Grinding attachment for a grinder - how to grind a tree with an angle grinder. Nozzles for a grinder for woodworking The best wood disc for a grinder

If it is necessary to carry out woodworking work, many people think about using a grinder as the main tool for work. In general, an angle grinder can be used, but its scope is limited. So, with the help of angle grinders, it is possible to carry out grinding, polishing and peeling of wood. Now very popular special nozzles used when working with wood, but not all of them can be used.

To understand whether handle wood grinder, you need to study the device and the types of nozzles existing for it and what characteristics they have. So, any circle has its own diameter.

The most compact is 115 mm, which is more often used for grinding and simple processing. The most common diameter is 125 mm, it is not heavy, it is used for grinding and cutting workpieces. Nozzles from 180 to 230 mm are used in the tool high power and are more often used in professional construction.

Types of disks are usually divided according to production technology and purpose (for metal, for stone).

Abrasive coated discs

Is a universal disk - with its help can cut and grind both metal and stone. The abrasive coating consists of corundum, electrocorundum or silicon carbide. Among the advantages of these circles are:

  • Cooling of consumables due to the porous structure of the disk.
  • During the work is not blunted.
  • Wide range and low cost.

The disadvantages include:

  • The formation of a large sheaf of sparks during work.
  • Strong burnt smell when cutting workpieces.
  • Rapid wear.

The most common version of the attachment for the grinder, which is used when working with stone and metal. There are three types of diamond discs:

  1. Solid. One-piece disc with a continuous diamond-coated edge. Designed for wet metal cutting.
  2. Segmented, in which the cutting edge is divided into segments. Used for dry cutting.
  3. Turbodisk with cutting edge in the form of a wave, in connection with which the contact area with the workpiece is reduced, which ensures the natural cooling of the circle. Can be used for both wet and dry cutting.

The diamond blade is wear resistant with very precise cut line, does not smell of burning, and the number of sparks during operation is minimal. Disadvantages include relatively high cost and low heat resistance.

The use of diamond and abrasive discs when working with wood is fraught with breakage of the grinder, and replacing them with circles used in circular saws or milling cutters is prohibited - these nozzles are designed for low speeds. The use of such circles in angle grinders can lead to breakage of the tool itself, so it is becoming more and more popular the new kind nozzles: a cutting disc for wood for a grinder, the use of which is theoretically allowed in woodworking.

Wood discs for angle grinders

Visually, they resemble a cutter, there are also discs with a chain surface. The most standard is a wood saw blade for a grinder of 125 mm in diameter, with an increase in diameter, the risk of injury and mutilation during work increases. The optimal thickness is 2 mm, and the cutouts should be rounded towards the shaft. There are three types cutting discs on wood for grinders, which differ in the shape of the teeth:

  1. Trapezoidal fit for cutting chipboard medium density.
  2. Variable beveled teeth are versatile and are well suited for occasional applications where material type and thickness are not known in advance.
  3. Straight teeth are used for soft woods such as softwoods.

Wood sanding discs

For peeling works use a petal disk, working surface which consists of several strips of sandpaper of various grain sizes. This nozzle provides soft grinding, however, remember that you need to work with well-dried wood.

In addition to petal, the so-called sticky disk. It is a nozzle on which you can stick sanding paper of various grain sizes. The connection takes place with the help of a special adhesive paste applied both to the circle and to the sandpaper. Using a Velcro disc, you can process both wood and workpieces made of metal and stone.

There are special nozzles for brushing - the process artificial aging wood. They are brushes with metal, synthetic and sisal bristles, the choice of which depends on the stage of processing. So, metal brush suitable for primary peeling of the workpiece, synthetic bristle is intended for intermediate grinding, finishing polishing is performed with a sisal brush.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the angle grinder is not structurally intended for sawing wood and using carbide discs. For this there are special tools: circular saws, milling cutters. They have a lower speed, and the use of cutting discs for wood for grinders systematically leads to injuries, including those incompatible with life. It is possible to consider angle grinders as a tool when working with wood only in the case of grinding work.

Bulgarian, being a universal tool for home master or a professional, is used when performing a variety of operations for cutting materials, grinding, peeling various surfaces etc. Sooner or later, every owner of this tool asks the question: is it possible to work on wood with a grinder, and what nozzles are needed for this?

The only operations with wood that can be performed with an angle grinder (angle grinder) without fear are grinding and peeling, and then using special nozzles. Cutting wood of course will work, but it is strictly prohibited! The Internet is full of shocking photos showing what the use of an angle grinder as a cutting tool for wood leads to.

The main arguments that can be made against the use of angle grinders for sawing are as follows.

  1. This machine is not designed for sawing wood.
  2. Since the wood has a viscous and soft structure, the saw blade can jam in it. As a result, the grinder is often pulls out of hand, and it flies in an unpredictable direction (in the leg, on the arms, in the stomach, etc.), causing deep wounds to a person or amputation of fingers. Even fatal cases have been documented.
  3. When cutting wood, it happens very quickly saw blade heating which causes it to lose strength. At the slightest distortion or excessive pressure, it can fly apart. Since the spindle speed of the angle grinder is high, the fragments of the tool scatter at the speed of shrapnel and enter deeply under the skin of a person. The user is lucky if the fragments do not fly into the head or eyes.
  4. Despite the danger of using saw blades with teeth, some angle grinder users ignore this fact and continue to install circular saw blades with large teeth or improved carbide tips. If, when cutting wood, a hard knot or the remainder of a nail gets into it, then the tooth or solder breaks off, clings to the next saw tooth and is thrown out at the speed of a bullet. The consequences can only be guessed at.
  5. Ignoring all the warnings, angle grinder users install a circular saw of a larger diameter on the machine than the protective cover. This is the most dangerous option for using angle grinders.

Based on the foregoing, sawing a tree with an angle grinder is possible only at your own peril and risk, and then if this is a single or infrequent operation.

If you have to cut a tree constantly, then it is better to purchase a special machine for this purpose, or use a jigsaw. In extreme cases, the grinder can be used as a drive and make a circular out of it, fixing the apparatus rigidly on the frame.

What are the circles for cutting wood

Despite the danger of using angle grinders for cutting wood, tool manufacturers still produce saw blades for her.

Circular saws

The photo below shows "dangerous" saw blade for the grinder, although its diameter corresponds to the protective casing of the grinder with a maximum working tool of 180 mm. There are saws with soldering and a smaller diameter.

On the next photo you can see a less dangerous version of the circular saw. It provides protection against jamming, and it is implemented due to a small set of teeth in different directions.

Chain saws

A saw blade made using a chainsaw chain reduces the risk of injury when the tool is jammed. This nozzle is designed in such a way that the chain fixed on the inner disk (base) has non-fixed landing.

If the chain is jammed in the material being processed, the base continues to rotate, and the tool does not pull out of the hands.

These chain discs for the grinder have many modifications, and with their help you can cut branches in the garden, as well as use them for rough cutting of thin boards.

In addition to cutting chain disc can be used and how rough, for example, for removing the bark, as well as for cutting cups in log cabins and modeling.

Saws with few teeth

Also for the grinder, in order to increase the safety of working with wood, tool manufacturers produce cutting discs with few teeth.

Small diameter discs can have 3 teeth, and large diameter discs can have 4, as shown in the following photo.

These discs for grinders remarkably cut wood both along the fibers and across. In addition, with the help of a saw blade, you can cut grooves, make various cuts and spikes in the workpiece. But when working with an angle grinder, one rule should be followed: you need to install a cutting disc of such a diameter on the grinder, for the use of which it is designed by the manufacturer, that is, do not exceed its dimensions. Circles of smaller diameter can be set.

Tungsten Carbide Discs

Tungsten carbide discs for angle grinders have appeared on the market not so long ago and have made a kind of revolution in the field of woodworking.

The universal disc has no teeth. Instead of the latter, there are segments around the circumference of the nozzle. cutting disc similar in appearance to diamond circle for cutting concrete. With the help of a tungsten carbide wheel for an angle grinder, you can very easily cut wood of any hardness and viscosity. In addition, he is not afraid of nails, screws and other metal inclusions that may be in the workpiece on his way.

This is the safest wood saw blade for an angle grinder.

Its price on the Internet is about 700 rubles. But if you take into account possible consequences use of circular saws, this is a low price for safety.

Wood sanding attachments

For wood processing, in addition to cutting wheels, there are nozzles specially designed for installation on angle grinders, with which you can peel, grind, brush and mill wooden surfaces.

Peeling nozzles

If you need to remove a layer of paint or other coating from a wooden surface, you can install a peeling nozzle on the grinder. Available for sale a large number of various nozzles for peeling works. They differ in shape, design, and in the types of work that can be performed with this tool.

The photo below shows disc nozzles. with spikes or chips with which you can easily remove upper layer wood, grind the end of the board, etc.

The next cutter, due to the fact that the spikes on it are located on a flat plane, allows leveling various wooden surfaces. For example, if 2 boards on the floor at the end connection are on different height. With this nozzle, the defect is easily eliminated, and the boards are joined in the same plane.

There are also peeling nozzles twisted wire. They can be made in the form of a metal cup with a wire inserted into it.

Or in the form of a disk with coils of wire clamped in its central part.

These brushes are used if you need to quickly peel old paint from a wooden surface or rust and paint from metal.

The next photo shows a brush with a smaller diameter wire, and it is used for finer roughing work on wood and metal.

In addition to stripping, this cork brush is often used for brushing wood, that is, giving it the effect of aging. If this effect is to be applied on large surfaces, in professional field, then for brushing it is better to use special manual machines with wide brushes.

Sanding and polishing tips

For grinding various surfaces, including wood, there is a special nozzle for angle grinders on sale, consisting of a metal base, on which it is fixed with Velcro emery grinding wheel . The nozzle is screwed onto the grinder shaft and tightened with an open-end wrench.

Often it is equipped with an adapter for fixing it in a drill or drilling machine chuck.

The grinding wheel is not used for polishing surfaces. Instead, they are installed on the nozzle felt discs that are fastened with Velcro.

It is also often used for sanding wooden surfaces. petal emery wheel. It is called from so because it consists of many petals fixed on its plane, made of sandpaper. The grit size of the latter can be selected based on the requirements for the treated surface. For rough sanding, emery with a large grain is suitable, and for finishing - vice versa.

The better to grind a tree - with a grinder or a grinder - depends on what you are going to prepare the wooden surface for. If under application regular paint, you can use a grinding wheel. If for varnishing, then the grinding wheel installed on the grinder cannot be used, since it will give small radial scratches on the surface of the wood, which will clearly appear after applying the varnish. In this case, longitudinal grinding is used for grinding. belt grinder(the emery belt moves longitudinally) or vibrating, where the same emery wheels are used.

Safety measures when working with a wood grinder

If you still decide to use the grinder as a tool for cutting wood, then you should remember some safety measures that cannot be ignored.

  1. Before installing the tool on the angle grinder, it must be disconnected from the power supply.
  2. Under no circumstances do not remove the protective cover from the angle grinder. This is the only barrier between the circular saw and your skin. In some cases, it will be able to protect your face from flying tool fragments.
  3. When working with a grinder on wood and not only the use of protective gloves is a must.
  4. Do not use large and powerful angle grinders for sawing wood. If the saw jams, you will not be able to hold the tool in your hands.
  5. Do not use saw blades with teeth large sizes, since the probability of them catching on the hard fibers of the wood increases many times and, accordingly, the probability of pulling the tool out of the hands increases.
  6. LBM must have speed controller to be reduced to a minimum. If there is no regulator in the device, then it is better not to risk your health. In extreme cases, the regulator can be made by hand, and installed in an extension cord outlet.
  7. The grinder should be kept during sawing strictly at a right angle. From any slightest distortion, the circular saw can collapse.
  8. In no case should you fix the start button of the device, because in an emergency you will not be able to stop the tool and minimize injuries.

Angle grinder - very useful tool, which can be used in various fields of production. It is due to its versatility that it has become widespread both at industrial facilities and at the household level.

Types of nozzles for wood

As a tool for woodcarving, only angle grinders with speed control are suitable. Since the main purpose of the grinder is the grinding of homogeneous materials, then to the processing of a heterogeneous structure wooden materials must be approached very carefully.

The following types of circles for wood can be distinguished:

  • Wood saw for grinder
  • Cutting discs
  • planers
  • Grinding

Each of these parts must be used for its intended purpose.

saw blades

A saw blade for wood for a grinder consists of a metal circle with a chain attached to the edge. Design of special saw tools similar to those used on chainsaws. But are made saw blades from tungsten carbide. When a disk for a grinder on a tree hits a solid obstacle in the wood - knots, resin, metal, its base rotates without breaking the chain. With chain nozzles, it is quite easy to clean the logs from knots and bark, to give them the necessary initial shape.

Cutting discs

Various manufacturers produce and cutting wheels on wood specifically for angle grinders, for example, a Bosch cutting wheel. Their design differs significantly from the design of disks for circular saw. Usually they have side teeth that protect the nozzle from jamming. Differ cutting tools by number and shape of teeth:

  • bevelled;
  • straight;
  • in the form of a trapezoid.

The first version of the shape of the teeth is considered universal. It is suitable for all types of wood with small amounts of work. When sawing wood from soft varieties, it is quite possible to use discs for a grinder on wood with a straight tooth. Trapezoidal teeth are capable of processing quite solid products from wood: chipboard, fiberboard, OSB boards.

In addition, cut-off wheels vary in diameter. Minimum size- 115x22 mm. The most commonly used circles with a diameter of 125 mm, they are universal and suitable for a wide range of jobs. The maximum possible size is 230 mm. But the latter option is undesirable to use when working with wood, as the likelihood of injury increases. Depending on the size chosen, the depth of cut in the wood will also be different.

Disks - planers for grinders

maybe use of angle grinder as a planer. For this, special circles are used - planers. Work with such nozzles is allowed without a protective casing, since solid discs are not destroyed. Many brands of wheels can be sharpened repeatedly. Before use, an additional handle must be installed on the angle grinder to more securely hold the tool with both hands.

Grinding discs

This type of circles allows you to use the machine for its intended purpose. For finishing and polishing wood surfaces can be used different kinds nozzles:

  • cord brushes;
  • end circles;
  • petal nozzles;
  • emery circles;
  • cutting nozzles.

Rough processing of wood is carried out with the help of special cord brushes. End discs are designed to level the edges of parts, which is often required when miter sawing workpieces. They make a great file replacement.

The widest range of sanding attachments petal circles. Depending on the size of the abrasive grain, the wood surface can be cleaned with varying degrees grinding. With a gradual transition from using a coarse-grained nozzle to discs with finer grains, the effect of polishing parts is achieved. The system of trapezoidal petals, which are stacked with a three-quarter overlap on each other, wears rather slowly. If the relief surface of a wooden product is complex, then petal discs with a radial arrangement of abrasive strips.

Using sandpaper or sandpaper on a special nozzle allows you to grind quite large areas wooden surfaces. The ability to quickly change the sanding cover makes these tips versatile.

When deleting old coatings often use peeling nozzles. As a rule, this is a wire brush attached to a metal base. It can be located either parallel to the surface of the circle or perpendicular to it. There are options for fixing the bristles on the perimeter of the disc.

When working with wood, you need to make sure that it is fairly dry. If there is fungal damage on the surface of the workpiece, they must be cleaned to healthy wood.

Universal wood discs for grinder Graff Speedcutter

Wood disc for grinders Graff Speedcutter is Circular Saw with three teeth, which is intended for high-speed angle grinders. It is used in models with a maximum rotation speed of 12.2 thousand revolutions per minute.

The three carbide teeth are made of tungsten carbide and set at a 5° angle to the steel base of the tool. Thanks to this design and special form each tooth, the cut surface is very clean and even. A disc is being made for the Graff Speedcutter grinder with a size of 125x22.23x3 mm. The cutting width of the wood is 3.8 mm.

Designed Graff Speedcutter circles for artistic wood carving, cleaning and grinding various breeds tree. They are also used when cutting and selecting grooves in wood, its transverse cutting and longitudinal cutting. It is possible to use such nozzles when processing parts made of aerated concrete and gas silicate, fiberboard, chipboard, laminate, drywall.

Rules for working with the tool

Any tool can be a serious hazard if the instructions for use are not followed. specific situation. Bulgarian for cutting wood in this sense is no exception. The main points that are necessary when working with disks for an angle grinder - angle grinder on wood:

  • Choosing the right circle size
  • Installing a wood disk for a grinder
  • Selecting the appropriate operating mode for the machine
  • Refusal to use damaged circles
  • Use of personal protective equipment

The nozzle size should be installed without problems under the protective cover of the machine. If this does not work, do not remove the protection. When working on wood with an angle grinder, it is necessary to use only special circles on wood for an angle grinder. The use of attachments that are designed to work on other materials may result in injury or a damaged tool. In order to avoid the destruction of the disk on wood for the grinder, revolutions grinder must match those indicated on the surface of the circle. Before starting work, it is worth checking the wood disk for defects and damage. If they are present, then it becomes dangerous to use. When working with the tool, eye and hand protection must be used. It would be best to use tight overalls.

An angle grinder, a power tool familiar in working with metal, is also effectively used for processing other materials. Many people put a wood disc on the grinder without thinking about safety.

Is it possible to cut a tree with such a disc and what types auxiliary tool there are Bulgarians, let's figure it out.

There are special wood cutting discs designed for this job, but this is rather an exception. In addition, such a disk is not suitable for every angle grinder.
Let's consider several options.

Saw blades, blade and chain hybrid for chainsaws

These cutting discs can be used to cut boards up to 40 mm thick, with extreme care. Rules, non-observance of which lead to injuries:

The saw blade has metal base and a chainsaw chain fixed around the perimeter

  1. It is strictly forbidden to remove the protective cover if the diameter of the disc exceeds the dimensions of the casing - your angle grinder cannot be used.
  2. The angle grinder must run at the RPM indicated on the disc. Otherwise, the chain may jump off and its components may fly apart.
  3. Safety goggles and thick gloves are required. It also does not hurt to wear thick canvas clothes.

IMPORTANT! It is strictly forbidden to use ordinary circular saw blades on an angle grinder.

The same applies to diamond cutting discs for concrete. For cutting work wooden products they are useless and dangerous. Firstly, the work efficiency is extremely low, especially considering the cost of the disk. Secondly, you can simply burn the workpiece.

And finally - such a disc can jam in the cut at any moment, and you will get hit by the grinder's body. Here is an example of a disc for a grinder, with which you can saw a tree with extreme care.

The design of the circle provides protection against jamming with the help of side teeth that expand the width of the cut. The disk has a diameter of 115 mm, and its dimensions allow you to work without removing the protective cover.

The wood disc fits completely under the protective cover

Some homegrown "masters" fit standard circular saw blades under, the work is done with the protective cover removed. Most often, such experiments end tragically. The unfortunate master receives severe injuries, and a fatal outcome is also possible.

At the same time, the construction markets are full of offers of saws for a grinder for wood. Sellers will assure you that in the hands of a professional, the use of such a tool is completely safe. This statement is true as long as these very hands are safe and sound.

  1. What are cutting wheels?
  2. Work tips

The angle grinder, popularly known as the grinder, is a worthy and versatile tool. It is this equipment that allows you to successfully perform cutting, grinding, polishing, sawing off almost any material. When choosing a grinder, it is extremely important to understand which model is recommended for use. The choice is largely determined by the main purpose of the proposed equipment. Metal and wood will require different types disks and a specific approach, because otherwise the work will not bring the desired results.

Wheels for an angle grinder: we start with market research

The range is striking in its diversity. What are grinding discs and how are their characteristics determined? To fully answer the question, the entire market should be divided into main areas.

  1. Circles with abrasive coating. This consumable tool is universal, therefore, with its help, any workpiece can be cut and polished with high quality. In addition, the possibility of polishing is assumed. The abrasive tool is not in vain considered one of the best.
  2. Disc for grinder with diamond-coated- one of the most common building tools. These products are segmented and solid, and for each option, its own area of ​​\u200b\u200buse is defined. In each case, the possibility of high-quality and accurate cutting of durable materials is assumed, among which are stone, metal, concrete monolith.
  3. Saw blades on the grinder visually resemble modern models saws. However, other alloys are used for their production. Previously, products were rare, but now their prevalence is growing rapidly. Most the best option tungsten carbide grinding wheel.

Taking into account the variety of modern products, one should abandon the senseless and sometimes dangerous attempts to establish a circle from a circular to a grinder. Any circular discs designed for low speeds, and on the grinder there is a risk of warping or destruction of the tool.

How to choose a suitable angle grinder model?

When studying modern circles for an angle grinder, it is important to understand the basic principles for choosing a consumable for an angle grinder. What aspects to take into account?

Grinding wheels have several standard diameters. The most compact model differs in size in 115 mm. However, 125 mm grinder discs are of greater practical importance. Moreover, it was angle grinders for the 125th circles that were most widely used not only among the pros, but among home craftsmen.

Natural wood always turns out to be a specific heterogeneous material, therefore working with it requires special circles. Grinding discs, which are designed for cutting metal or concrete, are categorically not suitable for such processing. Otherwise, the grinder will be destroyed or burned by overheating.

When choosing equipment for grinding, it is important to note that the standard diameter of the installed shaft is 22.2 mm. Previously, there were several divisions, so labeling still plays an important role. Today, for example, a standard saw blade for woodworking has a diameter of 125x22.2 mm.

Although maximum size The angle grinder is 230 mm, such dimensions are undesirable when processing wood. Choosing an instrument with large diameter(from 150 mm), you run the risk of serious injury. The preferred dimensions are 115x22.2-125x22.2 mm. In addition, the 125th circles are able to cope with a fairly large range of production tasks.

Only if you understand the specifics of the equipment used, you can learn how to correctly select discs for a grinder for safe and efficient processing. natural wood.

What are cutting wheels?

Parameters that are used to classify cutting discs by wood:

  • Disc diameter;
  • Depth of cut wood;
  • Characteristics of the teeth: shape, frequency, number.

What to consider when planning to use a cutting disc for a modern angle grinder?

  1. If saw blades for wood grinders will be rarely used, and the type of wood being processed will be different, it is best to choose a model with variable beveled teeth.
  2. For sawing softwood and softwood, models with straight teeth are suitable. Such saw blades successfully process even the softest wood, guaranteeing a decent work result.
  3. Trapezoidal tooth allows universal use. When choosing such equipment, it is best to cut medium density chipboard. Other products can be used if desired.

What parameters should be taken into account for successful work with wood when sawing consumable tools are selected?

  1. Rounded cutouts are required, which will be made towards the shaft.
  2. The optimal disc thickness is 2 mm.
  3. The depth of the cuts made can reach 20 mm.
  4. Cutouts are empty, but in some cases they are filled with copper.

Equipment for grinding and peeling work

In most cases, working with materials involves the need not only for polishing, but also for grinding and roughing activities.

Cutting wood is a dangerous activity. At the same time, anyone who has necessary equipment. The most important thing is to understand the principles of technological operations.

Most often, flap discs are used for peeling grinders. Having carefully studied the specifics of the product, it is possible to understand how functional and effective it is.

The name gives an initial idea about the features of the device. consumable tool. Its working surface has several petals of sandpaper. This structure is comparable to fish scales. At the same time, this paper with a low roughness allows you to guarantee a soft sanding of natural wood. The quality and degree of processing depends on the grit of the material, so polishing and grinding can be carried out in accordance with the requirements.

The petal disc for the angle grinder is quite popular, but if desired, you can use another consumable tool.

For example, the sticky universal disk deserves attention. Modern nozzles on the grinder provide for the possibility of a quick change of Velcro. The price of sticky discs used for basic operations is lower than that of a solid petal one, but the service life is also shorter. If, nevertheless, a universal sticky circle is chosen for the grinder, then it can be used for processing and grinding various materials, which confirms the demand for this product.

A polishing and grinding tool may be of high quality, but it cannot guarantee the successful completion of the job. What is the reason for this? It's very simple: the wood used must be thoroughly dried. Moreover, raw wood cannot be used. Otherwise, the result will be unpredictable. When choosing a disc for wood, you need to be sure that the material being processed has the right properties.

Sometimes cleaning work is required to remove the old layer of paint or varnish, fungal infections. Polishing and grinding tool always show themselves at a decent level only if the wood is prepared according to technological requirements. Bearing in mind that polishing and grinding discs for the grinder are not provided for initial processing, roughing attachments are required.

Choosing similar nozzles for the grinder, maximum benefit they can be felt when cleaning old surfaces that have been repeatedly painted. This is due to the following factor: the nozzles are made in the form of a metal plate, which is densely dotted with wire bristles located closer to the outer circumference, radially or perpendicular to the disk.

Work tips

Finishing work begins only after successfully giving the workpiece a preliminary outline. The results largely depend on what types of nozzles are used to perform the tasks.

Angle grinders are used in the form of a cutter, as well as polishing and grinding attachments. Nozzles on the grinder increase the functionality of the device used.

So, how to carry out the polishing and grinding process when processing wood? What tools do you need to be successful?

  1. Brush cord. These tools are ideal for rough grinding tree. It is assumed the possibility of successful leveling of wood, with the addition optimal shape product.
  2. End discs allow easy turning of workpieces. In most cases, such work is required for bevel cuts. Work end disk resembles the interaction of the workpiece with the saw.
  3. Petal sanding attachments- this is the most popular option used Supplies. The characteristic of the tool determines the possibility of processing various workpieces, including natural wood. It is important to note that the cleaning of complex wooden objects is carried out only using radial strips.
  4. Felt circle - allows you to achieve minimal roughness, processed products. The basis is pressed wool, fine-haired, semi-coarse-haired and coarse-haired. Felt working tool allows not only to carry out quality processing wood or other material, but also to give a perfectly smooth surface, comparable to a mirror.
  5. A wheel for a grinder designed for grinding is often compared with a disc of the same name. It is important to note that the Velcro circle is universal tool, which has a wide range of applications. Various fixtures for wood processing certain tasks, but the grinding wheel sometimes surprises with its versatility and high level efficiency.
  6. The chain disc for wood is one of the most productive, but rough ways of processing natural material.

When choosing equipment, it is desirable to take into account not only the diameter, but also each accompanying informative designation. The inscriptions will allow you to determine the purpose of the tool and follow the recommendations during operation. Marking discs, circles and nozzles for grinders is a guarantee of a successful result.

A modern grinder is a convenient and effective tool. For quality work special nozzles and discs are required to effectively process wood, metal and any other material of interest.