Popular potted flowers for March 8. Official information. Where to keep passionflower

Buy flowers in pots by March 8 - best gift

Many men want to give their beloved and close women the best gift by March 8th. However, sometimes it is very difficult to find something. After all, every woman is unique and special.
If you want to please your girlfriend on March 8, then give her flowers. Flowers in pots for March 8 - the best gift. It is worth noting the fact that such a surprise is suitable for girls and women of any age. A beautiful houseplant will delight absolutely everyone.
Indoor flower in a pot -symbol female beauty, sophistication, tenderness and grace. This is a universal gift that is suitable for both a work colleague and a mother or loved one. Therefore, you can no doubt go to a flower shop on the eve of March 8 and choose a suitable home plant.
How to choose indoor plants for a gift
Before you buy a gift in the form of an indoor flower for March 8, try to study the taste preferences of the girl you will make such a surprise for. It is very important that she likes house flowers.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that in some people flowering houseplants appear allergic reaction. Therefore, if you do not know the person very well, then it is better to give him a plant that does not bloom.

Size is important to consider home plant. If a girl lives in a large apartment or house, then she can be presented with a large houseplant in a pot. For example, a palm tree, a citrus tree, etc. If the place where the plant will grow is small, then it is better to buy a small flower in a pot. It will fit on any window sill, shelf or table. Today on sale you can find many types of very beautiful small indoor plants.

Some give home flowers according to the sign of the zodiac. It is original and very practical. But to make the gift memorable for a long time, we recommend presenting it in an unusual way. You can come up with a special story or description for it. Also do not forget about a beautiful pot.
When choosing a flower, do not forget to think about where it will stand. If you are going to give such a gift to a work colleague, then it is worth considering the fact that she may want to leave it in the office on her desk. And this means that the plant must be shade-loving.

What houseplants to give a woman
You can buy indoor plants on our website. Therefore, there should be no problems with the choice. To make it easier for you to make a choice, we will break all home plants into several categories.

Large indoor plants
As mentioned above, big plants for the house are suitable only for spacious rooms. In addition, they need special care. However, their beauty and showiness attract the eye.
Large houseplants in pots include yucca, dieffenbachia, sheflera, fatsia, heptapleurum, abutilon, Japanese aucuba, araucaria, yucca, powerful, dracaena, zamiokulkas, cordilina, citrus houseplants, etc.

Each of the above plants has its own characteristics. Some are distinguished by their lush crown, some by a wonderful subtle aroma (especially citrus fruits), and some unusual color and leaf shape.
Spectacular decorative leafy houseplants
decorative deciduous plants for home-this is lovely gift for those who like unusual plants. They are able to decorate any interior due to their sophisticated appearance.
Indoor decorative deciduous plants: aglaonema, calathea, clousia, ctenant, sansevieria, strelitzia, etc.

Indoor ornamental flowering plants
Often decorative flowering potted plants require special care. Without it, they almost never bloom. However, we will advise you those flowers that are not picky in care and will suit absolutely any woman.
Decorative flowering indoor plants: anthurium, cyclamen, spathiphyllum, begonia, azalea violet, roses in pots, etc.

Each of these plants blooms in a special way.Some produce 1-2 peduncles, and some bloom with a lush crown. Any such flower will not leave indifferent any of the fair sex.
It is worth noting the fact that flowering plants are always liked by romantic and feminine natures. They are best suited for a gift for March 8th. We recommend that you find a houseplant that blooms in March. It will look very impressive.

Houseplants blooming in March
Indoor flowers blooming in March are no worse than a lush bouquet. Their advantage is that they will please the eye for a long time. At proper care the plant will not only bloom, but actively grow for many years.
Flowers in pots blooming in March: orchids, violets, hippeastrums, hibiscuses, gloxinias, Kalanchoe, Schlumbergers, crocuses, hyacinths, tulips, primroses, indoor roses etc.

exotic houseplants
If you want to please a girl who loves everything unusual, give her an exotic indoor flower. It will not only surprise with its beauty, but also decorate any interior. You can’t even imagine how much such a plant can transform a room and its design.
exotic plants in pots: pineapple, bonsai, spreckelia, lithops, Vanda orchid, cyclamen, aeschinanthus, cattleya, miltonia orchid, leptospermum, cumbria, and others.

Unusual houseplants
Unusual indoor flowers fill the house with colors and give good mood to its owner.
unusual plants in pots: venus flytrap, vriesia, stapelia variegated, small-leaved columna, fluffy-flowered koleria, calathea, aloe-like lashenalia, naked hypocyrta, spurge tirukkali, blue tillandsia.

As you can see, there are many houseplants. All of them have their own characteristics and they differ in their appearance. Today, finding any indoor flower is very simple. The main thing is to make a choice in advance.

If you are still thinking what to give on March 8choose a houseplant. This is an ideal gift for a friend, girlfriend, work colleague, mother, sister, grandmother or just an acquaintance.
Houseplants in pots are a great gift that will delight its owner long years. It is worth noting the fact that any flower fills the house positive energy and brings noma lo benefit.

On March 8, men are accustomed to giving bouquets of cut flowers to their beloved women, which quickly fade and instead of joy, they eventually bring sadness to women. Recently, fresh flowers in pots have become a popular gift. They bloom for a long time, delighting with bright colors and reminding of the beloved man. And even after a time after the holiday, such flowers can surprise a woman, since many of them bloom every year.

What indoor flowers in pots to choose? How to choose the most suitable living flower for your woman? What should be taken into account in order for a gift to bring pleasure to a loved one? You can read the answers to these questions below.

If you don’t know which indoor flowers a woman prefers, then find out about it in advance through a friend or in another way. If you visit your woman or girlfriend at home, look at what houseplants she has on the window. Praise her for her choice and, by the way, show interest in what kind of flowers she likes. Ask a few questions about the complexity of plant care. So you will understand the interests and preferences of a woman and you can choose a flower more accurately.

In general, on March 8 they try to give unpretentious species home flowers that need minimal care and do not require transplanting into open ground.

1. Do you like appearance flower? You need to give what you like.

2. When and how often plants bloom - does the flowering period fall on March 8th? Is it an annual flower or a perennial? Perennials will bring joy to your loved one's home every year. We selected perennial plants that bloom in early spring.

3. Where is the best place to keep a flower? different colors need different lighting, temperature and other conditions. Select suitable flower to make him feel comfortable in your woman's room.

4. Is it difficult to care for a flower, does it take a lot of time? For a woman who loves to care for flowers and has time for this, you can choose rarer plants that require attention. For a busy business woman or for a young mother, it is more suitable unpretentious flower, not distracting her from important matters.

Beautifully blooming, undersized and compact flower, reminiscent of a chamomile, in various colors - from white to crimson, except for blue. During flowering, it produces a peduncle up to 70 cm high without leaves. The diameter of the inflorescences is 15 cm, sometimes 30 cm. best variety indoor flowers is the Festival variety.

When does the gerbera bloom?

Perennial, blooms until March. With proper care, it can bloom 2 times a year.

Where to keep a gerbera

The flower needs bright lighting on the eastern and western windows, on the southern windows it is necessary to shade or take it out to the balcony in the morning and evening, since the plant, although thermophilic, does not tolerate heat well. Feels great in high and low humidity. During flowering, a moderate temperature is 16-22 degrees, in winter in the rest phase - 14-16 degrees

Gerbera Care

Gerbera - Pretty unpretentious plant, not requiring big care. Use for irrigation warm water and regularly, avoiding overdrying and waterlogging of the soil. Feed every week.

Everyone's favorite beautiful flower. The color of the flower is the most diverse - white, pink, red, yellow, blue, purple. Flowers can be single or double. The unsurpassed aroma of hyacinth will fill the whole room. Translated from Greek"rain flower" because it loves moisture. Its height is 20-25 cm with fleshy leaves elongated shape. The peduncle has no leaves, 30 large bell-shaped flowers are attached to it, collected in a spike-shaped brush.

When the hyacinth blooms

Hyacinth is a perennial, flowering occurs in early spring and lasts 2-3 weeks.

Where to keep hyacinth

This is a versatile flower, it can be planted both in the garden and at home. Hyacinth is placed in the brightest place, on the southern, eastern and western windows. AT winter time backlight is needed. The flower is afraid of drafts.

Hyacinth Care

Care is simple. The plant needs moist air, the average temperature is 18-20 degrees, without spraying the leaves, watering the top layer without waterlogging. During dormancy, the bulbs are stored in a dark place at a temperature of 5 degrees.

Weaving saxifrage

Unpretentious indoor plant 30 cm high, not demanding on heat, resistant to dry air. It looks beautiful in hanging pots, baskets, from which thin red garlands with a “mustache” hang, on which flowers are arranged in the form of tiny stars.

In the room, the saxifrage will be a wonderful and unique decoration with beautiful leaves. The upper side of the leaf is green with whitish veins, and the lower side is burgundy-red with an edge on both sides - it forms thin red lashes, at the ends of which rosettes with roots are formed. These rosettes can be planted in other growing pots.

When the saxifrage blooms

Perennial. The flowering of the saxifrage lasts from spring to autumn.

Where to keep a saxifrage

Saxifrage grows well in a bright, but not hot place, on an east or west window. The air temperature is not lower than 20-25 degrees, and in winter 12-15.

Saxifrage Care

Care is simple, it consists in watering once a day from spring to autumn with soft settled water. Reduce watering in winter.

One of the first heralds of spring are crocuses. Perennial bulbous plant. These are charming, beloved indoor flowers. They are also called saffron. There are about three hundred varieties of crocuses, some of them can be eaten - a sowing variety. Leaves are dark green.

The colors of crocuses are the most diverse, always pleasing to the eye, the flowers are small or large. For example, crocus Violet Wedge is unusually beautiful. purple flower, and lovely Blue Pearl crocuses with a slight blueness. Crocuses harmoniously look next to other flowers.

When do crocuses bloom

Perennial. Crocuses emerge from under the snow in early spring and late autumn.

Where to keep crocuses

Crocuses are placed on the east and west windows without drafts and sharp fluctuations in room temperature. The optimum temperature is 10-15 degrees, even below 0 is allowed at night - they feel great in winter on the windowsills.

Crocus Care

Crocus care is not difficult. Water the flowers 1 time in 2-3 days, pouring drained water from the pan. Faded bulbs are dug up and stored in a cool, dark place until the next planting time.

Following snowdrops and crocuses, primrose begins to bloom, or as it is also called primrose. This is very beautiful plant. The range of colors is varied. This flower will decorate any room with its presence. Primrose has medicinal properties.

When Primrose Blooms

Perennial. Primrose blooms from December to April. Flowering is plentiful with a pleasant light aroma. Blooms at a temperature of 12-15 degrees.

Where to keep primrose

Primrose is placed in a well-ventilated area with bright lighting. But does not like direct sunlight. Already in March, you can take out the primrose on the balcony or even plant it in the garden.

Primrose care

Primrose does not require much care at room conditions. Flower pots are best placed on a pallet with pebbles or moss.

Cineraria bloody

Cineraria, or as it is also called bloody ragwort, are compact herbaceous plants, the height of the bushes of which with inflorescences ranges from 20-70 cm. Large, velvety and very bright in color leaves with embossed veins on the surface are collected in a basal rosette. The leaves of cineraria are reminiscent of primroses and saintpaulias: jagged, soft, covered with a thin fluff. Dissolves beautiful one-color and two-color flowers, reminiscent of daisies, of various colors, which form round caps of extraordinary beauty. Flowers can be either single or double.

When does cineraria bloom?

it perennial but propagated as an annual. Continuous flowering from December to June.

Where to keep cineraria

Cineraria are placed on bright eastern and western windows, but not on the northern ones. They prefer cool rooms with a temperature of at least 15 degrees. You can take it out to the balcony in the evening. artificial lighting does not love.

Care for cineraria

The flower is difficult to care for - cineraria needs a strict temperature regime. The optimum temperature for flowering is 18 degrees, for budding and bud break 15 degrees. It is also difficult to ensure air humidity, which should be at least 60%. It is better to keep flowers in trays in order to drain the drained water.

Houseplant with a short stem and juicy velvety leaves of rich green color, unpretentious flowering plant. Has large luxurious flowers similar to gramophones. The color of the flowers is varied, beautiful velvet leaves. The best for donation are Gloxinia Royal and Gloxinia Beautiful, hybrids of the Norwegian selection.

When does gloxinia bloom?

Perennial. Gloxinia blooms in summer. Therefore, on March 8, she will be without flowers, but later she will surprise her owner and delight her with beautiful flowering.

Where to keep gloxinia

Gloxinia is a thermophilic plant. But with sufficient diffused light and high temperature in the room, it can also grow on the north window. Drafts are detrimental to her.

Gloxinia Care

Care is average. The main condition is to protect from direct sunlight. Room temperature is fine for her. And gloxinia also needs high humidity. To do this, it is necessary to put jars of water near it to create a microclimate.

It is also called the Stratoflower or "Cavalier Star". An unpretentious plant for those who love curly flowers. This flower is a vine that has tendrils with which it clings to a support. Could be like herbaceous plant, and an evergreen climbing shrub. A very beautiful plant with fragile large white flowers resembling a star and a light aroma.

When Passiflora Blooms

Perennial. Flowering is long - spring-autumn. Don't let this flowering period fool you. She is beautiful without blooming. And later, during the flowering period, she will thank your beloved woman for her care. beautiful flowers and pleasant aroma.

Where to keep passionflower

Place passionflower on all windows with good lighting, except for the northern windows. The temperature in the room should not exceed 30 degrees, and during the rest period 10-14 degrees. In summer you can take it out to the balcony. Passiflora does not tolerate stuffy stagnant air, it needs a ventilated room.

Passiflora Care

Caring for Passiflora is not difficult. Watering daily, spray in the evening, and 1 time per week to make her easy warm shower without damaging fragile plants.

She also has the title pike tail”,“ Snake skin ”,“ Mother-in-law’s tongue. It's unpretentious hardy plant with long erect leaves of various colors. Popular, excellent decorative qualities and are used for landscaping apartments and offices.

When does sansevieria bloom?

Perennial. Blooms white in spring small flowers, and also produces panicles. Has a vanilla scent. Sansevieria is also used as an air purifier in an apartment - it neutralizes harmful substances, destroys bacteria, increases immunity. Can be placed in the bedroom, children's room, because. at night, sansevieria produces oxygen.

Where to keep sansevieria

It is better to keep sansevieria on the east and west windows. However, it tolerates shading well and in sunny places. The temperature in summer is 18-25 degrees, in winter - not lower than 10 degrees.

If there are small children or animals in the house, then the plant should be placed in a place inaccessible to them. The fact is that some types of sansevieria secrete juice, which, although it does not irritate the skin, can cause nausea. And the kids put everything in their mouths, and cats can try the greens.

Sansevieria Care

Maintenance is minimal and rare. Sansevieria is a drought-resistant plant, a succulent. It is watered sparingly, rarely, the next watering should be done when the soil dries out. The plant tolerates relatively long periods without water. It must be observed that water does not get inside the outlet, otherwise it will rot.

Saintpaulia - violet

A beautiful, lovely flowering plant. Violet - very popular, beloved by everyone, pleases with abundant and long flowering. Flowers have a variety of colors. In appearance there are simple, terry and semi-double with wavy and corrugated edges. The diameter of the flowers is from 2.5 to 8.9 cm.

When the violet blooms

Perennial. Blooms intermittently throughout the year at a temperature of 18-14 degrees.

Where to keep violet

Pots are placed on the north, northeast, northwest windows. The plant is afraid of a sudden change in temperature

violet care

Caring for violets is not difficult. It is necessary to adhere to certain rules: pour with warm filtered water and make sure that water does not get on the leaf plates.

Evergreen. Spathiphyllum is also called "Women's Happiness", "Royal Flower". This is a popular unusual flower with a characteristic specific leaf shape. The stem of the flower is absent, the basal leaves form a bunch directly from the soil. The flower resembles an ear on a long stem with a white veil at the base, like a sail. After the end of flowering, the bedspread turns green. Has a pleasant aroma.

When does spathiphyllum bloom?

Perennial. Flowering - spring-summer, sometimes again - autumn with good care. The plant will bloom at a temperature of 18 degrees, but not lower.

Where to keep spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is not at all picky about lighting. It can grow both in partial shade and in the shade. Bright light will also be useful, especially in winter. The best place for cultivation - northern windows. Keep away from direct sunlight and drafts. Can grow in the partial shade of others tall plants which is very convenient.

Spathiphyllum Care

The complexity of care is low, but you need to take care of timely watering. Air humidity is important for the plant, ideally you need to spray the flower in spring and summer at least twice a day. If you do not have enough time to spray the plant, you can put it in a container filled with wet expanded clay. During flowering, in spring and summer, the flower needs abundant watering, in winter it should be watered sparingly.

A very unpretentious plant that attracts attention with its beautiful leaves. It has long, curved bicolor leaves. The flowers are small, white, on long stems.

This is a green record holder for cleaning the air in the apartment, especially the kitchen. Highlights a large number of phytoncides, has a bactericidal effect, destroys microbes and microorganisms. It can clear a room of harmful gases in minutes.

When does chlorophytum bloom?

Perennial. May bloom at any time throughout the year.

Where to keep chlorophytum

Chlorophytum pots can be placed anywhere in the room and on the window on any side of the house. It can grow well in both warm and cool rooms. The plant needs bright diffused light. In summer, you can take it out to the balcony so that there are no drafts. winter temperature not lower than 17 degrees.

Chlorophytum care

This is one of the most undemanding plants. Caring for chlorophytum is the easiest: it needs to be watered every 3 days in summer, and once a week in winter.

Cyclamen is a very attractive plant with bright and very beautiful flowers that have a variety of colors filled with sunshine. Has beautiful rounded and very decorative leaves. It has become increasingly popular in recent years. A flower, as it has long been believed, has energy abilities,

When does cyclamen bloom?

Perennial. AT suitable conditions Cyclamen blooms for a long time from November to March.

Where to keep cyclamen

During the flowering period, the flower must be placed in a very bright and cool room with a temperature of 10-15 degrees, it does not tolerate high temperatures. It is better to put in the summer on the eastern and western windows and in winter to the south.

Cyclamen Care

Cyclamen needs moderate care. Watering is moderate, but it is better to put in a pan with poured water.

Kalanchoe blooming

Kalanchoe in translation means "Grass of Destiny". A very attractive flower. Flowers depending on the variety are different colors: white, yellow, pink, orange, red, purple and other shades. The flower can be simple or double. Blooms luxuriantly, takes up little space.

When Kalanchoe Blooms

Perennial. Blooms from late winter to early spring, sometimes up to six months. With proper care, it can bloom even 2 times a year.

Where to keep Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe loves light, but not strong direct Sun rays. Therefore, it is better to keep on the east or west windows. In summer, you can take it out to the balcony, placing the flower in the shade.

Kalanchoe care

Kalanchoe are very unpretentious in content. The flower perfectly tolerates dry air and any room temperature. Not picky about soil and watering. If you forgot to water, it doesn't matter, you will water when you can.

It is also called "flamingo flower" or "male happiness". This is a beautiful plant with a flower of an unusual, memorable shape. The most common flowers are red shades - from yellow or orange to dark red. But there are also very original colors, for example, white, blue or almost black, as well as with a spotted pattern. An ear grows at the base of the flower light color. Have a wide range odors ranging from very pleasant to repulsive. And at the same time, it cleans the room very well from many chemical odors, for example, plastic or synthetics.

Anthurium has many species that differ not only in color, but also in the shape of the flower and cob, which will allow an interested woman to collect a very beautiful, unique home collection of these flowers.

When does Anthurium bloom?

Perennial. Flowering occurs in spring. May bloom for several months. And in some cases, with careful care - and almost all year round.

Where to keep anthurium

Anthurium loves long, bright, but diffused lighting. At the same time, it does not tolerate direct hot sunlight. It is best to put it on the east and west windows. Or on the south side in the constant shade of other plants.

Anthurium care

Anthuriums are relatively difficult to care for, but these efforts are fully paid off by the excellent appearance of the flower. They are demanding for the right light, heat and humidity. They need regular watering with soft water, plentiful in summer, moderate in winter. The soil should be constantly moist, but the plant does not tolerate stagnant water.

We hope this guide to indoor flowers in pots will help you choose the most suitable flower for your woman on March 8th or any other occasion. Be careful, show your imagination, and your beloved will be very pleased with the gift.

Anyone who spontaneously decided to let blooming spring motifs into his house and garden has the opportunity to give everything one hundred percent - with the help of driven out bulbous flowers of the most diverse colors. First in cramped pots, and later in gardens, they blossom like a race one after another, filling the soul of any grower with joyful awe.

spring awakening

After a long and dreary winter, fresh greenery and the first spring flowers give us a special joy: we look forward to birds, iridescent song and green grass, and a riot of primroses! And if daffodils, tulips and other spring bulbous flowers bloom in the garden only after a few weeks, then, acting as outcast pot flowers, they are already brightening up our balconies and terraces with vibrant colors and aromas.

Bulbous flowers, such as tulips or daffodils, look best in groups, so plant at least five or more bulbs side by side. Spring flowers in wooden boxes create a natural atmosphere.

Buy blooming spring

For gardeners, the wait actually begins in the fall, because it is in the fall that the foundations are laid for a colorful start to the new gardening season. Those who, with the onset of warm autumn, planted bulbous flowers in the garden, after a few months will be able to enjoy the flowering of crocuses, daffodils, tulips and other garden treasures. But even if you missed all the landing dates, it does not mean that an early one will not drop in on you. blooming spring and that you are left with nothing: and now, with the advent of spring, you can plant spring flowers using exiled flower bulbs, which already have green leaves, and flower buds are about to open. Such plants can be purchased at any specialized store or garden center, completely submitting to the whims of their tastes and priorities. Having passed a special temperature treatment, driven out flower bulbs bloom much earlier than plants planted in open ground in the garden. By changing the temperature and light regime at an accelerated pace, the bulbs are simulated in autumn, winter and spring, and soon the plants bloom ahead of schedule. Kicked out flowers are perfect for the impatient. Not all plant varieties are used for forcing. Usually choose bulbous plants with a short period from awakening to full bloom. Undersized tulips, hyacinths, small-flowered, irises, primroses, crocuses are suitable for distillation.

Miniature irises "Katharine Hodgkin" can be safely called a bulbous flower of "blue blood", which are distinguished by both beauty and lightness in culture.

From January to April, pots with such flowers, symbolizing the first breath of spring, can be purchased at any flower shop. The main disadvantage of potted spring flowers is that they cost more than flower bulbs. However, flowering is already guaranteed to you! When choosing a flowering plant, pay attention to the specimen in which the buds are not fully opened, so that you can admire the gradual opening of the flowers with admiration and prolong this wonderful moment of spring flowering.

In the role of planting containers for spring flowers, baskets of various shapes are ideal: large and small, round and angular, white and variegated. The bottom of the basket should be laid out with a film, a drainage layer should be poured, then a substrate, and the driven spring flowers can be planted.

March to the garden!

Driven out spring flowers purchased at flower shops can be removed from a plastic container and transplanted into tubs, pots or balcony boxes. Many flower pots, which yesterday unnecessarily lay around in a barn, basement or stood in a corner on the balcony, with the beginning of the garden season acquire new life and decorate our balconies, terraces and entrance areas at home. On warm, sunny days, containers with spring flowers can be placed in a place protected from the winds. However, in the evening it is better to bring them into the house, as the nights in early spring are still too cold for tender plants. In March - April, flowers from pots can also be planted in open ground in the garden, which will sparkle with unprecedented colors in anticipation of a truly warm spring. New plantings must be carried out when the thermometer is confidently above zero, and during night frosts, it is recommended to cover the plants with non-woven fiber or cardboard. Believe me, no one will even notice that the plant bulbs were planted in the ground just now, and not last spring. Grown up spring flowers give a visual representation of the future flower garden. This is another argument in favor of outcast plants. To naturalize the landscape, bulbous flowers are recommended to be planted in small groups; they are lost one by one. Group landings are always harmonious and pleasant to see.

Multi-flowered 'Bridal Crown' terry daffodils are ideal for spring flower gardens and potted gardens.

What to do when there is not enough space?

Since plants do not have as much space in pots as in open ground, bulbs should be planted at a shallower depth than indicated on the package. Yes, and the distance between the bulbs can be reduced. When buying, it is advisable to choose flower bulbs with different periods flowering to stretch this bright period of the blooming potted garden as long as possible. If you have a large container, plant bulbs in it various kinds plants using the "lasagna" method, namely, plant large bulbs of late-flowering flowers, for example, tulips, with a bottom layer, plant medium-sized bulbs of medium size, for example, hyacinths, in a checkerboard pattern above them, and on top - small bulbs with early term flowering, such as crocuses.

A spring flower garden in a zinc bath was created using the “lasagna” method: the lowest layer is made up of late-blooming tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. Plants with small bulbs - crocuses, muscari - are planted above them.

Everything is allowed

Any container is suitable as a planting container for bulbs - be it wooden box, a wire basket, a zinc tub, old pots and balcony boxes, or even teapots or pans not used for their intended purpose. If there are no drainage holes in the container, it should be at least a third filled with drainage - gravel, foam, and watered very carefully so that the bulbs do not rot.

Simple containers in which spring flowers are planted can be painted, painted, decorated different ways. With your help, they can "travel" around the garden, changing its appearance each time, they can be rearranged to try new ones. color solutions or, for example, to bring to the fore just blooming plants. If the colors do not match or flower composition Didn't live up to your expectations - no problem. Then it makes sense to plant plants not in one container, but in several. They can be moved at any time to where there is not enough paint. Yes, and the containers themselves should be involved in the overall design concept. With their help, you can, for example, enhance the color intensity of colors or set a certain atmosphere.

An ideal solution for flower growers: thanks to the attached leather handles, the elegant composition in the zinc container is easy to carry from one place to another.

In this case, repetition is a particularly effective stylistic device. It looks great, for example, the symmetrical placement of identical containers or a line of the same type of pots with the same plants on both sides of front door. Thus, the incomparable smell of spring flows even faster into the open window, making us cheer up.

Please don't throw it away!

After the end of flowering in the house, the bulbs of expelled spring flowers should not be thrown away. After all, they can be given a second life by planting the bulbs in the garden, but only after the final wilting and drying of the leaves. Already in next year plants will again delight you with their spring flowering.

On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, fill your house and garden with a joyful spring mood: at the front door, on the terrace or in the garden, arrange large pots with bright blooming tulips or classic daffodils.

We provide care

All plants need care, and even those that turn gray balconies and bare terraces into small, colorful spring gardens. It is very important that the soil in the containers never dry out. Since the roots of newly transplanted bulbous flowers are not yet in contact with the ground, they absorb relatively little water. Therefore, unlike well-established plants, freshly transplanted bulbous flowers should be watered more frequently. Concerning temperature regime rooms where spring flowers are located, then for them - the cooler the air, the longer they bloom! This means that spring flowers should not be placed near heating appliances!

Proper fit - but how?

After purchasing spring potted flowers, carefully remove their bulbs from plastic pots shake off excess soil. Since the earth ball is often dry, immerse the plant in water and hold until no air bubbles are released. This will help the plants take root faster. Now you can plant the bulbs in flower containers or other containers.

Spring bulbous flowers grow best in loose flowering soil with one-third of the sand added. It is important that the planting containers have drainage holes to drain excess water that bulbous flowers do not like. If there are no holes, then it is necessary to pour a drainage layer so that the roots do not stand in the water. What is claydite most often used for? For good air access to the roots, it would be useful to put containers on legs. In order for the soil in pots to better maintain a moderately moist state, it is covered with sphagnum moss and small heaters on top, moistening them from time to time. Finally she came - spring from the shopping cart.

Victoria Wegner
editor of the online magazine "Gartenzauber"

Translation: Lesya V.
specially for the Internet portal
garden center "Your garden"

March 8 is the favorite holiday of florists. Sales of flowers are going through the roof, city streets are blooming with mimosas and tulips in the hands of men, the scent of lilies and roses is floating in the subway. On the eve of Women's Day, we have compiled our rating of spring bouquets. If you can hardly tell a cactus from an orchid, suspect but don't know for sure that a tulip grew from a bulb, and the "palm tree" in your bedroom is a yucca, our review will surely be useful to you.


Tulips are a hit. The main advantage is the price. Cheap - and angry, as they say, when you need to bestow a spring mood on a big women's team or at the last moment to buy at least something to appear on the doorstep own house and not look like the last... uh... In general, this version of the gift for March 8 is on duty and not at all original, which, however, will not spoil the joy of the presented bouquet. It’s a pity, only that three or five single tulips look, to put it mildly, pale.

If you already choose tulips as a gift for March 8 - do not be stingy with a whole armful! And my advice to you is to experiment with color: banal red tulips look completely faceless (you will not give a veteran by May 9).

Do not be afraid to give yellow flowers - this, by the way, is not at all a sign of separation, as Natasha Koroleva inspired us, but a sign of wealth, according to the wise men of the East. Yellow is also the color of friendship, so feel free to give yellow tulips to girls you know!

Pure white, variegated or almost black tulips look original, experienced florist will collect you a bouquet of flowers different shades. Only I beg you - no stupid cellophane "bag". Fu-fu-fu... a rustling bag will only please your cat, but not the woman you want to please on holiday.

Present tulips in a basket, wrapped in sisal or tied with a matching satin ribbon - it's much more harmonious and attractive! Accidentally "sat down" on a bouquet ladybug or a butterfly - an extra drop of spring mood and one more point in your favor!


For many, this fluffy yellow twig is associated with Women's Day, and the rest will say: "Long live the Soviet past." But! Have you ever held an armful of mimosa in your hands? Can you imagine WHAT a piece of the sun is and WHAT flavor? It's just spring, yellow, fragrant HAPPINESS!!!


Did you know that the "March" mimosa is not a mimosa at all)) The real name of this plant is silver acacia! By the way, this is a tree.

What is a real mimosa grows like an indoor flower and looks much more modest.


Now it is fashionable to give orchids in pots. Just a couple of years ago, phalaenopsis were exotic, and now almost every window sill flaunts a regal orchid peduncle. And this is not surprising - the flower is unpretentious and not at all capricious, as it might seem at first glance.

If your woman loves indoor flowers - feel free to buy an orchid. Remember, orchid is a common name, in fact, EVERYTHING is MUCH more complicated: cattleya, cymbidium, oncidium, dendrobium ... Grabbed your head? And right! It is better to consult with a specialist, otherwise the blue vanda for a million in a month will be in the trash, and the eyes of a nice lady will be full of tears. Who knew that she was in the ground no-no-no-no way?


Many people love lilies - they look great "solo", stand in a bouquet for a long time, look gorgeous and smell delicious. Although ... there is a BUT about the smell. It causes allergies in many, and in small room can seem quite intrusive. No matter how you have to put your bouquet in the corridor or on the balcony ...


At any time of the year, roses are a classic of the genre. But by March 8, I would like something less pretentious and strict. Even a female boss will be happy with a more delicate bouquet. Save the roses for an anniversary or Valentine's Day.


Yes, these large colored daisies are called gerberas. Great choice, if we talk about a bouquet for March 8! And don't be intimidated by the fact that in the flower shop they hang upside down - this is to keep the stems straight.


The advantage is that they stand in a bouquet for a long time. It so happened that this flower is somewhat “aged”, as a rule, it is given to middle-aged women. If you need a gift for March 8 for a grandmother or a retired neighbor - a great choice!

If, nevertheless, you decide to buy chrysanthemums, pay attention to colored varieties with a pronounced middle - they are very reminiscent of daisies or small green balls - they look stylish and do not look at all like classic white chrysanthemums.

By the way, if you prefer to give potted plants- chrysanthemum is also a great option, but not spring, more associated with autumn. Save the idea for the future, and by March 8, choose something more suitable.

Crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and other bulbs

Bulbous, which are specially planted in advance in order to get flowering by the desired date - this is one of the most spring options gift. If a lady has a dacha or a flower bed under the window, such a gift will delight with flowering for more than one year. If there is nowhere to plant the bulbs - do not be upset, the plant will still bring joy, believe me.


Primroses appear on the thawed flower beds among the first. On March 8, you can buy potted primroses in flower stalls and shops. The spring freshness of such a bouquet will please the hostess, because the plant can be brought home and grown as an indoor plant for a long time, there are no particular difficulties in caring for it.

Dear men! If you have read this article to the end, it means that there is one more bouquet in the World! Give women flowers more often! After all, the next March 8 is so long, but you want HAPPINESS right now. Any bouquet presented to a beloved woman will be a joy if you attach sincere gifts to it. warm congratulations and a beaming smile. Let the flowers say everything...

At the beginning of spring, colors and smells are especially acute, subtle, but already so intoxicating. To evoke even more pleasure in your soul, give fragrant, bright flowers in a pot. Spring indoor plants do not require special care, they will delight much longer than a bouquet from cut flowers and create a festive spring mood.

The most spring indoor flowers

1. Stephanotis (Madagascar jasmine)

Wonderful snow-white flowers of this climbing plant, blooming, exude an incredibly sensual aroma! Spring-like invigorating, refined, with hints of citrus and Mediterranean breeze, at the same time, it will seem familiar to many from childhood. After all, stephanotis smells exactly like jasmine!

2. Hyacinth

One, three or a whole meadow of bulbs with slender hyacinths is a lovely gift for March 8th. Fragrant flowers will please the recipient for more than one week, but the choice colors in season will probably put you in a stupor. But don't get lost: a girl will like any variety or. By the way, you can buy bulbs and give only them: after all, it's simple, exciting and like a miracle. You can also use these unusual spring flowers.

3. Primrose

Indoor primrose is one of the most successful gift options for March 8th. Cheerful umbrellas will cheer up and decorate the room. On sale among indoor plants, you can most likely find 2 types: hybrid garden primrose and perennial. But any bright pot is able to please the representatives of the fairer sex - from young to old: a girl, sister, mother, grandmother. Fortunately, these flowers are inexpensive. (About the care of primrose we have-do not miss!)

4. Tulips and other bulbs

Do you want to definitely give spring flowers, but are afraid that the bouquet will not last even a couple of days? Then, daffodils, crocuses in pots - what you need! Elegant flowers will positively charge both the recipient and the whole room in which they will be, because they are the real children of spring! And they also get along well with each other in beautiful.

rare indoor plants

For those who wish to do more original gift on March 8, we recommend giving not just a beautifully flowering houseplant. Rare specimens that cannot be found all the time on any windowsill will appeal to women whose hobby is breeding unusual indoor plants.

1. Takka ( bat, black Lily)

The gloomy names of this flower are associated with the unique color of the petals and nothing more. In fact, takka is a harmless plant and can cause concern to the hostess only because it requires a lot of light and heat. By the way, unlike other representatives of the flora pollinated by flies, takka does not exude bad smell. Obviously, women who collect rare indoor plants will be delighted with this specimen!

2. Dendrobium

One of the most beautiful orchids, seeing which, you will definitely want to give it to a woman, especially if you like to surprise and impress. Coming to us from the tropics, this beauty is not easy to care for. Nevertheless, experts say that the plant is able to please more than once. abundant flowering, if you provide the dendrobium with very bright lighting throughout the year and coolness in autumn and winter. Of course, there are general rules care for orchids, which we have already talked about.

3. Strelitzia

100% hit in the discharge is provided by strelitzia. exotic flowers resemble brightly colored birds: that is why the plant got its second name " bird of paradise". Like other representatives of the tropics, strelitzia simply requires an abundance of light, heat, and moisture. But you should not be afraid of caring for this splendor of color and shape: the plant is relatively unpretentious.