Unusual DIY photo frame decor ideas. DIY photo frames made from cardboard step by step How to make a beautiful frame with your own hands

Many needlewomen are interested in: how to make a photo frame from scrap materials? It's very necessary thing, but store frames made of plastic look exactly the same. Therefore, it will be very interesting and useful to learn how to make these things with your own hands, our today’s MK for beginners will help you with this.

DIY photo frames made from eggshells

These stylish items can be made from any old and unnecessary things. You just need to use your imagination and don’t be afraid to create.

The base for a photo frame is usually made of cardboard. In addition, you can use blanks sold in the store for this purpose.

How to decorate a cardboard base? Here you can only be limited by your imagination. We invite you to pay attention to the master class of an original product decorated with eggshells.

1) Cut out a cardboard base for a frame 4 cm wide. The inner perimeter of the frame should correspond to the size of the photo.

2) Make a stand for the photo frame. Cut out such a figure from cardboard.

3) From the rectangular uncut side, measure a two-centimeter strip and bend it.

4) Cut out a rectangle for the back wall of the frame. Let's glue the parts together.

5) Glue the leg. To do this, spread a bent two-centimeter strip with glue and glue it to the middle of the back wall of the frame.

6) We begin registration. Let's cover the frame blue acrylic paint.

7) Boil 5 eggs, peel the shells from them in large blocks. Paint it in different shades blue paint.

8) When the paint is dry, grind the shells.

9) Now cover the frame with eggshells random order, but close to each other.

10) What a successful decor it turned out to be.

Instead of eggshells you can use broken ones seashells or other type of decor.

Simple paper frame

You can very simply make a photo frame out of paper, but it must be beautiful and embossed, for example from wallpaper.

You will need:

  • wallpaper;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • breadboard knife;
  • stapler

Sequence of actions:

1) Draw two rectangles on the back of the wallpaper. The perimeter of the inner one should be equal to the size of the photo. The width between the inner and outer perimeter should be 3 cm.

2) Draw diagonal lines in the central rectangle and mark 1.5 cm from them.

3) Draw another inner rectangle through these points.

4) Cut the inner rectangle along diagonal lines using a breadboard knife.

5) Bend the corners inward.

6) Fold down the side of the outer rectangle.

7) Fold the outer three-centimeter strip in half.

8) There are small squares in each corner. We cut one fold.

9) Fold the frame into a box.

10) We cut it with a stapler.

11) Cut out a rectangle from cardboard and glue it to the frame. This is the back wall.

Making such a frame is easy and will be very interesting for children.

Comfort and coziness

Homemade items for the home are a kind of amulet, a symbol of comfort and prosperity. Because things into which a person has invested his labor and love have very strong positive energy.

Handmade gifts are especially valued all over the world. They will definitely bring peace and warmth to the homes of your friends, loved ones and relatives. Your boyfriend will certainly be delighted with your photo together in an original frame. And the children will be simply delighted when they receive it as a gift color photo in a bright frame.

Let's look at very simple and quick ways to make frames.

DIY photo frames from toilet paper rolls

Make a three-dimensional base and cover it with details at your discretion.

Cut the rolls into rings with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm, bend them into a petal. Glue the petals together good glue, paint it in a suitable color and the frame is ready!

Cut all the same rolls, connect them together, cover them with sequins or rhinestones and the royal frame is ready!

Making frames using the appliqué method

Here you can literally use all the materials that you can get your hands on: beads, coins, shells, coffee beans, etc. It is better to glue the parts with a hot glue gun.

Making a frame for a picture with your own hands, as well as for a poster, photograph or drawing is quite possible. Moreover, the activity is interesting and even creative.

You probably immediately have doubts that you will really be able to create something worthy that will not spoil your work of art, and that such a frame will not be embarrassing to hang on the wall. And it’s completely wrong to think so. If you are one of those whose hands are certainly not from the back, then everything will definitely work out. You just need a little effort, patience and knowledge, which I will gladly share with you. And the result will not disappoint you. And if it turns out well, it will even be a source of pride for you. It's always nice to look at something you've made with your own hands. So let's get down to business.

There are three main arguments in this regard:

  • Firstly, not in every locality There are framing workshops where you could order a frame, which in general is not cheap.
  • Secondly, it is not always possible to buy a ready-made picture frame of the size you need. Otherwise, you will have to crop the poster or photograph, which is also not good.
  • And thirdly, a product successfully made with your own hands will look more original and will bring you moral satisfaction.

At the beginning, you need to clarify that there are many options for making a frame. But half of them require necessary equipment, which not everyone has, especially if you don’t do it all the time.

Therefore, we will consider the three most available options.

Making a picture frame from a wooden plinth

What should you stock up on before starting work?

Well, the materials and tools, in general, are not complicated, but you will still need to prepare some things in advance.

And so, from the materials you will need wooden baseboard or well-planed bars with an oval edge. Both can be purchased at building materials stores. You won't need much length, so it won't cost much at all.

In addition, you will need a small sheet of thick cardboard or fiberboard boards about 2-3 mm thick.

You will need wood glue, staples or small nails, stain and varnish.

The tools you will need are a small hammer, a fine-tooth hacksaw, a miter box or square, a tape measure, sandpaper with not very coarse grains and a pencil.

In accordance with the size of your painting, measure out four pieces of plinth with a small margin in length. This is to make it easier to saw off the edges later.

It’s good if for some reason you have a miter box available. In this case, you can easily carefully saw off the workpieces at the desired angle. If you don’t have one, and this is most likely the case, then you will have to use a square or a protractor. Mark the workpiece at an angle of 45 degrees and carefully saw it off, trying to prevent the wood from chipping.

If you don't have a fine-tooth hacksaw, you can use a metal hacksaw.

Just cut in this case slowly and without pressing, because the narrow blade of the hacksaw can move to the side, and the cut will turn out oblique. Make sure that in this case the hacksaw blade is well tensioned. Then it will wander less.

After sawing, the ends need to be processed sandpaper and remove wood dust with a slightly damp cloth.

Now you need to fasten the pieces together. This can be done in two ways.

In the first case, we coat the ends of the blanks with glue, glue them together flat surface. At the same time, we check that the gluing is correct with a square and secure the corners on the back side of the frame with wood brackets. After this, let the glue dry completely.

In the second case, we proceed in exactly the same way, only we fasten the corners not with brackets, but with pre-prepared corners made of cardboard or fiberboard with a side of about 5 cm using nails. You can also use ready-made metal corners or cut them out of tin.

When the glue has completely dried, we sand the joints with fine sandpaper and remove dust. After this we cover the frame with stain suitable color. Just try to apply one coat in one pass. Otherwise there will be streaks. Then you will have to cover it with stain one more time.

After a few hours, we varnish the frame, dry it and enjoy the result.

As you can see, making a picture frame with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Making a frame from slats with subsequent decoration

To do this, you will need planed wooden slats, which we saw off at an angle of 45 degrees in the manner described above and fastened with corners made of cardboard, fiberboard or metal.

Cardboard corners should be coated with glue before nailing them in place.

After the glue has dried, we paste the picture frame on the front side with decorative material and paint it in the desired color or varnish it.

Such material can be pieces of brushwood, shells, small flat pebbles, various buttons and much of what comes to your mind. Therefore, you can safely use your imagination. Such frames look quite original, but you just need to take into account the style of your painting or photograph. That is, for a more solid plot you need to choose a more strict decorating material, and for a childish or humorous one, something fun will do.

Anyone can make a picture frame with their own hands using the proposed decoration technology. You just need to show your imagination and approach the process creatively.

Making a frame from foam plinth

Another one is not complicated and interesting way. In this case, we make the picture frame very impressive and reminiscent of a classic baguette. But at the same time it turns out to be very light and does not create big problems when mounted on the wall in the simplest ways.

You can read about how to secure a painting without nails in this article.

We choose a suitable foam baseboard, which is usually used in conjunction with ceiling tiles. It must be said that the choice of such skirting boards in stores is quite large, despite the fact that foam plastic ceiling tiles not very much in fashion now. We carefully saw off the blanks to the size of the painting. This can be done with a hacksaw or cut with a stationery knife, if you have one that is not too flimsy.

We coat the ends of the blanks with a thin layer of polymer glue and press them tightly against each other on a flat surface until the glue sets.

To ensure that the corners are straight and the joints without gaps, check them before gluing with a square by laying the frame on the table surface.

After the glue has dried, we begin processing the frame. To do this, we use a water-based color. desired color, which is used when painting walls, and cover the frame with a regular brush.

Coloring It's a good idea to start on the back of the frame to practice and make sure the color you want is the right one.

The picture frame should be painted completely on all sides so that the foam does not show through.

Color painting is a primer coating. Therefore, the final processing should begin. To do this, you will need to stock up on two cans of aerosol paint, brown, if your primer was brown, and golden.

In fact, the color of the primer and paint for it do not have to be brown. It all depends on your preferences and the main tones of your painting. We will take these colors as an example.

And so, after the color has dried, apply a thin layer on it brown paint. This is done for two reasons. Firstly, the color is water-soluble, so it needs to be coated with a more durable coating. And secondly, the frame, coated with color, has a matte surface. To give it a more attractive look, we cover it with spray enamel.

The next stage is the final refinement of our frame.

To do this, take a can of golden paint, remove the cap or lid from it, as it will be clearer to you, and close range We spray paint into it so that a little paint accumulates in it in liquid form, and not sprayed. After that we take a narrow paint brush and apply paint around the perimeter of the frame on the protruding horizontal edges of the plinth closer to the outer edge.

After this, dip the brush quite a bit into the paint. and apply it with light strokes to the protruding patterns of the frame. Try not to worry too much at this moment and feel not like a painter painting a fence, but like a creator!

That's all. The frame turns out quite nice and very much resembles a real wooden frame. With a little practice, you can make such frames in a couple of hours.

We looked at three ways to make your own picture frame with your own hands. All of them do not require special skill or expensive tools. Which one suits you best, choose for yourself.

If you have a desire to purchase some stylish poster or a good copy of a painting for your frame, then you can read about it in the article. It describes everything in great detail possible options interior paintings.

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Photographs are a repository of a variety of moments. They preserve life itself. That is why always, even in the era digital technologies, people put on the table, place on the walls photos related to a particular event or person. I don’t want to put the memories that are dear to my heart into a template framework. Therefore, the decor of photo frames has always been, is and will be in demand. Decorating frames with your own hands is possible for almost everyone; it is exciting and makes you feel like a real creator.

You can use a cheap purchased frame as a basis for your work or cut it out yourself from cardboard.

Types of photo frame decor

  • The first most common way to decorate a photo frame is to stick something on it. And this “something” is a boundless sea;
  • paste over in decoupage style;
  • paint in an original way using a variety of techniques;
  • the frame can be sewn from soft materials;
  • cover with knitted fabric;
  • decorate with fabric;
  • wrap it picturesquely with twine, various threads, braid, lace;
  • made from tree branches;
  • you can even bake it (from salt dough).

The list can be continued indefinitely; it can only be limited by the limit of your imagination.

Pasted decor

A lot can be glued to a frame; everything is determined by the taste and imagination of the artist.


Photo frames decorated with buttons will look original, especially if you choose them in the same color. However, this is not prerequisite. The desired color uniformity can be achieved using acrylic paint. For example, buttons coated with gold paint will transform beyond recognition an old photo frame that by a lucky chance did not end up in the trash bin.

Beads, rhinestones

Over time, such things accumulate in abundance in every woman. All this can become a unique collection of materials for decorating an elegant frame with your favorite photo with your own hands; it’s worth gluing them onto a pre-planned drawing or ornament.

Tip: you can use whole brooches, beads, beads, pearls, interesting pieces of glass, fragments of broken dishes, mosaic elements.

Natural materials

Tastefully executed frame decor in natural style always attracts attention. After all, we are all children of nature.

Coffee beans, lentils, acorns

Everything can go into action and create unique compositions.
Coffee beans will be useful to you not only for making an invigorating drink, they turn out to be an excellent material for decorating a photo frame with your own hands: they have a wonderful smell, original texture, noble color, they don't spoil. The work won’t take much time either: it’s not so difficult to tightly veneer with a glue gun or PVA glue coffee beans a standard photo frame, which in its new guise is guaranteed to become a leading interior accessory.

Tip: to make your handmade frame smell fragrant, buy star anise and star anise and find a place for them in the overall decor.


This is one of the rewarding materials for decorating a photographic frame with your own hands. Need shells for decoration various shapes and magnitude. In addition to shells, it is appropriate to use interesting glass, sea pebbles and other finds made on the sea or river bank in inlay.


When creating an exclusive frame with your own hands, paper can be used, which in the usual situation facing the sad fate of waste paper. Very original photo frames are decorated with paper tubes from newspapers and magazines that have served their purpose.

They can be either short (we stick them on the end) or oblong – we use them in a horizontal position.
Another decor idea: birch bark is a very impressive look natural materials. Cut a piece of birch bark into five strips. Four will become the actual frame, the fifth can be made into a stand.

Salt dough

You can turn an ordinary photo frame into a designer one using salt dough. Everyone has their own ideas: some will decorate it with flowers, while others will add the name of the child shown in the picture. But first you need to make this very dough: knead it from a glass of salt, two glasses of flour and water. Having achieved the consistency of plasticine, start sculpting your intended decorative elements right on the corner of the photo frame - this way the dough will take the desired shape at the base, and you can easily glue it to the right place. Place it in the oven for 20 minutes. Let it cool, glue it to the frame and begin painting with any colors. You can even limit yourself to one from an aerosol can. The final stage consists of varnishing (it is better to do two layers) and drying.

Childhood surroundings

If there are daughters in the family, the number of decorative hairpins and elastic bands increases by geometric progression. Cute trinkets, decorated, for example, with flowers, can get a second life when this idea is implemented. Cut flowers from tired rubber bands. The larger ones should be glued to top corner frames, place smaller copies below.

The result will be a real flower cascade. You can glue the flowers only on the top, leaving the bottom of the frame untouched. Having completed this process, place the work under a load for several hours. When the flowers are white, the remaining part of the frame free from decor should be covered with silver paint, or green if they evoke associations with a spring meadow.


Before starting work, prepare:

  • a frame (not necessarily a new one, you can just get bored);
  • a sheet of sandpaper;
  • glue (if there is no decoupage glue, dilute PVA glue with an equal amount of water);
  • brush;
  • decoupage napkins, cards.

After this, proceed to the decoupage process itself:

  • Sand the old photo frame first. A new one, if it is not varnished, does not need to be processed.
  • First you need to cut it out of a napkin or card required area, having previously measured the frame itself, not forgetting about the reserve required for processing the edges.
  • Using a brush (or a sponge), carefully apply glue to the front side of the frame. Then place the prepared image in the desired place and smooth it, making sure that all air bubbles come out from under the pasted fragment. Do this starting from the center, gradually moving to the edges.
  • Then, literally for two minutes, you need to put the frame under something heavy, for example, under a massive book.
  • To remove excess pieces of tissue paper, run a nail file along the edge of the photo frame (pressure angle should be 45). In the same way, remove the remains from the central part.
  • Finally, apply another layer of glue and set the frame to dry.

A rich assortment of decoupage napkins will definitely allow you to choose the means to realize your idea and create a unique piece.

Another option for decoupage photo frames

Add paints and varnish to the previous set of materials.

Bold and non-trivial

  • People who value originality can even use a used bicycle wheel as a photo frame: select photos of a general theme, think over the plot, insert a photo between the spokes or secure with clothespins - original decor ready.
  • There is no need to guess how a hunting enthusiast will react to a portrait presented to him in a frame made of spent cartridges. Of course, with sincere gratitude.
  • Option for fishermen: attach hooks or brackets to the fishing rod using twine or thin cable with original sea ​​knots hang photo frames on them, add a couple of floats.
  • Even an ordinary glass jar can become a creative frame for a photo: place a photo of the appropriate size in the selected container, decorate the empty space in it with sand, shells, starfish, LED garlands or any other surroundings close to the subject of the photo.

It is impossible to describe all the ways to decorate photo frames with your own hands: every day the ranks of lovers of this democratic type of needlework are replenished, new ideas are born, which, in turn, become an incentive for further ideas. The creative process never stops.

When thinking about how to make a picture frame with your own hands, you need to remember that a frame is just a frame. It should form a single whole with the canvas or photograph, emphasize the advantages of the image, and highlight it favorably.

Frame Design Rules

A significant aspect when creating a frame is the design line and the purpose of the room in which the painting will be placed. When choosing a frame color, the main thing is not to overdo it. Too saturated bright color will be unpleasant to the eye and will not fit into the main design feature of the interior. A painting or photograph in such a frame will fade and lose its basic perfection. If this does happen, there is no need to be upset. You can always change something: paint, shape, finishing, etc. This is the main advantage of independent creativity.

By trying different materials and finishing methods, you can ensure that the image you want to decorate the room with will sparkle with new colors. To do this, you can try hanging the image at a different angle, changing the flow of light, or near a piece of furniture, with which frames, pictures, photographs will form a single, complete composition. Through trial and error, remarkable results can be achieved.

What can you make a frame from?

Frames for paintings, photographs or wall panels are made from various materials. Can be used:

  • wood;
  • cardboard;
  • material;
  • plastic;
  • gypsum molding.

This is just a small list of materials from which a DIY picture frame can be made. Of the tools and devices, depending on the material, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • tape measure, ruler, square;
  • pencil or marker;
  • miter box;
  • thin nails;
  • glue for a specific material;
  • stain or paint;
  • finishing elements.

The main thing is that the image and the frame that frames it do not discord with each other, but form a single composition. Only in this case will you get an interesting design element that will decorate the room and bring joy.

Wooden picture frame

Wooden frames for canvases - classic version framing of artistic paintings. As a rule, such frames are made in neutral colors. They are given a simple form, without complex ones. decorative elements, yes, threads. Do it without special skills carved frame it will be difficult.

The easiest thing to do wooden frame from a strip of the required width. According to the size of the canvas, you need to make 4 blanks, equal in pairs. To fix the canvas in a frame, the final one must be made in such a way that it overlaps the image with the inner perimeter by approximately 0.5 cm.

More difficult option- wood frame with glass. A frame like this requires a back wall made of plywood. The parameters of the painting, glass and canvas should be slightly smaller external dimensions framework. Without the skills to work with glass, you can order the required sheet in a special workshop.

The inner edge of the slatted blanks must be deepened, focusing on the thickness of the canvas and glass. Usually 2-5 mm is enough. Next, the planks are cut at an angle set using a square. You can use a miter box. The sections are processed with sandpaper and glued into a whole square or rectangle. The glue will dry in about 4-5 hours.

You can strengthen the joining of wooden components with a wood stapler. The staples are placed on the inside. Next, the frame can be painted, varnished, or applied with a design. Any layer decorative covering It is necessary to dry and only then apply the flowing layer.

Glass is first inserted into the finished frame. The frame is then flipped face down and the painting is placed on top of the glass. A sheet of thick cardboard is placed on top of the canvas. Trying on a plywood backdrop. If its dimensions are correct, the plywood is glued to the frame around the perimeter. For better fixation, small nails are hammered into the corners of the product. Next, you need to attach a loop and hang the canvas in the prepared place.

Another option is to buy a ready-made wooden frame from a specialty store and decorate it to your liking. You can use painting, varnishing, or covering with material. You can decorate the frame with small objects or crochet it.

Soft frame for canvas

Soft frames for funny pictures or photographs will be very appropriate in a child’s room. They are easy to make. First you need to assemble a frame from wooden slats. They are fastened with thin nails or glue. The internal perimeter of the frame should be 2-3 mm smaller than the image.

You need to make a template out of cardboard, outlining a frame around the perimeter. The cardboard version must be cut out and cut into 4 components. You need to cut out the material using a cardboard template. In this case, you need to make the parts 2 cm larger so that the frame is voluminous, and add a seam allowance of 1 cm.

The pieces of material need to be folded, stitched from the inside out along the long side and turned out. They are then pulled on wooden frame and filled with filler to add volume. You can use padding polyester, cotton wool, thin scraps of fabric. The fabric is then stitched by hand hidden seam on the front side. The seam is applied along the short sides of the parts. The ends of the threads are brought out to the return side of the product. You need to glue thick cardboard on the back side.

How to make a frame out of cardboard

Cardboard is a popular material for everyone, accessible to everyone and providing many opportunities for creativity. Making a cardboard frame with your own hands is quite simple. No special tools or skills are required. Therefore, this can be an excellent opportunity for joint creativity between parents and children.

That’s why, for example, it’s easier to make a DIY photo frame from cardboard than from wood. There can be a lot of design options for such a product. The main thing is to carefully make a cardboard base and decorate it in an original way. For decoration, you can use whatever you have at hand:

  • beads;
  • textile;
  • buttons;
  • small fittings;
  • dry food nutrition;
  • pieces of various materials;
  • small radio components;
  • elements of children's mosaics, puzzles, construction sets.

First you need to cut out the cardboard base. You can use corrugated cardboard or a packaging box. A window is cut out inside the base. Its size is determined by the parameters of the photograph or picture for which the frame is intended. The width of the frame itself can be from 4 cm or more.

Then you need to cut out the back of the frame, identical in size, and the leg if the cardboard frame will stand on a table or bookshelf. For the leg, you need to cut a rectangle measuring 7x17 cm and sharpen it on the end side. From the other end it is necessary to bend the edge 2 cm wide.

Now you need to glue the frame. To glue a leg to it, you need to grease the bent strip with glue, place it in the middle of the backdrop and press it tightly. It is best to use PVA glue. You can start decorating.

Frame for canvas made from scrap materials

A beautiful and originally designed picture frame made from scrap materials will undoubtedly decorate the room along with the painting placed in it. Baguettes for such a frame can be made, for example, from fillets (ceiling plinths), moldings or stucco left over after renovating an apartment.

The base for such a frame can be made from corrugated cardboard or thin plywood. The basic principles for creating such a framework have been described above. Next, you need to cut the baguettes from the prepared fillet or molding. The corners of the prepared planks must be cut at an angle of 45º. To do this, it is better to prepare a template from paper, at which angle it will be set using a protractor.

The prepared baguettes must be glued to the base of the frame. To do this, you can use universal polymer glue or a glue gun. Corner cracks and other small errors must be carefully filled with putty.

After the glue has completely dried, you need to cover the corner seams and the line of contact of the baguettes with the base of the frame with putty. To do this, strips of foam plastic are glued between them and carefully putty. If desired, the ends of the frame with outside You can simply treat it with putty several times. Each layer must be thoroughly dried and sanded thoroughly.

After the finishing layer of putty has completely dried finished product needs to be painted. Water-based or acrylic paints are best suited. Before painting the frame, you need to give the paint the desired shade. For final coating it is preferable to use a water-based varnish. Now you can make a leg on the back of the frame or attach a loop. After the canvas is inserted, the frame will take its place on the wall or on the chest of drawers.

How to decorate a cardboard photo frame

A cardboard frame can simply be painted with acrylic paint. The paint color should be selected based on color scheme images that will be placed in it.

A decorated frame will look more interesting. For example, a painted frame can be covered with coffee beans, buttons and other small objects. Decorative elements should be placed close to each other. You can do this in a chaotic manner or create some kind of composition.

An interesting option will turn out if painted cardboard frame cover with shell. To do this, you need to remove the shells from hard-boiled eggs in large pieces and paint them. You can use the shells of eggs painted for Easter. The main thing is to maintain a single color scheme. After the paint has dried, the shell must be crushed and the pieces glued onto a cardboard base.

To frame a frame with beautiful paper, you need to act in next order. The design paper (so, wallpaper) should be placed face down on the table. Then draw a rectangle on it the same size as the frame. Inside this rectangle, 30 mm away from the outer edge, you need to draw 1 more. Its size is determined by the size of the photograph.

In the inner rectangle, you need to connect opposite corners with diagonals, measure 15 mm from them, and put dots. By connecting the shown points, we get 1 more rectangle. It needs to be cut diagonally with a breadboard knife and the corners turned away. Then you need to bend the sides of the outer rectangle, neatly shaping the corners. To do this you need to make small cuts. Then the frame must be folded into a box and secured with a stapler. Rear wall cut out of cardboard and paste.

In a similar way, you can make a three-dimensional frame from thick paper and decorate it. You can use petals, hearts or geometric shapes made of colored paper. You can roll rolls from paper strips and stick it on top of the base. This type of creativity will bring a lot of pleasure to children and will help them acquire initial skills in working with paper, glue, and scissors.

A frame made from newspapers is interesting

Baguettes for such a frame are made from ordinary newspapers. It is advisable, of course, to take newspaper sheets with a color press. This will create a more interesting composition. Newspaper sheets for making frame parts must be unfolded onto big table. Then the newspapers are rolled into a tight tube, gluing any layer of paper glue stick. The main thing is that all the straws are rolled with identical density. The same thickness will make it easier to connect them.

For any of the 4 baguettes, you need to glue from 4 to 9 newspaper blanks. The width of the strip depends on their number. Every other day, when the glue has dried, the finished baguettes are cut at an angle of 45º from both lids. To do this, you need to use a miter box or a protractor.

The cut strips must be glued at right angles (90º). The frame can be strengthened with a tongue-and-groove joint. The tenon can be made from a toothpick, and the groove can be carefully pierced with an awl. The gaps between the corners must be covered with putty.

The canvas is inserted into such a frame as follows. At a distance of 5-8 mm from the central window of the frame on the return side, you need to glue 4 newspaper tubes. It is necessary to make 2 punctures in the upper tube with an awl to thread the wire or twine. This will create a loop for hanging the picture.

The finished frame must be primed with the following composition:

  • PVA glue - 2 parts;
  • water - 1 part;
  • paint, water-based or acrylic, snow-white - 2 parts.

The ingredients need to be mixed, adding water gradually so that the mixture has a consistency similar to liquid sour cream. The primer must be applied 2 to 4 times, drying the product each time. Then the frame can be painted with acrylic and varnished. The canvas must be inserted from the back of the frame and secured. For this you will need small nails or tape (stationery tape).

So, the question of how to make a frame for a canvas or photograph can be solved quite simply. The main thing is to try a little, use your own imagination or use the options presented above.

The desire to decorate the interior with your own hands, a passion for painting and handicrafts often lead to the fact that the housewife accumulates a small warehouse of images custom size, which will cost much more to arrange in a framing workshop than the cost of the work itself. In such a situation, a picture frame from ceiling plinth, fragments and trimmings of which may remain after repair.

The seemingly complex process of making a frame from a plinth with your own hands does not require special knowledge, but only patience and accuracy, which means that every interested craftsman can create such beauty.

Selecting skirting boards based on material of manufacture

According to the material of manufacture ceiling moldings are divided into several types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, not all of them are convenient to use. Let's look at some of them:

  • Foam baseboard. Most budget option, simple and easy to process, has minimal weight and great variety shapes and reliefs, imitation of various natural materials is also found, such as wood, granite, etc. Ideal for first experiments in working on frames. A serious disadvantage of such fillets is their fragility; they break too easily, crumple and crumble.
  • The second most popular material is polystyrene foam. Visually it differs little from the previous one, but is much stiffer and stronger, which allows it to be bent under the right angles. Such a plinth will cost more, but after acquiring some skill it will allow you to create frames of oval and round shapes.
  • Tree. Wooden photo frames or mirrors look especially impressive and chic. But such skirting boards are more expensive and difficult to process, as they require special tool and some experience in handling such surfaces.

Tools and materials

In order to start making frames, you will have to prepare a simple set of tools and materials:

  • the molding itself or its fragments (let's look at the example of foam or polystyrene ceiling plinths);
  • thick cardboard (if the product being framed does not have a rigid base, for example embroidery or tapestry);
  • universal glue or “liquid nails”;
  • sharp knife (construction or stationery);
  • miter box (you can take a protractor) for even cutting of corners;
  • ruler and marker;
  • acrylic paints and putty (better for wood).

Pay attention! When choosing an adhesive, you should make sure that it is suitable for the selected material, as some types can corrode foam/polystyrene.

Instructions for making a frame

After studying the theoretical part, having prepared everything you need, you can proceed to the instructions explaining:

  • The base for the frame is cut out of hard cardboard - a rectangle, slightly larger or the same size as the framed photograph or painting.
  • If desired, you can cut out another rectangle with the same parameters, make a “window” in it, decorate it and use it as a passe-partout. It will help hide small design errors and, if necessary, center the image, which will allow the product to fully open up and give a feeling of completeness.
  • If the frame is planned to be used for a mirror, a picture on cardboard or a canvas with a stretcher, the point about how to make the base is not relevant.
  • Using a ruler and marker, mark the plinth sections required size and, using a miter box or protractor sharp knife carefully cut at an angle of 45°.

Pay attention! If relief fillets are used, you should try to match the pattern at the joints as much as possible.

  • The coincidence of the cut fragments is checked; for this, the workpiece is laid out on a hard surface, and if necessary, the joints are adjusted and adjusted.
  • The resulting planks are glued to each other or glued to a cardboard base (it is convenient to use a glue gun for this type of work). The ends of the planks are smeared with glue and fixed for a few seconds.

That's all, after the glue has dried, the technical part is completed, exclusive frame ready for photos, embroidery, etc.

Decorating homemade frames

Most likely, visible gaps form at the joints of the parts. This defect is corrected with putty and subsequent painting.

  • After the glue has dried, it is necessary to putty the joints (if the resulting gaps are too large, you can insert small pieces of plinth into them), as well as the back side of the frame, which will give the product additional strength.
  • When the putty is completely dry, you can begin painting. If non-acrylic or water-based paints, it is better to pre-coat the surface of the made frames with several layers of PVA glue.
  • To give the product a final shine, you can coat it with water-based varnish.
  • If necessary, it is done on the back side of the picture frame wall mount. To do this, to back surface a small cardboard rectangle is glued, under which a rope loop is placed.

Pay attention! If you are making a wooden frame, it can be supplemented with glass secured with small nails. This is not possible in products made from foam or polypropylene.

After the baguette is completely ready and dry, if desired, you can decorate it with any additional decorations: beads, rhinestones, feathers, lace, etc.

The video presents a master class demonstrating how to make a frame from a ceiling plinth with your own hands.