The activities of the personnel department in the enterprise. Other nuances of the activities of the personnel service in the organization. What it is

Role personnel service at the enterprise, its functions, tasks and structure


The main task of personnel management is the most effective use skills and capabilities of employees in accordance with the goals of the enterprise. Taking into account their full satisfaction with their work, maintaining health and establishing competitive cooperation among themselves. An important task of personnel management in this case should be considered to provide the organization with highly qualified and interested employees.

For successful personnel management, it is necessary to clearly understand the main mechanisms and patterns by which work with personnel is carried out, what you need to pay attention to, in other words, the manager needs to know modern technologies workforce management.

The staff of the enterprise is the main composition of qualified employees of the enterprise, firm, organization. Typically, the personnel of an enterprise are divided into production personnel and personnel employed in non-production units and are constantly being improved. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

For the effective functioning of any organization, it is necessary that one important condition be met - the use of each employee in all the variety of manifestations of psychophysiological and motivational potentials is ensured.

To manage the activation of personnel, it is necessary to constantly monitor the process of using incentive methods in the enterprise. A leader who wants to manage not "by touch", but to do it economically competently, must constantly have in front of him accurate description industrial relations in the enterprise.

Such a characteristic can only be obtained on the basis of an analysis of the use of incentive methods and the identification of the most effective forms of labor motivation to increase the interest of personnel in the work of the enterprise.

The concept of personnel service, its tasks, functions and structure

Personnel service (personnel management service) is a structural unit authorized to carry out personnel management and organizational and methodological management of personnel management measures implemented at the enterprise.
The great hopes of the management for ensuring the prosperity of the company are placed on their own capabilities, skill, initiative and enterprise, and more precisely, on the human resources that have been created and that will have to be modernized to meet all the new, constantly changing market needs.

The activities of the personnel service (HR manager) are defined in the relevant job description.

Basics of the personnel service

The organization of the activities of any unit should begin with the preparation of a regulation on this unit. The Regulation on the personnel service should consist of the following sections: general provisions, tasks, structure, functions, relationships with other units, rights, duties and responsibilities.
The section "Structure" indicates the procedure for developing and approving the structure of the department, its size, specific areas of work and the divisions of the department assigned to them.
The size and structure of HR services depend mainly on the size of the organization. Depending on the size of a particular organization, the following are distinguished: organizational forms implementation of personnel work:
- an independent structural unit with direct subordination to the head of the organization or his deputy;
- performance of the functions of the personnel service by an individual employee of the organization;
- performance of the functions of the personnel service in combination with the performance of other work.
The functions of the personnel service are as follows:
- development of staffing plans in accordance with the development program of a particular organization;
- Registration of reception, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation Russian Federation;
- accounting of personnel;
- storage and filling work books, maintaining documentation on office work;
- monitoring the execution by the heads of departments of orders and instructions for working with personnel;
- study of the movement of personnel, analysis of staff turnover, development of measures to eliminate it;
-analysis of the composition of the organization's specialists, the business qualities of employees in order to rational use;
-creation of conditions for improving the educational and qualification level of specialists;
- work on creating a reserve for promotion;
-preparation of proposals for improving the placement and use of workers;
-preparation and systematization of materials for certification
-preparation of materials for presenting employees for promotion and rewarding;
- taking measures for the employment of laid-off workers;
-organization of control over the state of labor discipline and internal labor regulations;
- Maintaining all reporting personnel matters.
In the course of interaction with other departments of the organization, the personnel department receives from them applications for the admission of workers and specialists, ideas about incentives, vacation schedules, etc.
From the personnel service to the departments are sent:
1) information about violators of labor discipline;
2) copies of orders on the admission of new employees, movement within the organization, dismissal of employees;
3) copies of orders on the approval (change) of the Internal Labor Regulations;
4) information related to issues of compliance with labor discipline.
From the accounting department, the personnel department receives a staffing table, calculations of the need for labor, salary certificates for processing pensions for age, disability, survivors, etc.
In turn, the personnel service submits to the accounting department information on the payroll number of employees, absenteeism, staff turnover, a time sheet, orders for admission, transfer and dismissal, sheets of temporary disability for payment, information about regular vacations of employees, etc.
The Human Resources Department is generally vested with the following powers:
- require all departments of the organization to submit the materials necessary for its work;
- accept employees, organizations on issues of relocation and dismissal;
- interact with other organizations on the issue of recruitment;
- to demand from other divisions the obligatory implementation of those instructions that are provided for by the regulation on the personnel department.
The regulation on the personnel department establishes the responsibility of the head of the personnel department for the performance of the functions assigned to the department and the responsibility of the employees of the department, which is established by job descriptions.

Tasks of the personnel service

The main tasks of personnel work at the enterprise can be divided into the following areas:
1. The accounting and control direction of personnel work involves the solution of the following main tasks:
- recruitment of employees to the enterprise;
- accounting of employees;
- dismissal of employees;
- work with temporarily absent employees of the enterprise (on vacation, absent due to illness, who went on business trips, etc.).
2. Planning and regulatory direction:
- selection (search and selection) of employees for the enterprise;
- arrangement of employees of the enterprise;
- movement of employees of the enterprise;
- positioning and adaptation of employees.
3. Reporting and analytical direction of personnel work:
- study of employees;
-assessment of the work of employees;
- analytical work;
-preparation of reports.
4. Coordination and information direction:
- professional training (training and retraining) of employees;
- organization of reception of employees of the enterprise (on official and personal issues);
- work with written appeals of employees of the enterprise;
- archival and reference work.
5. Organizational and methodological direction:
- documenting the activities of employees of the enterprise;
- personnel work in departments of the enterprise;
- planning of personnel work;
- HR management.
All tasks of the personnel department are determined by the specifics of the work of the organization, while taking into account:
- the size of the organization;
- line of business (manufacturing, trade, services to the population);
- strategic goals of the organization;
- stage of development of the organization;
- number of staff;
- priority tasks of work with personnel.

The responsibilities and structure of the human resources department may vary depending on the type of activity of the organization.

The organizational structure of the personnel department means its main and auxiliary divisions (other internal structural units). As a rule, these divisions concentrate their work on independent areas of personnel work and closely interact with each other in the course of daily activities.
Construction principles modern system personnel management are:
- the effectiveness of the selection and placement of employees;
- fair remuneration and motivation, remuneration not only for individual, but also for collective achievements;
- promotion of employees in accordance with the results of work, qualifications, abilities, personal interests, needs of the organization;
- fast and effective solution of personal problems.
The work of personnel services has two directions: tactical and strategic.
Within the framework of the tactical direction, current personnel work is carried out: analysis of the state and planning of personnel needs, development of staffing tables, recruitment, evaluation and selection of personnel; testing; planning of the next personnel transfers and layoffs, current accounting and control, training, retraining and advanced training, formation of a reserve for promotion, promotion of organizational values ​​and education of personnel in their spirit.
The main activity of the personnel departments is considered to be the formation of labor resources: planning the need for them and organizing practical recruitment activities, resolving conflicts, conducting social policy.
The essence of personnel work is to determine what exactly, by whom, how and with the help of what should be done in practice in this moment in the field of personnel management. The solution of these daily tasks is based on administrative methods.
The strategic direction of the work of personnel services is focused on the formation of the personnel policy of the organization - a system of theoretical views, ideas, requirements, practical measures in the field of work with personnel, its main forms and methods.
Thus, the tasks of the personnel service depend on the areas of activity.

In the structure of any modern enterprise, the personnel department occupies one of the most important and significant positions. There is even a theory that it is the personnel department that is the face or hallmark of the company, because the first place where new employee- this is just this division.

What is included in the functions and tasks of the personnel department of the enterprise?

The main function of the personnel department in the enterprise is the selection of personnel and permanent job with the team. If the tasks of this unit will include only direct hiring, without collecting information about the working life of the team, such an enterprise will achieve little in business.

Today, personnel work consists of a whole range of organizational measures and competent steps aimed at maximizing the use of the professional abilities of personnel. If the company's employees are properly motivated and interested in the effective performance of their duties, the company will be able to conduct a productive struggle with competitors. It's hard to imagine today successful company without the personnel department, whose work at the enterprise is to maintain, record and support personnel.

The main functions of the personnel department in the enterprise include:

  • determination of the company's need for personnel and selection of personnel together with the heads of departments;
  • analysis of staff turnover, search for methods to combat high level fluidity;
  • preparation of the staffing of the enterprise;
  • registration of personal files of employees, issuance of certificates and copies of documents at the request of employees;
  • a complex of operations with work books (receiving, issuing, filling out and storing documents);
  • keeping records of vacations, scheduling and registration of vacations in accordance with current labor legislation;
  • organization of employee appraisals, preparation of career plans for personnel;
  • preparation of plans for improving the qualifications of workers.
Structure and relationships of the personnel department

The structure of the personnel department of the enterprise and its number is determined by the director of each company, depending on the total number of personnel and the characteristics of the activity. The decision to create or liquidate structural divisions of the personnel department itself is made by the head of the department, he also approves the provisions on joint work divisions.

To effectively perform its functions, the personnel department must constantly interact with other departments of the enterprise:

  • with the accounting department, issues of remuneration are resolved, documents and copies of orders for dismissal, enrollment, business trips, vacations, incentives or penalties for employees are also submitted there;
  • the legal department provides employees of the personnel department with information about the latest changes in the current legislation, provides comprehensive legal support;
  • on personnel issues, the department constantly interacts with all structural divisions of the company.

If the work on accounting personnel at the enterprise is carried out poorly or of poor quality, this leads to the most serious consequences - the interaction between individual divisions is disrupted, the work of departments is deteriorating. In general, this leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the entire company.

A qualified human resources officer is like a family doctor, whose range of duties includes solving many important issues. Many managers of small enterprises, in an effort to save money, entrust the functions of a personnel specialist to ordinary personnel managers. Such a decision is fundamentally wrong, because the conduct of personnel records management should be entrusted to a competent specialist in this particular area. Only an experienced personnel officer will be able to determine in time whether a particular employee is suitable for the position he occupies, and will tell you where such an employee can be transferred. Well-balanced decisions of HR specialists provide an effective organization of labor at the enterprise and adequate career each of his employees.

The production of each country and each industry depends on a number of factors. One of the most important factors affecting the level of labor productivity, and, consequently, the efficiency of production, are the personnel (personnel) of the enterprise.

Cadres are the most valuable and important part of the productive forces of society. In general, the efficiency of an enterprise depends on the qualifications of employees, their placement and use, which affects the volume and growth rate of manufactured products, the use logistical funds. This or that use of personnel is directly related to the change in the indicator of labor productivity. The growth of this indicator is the most important condition for the development of the country's productive forces and the main source of growth in national income.

So how do you force labor force work most efficiently? The answer to this question lies at the heart of any personnel policy.

The purpose of this work is to reveal the role of the personnel service in the organization.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

1. reveal the essence of personnel policy;

2. identify the basic principles of building the personnel service of the organization;

3. show the role of the personnel department in personnel management.

The subject of the study is the personnel service of the enterprise. Object - managerial activity this service.

1. Personnel service of the organization

1.1. The concept of personnel service

The personnel service of an enterprise is a set of specialized structural units in the field of enterprise management, together with the officials employed in them (managers, specialists, technical executors), designed to manage personnel within the framework of the chosen personnel policy.

Stages of formation of the personnel service of the enterprise:

1. Structuring the goals of the PM system.

2. Determination of the composition of management functions that allow realizing the goals of the system.

3. Formation of the composition of the subsystems of the organizational structure of the personnel service.

4. Establishing relationships between subsystems of the organizational structure of the personnel service.

5. Determining the rights and responsibilities of subsystems.

6. Calculation of the labor intensity of the work performed and the number of personnel of the personnel service of the enterprise.

7. Building the configuration of the organizational structure of the personnel service of the enterprise.

1.2. The role and place of the personnel service in achieving the goals of the organization The role and importance of personnel services increased as the role of the human factor in production increased, the difficulty of surviving and achieving financial success for firms in the modern market economy increased. So, in the 20s of the current century, the tasks of personnel management specialists concentrated mainly on issues social psychology to resolve conflicts between staff and administration representing the interests of the subject of ownership. In the post-war period and up to the 60s, the functions of personnel services focused on problems production staff("blue-collar workers"), and the functional tasks did not yet have subject certainty.

It should be borne in mind that the personnel service in capitalist enterprises for many years was considered an auxiliary unit.

In the middle of the XX century. in private and public enterprises in the West under the influence of the trade union movement, social legislation, collective bargaining and general economic growth, which made it possible to improve social status workers, the personnel service gradually expanded its functions. To the previously existing technical, duties of employees of departments (departments) of personnel, such as: hiring, organizing vocational training, studying the qualifications of employees, dismissal, legal issues, promotion processing, etc. . - added the function "human (social) relations" as an independent area of ​​work.

With the formation of special departments and departments for social relations ( human relations, labor relations), a politically significant function of personnel service workers began to emerge, who should enter into contacts with trade union organizations, prevent conflicts and offer the management of enterprises an appropriate course of action. Through a combination of technical and political functions personnel service in the West stood on a par with other services of the enterprise.

According to Western scientists and specialists, when technologically closed systems of production arise at modern enterprises, social and labor relations become decentralized, the main importance is attached to the place and role of the individual in the team. Hence, the functions of the personnel service are also changing, which ceases to be a "fire brigade" for extinguishing hotbeds of social tension. From now on, its main task is to develop an employment policy that allows at all levels to perceive the necessary technological innovations. The development of this policy includes such elements as retraining of personnel, their promotion, performance evaluation, etc. The task is set at all levels to encourage the mastery of other specialties and readiness to study. AT organizational plan the personnel service should strive for decentralization and reduction of hierarchical steps in dealing with certain issues.

Since the 70s, the concept of "human (human) resources" has been established in the United States, and most firms and companies have abandoned the traditional name of personnel services "personnel management", replacing it with "human resource management". The change of name reflected the expansion of the functions of personnel services and the increased professionalism of "personnel officers", and also consolidated a number of innovations in the methods of personnel work.

For many well-functioning organizations, the main question today is how to bridge the gap between the development of innovative strategies, the creation of new products, organizational structures, on the one hand and correct use and development of labor potential - on the other. Personnel services play a special role here. Today, according to its functions, level, professional competence employees, technical equipment, methodological tools used by the management service have long outgrown those storage offices personnel information with which their activity began many years ago.

The changes that are taking place do not mean that the traditional functions of human resources departments will disappear. Recruitment, training, related issues salary, the distribution of benefits, as well as relations in the industry (industrial relations), apparently, will always remain the responsibility of personnel management services. At the same time, the "context" in which these functions are performed is radically transformed. Thus, due to the increasing importance of decentralized decision-making, worker participation plans and capital, while reducing levels of management, the personnel department must provide both ordinary employees and leadership with active line participation and advisory services. HR departments are likely to become smaller, but will be staffed by more qualified and highly educated people. These services are designed to ensure a more complete combination of the interests of employees with the interests of the organization, increasing their interest in increasing labor efficiency and improving its quantitative and qualitative indicators. At the same time, these services must monitor the growth of personnel, their preparation for the constantly changing conditions of production.

Personnel management services should now be considered among the leading structural divisions of the organization.

1.3. Functions, powers and main roles of personnel services

The main content of the work of the CS was, firstly, providing the organization with labor resources High Quality(requirement planning, active selection and recruitment methods, waste management, turnover analysis, etc.); secondly, personnel development (training and advanced training, career planning, assessment, etc.); thirdly, their support and stabilization (improvement of labor incentives and social payments, medical care, safety measures).

This can be judged by the list of areas of activity of personnel services. A significant part of the time is spent on solving staff problems (recruitment, selection, orientation, evaluation, discipline). The next largest area is compensation and benefits, then - training, advanced training and, finally, labor relations. Other areas of activity occupy 5% or less of the time in the work of the personnel management department.

The distribution of the time fund between the functions related to personnel management is shown in Table. 10.1.1.

Table 10.1.1. Distribution of the time fund between functions related to personnel management *

Personnel management functions Time spent, %

Labor relations 17

Accounting and office work 10

HR programs 24

Organization wages 16

Working conditions, TB 10

Personnel training 9

Equal Employment Programs 8

Watch services, secrecy 5

* Advisor to the director. 1995. No. 8. C. 18-19.

E.O. Ostyukova, L.A. Kairov, students

Z.V. Yakimov

scientific hands., Ph.D. psychol. Sciences, Associate Professor

Vladivostok State University economy and service


HR is one of the most important roles in any organization.

In most cases, this is due to the very close attention of the supervisory and control authorities. The extent to which the organization of personnel records meets the formal criteria for fulfilling all the requirements and complies with the standards depends on how personnel documentation can become a real tool and assistant for running and managing a business.

At present, successful and effective personnel management cannot be carried out without good knowledge normative documents. There are regulatory legal acts of the federal level that regulate the rules of behavior for people at work, the list and procedure for performing their duties, and labor legislation also establishes the amount of time that employees must spend on their work and devote to their rest; rights and obligations of the parties to the employment contract; the procedure for remuneration of employees, etc.

However, employers have their own important tool personnel policy are local regulations. According to Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, “employers, with the exception of employers - individuals, which are not individual entrepreneurs, adopt local regulations containing the norms labor law(hereinafter - local regulations), within its competence in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms of labor law, collective agreements, agreements”. On the one hand, these documents should not worsen the position of the employee and reduce the level of his rights and guarantees in comparison with the current federal laws, on the other hand, the range of issues that govern local regulations is very wide. It includes such issues as specific regimes and work schedules in the organization; the amount of remuneration, including bonuses, additional payments and allowances; list of professional and official duties of the employee, etc.

The main function of personnel documentation is the registration and consolidation of labor relations. Labor relations according to Art. 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a relationship based on an agreement between the employee and the employer on the personal performance by the employee for a fee labor function(work according to the position in accordance with staffing, professions, specialties indicating qualifications; specific type of work entrusted to the employee), subordination of the employee to the rules of the internal labor regulations, while ensuring that the employer provides the working conditions provided for by labor legislation and other regulations containing labor law norms, collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, employment contract.

As already mentioned in the article, local regulations should not reduce the level of the employee's position in the organization, therefore, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, personnel management and labor organization should be based on the principles of social partnership, consistency of interests of employees and employers. However, unfortunately, not all managers pay enough attention to this issue. In most cases, the heads of organizations begin to remember the issue of personnel accounting when employees of regulatory bodies come to them with a check or when former employee goes to court with a claim. In such situations, correcting errors can incur large financial and time costs, which will not always help to win and bring success in resolving the issue. This is what shows how important it is to organize the correct maintenance of personnel documentation, including when formalizing labor relations in accordance with current labor legislation.

Employment contracts that are concluded with employees can also become provocateurs of labor disputes - if, when they were drawn up, personnel officers did not pay due attention possible consequences when certain conditions are included in the contract; or they can become insurance for both the employee and the organization against violation of the rights and interests of one of the parties to the employment relationship. It follows from this that one of the keys to the successful existence of the organization is the serious attitude of the company's management to the norms of labor legislation, the excellent knowledge of employees involved in personnel records management of their competencies, and managers should pay enough attention to training and professional development personnel officers.

The personnel service is a kind of intra-organizational insurance company, the purpose of which is to protect your employer from sanctions from supervisory authorities and lost litigation, for which you need to be able to solve the following tasks:

Timely warn the management of the organization from actions that may go against the norms of the law, and protect them from the corresponding risks;

Offer the head of the organization such options for resolving issues that will bring the closest to the desired results.

Also, in the work of a personnel officer, it is very important not only to clearly execute documents, but also to register and store files. This process allows you to create a base that will help you prove yourself right and ensure that you win in any labor dispute, as well as prevent its occurrence: after all, claims do not arise from scratch, for each complaint there must be a reason. And the reason for complaints and lawsuits of employees is a violation of legal norms by employers and mistakes of personnel workers.

However, sometimes personnel officers spend a lot of time creating completely unnecessary documents. This may indicate the incompetence of the employee. Therefore, the issue of creating, storing, changing, registering personnel records management documents must be approached thoughtfully and have at least experience in this area. The way to improve professionalism and gain experience is not to be afraid and to be able to find time for self-development.

So what is HR documentation?

Before trying to answer this question, I would like to note that personnel documentation is part of general concepts, such as document management, office work and personnel office work.

Document circulation - the activity of organizing the movement of documents in the enterprise from the moment they are created or received until the completion of execution: sending from the organization and (or) sending to the archive. It should be noted that in this definition, the emphasis is on the words "movement of documents", that is, their path from one unit or from one employee to another. At the same time, the order of movement of the document (their path) is predetermined by the accepted management process in this organization. For example, if the head of the organization requires that all received documents be first reported to him and only he will appoint the executor, the document movement path will be multi-stage from top to bottom. If the division of functions between structural divisions and employees is clearly carried out in the organization, most of the documents will immediately go to the department to the performers, that is, the path will be different, much shorter.

Office work is a broader concept; This is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

It follows that personnel records management is a narrower concept that implies the organization of work with documents that are related to personnel issues.

When organizing a workflow, an enterprise is faced with the following basic concepts:

A document is a material form of receipt, storage, use and dissemination of information provided for by law by fixing it on paper, magnetic, film, video, photographic film, optical disk or other media;

The primary document is a document that includes the original information;

A secondary document is a document that is the result of an analytic-synthetic and other processing of one or more documents;

An electronic document is a document in which information is recorded in the form of electronic data, including required details document;

Archival document - a document, regardless of its type, type material carrier, information, place and time, creation and form of ownership of it, which has ceased to perform the functions for which it was created, but is stored or subject to storage, taking into account the significance for a person, society or state or value for the owner in the same way as an object of movable property;

Official document - a document created by an organization or an official and executed in the prescribed manner;

Electronic document management (appeal electronic documents) - a set of processes for creating, processing, sending, transmitting, receiving, storing, using and destroying electronic documents, performed using an integrity check and, if necessary, with confirmation of the fact of receipt of such documents;

Registration of documents - fixing the fact of creating or receiving documents by assigning them a serial number and recording established information about them;

Form of the document - standard sheet paper with constant information reproduced on it and a place reserved for changing information.

Personnel documentation is a set of documents that reflects the availability and movement of labor resources.

HR processes must be documented; admission, dismissal, transfer, application disciplinary action, business trips and vacations must be formalized by appropriate orders, instructions.

Personnel documents are legally fixed important facts which are the basis of labor relations between the employee and employers. From this you can see how important it is to competently conduct personnel records management.

HR management allows you to effectively solve several problems at once:

Create effective system personnel management, which will meet the strategic objectives of management;

Document all employment relationships;

Formalize personnel procedures for a particular entrepreneur;

Create an organizational and legal basis labor activity for both the employer and the employee; after all, personnel documents support the interests of both parties to labor relations;

Regulate the relationship between the employee and the employer. It is possible to achieve a certain balance in the relationship between the worker and the employer by maintaining personnel records and clearly regulating their rights and obligations (for example, the job description clearly regulates what is included in the duties of a particular worker, his responsibility, rights and obligations);

Resolve labor disputes. In most cases, the quality of the execution of personnel documents helps to achieve the success of the employer's position in conflict situations.

However the main task personnel records management is to give labor relations more transparency. The personnel documentation system defines certain rules, under which employees feel stable and secure, and allows employers to increase the level of personnel management. From here, again, it can be noted that the most accurate regulation of the range of rights and obligations of employees and employers is in the interests of both parties.

In this regard, a special role in the organization of personnel records management is played by the definition of its role in the documentary support of the organization as a whole, in which three groups of documents can be distinguished: internal; incoming (incoming); sent (outgoing). Each of these groups has its own characteristics of processing and passing.

The procedure for compiling and coordinating internal documents does not differ significantly from the drafting of outgoing documents and includes the same operations, with the exception of sending to the addressee.

Registration can be made for all groups of documents, but first of all for incoming ones. The work on execution and control of execution covers internal, incoming documents, and only as an exception - outgoing ones. From the stage of formation of cases, all groups of documents go through the same operations, except for incoming documents, which, with rare exceptions, are not transferred to archival storage.

Scheme of the movement of documents in the organization:

1. Receipt of documents

2. Document sorting

3. Registration

4. Transfer to the head of the organization or heads of structural divisions

5. Making a decision by the head and transferring documents for execution

6. Direct performance itself

7. Storage of documents (transfer to the archive)

The responsible person must "filter" incoming documents sent to the head of the enterprise, and transfer to him for consideration the most important and urgent of the documents received. Documents that do not require a decision at the level of the head can be transferred directly to the deputy head of the enterprise, to structural divisions or directly to the executors.

Due to the fact that the workflow reflects the management system, allowing you to visually see it, it is extremely important to analyze the workflow to improve the work of the administrative apparatus.

Today, no one needs to prove the importance of information in the field of management, and every manager understands that he can make a decision on any issue only if he has the appropriate information on the issue. The faster he receives information and the more complete it is, the more chances he has to develop best solution as soon as possible.

The main principles of document management include:

Prompt passage of documents: in order to reduce the time they spend in the field of office work, various document processing operations should be performed in parallel (for example, copying and distributing copies of a document to persons in the execution of which they participate at the same time, etc.);

Each movement of a document must be justified, it is necessary to exclude or limit the return movements of documents;

The procedure for passing and processing the main types of documents should be uniform;

To optimize the routes of movement of various categories of documents (incoming, outgoing, internal; orders for core activities and personnel, letters and proposals from citizens; applications; complaints, etc.), route schemes are developed;

All correspondence entering the organization, regardless of the addressee, must be processed in the office;

On all documents (both registered and unregistered), to record the fact and time of their receipt by the institution, a mark is made in the form of a registration stamp. Stamping and date in it is made on the day of receipt of the document.

In the process of initial processing, documents are sorted by structural units. Documents addressed to the management are transferred to the office or the assistant secretary of the head. Documents addressed to structural divisions are sorted by their names, and then sorted out by the secretaries of these divisions.

Unregistered documents must be sorted by structural divisions for delivery to their destination, the rest of the documentation is submitted for registration.

The results of consideration of documents by managers are reflected in resolutions. head of the institution or structural unit, considering the received document, must give clear and specific instructions for its execution. With the resolution, the document is transferred to the responsible executors. If several executors are specified, the document is transferred to each of them in turn. For simultaneous work on a document, photocopies are made from it according to the number of performers. The original of the document is sent to the responsible executor, specified in the resolution first.

The execution of the resolution is carried out by the responsible executor together with the employees specified in it. When submitting a response document for signature, the materials on the basis of which it was prepared should be attached to it. This facilitates the work of the manager, avoids calling executors, etc. The document and all materials related to it are sent to the case when the work on the response document is fully completed.

The number of outgoing (sent) documents includes, mainly, response letters expressing consent, refusal to the corresponding request or proposal of the addressee, and initiative letters of the widest subject, requiring a response from the addressee.

The passage of an outgoing document includes several stages:

1) drafting a document, its printing;

2) coordination of the project, its endorsement, if necessary;

3) signing (approval) of the document;

4) registration and sending of the document.

The process of coordination and approval can be accelerated by sending copies of the project to interested organizations and individuals. Signed documents are registered and sent for dispatch (to the office, expedition, secretary).

Internal documents go through the following stages: preparation of a draft document, reprint, approval, endorsement, signing, execution. Therefore, the routes of their passage at the stages of preparation and execution are the same as those of outgoing documents, and at the stage of execution they coincide with the routes of incoming documents.

Summing up, it can be said that proper organization workflow in the enterprise affects the efficiency, efficiency, reliability of the enterprise as a whole. With the rational organization of workflow, the productivity and efficiency of labor performed by employees of the enterprise increase, and the costs associated with the functioning of the management apparatus are reduced. At the same time, it should be noted that the conduct of personnel records management in the organization has an important role. Thanks to a good base of personnel documentation, it is possible to solve a large number of problems, for example, avoid conflict situations, establish internal organizational rules and labor regulations, improve the personnel management system, facilitate the work of the personnel manager and the manager himself, and avoid penalties from inspection authorities.

1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (current version of November 4, 2014) [Electronic resource] // SPS Consultant Plus. Access mode:

popular/tkrf/7utm_campaign=law_doc&utm_source=google.adwords&utm_medium=cpc&=utm_content=Labor %20Code&gclid=CKjGh4b3gsICFYPPcgoddmwAaQ

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The daily duties of a personnel officer are regulated by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in a resolution of 08/21/1998. It specifies in detail the areas of responsibility of a specialist, the limits of subordination, the regulatory framework is considered, required by the employee personnel department, the procedure for the delivery and maintenance of documentation. The Unified Qualification Handbook defines 17 professions that, in the performance of official duties, are guided by the job description of a personnel worker. The structure of the department that regulates the activities of employees is reflected in the relevant Regulation "On the Human Resources Department".

HR Specialist Job Responsibilities

The job description of a specialist in the personnel department establishes the procedure for labor relations, the range of responsibility, the functions assigned to the employee, the requirements for him, required level education and subservience. A person with sufficient vocational training, education and experience of at least 12 months.

The head of the personnel department is responsible for the development and content of the instruction, and it is approved by the head of the company. It reflects everything official duties personnel department specialist. Their composition, rules of execution, powers are detailed by the administrative acts of the enterprise, internal regulations, federal and regional regulations. They include the following tasks:

  • documenting the hiring and dismissal of employees, the transfer of personnel to other staff units in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the orders of the management;
  • accounting of activities and changes in personal data of employees of all levels - from the director to the watchman - in accordance with the standards of accounting documents with the introduction of changes in information databases;
  • data collection for certification and advanced training;
  • development of a mechanism for rewards and penalties;
  • preparation and maintenance of personal files, collection and processing of personal data;
  • registration of work books - making entries, registration, accounting and storage;
  • formation of work experience;
  • monitoring of holidays and control over the execution of the schedule;
  • timely selection of documentation for the archive and its execution;

The activity of a personnel specialist provides access to confidential data - personal files, trade secrets. If the actions of an employee caused property or financial damage to the organization, he will be held liable in accordance with the law.

The Human Resources Specialist may perform his job duties overtime. According to Art. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the overtime rate is set by the enterprise.

Human Resources Inspector Job Responsibilities

As indicated in the Unified Qualification Handbook, applicants with secondary education are considered for the position of HR inspector, the presence of professional experience does not matter. The entire scope of duties of the HR inspector is determined in internal instruction. It includes the following business tasks:

In addition to office work, the duties of the HR inspector also include the selection of employees for vacancies in accordance with professional requirements and the level of communication skills. The personnel officer places ads in the press, Internet portals, submits an application to the employment center, and conducts an interview. His task is not just to select a professional, but to find a person who will easily enter the team and will not become a source of conflict. The management may provide for the duty of the inspector to conduct a competition among applicants. Selection events and control of passage are in the competence of the personnel officer.

Job Responsibilities of the Head of Human Resources

Only an employee with a diploma of higher education who has worked in a similar position for at least 3 years. His candidacy is determined only by the head of the company. Management activities are carried out on the basis of the company's internal charter, strictly within the framework of Russian labor and civil law and in accordance with job description personnel worker. The head of OK is accountable only to the top management of the company.

The responsibilities of the Head of Human Resources are as follows:

  • development of regulations on personnel policy;
  • assessment of the organization's need for personnel renewal;
  • staff management in accordance with authority and competence;
  • methodological and information support of certification, organization and analysis of its results;
  • debugging the processes of transfer, dismissal or hiring of personnel;
  • corrective activity;
  • regular monitoring of the performance of duties by specialists of the personnel department;
  • control over the execution of orders for rewarding and promotion.

The duties of the personnel officer-chief include the implementation of measures to establish work discipline, increasing the motivation of the team. The head is engaged in the preparation, approval of official information intended for the director. The competence of the authorities is to consult staff on current personnel issues.

O professional level the head of the OK is evidenced by knowledge of the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation, methods for assessing employees, the structure of the enterprise, requirements for paperwork, standards fire safety and labor protection.

An instruction with the duties of a personnel officer - a supervisor, an inspector or a specialist - is signed by the applicant when applying for a job. The document is drawn up for each category of workers according to a standard model.