Diagram for connecting a chandelier to a double switch. Connecting a chandelier to a double switch - connection diagram. Connection diagram for two wires coming out of the ceiling

When buying a new lamp, few people think about how to connect the chandelier, how many drives are there and what kind of switch is needed? In the store, the seller gave recommendations on how to care for the lighting device, read the manufacturer’s advertisement by heart, and at this point the purchase was considered complete. But, upon arriving home, unpacking the lighting fixture, wires are discovered different colors. What should I do? What to do?

After all, the store said that the chandelier can only turn on two lamps, and not all five, and it is connected to a single-key switch. This article discusses all connection options, as well as security measures.

Safety precautions

Before you start connecting the chandelier to the electrical network and installing a switch, you need to familiarize yourself with safety precautions when working with electricity. To do this, you do not need to study the Talmuds of “physics on electricity”; you should familiarize yourself with the rules:

  1. In all tools used for working with electrical appliances, as well as electrical wiring, the handles are insulated.
  2. To carry out work, electricity in the entire room is turned off at the switchboard. To do this, turning off the light switch is not enough. It is required to turn off the plugs on the electrical panel (meter in a private house), but if there are no buttons there, the plugs are unscrewed.
  3. The switch for the lamp is installed in the “phase” wire gap.

If you follow these rules, then there will be no threat to life.

Checking wires with an indicator

How to recognize wires?

All wires are available in several colors. This makes the electrician's work much easier and gives a hint to the beginner.

Generally accepted standard:

  • Grounding – yellow wire with a light green stripe (ground).

Attention! It is not used to connect electrical devices. This is only grounding (so that during operation of the electrical appliance the current does not cause a “small tremor”).

  • Blue (cyan) wire – zero.
  • Colors other than those listed are phase colors.

In houses and apartments with old wiring, all cables are the same; there was no grounding. To determine the type, you should make a call.

What threatens to swap phase and zero?

There is an opinion from people who consider themselves professionals (I installed 1 socket in the house) that when installing a switch there is no difference in connecting the wires, because electricity does not enter the lamp through the open contacts. This is not true. You should know exactly what is a phase and which wire goes “zero”. With a torn zero electric current does not arrive, but there is phase current in all cables. Which threatens to electrocute a person. Otherwise, fluorescent lighting devices, as well as “economy” lamps with phase current, flicker or glow dimly.

How to connect the wires?

Twisting is a very painstaking task. If it is done incorrectly, a rework is made. Therefore, you should do this correctly, and also firmly insulate it. If there are a lot of such twists, and there is a lot of voltage in the network or poor contact connections are heating up, then the electrical tape may quickly burn out, which will lead to a short circuit. Therefore, when twisting the wires, it is necessary to press them well and insulate them.

Terminal blocks are now used. They have proven themselves as fire-fighting elements. With their help, four or more twists are connected. One of them is WAGO. No tools are required for connection; installation takes place in a short time. First, open the levers, insert the wires there and close the lever. In this case, the connection will be reliable and fireproof. The purchased new chandelier is disassembled, the quality of the pads and screws is checked. If necessary, the screws must be tightened well. Especially if the chandelier made in China.

Terminal blocks are the most convenient to use

Required tools for installing a chandelier

In order to connect the chandelier to the wires on the ceiling, you will need the following tools:

  1. Three different screwdrivers: flat end, figured, indicator.
  2. Side cutter and pliers.
  3. The knife must be sharpened.
  4. Voltmeter.
  5. Insulating tape.

A knife is required to expose the single-core wire, because the pliers will damage or break the core itself. The stripping is done with a sharp knife blade in the same way as a pencil is sharpened. If hangnails remain, there is no danger.

The indicator is needed to find the phase. In such a screwdriver, the tip is made for tightening screws. There is no need to do this, since it is impractical and will soon break.

There are 2 types of measuring instruments: with a digital screen and with arrows. Preference is given to digital ones, since their readings are the most accurate. Digital devices are shockproof and have overload protection. The pointer device is used in a horizontal position. Its advantage is that it shows measurements without additional power (rechargeable batteries, batteries).

Attention! In all devices, the alternating current range is no more than 500–600 watts.

To connect lighting fixture to the electrical network is required step-by-step algorithm action with detailed instructions.

Preparatory work: ringing - determining the phase on the ceiling

At this stage of preparation, it will be clarified what to do with the ground wire and how to distinguish between phase and zero on ceiling? How to connect many threads of wires from a chandelier with cables on the ceiling? Connecting a lighting device with your own hands is a neat job, requiring minimal knowledge of electricity.

Find required cable indicator will help

Ground wire

If the wiring is already done on the ceiling (the wiring is done, for example, under drywall in frame basis), then among them there is “zero”, the rest are phase and ground.

Attention! Wiring with grounding is done in new buildings and in rooms with renovations.

The “ground” wire is yellow-green in color. By international standard denoted by RE. It connects with the same color wire on the chandelier. You can’t just leave the wire like that, as this can lead to a short circuit. If there is a ground connection in the chandelier, and there is old wiring on the ceiling, then you need to make PE insulation in the chandelier. Grounding insulation is carried out on the ceiling, if the chandelier does not have one. Insulation is done carefully and efficiently insulating tape. It is unacceptable for the edge of the tape to stick out or come off.

Proper insulation

Looking for phases and zero

All wires are checked - you need to determine where the phase and zero are. You can't rely only on color scheme for several reasons. Firstly, it is not known (in many cases) how the wires were connected to the junction box - the qualifications of an electrician or a neighbor; secondly, the color range can change, and if a person is sure that the phase is red in color, then this opinion may be wrong.

If there are only three wires coming from the ceiling, a switch with 2 keys is installed, then there may be two supply wires for each section of the switch, and one zero - common. The call is made using a multimeter (tester) or indicator.

To make a call you need to do the following:

  1. Wear shoes with rubber soles. Be in a dry room. Hands and feet should also be dry. Water is a conductor of current.
  2. The voltage is turned on at the meter or panel, and the switch is set to “on” mode.
  3. Be careful that the wires do not touch each other (so as not to burn all the wiring in the house) with the indicator and the edge of a screwdriver, touch each one in turn. If the screwdriver lights up, there is voltage.
  4. When connecting a measuring device, the tester will show, with an arrow or numbers on the display, what voltage is in the wire.
  5. To be sure (if memory is bad), a phase is outlined with a marker or everything is written down on paper - what color.
  6. After the phase is detected, the switch is turned off, and then the apartment is de-energized at the electrical panel or at the meter.

To determine the wires with the tester, you need to set the switch on the device to “volts” and select the “more than 220 V” scale. After this, carefully touch the probes, you need to hold them by the handle, and not by the bare iron, to the wiring in stages, and not to all at once. The two supply wires do not ring through each other. If there is such a pair, then these are phase wires. And the third is “zero”. Next, you need to connect each wire, the intended phase, with probes to zero. The tester screen will show 220 V. The cables should be marked with a marker on the insulation or the colors should be written down. Working with the indicator is easier: lit - phase, no - zero (indicated by the letter N). Phase - letter L.

If there are only 2 wires in the ceiling, one of them is definitely a phase. The switch is a single-key switch, and if there is a second one, then it is inoperative.

Chandelier connection diagrams

The market offers a large variety of chandeliers that amaze with their beauty and unusualness.

  • Chandelier with one socket.
  • With rotating platform.
  • WITH a large number halogen and LED sources.
  • There are models with built-in dimmers and drivers that allow you to turn on the lighting device with a remote control. And also with the help of the remote control you can change the brightness of the light and the sequence of operation of the lamps.

But, despite such an extensive classification of chandelier models, they will all be connected according to the diagrams below.

One of the main nuances is the correct connection of cables on the ceiling with wires from the chandelier. WITH necessary tools connection is made quickly by a person who has no experience in working with electrical devices.

Chandelier connection diagram

If the switch is installed as a single switch, and the chandelier is two-wire (for example, arion or sconce), then you need to perform the actions according to the chandelier - ceiling 2x2 diagram. That is, there is a two-wire cable on the ceiling. This option is simple and fast. After the phase and zero are determined, the power supply is turned off. The neutral wire on the chandelier (you can find this out from the instructions for the lighting fixture, by color) needs to be connected to the desired “zero” on the ceiling. The same is done with the “phase”. All connected wires must be properly insulated. There are no difficulties here, installation is carried out quickly.

If the chandelier is five-armed or three-armed, and the switch has one key, then you should:

  1. Examine all the wires in the chandelier. There are 2 wires coming out of each horn. This means that a phase and a zero are connected to each. Then all the lights will light up.
  2. Preparing wires for connection to the general wiring of the house. Each wire on the chandelier is exposed by 3 cm. Since they are very thin, everything should be done carefully. Next, take all the wires of the same color (for example, blue) and twist them into one group. The result was a twist of one core from each cartridge. The same twist is done with the remaining wires of a different color.
  3. It turned out to be 2 twists - zero will be suitable for one, and phase will be suitable for the second. After this, the indicator checks the closure of the cartridge-twist circuit.
  4. Two twists of wires are fixed to 2 wires on the ceiling. Insulating tape must be used.

Attention! Do not connect aluminum and copper wires. These 2 metals oxidize over time and the contact will disappear. There are special adapters for this.

Connecting a chandelier to a single-key switch

The chandelier has 2 wires, the ceiling has 3 wires (double switch)

There are 2 options here: the third wire is grounding or the second phase, with a switch with 2 keys. In such a situation, you need to do this:

  1. A call must be made using an indicator. When working this way, there must be electric current in the network and the switch must be turned on. Otherwise the indicator will not show the second phase. Indicator behavior:
  • The first case is when, when touched with a screwdriver, 2 wires illuminate the indicator, but the third does not light up. This is the common wire.
  • The second case – one lights up, but the other 2 don’t. The wire that gives the glow is common.

If there is no indicator, then any 2 cables are taken from the ceiling and connected to the chandelier. The power on the panel and the switch are turned on. If the lamps light up, it means the installation is happening correctly. And there is no need to redo it further.

  1. Indicate the phases and zero, if they are the same color, turn off the power to the meter.
  2. After this, a common wire and one of the remaining two to choose from is fixed in the terminal. Wires from the chandelier are also connected. The exposure must be isolated.
  3. If you want the chandelier to light from any of the two keys on the switch, a jumper is installed.

After complete isolation, the power supply is turned on and operation is checked.

If the switch is two-key and the chandelier is five-lamp, then:

  1. In a chandelier, 2 wires come out from each horn with a lamp.
  2. Everything is collected in one bundle and divided into groups (double): 2 feeders, 1 zero. One color – 1 group. The rest of those leaving are divided into random groups.
  3. All groups of wires are twisted with those marked on the ceiling.

Connecting a chandelier with three wires to a multi-key switch

Connection diagram to a multi-key switch

If the chandelier is two-armed or larger, then connection options are possible:

  • If you turn on the switch, all the lights will light up.
  • Using one key, a group of light bulbs on a chandelier is turned on (for example, the lower sockets in a multi-tiered lamp).
  • Using one key, 2-3 lamps are lit, but not all.

There are 2 wires on the ceiling, which means that only the first option is possible - all the lamps will light up at the same time. To connect a chandelier with three wires to 2 on the ceiling, you should carefully study the technical characteristics of the chandelier. Basically, the manufacturer connects all the threads in the chandelier in pairs. In this case, the connection occurs in an elementary way: finding the phase and zero, and connecting the chandelier.

If in a chandelier each wire comes from the lampshade, then all the wires are connected in parallel by installing an additional jumper wire.

Connection diagram for a chandelier with several wires to a three-core cable on the ceiling

If it is necessary to switch on lamps in groups in a three-lamp chandelier (five-cartridge carol), then the connection is made according to the diagram. In this case, a two- or three-key switch is installed. To do this, an indicator on the ceiling determines the common wire, zero, phase in a three-core cable. In this case, everyone has a switch with at least 2 keys. TO common wire 1 wire of their pair is connected, coming from each chandelier horn.

There will be 2 threads left, joining the free wires from the pairs from the cartridges.

Attention! Before you install a lot carob chandelier to a multi-key (triple) switch, you need to carefully study the lighting device, its technical characteristics and instructions for use.

Connection diagram to a three-key switch

Connecting a chandelier to a switch block with a socket

In some cases, it is necessary to install an outlet and a switch nearby (this is often found in the kitchen). These two points are replaced by one - the “socket-switch” block from anam. In this case, the switch has from one to four keys. Proceeding according to the diagram, which indicates the usual connection of the chandelier to the switch, installation will proceed quickly. The circuit has one wire that comes out of “zero” and goes to the socket terminal. The diagram is a classic one, but in practice, zero and phase are often swapped.

LED chandelier

Stands out because it's typical spotlight contains additional elements For uninterrupted operation laid down by the manufacturer. Such elements are: dimmers, drivers, converters. The light is controlled from the remote control.

Attached to the chandelier is a passport indicating the operation options, technical characteristics, as well as with an electrical diagram for connecting it to the electrical network. When connecting a chandelier, precise work must be done in accordance with the diagram given in the passport, otherwise it will not work correctly or will burn out. After connecting the lighting device to the network, adjustment and testing are carried out using a switch and remote control.

In the interior of a house or apartment, everything is interconnected and must be done correctly. Installation of the ceiling covering must be verified with the type and method of connecting the central lighting chandelier. For example, when installing stretch ceiling ceiling lamp is installed at the same time, and when gluing tiles it can be installed much later.

Choosing a chandelier is not an easy task. In the store the lamps seem smaller in size, and it’s not always clear how this or that model is connected, and what will be needed for it consumables and how long it will last. But finally, the choice is made!

After the long-awaited purchase of a chandelier, it should be installed and connected correctly. If we talk about a single-key switch, everything is simple. But in some cases, the wiring diagram for a chandelier with a double switch may seem intimidating.

Required Tools

First, let's prepare the working equipment. We will need:

  • An indicator screwdriver is necessary to check the circuit and find the phase.
  • A set of slotted and Phillips screwdrivers that every owner will probably have. Required for assembly and disassembly of the structure.
  • A multimeter is the most important device that will help check the integrity of the connection of individual parts of the network.
  • The terminal block will make it easier to assemble the wires when connecting. For household appliances A block with a diameter of 2 to 4 mm is suitable.

All this can be purchased at any electrical center; the rest of the equipment can be found at home: a chair for working under the ceiling, a knife, electrical tape and a marker.

Purpose of wires in a chandelier

Connecting a chandelier requires skill

To determine the purpose of the wires coming out of the chandelier, use the instructions. But if the instructions are foreign language, follow these rules:

  • If the wires from several lamps are connected in one terminal block with a contact coming out, this is “Phase-L”. In this case, the connection is usually made in two groups: one combines the wires that connect only a few lamps to the phase, the second connects the remaining contacts. Thus, a circuit is obtained that allows the use multi-key switch with the ability to turn on/off each group of lamps one by one.
  • Ground contact - PE, usually painted yellow. May be required if the house has central grounding. It is rare in houses younger than 2000.
  • Neutral wire - N. A single core to which the neutral contacts from all lamps are connected. Determined using a multimeter or special factory markings.

You need to know that at the moment there is a law on electrical installation work, which prohibits the use of all wire alloys other than copper.

General chandelier connection diagram

If the chandelier is equipped with one or three lamps, and the switch has several keys, then there are three options for connecting this lighting device.

  • When turned on, all lamps will light up;
  • For switches with multiple keys, you can set the lamps to start one after the other;
  • In a multi-arm chandelier, you can create sequential, group starting of lamps or simultaneous using one key.

If two wires come out of the hole in the ceiling, then you can make the first connection option. The manufacturer's instructions must indicate that the chandelier is connected in accordance with its functionality. Basically, luminaires with several lamps combine paired contacts of lampshade connections, which can be connected according to the second principle.

The third connection scheme is considered more complex. The wires are connected in such a way that when the switch is turned on, each lamp lights up individually. In this case, it is necessary to connect all existing wires in parallel order.

Standard scheme connections

Connecting a 3-arm chandelier without grounding

Connecting a chandelier to a double switch looks a little more complicated. But in fact, everything is simple, just understand the purpose of the wires and connect them correctly.

There are usually two or three wires coming out of the ceiling. In our case, when there is no grounding contact in the house, only two cables are required. You can determine where the phase is located using a multimeter or an indicator screwdriver. It is enough to touch the bare ends of the wire and if the light comes on or the signal goes off, then the wire is live - a phase.

Next step. It is necessary to check the cables leading to the switch and chandelier for breaks. You shouldn’t rely on factory marks and wire color; it’s better to double-check everything yourself.
Stripping the ends of the cable special tool to remove insulation or using a lighter: gently heat the insulation for five seconds and sudden movement tear off the burnt area. But first of all, it is necessary to completely de-energize the apartment by turning off the input circuit breaker. It is best to completely cut off the power to the apartment.

If you have a multi-core cable installed, we press the ends of the wires using ferrules, but if you use a monolithic cable, additional insulation is not required. We distribute the wires into groups and fix them in the terminal block.

Please note that incorrect cable routing may result in short circuit inside the lamp!

You can determine which cable does what by using the color of the outer sheath. White and black wires are most often used in a chandelier. We fasten them by color and that’s it, don’t confuse them. At the end, you get a small twist of two groups, which are responsible for a certain part of the lamps through which the current will pass.

We screw the block to the base of the chandelier; if you do not tighten the screws on the terminal too much, this can lead to rapid overheating and oxidation.

Electrical part of the chandelier assembly

Inside the lampshade there is an electric cartridge, a lamp is screwed into it and two contacts come off, one is phase, the other is zero. A live wire can be made in several colors, and a neutral wire almost always has blue tint. The live cable is secured in the center of the electric cartridge, and the neutral cable is secured at the bottom using a factory latch. The lamp arms are attached to the main base of the lighting fixture, in which the wires are distributed as required by a separate switch; for example, you can take any two-key switch.

Technically proper connection chandeliers to the switch will allow you to adjust the lighting depending on the situation. For example, let’s take a three-arm lamp, one switch key will turn on one lamp, and the other the other two, or vice versa, everything will depend on technical feasibility and time of day.
Using the example of a connection diagram for a chandelier with a double switch, you can see what such a connection would look like: the first button turns on one lamp, and the second turns on all the others.

Chandelier connection diagram

The neutral and phase conductors that come out of the base and side of the cartridge do not have their own voltage, but are designed to transport it. In each type of lighting fixture, the zero is not connected through a switch, but is supplied directly. The main part of the wires with zero contact coming out of the sockets is concentrated in the center of the lamp and forms a kind of plexus. The wire strands that protrude from the base of the socket receive positive charge from central network and are divided into two groups.

Depending on the desired lighting functionality, full or partial, connecting the chandelier is best done in stages, as indicated in this article. The phase cable and the zero plexus must be connected alternately to each of the three wires inside the chandelier. The presence of a third, grounding cable is optional.

Connection in the distribution box

Let's look at the most common disconnection methods.
Twisting is the most popular and favorite method of separating wires in Russia. This method is very simple, you need to strip the ends of the wires and twist them together, after which it is advisable to wrap them with electrical tape.

Soldering – used for better contact of wires with each other. Typically used in places that require increased security: hospitals, schools. But it is worth remembering that, under increased loads, this connection method is prohibited.

Welding is the safest type of connection and requires special welding skills. Creates perfect contact between all connected wires.

Wire processing

Crimping is carried out using a special sleeve. A time-tested method, the connection can last more than 20 years.

The use of special screw clamps is the youngest type of connection. Allows you to connect different combinations of wires into one common network. Very often used for quick installation.

Three cables go from the main distributor to the switch, the same number goes to the chandelier. The main power source is the central cable. The phase cable is connected to the conductor going to the switch. At that time, another cable going to the chandelier in the box is connected to the current drain wire. The cable from the lamp, which connects to the lamp, is secured inside the box using a plastic terminal.

Connection in a two-gang switch

This step can be carried out by absolutely anyone who has at least a little knowledge of electrics. The center of the wire connection is located in the switch; this is where the order of turning on/off the lamps is set. A switch with two keys has a mount for two or three contacts: phase, neutral, ground. The grounding contact can be found on switches with a metal body. Their main purpose is to connect wires into one common system.

Need to know. A phase wire is connected to the central mount in the switch, which is always under high voltage.

When working with wires you need to be especially careful and follow the rules fire safety, disconnect the apartment or house from electrical energy. For this reason, carry out connection work ceiling chandelier needed during daylight hours.

There is one significant advantage in connecting a chandelier to several switches: saving energy when there is no need for general world. It is better to place the switch near the door so that it is convenient to use it when leaving the room. With this small effort you will save family budget and if you connect the chandelier to the wires correctly with your own hands.

Connecting a chandelier to the lighting wiring is an integral part of any renovation, both in an apartment and in a separate room. And although this operation associated with work in electrical circuits, absolutely anyone can cope with it. You just need to follow certain rules, and then the work will be done quickly, efficiently, and the question of how to connect the chandelier correctly will not arise.

Basic Requirements

The most important requirements when working with electrical wiring are compliance with safety rules and rules for installing electrical devices. There is no point in studying the “bible” of electricians: “Rules safe operation electrical installations of consumers" (PBEEP) and "Rules for the construction of electrical installations" (PUE). Such documentation is necessary mainly for those people for whom working with electricity is their main activity. For home renovation To connect a chandelier with a switch, you just need to know and follow simple rules.

  • Rule 1. All tools that will be used to perform work on electrical wiring must have high-quality insulation of the handles.
  • Rule 2. Most work should be performed only on de-energized wires. It is not enough to flip the light switch. To completely cut off the power, there is a main switch on apartment panel, which must be turned off before starting work.
  • Rule 3. The light switch is mounted exclusively in the break of the phase wire.

Wiring diagram for a chandelier with a double switch

As can be seen from the figure, on double switch three wires are suitable, one of which comes from the junction box, and the other two are used to connect the lamp. Therefore, when installing new wiring, you need to use a cable with 3 wires.

Connecting a chandelier to a double switch follows the same rules as connecting a regular lamp.

What are the risks of polarity reversal?

Quite often you can hear from non-professional advisers that the switch can be installed on any wire. Like, what difference does it make, because when the contacts are open, no current flows through the lamp and that’s enough. This is wrong. The fact is that if the switch breaks the neutral conductor, then no current will flow through the chandelier lamps, but there will be a phase potential on all wires, which threatens an electric shock during work.

A less dangerous, but unpleasant feature of such switching is that fluorescent lamps and “housekeeper” lamps can glow faintly or flicker even in the off position.


To connect a chandelier or other lamp you will need the following:

  • Straight and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • Side cutters;
  • Pliers;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Measuring instrument, digital or pointer;
  • Indicator screwdriver (probe);
  • Insulating tape.

The purpose of most tools is clear without comment. Why do you need a knife? In some cases, namely when stripping insulation from single-core conductors electric cable, side cutters or pliers cannot be used, since a transverse cut of the core on the connected wire will lead to its fracture. This is especially true for aluminum wires.

Insulation needs to be cut sharp knife just like sharpening a pencil. Longitudinal scratches on wire strands are not dangerous.

The indicator screwdriver is used to search for the phase conductor. And although its end allows for use as a screwdriver, this is not necessary, since mechanical strength The indicator is very small and it is almost impossible to tighten the screw properly without breaking the tool (it is possible, but the tool will not last long).

You should dwell in more detail on measuring instruments. They are digital and pointer. For most parameters, digital is preferable. They have high accuracy, are not afraid of shocks and falls from a height, protected from overload.

The pointer instrument should only be used in the position for which it is intended (most portable devices must be positioned horizontally), a fall from a height with a 100% probability will damage it, as will overload if the regulator is set incorrectly. The undoubted advantage of a pointer device is that voltage measurements can be made without a built-in power source.

Note for all types of devices: the operating range must provide for measuring an alternating voltage of at least 500 V.

Wire marking

To facilitate the continuity of wires and eliminate errors, color marking of the insulation of conductors in the cable is used. The generally accepted standard is the marking of the grounding conductor yellow with a green stripe.

You should never use a conductor with this color to connect devices! This conductor is used for grounding only.

For the zero (neutral) conductor, conductors with blue or light blue colors are used. Phase conductors may have various colors except those listed.

Problems arise when working in houses with old wiring. Once upon a time, the insulation of wires was made the same for all cores, so before starting work it was necessary to test the wires.

Wiring continuity

First of all, you need to check that the switch is connected correctly. In the open position, the indicator screwdriver should show the presence of a phase on one of the conductors. If the phase cannot be found, this means that the switch is not connected correctly or there are problems in the distribution box.

In the place of the ceiling where the lamp will be installed, there must be at least two wires coming out - neutral and phase from the switch. When connecting a multi-arm chandelier, the number of wires may be large. One of them remains neutral, the number of others corresponds to the number of keys on the switch.

Using the indicator

Determining the purpose of each wire is very simple. When the switch is on, only one of the wires should not have voltage. The rest should cause the indicator to glow. By turning off the light switch keys one by one, you can determine which wire corresponds to a particular key.

Using a voltmeter

When checking with a measuring device, you need to find a wire relative to which voltage will be present on the other wires. This wire will be zero. The device will show no voltage between the remaining wires. Next, leaving one of the device probes connected to the neutral wire, turn off the switch keys one by one to determine the identity of the wires.

Connecting wires

Connecting the luminaire wires to the lighting wiring can be done by soldering, twisting and using special adapter terminal blocks.

Soldering is the most reliable method, but it is quite difficult to do it at height in the limited space between the base of the chandelier and the ceiling. Therefore, this method is practically not used.

Twisting can only be used when twisting conductors of approximately the same diameter. Single and multi-core wires must not be twisted together.

Such a connection forms an electrochemical couple and, in the presence of even traces of humidity in the room, quickly oxidizes, causing a breakdown in contact and heating the joint. Most fires are caused by poor wiring connections.

The twisted area must be carefully wrapped with insulating tape so that the tape touches the insulation of both wires being connected. It is better to use special insulating caps.

Most the best way connections – use of connecting terminals. You can find it on sale great variety types of terminals - from simple screw to spring.

What to do if the type of switch or chandelier does not match the required

It may happen that the old chandelier had several groups of lamps and was turned on from a two-key switch, and after the repair it was decided to install a regular single-arm switch. Or vice versa, instead of a simple chandelier, a multi-arm chandelier was installed. How to properly connect the lamp?

There are more keys than conductors in the chandelier

If more wires come out from the double switch (and from the ceiling, respectively, to the chandelier) than are necessary to connect the chandelier (most often - four, one of which is grounding), then the most radical way is to replace the switch and leave some of the wires free.

Or you can connect a simple chandelier to a double switch. You can combine the wires coming from different switch keys. The connection can be made on the ceiling in front of the chandelier connection block or in the switch itself (in this case, the second wire to the chandelier must be left free). Then the chandelier will be turned on by any key, and to turn it off you need all the keys to be in the off position.

The number of keys is less than the number of conductors in the chandelier

If you do not repair the wiring, then connecting a chandelier with two arms or more to two wires is possible in only one way - by combining all separate groups of lamps into one.

As a last resort, if the wiring allows, you can use two switches.

A completely different situation when connecting modern chandelier with remote control. Regardless of the number of groups of light bulbs, the connection of the chandelier to the switch is carried out by wiring with two wires, and the switching of different groups of lamps is carried out by a control unit located in the luminaire.

When buying a new three-arm chandelier, everyone pays attention to the many wires inside and asks the question, how to connect the wires in the chandelier?

Many chandeliers, especially those brought from China, do not have necessary connections. Therefore, for example, before connecting a chandelier with three lamps to a switch with two keys, you need to decide how many separate groups of light bulbs there will be. Lamps belonging to the same group must be connected in parallel. Typically, each light bulb socket will have a pair of wires coming out of it in two colors, usually blue or black and brown. For example, a three-arm chandelier will have 6 wires inside. Wires of the same color must be twisted together. This is done with each group of light bulbs.

Next, the blue wires from each group are also connected together and one wire is brought out from them, which will then be connected to the neutral conductor. Separate wires are also taken out from the other connections and connected to the wires from the switch.

Option for connecting a five-arm chandelier with two groups to a two-key switch

Connecting a five-arm chandelier is no more difficult than connecting any chandelier with a two-button switch.

Connecting a five-arm chandelier with 5 lamps usually means dividing it into two groups with 2 and 3 lamps in each. And then the connection diagram will be no different from installing a chandelier with three wires.

When connecting the wires inside the chandelier using twists, you must carefully insulate them. Installation is greatly simplified when using special terminals. The most common are Wago terminals.

The figure clearly shows that the wires connected together blue connected to the neutral wire, brown wires divided into two groups - to separate wires from the two-key switch.

When connecting several lamps to one switch, they are also connected in parallel.

Using Grounding

New buildings to comply existing standards V mandatory are equipped with electrical wiring with grounding conductors. As already mentioned, such wires are marked with yellow-green colors. In this case, for a chandelier with two groups of lamps, 4 wires will come out of the ceiling: grounding, neutral and two phase, from the switch.

On lamps with metal parts A ground terminal is usually provided. Therefore, when connecting a lamp, you must also remember to ground it to the chandelier. If there is no ground terminal, the ground wire does not need to be connected. You just need to insulate it and hide it under the lamp body.

In household networks, they are used for indoor lighting. various devices: spotlights, chandeliers, LED strips. Most lighting fixtures connect to electrical network two wires, but there are also those whose connection causes some difficulties for ordinary people and novice electricians.

The most striking example is a ceiling lamp with five shades, called a five-arm lamp, in which instead of two wires there are ten at once. To simplify the installation process, a connection diagram for a five-arm chandelier in two variations will be given below.

Preparatory work

The number of shades in a chandelier determines not only the glow points, but also the number of leads from them; two leads are connected to each bulb in carob chandeliers. It's good if they are already connected to the socket, otherwise the leads are simply inserted into the corresponding guides, but not connected to anything.

In this case, it is necessary to test each connection for the presence of a circuit using a multimeter. If meter will indicate the presence of a connection, then you can proceed to the next step, otherwise you need to remove the lampshade and connect the wires to the socket contacts.

The leads in the chandelier are connected to one point from each horn. Blue wires are connected to a common node electrical circuit– this will be a zero output. The brown or red wires are connected into a node for connection to the phase conductor. Color coding wires may vary significantly depending on the manufacturer. The number of phase nodes will depend on the electrical circuit through which the lighting device is connected.

This option is suitable in situations where you need to ensure maximum luminous flux during the entire period of operation of the lighting equipment.

To do this you will need:

  • directly the chandelier itself;
  • single-gang switch;
  • connecting wires for extending neutral and phase conductors;
  • screwdriver and soldering iron for installation work.

An example circuit is shown in the figure below:

As you can see, in this connection diagram the neutral wires need to be connected together and brought to the corresponding terminal on the ceiling. Common point phase wires are supplied to a single-key switch to break the circuit.

It should be noted that when connecting all components of the circuit, you must use soldering, terminal or bolted connection, twisting is never allowed - this is a rather dangerous contact, since over time it will weaken and lead to heating.

The disadvantage of this connection scheme is that there is only one operating mode - with a rated load. A chandelier power supply circuit from a double switch will help solve this problem.

In this chandelier connection diagram, the lamps are turned on in groups, each of which is connected to the corresponding contacts of a two-key switch. Schematically this method shown in the figure below:

As you can see, all the lamps in the chandelier are divided into two groups - with 2 and 3 bulbs, respectively. So if you need to turn on the dim light, press the switch key for the 2nd group.

If you want to make it a little brighter, press the button for the 1st group, and the entire two-key switch will produce the maximum luminous flux.

When using this diagram, the following features of connecting the chandelier should be taken into account:

  • Electrical wiring must be provided with two phase conductors and one neutral conductor. Therefore, for laying and connecting ceiling wiring, it is better to take an electrical cable with three or four wires.
  • The wiring to the electrical socket should be connected by crimping, soldering or clamping to ensure reliable contact connections.
  • The switch is selected only as a switching device; there should not be any voltage division functions. Depending on the type of wire fixation, there are models with a screw or a clamp; the second option is simpler for ordinary people.

Safety precautions when connecting a five-arm chandelier

Carrying out installation work, do not forget about your own safety.

To prevent a threat to your life and health, follow these simple rules:

  • When laying and connecting wiring, installing and connecting a chandelier and switch, be sure to remove the voltage from the power supply. To do this, turn off the circuit breaker on the panel; it is better to break the circuit for both the phase and neutral wires.
  • Before making the connection, check that there is no voltage in the network; it may happen that the disconnected machine does not operate with power to the line you need or there is a zero in the gap. To check, you can use a multimeter or an indicator screwdriver.
  • To power the chandelier, always use the phase at the connection stage; if you put the neutral terminal in the gap, a person may come under mains voltage when trying to replace the light bulb.
  • If you are going to drill holes to attach the chandelier to the ceiling, use glasses to protect your eyes from dust. This operation should be performed without voltage in the lighting line.
  • The metal body of the chandelier should be connected to protective grounding. Due to this, in the event of damage to the insulation between the current-carrying elements and the housing, the current will flow to the ground terminal and circuit.
  • When testing the chandelier for the first time, protect your eyes from glass in case the glass lamps break. The easiest way is to turn away or wear safety glasses.

From this article you will learn what cross-section of wires is needed to connect to a chandelier, how to ring and determine the phases on the ceiling: we are looking for a grounding wire, we are looking for phases and zero, the designation of the chandelier wires.

How to connect a chandelier in a simple way, rules for connecting wires, connecting a 2,3,4,5, 6 chandelier to a single and double switch and many other questions.

Design features of the chandelier

Chandeliers are most often used as lighting devices in residential premises - multi-lamp lamps designed for installation on the ceiling.

A chandelier is a structure that connects several lighting elements - light bulbs, which allows you to provide the room with good lighting.

If you use a regular light bulb in a room, then to ensure proper lighting you will need to install a powerful lighting element, and even then, if the room is large, it will not be enough.

But such light is not always needed, so more the best option is the use of several lamps.

But if you use conventional light bulbs, you will have to lay your own wire to power each of them or make a branch from the junction box.

But if you install a chandelier, the design of which involves installing several light bulbs, then the complexity of the connection will be the same as for one or more light bulbs.

But at the same time, all lighting elements included in the design will be powered, and from one wire.

And all because the wiring branching occurs at the entrance to the chandelier, and not in the junction box.

Well, don’t discount the aesthetic side of the issue. A lonely light bulb hanging on the ceiling looks dull, or maybe a beautiful chandelier.

To get good lighting in a room with a perfect combination of lighting fixtures with the interior, it is not enough just to purchase a suitable chandelier, you also need to hang it and connect it correctly.

What is taken into account before carrying out work?

Let's immediately define several key points that should definitely be taken into account:

And one more thing - it’s one thing to simply remove the old lighting device and connect a new one in its place, and quite another thing to completely create a lighting power line, including from the distribution board, installation of switches, junction boxes and lighting devices, and then connecting them into one network.

Go deeper into the specifics self-installation We will not discuss the power supply branches of the chandelier, since we are more interested only in how to connect the lighting elements, although some points regarding wiring will be touched upon.

Useful information

Let us immediately point out some features that can help:

  • Breaking the circuit with a switch is carried out only through the phase line, and the neutral conductor and grounding conductor (if any) go directly to the consumer;
  • For each branch at the output of their switch, its own phase wire is laid (It is separated in the switch itself. A single-key switch has one phase conductor at the output, a two-key switch has two, a three-key switch has three). This affects the wire used leading from the switch;
  • On the terminal blocks of the chandeliers you can find the designation of the terminals, which makes the connection easier (the marking “L” indicates that the terminal is phase, “N” is neutral, “PE” is grounding).

Now directly, how to connect the chandelier to the switch.

Let's assume that the line is made in advance, the switch is in place, and 2 or 3 wires stick out from the ceiling (with the third wire being “ground”).

In general, the connection diagram is the simplest - “one-key switch - 1 lighting fixture.”

If the chandelier is armless (with 1 lamp), then the connection method does not differ at all from powering a simple light bulb.

It also greatly simplifies connecting a chandelier to one or more light bulbs.

Single-key switch – 1 chandelier

Before starting work, you should determine which wire is which. It would be good if modern wiring with color differences between the cores was used. On initial stage I'm only interested in the "ground".

If the electricians did not mess anything up, the ground wire will have a yellow-green braid.

But you will have to figure out the phase and zero yourself and for this you will only need an indicator screwdriver, but all precautions should be taken, since the test is done in live wiring.

Therefore, before applying voltage, you should make sure that the ends of the wires are separated in different sides and do not touch each other.

And only after this can voltage be applied (you also need to turn the switch to the “on” position).

After we touch the ends of the wiring with the tip of the indicator screwdriver, the indicator light that lights up when touched will indicate that the core is phase, which means the second one is zero.

If there are three wires at the output, and it is not clear which of them is zero and ground, you can use a test light to determine it (we connect a two-wire wire to a regular 220 lamp through a socket). Then we identify the phase with an indicator screwdriver.

If the lamp lights up after applying voltage, then the second wire will be zero (if it doesn’t light up, the “ground” is connected to the control). For reliability, the wires should be swapped.

After determining where each wire is, all that remains is to connect them to the corresponding terminals of the chandelier terminal block, and then secure it to the ceiling hook. In general, everything is as simple as shelling pears.

The diagram for connecting the chandelier to two terminals is as follows:

If the circuit is three-wire, then the connection is made like this:

Now let’s assume that the chandelier is a two-arm chandelier and you need to connect it to a single-key switch.

Each horn is a branch and two wires must come from it (phase and zero), but the “ground” is connected to the body, so it does not go to the branches.

Let's assume that there are blue and brown wires coming from each horn.

To connect the chandelier, you need to separate the wires of the horns by color and twist them together (the blue ones are separate from the brown ones).

Then we connect them to the power line, and it does not matter what color the wires will be phase and neutral.

For example, we connect the brown wires through the block to the phase conductor, and the blue wire to the zero.

Then we isolate everything and check its functionality. Here we note that with such a connection, no matter how many bulbs there are in the chandelier, they will all light up when turned on.

It happens that the third wire in a chandelier or wiring is superfluous (ground is not provided in the lighting fixture or power line).

In the case of a chandelier, we simply ignore this output (this will not affect the performance in any way), but the grounding conductor of the wiring will need to be insulated.

Overall this is general scheme connecting the chandelier and it is identical for everyone, but there are some nuances that will be indicated below.

A little about wiring connections. To do this, you can use either terminal blocks or conventional twisting followed by insulation with protective caps.

Each connection method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Terminals are more convenient for installation, but it is not always possible to install it.

The twist is more compact in size, but it is not always possible to twist the wires well.

Two-button switch - chandelier

Now about how to connect the chandelier to two-button switch.

Since the number of lamps and their division into groups can be very different, we will consider several options:

One switch – several chandeliers

Now let's look at how to connect several chandeliers to one switch. Here you will also have to consider the features of the power line.

For example, let’s take a single-key switch that will power three chandeliers at once.

The lighting line diagram with this switch is as follows: phase and zero go from the switchboard to the distribution box.

A wire goes into it from the phase conductor to the switch, and returns to it again.

As a result, in the box we have a zero and a phase (with a switch included in the circuit), to which we can connect the wiring leading to the consumer.

Therefore, to connect three chandeliers to this switch at once, it is enough to throw one common line and insert phase and neutral wires lighting fixtures.

Moreover, connecting each chandelier to common line better to do in distribution boxes(they need to be installed additionally). And then, in the chandelier itself, divide it into horns (branches).

Connecting a chandelier with additional equipment

Now about connecting the chandelier in which the fan is mounted. This lighting device does not require anything special to connect, since the fan is the same consumer as a regular light bulb (that is, the circuit is the same as that of a two-arm chandelier).

It should be connected to a two-key switch so that you can turn off the light or fan if necessary.

Also, when connecting such a chandelier, you should read the instructions, which should indicate which of the wires going to power the fan is phase and which is neutral, and use this information when connecting.

The same applies to chandeliers that have remote control using the remote control.

Inside such a device there will be a special executive unit with a controller that receives signals from the remote control.

So, this unit requires power, and it works on the same principle as a light bulb.

But in the chandeliers with LED lamps, lighting elements operate from a 12V network with direct current. And for this purpose, the design of the lighting device contains a step-down transformer, which has phase and neutral terminals.

Connecting this chandelier is as easy as connecting a regular light bulb.

Sometimes there is a need to install a combination switch to power the chandelier, combined with an outlet.

And here the whole peculiarity lies precisely in connecting the switch itself, and not the lighting device.

Since there is an outlet, in order for it to function, both phase and zero must be supplied to it.

And if only a phase conductor was routed to a conventional switch, then a neutral conductor will also have to be routed to the combined switch. The connection diagram for such a switch is presented below.

There are times when the part of the power supply protruding from the ceiling is not enough to connect the chandelier. In this case, you can simply increase them.

To do this, you can take two segments copper wire cross section of at least 1.5 mm. sq. and connect them to the line terminals using twisting. Then the joints should be properly insulated.

Popular with readers: disadvantages and advantages of the device.

Safety precautions

When connecting a chandelier, do not forget about safety precautions. All work should be carried out only with de-energized wiring. Moreover, simply disconnecting the line at the switch is not enough; it must be de-energized at the distribution board.

You need to be very careful about the distribution of wiring before connecting.

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