How to store a mimosa bouquet at home. How to keep mimosa longer - a lovely yellow flower. How to save a bouquet of mimosa

On the eve of the main spring holiday - International women's day, near markets, small markets and public transport stops, whole mountains of flowers begin to appear. As a rule, they do not differ in variety, because the main flowers for March 8 are tulips and, of course, mimosa.

Interesting! Actually sell not a mimosa bashful (the most famous type), a acacia silver, which also belongs to the legume family, like mimosa itself.

She received such an incorrect name in everyday life back in the Soviet years, perhaps because earlier both plants were part of the disbanded Mimosa subfamily.

Silver acacia is a tree, and it is its flowering shoots (twigs) that are sold.

If the cultivation of tulips has already been put on conveyor production, then mimosa, as a rule, is harvested (cut) and taken to the cities only on the eve of the holiday. After all, it blooms only at the beginning of spring (more precisely, from the end of January to mid-April) and some unique ways to keep it fresh and fluffy for a long time have not yet been invented, but still there are some tricks.

Actually, as you may have guessed, this article will be devoted to how to keep cut mimosa longer at home.

You can find a mimosa, or rather, a silver acacia near Black Sea coast Caucasus. Thus, silver mimosa-acacia grows:

  • in Sochi (in other words, in the Black Sea strip of the Krasnodar Territory);
  • in Abkhazia;
  • In Georgia.

Interesting! In general, the southeast coast of Australia and the island of Tasmania are considered the birthplace of silver acacia. Then it spread widely and naturalized in Southern Europe, South Africa, the western United States, the Azores and Madagascar (according to Wikipedia).

Video: bouquet with mimosa

How to keep cut fluffy mimosa at home

Unfortunately, many sellers, in order to give an attractive and marketable appearance to their flowers, resort to a tricky trick - they scald the branches with boiling water, from which the flowers become fluffy and take on a more alluring and festive look. Unfortunately, such "Scalded" mimosa will cost even less (1-2 days).

By the way! It is believed that such (scalded) mimosa can be identified by a very muffled or completely absent aroma.

However, if by a lucky chance you come across fresh twigs or twigs that have not yet opened (fluffed) flowers-balls, then you can still extend their life.

Alternatively, you can increase humidity around mimosa, for example, placing a humidifier nearby or periodically spraying them outspray bottle (cool water).

Note! In this case, the branches, of course, should stand in the water.

Do I need to put mimosa in water?

The answer to this question depends on do mimosa branches have unopened flowers:

You can understand that all the flowers have opened by appearance: "lumps" on the branch should be fluffy from the stamens.

  • If a there are unopened flowers then mimosa can be placed in water, then they will open and fluff up completely (it will stand within 4-7 days).

By the way! It is desirable to put it in warm water.

Advice! For better absorption of water, it is recommended to pre- "split" or "crush" a lignified trunk mimosa and remove all bottom leaves who were not in the water. And this also applies to chrysanthemums, roses and other flowers with a lignified stem.

  • If the mimosa branch is already whole completely fluffy, then into its water no need to set, but you can (it will stand within 3-4 days).

How to keep a mimosa in a vase without water

Another thing is that mimosa can be put in an empty vase without water. So she can stand in a decent form within a week or a little more (according to reviews, certainly longer than in water).

By the way! If you put the mimosa in a vase without water in a cool place, it will last even longer.

Of course, it will gradually dry out and lose its aroma (which is logical), however, it is not necessary to throw it away at all, in a dry state it can stand for another couple of months or even more.

Of course, not everyone likes "dry" or "mummified" bouquets, but there are still lovers of "dried flowers".

Advice! So that empty flower balls do not crumble at the “dried flower” for a long time, it can be coat with hairspray.

Thus, it turns out that the only way to keep a mimosa for a long time is to dry it.

Having received a wonderful bouquet of mimosas on March 8, you always want to try to keep them fluffy and fragrant for as long as possible. Of course, following the suggested tips, you can extend their life, but you should not count on much.

Video: how to make mimosa last longer

In contact with

Acacia silver

This yellow beauty is a herald of the approaching spring, warmth, hopes and, of course, a holiday. Therefore, it is so nice to receive a fragrant twig as a gift.

In fact, the name of the beauty that we used to receive on March 8 is Silver Acacia from the legume family. This is a heat-loving plant that has appeared in Europe since the 19th century and was brought from Australia. This plant blooms luxuriantly from early February to late March. Due to the abundance of fragrant, fluffy balls, the branches of the shrub resemble golden fans.
Of course, nature preserves beauty exactly as much as it should, but you really want to prolong the life of this wonderful plant and enjoy its beauty longer.

How to properly store mimosa?

Mimosa loves light, warmth and moist air. Getting out of the cold warm room the flower must be given time to acclimatization in room. To do this, leave it in the package for 20-30 minutes. To make the bouquet longer fluffy, the ends of the stems should be crushed and dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Such a shake will help revive the buds and prevent them from crumbling quickly. This procedure will also be useful for slightly wilted twigs.

Then, evenly distributing the branches, we place them in a vase with hot water. Make sure that the branches in the vase are not crowded.

Drying mimosa

To make the branches stand for a long time, you can also dry up. Keep them in water for 3-4 days, and then drain the water from the vase and leave them to stand without it. Such a mimosa can please you for a very long time.

  • 2-3 teaspoons of sugar per 1 liter of water will give the bouquet the necessary nutrition;
  • you can add aspirin to the water or boric acid-these drugs will purify the water and help beneficial substances move faster along the stems;
  • for disinfection of water, 50 grams of vodka per 1 liter of liquid is also suitable;
  • so that the stems do not rot, you can add coniferous extract (concentrate) to the water in combination with sugar.

Group "Lesopoval" - "Branch of Mimosa"

like this simple secret storing mimosa, which will help prolong the joy of spring mood!

And further! It must be remembered that mimosa does not really like the neighborhood of other flowers!

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That plant, which is usually called mimosa, in science has a completely different name - silver acacia. Its homeland is Australia, namely its southeastern part. Main Feature of this plant is that frosts for it can cause death.

How to keep fluffy mimosa longer in a vase

If you were presented with a bouquet or you bought it, and did not cut it yourself, there are certain rules, the observance of which will help to keep the bouquet in all its glory for a long time. So, how to keep fluffy mimosa? Certain requirements must be met:

  • Before you put the flowers directly in the vase, you must remove all the lower leaves. It should be remembered that mimosa, which is in the water, will last about 3-4 days, without water, this period is much longer.
  • In order to increase the so-called fluffiness of the bouquet, sellers sometimes resort to some trick, lowering them not into cold, but, on the contrary, into hot water. This procedure will help flowering branches acquire additional beauty and freshness. However, it is worth remembering that this effect will not last long enough. The very next day, mimosa can crumble. It is very easy to recognize such a flower that was in hot water - it has no smell. That's why before buying without fail you need to check this quality.
  • Another way to preserve mimosa flowers for as long as possible is to dry them. First, flowers can traditionally be placed in a vase with water, and after a while (usually 3-4 days), drain the water from the vessel and dry the flower itself. With this method of preservation, mimosa will delight you for a whole year.
  • You brought flowers home, and they turned out to be a little wilted, how to save a mimosa bouquet in this case? Yellow twigs should be wrapped in paper, after which the stems should be lowered into hot water. It is better to choose ceramic dishes for this. Leave the bouquet in this state for several hours. After carrying out this procedure in the morning you will see a lush and fresh bouquet of mimosa in a vase.

Unfortunately, these sunny branches lose their freshness very quickly in a vase. On the eve of the holiday, on television and in the press, they talk and write a lot about how to keep the freshness of cut flowers longer.

This article has helped many gardeners stop overworking on their plot and at the same time get a generous harvest.

I would never have thought that in order to get best harvest on his personal plot for all my “cottage career”, I just need to stop overworking myself in the beds and trust nature. For as long as I can remember, every summer I spent in the country. First on the parent, and then my husband and I bought our own. From early spring to late autumn all free time spent on planting, weeding, tying, pruning, watering, harvesting and, finally, conservation and attempts to keep the crop up to next year. And so in a circle...

So, before you put cut branches of mimosa in a vase, you need to remove lower leaves. In water, mimosa does not crumble for 3-4 days, and without water it can last even longer.

To increase the fluffiness of the branches, sellers sometimes dip them in hot water. After such a procedure, flowering branches look especially beautiful and fresh, but not for long, the very next day they can crumble. "Boiled" mimosa can be easily recognized - it has no smell.

If the mimosa buds are closed, they need to be opened (otherwise you may not see them blooming, as they risk drying out closed). To do this, crush the mimosa stems and put them in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

How to save cut mimosa

Such a fragile plant as a mimosa can be kept fresh for a week if put in warm water for 30-40 minutes, to which a few drops of vinegar have already been added, then renew the cut and need to be crushed a little with a hammer, and then put in water.

Do not rush to immediately put the mimosa into the water, especially if the water is from the tap and cold - the delicate plant will be uncomfortable, which will not be slow to affect its fluffiness.

Ideally, water for mimosa should be prepared in advance. It should stand and be neither too cold nor too warm. The tips of the branches before immersion in water should be slightly kneaded.

If you keep a mimosa in water, it will live longer, but mimosas do not tolerate dry air at all. In order to keep it fluffy, indoor air, it is advisable to spray or buy a humidifier. Those. moisture, moisture and moisture.

Since the plant constantly secretes protective juices, it is very important to monitor the freshness of the water in the vase and change it as often as possible.

How to make mimosa last longer video

Mimosa is a favorite flower, deeply associated in our minds with the association with the holiday of March 8th. For many generations of our country, the appearance of this yellow beauty from sellers flower shops meant the approach of spring, warmth and holiday. Of course, today the flower market is replete with all sorts of spring heralds: hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses and tulips. But mimosa is in no way inferior to its competitors in the matter of choosing a spring bouquet. Therefore, lovers of "yellow happiness" are interested in the question of how to store cut mimosa.

"Correct" mimosa

First of all, it must be said that the flower that we usually call mimosa is not one. Real Mimosa pudica (bashful mimosa) grows on the territory and looks completely different from bouquet branches. This is a small height which at best reaches a meter. The analogy of using the name "mimosa" is justified by similar inflorescences and leaf shape. True, the real one is larger in size and different in color.

She got her name "shameful" because of the leaves, which "react" to any changes that arise from fluctuations in temperature, lighting, and, most importantly, from touching them. Flower growers can breed this cute plant only in room conditions or in a greenhouse. And to the question of how to save a sprig of mimosa, there is only one answer - in a pot.

Where are you from, beauty?

The plant that brings the news of spring to our region and gives us a sunny mood is called Like a real mimosa, it belongs to and has more than 1000 species in its arsenal. Acacia is a thermophilic plant. It first appeared in Europe in the 19th century.

Acacia was brought from the Australian continent to the French Riviera, where it has successfully taken root and is currently blooming luxuriantly from early February to mid-March.

Mimosa, open the "face"

The leaves of the silver acacia - now we will call it mimosa - resemble the green of ferns. They are just as sharp and delicate. It was the color of the leaves, from silvery green to blue silver, that determined the academic name of this species. Small balls-flowers, consisting of fluffy stamens, are collected in inflorescences resembling a panicle. The number of golden stamens is so great that they turn the flowers into tender and airy peas.

In early spring, the branches of the mimosa bush are covered with fragrant yellow caps, resembling golden fans. It is clear that nature preserves this beauty for as long as it should be. And how you want to bring this fluffy gold into the house and enjoy this miracle longer. Is it possible to save a bouquet of mimosa? Let's reveal some of the secrets of this flower.

Mimosa transportation secrets

The main thing you need to know is that mimosa loves moisture, light and heat. If all three factors are present, then it blooms quickly and the inflorescences bloom actively. The answer to the question of how to store cut mimosa will be the exclusion of any factor, and preferably all three.

If you have to transport cut branches, then save the buds and prevent them from blooming is the main thing in the question of how to store. Cut mimosa should be cooled immediately. "Cooling" will preparatory stage in front of the transport refrigerator and will not allow condensation to form on the leaves. The cooled mimosa is tightly packed in polyethylene. This will keep the pollination of the stamens that have already appeared. Then polyethylene packages are placed in carton boxes. Transportation should take place within a day, since the plant cannot remain longer without moisture.

Mimosa is brought to us from warm latitudes. On the eve of the holiday, there may still be frosty days, so the question of how to save a sprig of mimosa bought as a gift and bring it unharmed is relevant. The answer is simple: thick wrapping paper will save you from the effects of frost and wind.

Mimosa acclimatization indoors

Once in the room, the flower will definitely feel the change. Again, there comes a time when you need to remember the comfort factors for mimosa: moisture, light and warmth. Do not immediately put it in the water, it must be given the opportunity to acclimatize. Let the branches lie in the room right in the package (20-30 minutes) and only then unpack. Now the next task: how to save mimosa so that it stands longer?

In order for the mimosa bouquet to become evenly fluffy, the ends of the stems must be crushed and lowered for 1-2 minutes in boiling water. Such a shake for the plant is only useful. It gives impetus to the revival of the buds. If this is not done, the buds may crumble unopened. We fill the vase and distribute the branches spaciously, “with air”. In a vase, mimosa does not tolerate crowding. To make the buds fluffy, spray the inflorescences cold water.

Now you know all the secrets of how to store cut mimosa. Prolong the joy of spring mood!

to keep at home rare plant need to know the secrets of the content. Everyone loves bright flowers. Any creature requires an individual approach. In this compilation, the editors intended to lay out some of the tips for avoiding death while maintaining unusual plant. The secrets to growing large classes of flowers are the same. It seems correct to clarify for subsequent actions which class your plant belongs to.

How to keep a sprig of mimosa fluffy?

Since Soviet times, a sprig of mimosa has become a symbol of spring and an indispensable attribute of International Women's Day on March 8. Years have passed, but the love for mimosa has not passed, it is always in demand, despite the abundance of various flowers around. Every eighth of March, mimosa still populates our homes to the delight of women's hearts.

Yellow fragrant mimosa balls at home turn into gray compressed lumps. One of the secrets of preserving the youth of mimosa. Wrap the bouquet in newspaper and put it in very hot water for a while so that the buds bloom faster. Otherwise, they will shrivel and dry out before opening. The ends of the stems are previously advised to crush. If the flowers shrivel, they are held over steam to make them fluffy again. The plant does not like dry air. Mimosa inflorescences are sprayed with cold water. After cutting, the ends of the stems are crushed.

Before putting cut branches of mimosa into a vase, you need to remove the lower leaves. In water, fresh mimosa does not crumble for 3-4 days, and without water it can last even longer. To increase the fluffiness of the branches, sellers sometimes dip them into boiling water. After such a procedure, flowering yellow twigs look especially beautiful and fresh, but not for long, the very next day they can crumble. "Boiled" mimosa is easy to recognize - it has no smell.

Spring is always the time of sun, light and love. And a mimosa branch is hundreds of little suns in your house, a ray of light on your face, a drop of love given to you or by you. Delicate and ardent mimosa flower with a touch of romance and sophistication. Mimosa - like tiny diamond earrings: small, but how they decorate! Let's wholeheartedly give each other a drop of sunshine and love - a modest sprig of mimosa, which so subtly feels slyness ...

Save your friend from life's prose, Buy her a bouquet of ardent mimosa, Let her see, let her know, That spring is coming somewhere in the south, Which pours into souls with a song, And soon it will spin us all in colors. (S. Krasikov)

Master and Margarita "She carried in her hands disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers. The devil knows what their names are, but for some reason they are the first to appear in Moscow. She carried yellow flowers! Not a good color." This is how Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov spoke about mimosa in his novel "The Master and Margarita".

garden plants

Salad "Mimosa Sprig"

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Jacket-boiled potatoes - 2 pieces;

Carrots boiled in uniform - 2 pieces;

Canned salmon in own juice- 1 jar;

Cooking process

This salad is very similar to the classic Mimosa, only butter here replaced by processed cheese. With this ingredient, the salad turns out to be very delicate in taste. I do not add onion, but you can add it if you wish, after scalding it with boiling water.

Prepare necessary ingredients. Peel boiled vegetables from the peel, eggs from the shell.

Separately, grate potatoes, carrots and processed cheese on a coarse grater.

Drain the liquid from canned pink salmon, remove the bones and mash the fish with a fork.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Leave two yolks to decorate the salad, grate the rest of the eggs on a fine grater.

Cheese "Gouda" also grate on a fine grater.

On a flat dish, lay out layers of potatoes, fish, carrots, processed cheese, eggs and cheese, lubricating each layer, including the top one, with mayonnaise.

Grate the remaining yolk on a fine grater. Break the straw into several pieces and place on the salad, forming mimosa branches. Sprinkle with yolk and garnish with dill. Lay canned corn on the sides.

Send the salad in the cold for 2 hours to soak.

Bon appetit and delicious feast to you!

Salad with sardine "Mimosa sprig"

Calories: Not specified

Time for preparing: 25 min

Salad "Sprig of mimosa" - tender, homemade, delicious salad. It can be prepared for any holiday. Salad consists of simple products, but the combination of them is very tasty. This is one of the varieties of Mimosa salad. the ingredients that make up the salad can be found in the refrigerator of every housewife. And it is prepared easily and simply. Even if guests unexpectedly descended on you, such a salad can be prepared in a matter of 20-25 minutes, since the bulk of the ingredients are ready-to-eat products. They will only need to be grated.

Cooking time: 20-25 minutes.


The main ingredient of this classic salad- canned fish Everyone prepares Mimosa salad in their own way, the recipe with sardine is also quite popular. That is what we will prepare.

Boil hard boiled eggs for 8-10 minutes. Cool and then peel them from the shell. Divide into whites and yolks. Protein grate on a coarse grater.

Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

Crush the sardine with a fork and place on the bottom of a plate. Top it with a little oil, in which it was marinated.

Place the grated cheese on top of the sardine.

The next layer of Mimosa Branch Sardine Salad will be butter. Grate it on top of the cheese. To make the oil rub well, you can freeze it for a short time in the freezer (10-15 minutes).

Let the sun shine!

Let the frost go!

Let the winter drive away

Here on the Internet I met such an article for the holiday of the Eighth of March. I also read and goosebumps ran through, as it became uncomfortable.

I would not say that the weather was spring. The icy wind blew

get under your jacket. Raising the collar and lowering it as low as possible

head, I was approaching the market. I decided a week before that, no

roses, only spring flowers ... a spring holiday.

I went to the market. In front of the entrance, there was a huge basket with very

beautiful spring flowers. They were Mimosas. I approached yes flowers

really beautiful.

And who is the seller, I asked, hiding my hands in my pockets. Only now, I

I felt an icy wind.

And you, son, wait, she didn’t leave for long, she’ll be right back, ”she said

an aunt who sold pickles next door.

I stood aside, lit a cigarette, and even began to smile a little when

I imagined how happy my women, daughter and wife would be.

Opposite me was an old man.

Now I can’t say what exactly, but in his appearance I have something

An old-fashioned raincoat, 1965 style, there was no place on it that was

would not be sewn. But this darned and darned cloak was clean.

Trousers, just as old, but madly ironed. Boots polished up

mirror shine, but this could not hide their age. One shoe

was tied with wire. I understand that the sole on it is just

fell off. From under the cloak, an old, almost dilapidated shirt was visible, but also

she was clean and tidy. Face, his face was the usual face of an old

man, that's just in the look, there was something adamant and proud, not

no matter what.

Today was a holiday, and I already understood that grandfather could not be shaved in

such a day. There were a dozen cuts on his face, some of them were

covered with pieces of newspaper.

Grandfather was afraid of the cold, his hands were of blue color…. he was very scared

but she stood in the wind and waited.

Some kind of not good lump rolled up in my throat.

I started to freeze, but the saleswoman was not there.

I continued to look at my grandfather. By many little things, I guessed that grandfather

not a wino, he is just an old man, exhausted by poverty and old age. And

I also just obviously felt that my grandfather was embarrassed by his current

positions below the poverty line.

The saleswoman came up to the basket.

Grandfather timidly moved towards her.

I approached her the same way.

Grandfather went up to the saleswoman, I stayed a little behind him.

Grandfather tried with his second hand to give this branch a divine look, but she, not

wanting to listen to him, she broke down on the floor and the flowers looked at the ground ... At the hand

grandfather's tear fell ... Grandfather stood and held a broken flower in his hand and cried.

Do you hear, bitch, what are you doing? I started trying

Apparently, in my eyes there was something that the saleswoman somehow

turned pale and even decreased in stature. She just looked at me like

the mouse on the boa constrictor was silent.

Grandfather, well, wait, - I said, taking my grandfather by the hand.

You stupid chicken, how much is your bucket, answer quickly and clearly,

so that I would not strain my hearing, - I hissed barely audibly, but very clearly.

E…. and ... well ... I don’t know, - the saleswoman mumbled

I last time I ask you, how much does a bucket cost!?

Probably 50 hryvnia, - said the saleswoman.

All this time, my grandfather did not understand, looking at me, then at the saleswoman.

I threw a bill at the feet of the saleswoman, pulled out the flowers and handed them to my grandfather.

To father, take it, and go congratulate your wife, I said

Tears, one by one, rolled down grandfather's wrinkled cheeks. He shook

head and cried, just silently cried ...

I had tears in my own eyes.

Grandfather shook his head as a sign of refusal, and covered his

All right, father, let's go together, I said, and took my grandfather by the arm.