The concept, structure and functions of the political system. The main function of the political system of society. The concept and structure of the political system of society - abstract

Talking about political sphere public life, we usually imagine a set of certain phenomena, objects and actors that are associated with the concept of "politics". These are parties, the state, political norms, institutions (such as suffrage or monarchy), symbols (flag, coat of arms, anthem), values ​​of political culture, etc. All these structural elements of policy do not exist in isolation, independently of each other, but constitute system - a set, all parts of which are interconnected so that a change in at least one part leads to changes in the entire system. The elements of the political system are ordered, interdependent and form a certain systemic integrity.

The political system can name the ordered set of norms, institutions, organizations, ideas, as well as the relationships and interactions between them, during which political power is exercised.

A complex of state and non-state institutions that carry out political functions, that is, activities related to the functioning of state power.

The concept of a political system is more capacious than the concept of " public administration”, since it covers all persons and all institutions participating in the political process, as well as informal and non-governmental factors and phenomena that affect the mechanism for identifying and posing problems, the development and implementation of solutions in the field of state-power relations. In the broadest interpretation, the concept of "political system" includes everything that is related to politics.

The political system is characterized:

  • , traditions and customs.

The political system carries out the following functions:

  • conversion, that is, the transformation of social demands into political decisions;
  • adaptation, that is, the adaptation of the political system to the changing conditions of social life;
  • mobilization of human and material resources (Money, voters, etc.) to achieve political goals.
  • protective function - protection of the socio-political system, its original basic values ​​and principles;
  • foreign policy - the establishment and development of mutually beneficial relations with other states;
  • consolidating - harmonization of collective interests and requirements of various social groups;
  • distribution - the creation and distribution of material and spiritual values;

Classification of political systems

Exist various classifications political systems.

Under political culture understand an integral part of the spiritual culture of mankind, which includes a set of political knowledge, values ​​and behaviors, as well as the political language, symbols and traditions of statehood.

All elements of the political system, being in constant interaction, contribute to the performance of important social functions:

  • determination of perspective directions of social development;
  • optimization of society's movement towards its goals;
  • allocation of resources;
  • coordination of interests of various subjects; involvement of citizens in active participation in politics;
  • development of norms and rules of conduct for members of society;
  • control over the implementation of norms, laws and regulations;
  • ensuring stability and security in society.

The political system includes the following institutions:

  • and his ;
  • socio-political movements;
  • pressure groups, or .


In relation to the political system, parties are divided into systemic and non-systemic. Systemic form part of a given political system and act according to those rules, guided by its laws. The system party fights for power by legal methods, that is, accepted in this system, in elections. Non-system parties do not recognize this political system, fight for its change or elimination - as a rule, by force. They are usually illegal or semi-legal.

The role of the party in the political system determined by its authority and the trust of voters. It is the parties that formulate the one that the state implements when this party becomes the ruling one. In democratic systems, as a rule, there is a rotation of the party: they move from the ruling to the opposition, and from the opposition - back to the ruling. According to the number of parties, political systems are classified as follows: one-party - authoritarian or totalitarian; two-party; multi-party (the latter prevail). The Russian political system is multi-party.

Socio-political movements

Socio-political movements occupy an insignificant place in political systems. In terms of their goals, the movements are similar to political parties, but they do not have a charter and registered membership. In Russia socio-political movements are not allowed to participate in elections: they cannot nominate their own candidates for deputies; an organization that sets itself political goals, but does not have 50 thousand members, is transferred to public organizations.

Pressure groups or interest groups

Pressure groups, or interest groups - trade unions, industrial organizations, large monopolies(especially transnational ones), the church, the media and other institutions are organizations that do not have the goal of coming to power. Their goal is to exert such pressure on the government that it satisfies their specific interest - for example, lower taxes.

All of the listed structural elements, state and non-state institutions act, as a rule, in accordance with certain political norms and traditions that have been developed as a result of great experience. , shall we say, should be an election, not a parody. For example, it is normal for each ballot to have at least two candidates. Among the political traditions, one can note the holding of rallies, demonstrations with political slogans, meetings of candidates and deputies with voters.

Means of political influence

State power is only the power of the state, but the power of the entire political system. Political power functions through a whole range of institutions and appears to be rather impersonal.

Means of political influence- is a set of political institutions, relationships and ideas that personifies a certain. The mechanism of such influence is the system of government, or the system of political authorities.

The functions of the system of political authorities are reactions to the influence of subjects entering this system: demands and support.

Requirements The most frequently encountered by representatives of the authorities are related to:

  • with the distribution of benefits (for example, demands regarding wages and working hours, improved transport);
  • ensuring public safety;
  • improvement of sanitary conditions, conditions of education, health care, etc.;
  • processes in the field of communication and information (information about policy goals and decisions made by rulers, demonstration of available resources, etc.).

Support community strengthens the position of officials and the system of government itself. It is grouped in the following areas:

  • material support (payment of taxes and other charges, provision of services to the system, such as volunteer work or military service);
  • compliance with laws and directives;
  • participation in political life (voting, demonstrations and other forms);
  • attention to official information, loyalty, respect for official symbols and ceremonies.

The response of the system of government to the impact of various actors is grouped into three main functions:

  • rule-making (development of laws that actually determine legal forms behavior of individual groups and people in society);
  • enforcement of laws;
  • control over compliance with laws.

A more detailed list of the functions of a government system might look like this: The distribution function is expressed in the organization of the creation and distribution of material and spiritual values, honors, status positions in accordance with the "table of ranks" in a given political system. The foreign policy function implies the establishment and development of mutually beneficial relations with foreign organizations. The program-strategic function means the definition of goals, objectives, ways of development of society, the development of specific programs for its activities. The mobilization function implies the attraction and organization of human, material and other resources to perform various social tasks. The function of political socialization is the ideological integration of social groups and individuals into the political community, the formation of a collective political consciousness. The protective function is the protection of this form of political relations in the community, its original basic values ​​and principles, ensuring external and internal security.

Thus, in response to the influence of various political actors, the system of government brings about changes in the community and at the same time maintains stability in it. The ability to quickly and adequately respond to requirements, achieve goals, keep political relations within the recognized norms ensures the effectiveness of the government system.

Phenomena, objects and actors associated with the concept of "politics" constitute the sphere of the political life of society. The function of the political system is based on an orderly system, systemic integrity. This is, first of all, the state, parties, political norms, institutions (for example, the monarchy or suffrage), these are symbols - the anthem, coat of arms and flag, this is political culture, all its values ​​and much, much more that makes up the structure of politics . The function of the political system is that all these elements work together, interconnectedly, and none of them exists in isolation.

Politic system

An ordered set of institutions, norms, ideas, organizations, interactions and relations between them that organize political power - this is the political system. It is a whole complex of non-state and state institutions that carry out the functions of the political system of society, the activity through which all the work of state power takes place. Although the concept is much more capacious than just government and public administration.

The political system encompasses all institutions and all persons that participate in the political process and, in addition, all non-governmental and informal phenomena and factors that have an influence on the formulation of problems, as well as the development of solutions and their implementation in state-power relations. If interpreted most broadly, then this concept can include everything that is in any way related to politics. The function of the political system is to influence political decisions with the help of human and material resources.


Any political system has characteristics that are considered according to the following parameters:

  • political ideology;
  • political culture;
  • political norms, traditions and customs.

The main functions of the political system of society are as follows:

  • transformation of a public demand into a political decision (conversion);
  • adaptation of the political system to the conditions of society, which are constantly changing;
  • concentration of human and material resources (voters and money) for the pursuit of political goals;
  • protection of basic values ​​and basic principles of the socio-political system - a protective function;
  • establishment and development of cooperation with other states on a mutually beneficial basis - a foreign policy function;
  • harmonization of the requirements of individual social groups and collective interests - a consolidating function;
  • creation of spiritual and material values ​​and their distribution.

With the organization of the institutions of political power, each function of the political system is regulated, collectively this is called the political regime.


First of all, these are the methods of decision-making by the authorities and the limits of their intervention in the regulation of relations in society. Ways of making power decisions can be democratic and authoritarian, which determines the type and functions of the political system of power. Another sign of such a division differs in the limits of intervention in the regulation of relations in society, and here one can name totalitarian and liberal political regimes. Regarding the socio-economic basis, the regimes are divided into the following types.

  1. The totalitarian-distributive regime, where the economy has undergone stateization, material wealth is also distributed by the state. Such a structure and functions of the political system are characteristic of a totalitarian regime.
  2. Liberal-democratic, where the market economy is the basis. This political regime is democratic.
  3. Mobilization and convergence, where there is varying degrees of state intervention in the market economy. Such structure and functions of the political system constitute an authoritarian regime.

Main elements

Each specific society forms its own specific political system, because all the elements that make it up - institutions and traditions, political values ​​and the very concept of the structure and functions of the political system - are different in different communities. Since politics is an open system, actively interacting with all spheres of public life, it not only influences the economic, spiritual, social and other components, but also experiences a huge reciprocal influence.

But absolutely any political system of society contains the basic elements. The concept, structure, functions describe it more than clearly, for this you just need to consider individual subsystems.

  • Organizational and institutional subsystem. Organizations (various social groups, opposition and revolutionary movements and so on), as well as institutions (parties, parliamentarism, judiciary, public service, presidency, citizenship, etc.).
  • Normative-regulatory subsystem. Legal, political and moral norms, traditions and customs.
  • Communication subsystem. Relationships, forms and connections of interaction between participants in the political process, and then between society and the political system.
  • Cultural and ideological subsystem. Political ideas and political culture, ideology, political psychology.

Organizational and institutional subsystem

People working together organized group to achieve some political goal, is a political organization. For example, a political party, a social movement or an association that influences state policy, as well as a group of citizens with the initiative to nominate candidates for deputies, even a cell of revolutionaries. You can also name those organizations for which political goals are not the main ones - the church or the trade union, the clubs of fishermen or numismatists, however, under certain conditions, they sometimes act as political organizations.

But a political institution is a much more complex element of the system, since its social interaction is stable and constant, where it regulates its site in the political arena of society. The political system, the concept and functions of which are significant for the whole society, forms an orderly structure with the distribution of social roles and clear rules of interaction. Here you can name the institution of the civil service, the parliament, the executive branch, the institution of the head of state, the monarchy, the presidency, citizenship, judiciary, political parties, and the like.

Communication subsystem

Connections, relationships, forms of communication and interaction that develop during political activity are a communicative component that every political society has. The functions of the political system of the state cover all components of this system. And in order to achieve their own goals, organizations, institutions, large social communities and individuals must build relationships with each other, as well as process the social environment, here is the interaction of parliamentary committees, and relations between government agencies and political parties, and relations between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, and, of course, communication between the state and its population.

The most important thing in these relationships is communication channels, the entire communicative subsystem rests on them. Through these channels, the information of the population intended for the state authorities (commissions of inquiry, open hearings, election results, opinion polls, and so on) is transmitted, as well as in the other direction - from the state to the population (the media, from which it becomes known about political decisions, new laws, etc.). For any political interaction there are norms - legal, political and moral, in addition, traditions and customs are not forgotten.

Cultural and ideological subsystem

This includes the political views, ideas, beliefs, perceptions and feelings of politicians at all levels. In this component of the political system, one can single out political-psychological and political-ideological aspects. The first deals with the behavioral features of politics, and the second focuses on its theory. Political psychology concentrates on the behavioral traits of both entire societies and groups and individuals, their moods, motivations, feelings, opinions, emotions, delusions and beliefs.

The characteristics of the cultural and ideological component are significantly influenced by the charisma of leaders, the psychology of the crowd and the manipulation of mass consciousness. Political ideology is on more high level and is included in the functions of the political system of the state. This includes political doctrines, theories, concepts and ideas. Political culture- it is a part of the spiritual culture of mankind with a set of political knowledge, behavior patterns and generally accepted values, it includes the traditions of statehood, symbols and political language.

Main functions

There is no political system without the interaction of its elements, since it is this interaction that determines all of its most important social functions.

  • The political system determines the promising directions of social development.
  • It also optimizes the movement of society towards the intended goals.
  • It helps to allocate resources.
  • It harmonizes the interests of various subjects and encourages citizens to take an active part in politics.
  • The political system develops norms and rules of conduct for all members of society.
  • She also controls the implementation of rules, regulations and laws.
  • Only a political system can ensure stability and security in society.

The political system functions in the following institutions:

  • the state and all its bodies;
  • socio-political movements;
  • pressure groups, in other words - interest groups;
  • political parties.


This is the main backbone element that has almost all the functions of the political system. The state is the most powerful object of politics, because it has power and is able to coerce. Here the most fierce political struggle unfolds, a variety of political forces want to get this prize - the state machine. However, the state does not always work harmoniously in the political system.

The struggle for power quite often gives independence to individual state units, for example, the army, which then carries out a coup d'état. There are similar conflicts between the parliament and the president (Russia in 1993, when the political forces were divided precisely along this principle). The winner of the elections gets the state and its power if the system has nurtured developed political parties and they have control over the authorities.

Political parties

An ideological organization that unites citizens with the same political views creates a party to implement its program in power. Ideology is a philosophy, the ideas that guide the party in political struggle. According to this principle, parties can be divided into liberal, conservative, social democratic and simply democratic, communist, socialist and nationalist. Each of them has leading cadres and organizational structure are permanent, there is a charter and membership is issued.

An organization that does not have fifty thousand members cannot be called a party in Russia. The state divides parties into systemic and non-systemic, where systemic parties are part of the current political system and are guided by existing laws. Non-systemic are usually semi-legal or illegal and fight against existing system. Democracies usually change hands: the ruling party after next elections may well become an opposition, and an opposition - the ruling. Authoritarian and totalitarian states are usually one-party, rarely two-party, while democratic states are multi-party.

Other groups

A less significant place in political systems is occupied by socio-political movements and public organizations. They are rarely allowed to vote because they are few in number. Interest groups or pressure groups are trade unions, as well as large monopolies, industrial organizations, the media, the church and many other institutions that do not aim at coming to power. But such groups can exert influence (pressure) on the authorities to satisfy certain interests (for example, reduce taxes). All these structural elements - both state and not - operate in compliance with special political traditions and norms, since certain experience has already been gained.

Traditionally, elections are held where there are no less than two candidates on the ballot, demonstrations, rallies, meetings of current and future deputies and voters are held, far from one function of the political system is capable of rallying public groups around a correctly presented idea. Political power is much broader than state power; such a mass of various institutions is subordinate to it that, on the whole, it even looks somewhat impersonal. The function of the political system consists in the totality of the efforts of all its elements and divisions, and the system of government of political authorities is the mechanism of this function.

The political system of society- a complex mechanism for the formation and functioning of power in society; a set of relations of political subjects related to the exercise of power (government) and the management of society. This mechanism includes the state, parties, media, political associations and associations, and their relationships, political consciousness and culture, political norms.
polit.socialization - the involvement of members of society in political activities;
polit.recruitment - filling in by individuals of free cells in the polit.system;
expression of interests - presenting demands to those who develop political decisions;
aggregation of interests - generalization and coordination of claims and requirements, turning them into a certain political position, giving them the appearance of a political platform, political statements, programs;
political communication - the interaction between various elements of the political system, as well as between the political system and the environment;
rule-making - the development of laws and rules governing behavior.
control over compliance with the rules - the interpretation of laws, the suppression of illegal actions, the settlement of conflicts, the imposition of penalties.
The structure of the political system consists of interconnected elements (subsystems). Usually there are six main subsystems in the structure of the political system.
The institutional subsystem includes a set of basic political institutions and relationships between them. The central place in it belongs to the state. An important role is also played by the political parties included in this subsystem, interest groups, the media, and the church.
The normative subsystem includes legal norms, traditions, customs, moral principles that regulate and determine the political life of society.
The functional subsystem is a set of methods and ways of exercising power.
The communicative subsystem includes all channels of political interaction.
The ideological subsystem is a set of different in its content political ideas, representations of policy subjects.
The cultural subsystem is a complex of political orientations, attitudes, values ​​and models of political behavior typical of a particular society. Political culture ensures the stability of the political system of society and the reproduction of political life on the basis of continuity.

The political system of modern Russia

The political system of the Russian Federation is determined by the Constitution, which was adopted at a national referendum on December 12, 1993. In accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, there is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government.
Democracy in Russia is manifested in the following:
the only source of power in Russia is the people, who themselves exercise power both directly and through state authorities and local self-government bodies.
citizens are equal and have broad rights and freedoms, including the right to participate in the management of state affairs.
In Russia, the election of legislative bodies and representative bodies of local self-government, a number of senior officials - the President of the Russian Federation, heads of regional and local administration etc.
The federation of Russia means that the Russian Federation includes republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, an autonomous region and autonomous regions who exercise all the fullness of state power on their territory within the limits of their powers.
The characteristic of the Russian Federation as a rule of law means that the principles of law prevail in the organization and activities of the state, and not the motives of political expediency.
Concept " republican form board" characterizes a state in which all the highest bodies of state power are either elected or formed by nationally elected representative institutions. The head of state in the Russian Federation is its President, elected by citizens for a period of four years, and the representative and legislative body is the Federal Assembly (parliament), one of the chambers of which - the Federation Council - is composed of two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation, and the other - The State Duma- Elected by the people for a term of four years.
State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into the legislative - the Federal Assembly, the executive - the Government and the judiciary - the federal courts. Legislative, executive and judicial authorities are independent.
The Russian Federation recognizes ideological and political diversity, which implies a multi-party system.
The political system of Russia is in its infancy, since not all constitutional norms are implemented in political practice.

Lecture, abstract. The concept, structure and functions of the political system - the concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

The concept of politics. AT politics occupies a very important place in the life of modern society. It is connected with the solution of key issues affecting the interests of various classes, social groups or even society as a whole. The political solution of these issues involves the use of state power. That's why politics can be defined as activities aimed at obtaining state power and its retention, as well as activities for the real implementation of this power.

Power- this is the ability of a person or a certain group of people to manage the activities and behavior of other people, thereby achieving their goals. AT modern society we often meet not only with political, but also with economic, military, information and ideological power.

Economic power is control over material and financial resources. Military power provides control over the military-technical and human resources needed to ensure the internal and external security of the country. Information and ideological power is associated with control over the flow of information, influence on the processes of formation of ideas and beliefs of people.

The exercise of political power requires the concentration of resources needed to manage society in the hands of certain people or groups of people united in political institutions: the state, political parties, etc. Political power also includes the use of economic, military, information and ideological means necessary for achieving political goals.

It is clear that in a world where opposing social interests clash, and sharp conflicts with the use of military force are not uncommon, political power must also rely on military force. However, it alone is not enough for an effective policy. You also need power over economic resources and over people's minds. This does not mean that the entire economy or the spiritual life of society is absorbed by politics. A lot of them proceed according to their own laws. Moreover, the economic, social and spiritual life of society has a huge feedback on politics.

Political system: concept, types, functions. The political life of society is an integral unity of certain elements, or a system. The political system of society is a set of political institutions and organizations, corresponding ideas and views, political relations, political and legal norms.

Political organizations and institutions- this is the state as a whole, represented by the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, as well as political parties, public associations of a political orientation, leading the ideological work of the media.

People participating in the political life of society, playing various roles in it, are guided by certain ideas, values ​​and views. Political views and people's ideas express their fundamental interests, classes, social groups associated with obtaining and using power.

Political and legal norms regulate the political life of society, fix the powers of government bodies and officials, the rights and obligations of citizens. This role is performed primarily by the Constitution and laws of the country.

Political relations are formed about the conquest, redistribution and use of political power in society. It is the relationship between political institutions and people occupying a certain political position. Political relations between people can be characterized either by cooperation and mutual assistance, or by rivalry or even hostility (for example, a fierce struggle of political parties for power).

The political system of society plays a special role in public life due to the fact that political decisions and laws adopted by the state are generally binding. The political system is the only one public systems which has the legal right to punish, to enforce the decisions made.

These days it is common to emphasize the difference between such extreme types of political systems as totalitarian and democratic systems. totalitarian the political system is characterized by a comprehensive (from the Latin totalitac - all, complete) and strict political control over various aspects of society, the omnipotence of the state.

Totalitarian systems are characterized by the suppression of any dissent. In such societies, as a rule, one political party is in power, and all other public organizations are subordinate to it and controlled by it. Stability in society, here is supported by violence, terror. Such states are sometimes extremely aggressive (for example, Nazi Germany).

Democratic the political system is based on a market economy, which corresponds to the political ideas of freedom of private initiative, as well as freedom in relation to the definition of people of their public position. The state here plays mainly the role of a regulator of relations between various social actors. It is designed to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens, to protect them from arbitrariness. Power is won here through participation in election campaigns. The main institution for achieving political goals is the rule of law.

Different countries develop their own ideas about the democratic organization of public life. Attempts to impose on some people, on some country, ideas of democracy developed by others are in themselves undemocratic.

The political system of society performs a number of basic functions: goal-setting, integration, regulation, control, communication.

Function goal setting consists in determining the main goals of social and political development. These goals are formulated in party programs, political declarations, government programs for economic and social development, and so on.

Function integration associated with the unification of society to solve the most important problems. Different social groups have different interests and goals. An effective political system allows you to compare them, determine the balance of interests and develop a constructive common line action, usually achieved through compromise. In non-democratic political systems, integration is achieved by suppressing any disagreement with the official point of view, which is asserted as the only correct and legitimate one.

Function regulation It is expressed primarily in the establishment of laws that govern the life of society, as well as the enforcement of laws and other related norms. In the first case, they speak of the legislative power, in the second, of the executive power. Further, it is important to evaluate the performance of various people and organizations established norms laws, implemented by the judiciary. It's already control a function that, within the limits of their powers, is performed not only by the judiciary, but also by other political organizations and institutions.

Function communications, or communication, is due to the need to exchange information between various parts of the political system, as well as between this system and society as a whole. People need to know what the politicians are working on, what the politicians are deciding, what laws are being passed, and so on. In turn, participants in political activity should know what the citizens of the country think, what they care about, how they assess the activities of the political system and the situation in the country as a whole.

Possessors of political power in society. In the constitutions of a number of countries and other political documents, we find the assertion that the people are the supreme bearer of power in society. This democratic idea is opposed to the idea of ​​monarchical government, which comes from the autocracy of the supreme ruler - the monarch, or sovereign. However, even in a democratic social system, the role different people in the exercise of political power is not the same.

This unequal role of people in the exercise of political power is characterized by the theory political elite. The word "elite" in translation from French means "the best", "choice". The political elite is a group (or groups) of people who stand out for their special significance, the greatest influence on the political life of society. Representatives of the political elite are constantly and directly involved in making political decisions related to the activities of state power.

Max Weber identified three types of leadership: traditional, legal(based on law) and charismatic. In societies based on tradition, political power is obtained mainly through inheritance from father to son, sometimes from older brother to younger. This is typical, first of all, for monarchical states. The legal acquisition of power is associated with the election subject to certain legal procedures. The power of such a leader is based on the confidence that his powers were obtained in a strictly legal way, in conditions of competition and openness. Charismatic leadership is associated with the presence in some people of unusual, exceptional qualities that allow them to lead people. The word "charisma" in Greek means "grace, divine gift." Charismatic Leaders are put forward when society is in crisis and people's faith in the former leaders is shaken. In the past, religious prophets had such authority; it happened that charisma was also inherent in political leaders, including those operating in the countries of the "old democracy" (for example, General de Gaulle in France).

political ideology. The exercise of political power requires a clear definition of its goals, as well as acceptable means to achieve them. This means that politics is always based on ideology, is its practical implementation. Political ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs and values ​​that justify the right of a certain social community to power or participation in the exercise of power.

Political ideology is primarily theoretical level associated with a generalized formulation of the main ideas, values ​​and goals of a given social community (class, nation, etc.). The second level of political ideology is represented by programs, slogans and demands of political leaders, parties, social movements, etc. The third level of political ideology is the political attitudes of individuals that exist at the ordinary level of consciousness. This third level should not be underestimated, because people in their practical affairs are just guided by the stereotypes, beliefs, political likes and dislikes that have established themselves in their minds.

Political ideology has the strongest impact on life in society if it expresses in the form of ideas and slogans what people directly feel or know from life. The ideological predilections of people are determined not only by their social position, but also by some individual personality traits. Therefore, it also happens that a native of an aristocratic environment adheres to democratic convictions, and a “man of the people” turns out to be a supporter of the ideas of monarchism, nationalism or totalitarianism.

Theoretical political ideas must be able to convey to the minds of people in order for these ideas to become effective, to really influence the course of events in society. People should understand well what the practical application of certain political ideas and program guidelines leads to.

Questions and tasks:

1. What is the structure of the political life of society?

2. List the main types of power. On the concrete examples show their relationship.

3. What main feature political power?

4. Describe the role of the political system in the life of society.

5. Between whom are political relations formed in society?

6. Illustrate with examples the main functions of the political system of society.

7. Guided by the text of the paragraph, draw up a structural and logical diagram of the "Political system of society."

USSR 1977. Prior to this, such terms as "the political organization of a class society", "the system of socialist democracy" were used.

There are many definitions of a political system that differ in conceptual approaches. Let's take a look at some of them.

The political system of society in the general view can be defined as a system of state and non-state social institutions performing certain political functions.

The political system of a society is understood as a system of state and non-state social institutions that perform certain political functions. The political system includes the following social institutions: the state, parties, trade unions and other organizations and movements participating in the sphere of public life, where the core is the conquest, retention and use of power. It is power and relations about it that characterize the political functions of various social institutions, are system-forming factors that form, form the political system.

The political system is an aggregate bond public relations represented in state bodies, public organizations with which the exercise of state power is connected.

The political system of a society is a unity of interacting organs of the state, public associations and institutions of direct democracy, through which the people participate in managing the affairs of society and the state.

The political system includes four subsystems: 1) political organizations; 2) political norms; 3) political relations; 4) political ideology.

The political system forms a set of interacting norms, ideas and political institutions and actions based on them, organizing political power, the relationship of citizens and the state. The main purpose of this multidimensional formation is to ensure the integrity, unity of people's actions in politics. The main components of the political system: political structure, political and legal norms, political activity, political consciousness and political culture.

The political system of society is a holistic, ordered set of political institutions, political parties, relations, processes, principles of the political organization of society, subordinate to the code of political, social, legal, ideological, cultural norms, historical traditions and guidelines of the political regime of a particular society. The political system includes the organization of political power, relations between society and the state, characterizes the course of political processes, including the institutionalization of power, the state of political activity, the level of political creativity in society.

Political systems are understood as a set of state, party and public bodies and organizations involved in managing the affairs of society.

The structure of the political system of society

In the scientific literature, the elements of the political system are divided into the following groups:

a) proper political: the state, political parties, individual public organizations.

A characteristic feature of these organizations is their direct connection with politics, their active influence on politics. The immediate goal of their creation and functioning is a political goal. It consists in the formation and implementation of internal and foreign policy at different stages of development of society; in the political and ideological influence (education) on the various strata and classes that exist in society; in carrying out the political interests of the ruling circles and, to some extent, of society as a whole.

b) non-political associations are such organizations that arise and develop not due to directly political, but due to economic and other reasons. These are trade union, cooperative and other organizations. The direct goal of their creation and functioning, in contrast to their own political associations, is never a political goal. These institutions carry out their activities not in the political, but in the production, social, cultural and other spheres of life. They do not set themselves the immediate tasks of actively influencing state power for political purposes. The political activities of these organizations do not form the basis of their functioning. It doesn't matter to them.

c) organizations with little political dimension. They arise and function on the basis of personal inclinations and interests of this or that stratum of people to occupation. certain activities. These include associations such as numismatists, tourists, etc.

They acquire a political connotation only as objects of influence on them by state and other bodies and organizations that are political in nature, but by no means as subjects, carriers of political power and relevant political decisions.

The decisive role among all the above associations - constituent parts The political system of society has always played and continues to play the state.

The political system consists of subsystems that are interconnected with each other and ensure the functioning of public authority. On a functional basis, the following types of subsystems can be distinguished: institutional, normative, communicative, cultural and functional.

The institutional subsystem includes the state, political parties, socio-economic and public organizations and relations between them, which together form the political system of society. The central place in this subsystem belongs to the state. Special meaning have the church and the media, which have the ability to significantly influence the process of forming public opinion.

The regulatory subsystem includes legal, political, moral standards and values, traditions, customs. Through them, the political system has a regular impact on the activities of institutions, the behavior of citizens. The normative subsystem is formed by all sorts of norms that determine the external behavior of people in political life, namely their participation in the processes of making demands, turning these demands into decisions, and implementing the decisions made. These norms are the basic rules for participation in all types of political process. Norms can be divided into two types: norms-habits and norms-laws.

The functional subsystem is the methods of political activity, the ways of exercising power. It forms the basis of the political regime, whose activities are aimed at ensuring the functioning, transformation and protection of the mechanism for exercising power in society.

The communicative subsystem includes all forms of political interaction both within the system (for example, between state institutions and political parties) and with the political systems of other states. The communicative subsystem establishes links between the institutions of the political system. The elements of this subsystem include channels for transmitting information to the government (the procedure for hearing cases in open meetings, commissions of inquiry, confidential consultations with interested groups, etc.), as well as the media (television, radio, magazines, books designed for huge audience).

Types of political systems

The type of political system is a set common features characteristic of certain groups of political systems. This category reflects, first of all, the moment of variability, the development of the phenomenon under study. Classifications of political systems are carried out on various grounds.

Based on the formational approach, one can single out the political system of a slave-owning, feudal, bourgeois and socialist society.

a) The state acts as a single organization of political power throughout the country. State power extends to the entire population within a certain territory. The integrity of society and the relationship of its members provides the institution of citizenship, or citizenship. It is in the presence of the institution of citizenship that the essence of the state is expressed for an individual. The exercise of power in a certain territory requires the establishment of its spatial limits - the state border, which separates one state from another. Within this territory, the state has the supremacy and fullness of legislative and judicial power over the population.

b) The state is special organization political power, which has a special mechanism, a system of bodies and institutions that directly control society. The mechanism of the state is provided by the institutions of the legislative, executive and judicial branches of power. To maintain normal conditions for the existence of society, the state also uses coercion, carried out with the help of organs of violence: the army, law enforcement and security services.

c) The state organizes public life on the basis of law. Only the state can regulate the life of society with the help of laws that are generally binding. The state implements the requirements of legal norms with the help of its special bodies (courts, administrations).

d) The state is a sovereign organization of power. The sovereignty of state power is expressed in its supremacy and independence from any other authorities within the country or in relations with other states. The supremacy of state power is manifested: a) in the general binding nature of its decisions for the population; b) in the possibility of canceling decisions and decisions of non-state political organizations; c) in the possession of a number of exclusive rights, for example, the right to issue laws that are binding on the population; d) in stock special means impact on the population that other organizations do not have (the apparatus of coercion and violence).

e) The state has a system of compulsory collection of taxes and obligatory payments, which ensures its economic independence.

Let's consider some of them. Depending on the relationship with the church, a secular, theocratic and clerical state is distinguished.

The secular state involves the separation of the church from the state, the delimitation of their spheres of activity. The church does not perform political functions and, therefore, in this case is not an element of the political system of society. The secular state does not interfere in internal church activities, does not provide material support to the church, but protects the legal activities of religious organizations and regulates the most important, from the point of view of common interest, aspects.

The theocratic state is the opposite of a secular state, since in it state power belongs to the church, the monarch is at the same time the supreme clergyman. Such a state is the Vatican.

An intermediate option between the secular and theocratic is the clerical state, which is not merged with the church, but the church, through legally established institutions, has a decisive influence on state policy. The clerical states at present are Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Israel and some others. So, in the UK, representatives of the higher clergy sit in the House of Lords. The church is engaged in the registration of acts of civil status, sometimes it regulates marriage and family relations. The Church has broad powers in the field of upbringing and education of the younger generation, conducts religious censorship of printed materials. It should also be noted that the church has a rather strong economic position: it receives various subsidies from the state, is a large owner, and usually enjoys preferential taxation.

The influence of religious communities and churches on political life depends primarily on the level of development of democracy in the country, on the nature of the political regime. In democratic states, as a rule, equality of religions and churches, freedom of conscience and religion are recognized, the church is separated from the state, any privileges and any discrimination on religious grounds are prohibited. However, a number of democratic states are clerical states.

In totalitarian-distributive political systems, formal veils of non-intervention concealed the actual interference of the state in the affairs of the church, attempts to control the clergy.

And in societies dominated by certain religious systems, for example, Islam, on the contrary, religious organizations have had and still have an impact on the functioning of state institutions, set and determine social goals and meanings of public, political life, and actually act as an important institution of the political system.

In these societies, the relationship between the state and religious entities is highly contradictory: from the complete subordination of state institutions to religious rules and requirements to periodic sharp conflicts between the state and the so-called fundamentalist members of society.

State and local governments

Local self-government is the organization of local power, which involves the independent solution of local issues by the population. Local self-government is carried out by citizens through various forms of direct expression of will (referendum, elections, etc.), as well as through elected and other local authorities.

Bodies of local self-government and self-organization of society arise to solve local affairs: domestic and communal, ritual, spiritual life. it various tips, municipalities, gatherings, assemblies, clubs, etc. Such bodies, self-organizations include labor collectives, their governing bodies. The share of self-government bodies, self-organization in the political system of society is very large. For example, labor collectives in some societies were endowed with special political functions: nomination of candidates for deputies of representative bodies of power, their participation in election campaigns.