My review and results before and after the exercise “Planck. Plank: an exercise for a slim figure. Photos before and after, benefits and harms, a scheme for a month

Hello my dear readers! Today I want to discuss with you a very interesting and relevant topic. In the comments, you asked me how I keep fit and what my favorite exercise is. Today's material will be dedicated to those people who torment search engines with queries: exercise plank reviews results or some similar. Go!

What do you think can be done in a minute? A little, right? Do you think that 60 seconds in 30 days is too little to keep fit? If your answer is yes, then you have never done a plank. The reviews and results after the plank exercise are simply stunning, it is able to keep your body in shape and helps fight excess weight, contributing to the process of losing weight.

Such an elementary exercise will help create the perfect body without extra effort. Almost. If you want to lose weight, make your muscles strong and at the same time avoid the problem of saggy skin, but you have little time and no money for a fitness trainer or for gym, "bar" will solve all your problems.

What are the benefits of the plank exercise?

plank for weight loss photo

I think many people know that you can achieve an ideal body only with the help of sports loads. But, we live in a crazy world, life flies past us, and we do not always have time to take time for ourselves. I really love sports, the fitness wave somehow swallowed me up, but sometimes there just isn’t enough time to go to the gym after work. Yes, now stones will fly in my direction, and you say that you can always find time, and I agree with you. Because there are exercises that are suitable even for home workouts, and do not require much time to perform. These include the “bar”, which is often used in the field of bodybuilding, fitness and.

What is the use of a plank

  • Weight loss - weight loss
  • Muscles and endurance - muscles come in tone. In general, everything.
  • Energy - there is more strength to do things and think.
  • Appearance - the body becomes toned and beautiful.

The essence of the Planck exercise

that the body sags above the floor, while the emphasis is on the hands and socks. If your muscles are untrained, you may feel some discomfort when doing the exercises first, which will pass with training. The exercise will be effective only when you correctly perform the “bar”.

If you group the body incorrectly, bending it in the lower back, not tense the buttocks and abs enough, the result will not be what you expect. Despite the fact that the “plank” seems very simple, it actually works almost all muscle groups.

What is the effect of this exercise

This exercise will ideally strengthen the muscles of the back, prevent or eliminate osteochondrosis in the cervical or lumbar region. "Plank" affects the arms, legs, buttocks and abs. Thanks to this exercise, you will quickly get rid of adipose tissue in the lower abdomen. I personally guarantee the effectiveness. At the same time, the waist will become much smaller, and this is only for 7 days of regular classes. I knew cases when, doing only the "bar", guys and girls lost 2-3 cm at the waist. The back muscles are also strengthened, which improves posture.

Plank and weight loss - a review from a woman

How did I find out about this exercise? I was 16 years old, and I went with my parents to rest on the sea. A company of doctors, husband and wife also went with us. One evening, when we all came from the beach and sat down at the table, my mother's friend, Aunt Alla, who had lost a lot of weight for the beach season, began to reveal her secrets of harmony. This topic was also interesting to me, because I just showed a good result in pulling up on the horizontal bar at the city competitions. So, Aunt Alla said that she began to eat a balanced diet, and did the bar.

Then it seemed to me something from the realm of fantasy, how such, at first glance, an elementary exercise can change the human body in such a way. I started arguing with her and said that it was impossible. To which she replied: "Do this exercise." And I tried that same evening. To tell the truth, I didn't even last 30 seconds. The body began to shake, the legs hurt, the press burns with fire. Only due to my strong and inflated arms I was able to hold out for half a minute. By nature, I am a maximalist and used to experimenting and achieving my goal, I decided to stand in the bar not only for 60 seconds, but also to break this record.

plank exercise reviews

For a moment, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Aunt Alla stands in the plank for 5 minutes, and this, according to her, is far from the limit. After the sea, I went to the gym and discussed this exercise with my trainer. Oddly enough, he knew about it before, but for some reason, the “plank” was not very popular. I can say with confidence that I was the first person who started doing the “bar”. After a month of regular classes, other guys and girls began to repeat after me. Please note that the "bar" can not hurt. No contraindications were found, it can be performed by absolutely everyone. The main thing is to rationally calculate your strength and go towards the goal gradually. In sports, the main thing is to listen to your body, not to strain too much and do everything for pleasure. For men, I can say, try to take yourself "weakly". First of all, prove to your “I” that you can overcome the set milestone.

Plank - what is it

  • The most effective exercise, which works immediately with the whole body;
  • saving money. To perform, there is no need to buy different sports equipment, it can be performed anywhere: on the street, at sea, at home, in the gym;
  • Rapidity. To complete the exercises you need to spend a few minutes;
  • Benefit in all aspects.

Application for everyone and everyone!

plank exercise for 30 days

"Plank" can be performed at any time of the day, 30 minutes after eating. I do it after every workout when it's time to focus on the abs, or as a standalone exercise on days when I don't have to go to the gym. If you are not exercising like me, then before doing it, it is better to “warm up” the muscles a little and do a little warm-up workout. A huge plus is that you will not have to wait long for the result. After the first day, you will feel every muscle in your body.

You just need not to give up, and day after day go towards your perfect body. Many people ask me: “what motivates you, how do you not break down?”. I will say right away that many people have breakdowns, including me, I am not an ideal person, but I try not to stand still and work on myself. I am motivated by the result, how I will look. I want to be an example for my subscribers, I want to be strong and healthy in order to travel and enjoy life. And I also wonder how I can change.

You have lived with your body for 20, 30 or 40 years - don't you wonder how it can change? Are you not interested in how you can look different and be a motivation for others? There is no time, no opportunity, many nos in our lives. Find one "yes" and start doing the "plank" - this is truly unique exercise. There will also be those who will say: “this is boring, we want some kind of variety.” I also have an answer to this, there are different variations of the “bar”, for example, the reverse bar. It depends on the degree of your preparation and on the desire to look for something new.

How to do it right bar

  1. Lie down on your stomach.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbows at a right angle, and take emphasis on the elbows while lying down. The whole body should look like a straight line from head to heels.
  3. Supports do exclusively on the forearms and on the toes.
  4. Keep your abdominal muscles tight at all times.

A little advice from me. The most "hell", if you stand for a minute, begins after 40 seconds. After that, I always look at the thumbs, it distracts me, and I can reach the end.

Video so that you clearly understand everything:

How to make a plank more effective

  • Always keep your feet together, this will of course add extra load to you, so it will be much more difficult to maintain balance. But, this will work the abdominal muscles even more;
  • the legs should be straight and strong, feel their work, otherwise you will make the load on the abdominal muscles insignificant, and this will not lead to the desired result;
  • tighten your buttocks and keep them in this state until the sound on the timer. This rule is especially true for girls;
  • it is impossible not to bend or round the lumbar region, the back should be flat, think that you pressed it against the wall;
  • don't relax your stomach. At the same time, breathe evenly and do not hold your breath, the muscles need oxygen, because they work;
  • to avoid a strong load on the shoulders, the hands should be strictly under the shoulder joints.

How much to stand:

  • to start with, start with 30 seconds;
  • as soon as you get used to the loads, increase the time. I heard at work that my colleague stands in the “bar on the elbows” for 10 minutes. It seems fantastic, even before it I “stand and stand;
  • to achieve results, you do not need to swing or spin. Keep the static, and try to stand all the scheduled time, but do not force yourself, it is better to slowly but surely go towards your goal.

Those who have mastered the classics and want variety can be offered to perform a side plank. She will bring quick effect. You will only be holding your body weight on two anchor points. As a result, it is not so easy to keep static, while the whole body works. This is very cool for weight loss.

We do:

  • lie down on your right side;
  • the elbow is placed only under the shoulder joint;
  • the left hand is placed on the left thigh;
  • tighten the press, and raise the pelvis from the floor to get a diagonal;
  • maintain such a statistical posture;
  • repeat on the left side.

Varieties of plank exercises for weight loss

Raised Leg Plank

plank photo

Thanks to this exercise, the reference point decreases, while the load increases.

We do:

  • take the “classic” pose;
  • lift the leg, slightly above the shoulder, while it should be straight and try to maintain static;
  • after a minute, repeat with the other leg.

Raised Arm Plank

This variation is even more effective because it will make it even more difficult for you to keep your balance. The exercise is performed as a “classic plank”, but you only support on one hand, they will then change. My dear subscribers, before you start doing the “bar”, take a “BEFORE” photo. And after a month of training, you definitely won’t recognize yourself. I promise that during this time, you will see the first results. I hope your weight loss will not be long in coming.

So let's do it with you little competition. I ask you to write in the comments how long you can stand in the "classic pose". I will answer any 3 questions to the winner or reveal the topic proposed by him. So, I wonder who we have the most athletic? Subscribe to the blog, everyone will be very happy!

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Just one exercise - that's all universal charger. But what! It will help you tone up all your muscles and lose weight!

Today I will tell you about one very effective exercise for the whole body. This exercise is called plank.

The plank is one of the most popular and effective abdominal exercises around the world. The plank makes not only the muscles of the abdomen and shoulder girdle work, but also the muscles of the whole body.

This is one of the few ab exercises that will allow you to get rid of fat in the lower abdomen.

The essence of charging

It consists in the fact that once a day, as it were, “hang” above the floor for several minutes, relying only on the hands and toes of the feet. Undoubtedly, being “in limbo”, even for two minutes, is not an easy task. But the result will not keep you waiting. After two weeks of regular exercise, you will notice how all the muscles of your body are tightened.

classic plank

Plank is a static exercise. There are no movements in it, because the most important thing here is to keep the body correctly.

How to do: Lie on the floor with your stomach down. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and go to the emphasis lying on your elbows (see photo). The body should form a straight line from the top of the head to the heels of the feet.
Rely only on your forearms and the tips of your toes. The elbows are directly under the shoulders.
Keep your body as straight as possible, tighten your abdominal muscles and do not relax. Try not to bend your hips down towards the floor.

1. Feet . Put together: balance will become more difficult, which will increase the load on the abdominal muscles.

2. Legs. They should be straight and tense, otherwise the load on the rectus abdominis muscle, which holds the lumbar region from deflections, will also decrease.

3. Buttocks . Tighten up. And do not let go of the tension until the end of the approach. Contraction of the gluteal muscles increases activation of all core muscles.

4. Loin. The most difficult moment! At correct execution slats lumbar spine should be flat. That is, the lower back can neither be rounded nor bent. Imagine that your lower back is firmly pressed against the wall.

5. Belly. Retract, and then (already retracted) try to pull up to the ribs. Throughout the approach, keep your stomach in this position, but do not hold your breath.

6. Elbows. In order not to create unnecessary stress on the shoulders, place your elbows strictly under the shoulder joints.

To increase the intensity, the elbows can be moved slightly forward.

Exercises must be performed on the exhale, and hold - until moderate tension in the muscles. Hold this position for as long as possible: to begin with, it is enough to hold out for 10 seconds. As a rule, people with different preparedness keep the plank position from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. Ideally, you need to keep the body in a stationary position for as long as possible - this way you use the muscles to the maximum, but if you are a beginner, do not try to break the record: start with the smallest.

Advice: if you are doing the front plank exercise for the first time, first hold for 10 seconds, the next time for 20 seconds, then 30 seconds and eventually up to 1 minute. A good result is 2 minutes, but if you do 3 sets, then hold out for 1 minute.

Try to gradually increase your workout time.
If it’s hard for you to do the exercise, lean on your knees.

The muscles that work in this exercise are the abs, core muscles and buttocks. All you need to do is to stand still on your elbows correctly, and the muscles will contract, thereby pumping the press.

The following muscles are involved in the Planck exercise:

But for this exercise to give results, it must be performed correctly, otherwise the load will not be distributed correctly, and you will not feel any effect.

Detailed learning exercise "Plank from the forearms" with Milena Poznyak:

Variants of the Plank exercise

The bar can be varied according to your “taste and color”. If just standing in one position for two minutes makes you bored, modify and experiment.

Straight arm plank

The basic plank pose has several features.

  • Do not pull your head into your shoulders - you are not a turtle to put your head in your shell! Instead, straighten your neck and straighten your shoulders.
  • First, the hands should be located strictly under the elbows, and the elbows - directly under the shoulders. If you put your hands wider than your shoulders, a big load will fall on your shoulders - this should not be allowed!
  • Secondly, the angle between the wrists and hands should be 90 degrees - this is very important to prevent joint injuries.
  • Tighten your abs and don't lower your lower back: imagine that your body is a straight line.

How to do: standing, legs together or shoulder-width apart, the stomach is pressed against the spine, the buttocks are compressed, the coccyx is pulled forward (to avoid deflection in the lower back).
As you exhale, begin to lower the body down, vertebra by vertebra, until you reach the floor with your palms. Then move your arms forward until your body is parallel to the floor. Shift most of your weight onto your hands. Close your eyes and try to feel how your abdominal muscles support your entire body.

Important: Your wrists should be directly under your shoulders, elbows SLIGHTLY bent, stomach pressed against spine, buttocks clenched throughout the exercise

side plank

What's the secret: This ab exercise is more effective than the traditional plank, as you support your entire body weight on two points of contact instead of four. You have to strain more to keep your balance.

How to do:

BUT. Starting position: lying on your left side, place your elbow exactly under your shoulder, legs straight. Put right hand on the right thigh. Legs are straight.

AT. Tighten your abs and lift your pelvis off the floor until you form a diagonal, balancing on your forearms and feet. Remember, your body must form a straight line! Stay in this position for 30-45 seconds (or max. possible time). If you don't last that long, do the exercise again for a total of 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat the same steps.

Working muscles:

Detailed learning exercise "Side Plank" with Milena Poznyak:


To strengthen the muscles of the whole body, you only need 1-2 minutes per set. If you can’t stand it for two minutes, you can cheat a little and bend your knees.
If you can easily do a plank and side plank for two or more minutes, you can make your life a little more difficult by adding some elements to the exercises.

1. Plank with a raised leg

Raise one leg up. So you significantly increase the load on the muscles of the core. And you reduce the number of points of support - it means that the body has to make additional efforts to stay in position.

What's the secret: By reducing the area of ​​support, the load on the abdominal muscles increases markedly.

How to do: Stand on your elbows, as you would with a regular plank. Draw in the stomach, make the lower back flat. Without changing the position of the body, lift one leg up just above the shoulders, keeping it straight. Pull the toes of the raised leg towards you. Hold this position for as long as you can. Rest and then repeat with the other leg.

When to do: you can stand in a regular plank for a minute - go to this option. It is very important that the lower back does not bend. The muscles of the press and buttocks should be in constant tension, while the stomach should be pulled in, which ensures correct position pelvis, pressing the coccyx inward and holding the body parallel to the floor. If the technique breaks, stop, rest for a few minutes, and repeat again.

2. Raised Arm Plank

Raise one hand up. The situation is the same - you will have to apply some force in order not to fall on your side. And this is good.

What's the secret: More difficult option- standing on one hand is even more difficult.

How to do: Get into a regular plank position with your back locked and your stomach in. Keeping the position of the legs and body, stretch one arm forward. Stay in this position for as long as you can.
Rest and then repeat with the other hand.

3. Complicated side plank

What's the secret: This is a completely different type of bar, but in our chain it is the most difficult. Works the lateral part of the cortex, thigh muscles

How to do : lie on your side, connecting and straightening your legs. They should form a straight line with the body. Place your left forearm on the floor (elbow exactly under the shoulder joint). Right leg lift up, left hand above oneself. Stay in this position for as long as you can. Rest and repeat, turning to the other side.

When to do: as an additional exercise to the regular bar or its complicated variants.

4. Plank on a fitball

Use the Swiss ball to make it more difficult, resting on it with your elbows, or putting your feet on the ball.

What's the secret: With this multifunctional exercise, you can add some movement to a simple plank exercise while training your sense of balance through work on a balance ball. The main trick of this exercise is not to be pulled into the shoulders. If you feel like you can't keep your balance on the ball, lean it against a wall for more stability and stability, or pre-work this exercise On the floor.

How to do:

BUT. Starting position - on your knees, elbows on the ball. Roll the ball forward until your back is fully extended. Then, keeping your back straight, straighten your knees. Make sure that the ears do not press into the shoulders.

AT. Hold the resulting plank pose for 1-2 seconds, lower your knees, lightly touching the floor before returning to the plank pose again.
Do 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps.

Variant of the Plank exercise on a fitball

Place your feet on the ball so that the support falls on the shins. In this case, the palms should be located on the floor strictly under the shoulders and at their width.

From this position, stretch in one line, without bending in the lower back, and maintain balance for a minute and a half. If you feel like you can do push-ups easily, do it.

Benefits of the Plank exercise

If you haven't been exercising in a while, it may be hard to lift your legs at first. But even if you limit yourself to only the "suspended position", the gluteal muscles will work. Over time, try to raise your legs higher and higher.

This exercise is aimed at . So you will not only give them the desired shape, but also get rid of cellulite.

During the exercise, the lower back muscles are trained, as well as the shoulders and cervical region. So this exercise can serve as a prevention of osteochondrosis in the neck and lower back. In addition, you will get rid of pain in the shoulders and between the shoulder blades, which happens due to carrying heavy bags or constantly sitting at the desk.

The muscles will get stronger, the shape of the shoulders will improve - any open T-shirt will look great.

The main emphasis in the exercise falls on the legs. In this case, everyone is involved. Do not be afraid if you feel a burning sensation in the muscles - this means that the muscles are working.

As a result, you can wear even the tightest skirt.

When the whole body is tense, automatically, both lower and lateral.

To work your abs even better, pull your stomach in a little, and then strain and hold it until the end of the workout. But try not to be out of breath.

It is quite obvious that along with the legs in this exercise - they account for half of the body weight.

At the same time, both biceps and triceps swing at the same time. Result: you have strong, but at the same time thin arms.

At first, during the exercise, your legs will tremble. Don't be scared! Having become stronger, the muscles will become less “shake”.

Summer is getting closer and the issues of harmony are becoming more and more important. I recently suggested effective complex for weight loss, hope you are engaged. But for best effect It is advisable to do other exercises. For example, the bar, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed today, as well as how correctly, how often and how much this exercise should be done, whether it is effective in losing weight.

The plank is a physical exercise in which you need to be in one position for some time, relying only on your hands and toes. It is often included in training programs, although opinions about this exercise vary. There are reviews that it does not bring any benefit, but there is also the opposite opinion that the bar must be included in your complex, since more than 90% of all muscles work when it is performed. So let's look at the effectiveness of this exercise.

We are all different, someone can set aside time and money for sports and constantly visits the gym or swimming pool. But someone cannot afford it, and it's not even about finances or laziness, sometimes there is a catastrophic lack of time for this.

The plank exercise is interesting in that it does not require a special room, equipment and sportswear and it doesn't take much time either.

The “bar” is also attracted by the fact that it has many varieties from simple classic to rather complex options, therefore it is suitable for people with different physical fitness for both men and women. If desired, you can create a whole range of exercises to work out different muscle groups.

Of course, if your goal is to perfect figure, then one exercise is unlikely to achieve this. But even devoting a minimum of time and doing a simple classic plank, you will improve not only your figure, but also strengthen the muscle corset that supports our spine, and this is very important, especially with a sedentary lifestyle.

Plank exercise - benefits and harms

Training can be dynamic (isotonic) and carried out with movements, but you can train without making any movements. Such training is called static (isometric).

During dynamics, the load on the muscles alternates, they either relax or tense, during static exercises constant pressure muscles. Static exercises are considered strength exercises, they increase muscle tone, muscle and tendon endurance, but they will not work to build muscle with their help. For this purpose, just dynamic exercises are suitable.

Plank is the most popular static exercise with which you can work out different groups muscles, including the transverse muscle. The transverse muscle holds our internal organs and if it is relaxed, then this provokes the growth of the abdomen. In the usual exercises for the press, this muscle works, but indirectly. Plank develops that part of the press, which is difficult to develop in dynamics. This exercise also solves a number of other problems.

The benefits of exercise for men and women

In addition to the press, the bar allows:

  • strengthen the back muscles, which improves posture and is useful for osteochondrosis
  • do more tucked up arms, legs, buttocks
  • fight cellulite, accelerating blood circulation and lymph flow
  • reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis
  • due to the stretching effect, relax the stiff muscles of the back, relieve tension and pain in the shoulder region, which often worries people who have a sedentary job
  • strengthen ligaments, tendons, joints
  • speed up metabolism
  • improve muscle coordination, vestibular apparatus, developing a sense of balance and balance.

The plank exercise is universal and suitable for both men and women. As I said, static exercises do not contribute to muscle building, and this fact is appreciated by women who want to have a toned figure, but at the same time not lose femininity.

Men include this exercise in their complex due to the fact that it gives good results in drying the body, and also makes the muscles more resilient.

Plus, a general health effect, which is useful for both the female and the male body.

Plank for weight loss - reviews and tips

Rita, 29 years old:

Very stout after childbirth. I was looking for something that I could do at home and take a little time. The plank seemed to me the best option. At first, it was unbearable to stand in a pose even for 20 seconds. But nothing, I did not despair. A month has passed: I have lost weight (although I have reduced the amount of food), and my arms have become more defined, and my hips and buttocks have tightened up, now I don’t have cellulite.

Svetlana, 35 years old:

I have been doing the bar for 20 days, the result is zero, I am disappointed. I’ll try to do it for another 10 days, then I’ll quit if the results don’t appear.

Ekaterina, 27 years old:

I have been doing the “bar” for two months now, the results just amazed me. From 72 kg I went down to the level of 63 kg. The muscles began to tone up, the buttocks noticeably tightened up. I'm not going to quit, of course I limited the food: a minimum of sweet and starchy foods.

Alina, 41 years old:

I can’t say that the bar somehow affects the weight. I noticed this on my own after a couple of months of classes. I wanted to lose some weight, yes. But, apparently, such an exercise is not designed for such a result. Nevertheless, it helps to get a taut waist, and this is a very pleasant fact. Maybe if you increase the time of the exercise, you will lose weight and succeed. Only I, in principle, have enough of what I have achieved - a flat stomach.

Natalia, 52 years old:

The bar “our everything” is the maximum result at a minimum cost. Hands tightened, beautiful press, no "riding breeches". I stand 3 minutes every day.

I gave as an example a few reviews about the effectiveness of the "bar" for weight loss, there are actually a lot of them and they are very different. Someone writes rave reviews and considers it super tool for weight loss, but there are also completely opposite opinions.

What is the reason for such different reviews about this exercise. I decided to find out what experts say about this, but here opinions are divided.

Some say this:

Static loads, which are carried out without much tension or, so to speak, half-heartedly, are produced by the work of red muscle fibers, which are an excellent tool for obtaining energy from body fat. Thus, if your main goal of training is weight loss, then static exercises with small loads are perfect solution problems.

But there is also this opinion:

The plank strengthens muscles, works out the core, improves the tone of the hips, buttocks, arms and shoulders, but the plank is not for burning fat and losing weight. effective exercise. This exercise is designed to tone muscles, not burn fat.

But experts agree on one thing:

The plank and its modifications are a great way to strengthen the body, get rid of flabbiness, but dietary restrictions are required for weight loss.

From the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself, with only one bar, and other exercises cannot solve the problem, it is necessary to approach the issue of losing weight in a complex way.

In order for the effect of the bar to be as fast and noticeable as possible, you must adhere to a number of rules:

According to experts, following the above rules, it is quite possible to adjust your weight in a month, but, of course, you won’t be able to remove 20 kilograms. How much exactly - it also depends on other factors, such as the physiological characteristics of your body, age, how well the exercises are performed.

In addition, watch the video, it tells how to use the plank exercise for weight loss.

Contraindications and harm from exercise

We found out everything about the benefits, but before including the bar in your set of exercises, it is important to know if it has contraindications so as not to harm your health.

The first thing that is important to know is that a constantly tense muscle under a static load compresses blood vessels and, accordingly, its blood supply worsens. Pushing blood into a tense muscle, the heart muscle has to work hard, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases accordingly and, as a result, blood pressure can rise sharply, even a heart attack can occur. Therefore, people who are inclined to high blood pressure those with heart disease, blood vessels must be extremely careful. You can do the exercise, but experts recommend that such people stay in the bar for no more than 2 minutes and it will not be superfluous to consult your doctor.

During an exacerbation of chronic diseases, with colds and flu, it is better to postpone classes until better times.

You can not do the bar in the following cases:

  • pregnancy
  • abdominal hernia, intervertebral hernia
  • diseases of the internal organs, in which physical activity is prohibited
  • pinched nerves, injuries of the spine, arms, legs
  • joint diseases

You can do the bar, but with caution, starting with lightweight options and only after consulting a doctor:

  • in the postpartum period, especially with complicated childbirth and caesarean section
  • during the recovery period after injuries and operations.

For overweight people, in order not to harm the spine and reduce the load on the joints, it is recommended to do the bar on your knees, and not on the tips of your toes.

It is important to follow the correct execution of the exercise, so that the back is even, does not sag. Erroneous execution will make the exercise useless, but this is not the worst thing. Incorrect execution can lead to disc displacement, provoke pain in the lower back, neck and shoulder joints.

How to do plank

Static exercises have a drawback - muscles that are not regularly stretched lose flexibility over time. If the bar is an additional exercise to the dynamic complex, then it is better to do it after the main exercises. If you practice only the bar, then before the load you need to do a warm-up, in which you need to include stretching exercises.

You can do the exercise at any time of the day, even after eating.

So that during the exercise your legs do not slip and you can keep your body in a horizontal position, do the bar better in sports shoes.

You need to start acquaintance with this exercise from the usual classic plank and it is performed as follows:

  1. The body should form a single line from the top of the head to the heels, the back is straight, neither up nor down can it be bent. Buttocks should also not rise up or down.
  2. The gaze is directed to the floor, it is considered a mistake when raising the head, as this gives an additional load on the cervical vertebrae
  3. With your feet you stand on your toes, your legs are connected together. There is a lightweight option when the legs are spread shoulder-width apart, it is easier to maintain balance
  4. The arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and are directly under the shoulders. The wrists are parallel to the elbows. It is considered a mistake when the palms are clasped in front of you in the lock or when the hand is turned around and the flat palm is placed on the floor.
  5. The muscles of the press, hips, buttocks are tense. Try to evenly distribute the load on your arms and legs
  6. Breathing is free, without delay

In this position, you need to stand for at least 20 seconds. If during the exercise there is a slight burning sensation in the muscles, do not be alarmed, then you are doing everything right.

Increase the time spent in the bar gradually, it is better to do it qualitatively, but less in time than vice versa. The body must get used to such a load.

In the video you will clearly see what mistakes can be during the exercise

Variations on the theme "plank" - different execution techniques, photo, video

If the classic bar seems like a very simple exercise to you, then you can increase the load using different execution techniques. See photos, videos, choose your favorite option.

Plank on outstretched arms

Plank with legs supported on a fitball (bench) on straight arms

Side plank on bent arm

Side plank on an outstretched arm

Side plank with straight leg raise

Side plank with bent leg raise

Plank leg raise

Stretching the arm forward while raising the opposite leg

Reverse plank on bent arms

Reverse plank with straight arms

Reverse plank with leg raises

Plank "Alpinist" (bending the legs to the chest)

Plank dumbbell row

I don’t know about you, it all seems very complicated to me, so far I’m only doing the classic plank. But the video confirms that doing the bar in different variations is real, so there is something to strive for.

Summing up, we can say that now knowing all the pros and cons of the plank exercise, feel free to move from the computer to the mat, this great way work on your body.

To help you, which is led by a doctor of biological sciences, best expert in the field of weight loss - Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann. According to her method, many hundreds of thousands of women have already lost weight and, most importantly, the lost kilograms do not return to them even after six months or even several years! Grab the course from the link while it's free.

Beauty to you, harmony and health.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

The plank exercise is a kind of handstand with a tense press, musculature of the body and muscles rear surface hips. The main task planks is to maintain the correct position maximum amount time - which is why the exercise is static (that is, motionless), and not dynamic, like most other exercises for the press.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the plank exercise is really effective and is one of the best not only for strengthening the abdominal muscles, but also for. At the same time, the execution technique plays a decisive role - if you don’t know how to do the plank correctly, you don’t pump the press at all, but rather harm your spine and provoke back pain.

Plank for the press: static exercise

Most exercises for the abdominal muscles are dynamic, that is, they involve movement along a certain trajectory - classic example are twists. However, the main task of the abdominal muscles is, first of all, to maintain posture and “tighten” the body, and not at all to perform all kinds of movements with a load.

Performing the plank exercise develops the internal muscles of the abdomen and makes the press not just pumped, but tightened and embossed. Separately, we note that, like any other abdominal exercises, the bar does not burn a significant amount of calories and is not suitable for losing weight and getting rid of belly fat. For this you will need exactly.

What does the plank give?

The main advantage of the bar is that this exercise develops, thus strengthening the muscle corset. In addition, a correctly performed bar improves the neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles, allowing in the future, for example, when performing other strength exercises, strain the press solely by willpower.

However, it is important to recall once again that the bar only strengthens the press (which, indirectly, can lead to a decrease in waist circumference if the abdominal muscles were stretched before), but not at all. In addition, the bar with correct technique definitely gives more minuses than pluses - especially with regular exercise.

How to learn to plank?

To perform the plank exercise with proper technique, it is necessary to linger in the position of a stand on the elbows or on the hands, maintaining a normal breathing rhythm and feeling the hips, arms and chest. It is recommended to start the exercise with the easiest variation on outstretched arms and the “15 sec plank + 30 sec rest” mode, doing 3-4 repetitions of the cycle in total.

At the same time, it is necessary not only to strive for constant increase time spent in the plank (or the transition to a more difficult variation), but first of all, pay attention to whether you are doing this exercise correctly or not. It is important to constantly remember that improper execution of the plank can easily cause development, back and lower back.

Plank exercises

Plank on hands fastened together- one of the easiest options for the plank exercise, suitable for beginners to learn correct technique. Elbows are exactly under the shoulders, legs are straight. When performing, do not raise the pelvis too high up and make sure that the tailbone looks strictly back. At the same time, try not to turn your head (this can provoke pain in the neck) and look only down or forward.

Elbow Plank - classic version plank exercises. First, fix your shoulders by pressing them to the body as much as possible and pulling slightly towards the waist, bringing the chest forward. Then, tensing your abs and glutes, lift yourself off the ground, pulling your body into a line and driving your tailbone back. Focus your weight on your toes and arms bent at the elbows. During the exercise, watch your breathing and constant.

Side plank at the elbow- a more difficult version of the exercise. Lying on your side, legs are either one on top of the other, or one in front of the other. Lean on your left elbow, lifting your body, keeping your right hand on your right side. Tightening your abdominal muscles, gently lift your pelvis up, stretching your body in a straight line. Make sure that the buttocks do not take the body back, breaking the balance.

Side plank on a straight arm- the most difficult version of the bar. The body is extended in a line, the legs are either one on top of the other, or one in front of the other. Lean on your elbow, then slowly straighten your arm, placing the weight of the body not on the wrist, but evenly on the entire open palm. The second arm can also be straightened up to complicate the exercise.

Plank exercise program

Let us recall once again that the main goal of the plank exercise is not at all a constant increase in the complexity of the exercise or the ability to stay in it for a long time - the main point of the plank is to develop the ability to consciously involve the rectus abdominis muscles in work to maintain a fixed position.

Do the plank 3-4 times a week:

  • Beginners: 15 seconds x 3 sets
  • Advanced: 30 seconds x 3-4 sets
  • Pro: 60 seconds x 4-5 sets

The result of daily exercise for several months.

Exercise errors

The most common mistakes in the plank exercise are excessive lifting of the buttocks up, as well as incorrect position of the hands and placing excessive stress on the shoulders and wrists. Correct technique involves a slight “twisting” of the pelvis, in which the coccyx is sent back - this transfers the load from the lower back and back to the abdominal muscles.

It is also important to press the shoulders to the body as much as possible, involving the muscles of the upper back and pectoral muscles- the spine is straight, the chest is open and looks forward rather than down. If you are a beginner doing the plank with outstretched arms, also pay attention to evenly distribute the weight on the entire palm, and not just press on the wrist.

Plank: contraindications

In case you experience any pain in your back (especially in its lower part), do the plank exercise under supervision that can correct your technique. Also, additional accuracy when performing the plank will be required for those who have had injuries of the spine, shoulder or elbow joints, as well as wrists.

Remember that although the plank is an effective exercise for improving posture and strengthening the abdominal muscles, even the slightest mistakes in its implementation can lead to the development of chronic neck and back pain. If possible, always try to personally consult with the trainer to make sure that you are doing the plank correctly or not.


A taut and sculpted abdomen requires both the development of the rectus abdominis muscle with the help of twists and other dynamic abdominal exercises, and the development of the internal abdominal muscles with motionless (static) exercises. The best such exercise is the plank. However, the correct plank technique plays a decisive role in achieving the result.

The plank is a very popular weight loss exercise. Is an ideal option for those who suffer not only from extra pounds, but also from time pressure. Just a few minutes a day - and in a month, or even earlier, according to the reviews and promises of fitness trainers, results will be noticeable.

At first glance, the technique for its implementation is as simple as possible: just think - you need to stand in one position, without running, without jumping and without sweating yourself into three streams. In fact, the unprepared do not withstand even a minute, which means that the load on the body is enormous. What is the magic?


The benefits of this exercise are not only in freeing the body from fat folds. First of all, experts consider it as part of the treatment of certain diseases.

When performed regularly and correctly, it is capable of:

  • it is good to pump the spinal muscles;
  • eliminate manifestations of osteochondrosis of the neck and lower back;
  • have a significant effect on the muscles of the arms, legs, abs and buttocks;
  • make the following muscles work to the limit: external and internal oblique, transverse - press, straight line - abdomen;
  • improve posture;
  • relieve pain in the shoulder blades and spine;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • prevent Negative consequences sedentary lifestyle.

But will plank exercise help you lose weight? There is no doubt about this, since after a month of regular classes, the results will be visible to the naked eye:

  • fatty tissues will go away primarily on the lower body, so the bar is recommended for losing weight on the abdomen and sides;
  • the waist circumference will decrease by 2 cm;
  • weight will drop to 4 kg;
  • buttocks will gain elasticity;
  • the legs will become slender, as their muscles bear the main load;
  • the tummy will finally be flat due to the powerful study of the abdominal muscles;
  • the arms will lose weight and at the same time become pumped up, as the triceps and biceps are actively involved in the training.

When it comes to how many calories the plank exercise burns, opinions differ here. Usually numbers from 5 to 12 calories per minute are called. It depends on your weight, the correctness of training, all kinds of complications of the classic stance.

One of the main advantages of this method of losing weight is the absence of contraindications, only benefits for the body and the body. The only harm it can do is krepatura. But over time, muscle pain, characteristic of any sport, should go away.

Execution technique

If you decide to lose weight in this way, you should first learn how to do the exercise correctly, because violations in technique can be fraught not only with muscle pain, but also with a lack of results.


Take the starting position - lie on the floor down with your stomach. Straighten your arms, lift your body up. Hands should be under the shoulders. Tighten your pelvis. Stay in this position for as long as the training program requires (from 20 seconds to 5 minutes). To relax. Repeat several times again in accordance with your individual lesson plan (from 1 to 5 times).


  1. Keep your feet together. This will make it more difficult to maintain balance, but the load will be more noticeable, and weight loss will be more effective.
  2. Stretch your legs as much as possible and stretch them into a string.
  3. Tighten your stomach. Don't let it sag. This will reduce the benefits of exercise.
  4. Keep all parts of the body tense, especially arms, legs and buttocks.
  5. Want to improve your results? Intensively contract and relax the gluteal muscles in this pose.

Common Mistakes

  1. Do not bend at the waist, as this allows relaxation and sagging of the abdomen, and can also cause back pain.
  2. You can't put your head down. You can not concentrate only on the lower body - this will relax the head and cervical spine. You need to keep your head straight, eyes can be closed or lowered to the floor.
  3. You can't hold your breath. This can cause dizziness, nausea, and even loss of consciousness. Experts advise to slowly inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Please note. Exercise helps to lose weight only with the right technique.


Exist different variants planks. The selection of the right one depends on the level of physical fitness, the desire to experiment and achieve excellent results. The classic model is for beginners, and for those who are already familiar with it, you can make up a whole set of exercises from different racks.


  1. Lie down on your stomach.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbows at an angle of 90 °, take the emphasis lying down. The body resembles a straight line from the top of the head to the heels.
  3. The support falls on the forearms and toes (or rather, their tips).
  4. The elbows should be under the shoulders.
  5. The abdominal muscles are tense and do not relax for a minute.
  6. Fixation time - from 20 seconds to 5 minutes.


The side plank is more effective than the classic exercise, since only 2 points of support hold the weight. As a result, you need not to lose balance, and strain your body.

  1. Lie on your right side.
  2. Place your elbow under your shoulder.
  3. The left hand is on the left thigh.
  4. Tighten the press, raise the pelvis until a diagonal is formed.
  5. Fix for 30-50 seconds.
  6. Do the same on the other side.

With a raised leg

In this bar, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport decreases, which leads to an increase in the load on the abdominal muscles. So if you want to lose weight in the waist, this option is perfect for you.

  1. Get into a classic plank.
  2. Raise the straightened leg up above the shoulders. The body position must remain unchanged.
  3. Pull the toes on the raised leg towards you.
  4. Fixation - 30-40 seconds.
  5. Repeat the same for the other leg.

With your hand up

A very effective option for weight loss, but suitable only for the most trained. It is a classic, but the support is only on one hand. The second is given either to the side or behind the back. Hands alternate.

Lateral complicated

One of the most complex shapes straps, but for weight loss it is incredibly useful, since all the muscles of the hips and abdomen have to work for wear.

  1. Lie on your side. Connect straightened legs.
  2. Place your left forearm so that the elbow is under the shoulder.
  3. Raise the body to a straight line.
  4. Raise up the right limbs.
  5. Fix on maximum time, as far as it's possible.
  6. Repeat the same for the other side.

On the ball

If you love and are already used to the classic plank, combine these techniques - and fat folds go even faster. The main thing is to stay on the ball without pulling your neck into your shoulders.

  1. Repeat the classic version of the plank, resting your elbows not on the floor, but on the fitball. You can first kneel, resting on the ball, and roll it forward until your back is straightened.
  2. Straighten your knees.
  3. Fix for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Slightly lower your knees, touch the floor.
  5. Starting position.
  6. Repeat 7-15 times for 3 sets.

You can perform various exercises in the plank, combining them with each other in the most working complexes. The main thing is to learn how to accurately make a classic stance.

When, after a month of regular training, the scales show a few kilograms less than the initial weight, and your favorite jeans finally begin to fasten, the question of whether the plank exercise affects weight loss will disappear by itself. The main thing is to maintain this result in the future. And to improve it, it is advisable to listen to the advice of experienced coaches.

  1. Start with the minimum amount of time you can hold a plank and increase by 20-30 seconds daily.
  2. Training should be done every day.
  3. After a month, having mastered one option, surprise the body, create a stress situation for it and start performing another type of exercise. This will allow you to consolidate the results achieved in losing weight and continue to shape your figure. Do not stop.
  4. You can start with a plank as a warm-up for any workout - strength and cardio, at home and in the gym, running and working on.
  5. Eat right so that the fat folds are gone forever. Don't eat before bed. Light diets for more fast weight loss are welcome.
  6. Get enough sleep.
  7. Drink plenty (up to one and a half liters per day).

By following these recommendations, you can achieve excellent results after a month of regular and proper training. No wonder it is believed that the bar is the most best exercise for weight loss, which does not require temporary and financial costs and is available to absolutely everyone at home.


A static exercise does not require a lot of time to train, but classes must be systematized. Therefore, try to stick to the program for a month from the very beginning, which will improve performance.

Spending only 5 minutes a day (and this is the maximum!), You can correct the waist, buttocks and hips, reducing their volume while maintaining a beautiful relief. The long-awaited elimination of fat folds will give a feeling of lightness. After all, it is not without reason that this unique exercise is included in all known bodybuilding programs - bodybuilding, yoga and fitness.