Kobeya growing seedlings. Kobeya - “Climbing giant bells”: planting and care in open ground. Growing kobei forum, reviews

Gardeners decorate gazebos, terraces, fences, verandas with climbing plants and use them to decorate vertical objects. Which of them will not pose exceptional difficulties in maintenance and will at the same time improve the area? Good decision For a florist, growing kobeya from seeds at home will be a good idea. The most dull estate, colored by the shoots of this beautifully flowering vine, will take on an aesthetic, well-groomed appearance.

Cobaea belongs to the clinging or climbing shrubby plants of the blueweed family (Polemoniáceae). It comes from Mexico and has been known in Europe since 1787. The vine owes its name to the Jesuit monk Barnabas Cobo.

A naturalist who lived in Peru liked its flowers, which were similar in shape to bells. In memory of the Cantenbury bells, the Jesuit planted a vine on his property, and since then the wild perennial has become a garden plant. Other names for kobei are “monastery bells”, “Mexican ivy”.

Kobeya is distinguished by its unusual flowering. When blooming, its bell-shaped flowers have a white-greenish tint. Afterwards they acquire a purple and white color. The diameter of the flowers reaches 8 cm, the pedicels are long. They are located in the axils of the leaves, one at a time or in groups of 2–3 flowers.

The long stamens that make up the lush bunch are amazing. With five wavy threads, twisting at the ends covered with pollen, they curiously peek out from their bell.

The life of a blooming flower is quite short. But each faded one is replaced by a new bud. And the vine with the simultaneous presence of white, soft lilac, dark purple flowers on it will show off all over summer period until frost in the fall.

Before the flowering period, kobeya is also not devoid of decorativeness. It attracts butterflies with its feathery leaves, folded with wings, with cherry veins running across the dark green background. The shoots at the end are modified: with branched cherry-brown tendrils the plant is strengthened to any support.

Having a powerful, branched root system with many thin fibrous roots, kobeya is characterized by rapid growth. During the season, from a small shoot the plant turns into a multi-meter vine, up to 6 m long.

As the kobea fades, elongated fruits appear, similar to a plum or cucumber. The leathery seed pods contain large, flat-rounded seeds (15 seeds per 1g).

Uses of kobei

The decorative nature of the vine is its indisputable advantage. The plant is valued for its wide range of uses:

  1. A climbing beauty will cover a house with a green wall or disguise an unsightly building.
  2. Kobeya will be an excellent element of a hedge.
  3. The green arch made of graceful vines is a unique decorative element of the estate.
  4. Blooming kobeya is planted in a flowerbed with petunias, verbena, and lobelia.
  5. Covered with the fragrant vines of the plant, the gazebo will turn into a fabulous resting place.

Kobeya will also be a charming decoration for a balcony or loggia. In order for the vines to look like a beautiful curtain, the plant needs to be protected from wind, cold and direct sunlight.

Growing kobei in Siberia, Ukraine, the Urals

Distinguished by its great love for warmth and sun, kobeya grows well in the southwestern Russian lands and in Ukraine. It is grown quite successfully in the central and northwestern regions of Russia, in the Urals (Middle and Southern), and in Siberia (in the climate of temperate latitudes).

In regions with cold climates, heat-loving vines often do not have time to produce ripened seeds. Therefore, the exotic plant is usually grown as an annual.

Reproduction is possible by cuttings or planting seeds in open ground. But, characterized by a long vegetative period, kobeya grows better and blooms faster when grown from seeds at home.

Kobeya photo

Kobeya growing from seeds at home

How and when to sow seeds

Sowing kobei seeds for seedlings begins in February, towards the middle of the month. In warm climates, it is better to plant them in early to mid-March to prevent the seedlings from stretching out.

Liana seeds are characterized by tough germination. They are pre-soaked and treated with “Fitosporin” to prevent diseases. A small container (you can use a saucer) is covered with a cloth soaked in potassium permanganate or a growth stimulant (“NV-1”, “Epin”).

Then the planting material is spread out on a cloth at a distance and covered with polyethylene. Afterwards, the “greenhouse” is placed in a warm place (at least 20 degrees), making sure that mold does not appear on the seeds. If there is sticky mucus, they are washed in running water, changing the fabric.

Large seeds will take a week to hatch, small seeds will take a long time. With the appearance of white roots, the seeds are laid out edgewise in a container to a depth of 1.5 cm. The soil for seedlings should be light and loose.

Note! You can plant each seed in a separate peat pot(tablet), pre-moistened. This will protect the sprouts from possible damage when picking.

For germination, containers with planting material are kept in a warm place. To maintain the humidity level, cover with film.

Features of caring for seedlings

The first sprouts are expected 2-3 weeks after sowing the seeds. The containers with them are placed in a very sunny place. The air temperature must be at least 16 degrees.

Picking in separate containers is carried out to form two true leaves. Peat tablet with the sprouted seed placed in a pot large sizes, filling the voids with universal primer.

It is advisable to use large three-liter pots: the space promotes the development of a powerful root system and the growth of strong vines.

We must remember: in the future, the kobei sprouts will need support. In order not to damage the roots, it is better to install it in advance (metal or plastic ladder).

Watering the seedlings is carried out systematically - as soon as the soil begins to dry out. Excessive humidity is harmful because... provokes putrefactive diseases of the roots. Seedlings should be sprayed periodically warm water, preventing the appearance of spider mites.

Containers with sprouts should be placed at a distance so that the vines do not intertwine: this will make it difficult to transplant them to the site. To stimulate the development of side shoots, pinching is done on excessively long vines.

For shoot growth, seedlings are fertilized with Baikal humate. Three weeks before planting the seedlings on the plot, they begin to harden them, taking them to a sunny place at colder temperatures (on a glazed balcony).

Planting kobei seedlings in open ground

If you keep the seedlings in a pot, they will begin to weave heavily, which will make it difficult to plant in open ground. However, you should make sure that the frost has already passed: a temperature of less than 5 degrees Celsius can destroy the kobeya.

It is preferable to plant seedlings on permanent place on site in early June. In the southern regions, it is permissible to plant seedlings in mid-May, then the kobeya will bloom earlier.

When determining a place for planting kobei, they focus on following conditions choice:

  • the plant needs abundant sunlight;
  • kobeya prefers fertile, light, permeable soils;
  • purposes of use: decorating arches, facades, gazebos, etc.

It should also be noted that plants are sensitive to drafts, especially cold northeast winds.

Kobeya develops well on loamy and sandy loam lands. The pigmentation of the flower depends on the acidity of the soil: increased level is revealed by the reddish tints of the flower cups. Calcareous lands appear blue tones kobea flowers.

Before planting, prepare holes for seedlings, placing them 50–70 cm from each other. To ensure soil fertility, granular superphosphate or a special mineral fertilizer is added to each hole. The soil mixture is made up of peat, humus, coarse sand, and turf soil.

The ground in which the seedling is located is first watered well, then the seedling with a lump of “native” soil takes root in the open ground. The planted shoots are watered again, then mulched using dry grass, hay, and sawdust.

Important: for the first time, the young vine must be covered with a double layer of film or lutrasil. This will help the plant take root and protect it from freezing.

Young shoots should also be covered in case of prolonged rains or cold weather. If the tops of the plant are still frozen, it is recommended to pinch it so that new shoots will grow. With the established warm weather, the film is removed from the vine.

Kobei care

Kobei formation

The formation of the plant begins after planting the seedlings. Young shoots are tied to support nets or pegs. Periodically, the growing parts of the vine need to be tied up so that the kobeya does not entangle neighboring plants.

In order to obtain more branched shoots, the vine is pinched. To maintain a well-groomed appearance, dried flowers are removed in a timely manner.

Watering kobei

Kobeya is distinguished by its growth rate, so it needs regular watering And nutrients. Particular care must be taken to monitor soil moisture in dry conditions. summer days. Timely watering will protect the plant from overheating of the roots and loss of flowers.

You need to pay attention to ensure that when watering, water does not stagnate at the roots: root system When there is excess moisture, fungal bacteria attack. Mulching is also recommended tree trunk circles any organic material.

Feeding Kobei

During vegetative development, to increase green mass, creeping annuals are fed for the first time (late May - mid-June) with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Next, alternating fertilizing is carried out using organic (“Ideal”, “Zaslona”, “Rainbow”) and mineral fertilizers (“Kemira”) with phosphorus and potassium. During the development of vine shoots, fertilizing is done four times.

It is necessary to take into account: before flowering, application nitrogen fertilizer not recommended, since the plant does not grow into color, but into greenery.

Weeding, loosening the soil

Like everyone else garden plants, which requires weeding to prevent the transfer of infections from weeds and the proliferation of pests. Loosening the soil at the roots promotes air access to them and allows excess moisture to evaporate.

Preparing kobei for winter

Before the attack autumn frosts Kobeya is removed. You can try to save it as a perennial. To do this, the lashes are cut off, and the plant itself is dug up with its roots. Next, they are placed in containers and stored in cool places (cellar, basement). In the spring, successfully overwintered kobeya is taken out into the sun, increasing watering. It should be planted in open ground by the end of May.

Kobei diseases and pests

A tropical plant, kobeya is susceptible to frequent diseases. Excess moisture and lack of drainage is manifested by root rot. Black spots appear on leaves and flowers. Affected parts of the plant should be removed immediately. The land is treated with insecticidal preparations (Ridomil Gold MC, Hom).

The most dangerous pests for plants are aphids and spider mites. Their destruction is carried out by processing insecticides(“Decisom”, Actellik”, “Inta-Virom”). Spraying with liquid potassium green soap will help; use pet flea shampoo.

Pests are removed using biological agents. Plants affected by aphids are sprayed with pine infusion: 2 liters of water for 500g needles, leave for a week. Use mustard powder: 10 grams per liter of water, leave for 2 days. The solution is made up of a 9 liter glass of infusion. Infusions of celandine, marigold, dope, tomato tops, garlic, tobacco. Spider mites can be removed by treating with infusions of henbane, dandelion, chamomile, and tobacco.

Preventative regular inspection of shoots will prevent widespread damage. Yellowing leaves, slow growth of shoots, poor flowering, the appearance of spots unusual for a vine, and cobweb formations are signs of kobei disease.

Types of kobei

There are 9 known plant species common in natural conditions through tropical and subtropical forests of America. In gardening, climbing kobeya (Cobaea scandens) or tenacious is cultivated.

Plant varieties differ in the white (“Wedding Bells”), wine-white, violet, lilac, burgundy, and lilac color of the flowers.

Kobeya – very responsive to good care plant. Caring owner she will thank you with the luxurious splendor of the vines and the exotic beauty of her flowers.

Kobeya is a beautiful tropical vine with lacy leaves and huge bell-shaped flowers. Plant seeds are available for sale and kobeya is successfully colonizing gardens Middle zone Russia.

Popular varieties

There are 9 known species of kobei, the most common type in gardening is climbing kobeya. This is a perennial grown in our country as an annual. The plant has shoots 4–6 m long and complex, wrinkled, oppositely arranged leaves. The stems cling to the support with strong tendrils. The flowers are large, growing from the axils of the leaves, 2–3 each. In buds, the flowers are greenish in color; when in full bloom, they are purple or white. Long stamens and pistil protrude from the flowers. An adult kobei is not afraid of autumn cold snaps and temperatures dropping to -5°C. It blooms from late June until frost.

You will find information about other types of vines popular among gardeners in the article “”.

Variety "Lady Hamilton"

Spectacular kobeya 2–3 m high with double lilac-white flowers with a diameter of 8 cm.

Variety "Jingle Bells"

This kobeya grows up to 3 m, has milky white flowers with a diameter of 8 cm

In plants varieties "Kalando" blue- purple flowers 7–8 cm in diameter.

Growing from seeds

Heat-loving kobe seedlings are prepared in mid-March. With such planting dates, it will bloom in June. For seedlings, use universal soil for flowering plants or prepare a mixture of equal parts of garden soil, compost and peat. Small containers or individual peat or plastic pots, if the seedlings grow without picking.

The containers are filled with a damp substrate, compacted slightly, and dry or Epin-treated seeds are laid out on the surface.

Dry seeds take a long time to germinate. And to get guaranteed germination, it is better to sow pre-sprouted seeds. To do this, place a damp cloth on a saucer, on which flat and round seeds are laid out so that they do not touch each other. Cover the saucer with a plastic bag and place it in the light in a warm place. Every day the seeds are checked, ventilated and the mucus that forms is removed - it makes it difficult for the seeds to germinate. The fabric should always remain damp. If mold appears on the seeds, wash the fabric and seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate. As soon as the seeds hatch, they are placed in pots.

The seeds are sprinkled with a 1.5 cm layer of soil on top and left until germination in a room with a temperature of +17–20°C. The soil is periodically watered as it dries. Shoots appear within 14–20 days (if dry seeds were sown), germinated ones will sprout faster. With the appearance of sprouts, the pots are moved to a bright and cooler place with a temperature of +15–16°C. Suitable conditions content on a glassed-in balcony – there is more air and sun.

Kobei seedlings grow quickly. Grown seedlings are planted in separate pots if the seedlings were first grown in a common container. After transplantation, a small support is placed in each cup for the kobeya and the shoots are tied to it.

Before planting in the ground, make sure that the plants do not intertwine with each other. Pots with kobeya are not placed close to each other. If the seedlings have grown, but the time for planting in the ground has not yet come or the weather does not allow, then you can replant them into larger pots, or pinch out too long shoots - this will allow the plants to bush more.

Choosing a place and soil for planting

Kobeya loves well-lit areas protected from the wind, but can also grow in partial shade.

She loves nutritious, loose and well-drained soil. Planting pits for kobeya they prepare it in the fall. They are filled with humus, peat, river sand and turf soil. Superphosphate or a mineral mixture for flowering plants is added to the soil mixture. In such areas, kobeya grows quickly and fills large areas. The acidity level of the soil affects the color of flowers. On more acidic soils, the flowers have a bright and rich color; on alkaline soils they are more pronounced blue petals.

Planting in open ground

Kobei seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May - beginning of June after the onset of stable warm weather. The distance between plants should be at least 60–70 cm. Before planting, the seedlings are well hardened, otherwise the tender leaves and shoots will turn white in a couple of days from the burning sun.

The fragile stems of the planted bushes are carefully fanned out and tied to a support. Most often, kobei is used in the form of a mesh or lattice. Within 2 weeks, the young kobe will take root in the new place and begin to rapidly increase its green mass.


The soil around the plant should always be moist, but without excess water. It is especially important to adjust the watering regime if the kobeya grows in partial shade.

During the summer, the vine is fed 2-3 times with mineral complexes for flowering plants.

Faded flowers are removed, but the kobeya can take care of the decoration itself - the withered petals will fall to the ground and the plant will look neat. In autumn, nets or grates are cleared of shoots and tendrils.


The plant is propagated by seeds or cuttings.

Large seeds ripen inside the fruit capsule. Your own seeds do not always have time to ripen due to weather conditions, so it is safer to use ready-made ones from the store. The freshness of the seeds is maintained for 3–4 years.

In August, you can prepare cuttings for planting kobei next season. Cut petioles are planted in pots with loose substrate. The queen cells will spend the winter in a warm room on the windowsill. Early spring they are cut from them required quantity shoots, root and, with the onset of warm weather, planted in open ground.

Pests and diseases

Of the diseases, kobeya is most often affected by various rots. The reason for their appearance is waterlogging of the soil.

It can also live on kobeya. Pests are controlled using biological or chemical insecticides.

Kobeya is a worthy decoration of the garden. A thick green carpet of leaves with large flowers draws attention to the area. Just 3–4 plants in a short period of time can change appearance country house, fence, gazebo, balcony.

You will learn more about planting and growing kobei from the video.

Kobeya is a perennial vine, which is presented in the form of a subshrub. It belongs to the Sinyukhov family and is cultivated mainly as annual plant. In the article we will talk about all the features of this plant, we will find out what conditions a gardener should create for the normal growth and development of climbing kobei.

General information

The name “kobeya” comes from a Spaniard who was a Jesuit monk. His name was Barnabas Cobo, and he spent many years in Peru and Mexico. If you want to find kobeya in natural conditions, then you will have to go to the tropics and subtropics of the American continent. This plant came into cultivation back in 1787. In those days, as now, it was used for the purpose vertical gardening, beautiful hedges were created.

Description of Kobei

Kobeya differs from other plants of its family in its incredibly fast growth rate. The plant has a fairly powerful branched root system on which it is located large number thin fibrous roots. The stems of the shrub are quite long and can reach six meters. Eat individual species, whose stems exceed even this figure.

Kobeya climbing has complex pinnate alternate leaves, which consist of three lobes. Already at the end of the shoot, the leaves take the form of branched tendrils. It is these tendrils that help the plant to cling to the support in order to raise the stems to a height. Kobeya blossoms presented large flowers, which are bell-shaped. Their diameter can reach eight centimeters. Beautiful flowers are located on stalks. They can be in a group or alone. Kobeya climbing also has fruits, which are presented in the form of a leathery capsule, which is completely filled with oval-shaped seeds. Pedicels appear from the leaf axils. A flower that has not yet bloomed has a green-yellow tint, and when it blooms it becomes white or purple shade.

Kobeya climbing: growing from seeds

One of the most common and effective ways Kobei propagation is by seed. But some difficulties may arise here. Growing kobeya from seeds can be hindered by the seeds themselves, or more precisely, by their thick shell with which they are covered. It greatly complicates the germination process. That's why, experienced gardeners It is recommended to dissolve this crust, turning it into mucus, and then manually remove it. The dissolution process is not too complicated. It is necessary to place the seeds on the bottom of the vessel so that they do not touch each other. Next, you need to fill them with water and cover the container with a lid. This is necessary to prevent moisture from evaporating. Gradually, the crust will begin to become limp, and the gardener’s task at this time is to remove the layer that can already be processed and place the seeds back into the water. This procedure is repeated until all the peel is removed. This usually takes several days. This is preparatory stage for planting seeds for germination.

Planting seeds

When the preparatory stage has been successfully completed, you can begin planting planting material to obtain seedlings. Typically, climbing kobe seeds are planted in late February or early March. For each seed you need to prepare a separate glass. This is necessary in order not to carry out the first picking, since this process often turns out to be quite traumatic for the plant. There is no need to prepare any special soil for planting. You just need to purchase a universal substrate in a specialized store. The seeds are laid directly on the surface of the substrate, and sprinkled with a one and a half centimeter layer of the same substrate on top. If you managed to completely peel the kobe seeds from their thick skin, then in two weeks you can expect the first shoots. If you fail to do this, you will have to be patient.

Seedlings of climbing kobei

When the seedlings have already grown well (two or more true leaves appear on them), you can start replanting them into larger containers. To do this, you need to prepare three-liter containers and transplant the seedlings there directly with the earthen ball in which they grow. This is necessary so that the plant quickly takes root, it develops a powerful root system, and the shoots become stronger. For such a kobei, it is already necessary to install a ladder made of plastic or wood, for which young plant will cling.

Gardeners consider this stage to be special, since it is during this period that the seedlings need to be hardened off. Containers with seedlings are placed on the loggia or balcony. It is advisable that these rooms be insulated or at least glazed, since the air temperature outside is not yet high enough. On the glazed balcony, the seedlings will get used to the cool air, awaiting planting in a permanent place. Typically, seedlings are not left in this position for more than three weeks. After this period, you can safely proceed to planting the climbing kobei in open ground.

Disembarkation time

Kobei flowers can be planted in open ground as early as mid-May, if you are sure that night frosts have left your garden. It is important that the night temperature does not fall below five degrees. However, the growth process of seedlings should also be monitored. Since too large individuals will be difficult to transplant into the ground, and they also take much longer to be accepted in a new place.

Landing technology

To properly care for and plant kobei in the open ground, you should use several rules. First of all, you should choose a place where the kobeya will grow. It will be good if it is a sunny area with quite fertile soil. It’s okay if you place the plant in partial shade, since it also feels quite comfortable in such a place. More attention should be paid to wind and drafts, which should not exist in the place where you plan to plant creeping kobe seedlings.

The holes should be dug in advance. They must be one meter apart from each other. They are filled with a special mixture, which also needs to be prepared in advance. It contains: humus, peat, turf land. Kobei seedlings, together with a lump of earth, are placed directly on this mixture, then added dropwise and watered well. Do not delay the installation of supports. It is better to do this as soon as the seedlings are planted in open ground. Gardeners recommend using arches or fences for these purposes. This is necessary so that the kobei does not cling to the first supports that come across, which can be nearby bushes and trees.

If you have doubts about frost, it is better to cover young plants non-woven material at night to make sure the plants are safe.

Rules of care

Caring for and planting kobei in open ground includes several more rules that must be followed. It is worth paying attention to the features of watering. The soil around the kobe should be moistened regularly, and during especially dry periods it needs abundant watering. But you need to know when to stop so as not to overwater the plant, which can lead to rotting of the root system. This is especially true for those plants that grow in partial shade.

Top dressing

Kobeya needs frequent feeding. Fertilizers must be applied every week. They should include a large amount of nitrogen, and during the formation of buds they will also need phosphorus and potassium. The first fertilizers are applied already at the period when the kobeya has just begun its life journey. With the appearance of the first leaf, the plant needs humate. Next, you should alternately add organic and mineral fertilizers. For the former, mullein infusion is excellent, and for the latter, you can choose Kemira. Such alternations are carried out until the climbing kobeya blooms.

Don’t forget to loosen the soil and remove weeds around the plant. It's also very important points on caring for kobeya (photos of flowers are presented in the article).


The seed method of propagation of kobei is not the only one. Cuttings or cuttings are considered more reliable. vegetative method reproduction. Cuttings should be taken in the spring from those bushes that overwintered indoors. Shoots cut in spring can be rooted directly in wet sand, and already in the second half of May they can be safely transplanted into open ground. Gardeners have noticed the fact that kobeya, which was grown from cuttings rather than from seeds, blooms much earlier. But there is another side - the flowering of such a plant is less abundant and spectacular.

Diseases and pests

As for insects, kobei has only two main enemies: aphids and mites. Getting rid of these pests is not at all difficult. It is enough to spray the plant with a solution of potassium green soap with the addition of fitoverm. If such liquid soap If you can’t find it, you can add pet flea shampoo instead.

Planting material

Flowering of kobei begins around the beginning of July and lasts until the onset of the first frost. In the regions of our country, this plant is grown as an annual, which means that with the onset of autumn it is removed from the garden.

It should be noted that collecting seeds from climbing kobei is quite difficult, since they simply do not have time to ripen. Therefore, it will be better if you purchase planting material from a specialized store and do not waste time collecting unripe seeds. Consider also the fact that even seeds from the most the best companies sprout in only 30% of cases. On one's own collected seeds will not give even such an indicator of germination.

Preparing for winter

In order not to plant kobei seedlings every year, you can try to preserve the plant in winter conditions. This will require a little effort and time from the gardener. In October, the plant is pruned, then the bush is carefully dug up and transplanted into a large flowerpot or other convenient container. In this position, the kobeya should be in a room where the air temperature will not fall below twelve degrees. This could be a living space or a basement. You should monitor the condition of the soil and water it not too much every three to four days.

Towards the end of February, plants that were standing away from sunlight, you need to move it closer to it, and also slightly increase watering. An adult specimen, like seedlings, can be planted in open ground only when the gardener is absolutely sure that the frosts have completely passed.

Types and varieties

Nine species of kobei are known in nature, but only one of them is grown in culture, which was discussed in this article - the climbing kobei. Although this species is a perennial, in cultivation almost all gardeners grow it as an annual plant. Its homeland is Mexico. The shoots of this climbing kobei do not grow more than six meters in length, which cannot be said about other types of plants. Beautiful purple flowers appear around mid-July and emit a pleasant honey aroma that attracts many insects. In floriculture, white kobeya is also known, which is a subspecies of kobeya and differs from it only in the shade of the flowers. A photo of a climbing kobe can be seen below.


As you can see, growing kobeya on your garden plot not as difficult as it might seem. Growing seedlings from seeds is considered the most difficult stage, since you have to spend too much time on this process. Otherwise, this flower cannot be called whimsical and even a beginner can cope with it in the garden. Kobeya can be an excellent decoration for your garden, and you can also make a beautiful one from it. hedge for the site.

392 07/27/2019 4 min.

A strong vine with beautiful inflorescences will certainly become the favorite of any gardener. Its cultivation does not require much effort, and its spectacular flowering and rapid growth will be a pleasant addition and a suitable decoration for other crops. How to grow kobeya from seeds, the main types and secrets of success are discussed in further information.

Description and types

The beautiful kobeya is distinguished by large inflorescences - bells, heart-shaped leaves and tenacious tendrils that provide reliable fastening stem. With proper care, the plant can reach a height of six meters, and its flowering lasts for more than four months!

Large flowers collected in complex form the inflorescences reach eight centimeters in diameter, and the succulent leaves delight the eye for a long time, without turning yellow or fading in the sun. There are a total of nine species of this amazing plant, including breeding work Only one is participating - the climbing kobeya.

Kobeya climbing

This unpretentious plant It is characterized by fast growth and a decent selection of suitable colors. two or three pieces are collected, and the leaves have an attractive shape. To ensure growth, it is necessary to organize a sufficiently strong support for the stem, and a fence or stretched mesh can cope with this function.

How to germinate seeds

It is incredibly difficult to purchase suitable shoots of this plant in our area, so many gardeners successfully germinate the plant from seeds. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the seed, and also study the necessary conditions for growing. The basic rules are discussed below.

Algorithm for preparing and planting seeds:

  1. Seed preparation consists of pre-soaking with weak solution potassium permanganate (to disinfect and give enough strength to fight diseases). For the same purposes, you can use purchased special solutions, as well as ordinary water.
  2. The seed skin is quite dense, so it is recommended for rapid growth shoots, pierce it in several places with a needle.
  3. Soaking in water for a day should be enough, so after this period you can plant the seeds.
  4. A nutritious mixture of peat or universal soil is prepared in separate pots. You can plant kobeya in total capacity, but in this case there is a high risk of damage to the roots during transplantation.
  5. It is necessary to bury the seeds no more than 1 - 1.5 centimeters into the soil. After planting, you need to moisten the soil well and place it on a sunny windowsill. If there is a lack of light, it is advisable to provide alternative source, otherwise the shoots will be weak and thin.
  6. After the first branch appears in the container, you need to install a wooden or plastic support. But for watering the plant, it is worth using

In the video - germinating Kobei seeds:

Kobeya grows quite quickly, and there is a risk of tangling of shoots. It is necessary to provide enough space for each seedling, and planting in open ground occurs after warm weather sets in around the end of May. For different climatic conditions, this period may shift, so the main criterion will be the absence of night frosts and sufficient warming of the soil.

Decorating gardens and personal plots is often associated with breeding climbing plants. One of them is the kobei liana flower. Extraordinary beauty and a fairly long flowering period make it popular and arouse interest for the study of vegetative properties.

Often popular in Russia are of overseas origin. Therefore, many plants are either unable to get used to our climate at all, or adapt over time. many years(as a result of which its characteristics and agricultural technology change).

Garden kobeya was no exception to the rule. It is used for vertical gardening, has the appearance of a vine, and is heat- and light-loving. With proper care, it will reward you with luxurious thickets.


IN in this case- the plant came to the Eurasian continent from South America. Particularly common in Peru and Mexico. There, in the hot and humid tropical climate, kobeya can be described as follows:

  • it is a perennial flower;
  • under natural conditions it reproduces by self-sowing through falling seeds;
  • has more than 10 species;
  • adult plants reach a height of 5-8 m;
  • the diameter of the flower bell is up to 10-11 cm;
  • clings tightly to the support with the help of antennae.

In Russian conditions

In Russia we have kobeya:

  • not able to develop by self-sowing;
  • is an annual plant;
  • propagated by seeds;
  • grows up to 3-5 m high;
  • has a flower bell diameter of up to 6-8 cm.

IMPORTANT. Planting material have to buy again every year, because climatic conditions our continent's seeds do not have time to ripen.

Why is it attractive?

Kobeya is valued for the fact that she:

  • creates the illusion of a jungle;
  • allows you to hide unsightly elements under the thickets - old cracked walls, unsightly design defects, etc.;
  • provides aesthetic pleasure from the process of growing and caring for the plant;
  • leaves are pinnate;
  • abundant flowering;
  • pleases the eye with purple and greenish-white bell-shaped flowers;
  • the foliage is quite dense, with horizontal-vertical branching (it is possible to create the illusion of a green carpet);
  • grows quickly;
  • flowering lasts until the first frost.

Soil requirements

Due to the fact that kobeya was “born” in southern latitudes, it requires soils with the following characteristics:

  • consistently moderately humid;
  • soft;
  • loose.

Natural tropical soils are just like that. Russian gardeners have to focus on:

  • systematic loosening;
  • humidity tracking and hydration;
  • soil nutrition.

IMPORTANT. Use high-quality fertilizers from specialized stores. There, this product is targeted in a targeted manner - consult a competent seller.


It will not be difficult for experienced gardeners to create a home jungle of kobeya. Beginners will have to spend a little more time learning agricultural technology, but will achieve positive result at low cost - also possible.

Seed preparation

As soon as you bought seeds in the store, immediately keep in mind: first you need to turn them into seedlings (planting seeds in open ground means dooming them to death). But even for seedlings, seeds require certain preparation:

  • it is necessary for each seed to sprouted before planting in seedling containers;
  • spread the seeds on a damp cloth (it will also work toilet paper or paper napkin, folded in several layers);

IMPORTANT. Make sure that each seed is kept at a distance from the others and does not touch its neighbors.

  • moisten the cloth with the seeds and cover with plastic wrap;
  • place it where it is not cold and there is good access to light;
  • after 10-14 days the seeds should sprout;
  • if you see mold appearing in places, carefully rinse the seeds and fabric (or change the paper);
  • It’s time to plant those seeds that have sprouted successfully into the ground for growing seedlings.

Seed placement

Now the prepared seeds need to be turned into seedlings that can adapt to open ground:

  • to grow seedlings, sowing should begin in late February - early March;
  • use boxes no more than 15-18 cm high;

IMPORTANT. Seeds without preliminary preparation soak for several hours in a solution of a growth stimulator (check with specialized stores about this substance and how to dilute it).

  • seeds require planting to a depth of 1.5 cm;
  • place them in the ground with the flat side down;

  • the temperature of the room where the box with seedlings is located should be 19-20 degrees;
  • Fill 5-7 cm boxes with soil from a specialized store (intended for flowers or for mixing with garden soil);

IMPORTANT. If everything was done correctly, shoots will appear in 14-20 days. Please note that seed germination is approximately 30% - this is not a matter of the reliability of the supplier, but of the specifics of the plant itself.

Growing seedlings

Once the seeds are in the ground, mark the planting date on a notepad. This will help you keep track of the dynamics. Use the experience gained to next year, because you will like the kobeya so much that you will probably want to leave it in your garden forever.

Regular actions:

  • until the seeds have sprouted, check the soil in the box - it should be moderately moist (but in no case swampy and sticky);
  • Light drying on the surface is acceptable (however, the soil must not dry out inside);
  • seeds in the ground do not require light - the main thing is warmth and moisture.


An important stage is cropping of plants. When transplanted into separate containers, further strengthening and development are ensured. This stage determines how well the kobei will subsequently tolerate being placed in open ground.

What to do:

  • with the appearance of the first shoots, track the moment when the first leaf appears, or even better - two;

  • When the first leaves appear, crop the plants 1 at a time. in separate pots;
  • Of great importance is such a factor as the size of the containers. Boxes or pots must be voluminous - otherwise the root system will not be able to fully develop;

IMPORTANT. The seedlings must be planted in the ground along with the root ball. Make sure there is enough soil in the seedling pots or boxes.

  • focus on a capacity of 3-4 liters;
  • For support, place an independent peg in each pot in advance. Within a few days after docking, the kobeya will begin to look for something to cling to - such is its curly nature;

  • from now on it is no longer so critical to comply high temperatures- the plant feels good even at 14-15 degrees Celsius. The main thing is to beware of frost, so that the kobeya is not caught by frost on the loggia or glazed balcony;

IMPORTANT. On warm sunny days, it is useful to take the seedlings outside so that they begin to get used to their natural environment.

Video - Sowing and diving kobei

Transplantation into the ground

Basic rules:

  • Seedlings are planted in open ground in late May - early June;
  • it happens that the year is especially hot, all processes accelerate - then transplantation is possible in mid-May (the same applies to the warmest regions of the country);
  • start planting only after the danger of frost has completely passed.


Liana plants require optimal distance between neighboring plants. It is necessary that there is no crowding, and also that the growing antennae can reach each other.

IMPORTANT. With a smaller distance, it will be too crowded, and with a larger distance, it will be much more difficult for the plant to cling to each other with its tendrils, and the “green carpet” effect will be weakened in many ways.

Soil and light

Climbing kobeya claims to have prepared soil and lack of shade:

  • strictly follow the lighting requirements - kobeya grows well in richly lit places. Moderate darkening is acceptable, but not recommended. Complete darkening is strictly not recommended (the plant will wither);
  • remember that the soil must be fertile. To make your task easier, place fenced planting rows or containers with fertile soil for annual planting. Then all you have to do is dig it up in the spring from year to year.

Planting plants in the ground

  • mark the holes (the distance between plants should be from 60 to 80 cm);
  • dig the ground to a depth based on how much the root system has grown (make a vertical and horizontal reserve of 5-7 cm, because the roots will continue to grow in open ground);
  • spill the holes with water, wait until the water is absorbed into the ground;
  • do not forget that the holes must have fertile, loose soil;

IMPORTANT. To help the plant “slip out” easily along with the root ball, water it in advance while it is in the planting container.

  • place each plant in a separate hole;
  • Gently sprinkle soil on top;
  • pour water (not ice cold, but pre-settled at room temperature).


Once the plants are in the ground, they require further care. And it, in turn, consists of four stages:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • fertilizer;
  • protection from pests.


The climbing kobei has an amazing genetic memory. The plant still requires the same conditions in which its distant South American tropical ancestors grew. And even now in the tropics the situation has not changed, and the Eurasian “relative” still requires sufficient humidity.

  • Water the kobeya as often as possible;
  • pour not into the holes, but onto the entire plantation from a hose or watering can (in this way you will not only provide water to the root system, but also to every cell of the plant - it will be easier for it to breathe).

IMPORTANT. Flooding the roots is a dangerous extreme. The soil should be moist, but not swampy. Otherwise, there is a risk of root rot.


Throughout the growth and development of the kobei, it needs the following elements:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

However, there are subtleties of feeding:

  • nitrogen is extremely necessary in “infancy”;
  • when forming buds, phosphorus and potassium are needed;

IMPORTANT. Long-term abuse of nitrogen will lead to the fact that foliage will dominate in an adult plant, and there will be very few flowers.

  • buy special mineral mixtures in flower and garden stores(be sure to specify why exactly and what composition);
  • start feeding the plant literally from the first days of life;
  • Fertilization frequency - weekly. This will make the growth of the kobei stable and uniform.

Pest protection

What dangers await the climbing kobe during the formation of buds, during the flowering period and further growth:

  • pests - spider mites and aphids;

Methods of struggle and correction:

  • remove infected leaves immediately and burn;
  • treat the plant with a “bump” of laundry soap on the water;
  • For prevention, use special solutions (you can buy them in gardening stores).

Annual or perennial

IN Russian conditions It is very difficult to grow kobeya as a perennial. Only the most desperate gardening fans succeed in this. It is much easier to buy new seeds every year. But if you still want to go further, use a simple recipe for preserving an existing plant for next summer:

  • in mid-October, carefully trim the kobei stems with a sharp garden knife;
  • Dig up the vine with roots;

  • place in a spacious container along with soil on the roots;
  • place the container in the cellar (without frosty air, but with moderate humidity);
  • in this way, the climbing kobe can safely overwinter;
  • Around mid-March, take out the container and start watering the plant indoors;
  • With the beginning of warm days, plant it back into the soil.

Remember that growing flowers requires attention and responsibility. As for the climbing kobe, we can say that it is rewarding work - preparing seedlings, planting them in the ground and taking care of the plant. In return you get an original garden design, a wonderful way to decorate architectural elements and satisfaction from the work performed.