What to consider when combining various building materials - designer tips. Concrete walls in the interior: a combination of textures, creating the effect of concrete, use in the design of apartments and houses, designers' advice Rules for combining wood and concrete

The interaction of different building materials is a thing to pay attention to. Sometimes even the most original ideas do not have a worthy implementation due to the appearance of inappropriate contrasts. To avoid such mistakes, let's see what characterizes each such combination.

Concrete + wood

The interconnection of these elements forms a clear interior based on the contrasts of opposites. Dullness and cold - the emotions that concrete carries, completely dissolve in the warmth and homeliness, formed thanks to the tree. Any decor and interior items, installed inside such a room, have a special accent that everyone will like.

A slightly rough concrete surface looks great in the context of a smooth ceiling made of wood. Such a design move creates a special atmosphere that allows you to achieve the highest degree of tranquility and peace of mind.

The use of wood as the main material for the ceiling covering, the variety of which is distinguished by a light shade, allows you to relax while taking a bath and completely forget about the abundance of stone that surrounds you. That's exactly what color combination in the interior has the most positive effect.

A distinctive feature of such an interior is that specific planes are decorated using the same materials. That is, if these are walls, then they are made of concrete, if this is a ceiling, then wood is used accordingly.

It was possible to go even further and make a wooden floor, as well as decorate other elements of interior decoration with this material, which are located in a horizontal plane. But the designers decided to limit themselves to a small percentage of visual load.

Cause of the visual effect

Concrete has a neutral color that blends very well with the brown tones of natural materials. Well, do not forget about the emotional interaction that occurs as a result of the use of these names.

Steel + wood

Steel, along with concrete, is the main building material of our time. With the participation of these names, not a single event aimed at the construction of various buildings and structures is complete. Therefore, it is not surprising that these two elements have similar characteristics, both physical and emotional.

Just like concrete, steel is not distinguished by visual soulfulness and warmth. Therefore, it is no wonder that in this case, in the formation of various options for interior decoration, a tree comes to the rescue. All the same functions, in the form of giving coziness and a positive atmosphere, are required from wood in this case as well.

In addition to aesthetic properties, wooden elements in this case provide a high level of practicality. Being a poor conductor of heat, wood interacts well with steel as an excellent insulating material that allows you to maintain optimal temperature conditions.

Also, insulation, which includes natural elements, can independently maintain a comfortable level of humidity, which eliminates the possibility of corrosion on metal products.

Here you can see an excellent combination of steel, in the form of a metal frame that supports the upper tier of the building and the roof itself, as well as the wood that was used to clad this chic dome.

Wooden elements, unlike metal ones, have some limitations in size, therefore, in this case, an original technique was used, which created the appearance of layering planks. Thanks to this, the resulting image turned out to be even more voluminous and bewitching, while retaining the effect of the grandeur of the metal, and the warmth of natural materials.

Cause of the visual effect

An excellent combination of strict lines and regular shapes, the source of which is steel, with a somewhat rough and warm wood surface. The formed image absorbs all these characteristics, which positively affects its visual perception.

Glass + bright colors

The presence of transparent glass elements, having dimensions from the floor and ceiling, allows you to correctly redistribute attention in the conditions of the existing corridor. In this situation, light colors can peacefully coexist with brighter shades, with which the staircase is framed. The screen, made of glass, in this case performs a dual function. It simultaneously divides and connects two components of one space.

Let's imagine this interior without a glass screen. A cacophony of colors that generates a strong visual load is what will necessarily accompany small rooms, which is the presented zone. It is unlikely that you will feel at least a little comfortable in such conditions. Making everything in a single neutral light is, of course, a way out, but it will not bring the desired result that can be compared with the existing image.

Cause of the visual effect

Glass smooths out any interactions of elements decorated in different colors. Plus, this material in itself has the ability to give the room a special style and a certain charm.

White color + white color

White color in the interior applied everywhere. The reason for this phenomenon is the ability of such a design to convey a sense of spiritual purity and expand the visual space of any room. Let's take a closer look at the property of this technique using a specific example.

Light and shine are the main stylistic components of this bathroom design. The dynamics of the radiance of all the elements used, which fascinate and attract attention from the first seconds, is based on the alternation of materials with different surface textures.

Matte, mirror or chrome - all these are descriptions of objects that make up the image of the presented interior decoration. Therefore, it is not surprising that every person who finds himself in such a room feels quite comfortable, without fear of slipping or accidentally soiling something from the surrounding idyll.

Any light that enters here is reflected many times off the white surface, creating the illusion of a vast space. By the way, a similar technique is well suited for those for whom such a topic as small bathroom interior became a real punishment.

Any design element of this bathroom, despite certain differences in design, is basically neutral and does not draw too much attention to itself. This background, obtained from the use of exclusively white components, is ideal for small color accents.

The red flower, located on the shelf, in this case is like an explosion that completely changes the idea of ​​​​the formed image. That is, you can always change the direction of the design with the help of small additions, the role of which can be played not only by flowers, but also by various accessories, as well as bright decor.

Cause of the visual effect

White is a classic. In addition, it perfectly emphasizes the beauty of brighter elements.

White color + wood

This combination allows you to use a small amount of wood. Even a few natural elements are enough to enliven the whole image, giving it life and special comfort.

The flight of stairs, made in an exceptionally white color, creates the illusion that the steps are floating in the air and lead not to the top floor, but to the realm of unearthly light and the brightest emotions. With this combination of colors, only a few wooden spans are enough, the rest can be made from cheaper material. This is very important in cases where the family budget is not limitless.

A staircase with an open design looks very original, where small wooden boards perform the function of steps. This approach allows you to maintain the seriousness of the style of the formed interior and at the same time harmoniously interweave the emotional touches of home comfort, which, you see, is very important for a living space.

Cause of the visual effect

White color in the interior guarantees the presence of an element of lightness and airiness to the interior space, which is not affected in any way by the tree, which brings exceptionally warm emotional touches.

Black + white

Interior in black and white is a classic, and the images formed through the use of this stylistic device are guaranteed to be successful. This style is able to hide any flaws in the room, is suitable for any scale, and creates a special mood, dominated by a sense of refined style, unique charm, and the right, and most importantly, healthy attitude towards one's person.

In this case, in addition to the color palette, the materials that were used in interior design deserve attention. Steel and glass are the names of the elements that formed the basis of such design components as stairs and stylish furniture. Due to the presence of this factor, the interior decoration of the room acquired cosmic shades, which makes it possible to attribute the image to the category of ultra-modern and very original.

Cause of the visual effect

Everything here is like in black and white photographs, which, despite the subtleties of their thematic content, arouse the keenest interest of any public.

brick + steel

Brick, as a building material, has been used by man for several hundred, and even thousands of years. Steel, as a highly functional metal alloy, was invented relatively recently. That is why the combination of these elements in the construction industry almost always results in the creation of amazing samples.

The brickwork of the façade gives the whole building a somewhat vintage look, which makes the use of metal used in the window frames and garage doors somewhat unusual. But in spite of everything, all these actions are quite relevant, and the resulting image not only managed to keep a piece of history in its appearance, but also acquired new memorable modern stylistic touches.

Cause of the visual effect

Smooth mirror surfaces of steel are in perfect harmony with the diversity of bricks, which was used in the process of building the building.

wood + stone

The combination of these natural materials in any case leads to an excellent result, and the interior, during the creation of which a similar design move was used, is simply doomed to success.

In this case, the stone plays the role of a kind of stylistic anchor on which the entire design of this room is based. The choice in favor of the relief structure of the stone wall made it possible to provide an interesting play of chiaroscuro, the effect of which everyone can enjoy. Wooden steps perfectly complement the design of the stairs, making the interior harmonious and visually attractive.

The combination of stone and wood in this case forms a magnificent image that has its own stylistic philosophy. It is simply incredible how two different materials in all respects can complement each other, showing an example of incredible harmony, which in a special way affects the existing atmosphere, filling it with sacred meaning.

Concrete, as part of the furnishings, began to be used quite recently - in the 20th century. The fashion for it appeared along with the birth of the loft style in the era of industrial development. After a short period of time, the trend strengthened its position along with the popularity of minimalism and industrial.

If until that time the material was perceived only as a rough finish, now with its help they create a design that includes even interior items made of concrete - stairs, vases, tables, chairs.

Designers and architects saw in concrete attractiveness, aesthetics and malleability for the implementation of creative ideas.

The main advantages of the material

Here are some of the benefits of concrete:

  • The material is plastic, so you can create various shapes from it.
  • The surface allows you to create texture, patterns and relief.
  • The composition includes environmentally friendly substances - crushed gravel, sand, water, plasticizers that are harmless to health.
  • Under the influence of heat in the room and heating devices, it becomes warm, and in summer it retains a pleasant coolness.
  • Good muffles noise.
  • Resistant to moisture, despite the ability to absorb it. Even with systematic and abundant absorption, the properties will not change for the worse for a long time.
  • Gas-tight.
  • Impact resistance.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes and extreme temperatures.
  • Long service life.
  • It goes well with many finishing materials.
  • Since the material is available, it can be used over large areas without significant financial outlay.
  • As a result of the work of the designer, the material can look no less attractive in the room than marble or natural stone.

Along with the advantages, we want to mention the disadvantages.

The material is highly absorbent. Therefore, if paint or plaster is applied under concrete in the interior, the surface is first covered with a dense layer of primer. Then the moisture will be absorbed less, and the liquid composition will lie more evenly.

Another caveat is that the material is cold. Therefore, where appropriate, pillows or other lined textiles are placed on concrete furniture. The floor is made with heating or a carpet is laid.

How is architectural concrete different from conventional concrete?

The basic composition of both types is the same. As already mentioned in the previous section, these are crushed stone, sand, water, plasticizers.

  • To obtain architectural concrete (art concrete), colored pigments are added to the raw material to give color, ceramic chips for texture or colored glass.
  • In order for the color to be uniform and the same, special equalizers are added.
  • It is also common to include more plasticizers if complex shapes will be created from the material.

Decorative concrete in the interior is part of it, it looks complete and expressive, in harmony with the overall environment.

Options for combining concrete with other materials in home improvement

Due to the diversity (colors, texture, plasticity), designers combine concrete with other materials in interior design. Consider the most popular and successful combinations, based on design practice.

concrete and wood

Despite the fact that both materials are natural (at least the basis of concrete), such a duet creates a spectacular contrast - the coolness and industrial motifs of concrete and the warmth with the natural beauty of wood. Based on this, the emphasis is placed on a particular material, taking into account their wishes.

The basic rule for combining concrete and wood in the interior is to make a certain type of surface with one type of material. For example - a concrete floor, and walls and a ceiling from a tree.

If wood is the main material, the room will not seem cold. In it you can relax and enjoy the comfort.

The slightly rough surface of the concrete ceiling and floor looks spectacular with smooth wooden walls. The ceiling is made cream or white due to pigments.

Concrete and brick

Based on design experience, we can say that brick and concrete in the interior are the most harmonious combination. Their properties are similar, and the combinations are harmonious.

Combination options are different. Designers make brick walls, and the floor and ceiling are made of concrete or materials alternate on the same wall surface.

With the predominance of brick, especially artificially aged, interiors are created in the style of a medieval castle with a large fireplace, arches lined with bricks, stone floors and other elements characteristic of the style.

Evenly combining materials, with an emphasis on concrete or brick, a loft is created. For example, one wall can be concrete, and the rest - brickwork.

Concrete and steel

Such a duet is a tribute to modernity. It is associated with the development of industry and the currents that originated during this period.

Designers create a ceiling, floor, concrete-like walls in the interior with the desired texture and color, and from metal they make, for example, stairs, rungs that are mounted to the ceiling in the manner of wooden beams or racks attached to the walls.

You can dilute the conciseness and severity of the situation with interspersed with wood or wooden furniture.

In addition to the above duets, concrete in the interior is combined with massive glazing, air ducts as part of the loft interior, as well as chrome or polished metal decor.

Ideas for arranging living quarters

The interior under concrete or with its inclusions can be made in any living space. Let's consider them separately.

Living room

In the living room, concrete will most harmoniously fit into minimalism and loft. You can also implement eclecticism and even classics.

If the living room does not have concrete walls, they can be imitated using prefabricated panels or textured concrete that is applied to the rough finish.

In a small living room, it is advisable to cover concrete walls with decorative plaster with cement fractions. Large rooms will be expressive if the material is in its original form or with a uniform color pigment.

Concrete in the interior of the kitchen can be the floor, walls, and ceiling. So that the room does not merge, they make different tones. For example, a white or cream ceiling, metallic walls and dark floors.

Furniture can effectively contrast with the finish and be, for example, red or purple with a glossy sheen. Concrete furniture will also fit in - a countertop, a dining table.

Since concrete absorbs moisture, it is advisable to finish it in the washing area with tempered glass or tiles that are similar in color. This solution also makes it easy to remove dirt with detergents without damaging the coating.

In the bedroom, designers use concrete and, as a result, they get a cozy and relaxing interior. For this, the decorative possibilities of using the material are used - warm shades, patterns.

Everyone pays attention to interiors with an interesting design, and what can we say about concrete walls in the interior. This material can be introduced into the room in the form of decoration, furniture, decor and even accessories. No one remains indifferent to this design option, although the opinion about concrete in the interior of an apartment or house is contradictory. Nevertheless, with the right design, this kind of material in the room looks beautiful.

What to look for when working with concrete

The only thing worth remembering is that working with concrete is difficult, plus it is a laborious task and not always appropriate. Few people know about the main problems of using this material in the interior:

  • How to prevent oversaturation of the room with concrete and the loss of home comfort. After all, living in a house resembling a closet is not very pleasant.
  • How to process concrete walls in the interior.
  • How to cope with the tasks:

Wall/ceiling/floor decoration;

Cooperation with a competent, interested in a good result master;

Finally, find out what it is - concrete.

Rules for concrete interiors

Know when to stop

This rule is good in everything. Modern technologies are at the stage that anything can be "concrete" with their use. You will be surprised, but these are not only finishing surfaces (ceiling, floor and walls), but also furniture, chandeliers, boxes for household appliances, and some decor elements. Therefore, try not to overdo it if you want to maintain coziness and comfort in the room.

For those who live in a city apartment with a standard layout, experts recommend using concrete pavement exclusively on certain surfaces, for example, only on the floor or only on the wall.

Please note that brutal concrete finishing is only suitable for rooms whose area exceeds 100 m 2, with sufficient ceiling height and room space.

Feel the color and work with the palette

Concrete walls in the interior look empty and cold, because the designers talk about the combination of several effective newfangled trends in the interior. Complement the room with warm soft colors to balance the contrast without minimizing the dynamics too much.

Experts consider the best combinations of concrete gray with shades:

  • yellow;
  • burgundy;
  • orange;
  • golden;
  • copper;
  • metallic.

It is important not to forget about the lighting, which makes the interior lighter or makes it gloomier. For such interiors, it is better to choose a warm spot light, giving preference to multi-level placement of lamps, rather than installing one large chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. Follow atypical solutions to recreate a comfortable and exclusive interior.

Maintain a cozy and homely atmosphere

You don't want to live in a museum or a warehouse, do you? Even the most brutal "masculine" concrete interior should maintain comfort and psychological pleasantness.

Interiors with concrete walls or floors are successfully complemented by wooden furniture that softens the atmosphere. The combination of “bare” surfaces with velvet, velor textiles, knitted texture, fur and leather looks gorgeous.

Features of finishing the walls of the floor and ceiling

This way of finishing is considered rather unusual. In addition to pure concrete, there are several more “variations on a theme” that visually deliver an almost identical effect, but are characterized by features. For example, some types of plaster are only applied as a decorative part of a renovation.

Often for interior design in the loft style, grunge use a spatula mass to simulate a concrete wall. It is applied to the surface, following the same principle as when working with plaster.

Different fractional mass from the manufacturer is supplied to the market, which makes the possibilities in decorating even wider.

It is easier to work with rolled concrete, its thickness is up to 5 mm, and photo-printed concrete slabs are a real discovery in the construction industry.

Concrete ceiling decoration is appropriate when decorating rooms in modern directions. Here, gray is combined with warm light, which gives comfort, and wall decoration in a palette of warm colors.

Do not know how to process concrete walls in the interior or decorate the ceiling? The bleached concrete ceiling looks interesting, which gives the interior a certain authenticity. Thus, the surface retains a unique texture, and the room itself will be filled with light.

As you can see, there are more than enough options to replace a pure solution with a more interesting material that conveys the same effect.

The texture of concrete and its place in the interior

It all depends on the chosen style. You can stop on a rough surface with clearly visible grains of sand and small pebbles. In appearance, the surface is matte and resembles a velvet coating, tactilely hard and rough.

A more finished look at the smooth surface of the concrete wall in the interior, to achieve which the following technologies are used:

  • Polished concrete. It is characterized by a reflective surface, in which grains of sand and small pebbles are visible in places. The mirror effect is the result of mechanical grinding of the concrete surface. To achieve an effect even stronger, it is enough to polish the surface.
  • Lacquered concrete. One of the budgetary ways of surface treatment, which as a result acquires shine and brightness.

Natural concrete and its imitations in the interior

Concrete is of two types: pure and imitation. What are the features of each and how the mixtures differ, read on.

Pure concrete is divided into two classes: building and architectural.

Construction concrete

Mostly used for the construction of the frame of monolithic buildings and ceilings. The main composition includes:

  • cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • water;
  • sand.

Components are mixed in a certain proportion depending on their properties.

As for architectural concrete, its main difference from building concrete lies in the presence of additional additives, such as:

  • dyes;
  • equalizers;
  • ceramic chips;
  • glass.

This is an ideal composition for finishing concrete walls in the interior, bar counters, fireplaces and other surfaces inside the house.

imitation concrete

This is an alternative option that allows you to achieve the same visual effect through the use of other methods of finishing. Choosing a variety of materials, it is easy to decide on the desired color, pattern and texture.

Among the materials suitable for the description under concrete:

  1. Wall panels. These are gypsum sheets, characterized by lightness, a wide range of models and a budget price. They are easier to work with, and such panels on the wall look much more spectacular than just a concrete screed.
  2. Plaster. It differs in types and is lime and marble. The first is distinguished by properties that contribute to air filtration and hypoallergenicity. The second - consists of lime, gypsum and marble flour. Both types are supplied to the market in matte and glossy variations.
  3. Spatula mass. Material characterized by elasticity and high interaction with moisture. It differs in composition, which directly affects the fractionation of the paste: from fine-grained with small inclusions to coarse-grained.
  4. Rolled concrete, wall-paper, photowall-paper. The first one is a flexible fabric based on mineral flour with a thickness of up to 5 mm. Wallpaper and photo canvas - one of the simplest options for finishing. For gluing the surface with these materials, a special adhesive composition is used.
  5. Tile. This is another way to design concrete style in the interior. Wide tiled squares with imitation of concrete are suitable for decorating a kitchen, hallway, and restroom.
  6. Imitation painting. This is a complex but creative way. Patterns are applied to the surface of the prepared polished slab, imitating real concrete as accurately as possible.

Features of the design of the concrete interior in the apartment

Rooms where concrete surfaces or concrete look accessories look appropriate include:

  • kitchen;
  • living room;
  • bedroom
  • children's;
  • bathroom and toilet room;
  • hallway.

That is, almost all the rooms that are in the house.


The kitchen is the room where the concrete solution looks appropriate, regardless of the surface. Wall, floor, ceiling coating will help to set the character of the interior, and the choice of materials allows you to recreate a rough and unfinished or, conversely, glossy finish. By the way, the latter option is good for rooms with a small kitchen area. This will give it spaciousness due to the reflective surface. It is interesting to combine concrete walls in the interior in the kitchen with light walls finished with tiled mosaics or paint.

Concrete can be used to decorate a work surface, and even a whole kitchen island. besides the fact that the surface is heavy, they also make it durable and reliable. This countertop in the kitchen looks really impressive.

Living room

Concrete mortar can also be used to cast concrete shelves, decorative elements, tables or TV cabinets, which means it can be organically fit into the interior of the living room.

It is easy to fit a concrete column or partition into the layout of a studio apartment as a zone separator. Separate zones in combined rooms can be distinguished using a concrete floor in the interior.

Concrete panels look no less organic in the living room as part of the fireplace.

The place of the concrete surface in the bedroom

Use concrete in interior design in a dosed manner so as not to overdo it. Thus, you can successfully emphasize the sleeping area by highlighting the head of the bed, or finish the opposite wall, against which the plasma panel will look interesting.

Children's room

It seems that the cold and inhospitable concrete surface in the children's room looks out of place. Naturally, brutal finishes look rough and out of place, but materials that mimic concrete, such as photo wallpapers, smooth out the contrast. But still, it is better to decorate the nursery in a warmer and more pleasant interior style.

Toilet and bathroom

Concrete walls in the interior of the apartment look no less relevant in the bathroom or bathroom. The concrete partition looks harmonious in combination with glass details. An interesting look is a light transparent sink installed on a rough and untreated concrete surface.

Concrete in the hallway

This is a good interior solution that looks good in combination with other materials. Combinations of concrete and wood or concrete and brick look best. For a compact space, it is better to choose a floor finish with a lacquered surface as an alternative to concrete walls in the interior. In the photo below, the option for finishing the floor in the apartment.

Concrete and surfaces imitating it in the interior are the best solution for decorating modern interiors in an industrial industrial style. This cold material is accentuated with warm diffused light, metal and glass. And this means that, knowing how to make concrete walls in the interior, and choosing this finish option, as a result, you will get a trendy interior.

Concrete is widely used in the construction and decoration of apartments. This universal building material is used in the manufacture of foundations, floors, partitions. In concreting paths, playgrounds, when finishing the facades of houses, and so on. Designers and architects actively use concrete in interior projects. Its quality characteristics are in no way inferior to natural stone, marble, travertine.

Material advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • durability;
  • ecologicaly clean;
  • resistant to fire, excessive moisture and damage;
  • easy to use, does not require complex maintenance during operation;
  • affordable cost.

The demand for the material has increased along with the growing popularity of the industrial loft style, minimalism and high-tech in modern interior design. Light gray concrete surfaces accentuate objects and furniture in the room. Against its background, other colors and shades look more spectacular and richer. With the help of concrete mixtures, you can create a concise, seasoned style and save on the purchase of other finishing materials. In addition, dust and cobwebs practically do not collect on such surfaces, which is very convenient and practical. Next, consider where and how concrete is used indoors.

In interior design, it is allowed to decorate with concrete either ceilings, or floors, or walls in one room. Excessive application will produce an undesirable effect.


Concrete floors have many advantages. They are durable and resistant to physical stress, do not require complex maintenance, and are quite affordable. Their main advantage is wear resistance and easy processing. Such floors can be of different textures, ideally smooth with a glossy sheen or rough, porous with a matte effect. Lacquered concrete floors look luxurious, although they are not expensive. Concrete floors lend themselves well to grinding, polishing and painting, thanks to which they can be made in any color scheme. Better concrete floors are suitable for the bathroom, kitchen, loggia, hallway. They can also be used in the bedroom, but in this case, you should take care of the presence of a thick and warm carpet. The best option is to use concrete flooring together with an underfloor heating system.


Concrete ceilings are also often used in design projects and can make a dramatic difference to an interior. Thus, the atmosphere of the room becomes discreet and elegant. Ceilings can be of an original shape; glass, metal, plastic, wood and brick elements look spectacular on them. A carefully thought-out lighting system will add special luxury to such a finish. Concrete ceilings are paired with suspended metal fixtures, classic voluminous crystal chandeliers and long cord lamps that stretch across the ceiling.

In rooms where concrete surfaces are used, there should be a lot of light.

Such ceilings are better suited to spacious rooms. In small rooms, the gray shade of the ceiling can visually reduce the height of the room. Therefore, it is recommended to paint concrete ceilings in lighter shades in rooms with a small area.


The idea of ​​concrete walls has long been one of the most popular design techniques. Sometimes bare walls of new buildings are suitable for this, and sometimes designers use concrete imitation. Putty, decorative plaster or concrete-like panels are suitable for imitation. Concrete colors are also used. In modern apartments, which are characterized by minimalism, rigor and conciseness, concrete walls look elegant and harmonious. For a classic style in the interior, it is better not to use bare surfaces. There are many different options for decorating concrete walls. You can make a smooth polished surface or decorate it with stucco and other decorative elements. Some companies offer decorative tiles or creative 3D concrete look panels. In rooms with concrete walls, ceilings of lighter shades are recommended.

Application in various rooms

In large, spacious rooms, a large number of concrete surfaces is acceptable. For rooms with a small area, it is better to use partial fragments of concrete.

Concrete is not used in the children's room. In all other residential premises, its use is quite relevant. In addition to walls, floors, ceilings, other concrete elements can be used in the premises. A concrete-look fireplace can be a stylish accent for a living room. Massive and strict concrete countertops are installed in modern kitchens. For a bathroom, sinks and bathrooms for a shower cabin can be made of concrete. Such products are made using modern wet concrete technology, which allows you to create a smooth, spectacular and luxurious egger surface. The use of concrete partitions for zoning premises is widespread.

In the bedroom, with the help of such partitions, you can create additional space for a dressing room. In the kitchen, separate the work area from the dining area. The interior of any room can be decorated with decorative concrete products, lamps, ceiling lamps, vases, souvenir figurines. There is also concrete furniture.

Concrete structures

In the interior, designers often use concrete structures such as columns, shelving, niches. Columns can be used for zoning a room or have a more decorative function. With the help of columns, attention is focused on other interior items, the clarity of the lines in the room is emphasized. In modern design, rectangular and square columns are more often used, rounded structures are now used less frequently. Shelving can consist of two concrete columns connected by shelves, while the shelves can be made of panels, glass or wood. With the help of niches and shelving, you can save extra space and money for the purchase of bedside tables or shelves.

Concrete decor

You can decorate a modern home or office with concrete decorative souvenirs. Decorative items can be found on sale or you can make original things with your own hands. Candlesticks, pots, vases, lamps, coasters and other original figurines are made of concrete. If you use your imagination and creative skills, then it is possible to make a souvenir item with your own hands, even a flower bed, even a fridge magnet. Often molds and concrete mortar are used in the manufacture of souvenirs. Flower pots made of this material look very unusual, luxurious and modern. They will look great on window sills, bedside tables, tables, floors, shelves, racks, as well as other decor items.

What styles are suitable for concrete surfaces

For the first time, the industrial loft style appeared in the twenties of the last century in the USA in Chicago. In those days, renting a house was very expensive. And people of creative professions began to use the empty attics of industrial and residential buildings for their workshops and studios. Since then, industrial style has been popular all over the world.

Loft in English means attic. Concrete surfaces are used for industrial, industrial style, high-tech, minimalism and constructivism. In addition to residential premises, concrete surfaces are popular in the design of youth clubs, art cafes, lobby bars.

Warm shades of any type of wood soften the excessive severity of concrete. The successful combination of gray raw surfaces with soft shades of wood makes the room stylish, cozy, conducive to a warm atmosphere. Large mirrors, glass combined with concrete surfaces and shiny metal details are the defining factor in modern interior design. Large windows are very suitable for this design. Green plants create a spectacular contrast, add life and natural freshness to the room. To do this, you can get a high-quality imitation of living plants to create the desired effect.

A modern interior in an apartment with imitation of concrete walls can be done independently. To do this, use special wallpaper or decorative plaster.

Rough texture in the decoration of apartments

Concrete walls evoke a feeling of unfinished renovation, this is a popular type of decoration in the interior. This option is not suitable for those who prefer classic lines, a large amount of decor, furniture, bright colors in the interior.

Concrete walls in the interior of the apartment: relevance today

For the interiors of residential premises, the loft style is popular. It is characterized by walls made of rough materials, including concrete. Gray surfaces with a rough texture provide an interesting backdrop for furniture or decor. This is the current trend in modern design. For the interior in the style of minimalism, this type of decoration is also used.

Concrete walls are suitable for large rooms, such as a living room, kitchen-dining room or studio apartment. However, it is not necessary that the wall structure actually consists of concrete. It is possible to use a finish imitating this material.

If the room is small, it is better to use the concrete finish partially, i.e. just one wall.

How to make a concrete wall in the interior: concrete finish

You can make such a finish yourself if you use:

  • gray wallpaper;
  • decorative plaster with concrete imitation.

The advantage of the latter option is that the surface will be resistant to various mechanical damage, the material is made of environmentally friendly, non-toxic material. Such decor can be done independently if you have experience in finishing work.

A large selection of wallpaper with imitation of concrete will suit any room. They can be textured or thin. The color of the concrete is gray, but the wallpaper can be of different shades. For example, lighter or darker, with a cold bluish tint or with a warm beige tint.

Hue, saturation are selected depending on the size of the room, the selected snowstorm, the color of other finishing materials. For example, if the floor material has a warm tint, then the walls should be made in this color.

In the bathroom

In the bathroom, the use of wallpaper is not desirable. Here, decorative plaster with imitation of concrete is suitable. It must be treated with a special coating, such as acrylic lacquer, which prevents the penetration of condensate and water drops into the wall.

In the living room

Finishing with plaster or wallpaper imitating the pattern of a concrete surface would be appropriate here. You can make such decor on just one wall, which will serve as a dominant in the interior.

In the bedroom

In the bedroom, you can use all types of wallpaper: paper, vinyl, non-woven. Also, decorative plaster will look organic here.

The hall in a spacious apartment will serve as a place for receiving guests and a recreation area for the whole family. For large rooms, textured plasters with imitation of rough finishes are suitable.

In the kitchen

Washing non-woven wallpaper is more suitable for the kitchen. They can be textured or smooth, their main advantage is the ability to remove dirt with wet cleaning.

Wall decoration for concrete: features of the popular Loft-style decor for an apartment

The loft style is also called anti-glamorous, as it uses a rough texture, the absence of a large amount of decor, the necessary amount of furniture without frills. The concrete surface is one of the ways to shape the interior. It can occupy one plane or be on most walls.

On concrete plaster, to give realism, there may be rust streaks, a rough texture with cracks and protrusions. Typically, this solution is used for the living room or hall. For other rooms, a smoother finish with concrete imitation is used. Too saturated walls in the bathroom, kitchen or other small rooms will visually overload the interior. Therefore, calm background colors are chosen here.

Is it possible to choose wallpaper for concrete in combination

The popularity of concrete walls in the apartment also influenced wallpaper manufacturers. Various collections with imitation of this material were released. A large selection of different shades is produced, and there may also be a texture with a pattern of concrete surface defects. There are also wallpapers where the pattern and color repeats the texture of a smooth concrete surface. Photorealistic vinyl options and textured non-woven options are popular.

Another option is rolls for painting. Their main advantage is that here you can choose the color individually. But for high-quality coloring, it is necessary to apply the material in several stages. Depending on the type of wallpaper, they are used for interiors in the style of: loft, minimalism, eclecticism.

How to take care of the surface

Care depends on the room and materials:

  • washable non-woven or vinyl wallpaper is wiped with a damp cloth using gentle products. Paper wipes with a dry cloth without the use of aqueous solutions;
  • the plaster is washed with soapy water, moisture is not absorbed into it.

Photo examples of concrete finishes

The living room with one concrete wall is decorated with a large painting. There is also a niche used to store books. The room has furniture in warm colors that blends harmoniously with the background in gray tones.

Concrete plaster is applied to the walls between wide window openings. A light gray shade with a fine texture harmonizes well with a dark natural wood floor.

Concrete texture goes well with light-colored textile furniture. A light-colored carpet without a pattern with a short pile also looks harmonious.

Concrete finish is a good option for a modern apartment. This will help create a unique style and diversify the interior. This solution is suitable for those who like the loft style or minimalism.

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