Caring for a room Chinese rose at home with a photo. Indoor hibiscus (or Chinese rose) - a flower that is always in fashion How to care for a Chinese rose at home

“Chinese rose”, “flower of beautiful women”, “burnet” and “flower of death” are one and the same, all these are popular nicknames for hibiscus. It is called the “flower of death” because of beliefs in the negative energy of the plant. There is a sign that if a hibiscus sheds its leaves or blooms unexpectedly, someone in the family will get sick or even die. Also, the flower was often used in magical rituals to induce damage and the evil eye. But all this is nothing more than superstition.

The Latin name of the genus Hibiscus translates as "marsh mallow". But some scientists believe that the name of the plant was due to the similarity of flowers with the beak of an ibis bird. The botanical name of the species Hibiscus rosa sinensis means "Chinese Rose Hibiscus".

Evergreen shrub up to 3 m tall with a lush and beautiful crown. The leaves are similar in shape to birch leaves. Smooth, shiny and dark green in color. Hibiscus flower can reach up to 16 cm in diameter. And the color palette is striking in its diversity. Hibiscus comes from the southern outskirts of China. Later it spread to the islands of the Malay Archipelago and other tropical parts of the planet.

Very often, the Chinese rose is confused with Chinese rose or "tea rose". What is the difference between them, how to determine whether it is hibiscus or not? Although the name is the same, hibiscus belong to a different genus - mallow, and roses from the rosehip genus. And yes, they look very different from each other.

Read more about why the Chinese rose is considered the "flower of death" and is it true that it should not be kept in the house, read.

A photo

Can you keep it at home?

A pair of hibiscus flowers will create a tropical paradise in your home. It is absolutely harmless to children and pets. Has medicinal properties. Hibiscus purifies the air in the room and brings it a sense of comfort and tranquility..

Home care

Growing hibiscus at home is a pleasure. He is not whimsical in care and grows well in apartment conditions. But, if you want a flower to please you with lush greenery and flowers, you need to pay attention to it.

  • Hibiscus loves space and light. The best place for him is near the window or on the windowsill.

    Important! Do not place the flower in direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will get severe burns.

  • The preferred temperature is +25 degrees during flowering and at least +12 degrees during hibernation. In summer, it is useful to take the flower outside to ventilate.
  • In spring and summer, provide the plant with abundant watering with settled water at room temperature. The soil should be kept moist at all times, but do not allow water to stand in the pot. During wintering, it is necessary to water the flower moderately and not so often. Approximately 2 days after the top layer of the earth has dried. Hibiscus loves moist air. Spray it every day, but try not to touch the flowers. Otherwise, they will become stained and fall off.
  • Pruning is needed to increase flowering shoots, accelerate the flowering process and form a flower crown. It is produced every spring, as soon as the first buds appear.
  • When rejuvenating a bush in the spring, all shoots should be cut off, leaving 15 cm from the main trunk. The main thing is that at least one kidney remains on the shoot. As soon as the plant begins to grow, we remove all weak processes. After that, we carry out another standard pruning in the summer. Hibiscus will begin to bloom in early autumn.


There are two ways to propagate hibiscus: seed and cuttings.. The process of propagation by seeds is quite laborious and is preferred by breeders. But, if you are not afraid of difficulties, try it - it is very exciting. How to propagate a flower using cuttings:

  1. Take a young cutting and place it in water.
  2. Cover the cutting with a glass or plastic cap.
  3. After 25 or 30 days, as the roots appear, transplant them into soil with plenty of peat.

The cutting method is simpler and has one more advantage. The plant will begin to bloom the next year after rooting.

We invite you to watch a video about the reproduction of Chinese roses:

Read more about reproduction at home and what to do if the plant does not take root.


Hibiscus blooms from March to August. At a certain temperature, the flowering period lasts throughout the year.. Blooming flowers live no more than two days, but appear gradually, so the plant blooms for so long.

Important! To increase the number of buds, the plant needs to be fed. 1 time in 2 weeks alternating mineral and organic fertilizers with each other.

And about why the Chinese rose does not bloom at home, read.

Diseases and pests of a houseplant

If you violate the rules behind a flower, aphids or spider mites can start on it. Dry soil and dry air are a favorable environment for these pests. To get rid of uninvited guests, treat the leaves with a solution of bitter pepper tincture and tar soap. Repeat the treatment after two weeks.

If the hibiscus wilts, dries, turns yellow, or even massively sheds leaves, it grows in uncomfortable conditions for it. Fixing the problem is easy:

  1. Check the root system of the flower.
  2. Remove rotten parts.
  3. Transplant into a pot with a light peat mix and a drainage system.
  4. Get it out of the draft and put it closer to the light.



top dressing

it is necessary to feed regularly, introducing organic or mineral fertilizers into the soil. Closer in autumn, the nitrogen content in top dressing should be reduced. You can also fertilize the plant with a weak sugar solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of water. The amount of nutrients should be sufficient in any period of flower growth. Indeed, speaking about why the Chinese rose does not bloom, almost always we are talking about insufficiently frequent feeding of the plant.

Many flower growers admire the beauty of an evergreen, small shrub with beautiful, bright flowers and slightly waxy leaves - indoor hibiscus. Today, many species and varieties of this flower are known. All of them differ in shape and height of flowering. The hot tropics are considered the birthplace of hibiscus. Sometimes it happens that a given or purchased flower stubbornly refuses to bloom, despite the best efforts of the owner. Hibiscus indoor and caring for it at home does not require special knowledge and skills, but something will still have to be done to create the right microclimate.

Indoor hibiscus: basic rules for care

This plant is popularly called the Chinese rose. Their amazing feature is the bud, which exists for no more than 2 days, after which new inflorescences grow in its place. In order for hibiscus to please you with its beauty for a long time and bloom regularly, you need to know the basic principles of care:

  • Temperature. This plant is very thermophilic, so sudden changes in temperature or cold can adversely affect the condition of the leaves, which may fall off. The optimal and comfortable temperature for a flower is from +18 to +23 degrees. In winter, the room should not be less than +10, otherwise it threatens to die off the plant.
  • Air humidity. Hibiscus likes high humidity indoors, so it is recommended to periodically spray it with water, especially in hot weather.

  • Lighting.

    Chinese rose (or Hibiscus) - home care for a room beauty

    Chinese rose needs sunlight, but exposure to direct ultraviolet rays can burn the leaves. To prevent this, the location of the flower should be the western or eastern side with a blackout. Light is also important for a good flowering plant, so in winter, when it is sorely lacking, you can use fluorescent lamps. Be sure to protect from drafts.

  • Watering. There are no special requirements here. Hibiscus, like many other flowers, loves moisture, and watering 1-2 times a week will be the most optimal for it. The only thing is to refrain from severe waterlogging, since the soil must dry out.

  • The soil. Suitable compositions can be purchased at specialized stores or do it yourself. The usual composition: peat, humus, sand and leafy soil.
  • Pruning. One of the most important points, because the activity of hibiscus flowering depends on how correctly the pruning is done. In addition, pruning is done for several other reasons: for the emergence of new shoots, for propagation, after transplanting or replacing the soil.

  • Fertilizer. To maintain a normal balance of minerals, elasticity and brightness of the leaves, it is important to feed the flower substrate a couple of times a month with a complete fertilizer.

Young plants need frequent transplanting - at least once a year. Later, it will be enough to perform such a procedure every three years. As a rule, at home, hibiscus blooms for about three months - from mid-summer to early autumn. The flowers have very bright colors and a beautiful shape.

Video: Indoor hibiscus. Reproduction and care

Chinese rose - care

Chinese rose or Chinese hibiscus belongs to the genus Hibiscus, which has more than 250 different plant species. Most of them grow in tropical climates, and only the Chinese rose is cultivated at home as a houseplant. In nature, the Chinese hibiscus is a fairly large shrub. It can reach a height of three meters. But for growing in apartments, a low-growing decorative Chinese rose was bred, the care of which does not require much effort.

In countries where Chinese hibiscus grows, the petals of the plant are used to make dye for fabric and hair. And its flowers are part of many traditional medicine recipes. You will learn how to care for a Chinese rose from this article.


Propagation can be done both by sowing seeds and cuttings. However, propagation of the Chinese rose by cuttings is the most commonly used option. The apical shoots of the plant must be cut in spring or summer. In order for the cuttings to take root successfully, it is recommended to create small greenhouses for them. To do this, you can cover the shoots with a jar or polyethylene. Speaking about how to propagate a Chinese rose, it is important to remember that cuttings need 25-30 days to root. After that, they need to be transplanted into small pots. And in the spring, young plants can be placed in larger pots with a nutrient substrate.

Pruning the Chinese rose is an important activity that stimulates the growth of new shoots. In addition, this will form a beautiful lush bush and prevent its excessive growth in height. It is best to prune the plant immediately after transplanting, shortening the branches by about a third of the length.


It is not at all difficult to carry out the correct care of a room Chinese rose. You just need to remember a few important points. The flower loves light very much, but it is better to cover it from bright direct rays. And with proper care, the plant can grow even on the windows on the north side. The optimal temperature regime for hibiscus is about 22 ° C in summer and about 15 ° C in the cold season. If in the summer the Chinese rose stood in the fresh air, then it must be transferred indoors for the winter, since temperatures below 10 ° C can have a detrimental effect on the health of the plant.

Chinese rose develops best with frequent watering. It is necessary to water the plant twice a week and check that the soil is never dry. This is especially important during the hot summer months. In addition, in the summer you need to periodically spray the plants. As a rule, Chinese rose leaves turn yellow precisely because of insufficient humidity in the room. Moisture has a positive effect on the duration of flowering buds.

top dressing

In the period from late spring to early autumn, hibiscus it is necessary to feed regularly, introducing organic or mineral fertilizers into the soil. Closer in autumn, the nitrogen content in top dressing should be reduced. You can also fertilize the plant with a weak sugar solution.

Chinese rose. Photo varieties and home flower care

To prepare it, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of water. The amount of nutrients should be sufficient in any period of flower growth. Indeed, speaking about why the Chinese rose does not bloom, almost always we are talking about insufficiently frequent feeding of the plant.

If you are inattentive to hibiscus, then aphids may appear on it, and with low air humidity, you can find a spider mite on a plant. If the infection is not severe, then the rose can be saved by washing with warm water. If there are a lot of pests, then it is worth processing with Actellik, diluting 15 drops in one liter of water.

Diseases of the Chinese rose can also be associated with a lack of moisture or nutrients. But you should not overmoisten the ground, because the roots of the flower may begin to rot.

Hibiscus. Part 1. Pruning and shaping the bush

During the period of active growth, the hibiscus bush may acquire a sloppy appearance. To achieve a beautiful, shaped bush, it is important to cut and shape it in time and correctly.

This procedure is carried out only in the fall, preferably at the end of November or December.

How to care for a Chinese rose

This is due to the fact that buds can form on shoots that are older than three months. Thus, if you prune the plant in May, the new shoots will be too young, and the hibiscus will not bloom in the summer.

Hibiscus is a very hardy plant and tolerates pruning well. In the fall, it can be cut off altogether to a stump. In winter, the hibiscus has a dormant period, so you can not be shy and cut off almost all the stems at a distance of 4-5 cm from the ground.

Important. Each time you crop, you need to understand what result you want to get from it:

- stimulate flowering

- sanitary pruning

- formation of a bush

- renewal of an old or diseased plant

The answer to this question depends on the intensity of pruning and the time it takes.

We stimulate the flowering of hibiscus. Autumn or winter pruning. Hibiscus plants have terminal flowers; this means that each flower on the hibiscus plant grows at the end of a branch. Pruning a healthy hibiscus bush will encourage growth and cause the plant to produce more branches and therefore more flowers.

With such pruning, it is necessary to take into account the variety of hibiscus, fast-growing varieties are cut shorter, but there are slow-growing hibiscus with them, you need to be more careful, they are better formed by pinching (for more details from the following articles).

Sanitary pruning. All yellowed, shriveled shoots and leaves that have lost their decorative effect should be cut off. Weakened old shoots are often easy prey for fungi and bacteria, a shelter and breeding ground for insect pests. In addition, an unhealthy type of shoot may not indicate old age, but a disease or pest damage. If it is not removed in time, the disease will pass to healthy parts of the plant, which once again proves the need for sanitary pruning. The general rule is to remove all unhealthy or aged parts of the plant. You need to cut the shoot down to healthy tissue (or - if the shoot starts underground - remove it to the very base).

Formative cutting. This is the most difficult type of pruning, giving the plant the desired shape. Formative pruning is a creative process that requires careful observation of the plant.

With formative pruning, it is important to choose the right growth direction for future shoots. If you want to grow a horizontal branch, then the topmost bud left on it should be turned down or into the outer part of the crown. If you have planned vertical growth, then pick up a bud pointing up or to the center of the crown, and make a cut a little higher than it. To form a bush, each shoot is cut 1/3 above the outward-facing leaf.
Thus, molding can be obtained from the same plant and a fluffy bush, and a standard tree, and a low bush.

To form a tree, the lateral branches of the second generation are removed, while one or two central ones are left. This will be the beginning of the crown of your tree.

If you are closer to a plant in the form of a bush, then, on the contrary, you need to remove the central branches, thereby freeing up space for the full development of the side ones.


In Hawaii, this plant belongs to the national symbolism, and is considered the personification of beautiful women. The Chinese rose is bred by professional flower growers in various climatic conditions. The life expectancy of a shrub is about twenty years.

Hibiscus is a well-known indoor plant of the Malvov family, which came to our region from the Far East. Another name by which the plant is known to flower growers is “Chinese rose”. A rose is an unusually beautiful flower that requires proper care, one of the important steps in care is the correct pruning of hibiscus. The houseplant has many species, judging by various sources, its family has more than two hundred species. Mostly shrubs and trees are found, this flower is widespread in Europe and Asia. But it is also found in America and Africa.

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The indoor Chinese rose is used not only for decorative purposes, but its leaves and fruits are used in the food and cosmetic industries. The plant has excellent healing properties, and has been used in medicine since ancient times. By itself, the rose is a fairly unpretentious plant that can tolerate low temperatures, poor lighting, constant drafts or improper watering. But if the indoor flower is not properly cared for, then you will not see beautiful flowering.

Hibiscus leaves are incised or stalked, but it is flowers that attract admiring glances - brightly colored, graceful, of various sizes. At home, several types of this plant are grown: Syrian, trifoliate, Chinese, changeable and drummond.

If you properly cut off unnecessary shoots, then the hibiscus will thank you with abundant flowering. This is due to the fact that the buds begin to develop only on young stems no older than the third generation. To enjoy the beautiful flowering indoor hibiscus must be cut on time.

In order to constantly admire the beautiful flowering of a room rose, you should clearly follow the basic rules for care and maintenance. A very important step in plant care is the timely and correct pruning of the plant and the removal of wilted flowers. By itself, the procedure for pruning this flower is not complicated, and if you familiarize yourself with the basic rules, then even a novice grower can carry it out. It should be noted that you can remove unwanted sprouts throughout the year, without any consequences for the shrub itself.


Before carrying out the trimming procedure, you need to decide on the final result that you would like to receive (size and shape). At the request of the owner, both a small tree and a spreading flowering shrub can be made from hibiscus, which is easily placed on the windowsill. To form a tree, lateral shoots are removed from the second generation, while leaving several central shoots. The upper part is carefully shortened by several buds, this will form the future crown of your tree.


After you have designed the upper crown of the plant, then in the future the process of pruning the Chinese rose will consist of the gradual removal of branches that grow parallel to the central trunk and deep into the crown of the plant. If they are not trimmed, it will interfere with the formation of a beautiful appearance. They also require additional nutrition and strength of the plant in the process of its development. Later, when shoots of the third and subsequent generations appear, the Chinese rose is shortened by several buds. This procedure contributes to the development of more young shoots, on which a significant number of new buds will form.

To form a shrub, the central branch of the rose is cut off on the contrary, which allows the lateral processes to gradually develop into full-fledged stems. A few lower buds are left, and the central part is removed. The plant tolerates pruning very well, so you can safely experiment and embody your most interesting design ideas. There were times when the ground part of the plant practically died, and the rose was reborn from underground buds.


It is very useful for spring transplanting or replacing the soil to cut all the branches to a length of fifteen centimeters from the root. At the same time, a few centimeters are left from the buds and leaves, the upper part must also be cut to the place where the last branches grow from the main trunk. When new shoots are formed, the weakest ones are simply removed.

Basic rules for caring for a rose in a pot

If indoor hibiscus has never been cut before, then such a cardinal procedure will only benefit him.

It is important to trim the Chinese rose correctly even after the end of the flowering period. Often, this procedure is carried out in autumn or early spring - until the plant begins to actively develop. If you do this at the end of spring, then the hibiscus may not bloom at all in the summer. Carry out the pruning procedure with scissors, because the branches of the plant are too thin for a special garden tool.

The cuttings remaining after circumcision can be rooted and the rose can be propagated in this way. By following all these recommendations, as a result, you will receive abundant flowering of the extraordinary beauty of your pet. The shape of the bush will be harmonious and correct, and the indoor rose will become a real decoration of your home and the pride of the hostess.


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Hibiscus care at home

Hibiscus is an excellent plant option, unpretentious in care, which is suitable for growing inexperienced novice growers. Another name for hibiscus is "Chinese rose". It is especially valued in the East and the islands in the Pacific Ocean. Nationalities attribute to him miraculous properties that help a person cope with a depressive state, achieve success in a career, and protect the home from trouble. Indoor hibiscus will help add comfort to both residential and office space. Care at home for him is simple, it is enough just once to create a favorable environment for the plant.

In the scientific world, the plant is called the Syrian hibiscus and belongs to the Malvaceae family. The territory of origin is considered to be Asia Minor. Under natural conditions, the flower grows in the form of a shrub, sometimes reaching a height of about 3 meters. The leaves are large in size, the flowers are large, bright scarlet or orange hues. In the conditions of apartments and private houses, only one type of hibiscus is suitable for growing, which is distinguished by its relatively compact size and lush beautiful flowering. Blooming hibiscus can become a real decoration of the room. Care at home is described in detail in this article.

Location of hibiscus indoors, lighting mode

Hibiscus grows best and shows profuse flowering in full sun. Direct sunlight must be avoided, otherwise the hibiscus may get burned on the leaves. The plant loves both the space around it and the wide container in which it will be. The most successful would be the location of the hibiscus near the south, southwest or southeast window. In the autumn-winter period, additional lighting with fluorescent lamps may be required.

Watering mode

In spring and summer, hibiscus is in the stage of active growth, so at this time it needs abundant watering. A plant in hot weather cannot store moisture, but receives it directly from the soil. If the substrate is dry, then the hibiscus leaves will begin to wither, and he himself may die.

  • Watering must be carried out as the topsoil dries out, since constant stagnant moisture is detrimental to the plant's horse system.
  • Hibiscus is recommended to be watered in the early morning hours, so that by the onset of the night coolness, the earthy lump has time to dry out a little.
  • In autumn and winter, the plant goes dormant.

    Life on the windowsill: caring for a Chinese rose at home

    At this time, watering is gradually reduced and brought to a minimum.

Hibiscus growing temperature

Hibiscus is a representative of heat-loving plants, so a suitable temperature range for its maintenance should be in the range from 24 to 30 degrees. At low temperatures, the plant is not able to form buds and delight in flowering, at higher temperatures, the buds that appear will fall off. The minimum temperature for keeping hibiscus, including at night, should not fall below +7 degrees.

air humidity requirements

Hibiscus shows good growth and lush flowering only at high humidity, so it needs constant spraying of leaves with warm, clean water. If the plant tries to bloom in a room with too dry air, then it is likely that the flowers will not open, but will quickly fall off. To maintain air humidity at a high level, a tray with wet expanded clay, pebbles or sand is placed under the bottom of the pot. It is important that it is not in water, otherwise the root system of the plant will quickly die.

The composition of the substrate for planting hibiscus

Hibiscus thrives only in light soil with a pH level close to neutral. The substrate should contain the optimal set of nutrients. You can purchase a ready-made mixture in a specialized store, or cook it yourself by mixing 4 parts of soddy soil, 3 parts of leafy soil, 1 part of humus and 1 part of sand. The bottom of the pot should contain a good drainage layer that prevents stagnation of moisture in the soil. It would be useful to add small pieces of charcoal to the substrate, which will have an antibacterial effect and prevent fungal diseases from multiplying.

Only young plants need an annual transplant. After the hibiscus reaches the age of three years, it will need to be transplanted once every two to three years.

Feeding hibiscus

In spring and summer, the plant, being in the period of active growth of the green mass of leaves, as well as flowering, needs regular fertilization into the soil. It is important to remember that not every fertilizer is suitable for Chinese rose. During the flowering period, only those top dressings that do not contain phosphorus are used. This chemical element has a negative effect on the formation and development of buds.

For top dressing, universal fertilizers for flowering plants with a high content of nitrogen, magnesium and potassium are suitable. The lack of these trace elements can be seen in the condition of the leaves - they begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Hibiscus Crown Formation

Because hibiscus is a shrub, it needs regular pruning and crown shaping. Only under this growing condition will the Chinese rose delight with flowering. The best time for pruning is early spring.

Hibiscus propagation

Chinese rose is propagated by seeds or cuttings. The second method is most preferable among flower growers, since it is too laborious and time-consuming to achieve seedlings from seeds and grow an adult plant.

In addition, when propagating hibiscus by cuttings, there is no need to worry that the plant will retain all its varietal characteristics. In addition, hibiscus grown from cuttings will delight its owner with flowering in the first year.

For propagation, only young cuttings should be used. They are rooted both in a mini-greenhouse and in a container with water. The root system usually appears after 25 days.

Before planting rooted cuttings in a pot, it is necessary to completely remove all the lower leaves from them and leave only two or three upper ones in order to increase the chances of the plant to take root in the soil.

Possible Difficulties When Growing Hibiscus

It is difficult to find a plant that is more unpretentious than indoor hibiscus. Care that is not properly provided by novice growers will eventually cause the following difficulties:

  • Falling leaves, their yellowing - dry air, frequent watering with cool water, low temperature of the plant, an excess of chlorine, potassium in the soil, or a lack of nitrogen and iron.
  • Non-opening and falling of buds - lack of watering, drying up earthen ball, insufficient amount of nutrients, low temperature of the plant.
  • A large amount of green mass in the absence of flowering - excessive fertilization of the soil, low lighting, high temperature of the plant in the autumn-winter dormant period.
  • The leaves wither and wilt - it can talk about the drying up of an earthen coma, insufficient watering.
  • Drying root system - the problem occurs at low substrate temperatures.
  • Drying of the leaves - the high temperature of the plant in the autumn-winter dormant period or dry air in the room.


Hibiscus is susceptible to pests such as scale insects, aphids and spider mites. Special chemicals, regulation of conditions of detention, washing the leaves of the plant with soapy water will help to cope with pests.

Subject to the conditions of keeping hibiscus both at home and in the office, it is able to please its owners with lush green mass and abundant flowering throughout the spring and summer.

The appropriate breeding method is chosen based on:

  1. type of plant;
  2. his age;
  3. condition;
  4. season.

The plant is propagated to get another one to decorate the windowsill if:

  • It's great.
  • One of its branches is bent close to the ground, which makes it possible to propagate by layering.
  • It has grown enough to divide the bush or cut the stalk.

Choosing the appropriate breeding method for Chinese roses, they are guided primarily by the time of year.. In other cases, reproduction is abandoned until better times.

This is especially true in cases where the grower, seeing spots on the leaves and noticing small insects, still cuts off the stalk and tries to propagate it. His efforts will not be successful. First you need to treat it, wait for a full recovery, and then multiply it.

How to propagate a flower at home?

To breed hibiscus, use:

  1. seeds;
  2. divide the bush;
  3. carry out cuttings;
  4. drop one of the stems.

Below is a step by step guide for each method.


Cuttings are the only way to propagate hibiscus that allows you to propagate it all year round..Better accepted cuttings in the spring and summer.

  1. The mother plant is watered and then cut off (you can find out more about recommendations on when and how to properly cut a Chinese rose).
  2. Along with cutting off ugly shoots, cuttings are cut - branches with a strong green stem and 2-3 internodes on it.
  3. The lower leaves are cut off on it to prevent rotting.
  4. Selected cuttings are rooted in water or soil.


The method, when one of the stems is added dropwise, is called layering. It is applicable to Chinese rose. During reproduction, layering is used:

  • air;
  • ordinary;
  • vertical.

More often, flower growers use conventional layering, as this method allows you to reduce damage to the parent plant. A branch is chosen, which is sprinkled with earth, leaving the top untouched. In the place where the shoot is sprinkled with earth, roots appear.

The ideal time to propagate hibiscus by layering is early spring. A prerequisite for choosing a suitable shoot: it must be located above the surface or shallow in it. Before propagating the plant in this way, prepare the soil. It is dug as deep as possible. After digging, peat and sand are poured.

Attention! To propagate hibiscus by layering, the soil must have good water-holding capacity, a drainage layer and an air regime.

  1. The shoot, which is going to bend down, is freed from the leaves.
  2. Lay on the bottom of the groove dug in advance. If it unbends, it is fixed with wire arches, and then sprinkled with earth and watered.
  3. In order for the layering to give roots faster, watering should be regular, as the soil in the pot dries.
  4. In early autumn, the cuttings are separated from the mother plant.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, the upper shoots are cut off so that the root system of the new plant develops well.

Seed propagation of the Chinese rose is a less common and unpopular method, as it is inefficient. Propagating it by seeds, flower growers are faced with a complete loss of varietal characteristics of the plant. How to act for those who want to propagate hibiscus in this way at the end of winter - at the beginning of spring?

For more information on how to grow hibiscus from seeds at home, see.

By dividing the bush

This method is used to propagate hibiscus in the spring.- First half of April. The best time is until young shoots appear from replacement buds.

Reference! By dividing, Chinese rose bushes are propagated, which last season had 2 or more stems.

When dividing a bush, you will need:

  • pruner or saw.

Before use, treat the blade with an alcohol-based solution for disinfection.

  1. Digging up a bush. Cleaning the roots from the ground. No root damage;
  2. Separate from the bush of trunks so that each has a few roots. For a better separation, use a knife. Sometimes 2-3 bushes are separated at a time, since the bush is large.
  3. Pruning the soaked parts of the roots and planting the trunks in pots with earth. In order for them to take root better, they pour compost or humus into them.
  4. Watering private, but moderate.

If the grower cannot plant the delenka in the ground, he must water it, put it in a plastic bag and store it for 1-2 weeks in an unheated room.

How to root?

There are 2 ways of rooting a propagated plant - in water or in soil.

Hibiscus stalk gives roots for 25-30 days. Rapid root formation is provided for those who make a mini-greenhouse or greenhouse from improvised means. With the help of a mini-greenhouse, high humidity and temperature are maintained in the region of 22-25⁰С.

In water

  1. To root the cuttings in water, take a dark glass container.
  2. Warm, but settled water is poured into it.
  3. 2 tablets of activated carbon are added to it, a few drops of fertilizer are dripped so that the cutting receives the necessary nutrition during root formation.
  4. The container is placed on a well-lit, but not direct sunlight, window sill.

Important! A plant with 5-7 cm roots and 1-2 new leaves is transplanted into a pot.

Possible problems and difficulties


Even beginners in floriculture have no difficulty in propagating Chinese roses. This plant, whose flowers live only a day, is often propagated by cuttings or layering. Having provided the necessary care during and after reproduction, a healthy flower is obtained.

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In principle, care for this plant at home does not include anything supernatural, but there are still some features. Hibiscus needs a mandatory dormant period in the winter(unlike many other flowers), if it is not organized, then there will be problems with flowering, the plant will not be able to lay flower buds.

Reference! The hibiscus has an interesting ability to regrow directly from the root if the trunk is cut.

A photo

Growing Rules

They include:

  • choosing a suitable place for a flower;
  • landing in the required soil;
  • organization of the necessary mode of watering and top dressing;
  • creation by any available means of humidity;
  • providing comfortable temperature and lighting;
  • and bush formation.


  1. From the time of year.
    • In spring and summer requires intensive watering, fertilizing, frequent spraying, temperature within 28 degrees, good illumination.
    • in winter the hibiscus should have a dormant period and, accordingly, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the content to 16 degrees, water and spray less, do not fertilize.
  2. From the flowering plant.
    • Before and during flowering it is necessary to carefully monitor watering and humidity, do not forget about top dressing - otherwise flowering will be weak. If the temperature is low, then the buds may crumble, the same applies to lighting - bright light is needed during this period.
    • After flowering The Chinese rose needs rest, so feeding is completely stopped, watering is reduced and the temperature gradually decreases.
  3. From the view of the Chinese rose- regardless of the type, the conditions of maintenance and care are the same.

If you are interested in how to care for a flower in a pot at home, you must take into account that it is very responsive to human attention. In order for a domestic Chinese rose to grow successfully and delight with its wonderful flowering for a long time, without creating any prerequisites for the appearance of various harmful insects and the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary:

  • Watering- during the period of activation of development, that is, in spring and summer, good watering is required, the earth should not dry out, only the top layer dries out a little (by 3 cm). Here, a lot depends on the temperature; in the summer heat, watering may be needed every other day, because the soil will dry out very quickly. In autumn, naturally, the frequency of watering will gradually decrease, and in winter (when the temperature of the content is about 16 degrees), you need to water less often, about once a week.

    Attention! Take soft water for irrigation, which has settled for at least a day.

  • top dressing- it is necessary, in the spring, as soon as active growth begins, it should be fed approximately once every two weeks. Fertilizers are best purchased complex - "Rainbow" or "Ideal", it will also be useful to use biological - "Baikal EM1". During flowering, you can fertilize more often - about once every 10 days. But in winter, no fertilizer is needed at all. It is also worth noting that before feeding with fertilizer, the plant must be watered so that the roots of the flower do not suffer from accidental burns.

  • Lighting- you need good, but not bright sunlight. In full sun, Chinese rose can easily burn its leaves, light partial shade is best. If you have only the sunny side in your apartment, then in this case, to reduce the intensity of lighting, either place the flower at some distance from the window, or shade it.
  • Temperature- the Chinese rose loves warmth, but not heat, in summer the temperature in the range of 25 - 28 degrees will be good for it, but a higher one can be detrimental to flowers. In winter, the desired temperature is approximately 18 degrees, it should not be allowed to drop below 16. In winter, you will need to try to ensure the desired temperature, because in apartments it is usually very warm when the heating systems are turned on. You can try using conditioner.
  • Humidity- humidity of about 50% is desirable for this plant, for this you can put a decorative fountain or a beautiful vessel with water next to the flower. A very good option would be to place the pot in some suitable container with pebbles or expanded clay, where water is poured, only the pot should stand on pebbles, and not in water, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.

    Also periodically (once a week in summer, once a month in spring and autumn) you need to put a Chinese rose under a warm shower. Firstly, dust is well removed from the leaves, and secondly, this is an excellent preventive measure against the appearance of a spider mite. In winter, at low temperatures, such humidity is not required.

  • spraying- the flower loves this procedure, you need to spray only with soft warm water, in no case use water immediately from the tap. In summer, depending on the weather, you can spray the plant not once, but 2 or 3 times a day, this will only benefit him. You should do this carefully, trying not to get on the flowers, water should only get to the leaves. In winter, it is possible that spraying can be dispensed with, especially when the flower is kept cool.
  • Transfer- Chinese rose - the plant is strong, it grows very quickly, so young bushes need to be transplanted every year, it is better to do this in spring or summer. Adult plants can be transplanted once every 4 years, but at the same time it is required to replace their top layer of soil with a fresh one every year. When transplanting, do not forget to first put drainage (expanded clay or small pebbles) on the bottom of the pot, and then the substrate (a little). After that, we place the flower in the center of the pot and carefully pour the soil, water it.
  • Consequences of improper cultivation

    Proper care is important for any plant, including Chinese roses.

    Improper care means that either the flower is practically not paid attention to, sometimes they even forget to water it, or completely unsuitable conditions are created during care for the flower to develop normally and delight with its flowering.

    If the care is done incorrectly, then the consequences will appear soon, the plant will start to hurt. Chinese rose can suffer from both extreme heat and too low temperatures, due to dry air, all buds can crumble. Due to improper care, our rosan can stop blooming altogether, as well as be attacked by harmful insects and diseases.

    Diseases can occur due to improper care:

    Or insect pests will appear, the most common:

    • spider mite;
    • whitefly;
    • scab.

    Useful video

    Further, an informative visual video about the flower "Chinese Rose":


    So, it can be concluded that Chinese rose can be a welcome inhabitant in any home. Caring for her is quite affordable, and you can get a lot of pleasure from her. Some varieties of hibiscus can be used to make tea, in addition, this tea has medicinal properties. And in some southern countries, this flower is the most popular decoration for wedding ceremonies.

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    The desire to follow fashion and turn houses into flower greenhouses is good. Not everyone succeeds in growing such indoor specimens of flowers that surprise with their lush flowering and appearance. Why is this happening?

    Because before buying a flower, you need to learn about all the features of its growth. Without top dressing, lighting and care, not a single plant will have a presentable appearance and will simply wither in a dark corner.

    Hibiscus or Chinese rose is bought and wanted to grow because of its large lush flowers of bright red color.

    Flowers can be not only red, but also yellow, crimson, white. Flowers are distinguished by shape - there are simple, there are lush, medium and large. The flower itself is large and requires a lot of space, unlike its counterparts that live on the windowsill.

    With the right care, hibiscus can grow to 3 meters high and it will be necessary to transfer it to the greenhouse. If there is none, then you will have to immediately take care that the tree grows in width, and not in height. The rules of care include pruning and shaping the bush.

    Important! In order for the Chinese rose to bloom and have a lot of flowers, you need to follow all the rules for caring for the plant

    soil for hibiscus

    The root system of a large plant needs a constant supply of oxygen. If the soil is heavy, it will make it difficult for the tree to aerate and absorb nutrients.

    For good growth and future flowering, it is better to mix the soil yourself. To do this, you need to prepare one part:

    • sand;
    • peat;
    • sod land;
    • ordinary garden soil;
    • rotted leaves.

    You can add charcoal. To feed the hibiscus, you need to mix wood ash into the soil - 2 cups of ash per 10 kg of soil. Ash also contributes to the loosening and influx of the soil, and at first there will be something to feed indoor hibiscus so that it blooms after rooting.

    Drainage is placed at the bottom of a spacious pot - stones, pebbles, shells, expanded clay. Chinese rose does not tolerate stagnant water in a pot. You may need to change your watering method and add water to the pan to dry the soil.

    Chinese rose lighting

    Hibiscus is a photophilous plant. Putting it in a dark corner of the room and expecting it to bloom is not worth it. In case of violation of the process of photosynthesis, which occurs only in the presence of sunlight, the absorption of nutrients responsible for the appearance of buds is disrupted - these are phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, you need to look for a place such that the influx of light is constant.

    It can be a balcony loggia or a place under the window. If the plant is small, it will fit on the windowsill.

    In the spring, the hibiscus is taken outside to ventilate and get used to the sun's rays. First you need to shade the leaves to avoid burns. Once you get used to it, open it completely.

    pruning hibiscus

    In order for the Chinese rose to bloom, you need to prune. Branches growing inward interfere with light and make growth difficult. So they are cut off. The tops also need to be pinched.

    Flowers are formed on young shoots, so it is important that there are more of them. Old branches can be cut to 1/3 of the length. The tips of the shoots after flowering are cut off so that young side shoots are formed, on which buds will in turn appear. Thus, with pruning alone, hibiscus blooms can be formed.

    Pruning is carried out in late winter or early spring. Although, year-round regular crown pruning does not harm the Chinese rose.

    If indoor hibiscus grows well and the upper branches are already touching the ceiling, they need to be removed. By trimming the top branches, the growth of the side branches is stimulated. For the growth of green mass, the plant needs nutrients. How to feed a Chinese rose at home?

    Chinese Rose Fertilizers

    Fertilizers for indoor hibiscus can be made independently from improvised means - tea leaves, eggshells, banana skins. But it is better to use proven methods - buy and use more nutritious products - mullein, chicken manure, mineral mixtures.

    organic matter

    From organics for feeding hibiscus fit:

    • mullein infusion;
    • infusion of chicken manure;
    • wood ash;
    • bone flour;
    • green manure;
    • humus;
    • compost.

    In order not to burn the hibiscus root system, it is recommended to use manure and chicken manure in the form of a diluted infusion. It is necessary to carry out activities such as insisting on manure at their summer cottage. The smell in the apartment can become unbearable.

    To prepare the infusion:

    • fill bucket manure or chicken manure by a third;
    • to fill with water;
    • insist 3 – 4 days, stirring to evaporate excess ammonia;
    • liter of infusion from mullein dilute 10 liters of water , liter of chicken infusion - 20 l.

    Green manure is done as follows:

    • Fill a third of the container with grass;
    • to fill with water;
    • insist 3 - 4 days.

    Water under the root. Infusions of mullein, dung and grass contain nitrogen and potassium. But for phosphorus nutrition, you will have to use other substances of animal or vegetable origin. It is bone meal or wood ash.

    Hibiscus ash is used dry or poured with infusion - 300 g of ash per bucket of water. The ash solution is a source of potassium and phosphorus for roots and flowering. Ash has one drawback - a low nitrogen content, since during combustion it escapes into the atmosphere. Nitrogen supplements can be applied foliarly. Dissolve 1 g of urea in a liter of water and spray with a spray bottle.

    Important! At the same time, nitrogen mixtures and ash cannot be introduced into the soil. These substances neutralize each other's action and become useless for rose nutrition.

    Bone meal has an advantage over other organic fertilizers - it costs less, is applied less often, and works longer. The substance is rich in calcium, potassium and especially phosphorus. During the season, you can use it once, since the fertilizer completely decomposes in the soil in six months. For 10 kg of soil mixture, you need to lay 2 cups of bone meal.

    Mineral mixtures

    Mineral fertilizer for indoor hibiscus should contain potassium and phosphorus. Some flower growers do not recommend using nitrogen fertilizers, explaining that hibiscus does not like them. But in order for the plant to grow and keep green, nitrogen is necessary. No need to overuse.

    Video: Top dressing for the rapid growth and flowering of Chinese roses

    If the plant asks for supplements, and this can be seen from the leaves - they become pale and lethargic, then you can spray with a solution of urea or pour over a complex mineral mixture. Watch for a couple of days. If the foliage comes to life, then the plant needs nitrogen and you can re-spray.

    Hibiscus need potassium and phosphorus to bloom. Potassium is responsible for the formation of buds. Phosphorus - for root growth. If the roots are not mature, the flower will drop the bud. This sometimes happens with small indoor Chinese roses that have been grown from cuttings. The hibiscus does not yet have enough strength to support flowering, so it refuses to bloom.

    Diseases of the Chinese rose

    Hibiscus, like other plants, is susceptible to diseases:

    • bacterial;
    • fungal;
    • from a lack of trace elements;
    • sunburn;
    • tracheomycosis (fusarium).

    The fungus is manifested by twisting the foliage, falling greenery. The reason is the reproduction of the fungus in the soil with insufficient disinfection. The spores are carried by the wind if the plant is outdoors in the summer. Contribute to fungal infection imbalance of nutrients.

    Fusarium is a very dangerous disease for hibiscus. Usually ends in death if the affected roots are not noticed and removed in time. The main cause of the disease is excessive watering, in which the root system rots. The spores of the fungus in the soil penetrate into the tissues. It is unlikely that such a plant will be saved.