Man find himself come to knowledge. Sociology, social psychology. The wisdom of people is measured not by their experience, but by their ability to acquire it.

So, everyone knows that a successful person is a purposeful person who sets and achieves certain goals and objectives. He is always in the process of achieving the goal, and therefore in the process of self-development. A successful person cannot live aimlessly - an aimless existence is not at all what nature created man for. Man is obliged to live with a purpose, this is his difference from the instinctive thinking of animals. Therefore, goal setting is very important. The goal should be formed very clearly, the more clearly and specifically it is formed, the better. In general, specificity and clarity are very correct, necessary qualities. successful person.

The goal should not be blurry. It should be very specific, for example: "I want to earn 100 thousand dollars a year", or "I want to improve relations in the family with my household within 3 months." Therefore, set realistic deadlines for achieving your goal.

To successfully achieve a goal, it is important, first of all, to believe in its implementation, to be sure that you will achieve it, to see the results of achieving your goal. Without this, the target will just hang in the air, and the process will not start.

Now let's talk about the so-called "12 stages of achieving the goal" that Brian Tracy mentioned in his book The Psychology of Achievement. So, every healthy goal must go through 12 stages, steps:

1st step. Wish. It is very important to really desire the fulfillment of your goal. Without this, the process of achieving the goal will not get off the ground. Therefore, form goals that you really want to achieve.

2nd step. Faith. Belief in the goal is evidence, without which the goal cannot exist. Believe in your goal, believe that you will achieve it, and then the process of achieving your goal will start at cosmic speed.

3rd step. Writing down goals. Like a time plan, goals need to be written down. When you write, the goal is firmly set in your subconscious and you will always be aware of what goal you are achieving. In addition, the goal written down on paper is already taking on material forms - when you see your goal on paper, read it, you speed up the process of its implementation.

4th step. Decide how you will benefit from reaching your goal. You can't set goals for yourself that don't do you any good. Such goals are groundless, have no serious grounds for existence. Keep this in mind when setting your goal. Also, imagine what kind of rewards you will get from reaching your goal?

5th step. Analysis of the current situation. When setting a new goal, ask yourself: what have I already achieved on this moment? Make a plan for your achievements, write it down, attach it with some material objects. For example, if you graduated from university, you can attach a copied diploma to serve as a powerful reminder of what you have already achieved. Without a serious analysis of the current situation, it is impossible to move forward with confidence.

6th step. Setting a deadline. I think that, of course, the goal cannot live on its own in a time thread. Define the boundary, the deadline for achieving the goal, set, as I said, realistic deadlines. Obviously, you won't make a million dollars in 1 hour, or improve your relationships with co-workers in 1 day. So, once again, set realistic deadlines.

7th step. Definition of obstacles. Any goal is not complete without a natural process of overcoming obstacles. But it's better when you know about them in advance. As the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed". Therefore, identify obstacles and write them down on paper. So you will better understand what you will have to face on the way to achieve your goal. You will be prepared, and therefore ready to go forward, overcoming obstacles.

8th step. Determine what knowledge is required to achieve the goal. As with the goals and obstacles themselves, write them down on paper. Make a list of the knowledge that will be useful to you. You may not have enough knowledge, but you will definitely know what and you can improve them to achieve your goal.

9th step. Identify a list of people and organizations that will help you achieve your goal. Sit down and seriously think about it, be sure to write down the list. During the achievement process, it is likely that you will need the help of people and organizations unplanned in the list - with the help of a list on paper, you can easily make changes and clearly identify your assistants in achieving the goal.

10th step. Gather all the details of the previous nine steps and compose detailed plan. Of course, write it down on paper. Think seriously about it. Take this step very seriously and responsibly. This may take some time, but a competent and detailed plan is almost a 100% guarantee of a successful result.

11th step. Creating a picture of the achieved goal. Visualize the achievement of the goal, play in your mind a picture of the goal already achieved. Try it, it's very interesting. I am sure you will enjoy watching such "movies" over and over again. Create such a picture, clear, clear - and then everything will work out.

12th, last step. Reinforcing your plan to reach your goal with determination. It is safe to say that this step is the most important and most responsible. Many make it through the first 11 steps but fail to complete this one, the main step. Don't be one of them, don't be afraid to reach your goal, don't think about the difficulties that you have to overcome, because if you have completed all the previous 11 points, which means you have made a detailed plan, then you are already prepared and will be able to overcome all the difficulties. If you are ready, then tell yourself that you have begun to fulfill the goal, that you are determined to complete this task. This will be the last step towards the fulfillment of the goal.

On this I would like to end the conversation about goals and its setting. I hope my tips and tricks help you.

The psychology of achieving a goal is inherently very close to the psychology of any kind of addiction, only this addiction is of a positive plan. It is an addiction to success and the feeling of happiness that happens every time a goal is achieved. The more significant the achieved goal and the more such goals there were in a person’s life, the more successful and happier he is.

What a pleasant feeling it is to achieve a goal! And the bigger and more significant the goal was, the brighter this feeling! Anyone who has achieved a significant goal at least once and realized it (which is very important!), Will want to feel the joy of success again and more than once.Goal Achievementautomatically increases self-esteem, inspires, motivates for new victories, gives a feeling of happiness.

A peculiar dependence on the joy of victory makes a personpurposeful, self-confident, optimistic, and ultimately leads to a successful life. Thus, the psychology of achieving a goal is a component of the psychology of success.

If a make a habitconsciously set goals, work hard and with faith in yourself to achieve them, achieve them and realize yourself successful, you can program and literally doom yourself to success!

But why don't all people have an “addiction” to achieving a goal? Why do not everyone set goals consciously, not everyone manages to reach the goal, and only a few succeed in achieving significant success in life?

Of course, it's all about the personality of the one who sets the goal, but not only.Goals too are different:

  1. Minor.These are momentary whims, fleeting desires, elementary needs. They all seem not very important, but everyone knows that even such insignificant goals bring joy when they are achieved.
  2. Short term.Each such goal is a step towards the implementation of a long-term goal. These are goals that are achieved within a short period of time, but in order to achieve them, you will have to try hard anyway. In addition to the joy of achievement, such goals bring a sense of self-confidence and self-confidence, and also teach you to believe in the best.
  3. Long-term.These are far-reaching plans that are of intermediate importance in achieving global goals, but very important at this stage of life. To achieve them, you will have to spend a lot of time, effort, energy, mental and physical labor.

Long-term goals are easier to achieve when broken down into short-term subgoals, as this reduces the likelihood of loss of motivation and self-confidence, procrastination, apathy, and others. side effects” a long wait for success.

A list of short-term goals (from first to last) leading to one long-term goalgoal achievement plan.

Setting and achieving long-term goals is the key to personal growth and personal development. Achieving such goals turns self-confidence into faith and adequate self-esteem, allows you to get rid of many fears, become bolder, more active, more active, more creative. All life becomes a process of self-development, because the achievement of a long-term goal is a powerful incentive to move further towards success.

4.Global. Often such goals turn into the meaning of life. The global goal is a life attitude, the general orientation of the individual, purpose, mission. Global goals are of paramount importance for the individual. You need to go to them for years, but the achievement brings a feeling of fullness of being, self-realization, self-actualization, internal and external harmony, integrity, and all-encompassing happiness.

Global goals are made up of long-term goals, long-term goals are made up of many short-term goals, and short-term goals always contain insignificant ones.

Hence the simple conclusion:to achieve success in life, you need to set yourself global and long-term goals, but divide them into smaller short-term ones, taking into account the insignificant ones. Short-term goals should correspond to long-term ones, work for them. Long-term goals will eventually lead to the achievement of the global goal.

SMART goal setting technology

There is nothing magical about the psychology of achieving a goal. Success, all the more significant, rarely comes as if by magic (even if it seems that way from the outside). If someone is successful, then he has worked hard and put a lot of effort to achieve all his goals.

Do not wait for the goal to be achieved by itself, you need to work on its achievement. As A. Green wrote in the story “ Scarlet Sails”: “Miracles must be done with your own hands!”

In 1954, one of the most influential management theorists of the 20th century, the scientistPeter Druckeridentified 5 criteria for setting goals and combined them into a single methodology, which he called "SMART". This is the most known technique goal-setting, which does not lose its relevance and popularity in our time.

Translated from English "smart”- “smart”, but the name of the technique “SMART” is an abbreviation where each letter stands for a specific word:

  • Specific - specific;
  • Measurable - measurable;
  • Achievable - achievable;
  • Realistic - realistic;
  • Timed - defined by time.

The defined goal should be:

  1. specific, very clear and concise.
  2. measurable. There must be some parameter, fact, proof, by which it will be possible to understand that the goal has been achieved.
  3. achievable. Of course, the goal should be ambitious, but not fantastic, that is, one that is realistic to achieve, even if you have to work hard and hard, look for additional resources, acquire knowledge, develop skills and abilities, and so on.
  4. Realistic, that is, significant, relevant, consistent with other life goals, available time, money and other resources, and in general with reality.
  5. Defined in time.It is necessary to determine specific deadlines for achieving the goal, up to a day and an hour.

Of course, the goal must bewritten down on paperotherwise it's just a dream! And if the goal is long-term, you will need not only to write down its wording, but also to paint step by step plan actions.

If setting and achieving a well-defined goalwill become a habitthen success will not keep you waiting and, even in case of failure, after that it will certainly again overtake a purposeful person!

The question is what are the ways to achieve success, or how to become the master of your own life- one of the most relevant for every person. It is of interest to everyone who seeks to keep events under control, to learn how to influence people, and not be subject to them, to always achieve their goals.

From the point of view of psychology, success is the achievement of the maximum desired result, which, quite often, consists in a certain material or social growth. It should be noted that important this case are not only external criteria and attributes, for example, general recognition, material security. The main property of success is inner satisfaction, a sense of harmony, contentment with life and the environment created personally in all its aspects.

The paradox of success is that on the way to achieving it, the main problem for most people is the lack of faith in the possibility of achieving this very success. Why, then, do some give up hope of any success without even making any effort to advance towards it?

In psychology, most often, such barriers are mentioned as: incorrect setting and formulation of goals, laziness and procrastination, unwillingness to change anything from comfortable conditions for future change, focusing solely on negative events and the consequences of their activities, the habit of always finding excuses for failures.

Psychology of a successful person

Each individual independently determines the areas of his life in which he would like to achieve the maximum, one might say perfect result. And each person is able to create such conditions around himself in order to say to himself: “I am the best!”. The psychology of a successful person consists of three simple criteria: belief in possible success, the myth of luck, and full acceptance of success.

In the case of such a concept as success, faith is the main driving factor, mainly motivating the individual to move towards the goal. There are a great many examples of how people achieve success, driven solely by the belief in own forces. In fact, if you don’t believe in yourself, no one will believe in you. The lack of faith in success and one's personal capabilities reduces all attempts to actions to nothing, depriving them of any motivation.

Quite often you can hear the expression "I ended up in the right place and in right time! It contains the whole essence of the myth of luck, which is necessary in without fail eradicate from consciousness.

Any so-called "lucky set of circumstances" is a completely natural result of persistent faith in success, striving for a goal, searching for all existing opportunities.

The last of the “points”, which is called the acceptance of success, implies the willingness to bear all the consequences of the actions taken and subsequent changes. One of the problems on the path to success is the fear of change, which can completely destroy the usual comfortable way of life. The acceptance of success characterizes the readiness of the individual not only for internal satisfaction, but also for the accompanying external changes.

How to be successful?

Knowing the psychology of success gives you an understanding of what internal beliefs and weaknesses you need to get rid of, and what traits you need to cultivate in yourself. After that, the only question that remains is how to achieve success? And it is necessary to start with the fact that from the knowledge of the psychology of success to extract the necessary image that they make it possible to present. This image, which represents a kind of ideal of a successful person, is based on some characteristics, for example, developed communication skills, a high self-evaluation, positive attitude, discipline and self-control, optimism and constant motivation to achieve the impossible.

The bottom line is that each person can create for himself such an ideal, take on this image and rush towards him. However, not every individual is able to really take on such a role, so such people prefer to refuse to believe in success and not even make an attempt to achieve anything.

First of all, it should be understood that success is a concept with a fairly wide range of coverage. Success can be understood as the achievement of an important scientific discovery, world recognition, sky-high financial success, the birth of a child, recovery from a dangerous illness. Victory in world competitions and competitions, happiness in personal life, promotion career ladder… All these goals affect completely different areas in life, and each individual determines for himself in which of these areas he would like to be successful. So can there be some general pattern, an image that makes it possible to achieve any form of success? Of course no.

Psychology and recommendation by her various ways success only gives an understanding of the various psychological attitudes that can be useful in a particular area. Not less than frequently asked question is the question of what to do if it fails to achieve some success? In such a situation, it is better to remain yourself in your movement towards the goal. Why? Because there are situations when the qualities of an individual, considered by psychology as positive for success, play against him.

Moreover, some "negative" qualities of the subject, interpreted as weaknesses, can bring their own positive results. This implies the fact that everything depends on specific situation and goals, of which there are many. For example, the same low self-esteem can eventually become the main driver for becoming something more, while inherent in self-sufficient people can cause refusal to act and subsequent degradation.

Expressed detachment from society, withdrawing into oneself and isolation, ultimately becomes a strong basis for focusing on strategy and bringing the desired result.

You need to know that all kinds of recommended "paths to success", trainings, seminars, consultations, specialized literature ... All this can help shape your perfect image, however, later it can become a kind of trap. Excessive enthusiasm for methods and other theory, in case of focusing excessive attention on it, can destroy a person's individuality.

To avoid such a mistake, various tips, you should always compare them with your personal views, try them on yourself, comprehend, analyze. It should be remembered that you can take on any business, but the best results are achieved by those who understand it, invest their real desires and thoughts, and do not follow the instructions indicated in the recommendations. Be yourself and believe in yourself - that's the basic law of success!