the general concept of the interior style in terms of color, shape and texture. Choose materials that are in harmony with the design of the room.

You should not have any particular difficulties when sewing curtains, because the technology is practically the same as making curtains for windows. So, you will need:

  1. Textile.
  2. Sewing machine.
  3. Chalk for marking.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Pins.
  6. Threads.

Before starting work, take measurements of the opening, you will need its width, curtain height and mounting points. Decide on the fabric. Add 3 cm to the total width of the curtains for processing allowances, and for fastening to the eaves - 5-10 cm.

In order for the fabric to shrink before cutting, it must be soaked in hot water, dried and ironed thoroughly. Cutting is carried out in accordance with the measurements.

If you wish, you can decorate the edges with, for example, fringes, frills or beads. It depends on the style of the interior. After sewing the curtains, it remains only to hang it on the eaves.

Not so long ago there was such a thing as a modern classic. For its design, strict draperies with luxurious outlines are used. It can be straight curtains with large vertical folds. To do this, you can purchase a dense textured or smooth fabric. If you want your doorway to look more elegant, then complement the curtain with a light translucent curtain. Often, lambrequins with folds are used to decorate the cornice. The process of sewing such curtains is no different from the technology described above.

For the manufacture of curtains in a modern classic style, use only natural textiles. The lower part of the curtains should not reach the floor by 2-3 cm.

Fabrics shimmering in silver or gold are ideal for making curtains over an opening. If you think this combination is too pretentious, then it is better to make curtains from plain dense fabric.

Light, airy chintz curtains are a great solution for decorating a romantic summer style. If you combine them with transparent curtains, the effect will be truly gentle. Chintz transmits light well, but at the same time softens it.

To make a chintz curtain, you will need 3 times more fabric than the size of the opening. Thus, you will get beautiful and large folds. To prevent the curtain from crumbling around the edges, it needs to be hemmed. The cornice is a wooden or metal pipe, on which large rings are put on. Otherwise, the technology for making chintz curtains does not differ from the technique for making any fabric curtains.

The cornice is usually screwed 5-10 cm higher from the upper edge of the opening. If desired, tacks can be installed on the walls, allowing you to slightly open the curtains, thus letting the night coolness into the house.

Most often, colored threads or fishing line are used for the basis of such curtains, on which glass balls, wooden tubes or beads are strung. First think about how the finished product should look like and what kind of cornice to use for it.

To make curtains in oriental style, you will need:

  1. Line or thread.
  2. Beads, wooden tubes or glass balls for decoration.
  3. Needle for attaching beads.
  4. Glue.
  5. Self-tapping screws.
  6. Screwdriver / drill.

So, let's start the workflow. We mark the doorway for the eaves. It is best to fix such a design 5 cm above the edge of the doorway. As a fastener, you can use a wooden plank, which should be pre-painted in the color of the curtains. On this bar, you need to mark in advance the points through which you will stretch the threads. Their number depends only on your ideas about beauty. Depending on the density of the threads, the curtain will be either dense or translucent. Then you need to string the beads on a thread and fasten them to the cornice.

Calculation of the thread height: measure the distance from the eaves to the floor (or other height you want from the floor level), add 5 cm to this figure for fasteners and multiply the resulting amount by 2. This length is necessary in order to string the beads with perekida. In this case, it is important to first draw up a scheme or use a ready-made one.

To make the fastening of the threads more reliable, use a loop, and not just knots. To prevent curtains from fluttering in a draft, weight the curtains at the bottom with large heavy beads that are fixed on a loop and knot. To make the fixation more reliable, glue the bottom bead with polymer glue.

To make curtains from wooden elements, you will need to purchase them from a specialized store. They can be of different shapes: rhombuses, circles, squares or leaves. You can also use plastic that imitates wood.

You will need:

  • strong thread / fishing line;
  • cornice with rings;
  • special clips for holding decor, called crimps.

The manufacture of such a curtain does not differ practically from its counterpart from beads. It is necessary to prepare thread cuts, string the decor, while securing each element with crimps or simple knots. Fasten to the eaves and install it above the opening.

With the help of curtains on or above the door, in the opening, you can beautifully complement the interior. Thus, the room is decorated in a classic style, retro, modern, Provence, minimalism and hi-tech. It is quite possible to make interior curtains yourself and for this you will have enough information described in this article. If you have experience in making such curtains, then share it with our readers in the comments to the article.


For a few more ideas for making curtains over the door, see this video:

A photo

One of the design solutions is the open space between the rooms. It can be made in the form of an arch or in another form. In order to somehow separate different zones or rooms, they resort to curtains. Curtains on the doorway are of several types. With their help, you can create a harmonious interior in the room or update it. Depending on the type of room, it is customary to use certain curtains. We offer you to get acquainted with the types of curtains.

Curtains on the doorway - photo

Curtains or doors, which is better?

Curtains cannot be called a functional solution. They are used to expand the space, give lightness to the room, decorate it. For large families, this is not a very successful method of differentiation, since curtains will not give a sense of privacy and tranquility. When is curtains on a doorway the best solution?

  1. With a limited budget. Buying and hanging curtains is cheaper than buying new interior doors.
  2. If an opening of a non-standard shape is made. For example, an opening in the form of an arch or a trapezoid. Finding a door for him will be very difficult.
  3. If you want to focus on the doorway. Modern curtains are made of different materials: fabric, plastic, bamboo, wood, drywall.
  4. If you need to visually enlarge the room. When there are no doors, the room seems more spacious and bright.

A significant drawback of curtains for the doorway is the smell of food from the kitchen and the lack of soundproofing.

Popular types of decorative curtains for doors

Curtains can do more than just decorate a room. They become a necessary element between two rooms decorated in different styles. To make the transition not so abrupt, designers advise hanging curtains. They also act as a conditional separator between the hallway and the kitchen, the corridor and the living room, and protect against insects. Curtains are able to hide the irregularities of the wall, are used for non-standard openings.

The most commonly used types of decorative curtains for doors:

  • bamboo;
  • hanging curtains;
  • plastic;
  • roll;
  • thread.

Curtains are also divided by shape. In addition to the classic models, they now use:

  1. French curtains. Their feature is not a vertical, but a horizontal assembly. Beautiful folds can be run along the entire length or collected at any height.
  2. Hourglass. This model is used for glass openings. The curtain gathers in folds in the middle, resembling an hourglass. If you place the clamp lower, then a large sleeve will form. It will be a different model. It is called the "sleeve of the bishop."

  1. Japanese. These are screen products made of dense fabric, placed on a rigid frame.

Each of them will look good if one line is observed in the interior. So, bamboo curtains look ridiculous in a classic design. Plastic curtains are not suitable for rooms decorated in ethnic style. To eliminate these errors, you should decide before going to the store which curtains are suitable for your apartment.

Classic curtains in the doorway, what are they?

Curtains are divided not only by the type of material used, but also by shape. Among the unusual directions and design experiments, fabric products continue to be in the leading positions. These are classic curtains in the doorway. As a rule, they are sewn from dense material. Additional details are kept to a minimum. Standard models are fabric products that fall in an even wave to the floor covering. Lambrequins are used as decor, which create different shapes: light waves, overlap, horizontal or vertical lines.

Bamboo curtains - for lovers of natural materials

The curtains are an ecological product. They are made of natural material, have a sandy tint. The warm color suits almost any room, but it will look best in an African or exotic style.

Bamboo curtains are valued for their environmental friendliness, they are not a carrier of bacteria, they are easy to care for. A beautiful natural shade is retained for a long time, as the curtains are resistant to ultraviolet rays.

In addition to bamboo products, there are models made of wood. They can be dyed in any color, they are light and varied in texture and weaving. Natural curtains create a cozy and calm atmosphere in the room.

Bamboo curtains on the doorway - photo

Hanging curtains - freedom for creativity

Such curtains used to be able to make even schoolchildren. The basis was taken loose cardboard or paper. Pages from a magazine or other bright products were perfect. Blanks were created from them, through which paper clips were passed. By connecting the parts together, they made curtains that decorated the opening to the kitchen or the corridor.

Today on sale you can find a large number of various items. These can be animal figurines, shells, buttons, wooden circles or squares. You can pick up your pattern and string these details on a strong thread. The original hanging curtains are ready, you can cling to the cornice, pipe or fishing line.

These items are perfect for a child's room. If you take pendants in the form of small animals and colored beads, you can create a fun and original product. For the balcony opening, transparent glass beads are used. They will shimmer beautifully when sunlight enters the room.

Curtains on the doorway - photo

Plastic curtains - for modern rooms

The main advantage of these products is that they are easy to maintain and repair. The curtain is made in the form of plastic plates, which can be placed vertically or horizontally. If one of the parts breaks, then it can be replaced.

Plastic curtains are suitable for the bedroom, because they completely hide the room. They have good sound insulation. It will be appropriate to look in a room made in the style of minimalism or hi-tech.

hanging curtains in the doorway - photo

Roller blinds - the choice of designers

They can be called the most successful and versatile. A simple mechanism allows you to raise the curtain to the desired height. The material used is thick fabric. Like plastic models, roller blinds completely cover the doorway. They are often installed in country houses. Such curtains on glass doors look spectacular. Curtains combine the practicality of blinds and the severity of classic products.

Thread curtains for doors

Similar products are used more as an element of decoration. They came to us from the East, so they are characterized by bright colors, beads, glass beads and other decorative elements. As a basis, any materials or fabrics are used. It can be synthetic or natural products. If the curtains for the doors made of threads are not overloaded with decor, then it is easy to care for them. Pollution is removed by normal washing, preferably by hand.

As you can see, the doorway can be decorated in any way. Filament curtains will give lightness and airiness to the room, hanging curtains will give a playful look. For rooms in a modern style, plastic or roll products are suitable.

It is quite difficult to imagine the housing of a modern person without curtains on the windows. Such a room becomes lifeless, uncomfortable and unsightly. Curtains have been and will be one of the main components of the interior of the house. But initially, back in the Middle Ages, the curtains on the door were used only to decorate the actual doorways. And in most cases, they were only functional in nature, and were not, as they are now, the subject of room decor.

In modern interior design, curtains often serve only to decorate a room, decorate windows, walls, and doorways. A large selection of curtain fabrics with different textures, colors allows you to create unique interiors of any style. But it is the curtains on the door and the doorway that play, perhaps, the most important role than others.

Door curtains are used not only where there is no door as such, but also where it is made of a transparent material, such as glass. If the door leaf is absent at all, then the curtains become simply necessary so that the opening does not look “naked”, cold and unsightly. They are also used to protect against insects, for zoning space, or if the opening has a non-standard shape.

What are curtains for doors

Like window curtains, door curtains come in a variety of cuts, designs, colors, from different fabrics, from one or more canvases. In addition, they can be made from the most unusual material:

  • bamboo
  • plastic
  • glass
  • tree
  • sequins
  • shells
  • beads
  • metal or clay small parts assembled in a chain.

The style is also the most diverse, from classic to modern and ultra-fashionable "hi-tech". For the decoration of door niches are most often used:

  • classic - made of heavy or light textile materials, falling in a continuous stream to the floor
  • French- they are collected in soft transverse folds along their entire length
  • "bishop's sleeve" - ​​a straight canvas, gathered just below the middle and decorated with a large sleeve-shaped lap
  • Japanese - screen curtains on a rigid frame
  • "hourglass" - they, as a rule, make out a glass door leaf, gathering the fabric into folds in the middle of the length
  • lambrequins - multi-level curtains of complex configuration, with overlaps and lines of different directions, both vertical and horizontal.

Curtains on the door: the choice of material for manufacturing

The choice of material for door curtains depends on the type of interior of the room, the features of their use. For example, curtains for a balcony door in most cases are only practical in nature - they protect the room from insects entering it.

Very popular magnetic curtains on the door, which are closed without external influence. They are used in country houses, on verandas, terraces, balconies and loggias. Any textile is suitable for manufacturing, but the edges must be processed with a dense fabric that can withstand the weight of small magnets. For their fastening, you will not need cornices or rings with curtains, it is enough to fix magnets on the door frame.

If the curtains serve only as an interior decoration, then they can be made of transparent material, chains, garlands or planks, plates. Wooden, bamboo curtains on the door are used to complement the interiors of rooms in oriental or Japanese style. Bamboo canvas can be translucent or dense, serve for zoning space or decorating it.

Pros and cons of open doorways

Open doorways decorated with curtains have both advantages and a number of disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • originality, if the opening is made in a non-standard form
  • lack of clear boundaries of the room - this visually expands the space in small apartments
  • cheapness - after all, decorating the opening with curtains is much cheaper than installing doors
  • the possibility of changing the interior without large financial investments - new curtains can change and refresh the design of the room.

It can be called a minus, but only conditionally, that the neighboring rooms are practically not demarcated. This factor matters in very rare cases, for example, in large families, where everyone wants to have their own space or privacy is required, and the curtains are not able to provide sufficient sound insulation.

Sometimes a curtain needs pure functionality, like in the season when you need to get rid of annoying flies and mosquitoes in the house. But special magnetic curtains also look quite decorative.